Places occupied by Russia in the ranking based on the results of education assessment. Countries with the best education system Education level in the world ranking

Literacy is a key skill and a key measure of population education. In 1820, only 12% of the world's people could read and write. Today, only 17% of the world's population remains illiterate. The literacy rate in the world is on the rise.

Despite significant expansion and constant contraction, humanity has serious tasks ahead. In the world's poorest countries, access to basic education is such that large segments of the population remain illiterate. This limits the development of the whole society. For example, in Niger, the youth literacy rate (15-24 years old) is 36.5%.

In the Western Equator Province of South Sudan, a national "back to learning" campaign was launched targeting 400,000 children. 2015, Yambio, South Sudan. Photo: UN/JC McIlwaine

The global literacy rate is on the rise

The earliest forms of writing arose five to five and a half thousand years ago, but literacy for centuries remained the lot of the elite - the technology of exercising power. Only in the Middle Ages, along with the development of printing, the level of literacy of the people of the Western world began to change. In fact, the ambitions of universal literacy of the Enlightenment were able to approach reality in the 19th and 20th centuries in early industrial countries, notes OurWorldInData.

: By 2030, ensure that all young people and a significant proportion of the adult population, both men and women, can read, write and count.

World Literacy Assessment 1800–2014

(percentage of literate and illiterate people in the world)

Literacy rates steadily increased until the early twentieth century. It was not until the mid-20th century, when the expansion of basic education became a worldwide priority, that the rate of growth in literacy rates picked up.

Literacy rate of young people and older people

To assess progress in the future, it is convenient to distribute literacy scores by age group. The following map, using UNESCO data, shows such estimates for most countries in the world. They show a big difference in literacy levels of different generations (you can see the literacy level for different age groups by clicking on the corresponding button above). The large difference in the literacy levels of individual generations indicates a global trend in the growth of literacy of the entire population.

What is called literacy?

According to a 1958 UNESCO resolution, illiterates are people who cannot read and write a short, simple statement about their Everyday life (for achievements in the field of education of individual countries, see, 2016, pp. 230-233).

Thanks to the global connections that intertwine the entire planet modern world like it got smaller. Under these conditions, the role of education has increased significantly - the prosperity of the state cannot take place without effective work education system, as well as other factors of socio-economic development. In order to somehow compare the quality of the education system, experts came up with a number of metrics (PIRLS, PISA, TIMSS). Based on these metrics and other parameters (the number of graduates in the country, the literacy rate), since 2012, the Pearson group has published its own index for various countries. In addition to the index, learning progress and thinking skills are taken into account. This year the list of countries with the best education is as follows:

For a modern person, even now, the ability to read remains the most important basic skill, despite the dominance of colored buttons, pictures and pictograms. N...

1. Japan

This country is the most advanced in the level of many technologies, and the reform of the educational system put it in the first place in this ranking. The Japanese were able to radically change the model of education, create in it effective system control. When the country's economy suffered a complete collapse, education was seen as the only source of its development. Japanese education has a long history, and now it keeps its traditions. His system is based on high technology, which allows the Japanese to lead the way in understanding problems and the level of knowledge. The literacy rate of the population here is almost 100%, but only elementary education is required here. For many years, the Japanese education system has been aimed at preparing schoolchildren for employment and fruitful participation in public life. Here, children are required to produce results that correspond to their abilities. Academic plan in Japan is strict and dense, and schoolchildren learn a lot about the cultures of the world. Particular emphasis is placed on practical exercises.

2. South Korea

About 10 years ago, there was nothing special to say about the Korean education system. But the rapid development of the South Korean economy has sharply pushed it into the list of the world's leading ones. There is a large percentage of people here with higher education, and not because it has become fashionable to study, but because learning has become the principle of Korean life. Modern South Korea is leading in terms of technological development, and this could only be achieved by government reforms in the field of education. It allocates $11.3 billion annually for education. The country is 99.9% literate.

3. Singapore

The population of Singapore has a high IQ. Particular attention is paid here to the quality and volume of knowledge, but also to the students themselves. At the moment, Singapore is one of the richest countries and at the same time, one of the most educated. For the success of the country, education plays a crucial role, so it is spent here without stint - annually investing 12.1 billion dollars. The literacy rate in the country is above 96%.

4. Hong Kong

This piece of mainland China is notable for the fact that researchers have determined that its population has the highest IQ. The literacy of the population and the education system here are at a very high level. Thanks to a well-thought-out education system, success in the development of high technologies here has also become possible. Hong Kong is one of the "business centers" of the world, it is well suited for quality higher education. Moreover, different levels of education have a high level here: not only higher, but also primary and secondary. Teaching is conducted in the local dialect of Chinese and English language. Schooling, lasting 9 years, is compulsory for all in Hong Kong.

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5. Finland

Education system Finland gives students and schoolchildren maximum freedom. Education is completely free in the country, and the school administration even pays for meals if the student spends a full day at the school. Here they are actively engaged in attracting applicants to the country's universities. Finland leads in such an aspect as the number of people who consistently complete any form of education. The country allocates significant resources for education - 11.1 billion euros. Thanks to this, it was possible to build a solid educational system here from the initial level to the higher one. Finnish schools are free to choose educational materials and teachers here must have a master's degree. They are given wide freedom in terms of organizing classes in their classes.

6. UK

In this country, the best educational system in the world has long been formed. The UK is traditionally known for its excellent education, especially at the university level. The University of Oxford is considered to be a reference university in the world. In the field of education, Great Britain is a pioneer, for many centuries it was here that the education system was formed within the walls of ancient English universities. But as regards the primary and secondary levels of education, much less attention is paid to them here, and only higher education is considered impeccable. This does not allow the UK to lead this ranking, and even in Europe it ended up in second place.

7. Canada

The level of higher education in Canada has reached such a high level that in order to receive it in this country in last years more and more foreign youth began to aspire. At the same time, the rules for obtaining education may differ in different Canadian provinces, but the common thing for the whole country is that the Government of Canada pays a lot of attention to the issues of standards and quality of education everywhere. The share of school education in the country is especially high, but fewer young people strive to continue to receive it in universities than in the countries already mentioned. Funding for education is mainly handled by the government of a particular province, that is, the Canadian education system shows a clear decentralized nature. Therefore, each province controls its own curriculum. Educational practices and the teaching staff here are subject to strict selection. The introduction of technology and constructive interaction with the families of students make education more advanced. Education in Canada is conducted in English and French.

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8. Netherlands

The quality of Dutch education is evidenced by the fact that the population of this country is recognized as the most well-read in the world. Here, all levels of education are free, although there are paid private schools in the Netherlands. The peculiarity of the local education system is that students under the age of 16 must devote their whole day to learning. Adolescents can now further choose whether to continue studying all day or reduce the time of study, which determines whether they will pursue higher education or settle for elementary education. In the Netherlands, in addition to secular educational institutions, there are also religious ones.

9. Ireland

The Irish education system is also considered one of the best in the world, if only because of its absolute freeness, including in colleges and universities. Such successes in the field of education did not go unnoticed in the world, so this modest island also got such an honorable rating. Currently, Icelandic education has a clear bias towards learning and teaching Irish. For all Irish children, primary education is compulsory, and all educational institutions, including private ones, are financed by the country's government. Its goal is to provide quality and free education to all the inhabitants of the island and at all levels. Therefore, 89% of the Irish population has completed compulsory secondary education. But free education does not apply to foreign students - even young people who come from the European Union have to pay tuition here, and if they work here at the same time, they pay taxes.

10. Poland

As early as the 12th century, an education system began to take shape in Poland. Interestingly, it was here that the first Ministry of Education appeared, which to this day does an excellent job with its tasks. The success of Polish education has a variety of confirmations, for example, Polish students have repeatedly become winners of various international competitions in the field of mathematics and fundamental sciences. The country has a very high literacy rate. Due to the consistently high quality of education, Polish universities are listed in many countries. Students from abroad also tend to come here.

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Education is one of the most important components of our world, because without proper education, our new generation will not have a future, because without it they simply cannot survive in this complex world. Surprisingly, it would seem that the importance of this is obvious, but in different countries ah education systems are not identical. There are countries in which education is a priority area of ​​life, and there are those where it is not paid attention at all.

A good education is the best investment in the world, it returns to the owners very slowly, but when the time comes, in fact, it will not only pay off, but also bring profit. A good education system does not mean strict discipline, the main quality here. All developed countries can boast of quality education, which is the key to their success. The rest of the countries are still working in this direction, but some of the successes in the educational field cannot be overlooked.

TOP 10 countries whose education systems are recognized as the best in the world

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It is the first country in the world to have its own Ministry of Education, which still works in the best and proper way. This is expressed in many educational success, but the country has received the highest awards more than once in the field of mathematics and other fundamental sciences. Poland has a high literacy rate.

Polish graduate School is recognized in many countries due to the consistently high quality of education. This country is also the best choice for international students. The history of education in Poland goes back to the 12th century. 70% of students in this country are taught in English.

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Ireland's education system is considered one of the best, as education in this country is completely free. Mind you, it's free at all levels, including higher education and colleges. Therefore, Ireland's success in this area is recognized throughout the world, and it takes its place of honor in our list. Now the emphasis in education has shifted to learning and teaching in the Irish language.

In this country, education is compulsory for all children, all educational institutions, including even private ones, are fully funded by the government in order to provide free and quality education at all levels to all residents of the country. That is why in Ireland about 89% of the population has a compulsory level of schooling.

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The population of this country is the most literary educated in the world, which reflects the quality of education in this region. And this is another country with free education at all levels, but some private schools still require payment.

A feature of the education system here is that until the age of sixteen, students are required to devote a full day to learning. Further, teenagers have the right to choose whether they want to study full-time or part-time, to go further or not to higher education. Educational institutions in the Netherlands are divided into religious and public.

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Canada is known for the fact that due to the high quality of education, many students from different countries prefer this country for higher education.

The rules of the education system differ from province to province, but there is one thing that is common throughout the country - the government of this country pays a lot of attention to the quality and standards of education, so Canada has a much higher percentage of school education. But there are much fewer people who want to study in higher educational institutions than in previous countries. Education is mainly funded by the government of each individual province.

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United Kingdom

This is a country that is well known throughout the world for its quality of education, not only at the school level, but also at the level of higher education. Oxford University is the number one university in the world. Great Britain is also known as a pioneer in the field of education, because the history educational institutions and the formation of the education system as a whole here took a very long period.

But, surprisingly, the UK does not pay much attention to the quality of education at the primary and secondary levels, although higher education scores excellent in all respects. Therefore, this country is in sixth place on our list. It is worth noting that the UK education system ranks second in Europe.

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This country is known for giving maximum freedom to schoolchildren and students. Education here is completely free, meals are also paid by the school administration if the student is present at the school full time. Despite this, much attention is paid to attracting students to higher education institutions.

Therefore, this country is also known as the leader in the number of people who complete any form of education consecutively. A fairly large budget for education is allocated here. It is equal to € 11.1 billion, which allows the country to have a quality education from primary to higher levels. Finland has almost 100% literacy, which also indicates a high level of the educational system.

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This country is included in our list due to the fact that, according to research, the population of Hong Kong has the highest IQ on the planet. In terms of the level of the education system and the literacy of people, this country surpasses many other countries. High success in the field of technology is also achieved thanks to an excellent education system. So this country, which is also called the business center of the world, is well suited for higher education. However, here they want to achieve high standards for development in all areas of education. Compulsory for all is 9 years of schooling.

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Singapore is another leader in the average IQ of its population. Here is given Special attention both the volume and quality of education, and the schoolchildren and students themselves, who study and receive certificates. Singapore is not only one of the richest countries, but also one of the most educated. And it is education that plays a key role in the success of the country.

It is indicative that the country spares no expense for the quality of education. Every year $ 12.1 billion is invested in this area, so here the literacy rate is more than 96%.

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South Korea

You will be very surprised by the fact that ten years ago, few people in the world spoke about the education system of this country. But South Korea is developing rapidly, and already last year it ranked first in a similar list. The country leads in the number of people with higher education. And this is not only because studying is popular.

Education is the basic life principle of the population. This country is far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technological development, which is achieved thanks to the education system and government reforms. The annual budget for education in this country is $ 11.3 billion, so the literacy rate here is 99.9%.

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The most famous country in the world in terms of its level of technology takes the first place in this list due to its reforms of the educational system. They managed to completely change the model of education and create an effective control system in this area. After the complete collapse of the economy of this country, education became the only source of development for Japan. This country has a very long history of education, the traditions of which are preserved to this day. The literacy rate of the population is also 99.9%, although only primary education is compulsory.

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It was an article about countries with the best education systems in the world.

Since 1996, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has been conducting international surveys to determine which country is the most educated in the world. Over the years, the rating has changed beyond recognition many times, but there were states that firmly took their place at the top of the planet's education.

In early February 2018, the OECD compiled a new top 10 of the most educated countries in the world. It was based on the results of studies to determine the number of students who successfully graduated from universities among the population aged 25 to 64 years. Where do the most educated people live and what contributes to the growth of this indicator? We will tell in this article.

Scientifically proven! The level of education of the population often determines the quality of life of citizens.

10. Luxembourg

Tenth place in our ranking was occupied by Luxembourg - one of the smallest countries in the world with a total population of 580 thousand people. Despite the fact that there is only one university in the state, 42.86% of residents aged 25-64 have completed higher education. This is due to the fact that many Luxembourgers go to study in neighboring countries - France, Germany or Belgium, since classes there are held in almost their native languages.

Statistical fact! The Luxembourg government pays great attention to the development of the education system. In 2012, the country provided €21,000 per student, compared with the average of €9,000 for OECD member states at the time.

9. Norway

With three times as much funding for education as it does for defense, Norway has held its own in the ranking of the most educated countries in the world for the past few years. According to the results of the OECD study for 2017, 43% of the people surveyed have higher education, out of a total population of 5.3 million inhabitants.

Norway is one of the few countries in the world with completely free education (even for foreigners). In addition, it is here that students pay a lot of attention to self-study, for which almost half of the curriculum. Attendance of lectures by students is not controlled, verification work more than once a semester are not held. Perhaps it is precisely because of this freedom that the education system in Norway is so effective, because it is always more pleasant (albeit more difficult) to control the learning process yourself than to go to classes and complete assignments under pressure from teachers.

8. Finland

The total population of the country is 5.5 million inhabitants, of which 43.6% of people aged 25-64 have completed higher education. Back in the 1980s, Finland's education system was considered one of the most confusing and inefficient in the world, but that all changed after a series of reforms in the early 2000s.

Today, education in Finland is based on a system of relaxed attention and self-control, so local students do not know what cramming or cheating is. They can independently draw up a training schedule for themselves with the subjects they like and the desired intensity, enter an unlimited number of universities (education is free), retake a difficult test several dozen times. As a result, students strive to get as much knowledge as possible, not points, and by the end of the program they become truly qualified specialists.

7. Australia

With an indicator of 43.74%, Australia ranks 7th in the ranking of the most educated countries in 2017. It is here that students from all over the world come to study at 7 of the top 100 universities in the world, research is conducted here every year, the results of which are used by more than a billion people, universities graduated from fifteen Nobel laureates modernity.

Australian education is considered especially popular due to the opportunity to get two specialties at the same time. Each student can choose a related profession and receive a double diploma in just 5 years (for example, economics and law, psychology and marketing), which opens up great prospects.

Interesting to know! In Australia, education is practical, so the unemployment rate in the country does not even reach 5%.

6. USA

Although the United States is home to 8 of the top 10 universities in the world, in our ranking they occupy only the 6th place with a rate of 45.67%. This is due to the high cost of education and the high demands placed on students. For example, Yale University annually admits only 1,300 freshmen out of 20,000 applicants, and for every teacher there are only 3 students.

5. UK

Almost 46% of the adult population of the country has a higher education, and most of them are representatives technical sciences. It is here that 10% of the world's research is carried out, so students of English universities have access to unique databases and equipment. No less attention is paid to the humanities - they are chosen by about a third of students, and creative organizations bring the UK 140 million pounds a year.

Interesting fact! In the United Kingdom, a bachelor's program lasts only three years, which is the lowest in Europe.

4. South Korea

Seoul National University

Fourth place in the ranking of the most educated countries is South Korea with a score of 46.86%. A feature of this state is the presence of a clear hierarchy of universities, so the more prestigious your university, the more chances for a successful career. The most respectable are Seoul National University and the Korean Leading Institute of Science and Technology.

3. Israel

Almost half of the adult population of Israel has completed higher education. There are only 9 universities in the country, education in them is paid and costs about $ 3,000 a year. Israelis graduate quite late compared to other countries - at the age of 27. This is due to the fact that both boys and girls, upon reaching the age of majority, are drafted into the army, and only then devote themselves to training.

2. Japan

The strictest requirements for applicants, paid education and only 24% of students who manage to enter the first time - despite all the difficulties listed, 50.5% of adult citizens in Japan have higher education.

In total, there are about 700 universities in the country, only 10% of which are state-owned, and a year of study costs on average from 7 to 9 thousand dollars. Japanese education has its own unique features:

  1. Student attendance is strictly controlled and scored.
  2. Most educational institutions the academic year starts in April.
  3. For foreigners to enter a Japanese university, a certificate of completion of 11 years of study is not enough. Due to the fact that locals spend 12 years of their lives in school, another year will have to study at the university of their country or at special preparatory courses in Japan.
  4. In Japanese universities, only 18 years old are accepted.
  5. An applicant can choose only one educational institution in which he wants to enter.
1. Canada

Canada was the most educated country in the world in 2017 with 56.27%. Here, universities provide training in English and French, and Canadian bachelor's and master's certificates are highly valued all over the world. Higher education in the country is paid, but thanks to large investments in grant systems, talented students in unpopular specialties (chemistry, physics, biotechnology, psychology) have the opportunity to study for free.

Higher education here is very expensive - from 9 thousand dollars per semester, but despite this, students from all over the world come here. Canada has been the most educated country in the world for the past 3 years, so the demand for Canadian students is increasing every year.

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Important indicators in this regard are the educational index, the ratio of literacy between men and women, the number of students in secondary schools, students in colleges and universities. The number of universities, schools, libraries and readers who visit them is also important. Based on these parameters, a list of the most educated countries in the world was compiled.


The Netherlands is a wonderful country with many outstanding sights, a high standard of living, respect for human rights and medicine. It is not surprising that it is included in the list of the 10 most educated countries in the world with a literacy rate of 72%. Higher education is available to every citizen of the country, and from the age of five, education for children is mandatory. There are 579 public libraries and approximately 1,700 colleges in the Netherlands.

New Zealand

New Zealand is located in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The country is not only one of the richest economies in the world, but also one of the most literate countries. The New Zealand education system is classified into three different levels, including basic school, high school and higher education. At each of these levels of education, the New Zealand school system is based primarily on functional research rather than mere memorization. The New Zealand government pays maximum attention to educational institutions. That is why the literacy rate in New Zealand is 93%.


The Central European German-speaking country of Austria is one of the strongest economies in the world. 98% of Austrians can read and write, which is a very high figure. No wonder Austria is on the list of the most developed countries in a world with a high standard of living, first-class educational institutions and medical services. The first nine years of free and compulsory education are paid for by the government, and further education must be paid for by yourself. Austria has 23 famous public universities and 11 private universities, 8 of which are ranked among the best in the world.


France is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe and the 43rd largest country in the world. The educational index is 99%, which indicates one of the most high levels education among 200 countries worldwide. A few decades ago, the French education system was considered the best in the world, having lost its leading position only in the last few years. The educational system of France is divided into three stages, including basic, secondary and higher. Among the many universities in the country, 83 are funded by state and public funds.


The North American country of Canada is not only the second largest country in the world, but also one of the richest in terms of GDP per capita. It is also one of the most educated countries in the world. Living in one of the safest countries, Canadians enjoy a healthy lifestyle with high quality educational institutions and advanced medicine. The literacy rate in Canada is approximately 99%, and the three-tier Canadian education system is very similar to the Dutch school system. 310,000 teachers teach at the basic and senior levels, and approximately 40,000 teachers are employed at universities and colleges. There are 98 universities and 637 libraries in the country.


This Scandinavian country is one of the five most educated countries in the world. Free education for children between the ages of 7 and 16 is compulsory. Sweden's education index is 99%. The government is trying very hard to provide an equal free education to every Swedish child. There are 53 public universities and 290 libraries in the country.


Denmark boasts not only the strongest economic system in the world. It is also one of the most happy countries on a planet with a literacy rate of 99%, making it one of the most literate in the world. The Danish government spends a huge amount of their GDP on education, which is free for every child. The school system in Denmark offers a high quality education to all children without exception.


The Republic of Iceland is a beautiful island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean. With a literacy rate of 99.9%, Iceland is one of the three most literate countries in the world. The Icelandic education system is divided into four levels, including preschool stage, elementary, high school and higher education. Education from 6 to 16 years is compulsory for all without exception. Most schools are funded by the government, which provides children with free education. 82.23% of the country's citizens have higher education. The Icelandic government spends a significant portion of its budget on education, maintaining a high literacy rate.


Norwegians can be called the healthiest, wealthiest and most educated people in the world. With a literacy rate of 100%, Norway boasts some of the most highly trained professionals in the world. A significant part of tax revenues to the budget is spent on the education system of the country. They love to read books here, which is confirmed by the number of public libraries - there are 841 of them in Norway. The school system in Norway is divided into three levels: basic, intermediate and higher. Education from six to sixteen years of age for children is compulsory.


Finland is beautiful European country. It rightfully occupies a leading place in the lists of the richest, as well as the most literate countries in the world. Finland has been improving its own, unique education system for many years. Nine years of education are compulsory for children aged 7 to 16 and are completely free, including government-subsidized nutritious meals. Finns can be called the best readers in the world, judging by the number of libraries in the country. The literacy rate in Finland is 100%.