A fact proven by scientists. The immortality of the soul is a scientifically proven fact

Science believes that it is possible to speak about the existence of a phenomenon only if factual evidence is found for it. But there are many things that have not yet found scientific confirmation or that have very dubious evidence, but a significant part of the people continue to believe in them. Here are the most famous of them.

It is widely believed among us that we will certainly be rewarded sooner or later for our deeds. Someone is guided by the proverb “what you sow is what you reap”, someone prefers to call it karma. Be that as it may, people believe that our actions today clearly show what will happen later. Now you are tearing off the wings of butterflies, and tomorrow you will be run over by a drunken reckless car. Today you take care of the elderly and teach children goodness, and a month later you win a TV in the lottery. There is no logical justification for the theory of karma, but we still believe that by doing good today, in the future we will reap the fruits of our soulfulness.

What will the stars say?

Those born under the sign of Cancer are whiny and touchy. Aries and Lions are bold, courageous and sometimes despotic. None of these statements have a scientific basis, but we still find confirmation of these words in everyday life. Who knows, whether Cancers, Aries and representatives of other signs of the Zodiac adapt themselves to the prevailing stereotypes. Whether astrologers really know how to "read the stars." Be that as it may, the day of millions of people begins with the reading of horoscopes for the coming day. People have long trusted the stars when making important decisions. We believe that our birthday determines our future life. But you don’t need to tear your hair out if the horoscope promises you troubles, troubles and misfortunes. After all, there are so many white spots in astrology.

Those who have suffered clinical death sometimes claim to have seen a kind of tunnel with a spot of light at the end. Moreover, a similar picture is observed in many of those who have experienced respiratory arrest and heartbeat. But the opinions of doctors debunk all the mystical justifications for this vision. According to experts, the feeling that a person is falling or flying through a tunnel towards the light is due to the fact that when breathing stops, the work of the vestibular analyzer is disturbed, which transmits data about the spatial position of a person to the brain. Sometimes the victims clinical death claim to be in heaven or hell. Science explains these visions by ischemia of the frontal cortex of the brain, which causes hallucinations. But there is another aspect that makes people believe in an afterlife. The so-called mediums, healers and soothsayers claim to be able to speak with the souls of the dead. Those who could not come to terms with the death of loved ones fall for this bait. During sessions of spiritualism (calling to the souls of the dead), many hear some kind of groans, sounds supposedly made by the dead, some even see ghosts. But where is the likelihood that this is not an easy strong desire to see a dear person at least once more, crossed with the tricks of charlatans?

There are situations in our life, the obvious way out of which we can not find. How to act in this or that life moment? Not finding an answer to this question, we trust a kind of "sixth sense", which is commonly called intuition. Researchers have not found a logical explanation for this phenomenon, but it makes no sense to deny it. After all, we all rely on intuition. It is generally accepted that if we nevertheless trusted our sixth sense, then now all our actions are no longer in our hands - everything is now in charge of something more powerful and higher. The right to decide passes to intuition, when we do not know whether it is possible to trust any person, go along a certain road, or hurriedly turn around 180 degrees and return to something.

The most restless of us often mistake for ghosts the slightest fluctuation of light in a dark room, a breath of wind in a room where there cannot be a draft, etc. All this can be found quite logically, but the theme of the existence of ghosts and restless spirits has been familiar to us since childhood. . Those who at one time accepted the idea that the lost souls of the dead roam among us fanatically set to work. Therefore, today, if you wish, you can find many companies involved in the capture of ghosts or inspecting the dwellings of offices to identify ghosts. Impressive persons see ghosts everywhere and everywhere, and only observation by a qualified psychotherapist will help here. But it’s not worth cutting off the theory that ghosts still meet in the bud. After all, it is known that nothing happens just like that - and the story of the existence of ghosts also has its own soil.

In the most difficult life situations, before an important event, or in times of despair, we rely on God's help. Turning to the Almighty in our prayers, we have no doubt that he hears our silent words, sees tears and will certainly ease our suffering. Belief in divine power reaches incredible proportions for many, because the existence of God has not been proven by science. God is omnipresent, believers believe. He does not easily follow our actions, but he also sees our thoughts, especially vicious ones, for which he can certainly punish. There is no clear evidence of God's help and there never was, everything that is attributed to the Lord can be found to be completely “worldly” justification. But do not forget that faith in God's help is also a powerful phenomenon that unites people, gives them moral, and hence physical strength for any deeds and deeds.

Each of us, regardless of where and when he was born, sooner or later finds his own object of belief. At the genetic level, humanity is prescribed to believe in higher powers and hope for their help in difficult times. This is religion, and each nation has its own. Religious texts teach us the basics of this or that religion. In Christian culture, the collections of such texts are the Bible. It is believed that such books show mankind the path to follow in order to meet God sooner or later. When reading biblical traditions, people do not doubt the authenticity of these stories, they believe that the people described on the pages of the Bible really existed. Moreover, there is not a single scientific evidence that the truth is stated on the biblical pages. But the codes of morality set forth in holy book, are considered among believers as an indisputable truth.

Sharp fangs, pale skin, blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner... And all this is about vampires - mythical creatures that dig into the neck of their victims to get enough blood. Vampire images are ubiquitous in modern culture. Cartoons for children, ominous horror films about cruel bloodsuckers, romantic films about the love of a man and a vampire ... However, science confirms vampirism today only among plants and animals. Therefore, a vampire is rather a nasty, but healing swamp leech, flowering mistletoe, bats and several other representatives of flora and fauna that seek to suck the life-giving liquid from their fellows. Therefore, meeting with a vampire is not so difficult. If you really want to feel like the heroine of the Twilight saga, you just need to ask the doctor to prescribe herudotherapy for yourself - treatment with leeches.

Baby Nessie

Many of us have heard of the famous monster from the Scottish Loch Ness. Animals like this Nessie, who supposedly lives in British waters, are called cryptids. Their existence has not been proven by science, but today there are many adherents of the fact that the monster still exists. As well as supporters of the existence of Bigfoot Bigfoot. It is worth noting that for the first time the existence of Nessie was talked about back in the 6th century AD. e. And the photo of the awesome inhabitant of Loch Ness was taken in 1993. At the moment, it has not been proven whether Nessie is really depicted in the picture. But the inhabitants of the environs of the ill-fated lake do not even doubt that a real monster is located next to them. Many believe that it is a sin for the inhabitants of the shores of Loch Ness not to believe in the existence of a monster. The legend about him literally feeds the Scots - every year hundreds of tourists visit the sinister lands to personally see the famous mysterious lake.

Moviegoers with experience, of course, believe in the existence of aliens. Films with the participation of space aliens often brighten up our leisure time, so it’s easy to imagine that somewhere out there, on Mars, or in another galaxy, there live evil and good humanoids, huge green three-eyed creatures or completely humanoid creatures. Researchers regularly put forward various theories regarding the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Someone refutes the presence in the cosmos of thinking, like a man, creatures. And some, on the contrary, are sure that we are all alone in this world. At the same time, the press often throws us information that in different parts of our planet people saw either a UFO flight, or aliens themselves, or other signs indicating that there are also thinking life forms on other planets.


Believers and atheists alike are constantly on the lookout for clear evidence to prove or disprove the existence of God.

Below is a list of theories and studies carried out by scientists from various fields who have worked to prove the existence of God, Heaven and Hell.

Do they cite real facts or are they still conjecturing many things? You decide!

1. The scientist who "dug" the road to hell in Siberia and recorded the cries of damned souls (1989)

What actually happened:

The Soviet Union drilled a deep hole in the ground - the Kola super-deep well (12,262 meters). The well is located on the Kola Peninsula. After its completion, quite interesting geological anomalies were discovered, but as it turned out, there was nothing unusual in them, much less supernatural.

What the legend says:

According to legend, in 1989 a group of Russian scientists working under Dr. Azakov drilled a hole almost 15 kilometers deep in an unnamed place in Siberia when they stumbled upon a bottomless cavity.

Intrigued by the unexpected find, they lowered a heat-resistant microphone into the hole, along with other sensory equipment. According to experts, they managed to record and then hear the tormented cries of desperate people.

The second surprise was the incredibly high temperature they found in the center of the Earth (over 1000 degrees Celsius). As a result, they came to the conclusion that they opened the road to hell.

The story was soon picked up by numerous American and European media outlets, and the audio files of the alleged sufferers flooded the internet. Immediately, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TNB) began discussing the audio track on all of their gospel channels, saying it was the ultimate evidence that hell exists.

Norwegian teacher Age Rendalen heard the story of TNB during a visit to the US. Feeling a terrible distaste for mass credulity, he decided to "exaggerate" the fairy tale told by the channels.

Rendalen wrote on the net that he did not initially believe in this fairy tale, but upon returning to Norway, he allegedly read the "actual" report on this story. According to Rendalen, not only the voices of the damned souls could be clearly heard on the recording, but also the ghosts of bats flying out of the hole, leaving an indelible mark on the Russian sky.

To perpetuate his fiction, Rendalen deliberately mistranslated and provided the usual Norwegian article about the local facility, as well as the English "translation" of TNB.

Rendalen included his real details, phone number and address in the article, and also left the contact information of a pastor he knew, who agreed play along him in case someone wants to check and call to ask about everything in person.

Unfortunately, TNB published the story without the contact information of Rendalen and the California pastor, and the fictional story itself" Welcome to hell and hoax" began to be played on radio, television and published in all newspapers.

In fact, the reality is that Soviet scientists have, in fact, drilled a hole, almost 15 km deep, in the ultra-deep Kola well, located not in Siberia, but on the Kola Peninsula, which borders Norway and Finland.

After completion of the work on the well, some interesting geological anomalies were discovered, but they did not indicate any supernatural encounters. The temperature at depth reached 180 degrees Celsius, so further drilling was stopped due to high cost of the procedure.

As it turned out later, the recording used with the alleged voices of tortured souls was just a remix of part of the soundtrack to the 1972 film "Blood of the Baron" with the addition of effects.

The best part is that today you can buy a copy of Sounds of Hell for $12.99.

Does God exist?

2) The Neurologist Who Claimed Heaven Existed After Being in a Coma for a Week (2008)

In 2008, Eben Alexander III (Eben Alexander III) suffered a very serious week-long coma, which was caused by meningitis infection. Brain scans showed that the entire cortex surrounding the brain in the area responsible for consciousness, thinking, memory and understanding was not functioning.

The doctors gave him very little chance, and told his family that even if Eben survived, his brain would probably remain damaged for the rest of his life. Despite all the hardships, Eben woke up exactly a week later.

While in a deep coma, the brain was affected so badly that only the most primitive parts of it worked. Upon awakening, the man claimed to have experienced something extraordinary: he traveled to heaven.

In his autobiographical book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, he talks about how left his body and suffered clinical death.

Alexander claims that after death we will have a whole eternity of perfect splendor, complete with angels, clouds of deceased relatives.

By July 3, 2013, the book had been on the New York Times bestseller list for 35 weeks.

In a wide-ranging investigation into the history of the neurologist Alexander, based on his medical background, Esquire magazine reported in its August 2013 issue that prior to the publication of the book, the neurologist was removed from medical practice due to negligence, as well as due to his involvement in at least two procedures to cover up a medical error.

The magazine's specialists also talked about what they found discrepancies in Alexander's book. Among the inconsistencies, in particular, it stands out that Alexander writes that he "fell into a coma as a result of a severe form of bacterial meningitis, while brain activity was suspended."

At the same time, the doctor who observed him during the coma claims that the coma was induced medically and the patient was partially conscious, however, he was accompanied hallucinations.

Alexander's book and its publicity campaign have been criticized by scientists, including neuroscientist Sam Harris, who called Alexander's work "disturbingly unscientific" and stressed that the evidence presented by the author is not only insufficient, it also suggests that the author knows little about how the brain works.

In November 2012, Alexander responded to critics by releasing a second article in which he recounted the words of the doctors who did all his brain tests. "Nothing has been done that could damage any of the functions, including vision, hearing, emotions, memory, language or logic."

Truth or lie? Everyone decides for himself.

Evidence for the Existence of God

3) A chemistry student who demonstrated that heaven and hell exist

According to urban legend, the following story began with a response that was received from a chemistry student at the University of Washington.

And here is the question itself: Is hell an exothermic place (that is, it gives off heat) or an endothermic place (that is, it absorbs heat)?

Most of the students answered this question using Boyle's law (gas cools when expanding and heats when compressed).

However, one of the students approached the answer this way:

First, we must understand How much does the mass of Hell change over time?. That is, we must have an idea of ​​the speed with which souls move to Hell and with what speed they leave it.

I think it's reasonable to assume that if the soul has already gone to Hell, then it is unlikely that it will leave it. As for exactly how many souls go to Hell, it is worth looking at the various religions that exist in the world today.

Most of them claim that if you do not profess this particular religion, then you will undoubtedly go to Hell. Since there are so many religions today, it is safe to say that all souls go to Hell.

Given the birth and death rates around the world, it can be assumed that the number of souls in Hell, growing exponentially(that is, there is an increase in the value in direct proportion to the value of the value itself).

Now we are looking at the rate of change in the volumes of Hell, because Boyle's law states that in order to maintain the same temperature and pressure in Hell, the volume must expand in direct proportion to the addition of souls. In this case, two scenarios are possible.

1. If Hell expands more slowly than the number of indwelling souls grows, then the temperature and pressure there will increase disproportionately, so the day will come when Hell will "fall apart".

2. If Hell increases in size at a rate greater than the volume of incoming souls, then the temperature and pressure will drop and Hell will freeze.

So where is the truth?

If we take into account the postulate that I heard from my colleague Teresa in the first year ("Hell freezes over if I sleep with you") and also take into account that I spent last night with her, then from the points I proposed the second is true.

Thus I am sure that hell is already frozen.

The consequence of this theory is the fact that since Hell is already frozen, it means that no more souls get there, and, therefore, only Paradise remains, which proves the existence of a divine being. That explains why Teresa spent so long yelling last night, " Oh my God!"

For obvious reasons, the student received the highest mark.

Source 4The Professor of Medicine Who Claimed to Have Found a Sculpture of God (1725)

In 1725, Professor Adam Beringer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Würzburg, found many carved in limestone figurines of lizards, frogs, spiders, birds with the face of fish, sun and stars.

Some of them were signed, such as the Hebrew name of God in Latin, Arabic and Hebrew. These figures carved in stone, in his opinion, were created by God himself when he experimented with species of life, planning the universe.

Beringer also, along with his main explanation, suggested several possible other interpretations, among which was the version about the imprints of dead animals (fossils). However, most of them, according to the professor, were " capricious inventions of God."

He also considered the version that these drawings belonged to prehistoric pagans, but it would be more correct to exclude this option, because the pagans did not know the name of God.

Actually he was the victim of a scam committed by his ex-Jesuit colleagues Ignatz Roderick, professor of geography and mathematics, and Johann Georg von Eckhart, privy councilor and librarian.

Having got to the bottom of the truth, Beringer sued the deceivers, then a scandal followed, after which all three lost their credibility.

Some of the fossils that Beringer discovered then are kept today in the Oxford University Museum.

5) Pascal's wager: Does God exist or not? You must decide (17th century)

Pascal's Wager is a dogma in apologetic philosophy that was developed by the 17th century French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623-1622).

Dogma says that Throughout their lives, mankind has been arguing about the existence of God.

If God exists, then given the infinite gains or losses associated with believing in God or not believing in God, a reasonable person should live as if God exists, seek him, and believe.

If God does not really exist, then such a person will have only a finite loss (of some pleasure, luxury, etc.).

Philosophy uses the following logic:

1. God either exists or He doesn't;

2. The game we all play will always come up heads or tails;

3. For obvious reasons, you are not able to prove any of the above statements;

4. You must choose something for yourself (this is not optional);

5. Let's weigh all the benefits and losses, assuming that there is a God. Let's evaluate these two options. If you win, you get everything, if you lose, you lose nothing.

Historically, Pascal's wager was groundbreaking because it charted new areas of study in probability theory, marking the first official use of decision theory, as well as the emergence of anticipated themes in future philosophy, such as existentialism, pragmatism, and voluntarism.

6) Euler's formula to explain the existence of God (18th century)

Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783) was one of the first Swiss mathematicians and physicists who made important discoveries in areas such as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory.

Euler also created much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation in calculus, such as the notion of a mathematical function. He is known for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics and astronomy. Most of his life he lived in St. Petersburg and Berlin.

Much of what is known about Euler's religious beliefs can be deduced from his letters to German princess, as well as from his early writings, which show that he was a devout Christian who believed that the Bible was written under divine inspiration.

Moreover, he argued for the divine inspiration of Scripture.

There is a famous legend inspired by Euler's arguments. The French philosopher Denis Diderot paid a visit to Russia at the invitation of Catherine the Great. However, the empress was extremely alarmed that the atheist philosopher's arguments might affect her closest subjects.

So, Euler was asked to confront the clever Frenchman. Diderot was informed that the mathematician had deduced a formula proving the existence of God, and he agreed to study its proof.

When it came time for Euler to talk about his formula, he said: " Sir, (a+b) to the nth power divided by n = x, so there is a God. Now you!"

Diderot, for whom, according to history, mathematics was akin to Chinese literacy, was dumbfounded and immediately left the meeting place. Being in an extremely embarrassed position, he asked the Empress let him leave the country to which the latter graciously agreed.

Euler was depicted on the sixth series of Swiss 10-franc banknotes, as well as on numerous Swiss, German and Russian postage stamps. An asteroid that hit Earth in 2002 was also named after him.

In his honor, a holiday was even created in the Lutheran church, which is celebrated on May 24. He was a very devout Christian who believed in the inerrancy of the Bible, wrote an apologetics, and actively opposed the prominent atheists of his time.

7) The Mathematician Who Developed God's Theorem (1931)

Kurt Friedrich Gödel was an Austrian and later American logician, mathematician and philosopher. It is believed that he, along with Aristotle and Frege, was one of the most powerful logicians in the history of mankind.

This man made a huge contribution to the formation of scientific and philosophical thinking in the 20th century. Gödel published his two incompleteness theorems in 1931, when he was 25 years old and had just received his doctorate from the University of Vienna.

The first theorem states that any self-consistent system force is sufficient to describe the arithmetic of natural numbers (e.g. Peano arithmetic), however, there are true judgments about natural numbers, which cannot be proved using the axioms.

To prove this theorem, Gödel developed a technique known today as Gödel numbering, which encodes formal expressions as natural numbers.

He also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis could be refuted by the accepted axioms about set theory, relying on these axioms being consistent. Previous results allowed mathematicians to talk about the axiom of choice in their proofs.

He also made important contributions to proof theory by clarifying the connection between classical, intuitionistic, and modal logic.

When Gödel died in 1978, he left behind an interesting theory based on the principles of modal logic (a type of formal logic that narrowly involves the use of the words "necessarily" and "possibly").

The theorem itself states that God or a higher being is that which is greater than which it is impossible to understand anything. That is, if a person has proved and understood that God exists, he can do anything.

God exists in understanding. If God exists in understanding, we can imagine that He exists in reality. Thus, God must exist.

Heaven, earth, hell

8) A scientist who talks about the absence of conflict between science and religion (2007)

During an interview with CNN in April 2007, Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, reiterates that data embedded in DNA proves the existence of God.

According to the researcher, he gathered a consortium of scientists to read out 3100000000 letters of the human genome. Being a believer, Dr. Collins sees the DNA information in the molecules of all living beings as a divine language, and the elegance and complexity of this language is a reflection of God's plan.

However, he did not always hold this opinion. When Collins was a graduate student in physical chemistry in 1970, his atheistic thinking found no reason to postulate the existence of any truths that deviate from the laws of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

He then entered medical school and faced the issue of life and death among his patients face to face. One of the patients asked him: What do you believe, doctor?" Since then, he began to look for answers.

Dr. Collins admitted that the science he loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as: "What is the meaning of life?", "Why am I here?", "Why does mathematics work this way and not otherwise?", "If the Universe had a beginning, then who created it?", "Why are physical constants in the Universe so subtle configured that allow the possibility of the emergence of complex forms of life?", "Why do people have a sense of morality?", "What happens to us after death?".

The debate over whether the biblical flood actually happened or not has not subsided for many years. Numerous studies have allowed scientists to provide a number of facts that can serve as evidence that this event did occur.

One of the most famous biblical traditions tells about the Flood, which supposedly cleansed the Earth of sinful people. At the same time, there are skeptics who believe that this is all fiction, and nothing like this has ever happened. Scientists recently shocked the public by announcing that they had found some evidence of a biblical flood.

1. Unexplained underwater cities

Although the world's oceans have not yet been fully explored, and not even half, many underwater cities and their remains have already been found. Interestingly, their age roughly coincides with the time of the Flood. An example is the underwater city of Yonaguni, located off the coast of Okinawa. There are ancient legends telling about the underwater city, which is located in the same place. Scientists believe that the buildings were flooded as a result of the Flood.

2. Suitable number of people

Another argument that is used as evidence indicates that if there had not been a flood that practically zeroed out the population of the Earth, then today the number of people living on the planet would have been significantly increased, as well as a huge number of burials. At the moment, the population is quite consistent with the scenario: once the number of inhabitants of the planet Earth was reduced to eight people.

3. Same story

An analysis of ancient writings showed that in almost every civilization there are legends telling about a great flood that occurred in the past. It is surprising that the stories are similar in detail, even in those civilizations that have never been in contact with each other.

4. Animals who wanted to be saved

Scientists around the world on different continents high in the mountains find a huge number of animal skeletons in an unusual mixture, which, apparently, climbed the mountains to escape the advancing water.

5. The first created temple complex

This information cannot be considered reliable, but this is a very popular assumption: there is a version that the Göbekli Tepe complex was the first building created after the Flood. On the walls of temples with a history of 12 thousand years, evidence of the existence of irrigation and agriculture was found.

6. Confirmation from China

An interesting evidence of the Flood is connected with the Chinese language. It contains hieroglyphs that have a connection with the book of Genesis. For example, the word "ship" is made up of hieroglyphs that denote such words: boat, eight, mouth. This can be deciphered as eight mouths - eight people who survived the flood.

7. Parking Noah's Ark

According to ancient texts, after the flood, the ark landed on the ground in the territory of modern Turkey. In this place, opposite Mount Ararat, David Allen found the remains, which he took for the details of Noah's Ark. Interestingly, the dimensions really correspond to those described in ancient texts. Among the locals, the territory where the discovery was made is referred to as Naksuan - "Zion of Noah." By the way, education became noticeable only at the end of 1940, after the earthquake.

8. Unique Lists of Sumerian Kings

During the excavations of ancient Sumer, a relic was found, called the "List of the Sumerian kings." It lists the rulers who were at the head of the state before the alleged flood, and, most interestingly, they ruled for hundreds of years. A version was put forward that in those days the rulers lived much longer than modern people. After the Flood, regnal periods became more realistic. There are scientists who believe that the Flood led to serious changes: it even affected the life expectancy of people.

9. Excavations of the residence of Noah

It is believed that the great Noah lived halfway between Babylon and Ur. A group of low barrows was discovered here, which were excavated in 1931. Scientists have determined that under them are the ruins of three cities: the upper one dates back to the time of the third dynasty of Ur, the middle one is the city of the ancient Sumerians, and the lower one is antediluvian. The layer that dates back to the time of the flood is located between the middle and lower city, and it consists of yellow mud, a mixture of sand and silt, which was definitely alluvial. There are no traces of human civilization here.

10. Presence of marine formations on land

In 2004, in the mountainous regions of Madagascar, special wedge-shaped structures were discovered on land, characteristic only of the seabed. They are formed as a result of water activity, such as tsunamis. Ecoarchaeologists have carefully studied the area around Madagascar. They concluded that the wedge-shaped structures appeared due to large-scale flooding. They also suggested its cause - an impact crater under indian ocean, which was formed due to the fall of a comet.

11. Communication between an aircraft carrier and an ark

In the Book of Genesis, the process of building the famous ship, which has an elongated shape, is described in sufficient detail: the ark was absolutely hermetic and stable. It is difficult to imagine that in those days a person could himself come up with a similar design of a unique ship. Apparently, there were no hints from above. An interesting fact is that modern aircraft carriers have a similar design, due to which they are stable in a storm.

12. Great and valuable scrolls

In 1940, scientists discovered mysterious writings, which they called the Dead Sea Scrolls. The analysis of the text was a revelation, because it described the Great Flood and the ark, and in great detail. By the way, scientists, based on this version, suggest that the ark had the shape of a pyramid.

The materialization of thoughts is a proven fact, and you yourself will soon see this for yourself.

For several years now, people who have fulfilled their wishes have been sharing their experiences and practices in their books and live performances. But not only mentors and experienced teachers talk about the power of thought. Since the past centuries, scientists and professors have been interested in what the materialization of thoughts is.

Important! This is not just a dream come true after visualization, it is a scientifically proven effectiveness of the power of thought.

How and why does the materialization of thoughts and desires work? Answer in this video

You will see scientific experiments and research conducted by scientists from different countries and in different years.

Scientists study the power of thought

For example, did you know that in Russia one of the first to use the power of thought for medicinal purposes was the famous Russian doctor Yakov Botkin? In 1877, he put the experience on himself - got rid of pain in the legs and increased fatigue, which he suffered after suffering from typhus.

In 1890, the famous neurologist Vladimir Bekhterev also became interested. The scientist studied cases of "miraculous" recovery of seriously ill patients who were treated by illiterate healers and healers.

Representatives of the Moscow State University Lomonosov have developed a technology that allows you to literally read the thoughts of people who have lost their speech function. The principle is based on reading the electronic signals of the brain and their subsequent decoding. True, while “reading” is possible not in whole phrases, but only in letters.

And in Japan, they developed a program that “understands” and reads simple numbers and some words from the human brain. This device is a helmet with built-in electrodes, which is put on a person's head. It reads images directly from the human brain. This is due to the recognition of the electroencephalogram of the brain.

The program sees numbers, but simple ones from 0 to 9. And in most cases, the program can recognize simple words.

Read the article and you will see evidence that the materialization of thoughts is real. These stories will be told to us by scientists, for example, Alexander Graham Bell, athletes and not only.

Hard evidence #1: Thoughts move shapes on a computer screen

Finnish scientists have developed a technology that makes it possible to move objects on a monitor screen with a single effort of thought.

The development belongs to the staff of the University of Jyväskylä.

According to them, the technology involves the use of a special sensor that is attached to a person's head. It collects electrical impulses from the brain. Next, the computer recognizes where exactly the signal came from, and sets the direction given to it to move the object on the monitor.

During this process, both the computer and the person learn to work together using the created program,

- ITAR-TASS quotes the words of the researcher Jarno Mikkonen.

A participant in the experiment, student Jani Ikäheimonen, admitted that he had to strain a lot to move the square on the screen. The mental effort involved was almost like physical effort, he said. Jani doubted the success of the enterprise, so when the cursor shifted on the screen, although not by much, it caused him a storm of positive emotions.

After the experiment, he said:

I thought things like the materialization of thoughts only happened in movies.

Hard Evidence #2: The Power of Thought as a Computer

According to The Guardian correspondent Michael Fitzpatrick, Italian doctors from the research hospital Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome have managed to create a working experimental model of a device that allows disabled people to control household items with the power of thought.

With the help of this technical hand, attached to the head by diodes and receiving signals from the brain, the disabled will be able to turn the lights off and on in the house, answer the phone, and so on. The “waves” concentrated on the subject of interest will be interpreted by a special computer into certain actions.

Since the thought process in humans is similar at the wave level, the device works equally well for everyone. Now the computer "guesses" thoughts in 85% of cases - this is an unprecedented high rate.

According to scientists, in a few years the device will be widely used among the disabled, and possibly also among lazy people.

Indisputable evidence # 3: the materialization of thoughts in sports

Experiments conducted by Swiss scientists have shown that thought has a physical force. The study was conducted in a group of athletes who, due to injuries, were forced to spend long hours without movement.

Scientists recommended that the subjects work out certain muscle groups with the power of thought to maintain their shape. Then the researchers evaluated the effectiveness of the exercises: muscle strength increased by almost 35%, and the tone was maintained for 3 months after the cessation of mental exercises. Such training was called idiomotor.

It turned out that this method is also suitable for golfers. Only in their thoughts they should imagine not a defeated enemy, but ... just holes of a larger size than they really are. And such golfers will win. So says sports psychologist Professor Jessica Witt of Purdue University in Indiana.

We conducted a study that showed that players were more accurate in directing the ball into the hole on the field if they mentally increased its diameter. Professor Witt explained.

Before the test, the scientists asked volunteers to draw a life-size hole on paper. And it turned out: those that downplayed the size, then, as a rule, did not fall into the real hole. Who exaggerated, got much more often.

To hit the ball exactly on the target, it is enough to imagine that the hole is only 10 percent wider— says the researcher.

Further, already on the field, the subjects drove the balls into two holes of different diameters. Moreover, an image of a large circle was superimposed on a small hole with the help of a projector. And the big one, on the contrary, was “disguised” as a small one. Optical illusions brought amazing results: the wider the circle was "drawn" around the hole - even the smallest one - the more accurately and more often they hit it.

But in order to learn how to push the holes apart with the power of thought, you need to be very confident in your abilities and know the taste of victory, - Jessica Witt is sure.

Other observations, already of football players and basketball players, confirmed the professor's assumption. Players imbued with fighting spirit and courage are able to expand both the football goal and the basketball hoop.

But when an athlete makes a miss after a miss, he loses faith in himself and begins to perceive the space in a different way: the boundaries of the goal narrow for him, and it becomes much more difficult to score the ball. The more failed attempts the player has undertaken, the smaller and further the gate will seem to him. Naturally, with such distortions of spatial perception, the next attacks will most likely fail. And the football player will again strike past.

Hard Evidence #4: Healing and Education with Hypnotic Suggestion

In 1911, Vladimir Bekhterev read his report "Suggestion and Education" at the 1st International Pedagogical Congress in Brussels.
In his report, he talked about cases where doctors managed to cure children's illnesses with the help of hypnotic suggestion. Here are some of them:

  • Cure in a 14.5-year-old hereditarily burdened girl of onanism, which began at the age of 4, and at the same time persistent nail biting
  • Cure of the tendency to steal in an 11-year-old boy.
  • A 12-year-old boy was freed from an obsessive fear that had the subject of his grandmother's death
  • Hypnotic suggestion cured a 9-year-old girl from involuntary urinary incontinence
  • Even one mentally retarded boy, who, due to insufficient attention, could not learn to read or count, thanks to the systematic hypnotic suggestions made by doctors, after two months could learn to read and at the same time could manage with the four rules of arithmetic.

Indisputable Evidence #5: The Materialization of the Thought of Youth

But British scientists said that the power of thought and in reality is capable of much - and even rejuvenate a person!

The scientists of foggy Albion based their statements on their research. In this study, volunteer participants—older men in their 70s—were asked to change the way they think. They were asked to think and act as if each of them had suddenly “thrown off” twenty years.

Volunteers conscientiously followed the recommendations of scientists, changing their way of thinking, daily routine and their usual activities. And, not even a week has passed, as the researchers noted the first changes in the body of volunteers - moreover, these changes were physiological, easily amenable to elementary tests, which scientists subjected older men to.

In the course of tests and analyzes, it turned out that all volunteers who began to think and act like younger men improved their eyesight and hearing, their joints became more dexterous and flexible, and their coordination of movements improved. Moreover, these changes were by no means short-lived, they were “fixed” in those volunteers who continued to think and act like young people even after the end of the study.

So is thought really the main means of combating aging? And so that the body does not “wear out”, it is necessary not only to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but, above all, to think and act like in youth? English scientists argue that, apparently, this is the case. And those who wish can check that such a materialization of thoughts works in practice.

Hard Evidence #6: The Surgeon's Mystery

This story was told by a woman named Irina Grigorieva, from Mytishchi in one of the published magazines:

About ten years ago I was diagnosed with gallstone disease, they said that there was no serious danger, but it was better to urgently undergo an operation to remove stones, I agreed. They put me on the operating table and put me under anesthesia.

I don't remember anything after. But she was discharged from the hospital as healthy. And after a few years, I met my surgeon V.V., who told me a terrible secret. It turns out that when my abdominal cavity was opened, they found I had a massive malignant tumor of the liver with metastases. The process was so extensive that the surgeons decided: the operation is useless!

In such cases, removing the tumor can only hasten the tragic outcome. So the surgeons just stitched up the incision. And when they told the sad news to my relatives, they unanimously asked me not to tell me the true cause of the disease. But the doctors gave me a deadline: exactly two months.

And now, five years later, I went to this hospital for some banal reason and met V.V. His eyes almost popped out on his forehead. He asked me to undergo a comprehensive clinical examination - no diseases. But after his revelations, I already confessed my secret. When they told me about gallstone disease, I did not believe it - I thought (and so it turned out!) that I had cancer.

I was just dying of fear.

But V.V. reassured me so much, explaining that these were just stones. And after the “operation”, I made a promise to myself that I would never get sick again in my life. Every day I sat in front of the mirror and repeated for several minutes in a row: “You are so happy that you live in the world! And you will never, ever get sick again! Then I was under the supervision of V.V. for some time, but the terrible disease never returned to me.

The most important thing in the story is that the woman consciously sought to recover

Georgy Pavlov, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, commented on the miraculous healing.

Her mind urged her body to accept a new reality in which there is no place for illness, and the body agreed. She worked hard to make the materialization of thoughts of recovery a reality. And just this, in some incomprehensible way, revealed in her new abilities of the body, and as a result, something that seemed impossible happened.

Indisputable proof No. 7: the materialization of thoughts and manhood

This experiment was conducted by a talented hypnotherapist from Los Angeles, Jim Pifer. He seated the volunteers in soft reclining chairs. He turned on pleasant music and quickly brought the men into a relaxed state.

Without subjecting them to hypnotic influence, the doctor asked them to close their eyes and mentally imagine that they were in a large sex shop, where dildos of various sizes and shapes lay on the counter. Volunteers need to choose the most liked product.

Then the doctor gave another command, remotely related to the matter: to imagine the process of penetration of the sperm into the egg, go there with him and find a special gene of the DNA molecule that determines the size of manhood.

After the virtual insemination, the men mentally, imagining scissors, removed all current genes from their reproductive organs. And they “pasted in” new, improved ones - those that carried the development program for the desired “wealth” chosen in the sex shop. The work of thought did not end after the biotechnological operation. At the command of the hypnotist, the volunteers imagined how an embryo with outstanding male dignity develops. “Heard” how doctors praise him.

Then the subjects mentally experienced the period of puberty, saw how their organs grow, become longer and thicker. Enjoyed the enthusiastic exclamations of peers in the locker rooms and women. And got used to the new dimensions.

After four sessions, Pifer taught the men to independently self-suggest for ten minutes a day. As a result, according to reports, over the course of the year, volunteers increased an average of 3 to 5 centimeters. The record for a particularly impressionable guy is 10 centimeters.

Hard Evidence #8: Breast Enlargement with the Power of Thought

Here's what scientists have to say about it.

Experiments to increase the female bust were conducted by Florida hypnotherapist Michael Stivers. 19 women participated. For the first six weeks, they were taught how to visualize a warm, damp towel on their chests, an electric lamp to add heat and stimulate volume.

After the women managed to mentally heat the breast tissue, the doctor asked them to focus on the heartbeat - to try to increase it in order to cause additional blood flow to the cells that produce material to increase the size of the bust. At home, women continued to do these exercises.

To enhance the visualization effect, the women did various exercises to relax and enter a spontaneous hypnotic trance.
For example, they practiced rapid breathing in the lotus position.

As a result, by the end of the twelfth week, 74 percent of women went to the store to buy larger bras.

The rest did not have enough perseverance and faith in an unusual method ... - and, by the way, this happens often, so I created a unique Wish Fulfillment Master Class.

On average, stubborn thinkers have grown from 5 to 10 centimeters in girth!

Richard Willard, MD, of the Institute of Behavioral Manners and Psychiatry, comments:

Experience has clearly shown that through hypnosis and imagination it is possible to influence a particular organ in the human body. Which can lead to an increase in its size.

Hard Evidence #9: Thought-driven blood flow

At the end of the 18th century, Professor Elmer Gates from Washington proved that if, putting his hand into a container of water, whose volume had previously been accurately measured, he thought hard about getting blood to flow to the limb, he managed to force some of the water to pour over the edge of the container.

He managed to measure the volume of excess blood, which he directed with the power of thought into his arm due to the volume of water that had poured out. Of course, not everyone is capable of such control of their body on the first try (or even a hundredth), but there is evidence that the mind can be taught to control most physical processes.

It is known that when we concentrate our thoughts on one of the parts of the body, the blood vessels there dilate and the blood flow to this organ or part of the body increases. In other words, blood follows our thought.

Professor Alexander Graham Bell said that during long horseback rides in Halifax in cold weather, he always warmed his feet, concentrating his thoughts on them, so that after a short time his legs began to simply burn. The materialization of thoughts to speed up the circulation of blood was used by him so often that the scientist even stopped making efforts to do so.

Indisputable evidence No. 10: the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper talked about how Ufimka defeated cancer thanks to the power of thought

The disease in 27-year-old Alina Gabitova was discovered early - the woman herself went to the mammologists for examination. The fact is that her mother died of breast cancer three years ago, and Alina was very afraid to repeat her fate.

The results of the study confirmed the worst fears - the woman was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.

- Mom could not defeat this disease, and then it seemed to me that this was my death sentence, Alina recalls. - But I don’t have the right to die - I have a small child, my daughter was then only a year and two months old. And I decided to survive at all costs...

Alina really did not want to go to the operation - with mastopathy, it is often necessary to remove the breast completely.

Friends advised Alina to turn to specialists from the Department of Clinical Psychology of Bashkir State University - they say that they use non-standard methods of treating serious diseases.

We believe that cancer is, to some extent, psychosomatic,

- says the senior lecturer of the department Alexander Arbuzov.

That is, a disease caused, among other things, by psychological problems, which means that in order to cure it, we need to use the reserves of our brain.

When we say that all diseases are from the nerves, we mean “all diseases are from the hypothalamus”, this is the part of the brain that is responsible for the production of psychic energy.

The essence of the methodology of Ufa psychologists is to activate the functional reserves of the body. That is, simply put, they "program" the brain of patients to recover.

This is done with the help of self-regulation sessions, which go like this: patients lie down, relax and imagine that their brain is producing communicator proteins. These are the cells that determine which part of the body needs help and control the immune system.

Alina intensively took up these exercises - sometimes she gave this lesson five or six hours a day!

At the same time, she did not refuse chemotherapy - she had two sessions. And the tumor began to disappear very quickly! The malignancy was discovered in March. Back in May, when Alina started classes, it was 13.3 millimeters in diameter, and a month later it decreased to 5.6. Now the metastases have disappeared.

True, there was an enlarged lymph node, which still worries doctors. So Alina does not stop treatment.

Alina is on the mend very quickly. Still, the power of self-hypnosis is an effective thing, but the cure was nevertheless due to complex treatment. Psychological work and drugs also played a role.

The soul exists and it is immortal

Astor: Ruslan Madatov

Religious scholar, Doctor of Historical Sciences, lecturer at the Department of Religious Studies at one of the Prague universities Ruslan MADATOV published a very interesting article in which he provided evidence for the existence of the soul from a scientific point of view. The article interested the journalists of the newspaper "EKHO" and they decided to talk with Ruslan Vakhidovich directly on this topic. After all, if humanity accepts the fact of the existence and immortality of the soul as a scientific reality, life on Earth will be transformed for the better.

– Why do you think that this knowledge will transform life on Earth? Believers, after all, recognize this fact.

- Believers are one thing, but science, secular rulers are another. If we begin to officially recognize life as the next stage of being, we will build it in a completely different way, from humanistic positions. We will begin to understand that we can either rise on the path of self-improvement, or destroy our souls for the sake of some momentary benefits: money, power, etc.

– Evidence of the existence of the soul was given by many: both scientists, including doctors, and religious figures. How is your evidence different?

– I decided to approach the issue simultaneously from a scientific point of view, and from an esoteric, and from a strictly logical point of view. I tried not to touch upon purely religious dogmas - bearing in mind that people with a practical mindset are moving further and further away from religion, seeing in it only an economic and political institution. At the same time, I understood that someone had already cited certain evidence, so I do not claim exclusivity. I proceeded from the fact that the more you talk about this topic, the better it will be for people - they will begin to think about how not to spoil their lives.

Based scientific foundations proofs of any theorem, I gave my proofs in stages. Let's start with consciousness. Many scientists have already recognized the fact that it does not belong to the brain, and, therefore, to the physical body. And also the fact that it is material. That it is material is proved by the simple fact that it exists. And if something exists, it is formed by some form of matter, what is the second question: if we cannot define, characterize something, it does not follow that this form of matter does not exist. The main thing is that there is matter and there is no emptiness. And this is such a simple conclusion that science cannot dare to draw!

- What prevents her - from your point of view - to draw such a conclusion?

- First of all, the fact that they have not yet been able to agree on terms regarding the very concept of matter. What it is? What do we see, hear, touch? What can we, in extreme cases, fix with some kind of devices? (Various rays, radiation, etc.) Yes, absolutely. But two hundred years ago, no one could detect the same radiation. However, it is. And there was. As you can see, the conclusion is simple, nowhere simpler: if we cannot fix something at this stage of our technical development, this only means that we have not yet come up with the necessary devices, and not at all that the desired object does not exist.

The same fact that the sought-for object exists is indirectly confirmed by science itself. Here is what physicists say: “It turned out that in order for all space objects to move in space as they do now, the universe must be filled with some kind of matter unknown to people (“dark” matter), the mass of which, according to approximate calculations, is about ninety percent of the total mass in the universe."

What is the conclusion from this? What we can somehow fix with something is just the tip of the iceberg, the rest is hidden from our senses and instruments. And it may well be that in the dark depths of the underwater part of the iceberg, the matter of consciousness is located.

- However, as far as I know, there are already experiments on "making" the invisible visible.

- Yes, for example, academician Anatoly Fedorovich Okhatrin who worked for the academician Queen, head of the laboratory of dowsing and the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry and Rare Elements, the founder of the microleptonic field theory, was able to make thoughts visible by inventing a special photoelectronic apparatus. Here is what he wrote on this topic: “We asked a psychic woman to radiate, as it were, a certain field, endowing it with information. When she did this, we recorded what was happening with the help of a photoelectronic apparatus. The photo showed how something like cloud and begins to move independently. Such thought forms, saturated with certain moods and emotions, can infiltrate people and even influence them." Okhatrin is not alone, professor also conducted similar experiments Alexander Chernetsky. He managed to photograph the thought of a person.

- I can assume that it began here! .. Science answered the way it answers in such cases: "This cannot be, because it can never be!"

“That’s right, that’s how it started. I won’t talk about this in detail, for those who are interested, let them look on the Internet about the experiments of these wonderful scientists. Which, by the way, were held not even now, but back in the 80s.

- You started with the fact that consciousness is material, does not belong to the brain and the physical body. But where exactly does the thinking process take place?

- The answer seems to be on the surface - in the brain, of course. At the same time, scientists have not yet been able to explain the mechanism by which this very consciousness functions in it and how the process of thinking occurs. True, there were scientists with open minds, for example, Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva. This is what this world-famous neurophysiologist wrote: “The hypothesis that the human brain only perceives thoughts from somewhere outside, I first heard from the lips of the Nobel laureate, professor John Eccles. Of course, at the time it seemed absurd to me. But then research conducted at our St. Petersburg Research Institute of the Brain confirmed that we cannot explain the mechanics of the creative process. The brain can generate only the simplest thoughts like how to turn the pages the book you read or stir sugar in a glass. And the creative process is a manifestation of a completely new quality ... ".

Other scholars have argued that thinking takes place somewhere else, the fact that a change in brain activity does not affect the process of thinking in any way, referring to experiments when a tomograph recorded brain activity in a coma, in a state of hypnosis. And the fact that well-equipped modern science has not yet found a place in the brain in which information is localized cannot be discounted either.

Earlier experiments - for example, already in the 20s - are also very interesting. So, Carl Lashley, a well-known researcher of the brain at that time, irrefutably proved that conditioned reflexes in rats do not disappear after the removal of completely different parts of the brain in turn. Thus, he showed that there is no “specialized” area in the brain responsible for these reflexes. The same effect is observed in humans - with the forced amputation of most of the brain, they retain all mental abilities. Everyone knows the phenomenon of the American Carlos Rodriguez, which lives without the frontal lobes of the brain (i.e., more than 60 percent of the brain is missing).

And this example is not unique. For example, in the abstract of Dr. Robinson from the Paris Academy of Sciences, a case was described when a man lived to be 60 years old, led a normal life, received a head injury, died more than a month later, and only after an autopsy it turned out that he didn't have a brain! There was only a sheet of paper-thin shell of the medulla. From a German specialist Hoofland(who, by the way, after the described case, completely revised all his medical views) there was a similar case: in a deceased patient, who retained his mental and physical abilities until the moment when he was paralyzed, in the cranium no brain found! Instead of a brain, there was 300 grams of liquid.

In Holland, in 1976, one of the country's best watchmakers, 55, died Jan Gerling. An autopsy showed that he instead of the brain, there was also a liquid like water. In Sheffield, Scotland, doctors were amazed that a student with an IQ of 126, which is above average, showed x-rays complete absence of the brain.

- Well, they say that parts of the brain are able to take on the functions of the lost parts ...

– Yes, they can, and such cases are also known. But the water in the cranium is also capable?! What about the case of the Scottish student? If there is an exception to the rule, the rule no longer works. By the way, the well-known Latin phrase that there is an exception to any rule is nothing more than a mistranslation: the rule does not work if there is at least one exception. The proof that the process of thinking is not carried out in the brain was also the experiments of a psychiatrist Gennady Pavlovich Krokhalev who dealt with the problem of registering visions. Back in 1979, he received a patent for photographing the hallucinations of his patients with an ordinary camera and video camera. These fixations allowed him to treat patients. And in 2000, his article was published stating that these hallucinations and thoughts are not in the human brain, but somewhere outside.

Direct proof of the existence of consciousness outside the body are the descriptions by patients of their sensations during the exit of their consciousness from the body during clinical death. There are hundreds of thousands of such descriptions! People describe how they see themselves from the side, how they are transported thousands of kilometers from their body and then clearly tell what they saw there, and everything matches to the smallest detail. And here official science cannot do anything, a special name was even invented for such states: " out-of-body experience".

- Of course, I am not an expert, but it seems to me that if you learn this, then the blind from birth will be able to learn the world!

– By the way, the blind from birth also fell into a state of clinical death and described what they saw. Some claim it is a hallucination. What kind of hallucination can we talk about if a person is blind from birth and simply does not know how what he saw looks like ?!

- In our last conversation, you suggested that reincarnation is possible. So, maybe these visions of the blind from birth are just the experience of their past life, where they were sighted?

- Everything can be, it is unprovable, but it is also impossible to disprove it. But as for your question about "learning", that is, examples of the conscious separation of consciousness from the physical body. Did a person learn this on purpose or is it an innate ability, it doesn’t even matter. In the book Geoffrey Mishlava"The Roots of Consciousness" details numerous out-of-body studies at the New York Laboratory of the American Society for Psychical Research. Laboratory specialists received unequivocal evidence that when leaving the body of consciousness or the astral double, this "double" clearly describes the places he has visited, shares the information he has collected there. There are even examples of the impact of this "double" on physical devices.

- All this is very, very interesting, but what does this have to do directly with the proof of the existence of the soul?

- With these stories, I was led to believe that a person is nothing but some kind of energy entity, "dressed" in a physical body. And consciousness - like the soul - does not belong to the body.

- Did I understand correctly that consciousness in your understanding is the soul?

- Correctly! Consciousness is a material substance of a form of matter unknown to us now, which continues to exist even after the death of the "clothes" - the physical body. And in this regard, the immortal consciousness-soul is a more valuable and significant concept than even those offered to us by various beliefs and religions. In any religion there are elements of mysticism, miracles, that is, everything that a person with a skeptical and analytical mindset denies. There is only naked physics here: the soul-consciousness exists regardless of religious preferences, it exists materially, its existence can be proved in the future not indirectly, but directly - with the help of devices that, I believe, will be created. Most importantly, she is immortal! This means that we, having given up the ends, do not die for good, as Vysotsky brilliantly said.

- It turns out that you put an "equal" sign not only between the consciousness and the soul, but also between this and the personality?

- I bet! I'm bold!

“And my soul, which I have, will always exist?”

- It will, but only the phrase "I have a soul", in my opinion, is incorrect. Moreover, it's wrong. It's the same as if my suit said: "I have a man named Ruslan." you, me- we are souls dressed in bodies!

– Is there any evidence of a unified system of personality-consciousness-soul and physical body?

- Yes, this is the so-called phantom effect, which is described by many scientists. All who are interested in the subject of phantoms must remember very famous photo. It is filmed in special beams. The tree is missing part of the trunk and crown - after a lightning strike. However, in the photo we see, as it were, a whole tree - non-existent branches, a trunk and even foliage are also visible. Non-existent in reality, but the non-existent parts captured in the photo are just a phantom of a tree. What does this mean? The tree has lost some of its physical parts, but retained the subtle parts. It is like the "soul" of the tree. In the subtle world, it exists in its original form. Which is what the photographer captured. Phantom parts completely repeat the shape of the essence of the tree, its "soul". The phantom effect is manifested not only visually, but also in sensations. The effect of phantom pains has long been known, when non-existent, amputated limbs hurt (itch, ache, itch).

Phantom sensations are so strong that disabled people even try to stand on a non-existent leg - they fully feel it. Official medicine explains this with physiology. By this very "physiology" it explains everything that it cannot explain more clearly. However, even people with a broken spine have phantom sensations, and official medicine denies this and says that "in physiology this is impossible." But it's there! Psychiatrists talk about the mental nature of this phenomenon, but they cannot explain the phantom sensations of people with disabilities who were born without an arm or leg. However, it turns out that the phantom memory of limbs that never existed is inherent in the very essence of man. Some say - in the genes, I will say - in the soul.

- Or is it again a memory of a past life, where the arms and legs were in place?

– This will be only additional proof of the immortality of the soul.

- Then it turns out that the role of the soul-consciousness-personality is much more important in the formation of both the body and human sensations?

– Quite right! Academician Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov writes about it this way: "To the question of how the human embryo develops (as well as any other living organism), brave biologists and physicians, with great faith in their knowledge, often with a condescending smile to the question of the ignoramus, famously answer: "in different zygote cells (embryo cells) produce different hormones and enzymes and, as a result, a brain develops from one zygote cell, a heart from another, lungs from a third, etc., etc.”

But how, how do they know what to develop into? Genes say? How convenient it is to explain everything with genes, especially since no one understands exactly what it is! When the first cell divides, two appear, ABSOLUTELY IDENTICAL to each other! Then the process is repeated, and now we have hundreds of cells identical to each other! It turns out that ALL cells of the embryo have identical genetics. So where do bone cells, brain cells, enzymes, etc. come from? No biologist or physician will give you a clear answer! And if we take as a basis the materialistic perception of the world, based on the laws of physics known to us today, then there will NEVER be an answer!

- And if we take as a basis not the materialistic explanation of the universe, but the presence of a soul that controls all processes, then there will be an answer?

“I think everyone has already figured it out! Except official science! (Laughs). See what the same one writes Levashov:

"Studies of electrical potentials around plant seeds gave phenomenal results. After processing the data, scientists ( Herold Burr of Yale University and others.) were surprised to find that, in 3D projection, the measurement data around the buttercup seed form the shape of an adult buttercup plant. The seed has not yet laid down in fertile soil, has not even “hatched” yet, and the form of an adult plant is already here, right there ... This energy form only needed to be filled with atoms and molecules in order for the flower to become real, visible to our eyes.

It seems to me absolutely obvious that the soul is the very matrix that determines the form and content of the future person. Yes, and any other creature - you need to be consistent, everything has a soul.

But how does all this actually happen? There is a fertilized egg, which began to divide into identical cells ... And then what? To these hundreds of identical cells, some kind of entity, so far elusive with our devices, is “glued” and begins to control the structure? To bring her to mind - how with that buttercup?

– Quite right! It is not for nothing that almost all religions say that the soul does not appear from the moment of conception, but later - when there is something to "stick" to. The human brain in this case is a kind of receiver that receives information from the personality-consciousness-soul. Information is a guide to action. No wonder the neurons of the brain are very similar to a transceiver device, even purely outwardly! Any biologist familiar with physical electrical circuits will tell you that.

- If the neurons of the brain can receive information from the soul, like a radio, then they should be able - in theory - to transmit information to the surrounding space? Maybe this can explain both telepathic abilities and clairvoyance? And the transmission of thoughts over a distance?

- I think it's obvious! Academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, which I simply bow to, says this on this topic: “The brain is fenced off from the outside world by several shells, it is decently protected from mechanical damage. However, through all these shells we register what is happening in the brain, and the loss in signal amplitude at passing through these shells are surprisingly small - in relation to direct recording from the brain, the signal decreases in amplitude by no more than two or three times (if it decreases at all!).

The possibility of direct activation of brain cells by an environmental factor and, in particular, by electromagnetic waves, carried out in the process of therapeutic electromagnetic stimulation, is easily proved by the developing effect .... What other evidence is needed? Only physical ones. We are waiting for the necessary devices from physicists!

– In principle, everything is clear. But let's touch on the topic of reincarnation again. How does the theory of reincarnation fit into your evidence for the existence and immortality of the soul?

- The very fact of reincarnation proves, if not immortality, then a very, very long life of the soul, at least for a period of several human lives.

“There are too many cases documented by scientists to be brushed aside. I will cite just a couple. In the 70s in Berlin, a 12-year-old girl, after an injury, spoke Italian, which she did not know, like her native. But she didn’t just speak, she claimed that she was Italian, Rosetta and was born in 1887. She also gave me the address where she lived. Parents took the girl to this address in Italy, the door was opened by an old woman. She turned out to be the daughter of the very woman Rosetta, whose soul moved into the girl. According to her, her mother died in 1917. The girl, seeing the old woman, exclaimed that this was her daughter and her name was Frans. The old lady's real name was Franca.

Another case was in India. From birth, the girl said that she was an adult man, that she had a wife, children, she named the place where she lived. Her parents took her to that village, where she unmistakably recognized the house, in the house - her room, and in order to be believed, she indicated the place where in a past life she buried coins in a tin box. The box was found. These are cases of conscious reincarnation, some sort of infusion of a soul into a body in which another soul lives. Therefore, they are rather an exception. But there are cases when people simply remember - under hypnosis, in a state of altered consciousness - their past lives. And provide evidence.

- To summarize, what is the conclusion?

The soul exists. It can be called a subtle body, which is a "house" for the personality, essence of a person, his consciousness, memory, thinking. This subtle body does not die along with the physical body, moving after physical death to another body. The statement that the soul after the death of the body resides in some places such as heaven, hell or purgatory, or in an abstract "heaven" seems to me wrong. More precisely, the very wording of the names of these "places" is incorrect. The soul, it seems to me, depending on its spiritual development, on its settings, on sensations, on the actions of the body during life, gets into different bodies in the next life. And it will be either "heaven" for her, or "hell". Here I have not discovered anything new (laughs), all this is in Hinduism. If your thoughts, thoughts, desires were pure, your karma is not corrupted, your next life will be better than the previous one. Well, if it's the other way around...