Scenario of a meeting with home front workers at school. Scenario for the celebration of Victory Day "To you, home front workers ..."

SCENARIO of the festive concert "Glory to the workers of the home front!" Dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Today is a holiday - a girl's verse 4kl

Choir "Movie is coming"

HOST 1 : Good afternoon, dear guests!

HOST 2: Hello!

HOST 1: On May 9, 2014, our country celebrates the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

HOST 2: On June 22, 1941, an evil and strong enemy, fascist Germany, attacked our Motherland. The entire Soviet people stood up to defend their country.

Leader 1 . At the rallies and meetings held at the beginning of the war, the working people of Siberia, like all Soviet people, vowed to spare no effort to defeat the hated enemy, promised to provide the front with everything necessary with their selfless work.

Lead 2 And today we have interesting, respected people who have given their work for many years. A lot of patience, attention, sensitivity, kindness and responsiveness were required from you. You worked without regret and without sparing yourself, without taking anything in return. But only by giving. How you missed everything!

HOST 1: Russia, how much, how much

You didn't sleep at night

In the fields, in the shops, in the faces,

At blast furnaces

At your call

Worked for both young and old

You sowed and stinged

And melted the metal;

Forests fell to the ground,

Moved mountains from their places, -

Rough and dignified

She carried her heavy cross ...

Julia's verse Grade 7

song "And the sunsets are scarlet, scarlet"

HOST 2 : The word for greetings and congratulations is provided ... ..

(Song "Cranes")

HOST 1 : Today bouquets of tulips

In the hands of the heroes are burning

Again this day veterans

Talking about the last war...

Verse by Natasha R

The song about the war is performed by Maxim Dyatlov

HOST 2 : There is a wonderful poem that tells about women who did not fight on the battlefield, but carried an unbearable burden on their fragile shoulders in the rear.

HOST 1: Can you tell me about it -

What years did you live in!

What an immeasurable heaviness

On women's shoulders lay down!

You walked, hiding your grief,

Severe through labor.

The whole front, from sea to sea,

You fed with your bread.

In cold winters, in a blizzard,

At that, at the distant line

The soldiers warmed their greatcoats,

What you sewed with care.

For everything you took without fear,

And, as the saying goes,

You were both spinning and weaving,

Skilled with a needle and a saw.

(Song "Smuglyanka")

HOST 2: The war is over. The soldier returned home. He walked through his native land, and behind him was a country - the most huge and great!

(Song "A soldier is walking through the city")

HOST 1: All darker and curly birch forest turns green,

Lily of the valley bells bloom in the forest thicket,

At dawn in the valleys it blows warm and bird cherry,

Nightingales sing until dawn in spring.

"Fly feather"

"Eh time" (Dance "4 classes"

Presenter 1: Today we - children, grandchildren, your great-grandchildren - bow low to you for courage and fortitude, patience and mercy, for boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory.

Lead 2. I'll paint blue skies

He will draw ears of bread,

We'll draw autumn leaves

School, friends, restless stream.

And cross out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and wars.

The song "I want there to be no more war

Presenter 1:

We are infinitely happy and proud that today we meet you in our school - those who survived the terrible five years of the war, worked for the sake of victory.

Presenter2: The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Director for educational work Baibulinova G,S

My words

Presenter 1 : Thank you, our dear defenders, for coming to us. We bow before your labor and combat exploits. We wish you good health and long life!Happy holidays to all and see you soon!

Dear home front workers, let me congratulate you on the approaching Victory Day holiday. I wish you health, long life, peaceful sky above your head.

We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life for the Motherland and for us. You are an example of courage, heroism and perseverance.

And now we would like to pin these badges on you and give you the signs “Home front worker”. You can nail the signs to the house or the fence.

And we invite now:

Home front workers:

  1. Bocharova Ekaterina Andreevna
  2. Buchelnikova Marfa Fedorovna
  3. Maksimenko Maria Petrovna
  4. Kalachikova Ekaterina Abramovna
  5. Kulikova Maria Mikhailovna
  6. Tretiak Petr Nikolaevich
  7. Kadatko Mikhail Petrovich
  8. Ivlieva Anna Egorovna
  9. Kovalenko Andrey Petrovich
  10. Shekhtel Natalya Ivanovna
  11. Reshetnyak Zoya Pavlovna
  12. Pesenko Ekaterina Fedorovna
  13. Skolota Alexander Mikhailovich
  14. Svistelnikova Anna Mikhailovna
  15. Batalov Vladimir Petrovich
  16. Kravchenko Daria Vasilievna
  17. Tolstokorov Alexander Mikhailovich
  18. Savatey Ekaterina Vasilievna
  19. Kritskaya Anna Vasilievna
  20. Tchaikovsky Yakov Platonovich
  21. Chudakova Zoya Ivanovna
  22. Khamova Maria Kuzmovna
  23. Zykova Alexandra Vasilievna
  24. Ognivenko Ivan Vasilievich
  25. Fomenko Ganna Lukyanovna
  26. Belousova Anna Savelievna
  27. Kozhanova Nina Stepanovna
  28. Kuzevanova Uliana Filippovna
  29. Powder Nina Nikolaevna

Questions for workers

1. Dear home front workers, do you remember the beginning of the war? How old were you?

2. Where did you meet the war?

3. What kind of work did you do?

Tell me, please, did front-line letters come to your family? What did your family write about?

4. Tell me, in what conditions did you have to live and work? Did you have toys, what games did you play?

5. Tell me, what trace did the Second World War leave in your family?

6. What did you do after the war years?

7. How and when did the war start for you? What was heard in the city?

8. At what age did you meet the war?

9. What were the working conditions, what did you eat?

10. Which member of your family fought?

11. What were the living conditions? Describe your home environment.

12. Do you think it was hard for people in the rear?

13. Have you seen soldiers, partisans, prisoners, under what circumstances?- 14. What were the people in relation to each other during the war?

16. You have experienced the horrors of war. What would you like to wish us, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren?

Lead 2 : Thank you for your responses. We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland and us.

Explanatory note

Thinking about holding a creative meeting, the organizers sought to tell modern children not about the war with fights and battles, but about the war in the rear, about the life of ordinary people: how they ate, dressed, where they worked, how they studied, what they thought and dreamed about, how they managed endure the trials that befell everyone.

Participant invitation.

It is advisable to invite only middle and high school students to the meeting. The forced appearance of children will not give a positive result, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary conversation with them and try to interest, captivate the proposed topic.

It is also necessary to carry out preliminary work with the guys, explain who will come to them, what will be discussed, and prepare interesting and competent questions for the interlocutor in advance.

The meeting time is calculated for 1.5 hours, since this time is optimal for perception. The main content is proposed in the meeting script, but the script may vary depending on the resources available to the organizers: multimedia materials, technical equipment, creative performances.

In the proposed version of the script, literary processed memories of those people who were direct participants in the meeting were used. After reading a fragment of memories, the facilitator introduces the meeting participant whose memories were voiced. This gives the meeting a special touching, there is a feeling of closeness of the participants to each other.


Since the scenario contains moments of using photo and video materials, in the hall - in the center or to the side - it is necessary to place a white crane on which the image will be projected. In general, the design of the stage should correspond to the traditional military theme: flowers, flags, orders, ribbons, etc. an important role is played by the musical accompaniment, represented by songs of the war years (“Dugout”, “Blue Handkerchief”, etc.), which sound before the meeting, when the guests gather and sit down, and during its implementation. The scenario involves the use of the songs "Oh, roads", "Victory Day", as well as instrumental musical works that correspond in mood to the performances of the readers. Instrumental melodies are necessary as a background when reading poetry and memoirs.


The proposed program is designed to use chronicle frames and photographs about the war. This requires the following technical equipment: computer, projector, screen. For the meeting, you need to pick up a chronicle and photos in such areas as: “The Beginning of the War”, “The Work of Children in the Home Front”, “A Woman at War”, “The Siege of Leningrad”, “Victory, Victory Parade”.

scenario solution

Before the start of the creative meeting, songs of the war years, songs about the war are heard.

Azamat Tekoev "In the dugout".

Mohammed Tavasiev:Hello dear guests.

Dana Tegaeva . Good afternoon Our meeting with home front workers and war children is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Vlada When that will be, I don't know.

In the edge of snow-white birches

Victory on the ninth of May

People will celebrate without tears.

Raise the old marches

army pipes of the country,

And the marshal will go out to the army,

not seen this war.

And I don't even think

What kind of fireworks will hit there,

What tales will they tell

And what songs they will sing.

But we know for sure

We had a chance to know,

What was the ninth of May

In the morning in the forty-fifth year.

Elina Dzadzaeva . I don’t know what future the poet Sergei Orlov was talking about in these lines, but for 70 years now the holiday of May 9 has remained a holiday with tears in his eyes ... with tears of sorrow and joy at the same time.

On the eve of the Victory Day, we invited veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, those who were children in those harsh years, as well as today's schoolchildren, to remember that time and tell about it.

Milana Totoeva . We wanted to invite you to a conversation - no, not a war, and not even about victory, but about a person, a hero, a winner. It seems to us that everyone who happened to live at that time, those who with honor and dignity withstood the trials of the war years, can be called heroes and winners.

The first verse of the song “Oh, roads ...” sounds, then, gradually fading, it goes in the background.

Fatima Soltanova.Roads run everywhere ... they run somewhere in the distance, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again ...

Fatima Tavasieva.But the roads are very different. For example, the road of happiness, the road of success ... such clear, wide light roads.

Kochinyan Lucy. And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. No one chooses such roads, they just go along them ...

Marina Bataeva. A huge country went through a painful, long road of war for 4 years, went forward, went to a victorious spring ...

Ilina Sodikova. Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war,

There are only five minutes left.

Mohammed Tavasiev.The Great Patriotic War lasted four years and claimed the lives of millions of people. Grief came to almost every family. Among the defenders of the Fatherland are Ossetian highlanders, many of whom left for the front on the very first day of the war. Every fifth inhabitant of the republic fought.

Frames of the chronicle "The beginning of the war."

Dana Tegaeva Until 1941, it was an ordinary day, now it is a day of memory and sorrow - June 22. The first days, the first months of the war are a special page on the way to victory. How it was seenliniks of North Ossetia who visited the Republic of Belarus for the first time. From our district Katya Tekoeva and Alina Makoeva +- presentation

Katya Tekoeva . June 21 on Saturdaywe plunged into the atmosphere of peaceful pre-war life in 1941. To the city of Brest from all over former Union gatheredparticipants of the event "Tomorrow there was a war". We danced "Krakowiak" to a brass band, sang songs with "Soviet soldiers"

Alina Makoeva. And on the night of Sunday, June 22, we visited the Brest Fortress for a reconstruction of the beginning of the war. There were frightening sounds of close shots, it was felt like the earth was leaving from under the feet from explosions and screams of people. We are as close as possible to those events. In a new way, they reviewed their knowledge of the war.

Katya Tekoeva . The garrison of the Brest Fortress diverted the infantry divisions of the Nazis for a month. There were more than 500 natives of North Ossetia among the representatives of 33 peoples of our Motherland who fought as part of rifle regiments and swore an oath: “We will die, but we will not leave the fortress.” (Book of memory)

Alina Makoeva . We saw and learned how the war began, at what cost world peace was won, we felt pride in the patience and courage, the greatest stamina and heroism, and the love for the Fatherland of the defenders of our Motherland. As a sign of memory and sorrow, flowers were laid at the foot of the sculptures: “Thirst” (Brest Fortress) of a Lonely Girl (Red Coast), “Unbowed Man” (Khatyn), Memorial of Glory (Minsk), Eternal Flame (Moscow).

Mohammed Tavasiev.No, they are not heroes, they were just children, children of war. They didn’t eat… they didn’t finish the game… they didn’t finish their studies… children’s memory is very selective, only the brightest moments remain in it.

Dana Tegaeva. This military childhood was terrible. Those who were taken prisoner did not have a childhood at all behind the bars of the camps.

Mohammed Tavasiev. The word "Children of War".

Amanda Kozaeva - song "Cranes"

"Stalingrad" is read by Omar Butuev

Frames chronicle "Siege of Leningrad".

Dana Tegaeva. For 900 days and nights the city on the Neva fought courageously. The Leningrad Symphony takes us to a besieged city. The blockade squeezed the Leningraders in a tight ring. But in everyone lived a steady faith in victory, so nothing could break them.

Magomed Tavasiev.People worked for 11-12 hours without days off, did not get enough sleep, often spent the night right in the workshop, and in the morning they again stood at the machine. "Home Front Workers" - that's how they are officially called now. But it was not work - it was a real feat. Those who worked tirelessly also brought victory closer, as did those who fought with weapons in their hands.

Dana Tegaeva. The word "Workers of the rear."

Dana Ganoeva - song

Mohammed Tavasiev.Four years of ruthless battles, suffering, grief and tears, and here it is - the long-awaited victorious spring!

Chronicle "Victory" and "Victory Parade".

Dana Tegaeva. The victorious salutes will die down, the men will return from the front and the transition to the much-desired peaceful life will begin. But this is a completely different story ... The story of another feat. And May 9 - Victory Day - will forever remain a holiday with tears in our eyes.

Mohammed Tavasiev.From the children of peacetime, everyone is given a dance as a gift.(“Honga kaft”. Yana Temirova and Marat Gatsalov.)

The song "Victory Day" sounds, against which the presenter pronounces the final words.

Dana Tegaeva . The floor is given to the Deputy Head of AdministrationDzansolov Vitaly Agubeevich.

Mohammed Tavasiev.Dear guests, thank you for accepting our invitation and coming to the creative meeting. We do not say goodbye to you, but say - until we meet again!


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Currently, there is a decline in moral values, the process of destruction of ties between generations continues. Under these conditions, the role of civil-patriotic education of the younger generation is growing. The feeling of patriotism is laid from childhood, grows with the person.



Title of work: Meeting with participants of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers

Currently, there is a decline in moral values, the process of destruction of ties between generations continues. Under these conditions, the role of civil-patriotic education of the younger generation is growing. The feeling of patriotism is laid from childhood, grows with the person. The answers of modern schoolchildren to questions about the Great Patriotic War are striking not only by their naivety, but also by their complete ignorance of the most important facts: when the war began, who fought with whom, our main victories. All this causes excruciating pain.Therefore, this event is in the nature of a meeting of several generations:

Generation - WWII veterans and home front workers


Patriotic education of the younger generation, education of respect

To the heroic past of our country, respect for veterans;

Education of historical memory among students on the basis of respectful

Relations to the history of the state and the memory of the defenders of our Motherland


Development creativity taking into account individual and age

Features of students;

Improving the forms of cooperation and interaction of all participants

educational process.


To create conditions for the education of citizenship and patriotic feelings among schoolchildren through interaction with veterans of the Second World War and home front workers.

To cultivate an attentive attitude towards veteran soldiers, a desire to take care of them.

To introduce schoolchildren to the cultural heritage of Russia.

This material can be presented in the form class hour, lesson - courage, conversation, oral journal, meeting. It can become the basis of a scenario for holding various patriotic events.

During the meeting and in preparation, students will gain additional knowledge about fellow countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, develop the skills of monologue speech and expressive reading, and gain experience independent work with additional literature and research skills.

Forms and methods of implementation:

Joint activities of the teacher and students in the preparation extracurricular activities: work with literature and museum materials, script development, rehearsals;

Independent work of students in preparing speeches;

holding the event.

Age group students 5 - 11 cells.

Expected results:

- the formation of civil-patriotic consciousness, the development of a sense of belonging to the fate of the Fatherland, the formation of a moral position;

Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans, home front workers.

Vidio film "Victory Day"

Vedas. 1 Good afternoon dear friends! People came to visit us, who endured all the hardships on their shoulders. terrible war, passed a huge life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. To you, dear veterans, we dedicate our meeting.

Vedas. 2 Today we are visiting veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers: F.I.O.

1 led. Violating peaceful life, suddenly, without declaring war, fascist Germany attacked our country on June 22, 1941.

1 dude. Sad willows leaned towards the pond,

The moon floats over the river

There, at the border, he stood at his post

At night, a young fighter.

Black shadows grew in the mist

A cloud in the sky is dark

The first shell exploded in the distance -

Thus the war began.

2 led. Everyone had one desire: only to the front!

1 led. Everyone had their own way to the front, but the goal was the same - to defend the Motherland.

The backing track of the song “Oh, roads” sounds against the background of the word

1 Vedas: Native land can do everything! Can feed you delicious and warm bread, drink spring water, surprise with its beauty. And she can't defend herself...

Therefore, the protection of the Fatherland and native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty!

2 Vedas: This is for you, our dear veterans of labor and war, we give praise today, we owe our lives to you.

1 Vedas: And from the first day to the last, Soviet people performed feats in the name of victory over the Nazis - the enemies of all mankind.

For some, the war has become a distant memory, for others it is history.

Remember! This Soviet army defeated Nazi Germany, it was the Soviet people who crushed fascism!

The just liberation struggle was completed in 1945.

2 Vedas: Less and less of those who fought for their homeland remain alive.

The more precious for us is the presence of honored guests at the celebration.

Struchkova Lydia Ivanovna.

1. Many of our countrymen went to the front as volunteers in the first days of the war and died defending Moscow: these are the teacher of our school Safronov Ivan Efimovich, Sergeant Ivkin Ivan Sergeevich, sapper Sinitsyn Matvey Yakovlevich, junior political instructor Frolov Nikolai Makarovich and others.

Have you heard the front-line soldiers talking about the past

They go under the bombs and with hostility for a year in a row ...

In any houses, in any ranks, we meet soldiers,

For them, the war was yesterday, not many years ago.

The song sounds Holy war". Against the background of the song, the words:

1. Before the Motherland, we will be considered glory

All those who are related to her by their own blood

There was a great war, there was a bloody war for 1418 days.

2. The war marked us with a mark

There is no life, and there was nothing more difficult,

Metina special, the highest breakdown of 1418 days

3. She rewarded us with a front-line community

There was no community stronger and dearer,

Under fire, under bullets tempered courage for 1418 days.

4. One minute each will repeat

Our spring day

And instantly the memory will light up

The flames of burning villages

5. And through the years, memory, like a boss

Will lead us again

Walking through the dark nights

Dark unknown time

Vedas: The war ended with victory,

Those years behind

Burning medals of the Order

many on the chest

Word to you dear participants of the Second World War:Lomovtseva Maria Fedorovna, Sinitsyna Polina Andreevna, Struchkova Lidia Ivanovna.


How old were you when the war started?

How long did you think the war would last?

How did you get to the front?

What episodes of the war do you remember most often?

In what branches of the military did you have to serve?

What battles did you participate in?

Part 2: Woman and war...

Both of these words are feminine, but how incompatible they are ...

1ved .: A woman comes into the world to light a candle

A woman comes into the world to protect the hearth

A woman comes into the world to be loved

A woman comes into the world to give birth to a child

A woman comes into the world to bloom flowers

A woman comes into the world to save the world

Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front - this is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

These words are for you and about you, our dear women warriors:Lomovtseva Maria Fedorovna, Sinitsyna Polina Andreevna,

2 Vedas: You worked without sparing and sparing yourself, without taking anything in return. But only by giving. How you missed everything!

A song is being performed for you:

"Secret to the whole world..."

The word of Struchkova Lydia Ivanovna.


How are you different from us at our age?

“My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Tell us about your awards. What is the most expensive?

2nd reader : The Great Patriotic War left a fiery trail not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships fell on the lot of those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only labor, hard, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines, in the fields.

1st reader : Dedicated to home front workers

War. There is nothing more terrible in the world

Everything for the front! - the motto of the country is

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open-hearths, at the machines.

Front secure! - there is no more important task,

Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

Fighters in battles can not stand otherwise,

Labor for victory deserves praise.

They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear left only crumbs for itself,

endured hardships and misfortunes,

To quickly defeat the enemy in the fight.

The rear provided the army reliably,

Weapons are the basis of all foundations,

Although it was incredibly difficult,

But the armies marched boldly against the enemies.

Honor and glory to front-line soldiers on May Day!

Orders sparkle on their chests,

But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

Labor Front! It was the whole country!

Dear guests:

Where did you meet Victory?

Where and by whom did you work after the war?

You have experienced the horrors of war. You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

1st reader : Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say enough is enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure for the tragedy of war, there is no measure for the heroism of people manifested in it.

Dear guests, please accept as a gift a poem of your own composition.

2nd reader: Today we, the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans, bow low to you for your courage and steadfastness, patience and mercy, for your boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory.

1. I will draw a blue sky,

He will draw ears of bread,

We'll draw autumn leaves

School, friends, restless stream.

And cross out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and wars.

1st reader : Dear WWII veterans! Home front workers! We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland, the village and us - your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

And those who, approaching Victory Day,

Didn't leave the shop for weeks.

Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

Orphaned villages and villages.

Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and beautiful day.

1 led. Our dear veterans, home front workers.

You have done a lot to leave a worthy mark on the earth.

We wish you health, happiness and many more years to come.

We are proud of you! Live long and happily!

Let there be a peaceful sky, rich fields, full-flowing rivers!

May ours live and prosper Motherland!

Happy Holidays to all and see you soon

Video for you"Victory Day"

1st reader : Thank you, our dear defenders, for coming to us. We bow before your labor and combat exploits. We wish you good health and long life! (delivery of flowers and cards)

Used Books:

  1. Collections of poems and songs of the war years

Scenario of a meeting with home front workers “A medal for a battle, a medal for labor from one metal, they pour ...” Host: On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany attacked Soviet Union . The peaceful labor of people was interrupted, a new period began in the life of the people of our state and people - the period of the Great Patriotic War. In these difficult days, the patriotism of people, both at the front and in the rear, manifested itself on an unprecedented scale. Before our Motherland, we will be considered glory, All who are related to her by their own blood. There was a great war, there was a bloody war for a thousand four hundred and eighteen days. How much grief your generation endured, Every day you lost front-line friends, Every day, think about it, the day of remembrance One thousand four hundred and eighteen days. The war has marked you with a special mark, In life there is and never was anything more difficult, With a special mark, the highest breakdown A thousand four hundred and eighteen days. She rewarded you with a front-line community, There was no community stronger and kinder. Under fire, under bullets, courage was tempered for a thousand four hundred and eighteen days. I suggest that you commemorate all the fallen soldiers and all veterans of the war and home front who have not survived to this day with a moment of silence. A moment of silence. Roads run everywhere... They run somewhere into the distance, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again... But the roads are very different, for example, the road of happiness, the road of success... Such clear, wide, bright roads. And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. No one chooses such roads, they just go along them ... A huge country walked a painful, long road of war for 4 years, walked forward, walked towards a victorious spring ... Such silence breathed all, That the whole earth was still sleeping, it seemed. Who knew that between peace and war, Just some five minutes left. It entered the life of our people with the hateful howl of enemy bombs, destroyed villages and cities, killed by the millions at the fronts, driven into slavery, tortured to death in death camps. The war has left its mark on almost every family. 27 million of its sons and daughters were not counted by our country. They did not spare their lives for our victory. 1710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages were destroyed. About 32,000 industrial enterprises and 65,000 kilometers of railway lines were blown up. Destroyed what was created by the labor of our people. Plants and factories have been put out of action, mines have been flooded, fertile fields have been trampled. Our people endured a difficult war on their shoulders. He shed blood, starved, gave the last to the front. Terrible... Cruel... Bloody... This is how the Great Patriotic War is called by both veterans and descendants... The ancients were led in Rus': in a difficult time, the Russians were ready to give - and they gave! - on the altar of the Fatherland everything: your work, property, your life. So did our countrymen during the Great Patriotic War. The entire people rose to defend the country, not only regular army, partisan detachments but also the entire working-age population. “Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! - that was the motto of the home front workers. In the rear, people worked for 11-12 hours without days off, did not get enough sleep, often spent the night right in the workshop, and in the morning they again stood at the machine. But it was not work - it was a real feat. Those who worked tirelessly brought the Victory closer as well as those who fought with weapons in their hands. When the earth froze with blood, When our common house was on fire, The home front workers Forged victory with righteous labor. When the body of fascism was torn apart by Fathers, husbands and sons, In the rear it seethed and boiled - My Motherland labored. Women's shoulders became stronger, Children grew up before our eyes. Blast furnaces were burning, Rye was earing in the fields. Everything for the Victory! Everything for the front! And themselves - in the field and to the machine, To send bread and tanks To the front of a peasant soldier. Everyone gave: strength, means... The war dragged behind it Children who did not know childhood, And women with a bitter fate. Those who were in the trenches, those are the heroes Who stopped fascism, But the rear with a resolute attitude No less betrayed heroism. The memory of those heroic times is still alive in the descendants - To the Soviet home front workers Our low bow to the earth! The colossal sacrifices made by the peoples of our Fatherland in the name of its freedom and independence, hard work and exploits in the rear were not in vain - a complete victory was won over the enemy. The workers did not have enough bread, housing, clothing. A mighty patriotic impulse gave birth to labor heroism unprecedented before. Regardless of time, the workers strove to give more production to the front. The work of state farms, collective farms, and MTS was reorganized on a war footing. Women, teenagers, old people took the place of the men who went to the front. Host: Experiencing great hardships and difficulties, lack of sleep and malnutrition, our heroes worked in a military way, putting everything on the altar of victory. They knew that the outcome of the war against the fascist aggressors was decided not only on the battlefields, but also in the rear, where there was a great battle for metal, military equipment, and for bread. War. There is nothing more terrible in the world, “Everything for the front!” - the motto of the country is this, Everyone worked: both adults and children In the fields and at the open-hearths, at the machines. Front secure! - there is no more important task, Everyone worked for victory in the rear, Fighters in battles cannot survive otherwise, Labor for victory deserves praise. They gave everything to the front for victory, The rear left only crumbs for themselves, They endured hardships and misfortunes, To quickly defeat the enemy in the struggle. The rear provided the army reliably, Weapons are the basis of all the foundations, Although it was incredibly difficult, But the armies marched boldly against the enemies. Honor and glory to front-line soldiers on May Day! Orders sparkle on their chests, But the rear has invested a lot of strength in the victory. Labor Front! It was the whole country! In our families, the memory of those who defended their homeland in those terrible years, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, will never fade away. Each family sent its defenders to the front, and a particle of each seemed to break away. Many invisible family deeds gave strength and support to our people, helped to survive in that terrible distant war. The whole world remembers with gratitude the feat of the victors of fascism. Especially Russia. Because we all owe our lives to those who defeated Nazi Germany and saved their land from slavery. Five Minutes Today, we - the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans - bow low to you for your courage and stamina, patience and mercy, for your boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory. Katya Happy Victory Day! May there be peace on the whole earth, May there be peace in your family, May there be peaceful dreams, So that you and I live in peace! So that not we, not our grandchildren, Do not hear the sounds of land mines, Neither machine-gun fire, nor the ringing of empty plates in the closet. So that someone else's boot does not trample, Neither our lands, nor the threshold. In order not to cry to mothers, Do not accompany relatives to the door. Do not eat up, do not fill up, Fight in water and mud, See your loved ones in the picture, So that no one can offend them, Fight to death and everywhere, On land, air, water. Do not forget about those not many strict Soldiers and officers, Who still remain, They fought for us, for the world, And bow to all those who fell, They gave us life and happiness. Having gone through torment, tears, troubles, They fought until victory. I congratulate you and them, Soldiers of the dead and the living! Maxim Grandmother! You accept congratulations on Victory Day! Grandfathers fought to the death, To bring bright May closer You worked hard Again, fire burns in your eyes ... Grandchildren, a new era for you<спасибо>speaks! A bullet flew past, And the hour of Victory came. Happy holiday, grandma! Keep us happy for a long time!!! Give out balloons, burst the balloon, and inside the balloon task 1. Say a congratulatory toast. 2. Read expressively a poem for Victory Day 3. Kiss the home front defender, labor veteran on both cheeks and declare your love. 4. Sing a song on a military theme. 5. Dance a dance (any, you can do it in pairs) 6. Fireworks 7. Give a souvenir 8. Take a group photo 9. Drink to the veteran's health

Evening meeting with home front workers "How young we were

Music sounds (three guys read a poem)
Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait a lot.
Wait for sadness
yellow rain
Wait when others are not expected.
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come.
Wait until you get bored
To all who are waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,
don't wish well
To everyone who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me.
Let friends get tired of waiting
Sitting by the fire
Drink bitter wine
For the soul...
Wait. And along with them
Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back.
All deaths out of spite.
Who did not wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky -
Do not understand those who did not expect them
Like in the middle of a fire
Waiting for your
You saved me
How I survived, we will know
Only we are with you. -
You just knew how to wait.
Like no one else.

Song "Dark Night" MusicA. Bogoslovsky. Words by V. Agatov

They, mothers and wives, brides and sisters, knew how to wait. Wait, hope, love. And inspire hope in those who are at the front, at the forefront. Who is at war. But they couldn't just wait and hope. Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front - this is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

The song "In the dugout". Music by K. Listov. Words by A. Surkov.

... But can you tell about this -
What years did you live in!
What an immeasurable heaviness
On women's shoulders lay down! ..

That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you with your destiny
Left alone...

You walked, hiding your grief,
Severe through labor.
The whole front, from sea to sea,
You fed with your bread.

In cold winters, in a blizzard,
At that distant line
The soldiers warmed their greatcoats,
What you sewed with care.

Rushed in the roar, in the smoke
Soviet soldiers in battle
And the enemy strongholds collapsed
From the bombs you planted...

Song "Smuglyanka" Music by A. Novikov. Words by Y. Shvedov.

Today our guests are interesting, respected people who have given their work for many years. A lot of patience, attention, sensitivity, kindness and responsiveness were required from you. You worked without regret and without sparing yourself, without taking anything in return. But only by giving. How you missed everything! Here they are our workers!
names of veterans:

Without the rear, there would be no feats of arms, no successes of the Victory. You, who have taken on your fragile shoulders the unbearable burden of military work and worries, are the most worthy part of the Russian people. You are part of the victorious people!

The word to the head of the administration of the village of Seryshevo _____________________

Song "Nightingales" Words by A. Fatyanov.

Eat good saying"A lot of intelligence in a beard." This means that a person who has already seen a lot will always give the right, necessary advice. And the more a person lives, the more he knows and knows how. These are our grandparents. They are wise people.

Such a grandfather grows a beard,
That I'm always surprised at her
“With him,” my mother said, “
- You will not be in trouble:
Grandpa has a lot of brains in his beard.
And, indeed, relatives will ask for advice,
He will stroke his beard - he will say in response,
I envy my grandfather sometimes
I wish I could grow a beard.
Song "Blue Handkerchief" Music by V. Maksimov. G. Petersburg.

Do not look for excessive severity
In our restless atomic age.
Age is just a faux pas
If a person is young at heart.
Let a smile light up your face
Even if gray hairs are like snow
Age is just a mistake
If a person is young at heart.
It's too early to retire
Though they fly in succession of years,
Veterans do not grow old in soul,
Our grandmothers are still somewhere.
And they will tell us poems
And sing a good song
If necessary, they will even dance,
All young people are shut up in their belts.
It is a pity that the old forces are not the same
Days unlived is small
Take care of old people
Without which there would be no us.
White flock years flew by
But the soul is still young.
The nightingales haven't sung everything yet
Not all the water has flown yet.
This day is festive and bright
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, white apple trees,
Joy and happiness and kindness.
There are days in your life
Which cannot be ignored
And so congratulations
And from the bottom of my heart, let me wish:
Ignore the years
Always be energetic, alive,
Like nature doesn't have bad weather
So in life, age is always remembered.
You have done a lot
To leave a mark on the earth
We wish you again today
Health, happiness, long life.
Song "We wish you happiness"
Gifts for veterans
For the 64th time we meet the spring that gave us Great Victory. Years go by...
We are proud of you!
Live long and happily!
May the sky be peaceful, fields rich, rivers full of water!
May our Motherland live and prosper!
Happy holidays to all and see you soon!