Funny and funny ditties about school: for children, from teachers and parents. Funny and funny ditties about school: for children, from teachers and parents Compose a ditty about school life

About school - funny children's songs:

1. On the computer to the game
Finished playing Denis in the morning.
At school at the blackboard Denis,
Like a computer, it freezes itself.

Chorus: I'll sing you a verse -
If you want it, believe it, if you don't want it, don't.

2. With Petya cone volume
We both calculated
"Minus eight" was the answer,
There is a cone, there is no volume!

3. Having passed the work in Russian,
I was waiting for the result on Saturday.
Dad got a deuce -
Poor topic covered!

4. Dad solved the problem for me,
I handed over the notebook and cry -
The teacher says he took
Dad is someone's integral.

5. Katya flew to school like that,
I didn't wear a uniform to school.
The whole lesson was counted by Katya
I'm polka dots on a bathrobe.

6. Yegor answered the lesson -
The teacher fainted!
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

7. Teacher Tole says:
- What are you doing around school?
- And who can wear me?
What, the head teacher to ask?

8. The school has a long corridor.
Kostya rushes at full speed.
Do not touch him at a gallop,
He is not Kostya - a frisky horse!

9. Dima conducted the experiment
With ink etching.
Mom was very surprised:
"Where is the deuce?" "Evaporated!"

10. Stas is a diligent student,
He wrote in his diary:
"You must eat
Sandwich at recess."

11. At school, the contest "Miss Spring".
Who is Vesnyanka? Who is she?
That title went to Kolya,
Kolya was in Olya's clothes.

12. Having rested on the sea somewhere,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
And what are the changes?
Pants were knee-deep.

13. Two sisters Galya with Valya
Almost late for school
They tied two laces:
Left Galin, right Valin.

14. There are two twins in the class,
The same from the face.
At the board one first,
With diaries - just two.

15. At the singing lesson
Viti has no patience -
Wants to sing. He suddenly sang
Like a rooster in a hideout.

16. Valentin is a singer with us.
He has great bass.
But how does the mouth open?
Not a singer, but a hippopotamus.

17. Deftly I sit in the saddle
On a beautiful horse
He just rushes barely ...
Eh! Horse on the carousel!

18. Lenechka went to the gym.
Lenya shook his muscles.
Lenya, strong and healthy,
Pounds mosquitoes with weights.

19. Once Alyosha went himself
For cereals in the supermarket.
“Mom, there is no cereal there,
I had to buy candy!”

20. - Vasya, why are you suddenly
In the "parachute" slammed two Yu?
- The arithmetic is simple -
If a couple, then two!

21. Yura speaks Russian:
"I have a temperature,
I won't tell a poem
The memory went into shock."

22. Parents have a ring
Yulechka asks: “With a heart!”
Dad to her: “Go to the gym,
There I immediately saw two!

23. Presented as a gift to Vovka
Birthday sneakers.
Good! He, unfortunately,
The laces don't work.

24. Kostya was called to the board.
He was not long in anguish.
I wanted to write an example
But accidentally ate chalk.

25. Nikita told me
How to teach a lesson in a dream.
My paragraph about Europe
Slid off the pillow under my ass!

26. Diary from parents
The unfortunate student hid.
Mom and dad told
About all the "failures" magazine.

27. Five minutes Ivan on the map
Altai was looking for everything. In the excitement
Poked a pointer in Barnaul -
City Vanechka pierced!

28. To warm up the body Genke
Not enough change.
Genk on Literature
He kneaded his fist on Yura.

29. Once in the test about the bear
Fedya wrote in a notebook,
That the bear is always dressed
In a fox fur coat, like a neighbor.

30. The class sings, only Nina is silent.
I have, he says, angina.
After school, he eats ice cream.
Nina was cured by a fakir!

31. Five controls per week,
Matthew is in bed.
Matthew on vacation
Somehow healthier!

32. I taught my sister Masha:
“You need to eat porridge with a spoon!”
Eh! In vain taught -
Got it in the forehead with a spoon.

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And the question bugs me:
Are holidays coming soon?
Me the teacher at the blackboard
Wrote an assignment
Well, I sit in anguish,
On the face of suffering.
Even on Tanya's birthday
Yura out of habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
Pulled pigtails!
For avid fighters
Our advice may be new:
Those who are smaller and weaker
You do not pull and do not hit!
Our teacher in silence
Explains the topic...
And the neighbor whispers to me:
That would be a change!
Cause time - hour of fun!
Come to class on time!
Success does not threaten that
Who hasn't learned their lesson
Who during recess
Ran, shaking the walls!
I ran to change
Knead your body
He leaned his forehead against the wall,
What taught - forgot again!
In the classics it's easy - Hurray! -
Jump to senior class.
Only school is not a game,
This is work for you!
It's hard to learn suddenly -
Let your best friend help!
Mom, dad, teacher
Ask for some help!
We are girly girls
We are always cheerful
We will sing ditties to you now,
Yes, school work.
Every day goes into battle
My friend Kolya.
And the study is not going
The reason is Olya!
I'm not ready for the lesson
And I sit quietly
My head is full of brains
And there is a double in the notebook.
Nikolai solved the example
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here is an example for you guys.
How can you not solve an example!
Letters in the machine notebook
They don't stand like in a parade.
Letters jump and dance
They wave their tails.
write off math
Allowed Lenka,
What do you have to kiss
With her at recess!
Our teacher is very strict
We didn't go to class!
How happy he was
That he is freed from us!
Firewood is on the grass
And there is a button on the chair.
Looked at the head
And the ass suffers!
Although the grades are not very
Peter is very famous
Because, by the way,
He moves his ears.
Lesha is ours at recess
Engaged in smoking
He was always ruddy
It turned yellow like a lemon.
We chatted in class
They didn't notice anything.
And then they searched for a long time
In the Himalayas our Volga.
We are not used to deuces,
Twos are so easy to grab
You don't need to learn anything
That's what the reward is for.
Katya's bitter grief,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
The cheat sheet fell out.
What kind of whisper is heard in the classroom?
Who's stopping us like this?
It's just someone with someone
Something is being discussed.
Petya beat Katya
- Even got tired:
He thrashed with a reader,
Maybe he fell in love?
Once with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed - that's fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All plates "M" and "Zh".
All the guys in our class
They love to stand out.
Who draws, who sings
As long as you don't study.
I sat on the exam and did not know a single FEE,
Nobody let me write
Failed the exam!
Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- A study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!
We wrote an essay
All day until you're blue
And when the work was handed over,
It was with difficulty that they pumped everyone out!
I sang ditties to you
About the guys and business.
Continue who can
Well, I went home.
I teach math
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
Just thinking about her!
In our school I'm not lazy
Practice every day.
For the top five for work
I'll be there on Sunday!

School ditties for younger students

Description: ditties for use at children's parties are divided by topic.
Target: assisting teachers in replenishing the pedagogical piggy bank.
Tasks: search for ditties by subject, diversify the subject of ditties..
Ditties about boys
1. We will sing about the boys,
Let's call them names.
Let them not be offended:
We like them very much.
2. We respect boys
We recognize their strength
But some shortcomings
We can still find them.
3. Here is Vova, as always
The pen disappeared without a trace.
How will the test pass?
He will find her right away.
4. Sasha, to the joy of everyone,
Learn - do not grieve.
Only here with a suggestion something
Still not friendly.
5. Our Seryozha fell ill,
Doesn't come to class for a long time.
You, Seryozha, somehow
Don't forget the way to school!
6. Vitya reads like this with us,
It's like a machine gun is firing.
Vitya, Vitya, don't rush
Don't make our third class laugh!
7.Like our Artyom
Everything is always breaking down.
And in the mouth of his castle
Doesn't close at all.
8. Being late
Yura cleverly explained:
Tea for him in the morning
The boy came from Mars.
9. We love boys very much,
Let's never forget:
Morning, evening and afternoon
We sing ditties to them
10. We sang ditties to you,
Everyone tried their best
After all, the boys in our class
Very good.

Mushroom ditties
1. We will sing funny lines
About forest about mushrooms.
2. On the stump at the gate
All mushroom people are dancing.
Family fun again -
There are probably twenty-five of them.
3. Boletus in the morning
Was going to visit.
Squirrels dragged off the hat -
He stayed at home.
4. Like red chanterelles
Three sisters showed up.
It would be good for a boy -
Red handsome.
5.Russula dressed up
In colorful dresses.
Look at us
What beauties we are!
6. Morels are in trouble again!
Sick as always
Sniffed noses,
Snub noses.
7. Things were going well for the oilers,
Yes, the churn is broken.
"How will we be now, brothers,
Among the people to be called?
8. Fly agaric ran home,
Lost all the peas.
And the wife's answer was strict:
Didn't let me on the threshold.
9. Aspen leaf on the hat
Very much a fungus to the face.
Boletus from the hill
It can be seen even a mile away.
10. At the edge of the river
The mushroom pickers got lost.
Cunning mushrooms
They play hide and seek with them.
11. Here we sang the lines for you
And we put an end to this!

New Year's ditties
1. Here the holidays have come,
Winter has come.
All my friends are on skis
Fun things.
2. The snowman stands on a hill,
Two icicles instead of hands.
It's been so long Egorka
I skied around the circle.
3. Winter holiday - the Saami are the best!
This is a holiday - New Year!
Santa Claus from the forest to school
He will bring us gifts.
4.Seven scarves, a coat and a fur coat
Oleg put on himself.
And in the cold he went to a friend,
Yes, he fell like a ball into the snow.
5. Cold tears us by the ears.
Pinches ears, pinches nose.
We still love winter!
Jokes with us Santa Claus!

Student ditties
1. We collected dads and moms,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today
About your successes.
2. I love recess
Run, jump and jump.
In the Guinness book I dream
Jumping to hit!
3. Here I am sitting in the lesson,
I turn in all directions.
How many girls are beautiful -
I won't look at all!
4. I won’t let anyone write off,
Let everyone call you a pest.
Maybe I'll be harmful later
Early retirement!
5.B school uniform I go,
All so solid!
I'll smear the jacket with glue,
I'll fill it with jam!
6. And our teacher
The whole day torments us
Doesn't let you walk
Everything teaches something!
7. Got two deuces at once -
Don't be sad and don't grieve.
Two plus two equals four -
So tell your dad!
8. Once a teacher Yulia
He explained that knowledge is light.
Julia went to bed in the light,
And woke up - no knowledge.
9. Lena finished things
Today ahead of schedule:
Braided two pigtails
Just two lessons.
10. Our Sergey with great success
In cross-country skiing performed:
Halfway skiing rode
Halfway in the snow lay.
11. I learned to distinguish
Dollars and lira.
Apparently I need to go.
to the big bankers.
12. Two girlfriends - first graders,
Long pigtails.
They love to chat
Like two tits.
13. Olya was tormented by a comb,
I did my hair for school.
It hurt, it hurt
And it turned out to be a scarecrow!
14. The school bell rang,
We all rush to class.
And Maxim dragged himself into the classroom
An hour late.

About us and school
1. We are funny girlfriends,
We always go together
And today you ditties
Let's sing along with Ira.
2. Dima lifts his nose,
Like a big boss
And puffs like a locomotive
And growls like a kettle.
3. Vadim has no patience -
He didn't learn his lesson.
And for half a poem
Got half a quarter.
4. Wrote and Nina at home,
That a cow lives in the forest.
More Nina, write:
In the garden - reeds.
5. Tatiana finished things
Today ahead of schedule:
Chattered, laughed
Three whole lessons.
6. If every word
Becomes a grape
We will, of course,
Nadina's chatter.
7. Andrey runs faster than everyone
And slides down the hill
And behind the desk he trembles,
Like a mouse in a hole.
8. Tanya narrows her eyes,
Answering at the blackboard.
She's looking for clues from us.
Dying at the blackboard.

To the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland
1. We are up to the army, guys -
It's like walking to the moon!
Let's sit down and dream
We are about the army side by side.
2. A soldier really needs sports -
I started training.
Running like this along the corridor -
The head teacher just caught me!
3. Better there is no soldier's porridge.
Learn to cook it
I'll be in the army in the kitchen.
Don't forget to salt!
4. I'm going to become a radio operator,
Dash, hit points.
At the lesson in silence
I'm learning how to kick.
5. They say to learn everything
Need it right now.
I'll take a button with a needle
And I'll sew, go, in an hour.
6. At the lesson I chat,
I just keep my mouth shut.
I will be silent to learn
So as not to be ashamed in the watch!

garden couplets
1. Let's sing you a secret
Garden couplets.
2. Vegetables in the garden
Sunflowers boast:
"I'm in inclement weather
I will replace the sun for you.
3. Befriended a yellow pumpkin
Our green zucchini
And now it's growing in the garden
Multicolored pumpkin.
4. “We are tired of tails! -
Carrots roared.-
Tomorrow beauty pageant
Shoot us soon!"
5. The watermelon was very cute,
Invited cabbage to visit.
While the cabbage dressed up
There is no food left.
6. They sang to you in secret
Garden couplets.

Sources: Journal "Pedagogical Council" No. 6, 2005; No. 10, 2006; No. 11, 2008

Chastushki about school is one of the funniest numbers at a children's party. The school life of boys and girls is full of funny cases and funny situations that can be beaten with the help of comic verses. For example, for a holiday in honor of September 1, funny ditties about students in grades 1-2 who are not in a hurry to primary school After holidays. And on Teacher's Day, schoolchildren in grades 3-4 can prepare verses about teachers. Yes, and the teachers themselves, like parents, are always ready to perform ditties at any holiday. For example, such a number would be appropriate at graduation, including kindergarten. You will find the best school-themed ditties for adults and children in the following article.

Funny ditties about school for children's graduations in kindergartens from parents - words

Very often, funny ditties about school performed by parents become the best graduation number in kindergarten. Such ditties with humor talk about the upcoming school days of future first graders. Also in ditties there are jokes about the parents of graduates.

Examples of funny ditties about school for children's graduation in kindergarten from parents

Cause time is an hour of fun!
Come to class on time!
Success does not threaten that
Who hasn't learned their lesson
Who during recess
Ran, shaking the walls!

Letters in the machine notebook
They don't stand like in a parade.
Letters jump and dance
They wave their tails.

We wrote an essay
All day until you're blue
And when the work was handed over,
It was with difficulty that they pumped everyone out!

I sang ditties to you
About the guys and business.
Continue who can
Well, I went home.

Funny ditties about school for students in grades 1-2 - the best words

Pupils in grades 1-2 very often perform funny ditties about school at themed holidays. For example, such a number performed by students primary school fits perfectly into the scenario of September 1 or the last call.

A selection of funny ditties about school with words for students in grades 1-2

If you want to know a lot
Achieve a lot
Must Read
Must learn.

Wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

All the guys in our class
They love to stand out.
Who draws, who sings
As long as you don't study.

Comic ditties for students in grades 3-4 about school from parents - a selection of texts

Sometimes, instead of students in grades 3-4, parents perform humorous ditties about school at holidays. For example, funny ditties performed by moms and dads can sound at graduation in elementary school.

Texts of comic ditties about school for students in grades 3-4 from parents

Once with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed - that's fun! —
At school we are on the floor
All plates "M" and "Zh".

We are not used to deuces,
Twos are so easy to grab
You don't need to learn anything
That's what the reward is for.

Katya's bitter grief,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
The cheat sheet fell out.

Cool modern ditties about school - funny texts for children

Cool and funny texts of modern ditties about a school for children should be included in a separate category. Unlike the previous versions, these ditties use modern terms and words from the school life of students. Thanks to slang, ditties about the life of schoolchildren become even funnier.

Modern versions of funny ditties about school with funny texts for children

I sat on the exam and did not know a single FEE,
Nobody let me write
Failed the exam!

I teach math
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
Just thinking about her!

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And the question bugs me:
Are holidays coming soon?

Funny school ditties about girls from boys for the holidays - a selection of texts

Funny ditties about school life for girls performed by boys for themed holidays are great. For example, boys can perform perky verses about girls at a concert in honor of March 8. Also, these options can be used as comic numbers for graduation and last calls.

A selection of funny ditties with texts about girls from boys for school holidays

Even on Tanya's birthday
Yura out of habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
Pulled pigtails!

If you are my friend
Released from misfortune.
Raise your hand,
Don't call me!

Petya beat Katya
- Even got tired:
He thrashed with a reader,
Maybe he fell in love?

Funny and funny school ditties about boys from girls - the best texts

In turn, girls can always prepare funny and funny versions of school ditties about boys. For example, such numbers are relevant at festive events in honor of February 23, which take place in a school or class.

Funny texts of funny school ditties about boys from girls

Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- And to study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

We will sing ditties to you,
Prick up your ears.
We will sing about the boys
And we are waiting for applause! Whoo!

All boys in our class
They wear different pants.
But when they go to serve
Will value the form! Whoo!

Someone wants to be a tanker
Some are just pilots.
Someone will become a sailor
Or a gunner! Whoo!