Didactic game "collect a portfolio" for children of the preparatory group. Didactic game "collect a portfolio" educational and methodological manual on the world around on the topic Final verses of children

Target: consolidate the dictionary on the topic "School supplies".
Tasks: To form in children the ability to assemble a whole image from individual parts. Develop hand-eye coordination and spatial perception in children. Develop figurative memory and attention. To improve children's communication skills in the game. To form non-standard thinking and imagination during the game. To educate in children the ability to bring the work begun to the end; perseverance. Encourage children to want to go to school. Encourage respect for school supplies.



"Collect a portfolio"

The game is designed for children 5 - 7 years old.
Target: consolidate the dictionary on the topic "School supplies".

To form in children the ability to assemble a whole image from individual parts.

Develop hand-eye coordination and spatial perception in children.
Develop figurative memory and attention.
To improve children's communication skills in the game.

To form non-standard thinking and imagination during the game.

To educate in children the ability to bring the work begun to the end; perseverance.

Encourage children to want to go to school.

Encourage respect for school supplies.

Game progress:

1 option: Invite the children to look at the pictures to guess the riddles and name the school supplies. Players solve riddles and put items in a briefcase.

There is one game for you,

Let's play now,
I will make riddles

And you have to guess them, friends!

1. I carry a new house in my hand, the doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper, all terribly important ( briefcase ).

Well done! Let's start building a portfolio!

2. In a black field, a white hare jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white. Who is this hare? ( eraser)

3. Who will color our album? Well, of course… ( pencil ).

4. There is no language, but it tells ( book ).

5. Now I’m in a cage, then in a line - write on them, manage,
You can also draw. I'm called ... ( notebook ).

6. I love directness, I myself am direct.
I help you make a new feature.
And draw a straight line without me.
Guess my friends, who am I? ( ruler ).

7. A white bunny jumps over a black field ( a piece of chalk ).

8. I don’t know letters, but I’ve been writing all my life ( a pen ).

9. They like to poke their nose everywhere:

And draw and draw.

Everything is painted by ourselves

Multicolored noses.

(colour pencils)

10. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, erasers and paperclips -

Anything for the soul.(pencil case)

11. On the girl's palette,

colored sisters,

Paint a sheet of paper

When they smear with a brush! ( paints)

12. Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.(tassel)

13. Two legs agreed
Make arcs and circles.(compass)

14. Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys
Multi-colored ... (paper)

The field is white, the sheep are black.(paper and letters)

15. To connect the sheets,
The device must be taken.
Can be stapled.
What will we call him?(stapler)

16. Hy, who is ready with his two swords

Cross because of a piece of paper? (scissors)

17. With a sharp nose, everything will be pinned:

Sheet to the board, poster to the wall.

Very necessary as in school,

So even at home, to me.(button)

18. Here is our drawing ready.

The pencil worked hard.

But he needs a fix.

Sharpens a pencil ... (sharpener)

19. It consists of buttons,

Every student knows him.

The numbers will be counted instantly.

What is it, student?(calculator)

20. Two sheets in between
He fastens, open the cap.
You can smear, do not be sorry.
And everyone calls him...?
(glue )

21. This tape can be glued

Everything that was impossible:

book, torn notebook

Fix and patch.

If you don't mind gluing,

That will help you...(scotch)

Well done guys!
All riddles solved

Portfolio properly assembled!

Option 2: Invite the child to look at the cut-out cards and say "What is shown on them?". Then explain to the child the purpose of the game- get a single picture from separate disparate elements.

The child must learn to "see" the picture in detail, keep it in memory and repeat on their own, mentally turning over and combining the parts. If the child has difficulties, it is necessary to give him a sample of the collected picture.

"Guys, all of you will go to school soon, and you will need to collect your briefcase , in which there should be only the most necessary things for studying. Today I propose to collect our common school briefcase . What do you think is the most important thing to do in school?”

Release of children from kindergarten to school. Scenario

Simakova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher additional education, MBU TO TsRTDYu st. Severskoy MO Seversky district
Material Description: scenario of a theatrical performance for children 6-7 years old, graduating to school, with the participation of children 9-10 years old, presenters, heroes. The scenario will be of interest to educators, music directors, teachers of additional education, teachers-organizers.
Target: creating a solemn, festive atmosphere.

-create a festive atmosphere;
- to instill a love for learning;
- develop curiosity;
- to expand children's knowledge about school traditions;
- Encourage children to actively participate in games.

Equipment: musical arrangement of the holiday; costumes of Malvina, Pinocchio,
2 briefcases with school supplies; toys; commemorative medals.

1 Lead:
Light and elegant now in this room,
And lush bouquets are everywhere.
Today we celebrate a big holiday,
We accompany our children to school.

2 Lead:

Inaudibly autumn will come,
Dropping a smart leaf from a branch.
Along the golden roads
Slowly September will come
For boys and girls
Beginning school year.

1 Lead:
Well, today a ray of sun beckons you, teases,
You are having fun this morning.
You have a school holiday today,
And the main guest on it is the game!
She is our guest big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged
A big and noisy dispute will start,
Helps you learn new things.

2 Lead: Guys, the heroes of your favorite children's books came to your holiday. Meet!
Malvina enters to the music.

Hello guys!
I got up early today
I collected my portfolio.
I'm fine here:
Books, pens and notebooks.
(She lays out the contents on the table.)
And I didn't forget the line
She was also taken.

1 Lead: Guys! Malvina did not come to us alone. Guess who else came to visit us?

A fragment of the song "Bu-ra-ti-no" sounds. Pinocchio runs in. A briefcase dangles behind him.


Hello guys!
My nose is sharp
My nose is long
I am a cheerful Pinocchio.
I didn't yawn either.
I quickly threw everything into the briefcase:
Cubes, plates, cups.
Multicolored papers.
Pyramids, rattles -
In general, all your toys!

Pinocchio puts toys on the table next to Malvina's school supplies.


What are you, what are you, Pinocchio!
What is this strange picture?
Well, why do you need toys:
Pyramids, rattles?
You go to school to study
Don't be naughty and don't be lazy
You learn a lot of new things
You read many books.

And what do I have! Here, admire: this is so that after answering the question of the teacher, the throat does not dry up! (Takes out a bottle of lemonade from his briefcase.) This is to have enough sweets for the whole day! (Pulls out a bag of sweets.) I almost forgot the most important thing! (Takes out a pillow.) I'll need this when I'm tired in class and want to sleep. I'll put a pillow under my head to make it softer. That's how good I am!

Yes, "well done", do not say anything! And what are you going to wear textbooks? Guys, let's tell Pinocchio what to take with you to school.

Let's play the game "Collect a portfolio"

2 people come out to the table and begin to collect a portfolio to the music from the things that Malvina and Pinocchio laid out. Checking collected items.

- Guys, if I name a subject that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.
textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
clockwork steam locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
brushes and paints,
christmas masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Pencil, notebooks,
Schedule, diary,
Collected to school student!
Malvina: Guys, and now I will guess riddles about school supplies. Help Pinocchio solve them.
If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (Pencil)
In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)
Who walks with a bag of books
School in the morning? (Student)
black, crooked,
Silent from birth.
And as soon as they line up,
Everyone will talk right away. (Letters)
I know everyone, I teach everyone,
But I am always silent.
To befriend me
Need to learn to read. (Book)
Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on me.
You can also draw.
What is me? (Notebook)

Pinocchio: Oh, guys, how smart you are - you guessed all the riddles! And now we will check whether you know fairy tales well.
Baba ... (Yaga)
Koschei the Deathless)
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
Crocodile Gena)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Red Riding Hood)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)
Uncle ... (Fyodor, Styopa)
Three ... (bear, pig)

Pinocchio: Oh, and it will be fun at school!
Malvina: The kids at school don't always have fun. They master various complex sciences.
Pinocchio: What are complex sciences?
For example, mathematics.
Math is hard
But I will say with respect:
Math needed
Everyone, without exception.

Pinocchio: Well, I can solve examples and problems. Ask any - I will cope with it easily and quickly.
Malvina: Good. Then listen to my task:
A magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee flew across the sky. How many birds were there?
Pinocchio: Of course 4, what is there to think.
Malvina: And here is wrong.
Pinocchio: Why is it wrong?
Malvina: And you guys ask.
(Pinocchio asks the guys and finds out that there are only 2 birds, since the butterfly and the bumblebee are not birds).
Pinocchio: Oh, how interesting! Let's check if the guys know math?
Malvina: Here are my tasks. Listen carefully!

1. Vadim found six mushrooms,
And then another.
You answer the question:
How many mushrooms did he bring? (7)

2. In a clearing by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who managed to count them? (four)

3. Three daisies - yellow eyes,
Two funny cornflowers.
The children were given to the mother.
How many flowers are in the bouquet? (5)

4. In the clearing near the oak
The mole saw 2 fungi.
And further away, by the pine,
He found another one.
Well, who is ready to say:
How many mushrooms did the mole find? (3)

Pinocchio: Well, you guys are surprised!
You were not taught in vain.
Can you count
So you can dance!
1 Lead: Dance "Corn"

2 Lead: Thank you Pinocchio and Malvina for coming to our party.
Pinocchio: Dear children, we wish you good health
Malvina: and good luck, bye!

Pinocchio and Malvina leave.

1 Lead: Guys let's play a game. If you hear sentences about you, then say in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” and if not, then silently, shake your head negatively.
- Who walks to school every day like a merry gang?
- Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
- Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?
- Who, tell me, guys, does exercises in the morning?
- Which of you, from the kids, walks dirty to the ears?
How many of you come to class an hour late?
- Who does his homework exactly on time?
- Which of you, say aloud, catches flies at the lesson?
- Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
- Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?
- Which of you, I want to know, likes to sing and dance?

Game-dance "Helper".

2 Lead: Guys, now for you the rules of conduct at school.

1 Lead:

Wake up early in the morning.
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck your nose at the desk.

2 Lead:
Dress neatly
To be pleasant to look at
Check your own clothes
You are big now.

1 Lead:

Train yourself to be in order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.

2 Lead:

Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth
respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor.

1 Lead:
Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school.
Do not frown in vain, be bold
And you will find friends.

2 Lead:
That's all our advice
They are wiser and easier,
You, my friend, do not forget them.
Well, good luck, good luck!

1 Lead: And now we will give the floor to your teacher: _________________.


You are reading a poem to your child. When you name an item to take to school, the children clap their hands loudly. But, if this subject is not needed at school, then the children stomp their feet.

The student was going to class
He took the chips in reserve
textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
clockwork steam locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
brushes and paints,
christmas masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
Collected to school student!


On the alphabet page
Thirty-three heroes.
Wise men - heroes
Every literate knows.

On the white pages of an unusual book
The sea, the forest and the house may appear.
If you are not lazy, if you work hard
And color with pencils the whole ...

The birds sat on the pages
They know the truth and fables.

Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They will stand in a row - now they will speak.

Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys

There is a completely different bird.
If it sits on the page
That with a bowed head
I return home.

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack...
(A diary)

How does the student
Will tell everyone...
(A diary)

Every student must
Take with you to school...
(A diary)

Standing on one leg
Turns, turns his head
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
(The globe)

He does not eat, does not drink -
He sings loud songs.
From class to class
Gives his voice.

Kulik is not great, he orders a hundred guys:
Then sit down and study, then get up, disperse.

Kulik is not big
Hundreds of guys orders:
So sit down and study
Then get up - disperse.

If you sharpen it
You draw everything
What you want!
sun, sea,
Mountains, beach...
What is this?..

Who will color our album?
Well, of course...

Smart Ivashka,
Red shirt,
Where it will pass, it will touch,
there remains a trace.

She speaks silently
but clear and boring.
You talk more often with her -
become four times smarter.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.

colorful pages
bored without water.
Uncle is long and thin
wears water with a beard.
(Paints and brush)

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful...

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here...

I love directness
I am straight.
Make a new trait
I help everyone.
Anything without me
Draw a bag.
Guess, friends
Who am I?..

In the black sky
hare white
jumped, ran,
made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.

At the pine and fir
Leaves are needles.
And on what leaves
Growing words and lines?
(On notebooks)

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course, I -. ..
(Pencil case)

Pinocchio's portfolio is not large and not small,
There are notebooks, a primer and ...
(Pencil case)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have...

The new house is carried in hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.
(Briefcase and textbooks)

There is, friends, such a bird:
If it sits on the page
I am very glad
And my whole family is with me.

What is at the end of the page
Decorating the entire notebook?
What can you be proud of?
Well, of course, the number...

If you know everything
That's what you get at school...

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run myself
I would dance like this!
No, I'm in school...

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What is me...

Should always be okay
Your school...

To have a place to write
At school we need...

The cost of the house:
Who will enter it
That and the mind

By black white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
(School board)

Didactic game "Collect a portfolio" for children preparatory group

Target: fixing the names and purpose of school supplies.


1) Educational:

to consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school;

generate interest in learning activities and desire to go to school.

2) Developing:

create conditions for the development of attention, thinking, memory, accuracy, coherent speech.

3) Educational:

nurture the desire to study at school;

cultivate friendships between children.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations "School life". Conversations about the school. Excursion to the school. Plot - role-playing game"School". Riddles about school supplies.


briefcase with a "sad expression"


envelope with cards - riddles about school supplies

2 briefcases - for the game

educational supplies - for the game

Game progress


Educator: Guys, come to us Kindergarten an unusual guest came, and who he is - you will find out if you can guess the riddle. So listen up:

The girl, the boy

It contains notebooks, books,

Pen, brush, album,

There is no place for dolls in it. (briefcase)

Educator: You are right, of course this is a school bag (the teacher shows the school bag to the children with a “sad expression on his face”). Here he is! Oh, guys, what do you think - what is the mood of our guest? (children's answers).

Educator: Dear portfolio, why are you so sad, what happened? (the briefcase "answers" to the teacher's ear) there was a problem with the briefcase - it cannot find its owner. Guys, do you think we can leave him like this? difficult situation? (children's answers). I suggest calling the lost and found (the teacher calls the lost and found and, explaining the situation, asks for help). Guys, while we are waiting for the owner of the briefcase, let's try to cheer up our guest, and we can do this if we tell him what we know about the school.

Update basic knowledge

Talk about school: who knows what a school is?

which one of you wants to go to school?

why do you need to go to school?

What new and interesting things await you at school? (children's answers)

Physical education minute

Formation of new knowledge

Educator: Guys, I found some kind of envelope in my briefcase. I propose to see what is in it (riddles about school supplies).

Consolidation of new knowledge

Didactic game "Collect a portfolio"

Game progress . There are two briefcases on the table. On other tables are educational supplies: notebooks, primers, pencil cases, pens, colored pencils, etc. After a brief conversation about the fact that schoolchildren themselves collect everything necessary for study in their portfolios, the children begin the game. Two players come to the table; on command, they must select the necessary educational supplies, carefully place them in the briefcase and close it. Whoever does it first wins.

In order for the game to continue, the children who completed the task choose other participants instead of themselves.


Telephone call.

Educator: Yes, yes, okay, we’ll definitely pass it on ... Guys, the owner of the briefcase was found - this is one schoolboy who brought his little sister to kindergarten and was in such a hurry that he forgot the briefcase on the bench at the entrance. let's say goodbye to the briefcase and wish that its owner wore only fives in it.

Educator: Guys, did you like to play with me?

Who remembers what we talked about today?

What new did you learn?

Well done! What same you today were attentive.

Festive Classroom hour in the 1st grade "To the Land of Knowledge" (2015-2016)

Here is autumn. Hello school!

The cheerful bell rang

And you entered for the first time

In a bright and spacious classroom!

What is needed here? Don't be lazy

And study hard.

To know about everything in the world

And get fives!

Dear Guys! How beautiful, happy, elegant you are today! Today is a real holiday! The long-awaited day has come - September 1. And I wholeheartedly congratulate all of you and your parents on the first Day of Knowledge and the beginning school life! Today, for the first time, you crossed the threshold beyond which begins a large, interesting, yet completely unknown country, the Land of Knowledge.

Who knows what they teach in school? (Children answer)

That's right, at school they teach to write and read, count and draw, make friends and help each other.

What do you think the name of the room you are in is? (Children answer - class)

That's right, class or classroom. Children, look what a beautiful and cozy office awaits you. I hope you enjoy learning in it. Let's try to keep it as clean and comfortable during the 4 years that we will spend here.

Only schoolchildren can travel in the Land of Knowledge.

Well, guys, churn, shut up! The lesson starts.

To become a disciple, you need to know this.

At the lesson, you sit quietly, quietly, like a mouse.

The back is right next to you, do it like me.

We put our hands like this and wait for tasks further.

If you want to say, or go out, or stand up,

You have to hold your hand.

Remember? So, the journey to the Land of Knowledge begins!

Game "Introduction"

First, let's get to know each other. My name is Elena Viktorovna. I am your first teacher. We will spend 4 whole years together, and I hope we will become inseparable friends!

There are so many of you, and I really want to get to know all of you. And for starters, I want to invite all the girls to the board. Let's go out and don't be shy.

Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved,

Combed, with bows, the girls are walking.

Now our girls pass the cheerful Kolobok to each other and give their first and last names. You just need to do it loudly and clearly so that everyone can hear.

This is where we met the girls. And now I invite you to come to the board of the boys.

And the boys are great, so cute,

So neat, they are also expected here.

(Boys, like girls, pass Kolobok and give their names.)

What wonderful guys gathered in our class! Soon I will remember all your names. And you make friends with each other! Now every day we will meet in this class, spend a lot of time together, we will study and relax together. Therefore, we must become friends.

Do you agree? (Children - Yes)

We will be friends? (Children - Yes)

Will we respect each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we help each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we trust each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we love each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we be one team? (Children - Yes)

Now we are one team, and we will help each other in everything, and most importantly, in our studies!

So, only schoolchildren can travel around the land of knowledge.

The game "They go to school to ..."

Guys, why do people go to school?

I suggest you play a little. I will now make a proposal. If you agree with him, clap your hands, if not, keep quiet.

    Go to school to learn

    Go to school to be lazy

    Go to school to lie down

    Go to school to try

    They go to school to fight

    Go to school to shout

    Go to school to be bored

    To get five!

Game "Question and Answer"

You are still new at school, but I'm sure you know a lot about it and can easily answer my questions:

    What is the school name? (lessons)

    What is a study break called? (break, holidays)

    Where does the teacher mark? (in a diary, journal)

    Where do students put their school supplies? (in a satchel, briefcase)

    What is the study table called? (desk)

"Party Tips"

Now, guys, put your ear to your desk and listen to her advice.

(Pre-prepared parents h read the verses “Soviets of the Party”)

Wake up early in the morning, wash your face well,
In order not to yawn at school, do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at,
Stroke the form yourself. Trust me, you're big now.

Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide and seek with things,
Treasure every book, keep your portfolio clean.

Don't giggle in class, don't move your chair back and forth,
Respect the teacher and don't disturb your neighbor.

Do not tease, do not be conceited, try to help everyone at school,
Do not frown in vain, be bold and you will find friends for yourself.

That's all my advice. They are wiser and easier,
You, my friend, do not forget them. You are on your way to the land of Knowledge.

What advice did you remember from the school desk?

The task "Help the sun" (rays, pens)

Today we have to revive the sun so that each of you will always be warm from its light. And you will be the light. How many people in the class, so many rays will turn out. Look, in front of each of you on the desk lies a ray. On this ray you need to draw yourself. Or, if you can, write your name. (After the task is completed, we collect the sun).

Game "Collect a briefcase" (items on the table)

From now on, you are students. And all students or schoolchildren study in the classroom. But before you go to it, you need to collect a portfolio. Do all of you know what to take to school and what is better to leave at home? Let's check!

So, my dear students, the rules of this game are simple. When I show you an item to take to school, you clap your hands loudly. But, if this subject is not needed at school, then you stomp your feet. Let's play!

Alphabet, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, teddy bear, eraser, ruler.

Well done, you know what to put in your briefcase tomorrow. You did well on this challenge.

Riddles about textbooks

The journey through the Land of Knowledge continues.

There are a lot of textbooks on my desk, I’m ready to make riddles about them.

1) In this book, the numbers lined up for the parade:

One, two, three, four, five to teach you how to count

2) Why do streams flow? Why do flowers bloom?

Where did the sparrow eat? We need to find out soon!

This is a book about nature, about animals, about the weather, about trees and flowers,

About animals and beetles. (environment)

Dashes, drawings, dots, letters formed into lines.

And when you put the phrase together, you will read all the books at once! (ABC)

Guys, do you know how to handle a textbook? (do not draw, do not crumple, wrap, bookmark)

Today you and your mother will wrap your textbooks, put bookmarks and bring them to school. (show textbooks)

The game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

And I suggest playing and checking how attentive students you are. After each sentence, where necessary, say "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!". Make no mistake!

Who is neat and cheerful early in the morning rushes to school?

Who always has pens, books and notebooks in order?

Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

And tell me guys, who does exercises in the morning?

Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

Well done, you have completed this task.

"A family"

Guys, who can read the words? (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, me).

How can you call them all in one word? (Children answer - family)

Without you, our dads, without you, our moms

We will not study, but drama

hardest without you studying proccess

For us will lose a lot of interest.

Dear adults! Be sure to help your children!

- Well, here are the first tests. Now you can safely be called first-graders! And I want to give you your first first-grader medals.(Presenting medals to the school song).

Now it's time to take the first grader's vow. Repeat in chorus: "We swear!"

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children chorus - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class

Memorize and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To become literate and smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil case and notebooks

Always keep in perfect order. (We swear!)

Good friends, faithful to become,

To each other in everything and always help. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take the class, for anything. (We swear!)

- Well, our first journey through the Land of Knowledge has come to an end. I wish everyone to keep a good mood for the whole academic year! I wish you success in your studies, good grades, interesting knowledge. And, of course, make friends with each other! Tomorrow we, my dear first-graders, will meet again in this class at the lessons. And you, dear parents, have a lot of patience! Goodbye!