Natural resources and conditions. Australia

The area of ​​Australia occupies 7.7 million km2, and it is located on the mainland of the same name, the Tasmanian and many small islands. For a long period of time, the state developed exclusively in an agrarian direction, until alluvial gold (gold deposits brought by rivers and streams) was discovered there in the middle of the 19th century, which caused several gold rushes and laid the foundation for modern demographic models of Australia.

In the post-war period, geology rendered an invaluable service to the country by the continuous launch of mineral deposits, including gold, bauxite, iron and manganese, as well as opals, sapphires and other precious stones, which became an impetus for the development of the state's industry.


Australia has an estimated 24 billion tons of coal reserves, more than a quarter of which (7 billion tons) is anthracite or black coal, located in the Sydney Basin of New South Wales and in Queensland. Brown coal is suitable for power generation in Victoria. Coal reserves fully meet the needs of the Australian domestic market, and allow the export of surplus mined raw materials.

Natural gas

Natural gas deposits are widespread throughout the country and currently provide most of Australia's domestic needs. There are commercial gas fields in every state and pipelines connecting these fields with major cities. Within three years, Australian natural gas production increased almost 14 times from 258 million m3 in 1969, the first year of production, to 3.3 billion m3 in 1972. Overall, Australia has trillions of tons of estimated natural gas reserves spread across the continent.


Most of Australia's oil production is aimed at meeting its own needs. Oil was first discovered in south Queensland near Muni. Australian oil production is currently around 25 million barrels per year and is based on fields in northwestern Australia near Barrow Island, Mereene and subsoil in the Bass Strait. The deposits of Balrow, Mereeni and Bas Strait in parallel are the objects of natural gas production.

uranium ore

Australia has rich deposits of uranium ore, which are enriched for use as fuel for nuclear power. West Queensland, near Mount Isa and Cloncurry, contains three billion tons of uranium ore reserves. There are also deposits in Arnhem Land, in far northern Australia, as well as in Queensland and Victoria.

Iron ore

Most significant iron ore reserves in Australia are located in the western part of the Hammersley region and its environs. The state has billions of tons of iron ore reserves, exporting magnetite-iron from mines to Tasmania and Japan, while extracting ore from older sources on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia and the Kulanyabing region in southern Western Australia.

The Western Australian Shield is rich in nickel deposits, which were first discovered at Kambalda near Kalgoorlie in southwestern Australia in 1964. Other nickel deposits have been found in older gold mining areas in Western Australia. Nearby, small deposits of platinum and palladium were discovered.


The state is also extremely rich in zinc, the main sources of which are the mountains of Isa, Mat and Morgan in Queensland. Large reserves of bauxite (aluminum ore), lead and zinc are concentrated in the northern part.


Australia's gold production, which had been substantial at the start of the century, has declined from a peak production of four million ounces in 1904 to a few hundred thousand. Most of the gold is mined from the Kalgoorlie Norseman region in Western Australia.

The continent is also known for its gemstones, especially the white and black opals from South Australia and western New South Wales. In Queensland and in the New England region of northeastern New South Wales, sapphire and topaz deposits have been developed.

What are the natural resources of Australia? and got the best answer

Answer from Olya Semenova[expert]
The main natural wealth of the country is mineral resources. Australia's endowment with natural resource potential is 20 times higher than the world average. The country ranks 1st in the world in terms of bauxite reserves (1/3 of the world reserves and 40% of production), zirconium, 1st in the world in terms of uranium reserves (1/3 of the world) and 3rd (after Kazakhstan and Canada ) for its production (8022 tons in 2009). The country ranks 6th in the world in terms of coal reserves. It has significant reserves of manganese, gold, diamonds. In the south of the country (the Brownlow field), as well as off the northeastern and northwestern coasts in the shelf zone, there are insignificant deposits of oil and natural gas.
The largest iron ore deposits in Australia, which began to be developed in the 60s of the XX century, are located in the region of the Hamersley Range in the north-west of the country (the Mount Newman, Mount Goldsworth, etc. deposits). Iron ore is also available on the Kulan and Kokatu Islands in King's Bay (in the northwest), in the state of South Australia in the Middleback Range (Iron-Knob, etc.) and in Tasmania - the Savage River deposit (in the Savage river valley).
Large deposits of polymetals (lead, zinc mixed with silver and copper) are located in the western desert part of the state of New South Wales - the Broken Hill deposit. An important center for the extraction of non-ferrous metals has developed near the Mount Isa deposit (in the state of Queensland). There are also deposits of non-ferrous metals in Tasmania (Reed Rosebery and Mount Lyell), copper - in Tennant Creek (Northern Territory) and in other places.
"Big Pit" ("Big Pit"), a gold mine near Kalgoorlie
The main gold reserves are concentrated in the ledges of the Precambrian basement and in the southwest of the mainland (Western Australia), in the area of ​​the cities of Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie, Northman and Wiluna, as well as in Queensland. Smaller deposits are found in almost all states.
Bauxites occur on the Cape York (Wape) and Arnhem Land (Gow) peninsulas, as well as in the southwest, in the Darling Range (Jarradale).
Ores containing manganese are located on the island of Groot Island - in the Gulf of Carpentaria and in the north-west of the country - in the Pilbara region.
Uranium deposits have been found in various parts of the mainland: in the north (Arnhemland Peninsula) - near the South and East Alligator rivers, in the state of South Australia - near Lake Frome, in the state of Queensland - the Mary Catlin deposit and in the western part of the country - the Yillirri deposit.
The main deposits of coal are located in the eastern part of the mainland. The largest deposits of both coking and non-coking coal are developed near the cities of Newcastle and Lythgow (New South Wales) and the cities of Collinsville, Blair Atol, Bluff, Baralaba and Moura Kiang in Queensland.
Geological surveys have established that large deposits of oil and natural gas are located in the bowels of the Australian mainland and on the shelf off its coast. Oil has been found and produced in Queensland (the Mooney, Olton and Bennet fields), on Barrow Island off the northwestern coast of the mainland, and also on the continental shelf off the south coast of Victoria (the Kingfish field). Deposits of gas (the largest Ranken field) and oil have also been discovered on the shelf off the northwestern shores of the mainland.
In Australia, there are large deposits of chromium in the state of Queensland, as well as in Gingin, Dongara, Mandarra (Western Australia), Marlin (Victoria).
From non-metallic minerals, there are clays, sands, limestones, asbestos, and mica of various quality and industrial use.

Answer from EN[guru]
Type in the search engine the words "natural wealth of Australia" - that's all: absorb the information.

Answer from Yotepan Stepanov[guru]
useful-sheep harmful-rabbits (and imported by people) and natural from wiki The main natural wealth of the country is mineral resources. Australia's endowment with natural resource potential is 20 times higher than the world average. The country ranks 1st in the world in terms of bauxite reserves (1/3 of the world reserves and 40% of production), zirconium, 1st in the world in terms of uranium reserves (1/3 of the world) and 3rd (after Kazakhstan and Canada ) for its production (8022 tons in 2009). The country ranks 6th in the world in terms of coal reserves. It has significant reserves of manganese, gold, diamonds. In the south of the country (the Brownlow field), as well as off the northeastern and northwestern coasts in the shelf zone, there are insignificant deposits of oil and natural gas. The largest iron ore deposits in Australia, which began to be developed in the 60s of the XX century, are located in the region of the Hamersley Range in the north-west of the country (the Mount Newman, Mount Goldsworth, etc. deposits). Iron ore is also available on the Kulan and Kokatu Islands in King's Bay (in the northwest), in the state of South Australia in the Middleback Range (Iron-Knob, etc.) and in Tasmania - the Savage River deposit (in the Savage river valley). Large deposits of polymetals (lead, zinc mixed with silver and copper) are located in the western desert part of the state of New South Wales - the Broken Hill deposit. An important center for the extraction of non-ferrous metals has developed near the Mount Isa deposit (in the state of Queensland). There are also deposits of non-ferrous metals in Tasmania (Reed Rosebery and Mount Lyell), copper - in Tennant Creek (Northern Territory) and in other places. "Big Pit" ("Big Pit"), a gold mine near KalgoorlieThe main gold reserves are concentrated in ledges of the Precambrian basement and in the southwest of the mainland (Western Australia), in the area of ​​​​the cities of Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie, Northman and Wiluna, as well as in Queensland. Smaller deposits are found in almost all states. Bauxites occur on the Cape York (Wape) and Arnhem Land (Gow) peninsulas, as well as in the southwest, in the Darling Range (Jarradale). Ores containing manganese are located on the island of Groot Island - in the Gulf of Carpentaria and in the north-west of the country - in the Pilbara region. Uranium deposits have been found in various parts of the mainland: in the north (Arnhemland Peninsula) - near the South and East Alligator rivers, in the state of South Australia - near Lake Frome, in the state of Queensland - the Mary Catlin deposit and in the western part of the country - the Yillirri deposit. The main deposits of coal are located in the eastern part of the mainland. The largest deposits of both coking and non-coking coal are developed near the cities of Newcastle and Lythgow (New South Wales) and the cities of Collinsville, Blair Atol, Bluff, Baralaba and Moura Kiang in Queensland. Geological surveys have established that large deposits of oil and natural gas are located in the bowels of the Australian mainland and on the shelf off its coast. Oil has been found and produced in Queensland (the Mooney, Olton and Bennet fields), on Barrow Island off the northwestern coast of the mainland, and also on the continental shelf off the south coast of Victoria (the Kingfish field). Deposits of gas (the largest Ranken field) and oil have also been discovered on the shelf off the northwestern shores of the mainland. In Australia, there are large deposits of chromium in the state of Queensland, as well as in Gingin, Dongara, Mandarra (Western Australia), Marlin (Victoria). From non-metallic minerals, there are clays, sands, limestones, asbestos, and mica of various quality and industrial use.

The area is 7.7 million km2. Population - 20.3 million people

State in the composition. Commonwealth - six states and two territories. Capital -. Canberra


. Australia (Australia) It is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. Australia is located southeast of. Eurasia. She is bathed in water. Quiet and. Indian Oceans. The main feature of the economic and geographical position of nia. Australia - isolation, remoteness from other continents. Technological progress in transport and communications has brought it closer to other continents. Relative proximity acquires a positive value. Australia to countries. Southeast and. Eastern. Asia and. Oceania. In terms of area, the country ranks sixth in the world after. Russia,. Canada,. China,. USA and. Brazil. From the west to the east is the territory. Australia stretches for 4.4 thousand km, and from north to south - for 3.1 thousand k1 yew. km.

Australia is an economically highly developed country. in absolute terms. GNP it is included in the group of the first 15 countries of the world while in the global division of labor it specializes in agricultural and raw material specialization

Australia is a member. UN,. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other world and regional organizations


. modern population. Australia was shaped by immigrants. By the beginning of European colonization, about 300 thousand natives lived on the mainland, and now their number is more than 150 thousand people. They belong to the Australoid race and ethnically do not form a single whole. Aborigines are divided into many tribes speaking different languages.

After. World War II. Australia received many so-called "displaced persons", as well as people from the European south and east - Italians, Yugoslavs, Greeks, etc. Among them were more than 20 thousand Ukrainian rainsiv. Recently, the part of immigrants in the population growth is 40%. In recent decades, the country has been suffering from a growing rate of illegal immigration from countries. Southeast and. Eastern. AsiaAsia.

The population is distributed very unevenly throughout the country. The main areas of greatest density are concentrated in the east and southeast, southwest and south. Here the population density is 25 - -50 people per 1 km2, and the rest of the territory is very poorly populated (the density does not even reach one person per 1 km2). In some inland desert areas. The Australian population is missing. In recent decades, there have been shifts in the distribution of the country's population, thanks to the discovery of new mineral deposits in the north and south. The Australian government encourages the movement of the population to the center of the mainland, to the underdeveloped regions.

By level of urbanization. Australia occupies one of the first places in the world - 90%. Among urban areas. There are three groups of cities in Australia: firstly, these are small mountainous cities that are scattered throughout the continent and are its integral feature, and secondly, these are state capitals that perform not only administrative and political functions, but also economic, commercial, scientific, cultural, thirdly, these are medium-sized centers that have arisen near the capitals, assuming the functions of centers of various industries.

employment structure. Australia is typical of post-industrial countries. Thus, 3.6% is employed in agriculture, 26.4% in industry, and 70% in the service sector. In 2005, unemployment was about 55%.

Natural conditions and resources

At 0.3% of the world population. Australia 5.8% earth's surface. Therefore, its provision with natural resource potential is 20 times higher than the average in the world, primarily mineral resources.

resources. The discovery of new deposits brought the country to a leading position in the world in terms of reserves and production of iron and lead-zinc ores, bauxites

The largest deposits of coal, oil and gas are located in the eastern part. Australia. In the western and northern parts of the country there are deposits of ore raw materials: iron, nickel, polymetals, gold, silver and copper, manganese. Bauxite deposits are concentrated on the peninsula. Cape York and the northeast. Northern Territory. With the exception of oil, the country fully provides its needs with the main types of raw materials for industry.

60% of the territory. Australia is occupied by drainless regions. The river network is the densest on about. Tasmania is a full-flowing river country -. Murray with tributaries. Darling and. Murrumbidgee. Rivers flowing down the eastern slopes. Big. Dividing Range, short and fairly full-flowing rivers of the central. Australia does not have a permanent flow. Most of the country's lakes, like rivers, are almost exclusively rain fed. In they have neither a constant level nor a drain. In summer, the lakes dry up and are shallow saline depressions.

Forest resources. Australia are minor. Forested areas, including scrapers, make up about 18% of the country's total area. Under the influence of economic activity, the vegetation has changed tremendously.

The country in relief is a vast plateau, concave in the central part and elevated at the edges. Mountains occupy 5% of the territory. There is a large depression in the center. The central lowland is an arid region. And Australia.

The northern and northeastern parts of the country are located in the tropical climate zone. The largest part. Australia occupies the subtropical climate zone. Only the extreme south is included in the temperate climate zone. Australia is known as an arid continent, but areas with sufficient rainfall make up 1/3 of the total area. In arid regions, there are significant reserves of groundwater.

Unique natural landscapes. Australia and the magnificent beaches of its east coast is the basis for the rapid development of ecological, tourist and sports (diving, yachting, windsurfing) tourism

Australia is federal and consists of six states. Australia has only maritime borders. The territory of the country is located on the Australian mainland, Tasmania and other islands. Australia's neighboring countries are New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and other island states of Oceania. The coat of arms of the country is a symbol of the Australian state. The kangaroo and emu that support the shield are the unofficial emblem of the nation. The Flag of Australia is one of the state symbols of the country. There are three main elements on the Australian flag: the flag of Great Britain (also known as the "Union Jack"), the Commonwealth Star (or Federation Star, aka Hadar) and the constellation of the Southern Cross. The flag was adopted shortly after the formation of the federation, in 1901. Natural zones of Australia and climatic zones. Vegetable world Australia. Eucalyptus is considered the plant symbol of Australia. The animal world of Australia is unique, but it is devoid of monkeys, ruminants and thick-skinned mammals. Most of the animals inhabiting this continent are marsupials. Australia's world-class resources. Quiz. Lesson results.



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Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), MR "Khangalassky ulus" MKOU "Evening (shift) general education school" Australia Developed by: Kaisarova Oksana Viktorovna teacher of geography MKOU "Evening (shift) general education school in Bestyakh February, 2015

Educational goals: 1. Reveal the main features and uniqueness of the country. 2. Assimilation of knowledge about the main features of the EGP, natural and raw materials, national composition, population distribution. 3. To develop the horizons of students, logical thinking, arouse interest in the country under study. 4. Work on general educational skills: listen, compare, generalize. Methods and forms of educational activity: lecture with elements of conversation; work of students with the text of the textbook, maps. Teaching aids: political map of the world, textbooks, atlases for grade 10, wall maps.

It is located below us, There, obviously, they walk upside down, Gardens bloom there in October, Rivers flow without water (they disappear somewhere in the desert). There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets, There snakes get food for cats, Animals are born from eggs, And there dogs don’t know how to bark, Trees themselves climb out of the bark. There, rabbits are worse than a flood ... (G. Usov)

Australia Australia has a federal structure and includes six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and two territories: the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory. Australia has only maritime borders. The territory of the country is located on the Australian mainland, Tasmania and other islands. Australia's neighboring countries are New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and other island states of Oceania. Australia is remote from the developed countries of America and Europe, large markets for raw materials and sales of products, but many sea routes connect Australia with them. Australia plays an important role in the Asia-Pacific region.

Coat of arms of Australia The coat of arms of the country is a symbol of the Australian state. In the upper half, from left to right, are the coats of arms of the states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. Bottom, left to right: South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania. Above the shield is a 7-sided "Commonwealth Star" or Federation Star above blue and gold wreaths, forming the coat of arms of the country. The six points of the star represent the 6 states, while the seventh is the combination of the territories and Australia. The kangaroo and emu that support the shield are the unofficial emblem of the nation.

Flag of Australia The Flag of Australia is one of the state symbols of the country, which is a rectangular blue panel with an aspect ratio of 1:2. Three main elements can be distinguished on the Australian flag: the flag of Great Britain (also known as the "Union Jack"), the Commonwealth Star (or Federation Star, aka Hadar) and the constellation of the Southern Cross. The flag was adopted shortly after the formation of the federation, in 1901.

Flora of Australia The unique climatic conditions and location of Australia determined the originality of its flora and fauna. Eucalyptus is considered the plant symbol of Australia. A huge tree has powerful roots that go into the ground for 20 or even 30 meters! An amazing tree has adapted to the arid Australian climate. Eucalyptus trees growing near swamps are able to draw water from a reservoir and thereby drain the swamp. Thus, for example, they drained the swampy land of Colchis on the coast of the Caucasus.

East coast of Australia, where it washes Pacific Ocean, buried in bamboo thickets. Closer to the south there are bottle trees, the fruits of which resemble the shape of a bottle. Aborigines extract their rainwater from them.

Dense subtropical forests grow in the north. Here you can see huge palm trees and mangroves. The entire northern coast, where precipitation is the most, grows acacias and pandanus, horsetail and ferns. Toward the south, the forest thins out. The savannah zone begins, which in spring is a lush carpet of tall grasses, and by summer it dries up, burns out and turns into a soulless desert. Central Australia is a pasture zone.

Wildlife of Australia The wildlife of Australia is unique, but it is devoid of monkeys, ruminants and thick-skinned mammals. Most of the animals inhabiting this continent are marsupials. On the abdomen of these animals is a deep fold of skin, which is called a bag. The cubs of these animals after birth are very small, blind and devoid of hair, and also do not have the opportunity for independent life. Immediately after its birth, the cub moves into a bag, inside of which there are nipples with milk. Kangaroo Koala Platypus Wombat Dingo Echidna Lyrebird Emu Possum

Resources of world importance, which Australia has: The world's first place in terms of uranium reserves is in the Alligator River basin on the Arnhem Land peninsula. First place in the export of wool. The second place in the world (Guinea) in terms of bauxite reserves is near Perth in the south-west of the country and on the coast of the Cape York Peninsula. Third place (KNP, Brazil) in the world in terms of iron ore reserves. 4th in the world in terms of coal reserves. The main region for the reserves of copper, lead-zinc, nickel and titanium ores is Queensland. Leading place in terms of gold reserves (Kalgoorlie in the southwest of the country) and diamonds (Argyle mine in the northwest).

1. Australia was a colony in the past: Great Britain, Germany, France, Holland? 2. Question-joke. Which island of southern Australia "carries in a bag" its inhabitants? 3. What animals are depicted on the state emblem of the country? 4. What animals are depicted on Australian coins? 5. One of the explorers of Australia was: Vitus Bering, James Cook, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco da Gama? Quiz

6. Select from the list of animals endemic to Australia (and nearby islands): echidna, gorilla, wapiti, dromedary, koala, dingo, desman, armadillo, skunk, wombat, opossum, anteater? 7. The koala bear lives in: Africa, Asia, Australia, South America? 8. What natural resources Australia compares favorably with other continents: Iron ores, hydropower, non-ferrous metal ores, artesian waters, forest resources? 9. The largest share of the population of Australia lives: in cities, urban agglomerations, farms, urban-type settlements?

10. The largest areas of sheep breeding are: savannah and semi-desert territories of Australia, prairies North America, the desert territories of Africa, the pampas and the mountains of Latin America? 11. The highest volume of grain production per capita has: Australia, Italy, Russia, China? 12. What crops are grown by modern inhabitants of Oceania: wheat, coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, sugar cane, rice, coconut palm, bananas, pineapples, corn? 13. Which animal largely determines the economic situation of the country: a cow, a koala bear, a pig, a kangaroo, a sheep, a chicken?

Lesson results. 1. Summary: make a conclusion on your own: was it interesting for you at the lesson? 2. Summing up the answers to the questions. 3. Homework: read the text of the textbook

The vast territory gives Australia a great endowment with natural resources. Despite the small population, the country actively and rationally uses the available resources and actively develops the direction of alternative energy sources.

Due to its great length, the country has several climatic zones at once, which is reflected in the unique and diverse flora and fauna.

Water resources

Throughout Australia there are a small number of rivers. During the period of snowmelt, the rivers are quite full-flowing, but at all other times, even large rivers, like the Darling, become very shallow. Dams and reservoirs are built to irrigate fields and pastures. The only exception is Tasmania, the rivers flowing through this lake are regularly fed by snow and rain. Due to this, in Tasmania there is a large number of HPS. The lakes of Australia are waterless pits for most of the year, filled with water only in summer. In the nearby seas, fishing and the cultivation of pearl mollusks are well developed.

Land resources

The total land area occupies more than 774 thousand hectares, of which more than half are suitable for agricultural needs and construction. However, constant drought does not allow the use of all available territory. Irrigation systems are available on the territory of 2550 hectares, so now sown areas occupy only 6% of the entire territory. Australia grows many crops, vegetables, fruits and cotton.

forest resources

Australia's forests are small, accounting for only 2% of the country's total area. However, subtropical Australian forests are the largest in terms of area in the world. You can also find humid tropical, subantarctic and savannah forests. Due to the arid climate, the flora of Australia is represented mainly by dry-loving plants. The central part of the mainland is predominantly covered with scrub. Economic activity greatly modified many plant species.

Mineral resources

Australia is rich mineral resources, ranking 1st in the world for zirconium and bauxite deposits and 2nd for uranium deposits. Coal mining is also very well developed. Throughout Australia, both large and small gold deposits are scattered. Platinum, silver, nickel, opal, antimony, bismuth, as well as diamonds are mined in a significant volume. The country also has reserves of oil and natural gas. Australia fully provides for its industry and, apart from oil, does not need to purchase mineral resources.

Alternative energy sources

Australia is on the path of active development of alternative energy sources. Climatic conditions allow highly efficient use of solar and wind energy. The country has every chance in a short time to completely switch to the use of only alternative energy sources.