Educational practice specialized school in physics. "Innovative educational practices in the educational process of the school: educational practice in chemistry (profile level)" - Document


The paper outlines the problems of teaching physics in a specialized school within the framework of a changing paradigm of education. Particular attention is paid to the formation of versatile experimental skills in students during the implementation of educational experiments. The existing curricula of various authors and specialized elective courses developed using new information technologies are analyzed. There is a significant gap between modern requirements to education and its existing level in modern school, between the content of subjects studied at school, on the one hand, and the level of development of the relevant sciences, on the other hand, speaks of the need to improve the education system as a whole. This fact is reflected in the existing contradictions: - between the final preparation of graduates of institutions of general secondary education and the requirements of the system higher education to the quality of knowledge of applicants; - the uniformity of the requirements of the state educational standard and the diversity of inclinations and abilities of students; - educational needs young people and the presence of fierce economic competition in education. According to European standards and Bologna process guidelines, the “providers” of higher education bear the main responsibility for its assurance and quality. These documents also state that the development of a culture of quality education in higher education should be encouraged. educational institutions that it is necessary to develop processes by which educational institutions can demonstrate their quality both domestically and internationally.

Ι. Principles of selection of the content of physical education

§ 1. General goals and objectives of teaching physics

Among the main goals general education schools, two are especially important: the transfer of the experience accumulated by mankind in the knowledge of the world to new generations and the optimal development of all the potential abilities of each individual. In reality, the tasks of child development are often relegated to the background by educational tasks. This happens primarily because the teacher's activity is mainly evaluated by the amount of knowledge acquired by his students. It is very difficult to quantify the development of a child, but it is even more difficult to evaluate the contribution of each teacher. If the knowledge and skills that each student must acquire are defined specifically and practically for each lesson, then the tasks of student development can be formulated only in general view for long periods of study. However, this may be an explanation, but not an excuse for the current practice of shifting to the background the tasks of developing the abilities of students. With all the importance of knowledge and skills in each academic subject, it is necessary to clearly realize two immutable truths:

1. It is impossible to master any amount of knowledge if the mental abilities necessary for their assimilation are not developed.

2. No improvements in school programs and subjects will help to contain the entire amount of knowledge and skills that are necessary for every person in the modern world.

Any amount of knowledge recognized today according to some criteria is necessary for everyone, in 11–12 years, i.e. by the time of graduation from school, will not fully correspond to the new life and technological conditions. So the learning process should be focused not so much on the transfer of the amount of knowledge, but on the development of skills to acquire this knowledge. Taking as an axiom the judgment about the priority of the development of abilities in children, we must conclude that at each lesson it is necessary to organize active cognitive activity of students with the formulation of rather difficult problems. Where can you find so many problems to successfully solve the problem of developing the student's abilities?

No need to look for them and artificially invent. Nature itself posed many problems, in the process of solving which a person, developing, became a Man. Contrasting the tasks of obtaining knowledge about the surrounding world and the tasks of developing cognitive and creative abilities is completely meaningless - these tasks are inseparable. However, the development of abilities is inextricably linked precisely with the process of cognition of the surrounding world, and not with the acquisition of a certain amount of knowledge.

Thus, the following can be distinguished tasks of teaching physics at school: the formation of modern ideas about the surrounding material world; development of skills to observe natural phenomena, put forward hypotheses to explain them, build theoretical models, plan and carry out physical experiments to test the consequences of physical theories, analyze the results of experiments and apply them in practice Everyday life knowledge gained in physics lessons. Physics as a subject in high school opens up exceptional opportunities for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of students.

The problem of optimal development and maximum realization of all the potentialities of each individual has two sides: one is humanistic, this is the problem of free and comprehensive development and self-realization, and, consequently, the happiness of each individual; the other is the dependence of the prosperity and security of society and the state on the success of scientific and technological progress. The well-being of any state is increasingly determined by how fully and effectively its citizens can develop and apply their creative abilities. To become a man is, first of all, to realize the existence of the world and to understand one's place in it. This world is made up of nature, human society and technology.

In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, both in the sphere of production and in the service sector, more and more highly qualified workers are required who are able to operate complex machines, automatic machines, computers, etc. Therefore, in front of the school are the following tasks: provide students with thorough general education and develop learning skills that make it possible to quickly master a new profession or quickly retrain when production changes. The study of physics at school should contribute to the successful use of the achievements of modern technologies in mastering any profession. Formation of an ecological approach to the problems of using natural resources and preparing students for a conscious choice of professions must be included in the content of a physics course in secondary school.

Content school course physics of any level should be focused on the formation of a scientific worldview and familiarization of students with the methods of scientific knowledge of the world, as well as with the physical foundations of modern production, technology and the human environment. It is at the lessons of physics that children should learn about the physical processes that occur both on a global scale (on Earth and near-Earth space) and in everyday life. The basis for the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world in the minds of students is knowledge of physical phenomena and physical laws. Students should receive this knowledge through physical experiments and laboratory work that help to observe one or another physical phenomenon.

From acquaintance with experimental facts, one should move on to generalizations using theoretical models, testing the predictions of theories in experiments and considering the main applications of the studied phenomena and laws in human practice. Students should form ideas about the objectivity of the laws of physics and their cognizability by scientific methods, about the relative validity of any theoretical models that describe the world around us and the laws of its development, as well as about the inevitability of their changes in the future and the infinity of the process of human cognition of nature.

Mandatory tasks are tasks for applying the acquired knowledge in everyday life and experimental tasks for students to independently conduct experiments and physical measurements.

§2. Principles for selecting the content of physical education at the profile level

1. The content of a school physics course should be determined by the mandatory minimum content of physical education. It is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of physical concepts in schoolchildren on the basis of observations of physical phenomena and experiments demonstrated by the teacher or performed by students on their own.

When studying a physical theory, it is necessary to know the experimental facts that brought it to life, the scientific hypothesis put forward to explain these facts, the physical model used to create this theory, the consequences predicted by the new theory, and the results of experimental verification.

2. Additional questions and topics in relation to the educational standard are appropriate if, without their knowledge, the graduate's ideas about the modern physical picture of the world will be incomplete or distorted. Since the modern physical picture of the world is quantum and relativistic, the foundations of the special theory of relativity and quantum physics deserve deeper consideration. However, any additional questions and topics should be presented in the form of material not for mechanical memorization and memorization, but conducive to the formation of modern ideas about the world and its basic laws.

In accordance with the educational standard, the section "Methods of scientific knowledge" is introduced into the course of physics for the 10th grade. Familiarization with them must be ensured throughout the study. Total course of physics, and not just this section. The section "Structure and evolution of the Universe" is introduced into the course of physics for the 11th grade, since the course of astronomy has ceased to be mandatory integral part general secondary education, and without knowledge about the structure of the Universe and the laws of its development, it is impossible to form an integral scientific picture of the world. In addition, in modern natural science, along with the process of differentiation of sciences, the processes of integration of various branches of natural science knowledge of nature play an increasingly important role. In particular, physics and astronomy turned out to be inseparably linked when solving problems of the structure and evolution of the Universe as a whole, the origin of elementary particles and atoms.

3. Significant progress cannot be achieved without students' interest in the subject. One should not count on the fact that the breathtaking beauty and elegance of science, the detective and dramatic intrigue of its historical development, as well as fantastic opportunities in the field practical applications will open themselves to everyone who reads the textbook. The constant struggle against overloading students and the steady demands to minimize school courses "dry up" school textbooks, making them unsuitable for developing interest in physics.

When studying physics at the profile level, the teacher can give in each topic additional material from the history of this science or examples of practical applications of the studied laws and phenomena. For example, when studying the law of conservation of momentum, it is appropriate to acquaint children with the history of the development of the idea of ​​space flights, with the stages of space exploration and modern achievements. The study of sections on optics and atomic physics should be completed with an acquaintance with the principle of operation of a laser and various applications of laser radiation, including holography.

Energy issues, including nuclear energy, as well as security and environmental issues related to its development deserve special attention.

4. The performance of laboratory work of a physical workshop should be associated with the organization of independent and creative activities of students. A possible option for individualization of work in the laboratory is the selection of non-standard tasks of a creative nature, for example, setting up a new laboratory work. Although the student performs the same actions and operations that other students will then perform, the nature of his work changes significantly, because. he does all this first, and the result is unknown to him or the teacher. Here, in essence, it is not a physical law that is being tested, but the student's ability to set up and perform a physical experiment. To achieve success, you must choose one of several options for experience, taking into account the capabilities of the physics cabinet, and select the appropriate instruments. After carrying out a series of necessary measurements and calculations, the student evaluates the measurement errors and, if they are unacceptably large, finds the main sources of errors and tries to eliminate them.

In addition to the elements of creativity, in this case, students are also encouraged by the teacher's interest in the results obtained, discussion with him of the preparation and progress of the experiment. obvious and public benefit work. Other students can be offered individual tasks of a research nature, where they get the opportunity to discover new, unknown (at least for him) patterns or even make an invention. The independent discovery of a law known in physics or the "invention" of a method for measuring a physical quantity is an objective proof of the ability for independent creativity, allows you to gain confidence in your strengths and abilities.

In the process of research and generalization of the results obtained, schoolchildren should learn to establish functional connection and interdependence of phenomena; model phenomena, put forward hypotheses, experimentally test them and interpret the results; study physical laws and theories, the limits of their applicability.

5. Implementation of the integration of natural science knowledge should be ensured by: consideration of different levels of substance organization; showing the unity of the laws of nature, the applicability of physical theories and laws to various objects (from elementary particles to galaxies); consideration of the transformations of matter and the transformation of energy in the Universe; considering both the technical applications of physics and the related environmental problems on Earth and in near-Earth space; discussion of the origin solar system, the physical conditions on Earth that provided the possibility of the emergence and development of life.

6. Environmental education is associated with ideas about environmental pollution, its sources, the maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of the level of pollution, the factors that determine the sustainability of the environment of our planet, and the discussion of the influence of physical parameters of the environment on human health.

7. The search for ways to optimize the content of the physics course, ensuring its compliance with the changing goals of education can lead to new approaches to structuring the content and methods of study subject. The traditional approach is based on logic. The psychological aspect of another possible approach is to recognize as a decisive factor in learning and intellectual development experience in the area of ​​the subject being studied. Methods of scientific knowledge occupy the first place in the hierarchy of values ​​of personal pedagogy. Mastering these methods turns learning into an active, motivated, strong-willed, emotional colored, cognitive activity.

The scientific method of knowledge is the key to organization personality-oriented cognitive activity of students. The process of mastering it with independent formulation and solution of the problem brings satisfaction. Owning this method, the student feels himself on a par with the teacher in scientific judgments. This contributes to the looseness and development of the student's cognitive initiative, without which there can be no talk of a full-fledged process of personality formation. As pedagogical experience shows, when teaching on the basis of mastering the methods of scientific knowledge educational activity each student is always individual. Personally oriented educational process based on the scientific method of cognition allows develop creative activity.

8. With any approach, one should not forget about the main task of the Russian educational policy - to ensure the modern quality of education on the basis of preserving it. fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.

§3. Principles of selection of the content of physical education for basic level

The traditional course of physics, focused on communicating a number of concepts and laws in an extremely short study time, is unlikely to captivate schoolchildren, only a small part of them by the end of the 9th grade (the moment they choose a profile of study in high school) acquire a clearly expressed cognitive interest in physics and show relevant abilities. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the formation of their scientific thinking and worldview. A child's mistake in choosing a training profile can have a decisive influence on his future destiny. Therefore, the course program and basic-level physics textbooks should contain theoretical material and a system of relevant laboratory tasks that allow students to study physics in depth on their own or with the help of a teacher. Complete Solution The task of forming the scientific worldview and thinking of students imposes certain conditions on the nature of the basic level course:

Physics is based on a system of interrelated theories outlined in the educational standard. Therefore, it is necessary to acquaint students with physical theories, revealing their genesis, possibilities, interrelation, areas of applicability. In conditions of shortage of study time, the studied system scientific facts, concepts and laws have to be reduced to the minimum necessary and sufficient to reveal the foundations of a particular physical theory, its ability to solve important scientific and applied problems;

for a better understanding of the essence of physics as a science, students should get acquainted with the history of its formation. Therefore, the principle of historicism should be strengthened and focused on the disclosure of the processes of scientific knowledge that led to the formation of modern physical theories;

the course of physics should be built as a chain of solving ever new scientific and practical problems using a complex of scientific methods of cognition. Thus, the methods of scientific knowledge should be not only independent objects of study, but also a permanent tool in the process of mastering this course.

§4. The system of elective courses as a means of effective development of diverse interests and abilities of students

A new element has been introduced into the federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation in order to meet the individual interests of students and develop their abilities: elective courses - compulsory, but at the choice of students. The explanatory note says: “... Choosing various combinations of basic and specialized subjects and taking into account the standards of study time established by the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, each educational institution, and under certain conditions, and each student has the right to form their own curriculum.

This approach leaves the educational institution with ample opportunities for organizing one or more profiles, and for students - the choice of specialized and elective subjects, which together will make up its individual educational trajectory.

Elective subjects are a component of the curriculum of an educational institution and can perform several functions: to supplement and deepen the content profile course or its individual sections; develop the content of one of the basic courses; to satisfy the various cognitive interests of schoolchildren that go beyond the chosen profile. Elective courses can also be a testing ground for the creation and pilot testing of a new generation of teaching and learning materials. They are much more effective than regular compulsory classes, it is possible to take into account the personal orientation of education, the needs of schoolchildren and families to the results of education. Giving students the opportunity to choose different courses to study is the most important condition for the implementation of student-centered education.

In the federal component of the state standard general education requirements for the skills of secondary (complete) school graduates are also formulated. A specialized school should provide an opportunity to acquire the necessary skills by choosing such specialized and elective courses that are more interesting for children and correspond to their inclinations and abilities. Special meaning can purchase elective courses in small schools where it is difficult to create specialized classes. Elective courses can help in solving another important task - to create conditions for a more conscious choice of the direction of further education related to a certain type of professional activity.

Elective courses* developed so far can be grouped as follows**:

offering for in-depth study of certain sections of the school course of physics, including those not included in school curriculum. For example: " Ultrasound research”,“ Solid state physics ”,“ Plasma is the fourth state of matter», « Equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics”, “Optics”, “Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus”;

introducing methods of applying knowledge of physics in practice, in everyday life, technology and in production. For example: " Nanotechnology”, “Technology and the environment”, “Physical and technical modeling”, “Methods of physical and technical research”, “ Methods for solving physical problems»;

devoted to the study of methods of knowledge of nature. For example: " Measurements of physical quantities», « Fundamental experiments in physical science», « School physics workshop: observation, experiment»;

dedicated to the history of physics, technology and astronomy. For example: " The history of physics and the development of ideas about the world», « History of Russian physics”, “History of technology”, “History of astronomy”;

aimed at integrating students' knowledge of nature and society. For example, " The evolution of complex systems"," The evolution of the natural-science picture of the world "," Physics and medicine», « Physics in biology and medicine”, “B iophysics: history, discoveries, modernity”, “Fundamentals of astronautics”.

For students of various profiles, various special courses can be recommended, for example:

physical and mathematical: "Physics of a solid state", "Equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics", "Plasma - the fourth state of matter", " special theory relativity”, “Measurements of physical quantities”, “Fundamental experiments in physical science”, “Methods for solving problems in physics”, “Astrophysics”;

physical and chemical: "Structure and properties of matter", "School physics workshop: observation, experiment", "Elements of chemical physics";

industrial and technological: "Technology and the environment", "Physical and technical modeling", "Methods of physical and technical research", "History of technology", "Fundamentals of astronautics";

chemical-biological, biological-geographical and agro-technological: "Evolution of the natural-science picture of the world", "Sustainable development", "Biophysics: history, discoveries, modernity";

humanitarian profiles: "History of physics and the development of ideas about the world", "History of domestic physics", "History of technology", "History of astronomy", "Evolution of the natural-science picture of the world".

Elective courses are subject to special requirements aimed at enhancing the independent activity of students, because these courses are not bound by the framework of educational standards and any examination materials. Since all of them must meet the needs of students, it becomes possible, using the example of textbooks for courses, to work out the conditions for implementing the motivational function of a textbook.

In these teaching aids, it is possible and highly desirable to refer to extracurricular sources of information and educational resources (Internet, additional and self-education, distance learning, social and creative activities). It is also useful to take into account the 30-year experience of the system of extracurricular activities in the USSR (more than 100 programs, many of them provided with study aids for students and methodological aids for teachers). Elective courses most clearly demonstrate the leading trend in the development of modern education:

the assimilation of the subject material of education from the goal becomes a means of emotional, social and intellectual development of the student, ensuring the transition from learning to self-education.

ΙΙ. Organization of cognitive activity

§5. Organization of design and research activities students

The method of projects is based on the use of a model of a certain way to achieve the set educational and cognitive goal, a system of techniques, a certain technology of cognitive activity. Therefore, it is important not to confuse the concepts of "Project as a result of activity" and "Project as a method of cognitive activity". The method of projects provides for the presence of a problem that requires research. This is a certain way organized search, research, creative, cognitive activity of students, individual or group, which provides not only the achievement of a particular result, designed in the form of a specific practical output, but the organization of the process of achieving this result by certain methods, techniques. The project method is focused on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, analyze the information received, independently put forward hypotheses, make decisions about the direction and methods of finding a solution to the problem, and develop critical thinking. The project method can be used both in a lesson (a series of lessons) on some most significant topic, section of the program, and in extracurricular activities.

The concepts of "Project activity" and "Research activity" are often considered synonymous, because. in the course of a project, a student or a group of students has to conduct research, and the result of the research can be a specific product. However, it must necessarily be a new product, the creation of which is preceded by conception and design (planning, analysis and search for resources).

When conducting natural science research, they start from a natural phenomenon, a process: it is described verbally, with the help of graphs, diagrams, tables, obtained, as a rule, on the basis of measurements, on the basis of these descriptions a model of the phenomenon, process is created, which is verified through observations, experiments .

So, the goal of the project is to create a new product, most often subjectively new, and the goal of the study is to create a model of a phenomenon or process.

When completing a project, students understand that a good idea is not enough, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for its implementation, learn how to obtain the necessary information, cooperate with other students, and make parts with their own hands. Projects can be individual, group and collective, research and information, short-term and long-term.

The principle of modularity of training assumes the integrity and completeness, completeness and consistency of building units of educational material in the form of blocks-modules, within which the educational material is structured in the form of a system of educational elements. From blocks-modules, as from elements, a training course on the subject is constructed. The elements inside the block-module are interchangeable and movable.

The main goal of the modular-rating system of education is the formation of self-education skills in the graduate. The whole process is built on the basis of conscious goal-setting and self-goal setting with a hierarchy of near (knowledge, skills and abilities), medium (general educational skills and abilities) and long-term (development of personal abilities) goals.

M.N. Skatkin ( Skatkin M.N. Problems of modern didactics. – M.: 1980, 38–42, p. 61.) rightly notes that the negative impact on the formation of the worldview and categorical structure of thinking of students, on the development of interest in learning is caused by “overload with unnecessary, insignificant details”: “Details not only increase the useless work of memory, but also obscure the main thing, because of the trees schoolchildren stop seeing the forest.” The modular system of organizing the educational process by means of enlargement of blocks of theoretical material, its advanced study and significant time savings implies the movement of the student according to the scheme "universal - general - individual" with a gradual immersion in details and the transfer of knowledge cycles into other cycles of interconnected activity.

Each student within the framework of the modular system can independently work with the individual curriculum proposed to him, which includes a target action plan, an information bank and a methodological guide to achieve the set didactic goals. The functions of a teacher can vary from information-controlling to consulting-coordinating. The compression of educational material through its enlarged, systemic representation occurs three times: with primary, intermediate and final generalizations.

The introduction of a module-rating system will require significant changes in the content of education, the structure and organization of the educational process, and approaches to assessing the quality of student training. The structure and form of presentation of educational material is changing, which should give the educational process greater flexibility and adaptability. Familiar to traditional school"Long" training courses with a rigid structure can no longer fully correspond to the increasing cognitive mobility of students. The essence of the module-rating system of education is that the student chooses for himself a complete or reduced set of modules (a certain part of them is mandatory), constructs a curriculum or content from them. training course. In each module for students, criteria are indicated that reflect the level of mastery of the educational material.

From the point of view of more efficient implementation specialized training flexible, mobile organization of content in the form of training modules is close to the network organization of specialized training with its variability, choice, implementation of individual educational program. In addition, the modular-rating system of education, by its essence and logic of construction, provides conditions for self-setting of goals by the trainee himself, which determines the high efficiency of his educational activities. Pupils and students develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem. Information about the current ranking stimulates students. The choice of one set of modules from a variety of possible ones is determined by the student himself, depending on his interests, abilities, plans for continuing education with the possible participation of parents, teachers and university professors with whom a particular educational institution cooperates.

When organizing specialized education on the basis of a general education school, first of all, schoolchildren should be introduced to possible sets of modular programs. For example, for subjects of the natural science cycle, you can offer those for students:

planning to enter a university based on the results of the Unified State Examination;

focused on independent mastery of the most effective methods of applying theoretical knowledge in practice in the form of solving theoretical and experimental problems;

planning the choice of humanitarian profiles for subsequent training;

suggesting after school to master professions in the field of production or service.

It is important to keep in mind that a student who wants to independently study a subject according to the module-rating system must show his competence in the field of mastering this course of the basic school. The optimal way, which does not require additional time and reveals the degree of mastering the requirements of the educational standard for the main school, is introductory test of the tasks with a choice of answers, including the most important elements knowledge, concepts, quantities and laws. It is advisable to offer this test at the first lessons in
10th grade to all students, and the right to independent study of the subject according to the credit-modular system is granted to those who have completed more than 70% of the tasks.

It can be said that the introduction of a modular-rating system of education is to some extent similar to an external student, but not in special external schools and not at graduation, but after graduation. self-study selected module in each school.

§7. Intellectual competitions as a means of developing interest in the study of physics

The tasks of developing the cognitive and creative abilities of students cannot be fully solved only in physics lessons. Various forms can be used to implement them. extracurricular work. Here the voluntary choice of occupations by students should play an important role. In addition, there must be close connection between compulsory and extracurricular activities. This connection has two sides. First: in extracurricular work in physics, the reliance should be on the knowledge and skills of students acquired in the classroom. Second, all forms of extracurricular work should be aimed at developing students' interest in physics, at shaping their need to deepen and expand their knowledge, at gradually expanding the circle of students interested in science and its practical applications.

Among the various forms of extracurricular work in the classes of natural and mathematical profiles, a special place is occupied by intellectual competitions in which schoolchildren get the opportunity to compare their progress with the achievements of their peers from other schools, cities and regions, as well as other countries. At present, a number of intellectual competitions in physics are widespread in Russian schools, some of which have a multi-stage structure: school, district, city, regional, zonal, federal (All-Russian) and international. Let's name two types of such competitions.

1. Physics Olympiad. These are personal competitions of schoolchildren in the ability to solve non-standard problems, held in two rounds - theoretical and experimental. The time allocated for solving problems is necessarily limited. Examination Olympiad tasks is carried out exclusively according to the written report of the student, and the work is evaluated by a special jury. An oral presentation by a student is provided only in case of an appeal in case of disagreement with the points given. The experimental tour makes it possible to reveal the ability not only to identify the patterns of a given physical phenomenon, but also to “think about”, in the figurative expression of the Nobel Prize winner G. Surye.

For example, students of the 10th grade were asked to investigate the vertical oscillations of a load on a spring and to establish experimentally the dependence of the oscillation period on the mass. The desired dependence, which was not studied at school, was discovered by 100 students out of 200. Many noticed that in addition to vertical elastic oscillations, pendulum oscillations arise. Most tried to eliminate such fluctuations as a hindrance. And only six investigated the conditions for their occurrence, determined the period of energy transfer from one type of oscillation to another, and established the ratio of periods at which the phenomenon is most noticeable. In other words, in the course of a given activity, 100 schoolchildren completed the required task, but only six discovered a new type of oscillation (parametric) and established new patterns in the process of an activity that was not explicitly given. Note that of these six, only three completed the solution of the main problem: they studied the dependence of the oscillation period of the load on its mass. Here, another feature of gifted children manifested itself - a tendency to change ideas. They are often not interested in solving the problem set by the teacher if a new, more interesting one appears. This feature must be taken into account when working with gifted children.

2. Tournaments of young physicists. These are collective competitions of schoolchildren in the ability to solve complex theoretical and experimental problems. Their first feature is that a lot of time is allocated for solving problems, it is allowed to use any literature (at school, at home, libraries), consultations are allowed not only with teammates, but also with parents, teachers, scientists, engineers and other specialists. The conditions of the tasks are formulated briefly, only the main problem is highlighted, so that a wide scope is provided for creative initiative in choosing ways to solve the problem and the completeness of its development.

Tournament tasks do not have an unambiguous solution and do not imply a single model of the phenomenon. Students need to simplify, limit the scope of clear assumptions, formulate questions that can be answered at least qualitatively.

Both Physics Olympiads and tournaments for young physicists entered the international arena long ago.

§eight. Logistics of teaching and introduction of information technologies

The state standard in physics provides for the development of schoolchildren's skills to describe and generalize the results of observations, use measuring instruments to study physical phenomena; present measurement results using tables, graphs and identify empirical dependencies on this basis; apply the acquired knowledge to explain the principles of operation of the most important technical devices. Of fundamental importance for the implementation of these requirements is the provision of physical rooms with equipment.

Now a systematic transition is being carried out from the instrumental principle of development and supply of equipment to a complete-thematic one. The equipment of physical classrooms should provide three forms of experiment: demonstration and two types of laboratory (frontal - at the basic level of the senior level, frontal experiment and laboratory workshop - at the specialized level).

Fundamentally new information carriers are being introduced: a significant part teaching materials(texts of sources, sets of illustrations, graphs, schemes, tables, diagrams) are increasingly placed on multimedia media. There is a possibility of their network distribution and formation of their own library of electronic publications on the basis of the classroom.

The recommendations for the material and technical support (MTO) of the educational process developed by the Institute of Education and Science of the Russian Academy of Education and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation serve as a guideline in creating a holistic subject-developing environment necessary to implement the requirements for the level of training of graduates at each stage of education established by the standard. The creators of the MTO ( Nikiforov G.G., prof. V.A.Orlov(ISMO RAO), Pesotsky Yu.S. (FGUP RNPO Rosuchpribor), Moscow. Recommendations on the material and technical support of the educational process. - "Physics" No. 10/05.) proceed from the tasks of the integrated use of material and technical teaching aids, the transition from reproductive forms of educational activities to independent, search and research types of work, shifting the emphasis to the analytical component of educational activities, the formation of a communicative culture of students and development skills to work with various types information.


I would like to note that physics is one of the few subjects in the course of mastering which students are involved in all types of scientific knowledge - from observing phenomena and their empirical study, to putting forward hypotheses, identifying consequences based on them and experimental verification of conclusions. Unfortunately, in practice it is not uncommon for students to master the skills of experimental work in the process of only reproducing activity. For example, students make observations, set up experiments, describe and analyze the results obtained, using an algorithm in the form of a ready-made job description. It is known that active knowledge that has not been lived is dead and useless. The most important motivator of activity is interest. In order for it to arise, nothing should be given to children in a “ready-made form”. All knowledge and skills of students must be obtained in the process of personal labor. The teacher should not forget that learning on an active basis is a joint work of him as the organizer of the student's activity and the student who performs this activity.


Eltsov A.V.; Zakharkin A.I.; Shuytsev A.M. Russian scientific journal №4 (..2008)

* In “Programs of elective courses. Physics. Profile training. Grades 9–11” (M: Drofa, 2005) are named, in particular:

Orlov V.A.., Dorozhkin S.V. Plasma - the fourth state of matter: Textbook. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

Orlov V.A.., Dorozhkin S.V. Plasma - the fourth state of matter: Methodological guide. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

Orlov V.A.., Nikiforov G.G.. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics: Textbook. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

Kabardina S.I.., Shefer N.I. Measurements of Physical Quantities: Textbook. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

Kabardina S.I., Shefer N.I. Measurements of physical quantities. Toolkit. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

Purysheva N.S., Sharonova N.V., Isaev D.A. Fundamental experiments in physical science: Textbook. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

Purysheva N.S., Sharonova N.V., Isaev D.A. Fundamental experiments in physical science: Methodological guide. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2005.

** In italics in the text are courses that are provided with programs and teaching aids.



Ι. Principles of selection of the content of physical education………………..4

§one. General goals and objectives of teaching physics………………………………..4

§2. Principles of selection of the content of physical education

at the profile level………………………………………………………..7

§3. Principles of selection of the content of physical education

at the basic level………………………………………………….…………. 12

§4. The system of elective courses as a means of effective

development of interests and development of students……………………………...…...13

ΙΙ. Organization of cognitive activity……………………………...17

§5. Organization of design and research

student activities………………………………………………………….17

§7. Intellectual competitions as a means

development of interest in physics…………………………………………………..22

§eight. Logistics of teaching

and introduction of information technologies…………………………………25




Luhansk People's Republic

scientific and methodological center for the development of education

Department of secondary vocational


Features of teaching physics

in the conditions of profile training


Loboda Elena Sergeevna

student of advanced training courses

physics teachers

physics teacher "GBOU SPO LNR

"Sverdlovsk College"



named after Yaroslav the Wise

Velikiy Novgorod

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Novgorod State University

named after Yaroslav the Wise


Textbook / FGBOU "Novgorod State University named after I.I. Yaroslav the Wise”, Veliky Novgorod, 2011 – 46 p.

Reviewers: Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Physics, Russian State Pedagogical University named after

The textbook discusses all types of educational work of students in the process of passing pedagogical practice in physics in the primary school and in the secondary school. Lesson analysis plans and other examples of educational documentation for a physics teacher are given. In addition, the reporting of students on the results of pedagogical practice and the criteria for evaluating pedagogical practice are considered. The manual is intended for students of the specialty 050203.65 - Physics. The textbook approved was discussed not at the Herzen Readings conference, but also at a meeting of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of Novgorod State University

© Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher vocational education Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, 2011


Pedagogical practice serves as a link between the student's theoretical education and his future independent work at school.

In the course of teaching practice, active formation basic professional skills and abilities: the future teacher observes and analyzes various aspects of the educational process, learns to conduct lessons, extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities, conducts educational work with children, i.e. acquires initial professional experience and an incentive for his own creative development.

It should be borne in mind that the purpose of the practice is not only the formation of certain skills and abilities necessary for the future teacher. In the process of pedagogical practice, the volume of independent work of the student increases and the level of requirements for it changes radically. Often there is an opinion that a student-probationer is taught by a bad lesson. In terms of acquiring some pedagogical experience, this is true. However, the same cannot be said for the students. The damage caused to a student by a negligent student as a result of a bad lesson can be difficult to eliminate even for an experienced teacher, especially in modern conditions, when there is extremely little time for studying physics, and it is necessary to teach children a lot in the allotted time. Therefore, a student-trainee first of all needs to develop a responsible attitude to his work, since the results of his work are reflected, first of all, on children.

Pedagogical practice is carried out in two stages - at the IV and V courses - and at each stage has a number of features.


Pedagogical practice in the fourth year is introductory in nature and is carried out so that students can plunge into the life of the school, get acquainted with the features of the teacher's work not from the position of the student, but from the position of the teacher. Such activities are designed to prepare students for the perception of disciplines according to the methods of teaching physics, increase motivation for their study and improve the preparation of students for independent work at school.

Practice goals:

To acquaint students with the goals and main content of the methodology of teaching physics.

To acquaint students with advanced pedagogical experience in the schools of Veliky Novgorod.

Start preparing students for independent physics lessons.

To acquaint students with possible extracurricular activities for schoolchildren in physics.

To begin the formation of students' ability to conduct extracurricular work in physics.

Pedagogical practice consists of two parts:

Theoretical part: lectures and seminars on the methodology of teaching physics as preparing students for independent lessons, visits, element-by-element analysis and pedagogical analysis of physics lessons at school;

Practical part: conducting trial lessons and extracurricular activities at school, work as an assistant to the class teacher, performing assignments in pedagogy, psychology and school hygiene.

In the course of practice, students must expand, deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained at the university, learn how to consciously and creatively apply them in educational work with students, and consolidate teaching and educational skills.

Practice objectives:

To master the ability to observe and analyze educational educational work;

Learn how to conduct different types of physics lessons; use a variety of technologies, methods and techniques to present and consolidate educational information and learning to solve physical problems; to activate the cognitive activity of students; to achieve a good assimilation of the course of physics by them;

Prepare for extracurricular work in physics;

Learn to perform the functions of a class teacher (keep class documentation, conduct group and individual educational work with students, work with parents).

The structure of the practice includes six parts:

1) acquaintance with the school and the work of its best teachers;

2) educational work (conducting and attending physics lessons, conducting additional classes, checking notebooks);

3) work in the physics classroom (acquaintance with the equipment of the cabinet, repairing instruments, making visual aids, preparing a demonstration experiment for the lesson);

4) extracurricular work in physics (organization and conduct of excursions, conducting collective creative work with students);

5) work as a class teacher in an attached class.

6) fulfillment of assignments in pedagogy, psychology and school hygiene based on the materials of pedagogical practice.


The purpose of the final practice is to prepare students to perform the functions of a physics teacher and class teacher.

Practice objectives:

Learn to consciously and creatively apply theoretical knowledge (in physics, pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching physics) to organize work with students.

Master an integrated approach to teaching, development and education of students in the process of teaching physics.

To check the degree of their readiness for independent pedagogical activity.

Learn how to conduct self-analysis of a physics lesson in order to find ways to improve the quality of schoolchildren's education.

Improve the knowledge and skills acquired in the first practice.

Collect and summarize research material for term papers and dissertations on the methodology of teaching physics or pedagogy.

Teaching practice includes:-

Acquaintance with the school and the work of its best teachers;

Educational work (conducting 15-18 physics lessons, conducting additional classes, checking notebooks);

Attendance, discussion and analysis of the lessons of group mates;

Work in the physics laboratory (acquaintance with the equipment of the laboratory, repairing instruments, making visual aids, preparing a demonstration experiment for the lesson);

Extracurricular work in physics (organization and conduct of excursions, conducting collective creative work with students);

Work as a class teacher in an attached class;

Fulfillment of tasks in pedagogy and psychology based on the materials of pedagogical practice.


Practice is a busy period of student work. Its success largely depends on proper planning of work.

Each student must draw up an individual plan for the passage of pedagogical practice, providing for the development of a wide variety of methods and techniques of working with students. The sequence and timing of the work should be chosen in such a way that the work plan of the school staff is not violated, and students are not overloaded.

To draw up an individual plan for conducting practice and preparing for work, students are given the first week of work at the school. They begin it with a general acquaintance with the school, class, teachers and the organization of teaching and educational work in a given pedagogical team. This requirement is not strict: in case of production necessity and good preparation of the student for practice, lessons can begin in the first week.

1. At a special meeting, the headmaster (or his deputy) introduces students to the school; reveals the features of the school, the main tasks that the teaching staff has set for themselves this year. Difficulties that may arise in work and how interns can help the school, etc. are often discussed. Here, students are attached to classes, get acquainted with teachers and class teachers.

2. Students actively study students in their class:

Attend and observe lessons in all subjects;

Conduct conversations with students, class teacher, teachers, psychologist, social worker, librarian, etc.;

They look through the journal, personal files of students, their library forms, notebooks on subjects.

« Innovative educational practices in the educational process of the school: educational practice in chemistry (profile level) »

Plis Tatyana Fedorovna

chemistry teacher of the first category

MBOU "Secondary School No. 5", Chusovoy

In accordance with the federal state educational standard of general education (FSES), the main educational program of general education is implemented by an educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard should be understood as educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program of general education.

Therefore, as part of the transition of educational institutions implementing programs of general education to the state educational standard of general education of the second generation (FSES), each teaching staff needs to decide on the organization of an integral part of the educational process - extracurricular activities of students.

In doing so, the following principles must be used:

    free choice by the child of types and spheres of activity;

    orientation to personal interests, needs, abilities of the child;

    the possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child;

    unity of training, education, development;

    practical and activity basis of the educational process.

In our school, extracurricular activities are carried out through a number of areas: elective courses, research activities, the intra-school system of additional education, programs of institutions of additional education for children (SES), as well as institutions of culture and sports, excursions, innovative professional activities in a specialized subject, and many others. others

In more detail, I want to dwell on the implementation of only one direction - educational practice. It is actively implemented in many educational institutions.

Educational practice is considered as an integrating component of the student's personal and professional development. Moreover, the formation of initial professional skills, professionally significant personal qualities in this case becomes more important than mastering theoretical knowledge, since without the ability to effectively apply this knowledge in practice, a specialist cannot take place at all.

Thus, educational practice- this is the process of mastering various types of professional activities, in which conditions are created for self-knowledge, self-determination of students in various social and professional roles and the need for self-improvement in professional activities is formed.

The methodological basis of educational practice is the personal-activity approach to the process of their organization. It is the inclusion of the student in various activities that have clearly formulated tasks, and his active position that contribute to the successful professional development of the future specialist.

Educational practice allows us to approach the solution of another urgent problem of education - the independent practical application by students of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the training, the introduction of the applied techniques of their own activity into the asset. Educational practice is a form and method of transferring students into reality, in which they are forced to apply general algorithms, schemes and techniques learned in the learning process, in specific conditions. Students are faced with the need to independently, responsibly (predicting possible consequences and being responsible for them) make decisions without the “support” that is usually present in one form or another in school life. The application of knowledge is fundamentally active in nature; the possibilities of imitation of activity are limited here.

Like any form of organization of the educational process, educational practice meets the basic didactic principles (connection with life, consistency, continuity, multifunctionality, perspective, freedom of choice, cooperation, etc.), but most importantly, it has a socio-practical orientation and corresponds to training profile. Obviously, educational practice should have a program that regulates its duration (in hours or days), areas of activity or topics of classes, a list of general learning skills, skills and activities that students must master, and a reporting form. The program of educational practice should traditionally consist of an explanatory note that sets out its relevance, goals and objectives, methodology; thematic hourly plan; the content of each topic or area of ​​activity; a list of recommended literature (for teachers and students); an application containing a detailed description of the reporting form (laboratory journal, report, diary, project, etc.).

In the 2012-2013 academic year for students studying chemistry at the profile level, an educational practice was organized on the basis of our school.

This practice can be considered academic, because. it meant the organization of practical and laboratory classes in an educational institution. The main goal of these tenth graders was to get acquainted and master digital educational resources (DER), including a new generation of natural-science computer laboratories that have come to school over the past two years. They also had to learn how to apply theoretical knowledge in their professional activities, reproduce in the new reality the models and laws learned in a general way, feel the “situational taste” of common things and through this achieve the consolidation of the knowledge gained, and most importantly, comprehend the method of research work in the “real” real conditions of adaptation to a new, unusual and unexpected reality for schoolchildren. As practice shows, for most students this experience was truly invaluable, really activating their skill in approaching surrounding phenomena.

As a result of the implementation of the practice, we conducted numerous experiments on the following topics:

    acid-base titration;

    exothermic and endothermic reactions;

    the dependence of the reaction rate on temperature;

    redox reactions;

    salt hydrolysis;

    electrolysis of aqueous solutions of substances;

    the lotus effect of some plants;

    properties of the magnetic fluid;

    colloid systems;

    metal shape memory effect;

    photocatalytic reactions;

    physical and Chemical properties gases;

    determination of some organoleptic and chemical indicators of drinking water (total iron, total hardness, nitrates, chlorides, carbonates, hydrocarbonates, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, etc.).

Performing these practical works, the guys gradually “lit up with excitement” and great interest in what was happening. Experiments from nanoboxes caused a special surge of emotions. Another result of the implementation of this educational practice was a career guidance result. Some students expressed a desire to enter the departments of nanotechnology.

To date, there are virtually no educational practice programs for high school, so a teacher who designs educational practice in his profile needs to experiment more boldly, try to develop a set of methodological materials for conducting and implementing such innovative practices. A significant advantage of this direction was the combination of real and computer experience, as well as the quantitative interpretation of the process and results.

Recently, due to the increase in the volume of theoretical material in the curricula and the reduction of hours in the curricula for the study of natural science disciplines, the number of demonstration and laboratory experiments has to be reduced. Therefore, the introduction of educational practices into extracurricular activities in a core subject is a way out of a difficult situation.


    Zaitsev O.S. Methods of teaching chemistry - M., 1999. C - 46

    Pre-profile preparation and profile training. Part 2. Methodological aspects of specialized education. Teaching aid/ Ed. S.V. Curves. - St. Petersburg: GNU IOV RAO, 2005. - 352 p.

    Encyclopedia of the modern teacher. - M., "Publishing House Astrel", "Olympus", "Firm" Publishing House AST ", 2000. - 336 pp.: ill.

The profile practice of 10th grade students is aimed at developing their general and specific competencies and practical skills, acquiring initial practical experience within the chosen profile of education. The pedagogical staff of the lyceum determined the tasks of the profile practice of students of the 10th grade:

Deepening the knowledge of lyceum students in the chosen field of study;

Formation of a modern, independently thinking personality,

Teaching the basics of scientific search, classification and analysis of the material received;

Development of the need for further self-education and improvement in the field of subjects of the chosen profile of education.

For several years, the profile practice was organized by the administration of the lyceum in cooperation with the Kursk state university, Kursk State Medical University, Southwestern University and consisted in attending lectures by our students from teachers of these universities, working in laboratories, excursions to museums and scientific departments, staying in Kursk hospitals as listeners of lectures by practitioners and observers (not always passive ) medical work. Lyceum students visited such departments of universities as a nanolaboratory, a museum of the department of forensic medicine, a forensic laboratory, a geological museum, etc.

Both world-famous scientists and non-degree teachers from leading Kursk universities spoke to our students. Lectures by Professor A.S. Chernyshev are devoted to the most important thing in our world - a person, senior lecturer of the department world history KSU Yu.F. Korostylev talks about a variety of problems of the world and national history, and the teacher of the Faculty of Law of KSU M.V. Vorobyov reveals to them the intricacies of Russian law.

In addition, in the course of their field practice, our students have the opportunity to meet people who have already reached certain heights in their professional activities, such as leading employees of the prosecutor's office of the Kursk region and the city of Kursk, the manager of a branch of VTB Bank, and they themselves try their hand as legal consultants and trying to cope with the accounting program "1C".

In the past academic year, we began cooperation with the profile camp "Indigo", which is organized by SWSU. Our students really liked the new approach to organizing specialized practice, especially since the organizers of the camp tried to combine the solid scientific training of schoolchildren with developing and socializing games and competitions.

Based on the results of the practice, all participants prepare creative reports in which they not only talk about the events held, but also give a balanced assessment of all components of the core practice, and also express wishes that the lyceum administration always takes into account when preparing for the core practice of the next year.

Results of profile practice - 2018

In 2017-201 8 academic year Lyceum refused to participate insummer profile shift e SWGU "Indigo", due to unsatisfactory feedback from students in 2017 and an increase in the cost of participation.The profile practice was organized on the basis of the lyceum with the involvement of specialists and resources from KSMU, SWGU, KSU.

During the practice, students of the 10th grade listened to lectures by scientists, worked in laboratories, and solved complex problems in specialized subjects.

The organizers of the practice tried to make it both interesting and informative, and work for the development of the individual. our students.

At the final conference in the lyceum, students shared their impressions of the practice.The conference was organized as a defense of projectsboth group and individual.The most memorable classes were, according to students, classes at the Department of Chemistry at KSU and KSMU, excursions at KSU to the forensic laboratory and at KSMU inMuseum of the Department of Forensic Medicine, classes with students and teachers of the Faculty of Law of KSU under the program "Living Law".

It is not the first time that professor of psychology at KSU, Dr. psychological sciences, Head of the Department of Psychology, KSU Aleksey Sergeevich Chernyshev. His talk about a person gave the lyceum students an opportunity to take a fresh look at their own personality and at the processes taking place in society both our country and the world.

An excursion to the museum at the Department of Forensic Medicine of KSMU was originally planned only for students of 10 B socio-economic class, but they were smoothly joined by students of the chemical and biological class. The knowledge and impressions received by our students made some of them think again about the correct choice of their future profession.

In addition to visiting universities, in the course of practice, lyceum students actively improved the knowledge gained at the lyceum during the academic year.It was the solution of problems of an increased level, and the analysis and study of the tasks of the Unified State Examination, and preparation for the Olympiads. , and solving practical legal problems using specializedInternet resources.

In addition, students received individual tasks, the implementation of which was reported during the classes (conducting a sociological survey, analyzing information on various aspects).

Summing up the profile practice, the students of the lyceum noted the great cognitive effect of the classes. According to many, the practice was expected as something boring, like a continuation of the lessons, so for them the immersion in the profile that resulted was a big surprise. Sharing information about the practice with friends from other schools, lyceum students often heard in response: “If I had such an internship, I would also aspire to it!”


    Organization of specialized practice for 10th grade studentson the basis of the lyceum with the involvement of university resources G . Kursk has a greater effect than participation in the profile shifts of the Indigo camp at SWGU.

    When organizing a profileth practice, it is necessary to combine classroom and extracurricular activities to a greater extent.

    It is necessary to plan more topics for general study by all specialized classes.