How to keep a business practice diary. How to draw up (fill out) a practice diary



Kostanay Pedagogical College


student - trainee
for educational and practical activities


Diary compiler: deputy director for educational and practical
activities of Emter A.M.

Reviewers: Urazambetova G.U., candidate of pedagogical sciences, rector of KGI.

Grinskikh G.V., head. Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and
primary general education "of Kostanay
College of Education.

Reviewed and approved by the research laboratory of the Kostanay Humanitarian Institute.

The Kostanay Pedagogical College has accumulated meaningful experience in conducting teaching practice, reflecting changes in the organization of practice and in the training of qualified specialists. In this regard, there was a need to carry out a general overview of the organization of the pedagogical diary.
The diary on educational and practical activities was compiled for students of the specialty 0314002 “Primary general education» with qualification 0314012 «Teacher in primary school", 0314022 "Informatics teacher of elementary school", 0314032 "Teacher foreign languages in primary school". The pedagogical diary should serve to streamline the process of pedagogical practice of all kinds. The manual is designed to make it easier for students to conduct psychological and pedagogical analysis and fix pedagogical observations. Diary materials can be used in seminars and laboratory classes.

A word to the student - the future teacher

Pedagogical practice is an important link in the system vocational training future specialists, providing a sufficient foundation for the formation of basic psychological and pedagogical skills.
Keeping a diary helps students to realize their educational and practical activities, the main condition for the formation of which is the development of pedagogical self-knowledge, personal and professional "I - concepts", as well as tracking the dynamics of the development of the school team and the student's personality, mastering the methodology for assessing students' activities and analyzing their own pedagogical skills .
The pedagogical diary is a student's working document, since it plans the student's organizational activities, the activities of the children's team, conducts self-analysis of every day at school, and reveals the methodological essence of ongoing educational affairs.
The pedagogical diary is a connecting component of the theoretical and practical knowledge of students, since the materials of psychological and pedagogical observations made at school are used in the classroom, real pedagogical situations. Diary entries should be legible and legible.
The compilers of this diary offer the following memo to students:
- comprehend the psychological and pedagogical materials contained in the diary;
- reflect in the individual plan of educational work, modeled on the basis of calendar plans teachers and class teacher, interactive forms and methods of work;
- a report compiled on the basis of the results of pedagogical practice should reflect the student's author's position in relation to the organization of the pedagogical process in a particular school, class.
The main tasks of pedagogical practice:

In-depth consolidation of students' theoretical knowledge;
- formation and development of psychological and pedagogical skills, professionally significant personality traits;
- formation of creative activity, individual style of professional activity;
- implementation of career guidance work;
- formation of the need for pedagogical self-education;
- study of the advanced experience of teachers, the real state of the pedagogical process in different types of schools.

Competencies of pedagogical practice: adaptive, developing, diagnostic.

Adaptive competence is manifested in the fact that the student not only gets acquainted with the school and the organization of work in it, but also has the opportunity to independently study the technology of the real pedagogical process, get acquainted with the "creative laboratory" of the teacher, see specific methods of education and training in action, and take part in pedagogical activity to demonstrate their teaching skills.
Diagnostic competence is one of the most important, since only in practice can a student assess his emotional state when communicating with participants in the pedagogical process. Immersion in real diagnostic activity gives the student the opportunity to outline the vector of his own professional self-education.
Developing competence makes it possible to show the student's psychological and pedagogical abilities that are not in demand in theoretical training; in addition, during the immersion, the student develops personally and professionally, determines his own life prospects, which combine professional and personal aspects.

Teacher Honor Code

The teacher should be kind, sympathetic and friendly to colleagues.
The teacher must master the tone and tact of communication with colleagues.
The teacher has no right to envy the success of colleagues.
The teacher is obliged to share his experience with colleagues.
A teacher should not be shy about learning from colleagues.
The teacher has no right to look down on colleagues.
The teacher must protect the name and honor of his colleagues.
Teacher, consider the board as a screen on which your joint cognitive life with the student is projected in the lesson. And remember, not only success learning activities your students, but also the attitude towards you.
Teacher, cultivate in your students the ability to doubt, for doubt, born in cooperation with knowledge, opens a hatch into the world of knowledge for thought, gives rise to confidence and personal independence.
A true lesson can be born out of a devoted love for children and one's profession.
The educational process stops from that moment until the child does not understand why they did this to him, until he agrees with what was done to him, and until he is embittered that he was treated so unfairly.
If a teacher not only organizes the lives of his students, but also lives this children's life himself, then he will definitely understand how children live.
Dear, kind educators, teachers!
Appreciate and encourage children's passion for renewal if you really strive to educate in them the traits of a new person.
The pedagogical process is good only when upbringing in it goes ahead of teaching, because the spiritual forces called to action by it will absorb knowledge as food necessary for further spiritual growth and the formation of the student's personality.
Children should be able to love and dream, and we adults are teachers, educators should be able to develop in them the ability to dream.
The dream is the cradle of reality, which we are already affirming today, and tomorrow our children will have to affirm it.
A citizen of the country can be brought up by a person who himself is a citizen of high morality. A person can be educated by a person. A truly humane pedagogy can be built by a humane soul.
As soon as a child is born in the family, parents should from that very time place the best hopes on him. This will make them more caring from the start.
For the life of a teacher to take place, it is necessary that his whole family, all his relatives, the whole city, the whole world be interested in his work and listen to his latest report on the life of his students with a sense of reverence and hope.
The teacher must choose for himself great goals, disproportionate to his efforts, and this is because only in this way can he exalt his students and exalt himself. Goals that are higher than himself will make him an optimist, a searching romantic, and he will then be able to create the impossible. The teacher must take on great goals also because he is mortal, and he is obliged to establish on our planet the kindness that has befallen him.

Teacher's memo
Be careful!
Make no mistake!
Do no harm!
Be a hope for a student!
Give yourself to children!
Know what you are aiming for!
Constantly look for the wealth of his soul in the child!
Be patient in anticipation of a miracle and be ready to meet a child with him.

Student Intern Responsibilities:

Participation in introductory and final conferences;
- presence in practice every day for 6 hours, timely
notification of the group leader of the reasons for the absence in practice;
- study of special psychological and pedagogical, methodological
literature recommended for use in practice;
- participation in group seminars, consultations held in the process
- thorough preparation for their teaching activities;
- compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulations of the basic educational
institutions, following the orders of the school administration and
practice leaders;
- timely execution of documentation necessary for practice;
- carrying out self-analysis of the level of practical skills and abilities;
- making suggestions for improving the organization
pedagogical practice.

Types of educational and practical activities of the student
in college

№ Name Course Semester Number of weeks, hours
1 Extra-curricular and out-of-school educational work 1 1 - 2 4 - 144 hours
2 Practice in natural science and ecology 1 2 2 - 72
3 Trial lessons and extracurricular activities in elementary school in the main specialty and additional specialization 2

5 4 – 144

4 - 144
4 Summer teaching practice 2 4 4 - 144
5 Undergraduate practice in the main specialty and additional specialization 3 6 7 - 252

Technological practice
"Extracurricular and extracurricular educational work"

The practice of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work is an important link in the system of preparing future teachers for educational work in various types of general education schools. This type of practice takes place in the first and second semesters. By this time, the study of the courses "Introduction to the specialty", "Pedagogy", "Psychology", "Anatomy, physiology", "Methods of educational work", which laid the foundations of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of students about the nature of the teaching profession, various types of educational and educational institutions, the system of teacher training, anatomical, physiological and age characteristics of a growing organism, the laws of the human psyche, ideas about the basic pedagogical concepts, goals and objectives of education. In the second semester, courses in ethnopedagogics, cultural studies and private methods are studied. All this creates favorable conditions for students to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice.
During the period of practice in extracurricular and extracurricular educational work, students should act as an assistant to the class teacher (teacher primary school), group educator extended day, to carry out educational work in the detachments of muragers.
In the process of pedagogical practice in extracurricular and extracurricular educational work, the following tasks are solved:
 trainees mastering the skills to conduct out-of-class and out-of-school educational work with children in the classroom, the Murager detachment;
 accumulation of ideas about the nature and content of extra-curricular and out-of-school educational activities and the functional responsibilities of teachers, educators and counselors;
 study of the specifics of the organization of extra-curricular educational work in the conditions of different types of schools;
 mastering the methods and techniques of studying the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren.
During practice, students perform the following activities:
 get acquainted with the educational and methodological base of the school and school documentation;
 get acquainted with the teaching staff, the system of work of the class teacher (primary school teacher), the teacher of the extended day group, the senior counselor;
 study the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of children of different ages;
 provide assistance to teachers, educators, organizers of extracurricular activities, counselors in carrying out educational work with schoolchildren in school conditions and at the place of residence of children and adolescents;
 Participate in work with parents, visit families of students.
During the practice, college students should master the following skills:
 observe and analyze various forms of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work;
 determine specific educational tasks, based on the general goals of education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren, plan educational work in the classroom, in the extended day group, and the Murager detachment;
 organize the children's team to fulfill the tasks (determine the sequence of work, attract an asset, help choose the most effective techniques and methods, organize control and summarizing the work);
 to study the personality of the student and the group of students in the conditions of the class, extended day group, detachment;
 conduct certain types extracurricular educational work with students (conversations, cool watch, fees, morning performances, holidays, excursions, competitions, competitions, classes, etc.);
 organize socially useful and productive work of schoolchildren;
 work with an asset of a class, detachment;
 organize sports and health-improving work in the conditions of a class, an extended day group, a detachment.
Students who have completed an internship program in extracurricular and extracurricular educational work are given a differentiated credit.

Approximate content of student work

Acquaintance with the educational work of the school Acquaintance with the teaching staff, the system of educational work Out-of-class and out-of-school educational work Studying the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of schoolchildren
Conversation with the school administration about the educational and methodological base of the school, acquaintance with school documentation. Methodological meeting "Tasks and content of pedagogical practice." Conversation with the class teacher about the tasks and the system of educational work in the classroom.
Organizing change with students in the class. Attending class teacher lessons in your class. Conversation about the class and individual students
Conversation with the class teacher about the class, studying the class magazine. Familiarization with the design and equipment of offices. Acquaintance with the plan of educational work of the school.
Studying the plan of the class teacher (educator, counselor). Acquaintance with the class: business card (introducing yourself), conversation, training.
Organizing change with students in the class. Attending lessons from different teachers in your class.
Conversation with subject teachers about the class and individual students.
Attending lessons from different teachers in your class. Analysis of attended classes. Attendance and analysis of educational activities in the classroom (school). Conversation with the class asset, individual students.
Organizing change with students in the class. Consultation methodologist and teacher. Making a pedagogical diary.
Drawing up and approval of an individual work plan for the period of practice. Attending lessons from different teachers in your class. Conversation with subject teachers about the class and individual students. Checking class diaries.
Organizing change with students in the class. The study of educational, scientific, methodological literature.

Attending lessons from different teachers in your class. Analysis of attended classes.
Preparation of a conversation for parents on a pedagogical topic. Participation in the methodological (pedagogical) meeting (council) of school teachers. Development of a summary of educational activities. Organizing change with students in the class.
Visiting the family of one of their students. Psychology consultation.
Making a pedagogical diary.
Participation in the school-wide parent meeting. Analysis of the result of the work performed. Participation in a meeting of a circle of interests for students of the class.
Attending a school event. Selection of didactic material, production of visual aids, electronic presentations for educational activities. Organizing change with students in the class. Pedagogy consultation.
Making a pedagogical diary.

Reporting documentation on the practice "Extracurricular and extracurricular educational work":

1. Diary of technological practice (individual work plan with notes on the implementation and records of psychological and pedagogical observations of the student-trainee, analyzes of the lessons attended, extra-curricular activities).
2. Outline and self-analysis of the test educational event (2 semester - with the application of electronic presentations, manuals, used visual and didactic material).
3. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics per student (2nd semester).
4. Feedback-characteristics of the school (seal and signature of the director of the school).
5. Plan of educational work for ______ quarter.
6. Notebook of analyzes of the lessons attended and extracurricular educational activities
7. Student's report on the results of practice.

Pedagogical practice diary of a 1st year student-trainee

3. Study of the quality of river and tap water in the system of the municipal water canal in Kostanay.
1. Water quality in the Tobol River:
a) Presence of bacterial contamination:
- when settling, the water is cloudy, a film of bacterial colonies forms on the surface, there is a smell, - there is bacterial contamination;
- the water is clear, odorless - not available.
Bacterial contamination can cause dangerous infections: cholera, dysentery, etc.
b) Water hardness.
The soap solution does not coagulate - the water is soft, coagulates - hard. An excess of mineral salts has a toxic effect on the human body, disrupts metabolism.
c) Presence of salts of heavy metals.
Are ferrous and non-ferrous metal deposits being developed near the coast. In the case of a positive answer, there is a periodic ingress of salts of heavy metals into the waters of Tobol. Salts of copper, cadmium, etc. displace useful ions from the enzyme systems of living organisms, which has an extremely toxic effect.
d) Presence of industrial and domestic effluents.
Assess the possibility of effluents from operating industrial enterprises (factories, plants) getting into the waters of the river. Is there agricultural land in the river basin? Assess the possibility of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides getting into the Tobol River with melt and rain water. Are there cases of car washing, washing with SMS, garbage dumping on the banks of the river? Make a conclusion.

4. Determining the quality of tap water:
a) The presence of bacterial contamination.
Water during settling is clean, transparent, there is a smell of chlorine-containing substances - bacterial contamination is not expressed.
b) Chlorine content organic matter. There is a smell of chlorine. Such substances are present. Organochlorine substances are formed by the interaction of bleach and other disinfectants with organic substances in the water. In most cases, they are more toxic than the bacteria that chlorine kills. Purification filters of the city water canal are far from always able to provide 100% water purification. Make a conclusion.

6. Determining the role of lawn grass in improving the microclimate of the study area.
1 square meter of lawn grass evaporates up to 200 g of water per hour, which significantly humidifies the air. In addition, the lawn retains wind-blown dust. It is easy to breathe near the lawns.
Measure the air temperature above the lawn (grass) and above the asphalt surface, enter it in the table and draw a conclusion.

Temperature measuring point Temperature

7. Determination of air pollution in the study area.
One passenger car during the day emits up to 1 kg of exhaust gases, which include about 30 g of carbon monoxide, 6 kg of nitrogen oxide, lead compounds, sulfur and other pollutants. Calculate how many harmful gases can be released into the atmosphere per day near the Kostanay Pedagogical College.
Make a conclusion, suggest ways to improve the situation.

8. Study of the state of the atmosphere by phytoindicators and lichen indicators.
In nature, there are plants that are sensitive to even minor pollution in the atmosphere. Some lichens are especially sensitive, such as Parmelia and Xanthoria.
Using the data of the table of bioindicators atmospheric pollution, you can determine which pollutants are present in the air.
Bioindicators Phenomena
Pine (young plants) SO2 pollution - yellowing in the form of rings on the needles
Birch (young plants) CI2 pollution - killed on roads
Aspen Exhaust fumes - leaves look burnt; the leaves facing the highway fall off and the branches wither; on the leaves appear areas devoid of chlorophyll.
plantain SO2 - leaf chlorosis
Using the data of the table of bioindicators of atmospheric pollution, determine the state of the atmosphere around the Kostanay Pedagogical College. Make a conclusion.

9. Identification of the degree of influence of wastewater on the reservoir.
External signs of water pollution: the smell of phenol, hydrogen sulfide, visible films, the accumulation of black and blue-green flat-shaped formations on the surface of the water. An indicator of implicit hazardous pollution is coastal fouling located on underwater objects at the water's edge. In clean water bodies, these foulings are bright green or brownish in color. Polluted water bodies are characterized by white flaky formations. With an excess of organic matter in the water and increased total salinity, the fouling acquires a blue-green color, since it consists mainly of blue-green algae. The presence of higher (flowering) aquatic vegetation - reeds, reeds, etc. - is also an indicator of water pollution. Poisonous effluents strongly inhibit vegetation, and the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium causes its excessive development.
Identify the degree of impact of wastewater on the Tobol River. Make a conclusion.

10. Determining the location of the KPK land plot for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
According to sanitary and hygienic standards, industrial enterprises, baths, shops, etc. must stay away from the border educational institution not less than 300 m, residential buildings - not less than 100 m, freeway - not less than 155 m.
Determine the compliance of the location of the Kostanay Pedagogical College with sanitary and hygienic standards. Make a conclusion.
Practice Reporting Documentation:
1. Research results in writing:
- The quality of river and tap water.
- The quality of the air basin in Kostanay.
- Relationships between the inhabitants of the biogeocenosis of the anthropogenic landscape
environs of Kostanay.
2. Report on the work done, its significance in professional and personal development.
3. Sheet of development of environmental practices.
Research results:

Pedagogical practice "Trial lessons and extracurricular activities in elementary school"
is the most important part of the professional training of the future teacher.

 Formation of professional skills and abilities.

- conducting ____ training sessions on the subject;

- fulfilling the duties of an assistant class teacher, working with parents;

Trial Practice Reporting Documentation:

1. Pedagogical practice diary (individual work plan with notes on the implementation and records of psychological and pedagogical observations of the student-trainee, analyzes of the lessons attended, analyzes of the lessons conducted with the assessment of the methodologist, self-analysis of the lessons).

4. Analyzes of the lessons attended, extra-curricular activities and educational activities of teachers and classmates.
5. Calendar-thematic plan for subjects for ____ quarter.
6. Plan of educational work for ____ quarter.
7. Student's report on the results of practice in the main specialty and additional

Approximate work plan of the student during the trial teaching practice

I week

3. Acquaintance with the individual plan of the subject teacher, the study of methodological literature, textbooks and curricula.

11. Development of plans - abstracts of lessons (including additional specialization).

II week
1. Visit and analysis of the lessons of teachers - subject teachers, classmates.
2. Independent conduct of educational and extracurricular activities.

4. Individual work with students.
5. Conducting a circle (optional class).

7. Assistance to the subject teacher in the preparation of manuals for lessons.

9. Participation in methodological work: organization of a methodical corner in the classroom, a review of scientific and methodological literature on the subject (optional).

III week

2. Visiting and analyzing the lessons of teachers and classmates.

7. Carrying out extracurricular activities according to the plan of educational work.
8. Conducting training sessions outside the schedule with individual students.
9. Production of electronic presentations, teaching aids, didactic and visual material.
10. Preparation of materials for the final conference on practice.

IV week
1. Conducting lessons, their introspection.
2. Visiting and analyzing the lessons of teachers and classmates.

5. Organization and implementation of change.

9. Collection of documentation on teaching practice (including additional specialization).
10. Participation in the work of the teacher's council of the school following the results of pedagogical practice.
11. Preparation of materials for the final conference on practice (including additional specialization).

Diary of a trial practice of a 2nd year student-trainee

(Full name of the trainee)

Practice is held at school No. _________ of the city (district) _____________

In class __________________________________
Head teacher ___________________________________________________
Deputy director for teaching and educational work _________________

Deputy director for extracurricular and extracurricular activities _____________

Subject teacher ________________________________________________

Classroom teacher _____________________________________________
Methodist by specialty __________________________________________
Methodist for educational work ___________________________________
Methodist for additional specialization ___________________________
Teacher of Pedagogy _________________________________________________

schedule of lessons


Lessons Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Call Schedule

Lessons First shift Second shift

Undergraduate teaching practice

It is the most important part of the professional training of the future teacher.
The purpose of pedagogical practice is to prepare for the holistic performance of the functions of a primary school teacher, to conduct a system of educational work with students, to create the greatest opportunities for implementing an integrated approach to educating students, ensuring the unity of the patriotic, moral, social, labor, economic, environmental and physical education students.
Tasks of pedagogical practice:

 Deepening and consolidating the theoretical knowledge of students in pedagogy and psychology, methods of educational work, methods of teaching the subject.
 Formation and consolidation of professional skills and abilities.
 Study of the current level of educational work in schools.
 Study of advanced pedagogical experience.
 Raising love for the chosen profession.

As a result of mastering and passing pedagogical practice, students must perform the following activities:
- familiarization and study of the use of information technology in the school;
- assisting school teachers in the implementation and use of modern communication and information technologies for teaching, TCO in the classroom and after school hours;
- conducting training sessions on the subject (______ lessons per week), including additional specializations;
- conducting training sessions in additional specializations (_______ hours per week);
- mastering the system of planning the educational work of the school, teacher, methodological association;
- planning and conducting classes on extra-curricular educational work (1 extra-curricular lesson in the subject, 1 class hour per week);
- fulfilling the duties of a class teacher, working with parents;
- compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team.
- conducting a pedagogical experiment or creative work in order to collect material and use it in the preparation of a term paper or a thesis;
- Carrying out career guidance work with school graduates.
In the process of passing pedagogical practice, students develop the following skills:
1. Carry out current and long-term planning of educational work.
2. Observe, analyze the organization of the educational process at school, study the best pedagogical experience and use it in your work.
3. Determine the most effective methods and methods of conducting a lesson, based on the characteristics of the class, the material being studied; to use modern information technologies of training.
4. Develop and draw up notes for lessons and extracurricular activities.
5. Do self-analysis of this lesson, analyze the lessons attended and extracurricular activities.
6. Apply visual and technical teaching aids, prepare visual and didactic material for lessons.
7. Work with scientific and methodical literature;
8. Evaluate oral responses and written works students to comment on student responses.
9. To instill in students an interest in the subject.
10. Use effective forms and methods of educational work with children, guide the process of their self-education, and implement an individual approach to students.
11. Correctly draw up educational documentation, work with the personal files of students.

Reporting documentation for undergraduate practice:
1. Pedagogical practice diary (individual work plan with notes on the implementation and records of psychological and pedagogical observations of the student-trainee, analyzes of the lessons attended, analyzes of the lessons conducted with the evaluation of the teacher-mentor, self-analysis of the lessons).
2. Summaries of lessons and extracurricular activities (with the application of electronic presentations, manuals, used visual and didactic material).
3. Review-characteristics of the school, including by specialization (seal and signature of the director of the school).
4. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team.
5. Analyzes of the lessons attended, extracurricular activities and educational activities of school teachers and fellow students.
6. Student's report on the results of practice in the main specialty and additional specialization.
Approximate work plan for a graduate student
during pre-diploma practice
I week

1. Participation in the introductory conference dedicated to the beginning of pedagogical practice.
2. Pedagogical conversations with representatives of the school administration on the problems of organizing the pedagogical process.
3. Acquaintance with the individual plan of the subject teacher, the study of methodological literature, textbooks and curricula.
4. Pedagogical conversation with the class teacher about the formation of educational work in the classroom.
5. Organization and implementation of change.
6. The study of class documentation (magazine, personal files of students, diaries, reader's forms).
7. Drawing up an individual work plan, schedule of lessons and classes for the period of practice (including additional specialization).
8. Work with a pedagogical diary and a methodical folder.
9. Assisting the teacher in checking student diaries.
10. Visit and analysis of the lessons of teachers - subjects, extracurricular activities.
11. Development of plans - abstracts of lessons and extracurricular activities.
12. Collection of materials for extracurricular activities (according to the plan of the class teacher).

II week

1. Regular visits and analysis of the lessons of teachers - subject teachers, classmates.
2. Independent conduct of training sessions.
3. Organization and implementation of change.
4. Individual work with students (for compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class).
5. Conducting a circle (optional) lesson.
6. Self-checking diaries.
7. Assistance to the subject teacher in the preparation of manuals for lessons.
8. Preparation and holding of extracurricular activities in academic subjects.
9. Visiting the family of one of the students. Interview with parents.
10. Collection of materials for extracurricular activities (according to the plan of the class teacher).

III week

1. Conducting lessons, their introspection.
2. Regular visits and analysis of the lessons of teachers and classmates.
3. Carrying out game changes.
4. Monitoring the work of individual students, providing them with individual assistance.
5. Release of a cool wall newspaper.
6. Checking student diaries.
7. Visiting the family of a student at risk.
8. Preparation of materials for the final conference on practice (including additional specialization).
9. Carrying out extracurricular activities according to the plan of educational work.
10. Conducting training sessions outside the schedule with individual students.
11. Production of electronic presentations, teaching aids, didactic and visual material.
12. Collection of material and its use in the preparation of the course (thesis).

IV week

1. Conducting lessons, their introspection.

3. Attendance and analysis of extracurricular activities.
4. Provision of individual pedagogical assistance to individual students.
5. Checking student diaries.
6. Organization and implementation of change.
7. Conducting extracurricular activities.
8. Preparation of teaching aids for lessons.
9. Visiting the student's family.
10. Preparation of materials for the final conference on practice (including additional specialization).

5th week

1. Conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in the main specialty, their introspection.
2. Regular visits and analysis of the lessons of subject teachers and classmates.
3. Attendance and analysis of extra-curricular activities.
4. Educational counseling for students.
5. Checking students' diary entries.
6. Organization and conduct of extracurricular activities.
7. Implementation of thematic changes.
8. Production of electronic presentations, teaching aids, didactic and visual material.
9. Preparation of materials for the parent meeting.
10. Speech at a methodological seminar for subject teachers.
11. Collection of material and its use in the preparation of a term paper (thesis).

VI week

1. Conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in additional specialization, their introspection.
2. Regular visits and analysis of the lessons of teachers and classmates.
3. Checking student diaries.
4. Consultations of students on academic subjects outside of school hours.
5. Organization and implementation of change.
6. Carrying out educational activities according to the work plan of the class teacher.
7. Participation in the work of the parent meeting of the class.
8. Assistance to the subject teacher in the preparation of manuals for lessons.
9. Drawing up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team.
10. Collection of documentation on pedagogical practice. Preparation of materials for the final conference on practice (including additional specialization).
11. Drawing up a student's report on the results of practice (including specialization).

7th week

1. Conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in additional specialization, their introspection.
2. Regular visits and analysis of the lessons of teachers and classmates.
3. Checking student diaries.
4. Consultations of students on academic subjects outside of school hours.
5. Organization and implementation of change.
6. Carrying out educational activities according to the work plan of the class teacher.
7. Participation in the work of the parent meeting of the class.
8. Assistance to the subject teacher in the preparation of manuals for lessons.
9. Drawing up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team.
10. Collection of documentation on pedagogical practice. Preparation of materials for the final conference on
(including additional specialization).
11. Drawing up a student's report on the results of practice (including specialization).
12. Participation in the work of the teacher's council of the school following the results of pedagogical practice.

Methodical algorithm
preparing students for classroom and extracurricular activities

1. Preliminary consultation with the teacher (class teacher) about the goals of educational and extracurricular activities, their methodology, necessary teaching aids, didactic material, etc.
2. Determining and understanding the content of the upcoming lesson or extracurricular educational activities for curriculum, textbook and other teaching aids.
3. Development of a detailed plan-outline of a lesson or an extracurricular educational event, phased approval
1) a teacher;
2) a methodologist.
4. Special work on the assimilation (memorization) of the prepared outline plan through its repeated active reproduction.
5. Three - four times "playing" the content and all the methodological elements of lesson and extracurricular activities.

Tips for student interns

1. Come to the office 30 minutes before the call. Check if everything is ready for the lesson, if the furniture is well arranged, if the board is clean, if TCO, visual aids are prepared.
2. Don't ask questions: "Who didn't do their homework?" - accustoming to the idea that non-fulfillment is inevitable.
3. It is necessary to conduct a lesson in such a way that each student is busy with work. Remember! Idleness is the scourge of discipline.
4. Engage students with interesting content of the material, creating problem situations, mental stress. Help underachieving students to believe in themselves. Keep an eye on the whole class.
5. Motivate knowledge assessments, indicate what to work on in order to deserve a higher mark.
6. End the lesson with an overall assessment of the work of the class and individual students.
7. Stop the lesson with a call.
8. Refrain from overreacting.
9. Remember: establishing discipline with the help of someone else's authority does not benefit, but rather harms.
10. Wear second shoes. Be an example for students in everything.
11. Learn the following rules:
A. Disagree with a student's answer if it is simply memorized and taken for granted. Ask for proof and justification.
B. Never resolve a student dispute in the easiest way, ie. simply by telling them the right answer or the right way to solve it.
C. Listen carefully to your students so as not to miss the opportunity to reveal something new to them.
D. Keep in mind that teaching should be based on the interests, motives and aspirations of students.
E. Respect your own "crazy ideas", instill in others a taste for out-of-the-box thinking.
F. Never tell your student, "We don't have time to discuss your idea."
G. Do not skimp on words of encouragement, a friendly smile, encouragement.
H. In the learning process, there cannot be a permanent methodology and developmental learning a once and for all established program.

Grading criteria for lessons and extracurricular activities
student interns

The lessons of student-probationers are evaluated according to a 4-point system.

An "excellent" rating is given for a lesson in which
- all the set educational tasks have been completely solved;
- the best methods and methods of work were used;

- students' independent work became more active;

- the proportionality of the parts of the lesson is maintained, homework is given in a timely manner;

- assessments were made and commented;
- the trainee student did not make any factual and methodological errors;
- discovered a high general and pedagogical culture;
An excellent lesson is an effective lesson that gives a high educational and educational result, raising students to a higher level in their development and education, mental work, helping them develop a sense of patriotism and other civic qualities, broadening their horizons.
An excellent lesson is a bright, original, emotional lesson that does not leave children indifferent.

The mark "good" is given for the lesson in which
- all the set educational tasks have been completely solved;
- all students learned the theory and learned how to apply it;
- repeating previously studied material;
- used the necessary visual aids and technical means, ICT;
- the republican and regional components are logically used;
- independent work of students has become more active;
- the trainee student made minor factual and methodological errors;
- the proportionality of the parts of the lesson is not sufficiently sustained.
A good lesson is a lesson that satisfies all the basic requirements for lessons, but is characterized by insufficient clarity in the work of the trainee, minor organizational omissions.
A good lesson is an interesting, lively lesson that does not leave children indifferent.

The mark "satisfactory" is given for the lesson in which
- the main educational tasks have been solved;
- the goal of the lesson is achieved;
- students understood the new material and learned how to apply it;
- the proportionality of the parts of the lesson is maintained;
- generally correctly exposed and commented marks;
- used visual aids and technical means;
- repeating previously studied material;
- the student-trainee made minor factual and methodological errors that reduced the effectiveness of the lesson, the result was not summed up.
A satisfactory lesson is a lesson during which the trainee violated the requirements of pedagogy, psychology and work methods.

The mark "unsatisfactory" is given for the lesson in which
- the educational tasks set before the lesson have not been solved;
- the trainee made gross mistakes that negatively affected the results of the lesson.
An "unsatisfactory" grade is given for failure to attend a lesson without good reason and without warning, for an unsatisfactory abstract or its failure to present.
An unsatisfactory lesson is a lesson from which it is clear that the students are not yet ready for successful work in school.

Practice Assessment

The overall assessment of the practice is made up of the grades received by students for the implementation of each section (educational work, teaching practice management, educational work, methodological work). When evaluating each type of student activity, it is recommended to use the following criteria.

1. The level of students' knowledge:
- orientation in the content of the taught subject in general and in the specific topic of the course;
- interpretation of scientific facts in accordance with the characteristics of the class;
- the logic of building the content of educational material;
- argumentation of the proposed educational material;

2. The degree of independence and creativity in the organization of activities:
- independence in the development of content;
- independence in the development of methods;
- manifestation of creativity in pedagogical activity;
- Possession of pedagogical improvisation.

3. Personal attitude of students to practice:
- showing interest in practice;
- discipline of the student;
- activity in joining the teacher's methodical work;
- initiative in organizing various forms of extracurricular activities with students.

4. Quality of registration and timeliness of delivery of documentation:
- compliance with the requirements;
- design aesthetics;
- timeliness of registration;
- timeliness of delivery.

Practice assessment system

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Excellent High or above average High Demonstrated all the above qualities Neat, meets the requirements, delivered on time
Good Average Average Demonstrated most of the listed qualities Meets the requirements, delivered on time
below average Low Did not show activity, initiative Does not meet all requirements
eloquent Below average, low Not independent Didn't show these qualities Doesn't meet the requirements

Requirements for a modern lesson

I. To the topic of the lesson

1. Topic 2. What is included in the content to generate interest 3. Purpose
4. Facts from the history of science 5. Modern scientific achievements 6. Showing the practical purpose of knowledge

II. To the organization of student activities

1. Variety of independent work 2. Task for search and research
3. Practical work 4. Creative work 5. Free choice: differentiated tasks
Education of Kazakhstani patriotism

III. To the lesson methodology

1. Problematic learning, the use of ICT 2. Maintaining emotional tone 3. Stimulating students to conscious advances in the lesson
Encouraging students to learn and creative activity

IV. To homework

1. Task for consolidation of knowledge 2. Tasks of a training nature 3. Tasks for the development of mental activity, activity
4. Practical work 5. Task for free choice or by options

V. Indicators of the presence of cognitive interests:

1. Emotional response (to what exactly) 2. Concentration, dedication to objective activity
3. The desire to take part in the discussion of questions on their own initiative 4. Activity during the lesson
5. Selecting a free task

Scheme No. 1 of the analysis of the lesson (class) of the student-trainee

Type of practice ________________________________________________________________ Group _______________
Thing _____________________________________________________________________________________
Topic of the lesson (class) ________________________________________________________________________________
FULL NAME. Methodist _____________________________________________________________________________
FULL NAME. teachers _____________________________________________________________________________
F.I. student _________________________________________________________________________________
Date ________________ class (group) _________ school (school) _______________________________________
Visit purpose ______________________________________________________________________________

1. Mobilizing start:
The class is ready for the lesson is not ready
Lesson topic given not given
Goals, tasks of the lesson given not given
Lesson progress given not given
2. Means of activation:
a) the live word of the teacher b) the use of the blackboard
c) TSO; ICT, interactive whiteboard d) laboratory work
e) practical work f) independent work
g) individual lesson
3. Skills and abilities: ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Explanation of the new material:
a) accessibility b) visibility
c) scientific d)
5. Contact with the class (group): _________________________________________________________________
6. Forms of work:
a) frontal b) individual
c) group d) steam room
e) role-playing game; g)
7. Homework:
Given: before the call after the call
with explanation without explanation
8. Dosage homework:
a) insufficient; b) exceeded;
c) optimal; G)
9. Grade for the lesson:

10. Class activity: _______________________________________________________________________________
11. Work with the weak:
a) individual approach; b) differentiated approach;
c) was not carried out; G)
12. Lesson summary: ______________________________________________________________________________

Recommendations: _______________________________________________________________________________

Lesson plan: __________ available __________ not available _________________________________

Mark for the lesson (lesson) ________________________________________________________________________

Scheme No. 2 of lesson analysis
(didactic aspect)
class, school
the date of the
Subject, topic
Stage of training on this topic (underline): initial, main, final

1. Does the teacher provide motivation for studying this topic (learning material)? What methods does he use to do this? Rate (out of 5 points)
2. What priority goal is being implemented in the lesson (underline):
Formation of knowledge - skills; solving creative problems.
Does the set goal correspond to the stage of education, the individual level of development of schoolchildren? Rate (out of 5 points)
3. Is the implementation of the lesson goals set by the teacher traceable? Are the methods used adequate for the intended purpose?
Rate (out of 10 points)
4. Does the lesson provide the developmental function of learning? The development of which qualities is given special attention (underline):
Perception, attention, imagination, thinking, memory, speech, self-control, self-esteem.
Rate (out of 8 points)
5. Are educational tasks being solved? At what level (underline):
Knowledgeable, active, motivational.
Rate (out of 8 points)
6. What is the share of reproductive and search (research) activities? Compare their ratio:
Approximate number of tasks of a reproductive nature (“read”, “retell”, “repeat”, “remember”).
Approximate number of tasks of a search nature (“prove”, “explain”, “evaluate”, “compare”, “find a mistake”).
Rate (out of 10 points)
7. Which of the following methods of cognition does the teacher use (underline):
observation, experience, search for information, comparison, reading (other add):
Rate (out of 10 points)
8. What teaching aids are used in the lesson? List:
The expediency of their use in accordance with the topic, the stage of training?
Rate (out of 5 points)
9. Is visual material used? For what purpose (underline):
As an illustration, for emotional support, for solving learning problems.
visual material:
Excessive, sufficient, appropriate, insufficient.
Rate (out of 8 points)
10. Who organizes the activities in the lesson (underline):
Only the teacher, the students themselves, depending on the situation
Rate (out of 8 points)
11. What types of interaction in the educational team does the teacher use (underline):
Paired, group, collective. What is their usefulness?
Rate (out of 8 points)
12. Is training differentiation implemented? The presence of tasks for children of different levels of learning.
Rate (out of 5 points)
13. Emotional state of schoolchildren during the lesson? Does it correspond to the emotional state of the teacher (yes, no).
14. Style of communication between teacher and students (underline): authoritarian, democratic, anarchist. Rate (out of 5 points)
The maximum total score is 100 points.
At least 80 points - excellent.
At least 60 points is good.
Less than 60 points - satisfactory.
Scheme No. 3 of lesson analysis

1. General information about the lesson: date, class, subject. Equipment, TSO.
2. Organization of the lesson: Beginning of the lesson. Class preparation for the lesson. The teacher's ability to mobilize students' attention academic work, creating a working environment in the classroom.
3. Theme and the main objectives of the lesson: Bringing to students the topic, the educational, developmental and educational purpose of the lesson. The place of this lesson in the system of lessons on the topic is the connection with the previous material.
4. Organizational aspects of the lesson. Lesson structure. Correspondence of the structure of the lesson with its content and goals. The relationship of the stages of the lesson, types of learning activities. Reasonable allocation of time in class. Student employment. A combination of collective, group and individual forms of work.
5. The content of the activities of the teacher and students in the lesson:
a) the effectiveness of the use of previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;
b) education in the learning process;
c) the effectiveness of using the life experience of students in order to develop
them cognitive activity and independence.
6. Correspondence of the applied methods of studying new material:
The goals, content of the lesson and the age characteristics of students, as well as solving the problem
development of independence and activity of students in the process of mastering knowledge.
7. The role and place of independent work in the classroom. Place tutorial use
visibility, nature of questions and tasks.
8. Psychological foundations of the lesson. Development of attention, memory, thinking,
imagination, activity of perception of students. The rhythm of the lesson: alternation
easy material with difficult, written activities with oral.
Load during the lesson.
9. The expediency of didactic tasks assigned to homework
students. The presence, volume, nature of homework.
10. Individual approach in the process of education:
- The style of the teacher's work, pedagogical tact, speech, outlook, ability to hold on and
lead the class;
- Evaluation of knowledge and activities of students in the lesson.
- Compliance with hygiene rules, conditions for maintaining working capacity
students in the lesson.
11. Conclusions and suggestions:
a) the structure of the lesson, the effectiveness of the use different types pedagogical
b) teaching methods and means used in the lesson, their effectiveness;
c) implementation of the basic didactic principles in the classroom;
d) the logical integrity of the lesson;
e) achievement of the educational goal of the lesson;
f) survey and pedagogical assessment in the lesson;
g) comments, suggestions.

Scheme of analysis of educational activities

1. School, class, type of work, topic of extracurricular activities.
2. Pedagogical substantiation of the topic (why this event is included in the plan of educational work, its compliance with the age characteristics of the class).
3. Goals of the task of the work being done.
4. Organization of the preparation of students for this lesson (degree of participation of children, visual design of the lesson, use of technical means). The influence of preparation for the case on the cohesion of students.
5. The content and methodology of the lesson;
a) compliance of the content of the lesson with the goal;
b) cognitive and educational value of the selected material;
c) emotional saturation, children's interest in the lesson, their activity;
d) the techniques and methods used in the lesson, their compliance with the age characteristics of students, the level of development of children in this class;
e) the connection of the issues discussed with the problems of the class and environment.
6. Personality features of the educator conducting the lesson: conviction, emotionality, contact with students, knowledge of moral qualities, actions of their students and their motivation.
7. The pedagogical value of the lesson, its significance for the subsequent development of the team and individual pupils to improve relations in the team (comments, suggestions).

Memo for introspection of the lesson (classes)

1. What is the characteristic of real learning opportunities students?
What features of the students were taken into account when planning this lesson?
2. What is the place of this lesson in the topic, section, course? How is it related to the previous ones, what does it rely on? How does this lesson "work" for subsequent lessons, topics, sections? What is the specificity of this lesson? What is its type?
3. What tasks were solved in the lesson: a) educational, b) educational, c) development tasks? Was their complexity and interconnection ensured? What tasks were the main, pivotal? How are the characteristics of the class, individual groups of schoolchildren taken into account in the tasks?
4. Why was the chosen structure of the lesson rational for solving these problems? Is there a rational place in the lesson for questioning, learning new material, consolidating, homework, etc.? Was the time allotted for all stages of the lesson rationally distributed? Are the “links” between the stages of the lesson logical?
5. What content (what concepts, ideas, provisions, facts) was the main focus of the lesson and why? Was the most important thing chosen?
6. What combination of teaching methods is chosen to reveal the new? Give a rationale for the choice of teaching methods.
7. What combination of forms of education was chosen for the disclosure of new material and why? Was a differentiated approach to students needed? How was it carried out and why exactly?
8. How was the control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities organized? In what forms and by what methods was it carried out? Why?
9. How was the classroom used during the lessons? What teaching aids were used? Why?
10. What ensured the high performance of schoolchildren throughout the lesson?
11. How did you maintain a good psychological atmosphere and communication during the lesson? How was the educational influence of the teacher's personality realized?
12. How and at the expense of what was the rational use of time provided in the lesson and in homework? Learner overload warning?
13. Spare methodical "moves" in case of an unforeseen situation. Were you able to fully implement all the tasks? If not, what and why? When does the teacher plan to replenish the unrealized?
14. Did you manage to fully implement all the tasks set? If not, what and why? When does the teacher plan to replenish the unrealized?
15. Does the lesson answer modern requirements: the use of visual material (quality), ITC, the inclusion of the republican component, the implementation of interdisciplinary links (integration of learning).
Indicative program for studying the personality of a student
(collection of material for psychological and pedagogical characteristics)
1. General information about the student: age, state of health, membership in children's or youth organizations.
2. Characteristics of the conditions of family education of a schoolchild: cultural and living conditions in the family, features of relationships in the family team, attitude in the family towards the student, concern for education.
3. The attitude of the student to the team: the need to be a member of the team, to be considered his opinion, to fight for his honor, the authority of the student in the team of comrades, sociability and understanding of other people, attitude to negative phenomena in the team - cheating, prompting, envy, mutual responsibility, etc. etc.
4. Personal orientation: personal, social, business.
5. Characteristics of conscious motives. Interests, their depth, breadth, stability, effectiveness, the most pronounced cognitive interests.
6. Views and beliefs. Unity of consciousness and behavior. The aspiration of the student, his intentions, dreams, ideals.
7. Level of claims: underestimated, adequate, overestimated. The ratio of self-esteem and the level of claims, characteristic of the student, assessment of their capabilities, exactingness towards themselves, attitude towards critical remarks of teachers and comrades, the student's attitude to self-education.
8. Apprentice in various activities. The attitude of the student to learning, academic performance and discipline, the degree of formation of educational skills. Attitude to labor activity, everyday work of a student, the ratio of educational, labor and play activities in the life of a student, social activity of a student.
9. Characteristics of cognitive activity: features of perception, observation, memory. The ratio of creative and recreative imagination, features of thinking, independence in judgments and conclusions, the degree of development of oral and written speech.
10. Features of the emotional sphere: the nature of the emotional reaction to the actions of the teacher, the development of moral, intellectual and aesthetic feelings, the prevailing mood, the degree of emotional excitability, the ability to restrain emotional experiences and change them.
11. Volitional features: purposefulness, independence and initiative, determination and perseverance, self-control and moral upbringing of the will.
12. Abilities: general and special, the most prominent abilities of the student.
13. Temperament and its manifestations.
14. Character (Character traits that are manifested in relation to learning - diligence, activity, discipline and other indicators of this attitude. Traits, character, manifested in relation to the class and school, attitude to activities held in the classroom, school, etc. Character traits manifested in relation to public duties and assignments: public work performed, a sense of responsibility and duty to the team for the work performed; character traits manifested in relation to things: neatness or carelessness; thrift or negligence, etc. Character traits manifested in attitude towards oneself: pride, conceit, ambition, modesty, shyness, pride).
15. Pedagogical conclusions. Possible lines of correction in educational work with this student

Indicative scheme for compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team

1. General information about the class: name of the school, class, number of students (boys, girls)
2. The official structure of the class team. The composition of the class. His asset.
3. general characteristics organization of educational activities of the class team. Leading motives for teaching schoolchildren. The level of general development of students. The number of excellent students. Students who are lagging behind in their studies are the reason for their underachievement.
4. Participation of the class team in socially useful work.
5. The state of discipline in the classroom, the norms of student behavior.
6. Socially significant goals of the class team. Cohesion of team members. The public opinion of the team.
7. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of interpersonal relationships of students in microgroups.
8. Characteristics of individual students as members of the team. Analysis of the prestige and social roles of students (social textbook, athlete, participant in amateur performances, etc.). Analysis of specific facts of the student's behavior, as well as the influence of individual students on the team.
9. Age psychological characteristics of the class team. Specific features of this team, which can be identified on the basis of analysis and generalization of all the studied material.
10. The influence of the social environment, parents and the public on the class team.
11. The content of the work carried out by the student-trainee in the classroom in order to increase the social activity of students and instill in them collectivist character traits.
12. Proposals on the content and organization of educational work with this class team (from teachers, parents).

Duties of the director, deputy directors for educational and educational work of the school during the period of pedagogical practice of students

School leaders

1) Distribute the trainees according to the classes of the school. Provide the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of the practice and carry out general management of it;
2) Familiarize trainees with the school, planning of educational work, documentation, internal regulations;
3) Supervise work with trainee teachers and others teaching staff schools;
4) Attend selective lessons and classes of trainees and take part in their discussion;
5) Conduct a pedagogical meeting at the school following the results of the practice;
6) Sign the testimonial for the trainee;
7) Participate in conferences on the results of practice.

Scheme of the characteristics of the work of a student - trainee

1. Full name student.
Practice time
School name, class number, full name teacher, class teacher,
under whose supervision the student had an internship.
2. Implementation of the educational work of the subject teacher.
Knowledge of the program of the subject and the content of the material in it.
Ability to plan educational material by lessons.
Possession of methods of preparation for lessons.
Conducting different types of lessons.
Implementation of individual work with low-achievers and more
capable students.
3. Fulfillment of the educational work of the class teacher.
Studying students, educating them in friendliness, attentiveness,
sensitivity in dealing with others.
Organization of interesting meaningful class activities.
4. Development by the student of professional and personal properties and qualities:
the ability to show restraint, pedagogical tact, humane attitude towards
children, high demands on oneself, a sense of responsibility,
discipline, etc.
5. Conclusions, recommendations for the future teacher.
6. Assessment for teaching practice.

School seal Signature of the principal
subject teacher, class teacher.

To improve the organization of teaching practice for students and improve the quality of practical and theoretical training of young professionals, please answer the questions

1. What is your opinion about the quality of training of young specialists of the Kostanay Pedagogical College?

2. What professional skills have not been developed by graduates of the Pedagogical College?

3. What basis of teaching experience do you see in the training of specialists in college? What, in your opinion, should be paid attention to teachers and methodologists of the college in the process of preparing future specialists?

4. What academic disciplines would you suggest academic plan college for better team work?

5. What types of teaching practice would you offer students of a pedagogical college? Dates and time of passage of each type? Form of practice (weekly, block).

6. What documentation, in your opinion, does a student need during the internship?

7. What kind of payment do you see for school teachers for participating in teaching practice?

8. In your opinion, is it necessary at present to carry out an official distribution of young specialists in kindergartens and schools in the city and region?

9. Suggestions for improving the training of young professionals:

2. Studying which subjects enriched you the most with professional knowledge?

3. In what subjects did you get insufficient knowledge?

4. What arguments will you give in favor of your profession if you have to defend its necessity in a dispute?

5. Which of the following are you good at:

A) to conduct collective activities with children
b) plan and conduct individual work with the child
c) make visual aids for working with children
d) holding theatrical and spectacular performances
e) establish contact with parents in solving educational problems
6. Do you have the personal qualities necessary for a teacher?
a) love for children
b) the ability to take the position of a child
c) tact
d) endurance
d) benevolence
f) external culture
g) erudition
h) the ability to be creative
i) artistry
j) communication skills

7. Are you disappointed in your chosen profession? If yes, why?

8. Will you continue your studies at the Zerde Humanitarian Institute?

9. What do you plan to do if you are not employed in your specialty?

10. Your suggestions for improving the training of young professionals:

Regulatory documents
1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education".
2. "Comprehensive program of education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
3. "State program for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010"
4. Atameken program
5. Zhuldyz program
6. Convention on the Rights of the Child”

1. Andriadi I.P. Fundamentals of pedagogical skills: Tutorial for stud. avg. ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 1999. - 160 p.
11. Vorontsov V.V., Velyaminov K.D. "Essays on the Universe" M..1997.
12. Vorontsov V.V. Astronomy textbook "Grade 1.
13. Goroshchenko V.P. "Fundamentals of Natural History" M.P. 1982
14. Davydov V. Age and pedagogical psychology. - M., 1979.
15. Davydov VV Mental development of children of primary school age. - M., 1990.
16. Dubrovina I.V. Workbook of a school psychologist. - M., 1986.
17. Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology. - M., 2005.
18. Istratova O.N. Reference book of the psychologist of elementary school. - RnD., 2008.
25. Simonovich S. "Computer in your school" - Moscow, 2007.
29. Kazakov V.G. Psychology. - M., 1989.
30. Kovalev A.G. Psychology of family education. - M., 1986.
31. Kuzmina I.V. Essays on the psychology of teacher's work. - M., 1967.
32. Kolominsky Ya.L. Child psychology. - M., 1988.
37. Kulagina I.Yu. Age-related psychology. - M., 1997.
38. Lyublinskaya A.A. Teacher about primary school age. - M., 1989.
39. Makarova I.V. Psychology. - M., 2004.
40.Morozov A.V. Fundamentals of psychology. - M., 2003.
41. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. - M., 1985.
42. Nemov R.S. Psychology. - M., 2004. TT. 1, 2, 3.
43.Osnovy pedagogical skills: Textbook for ped. specialist. higher textbook institutions / I.A. Zyazyun, I.F. Krivonos, N.N. Tarasevich and others / Ed. I.A. Zyazyun. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 302 p.
44. Obukhova L. F. Developmental psychology. - M., 2006.
45. Pedagogical practice in elementary school: Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions / G.M. Kodzhaspirova, L.V. Borikova, N.I. Bostandzhieva and others; Ed. G.M. Kodzhaspirova. - 2nd ed. - M: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 272.
46. ​​Petrovsky A.V. General psychology. - M., 1986.
47. Petrovsky V.A. Psychology of education. - M., 1995.
48.Popular psychology: Reader / Comp. V.V. Mironenko. - M., 1990.
49. Radugin A.A. Psychology and pedagogy. - M., 2006.
50. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. - M., 1989. T. 1.
51. Rogovin M.S. Introduction to psychology. - M., 1969.
52. Rogov E.N. Psychology. - RnD., 2005.
53. Rogov E.N. General psychology. - M., 2001.
61. Sadovnikova E.A. Psychology and pedagogy. - M., 2005.
62. Slastenin V.A., Abulkhanova K.A. Psychology and pedagogy. - M., 1998.
66. Handbook of a practical psychologist / Psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 2007.
67. Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of psychology. - RnD., 1996.
68. Stolyarenko L.D. Pedagogical psychology. - RnD., 2003.
69. Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of psychology. Workshop. - RnD., 2006.

Research work
1. Akimova M.K. and other Individuality of students and individual approach. - M., 1992
2. Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process M., 1987
3. Aksarina N.M. The upbringing of young children. - M., 1977.
4. Artyomova L.V. The environment in didactic games preschoolers. - M., 1992.
5. Babansky Yu.K. Intensification of the learning process. - M .: Knowledge, 1987. ¬ 78s.
6. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M.: Knowledge. 1987.¬
7. Bekturganova R.Ch. Teaching technologies in modern science and practice (course of lectures) - K., 2001.
8. Blokhina L.A., Methods of educational work in modern school. - M., 1997.
9. Gippenreiter Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology. M., - 1998.
10. Grebenyuk O.S., Grebenyuk T.B. Theory of learning. - M., 2003.
11. Gordin L.Yu. Organization of the classroom. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984.-176s.
12. Dorovskoy A.I. 100 tips for the development of gifted children for parents, educators, teachers. - M.: RPA., 1997.
13. Davydov V.V. The problem of developmental education. - M., 1986.
14. Kan-Kalik V.A. Teacher about pedagogical communication. -M. "Enlightenment" 1987
15. Kukushin V.S., Boldyreva-Varaksina A.V. Pedagogy of primary teaching-M, "March" 2005
19. Makarenko A.S. Lectures on the upbringing of children // Selected pedagogical works. -M., 1977. -T.2.
20. Pestov N.E. The path to perfect joy. Parenting. -M., 1994.
21. Petrovsky V.A. Psychology of education. -M., 1995.
22. Pavlova L.N. Education and training of young children .. - M, 1998.
23. Portnov M.L. Beginning teacher's lessons. - M., 1998.
24. Fridman L.M., Kulagina I.Yu. Psychological handbook of the teacher. - M., 1991.
25. Shchurkova N.E. etc. New technologies of the educational process. - M., 1997.

1. Atanov S.K. Some aspects of computer testing systems ¬ "Professional of Kazakhstan" N5 2006 p. 27
2. Belovrova A., Belogurov 10., Elkanova G. Humanization and ethnicization: two realities modern pedagogy. //Pedagogy.-1996., N23.- p3-8
3. Bondarevskaya E.V., Bermu s G.A. Theory and practice of personality-oriented education.//Pedagogy.-1996., N5.-p72-80.
4. Gordin L.Yu. Education and socialization. //Pedagogy. - 1991., N2 2. -38¬-43 p.
5. Grebnev I.V. Methodical problems of computerization of teaching at school. Pedagogy." - 1994.; N2 5. - 46-49 p.
6. Gorienko V.P. Pedagogical practice: new scientific approaches // Pedagogy. - 1996. - No. 5.
7. Kozhabaeva B.I., Ibragimov A.I. The culture of the teacher's relationship with students and their parents // "Professional of Kazakhstan" - 2006, N 4, p.29-3
8. Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M., 1997.

No. Document name Page
1 Word to the student - the future teacher. The main tasks of pedagogical practice. Pedagogical practice competencies 3
2 Teacher's code of honor. Teacher's note 4
3 Responsibilities of a trainee student. Types of educational and practical activities of a student in the process of studying in college 5
4 Technological practice "Extracurricular and extracurricular educational work." Practice Program 6
5 Approximate content of students' work. Reporting documentation for practice 7
6 Pedagogical practice diary of a 1st year student-trainee (1 semester) 8-15
7 Student report on teaching practice 16-17
8 Feedback on teaching practice 18
9 Pedagogical practice diary of a student-trainee of the 1st course (2nd semester) 19-27
10 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student 28
11 Student report on teaching practice 29-30
12 Feedback on teaching practice 31
13 Conclusion of the methodologist on the work of a 1st year student 32
14 Educational practice in natural science and ecology. Practice program. Tasks for research work. Reporting documentation 33-35
15 Research results. Student Practice Report 36-37
16 Practice "Trial lessons and extracurricular activities in primary school (program, reporting documentation, rough plan student's work during the internship) 38-39
17 Diary of a trial practice of a 2nd year student-trainee 40-43
18 Diary of progress (self-guided lessons, extracurricular activities and educational activities) 44-54
19 Student report on trial practice 55-56
20 Feedback on teaching practice 57
21 Diary of a trial practice of a 3rd year student-trainee 58-61
22 Diary of progress (self-guided lessons, extracurricular activities and educational activities) 62-72
23 Student report on trial practice 73-74
24 Feedback on teaching practice 75
25 Conclusion of the methodologist on the trial practice of a 3rd year student 76
26 Summer teaching practice. Program, reporting documentation 77
27 Diary of summer teaching practice of a student-trainee
2 courses 78-85
28 Student report on teaching practice 86-87
29 Feedback on teaching practice 88
30 Conclusion of the methodologist on the work of a 2nd year student during summer practice 89
31 Pre-diploma pedagogical practice (program, reporting documentation on practice, approximate plan of work of a student during pre-diploma practice) 90-92
32 Diary of undergraduate practice of a student-trainee 93-97
33 Diary of progress (self-guided lessons, extracurricular activities and educational activities) 98-133
34 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class team 134
35 Student report on undergraduate practice 135-136
36 Characteristics of a student-probationer of the graduate course,
approved by the pedagogical council of the school 137
37 The conclusion of the methodologist on the undergraduate practice of a 3rd year student 138
38 Appendix 139
39 Methodical algorithm for preparing students for classroom and extracurricular activities. Tips for student interns 140
40 Grading criteria for lessons and extracurricular activities of student interns 141
41 Practice assessment system 142
42 Requirements for the modern lesson 143
43 Scheme No. 1,2, 3 of the analysis of the lesson (class) of the student-trainee 144-146
44 Scheme of analysis of educational activities. Memo for introspection of the lesson (classes) 147
45 Indicative program for studying the personality of a schoolchild 148
46 Indicative scheme for drawing up a psychological and pedagogical
characteristics of the class team 149
47 Duties of the director, deputy directors for educational and educational work of the school during the period of teaching practice
students. Scheme of the characteristics of the work of a student - trainee 150
48 Graduate Questionnaire 151
49 Questionnaire for school leaders on the quality of practical and theoretical training of young professionals 152
50 Recommended reading 153-154

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Practice can be educational, industrial, undergraduate, but it is always a part of educational program. Industrial practice is the middle link between the educational practice taking place in an educational institution by solving practical tasks, and pre-diploma (the name speaks for itself).

The place of practice is chosen by the student-trainee independently, taking into account the chosen specialty:

  • for a law student, this is the legal department, the court or the police,
  • for an accountant - bookkeeping,
  • for the manager and merchandiser - the supply department,
  • for students of economics - planning and economic department,
  • for the educator Kindergarten,
  • for a cook and a technologist - catering organizations, where you can see the technology of cooking,
  • for a specialist in the field of tourism - a travel agency.
If there is no such place of practice, the student can be sent to practice by an educational institution. After completing the internship, it is necessary to submit a report on the practice, a diary and a characteristic to the educational department.

Field trip diary

The diary, together with the report and characteristics, is the student's pass to the exams, so the information in the diary must be reliable and complete. The reliability of the completed tasks indicated in it is confirmed by the signature of a representative of the organization, therefore, it is necessary to treat its completion as in school - responsibly, so as not to redo it later.

It is possible to download a ready-made diary on the Internet on student websites, but it is not recommended - the requirements for a completed practice diary are different for educational institutions, and you will have to redo it a hundred times

Many educational institutions practice the protection of practice reports. Therefore, its design must be doubly responsibly approached so as not to “burn out” on defense.

Before the start of the practice, the head of the technical school or university instructs students and issues:

  1. diary form;
  2. program (guidelines);
  3. direction to practice.

The form of the diary, the practice program (guidelines), samples (examples) of paperwork can be viewed on the website of the educational institution.

When drawing up a diary, the trainee should carefully study the methodological recommendations - they indicate the time frame and in what form the practice takes place, its purpose and objectives, as well as recommendations for filling out the diary and preparing a report

At the enterprise, the student first of all gets acquainted with the personnel department - there he gives a referral to practice, signs a consent to the processing of personal data, gets acquainted with local acts organizations:

  • charter;
  • regulations on the department in which the practice will take place;
  • rules for the technical operation of equipment.

In the same place, he must be instructed in safety and fire prevention. And only after that get acquainted with the workplace.

The head of the organization can manage the practical process himself, or make a managerial decision and entrust the management of the practice process to an employee.

In case of violation of the internal regulations, the head of the practice (organization) may reflect the comments in the diary, which will negatively affect the assessment. In case of illness, the trainee is obliged to inform the head of practice from the enterprise about this.

But this does not mean that the pass time will not have to be worked out - during the period of internship, the student will be treated as a full-fledged employee.

During the internship at the end of each working day, the trainee must fill out a diary of the internship, fixing the completed tasks in it. On the Internet, you can download various additional material on the activities of the place of internship, which will be a definite plus for work. The practice report can also be used as the basis for a student's thesis.

The diary must be filled out correctly, in the form approved educational institution. It must contain the signatures of the persons who sent the student to practice (from the educational institution) and accepted (from the place of internship). The practice diary may also contain individual tasks for the leader. The form of the diary can be downloaded from the website of the educational institution.

The diary should contain information about the student's practical activities:

  • economists can prepare accounting reports;
  • students at the Faculty of Technology, taking into account the knowledge of the basics of programming, draw up programs and know the basics of mechanization;
  • an agronomist can take part in the application of fertilizers, in the process of cultivating plants;
  • a psychologist can make a psychological portrait;
  • a student of management - in the formation of work orders, the promotion of goods on the market.

The finished practice diary must be signed by the head of the practice from the place of its passage and stamped. Reporting on practice is submitted to the training department at the place of training.

An example of filling out a practice diary.

Rules for filling out a diary for industrial practice

You can download forms and manuals in electronic form from the website of the educational institution.

The columns “arrived” and “departed” must be filled in the diary in order to record the start and end dates of the practice. It is recommended that during the practice from the educational institution to show the head of the diary, so as not to redo it later. Teachers are always ready to meet the needs of the student and give a few minutes of their time

Basic rules for filling out a diary that are important to remember:

  1. The text in the diary must be readable.
  2. It is allowed to print on a computer and sign at the heads.
  3. The activities in the diary should be related to the student's learning profile.

The student fills in a daily practice diary. It is advisable to regularly provide the diary to the practice leader from the organization to agree on the correctness of the records.

After completing the internship, the student submits to the educational department of the educational institution a report on the internship, a diary of internship and a description certified by the head of the organization on the basis of which the internship was carried out

At the final stage of the internship, the student signs the internship diary with the head of the enterprise, the signature is certified with a seal

Completed industrial practice diary: examples

Induction training.
Getting to know management and staff.
Study of local regulatory legal acts of the organization
Familiarization with the structure and organization of work, working conditions and social security
Participation in the reception of citizens on the activities of the organization
Acceptance and registration of documents
Participation in the processing of submitted documents
Studying the rules of office work for working with appeals
Preparation of written responses to appeals
Participation in the development of samples of filling out applications and templates of forms
Collection of material for the report, formation of a practice case

Hello dear reader.

This article is divided into the following sections:

  1. How to calculate the days for practice
  2. Then an example of filling out a diary of undergraduate practice
  3. Many items that can be used when filling out a diary
  4. Some important questions at the end of the article

If you don’t want to fill out a pre-graduation practice diary yourself - you can always order it at any student exchange - this is a fairly inexpensive job that will be done for you in a very short time.

To order a practice diary, I can recommend you to use any exchange of student papers, for example, author24 - simply because there are the most performers:

How to fill in the diary of undergraduate (or industrial) practice of an economist? To complete it, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine how many days the practice goes in total (This is written in the training manual or in the order for practice, options: 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
  2. Put the dates in the diary - from the first day to the last (except weekends).
    Dates can be viewed using this service:.
    That is, for each week in practice, you will have 5 lines in your diary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
  3. Opposite each day, you will need to write a few tasks that you did. You will get something similar to the picture below. Compliance will be marked by the manager. Usually they write the word "done".
    If in reality you didn’t exist at all in practice, you will have to come up with points. There should be 3-5 pieces in each cell.

I think you already understand the logic of filling out the diary. What follows is a list of possible items and some important questions.

  1. Getting to know the company as a whole
  2. Acquaintance with the management of the enterprise and with its immediate supervisor
  3. Acquaintance with the head of the practice
  4. Registration of documents on arrival for practice
  5. Signing the order on access to the enterprise
  6. Passing a safety briefing
  7. Familiarization with the provision on trade secrets
  8. Signing trade secret documents
  9. Corporate behavior coaching
  10. Acquaintance with the employees of the organization
  11. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the organization
  12. Drawing up an organizational chart of company management
  13. Familiarity with the activities of the organization as a whole
  14. Evaluation of the scale of the company's work
  15. The history of the creation and development of the enterprise
  16. Drafting brief description enterprises
  17. Acquaintance with the enterprise industry in Russia
  18. Study of legal aspects organization activities
  19. The study of legal acts regulating the work of the enterprise
  20. Drawing up a contract for the provision of consulting services to a client of the company
  21. Copying sales contracts and adjusting them for new customers
  22. Answering telephone calls and telephone consultations
  23. Acceptance of service requests
  24. Filling out invoices
  25. Filling in receipts
  26. Collection of reports on the operational activities of the organization
  27. Studying the archives of the organization
  28. Copying and filing documents of the organization for archiving
  29. Participation in negotiations with suppliers
  30. Participation in the operational meeting
  31. Reconciliation of settlements with counterparties based on financial statements
  32. Making changes to counterparties in the 1C: Enterprise program
  33. Studying the theory on the topic of work and report
  34. Selection of sources for analysis
  35. Compiling a list of applications
  36. Compilation of a list of references
  37. Preparation of applications with reporting
  38. Compilation of tables with general indicators of the organization
  39. Preparation and analysis of accounting documents
  40. Preparation of the structure of the analysis of the financial condition
  41. Selection of sections for conducting financial status
  42. Checking collected documents for typos and other errors
  43. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company's property
  44. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company's capital
  45. The main indicators of the economic condition of the organization
  46. The main indicators of economic results of the organization
  47. Assessment of the main indicators of the economic condition and economic results
  48. Studying the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
  49. Preparation of materials for analysis
  50. Schema analysis
  51. Choice of sections of analysis
  52. Studying the reporting forms used by the organization
  53. Preparation of management reporting for analysis
  54. Analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
  55. Grade economic security enterprises
  56. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise
  57. Conducting competitor price analysis and compiling explanatory note for the head
  58. Analysis of cash flow, credit and settlement transactions
  59. Studying the staffing of the enterprise and the organizational tasks of the company
  60. Analysis of finished products and inventories
  61. Analysis of fixed assets and intangible assets
  62. Analysis of labor efficiency and payroll calculations
  63. Assessment of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise
  64. Participation in checking the completion of the company's reporting
  65. Preparation of initial data for an individual task
  66. Communication with the head about the mission and objectives of the organization
  67. The study of the organization, main activities, composition and structure of the organization.
  68. Study of normative documents governing the activities of the organization, types and content of constituent documents, organizational and legal form of the enterprise, form of ownership, types of statutory activities.
  69. Constituent documents and main legal acts
  70. Studying the duties and job descriptions of employees of the organization.
  71. The study of technical and economic indicators.
  72. Introduction to accounting procedures.
  73. The study of the organization of the system of payment and incentives.
  74. The study of sales plans of the organization, the study of planning standards, orders for the organization of planning in the organization, guidelines and orders.
  75. The study of the main indicators used to evaluate the activities of the organization.
  76. Assessment of the balance sheet of an enterprise (dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, inventories, finished products in stock, balance sheet, etc.)
  77. Analysis of receivables, study of own, borrowed funds, analysis of the formation of working capital of the organization.
  78. Analysis of accounts payable of the organization.
  79. The study of the order and mechanism of pricing (determining the cost) of the goods sold.
    PC, programs and office equipment used in the work of the institution.
  80. Work in the program "1C Enterprise 8.0" and "Client-Bank".
  81. Conducting an analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise
  82. Conducting an assessment of the liquidity of the enterprise
  83. Conducting an assessment of the solvency of the organization.
  84. Studying the practice of relations between the organization and banks and other credit institutions.
  85. Study of payment and settlement procedures operating in the organization
  86. State of settlement and payment discipline.
  87. Studying the forms of calculations used by the organization.
  88. Participation in the preparation of primary documents (invoices, waybills)
  89. Studying the relationship with tax institutions, budgets of various levels, extra-budgetary funds.
  90. Studying the relationship with customers (suppliers and customers or buyers).
  91. Participation in payment and settlement work.
  92. Studying the procedure for the formation, development and approval of the product range
  93. Studying the sources of receipt of goods
  94. Analysis of the product range. Working with price lists
  95. Familiarization with the procedure for acceptance and delivery of goods, their documentation and types of vehicles used.
  96. Participation in the preparation of primary documents.
  97. Participation in the preparation of applications for the importation of products from suppliers.
  98. Study of work with suppliers to determine the price level for the supplied goods.
  99. Acquaintance with the advertising activities of the enterprise
  100. Participation in ordering promotional products, business cards, souvenirs for customers, etc.
  101. The study of the organization of liability.
  102. Studying the procedure for conducting inventories, recovering losses and shortages.
  103. Conducting an assessment of the economic situation.
  104. Analysis of the income statement
  105. Analysis of the organization's own capital.
  106. Studying contracts of suppliers and buyers.
  107. Work with primary documents and correspondence.
  108. Studying the requirements for the design of the report
  109. Compiling a report template
  110. Compiling the content of the report
  111. Preparation of an internship report
  112. Verification of the conclusions and official documents of the organization
  113. Preparation of conclusions on the performed analysis
  114. Preparation of charts and graphs in the report
  115. Identify areas for improvement
  116. Studying similar situations in other companies
  117. Proposing recommendations for improving the company's activities
  118. Proposal for improvement measures
  119. Preparing a draft practice report
  120. Filling out a practice diary
  121. Obtaining the characteristics of the head of practice from the enterprise
  122. Submission of a report for verification to the head of the practice
  123. Preparation of a final version of the practice report
  124. Preparation of a practice report and submitting it for verification to the head of the practice.
  125. Collection of documents, signatures and seals

Now a few important questions that arise when filling it out.

  1. Is the practice diary strictly checked? No, not strictly. It simply describes what the trainee does every day at the practice site. What is there to check. They check the practice report in more detail (more on that).
  2. Is it possible to write directly in it, without drafts? Yes, you can. Some students fill out this diary just before taking the exam. Although if you have doubts, you can do it on a draft first. But it doesn't make much sense.
  3. And if every Monday an economist does the same thing, then you can write like that - the same thing every Monday? You can do the same thing, as long as it doesn’t catch your eye: use synonyms, change the order of the items and all that
  4. Is it possible to write the same thing, if this is true? Basically the same is possible. But, again, it's better to unify a little. For example: analysis of the implementation of the plan = assessment of the achievement of goals for turnover.
  5. Where to put stamps on the practice diary (Inzhekon). It is necessary to put three round seals of the enterprise (as of spring 2013): on the title page(over the words "Head of practice from the enterprise"); in the characteristic for a student from the place of internship(in the lower right corner); in the review of the head of practice from the organization(also in the lower right corner).

You can ask your questions about undergraduate practice for economic specialties in the comments to this article or in contact.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the work and the studied section of the program

Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the section under study

Supervisor's remark and assessment of the student's work

Factory tour. Getting to know the staff. In the production building there are: a hardware shop, a curd shop, a bottling shop, a diet section, two refrigerators, utility rooms, a laboratory, a repair shop, a master's room, a bathroom. knot, washing. In addition, an administrative building, a residential complex, a boiler room, and an expedition are located on the territory of the enterprise.

Acquaintance with the laboratory of the enterprise. The laboratory consists of department and tank. department. In chem. department determine the technical and chemical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and in the tank. department examines microbiological indicators. Based on all the results of the analysis in chem. department makes a conclusion about the quality of products.

General information about the work in the tank. laboratories. Compound: work room, prebox, box for sowing products, box for fermentation (weighing starter cultures), autoclave, medium cooker, washing.

Laboratory. Chem. the Department. Acceptance of milk: determination of analyzes: density, temperature, acidity, mass fraction of fat.

Chem. the Department. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of manufactured products before bottling, organoleptic evaluation.

Taking swabs from equipment (checking the quality of washing) in the curd shop and in the bottling shop. Entering information about the work done in the journal.

Tasting of finished products, evaluation and characteristics are recorded in a special journal.

Examination of raw milk for antibiotics (i.e. for their presence) 10 ml. heat milk in a water bath to t=92°C, hold for 10 minutes, cool to t=42°C, add 0.3 ml. working solution and 1 ml. resazurin, mix, reducer in a thermostat with t=37°C. Watch for color changes. If the color is pink, then antibiotics are absent.

Tank. the Department. Expedition. Inspection of test tubes with swabs, determination of BGKP. Preparation of notice sheets.

Studying magazines. Filled in:

Journal of cooking des. solution;

Drying cabinet temperature register;

Journal of control of caustic soda in the disinfection barrier;

Journal of disinfection of boxes;

Car wash control log.

Taking swabs from the equipment after the end of work in production. All data is recorded in a special log. Test tubes with washings are placed in a thermostat (t = 37 ° C) until morning. In the morning processing the results.

Preparation of starters for cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Calculation of the dose of starter at the request of the master. Breeding. Temperature and fermentation time control. In the curd shop in the fermentation bath, the temperature of the fermentation of the mixture for cottage cheese is 33 ° C, in the diet shop, respectively, the temperature of the mixture for sour cream and yogurt is 85 ° C, for kefir - 31 ° C.

Physical preparation. a solution of 12.2-12.3 g of sodium chloride per 250 ml of distilled water, mix, autoclave.

Preparation for crops and washings Kessler's medium: 16g. dry medium dissolve in 1 liter. distilled water, boil for 25-30 minutes, cool, filter, pour into a test tube of 5 ml. and autoclave. Production. Hardware shop: study of individual operations and elements of the technological process.

Study of the autoclave. Tasting: milk, baked milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Carrying out autoclaving: sterilization time for Kessler medium-10 minutes; for GPS-20 minutes; for KMAFAiM-20 minutes; serum agar - 15 minutes.

Preparation of dishes for drying in a drying cabinet: sticks with cotton swabs (for taking swabs), a test tube for testing for the presence of antibiotics, jars, pipettes, spoons, etc. The operation of the drying cabinet is 3-4 hours at t = 160 ° C.

Carrying out crops of manufactured products: milk, baked milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, curds. Kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka are deoxidized with a soda solution before sowing. Milk, kefir-2 dilutions, sour cream - 3 dilutions, cottage cheese, cheese curds - 5 dilutions. Taking swabs from tanks No. 1, 4, 5 on the pasteurized line in the hardware shop.

Weighing starter cultures for kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Preparation of a working solution for testing for antibiotics. Curd shop: study of the name and purpose of equipment for the production of cottage cheese. Taking swabs in the curd and serum lines.

Butter shop: Monitoring the production of Extra sweet cream butter with a mass fraction of fat of 82.5%. After the end of work and after washing the equipment, taking swabs in this workshop, AWP (Automatic oil packaging): knockout, bunker, cells, cylinder, dispenser, piston, screws.

Tasting: milk, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese curds with vanillin and raisins. Sowing products in Kessler's medium. Filling in the journal of washing and disinfection of equipment, the journal of control of cleanliness of hands.

Bottling department. Studying the design and operation of filling machines: polycap, elopak, OFM, OFS. Filling in the journal of microbiological control of finished products, the journal of control of incoming raw materials.

Expedition. A trip to the warehouse (refrigeration chamber for finished products). Control of time and temperature of fermentation of kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese.

Chem. the Department. Determination of moisture in cottage cheese using Chizhova's device. Filling in the log for the control of lactic acid bacteria, the log for the disinfection of waste material, the log for the microbiological control of equipment washing.

Conversation with the chief engineer of the enterprise. Studying the issues of heat, water, electrical supply at the enterprise. Collection of data on the technological equipment used in this plant.

On weekends I worked with technological instructions, conditions for the production of butter, studying technological processes at the enterprise, getting acquainted with the necessary documentation. Registration of a diary and a report on practice at BEG LLC

A sample of filling out a diary on the practice of financial analysis, organization and planning.

Diary of industrial work and the studied question of the program of industrial practice. Industrial practice of an economist-manager at an enterprise.

Analysis and conclusions of the student on the studied issue of practice

Superintendent's remark and assessment of the student's work (signature)

Accounting. Acquaintance with the natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure, financial condition and specialization

The farm is located in favorable natural and climatic conditions, large in size, grain-growing and is engaged in the processing of agricultural products

Accounting. Studying the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, the structure of its assets and liabilities

The economy is liquid and solvent, assets are represented by non-current and current assets, receivables; liabilities - equity, current liabilities and security for future payments and payments

Accounting. Analysis of the financial stability of farms, calculation of sustainability indicators and determination of the type of financial stability

The economy has normal financial stability, and the growth of financial stability indicators indicates its strengthening and stability

Accounting. The study of the composition and structure of the working capital of the enterprise, the assessment of the turnover of current assets of the economy, cash flow, turnover of debt and inventory items

The current assets of the economy are represented by inventories, receivables and cash and cash equivalents. The turnover of working capital shows that the turnover of funds is growing, and the period of turnover is decreasing

The analysis of receivables and payables showed that the economy can pay off accounts payable at the expense of debtors. Increased turnover of inventory and cash.

Accounting. Analysis of the financial results of the enterprise.

Evaluation of the profitability of the economy. Factor analysis of profit

The financial results of AF Stepanovka LLC have a positive result (176 thousand UAH of profit), but this result is 3.8 times less level 2002). The total cash flow at the same time increased by 25.1%.

According to the factor analysis, it can be seen that the gross profit from the sale of products in 2004 increased by UAH 393.7 thousand compared to 2003. The greatest impact on the increase in profits was made by the increase in the cost of changes in selling prices for sold products. Changes in prime cost due to structural shifts in the composition of products (decrease in the grade of grain) and changes in prices for materials (increase) had a depressing effect on profits.


Compiling estimates of projected earnings, required working capital gains, rate of return, self-financing and capital utilization ratios.

The calculation of the amount of forecasted profit is calculated on the basis of the production plan for the development of the economy for 2005 and the financial plan for 2005. The total amount of working capital increase in 2005 should be UAH 1,362,000.

In 2004 the self-sufficiency ratio tended to decrease, and the self-financing ratio showed that the enterprise's own funds are greater than the production costs.

Accounting. Acquaintance with the sources of income of the enterprise, the study of the price level and the pricing procedure. Studying the order of distribution of profits

The main income for the economy is provided by operating activities in the form of cash receipts from the sale of finished products. The farm received the largest profit in 2002, and by 2004 its level had dropped to UAH 176,000. The farm has an extensive network of product sales channels, conducts active marketing activities, seeks and conquers new sales markets.

The level of prices and the procedure for pricing in the economy is built on the principle of gradation of sales channels. The average selling prices prevailing in 2004 for agricultural products are higher than the cost of production by an average of 40-50%.

The income received by the farm is distributed among various funds.

Accounting. Studying the methodology for drawing up a financial plan, the composition of the financial plan and the basic principles of financial planning in the economy.

Financial planning at the enterprise consists in calculating economic indicators (revenue from sales of products; cost of sales; profit from sales; administrative expenses; distribution costs; other operating expenses; other expenses; overall financial result). In 2005 the farm plans to receive net profit in the amount of UAH 843.5 thousand. At the same time, the level of profitability will be 9.4%, which is 7.7% more (5.3 times) than in 2004.

After determining the planned sources and the amount of profit, the profit is distributed for the following purposes:

payment of the FSN - UAH 74 thousand (the amount has not changed, since there are no plans to change the area of ​​agricultural land); reserve fund - UAH 42.2 thousand; fund of funds for the development of production - UAH 30 thousand; fund for social needs - UAH 29.6 thousand; fund of funds for material incentives - UAH 18 thousand; depreciation fund - UAH 56 thousand. The amount of retained earnings in this case will be UAH 593.7 thousand.

Accounting. Analysis of the financial prerequisites for insolvency (bankruptcy) of an enterprise

A detailed analysis of the balance sheet structure of Agrofirma Stepanovka LLC showed that the farm has a positive balance structure. Bankruptcy does not threaten the economy.

Consideration of the relationship of the enterprise with the budgetary and financial system. Studying the practice of taxation and the facts of payment of fines by the enterprise

The farm is a payer of the following taxes recorded on such sub-accounts: 641/1 “Income tax from wages”; 641/2 "Income tax of goods and materials"; 641/3 "Income tax on shares"; 641/4 "Income tax on property shares"; 641/5 "VAT (general declaration)"; 641/6 "VAT (livestock)"; 641/7 "VAT (plant growing)"; 641/8 "FSN"; 641/9 "Fish tax"; 641/10 "Environmental pollution"; 641/11 "Water tax"; 641/12 "1% for the development of viticulture and horticulture"; subaccount 643 "Tax liability"; subaccount 644 "Tax credit"

The farm keeps records of settlements for the following types of mandatory fees (on sub-accounts): 651 “On pension provision”; 652/1 "On social insurance"; 652/2 "Sick Leaves" 653 "Unemployment Insurance"; 656 "Insurance against accident at work and occupational diseases".

According to the results of 2004, the economy actually has a debt to the budget of 198 thousand UAH. (at the end of the year), for insurance - UAH 8 thousand. and has no debt on settlements with off-budget funds.

The study of the relationship of the economy with the banking system. Analysis of the company's bank accounts, consideration of the procedure for non-cash payments.

The farm has a current account in the bank in the national currency, the amount of which at the end of the year amounted to 71 thousand UAH. during its existence (the enterprise was organized in 2001), the farm did not attract either long-term or short-term loans.

The farm performs non-cash payments with the help of such payment documents as a payment order and a payment request. The economy has no experience of settlements with the help of checks, letters of credit and bills of exchange.

Day off. Work outside the enterprise. Drawing up and calculation of tables.

Analysis of the control of cash discipline of the economy.

Internal cash control in the economy is carried out by the chief accountant once a month in the form of sudden inventories. External control of cash transactions is carried out by the servicing bank.

In 2004, the limit set for the economy is 35,000 UAH.

Accounting. Summing up the results of the internship and completing the writing of the report

AF Stepanovka LLC is an excellent farm for internships in financial analysis, organization and planning of agricultural production. production and meets the conditions of the practice program.

The production practice diary is signed by the Chief Accountant-Head of Practice from the enterprise.

A completed sample diary of industrial practice in taxes and finance.

Accounting and Finance Faculty. Department of Finance and Credit. Diary of work practice in "tax and financial management" of a 5th year student of the specialty "Finance"

Practice start date. Practice end date. Heads of practice from the department.

1. Individual calendar schedule for the internship

The name of the topic or subsection

Number of working days

Debt management

Cash flow management

financial planning

Student's signature ___________________

Signature of head of practice _____________________

Place of printing in the practice diary.

2. Completed work on practice according to the program:

Analysis and conclusions about the issue under study

Supervisor's note

Financial Management Support System

Studied the financial management system

Management of non-current assets

Studied in practice how non-current assets are managed

Current assets management

Studied in practice how current assets are managed


Equity management

Studied in practice how to manage own capital


Debt management

Studied how debt capital is managed in practice


Cash flow management

Studied how cash flows are managed in practice


Financial risk management

Studied how financial risks are managed in practice


financial planning

Studied how financial planning is carried out in practice


Studying tax management issues

Studied tax management issues

Student's signature_____________.

Signature of the head of practice __________________.

Place print diary.

A completed diary of industrial practice in the economics of the enterprise.

Department of Economics. Diary of practical training in the specialty "Enterprise Economics" in SE "Morskoye" NPAO "Massandra"

Head of practice from the economy.

Diary of the passage of industrial practice of an economist at the enterprise.

The diary of the industrial practice of an economist is signed by the Chief Economist of the enterprise - the head of the practice.

Industrial practice of a student at a winery - a completed sample.

Diary of a student's industrial practice. Date of arrival at the place of practice. Date of departure from the place of practice.

Individual schedule for the student's internship at the DP "Crimean Wine House"

FULL NAME. site manager and position

Plot name

Number of working days

Registration of documentation, general safety briefing and at the workplace.

Labor and fire safety engineer

Human Resources Department

General acquaintance with the plant, workshops, equipment, range and name of products.

Work on the bottling line by auxiliary workers: tray of boxes for finished products, unpacking packages with empty bottles.

Bottling shop


Work in the laboratory. Control of temperature and humidity in cognac storages. Sampling of alcoholized waters for vintage cognacs. Analysis of the quality of granulated sugar. Performing distillation of alcohol in the laboratory.

factory laboratory

Work in storage No. 1 pumping cognac spirit from barrels in which a leak was detected

Territory of the winery

Cleaning and landscaping

Bottling shop The territory of the winery

Worked on rinse aid for new bottles, placing bottles on the conveyor. Performing handyman work.

Bottling shop


Collecting data about the winery for writing a report

Obtaining information about the procedural schemes for bottling wines with the attached name of the equipment

Departure from the factory, filling in the practice diary.

Diary of industrial practice of an economist manager - sample filling

Diary of industrial practice of a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management. Place of internship at APK Vinogradny. Date of arrival at the place of practice. Date of departure from the place of practice. Head of Practice - Associate Professor. Head of practice from the enterprise

Individual calendar plan-schedule of passing the production practice.

Practice Program Study Question


Number of working days

start date

End date

Conducting safety briefings, registration for practice. Introductory briefing at the workplace on safety and labor protection.

Settlement and planning department

Brief information about the enterprise.

Settlement and planning department

Analysis of the activities of the enterprise and the implementation of the business plan for the past year.

Settlement and planning department

Work with annual reports for 2005-2007.

Settlement and planning department

Studying the methodology for compiling a business plan for the development of agricultural enterprises, as well as the methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the current plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise

Settlement and planning department

Studying tax calculations

Settlement and planning department

Settlement and planning department

Head of Practice, Chief Economist.

Intern, student.

Production work and the studied issue of the program.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the study question of the practice program

Human Resources Department

Filling out documents for the internship. Familiarization with safety technology. Drawing up a calendar plan.

Economic department, accounting

Acquaintance with the natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size and structure.

SPK "KATP Dzhankoy" is an agricultural enterprise with a narrow specialization: growing grain. The farm transfers the main part of the harvest to its head enterprise, and only a small part of the farm sells in retail trade to the population.


Determining the size of the resource potential of the economy. Identification of the main dimensions of the growth in the economic efficiency of production technologies in the crop sector of the economy.

There are prospects for increasing the resource potential. The cultivation of winter wheat has the highest profitability.

Accounting, planning department.

Analysis of the business plan for the past year.

The farm annually develops production plans for each subdivision and for the farm as a whole. Each foreman at the beginning of the season, before performing certain work, signs a contract in which he undertakes to perform a certain amount of work or provide services. For the production plan, the enterprise is obliged to provide all the necessary means of labor, including material ones. Plans in this case are not fully implemented.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the study question of the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the issue under study

Supervisor's remarks and assessment of the student's work (signature)

Work with annual reports for 2004-2007.

Planning department, accounting.

The study of the plan for socio-economic development, the methodology for compiling

In the SEC "KATP Dzhankoy" - an annual professional financial plan is drawn up in order to plan the development of production at the enterprise.

The current plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise is the collective work of specialists, the manager, and the entire team of employees.

Chief specialists and heads of departments are responsible for developing a development plan for individual industries and areas of activity. The Chief Economist is an advisor to all employees who take part in the preparation of the current plan. Before drawing up the plan, preparatory work is carried out: the production and financial activities of the enterprise and all its divisions are analyzed over the past 3-5 years; market conditions are being studied - the demand for specific types of products, channels and conditions for its implementation; price forecast; take into account the norms of production, estimated and planned accounting prices, norms for the cost of fuel, fertilizers; the composition of the primary labor collectives is determined and the form of remuneration that will be applied in the planned year is determined. On the basis of documents on the inventory of fixed and circulating production assets, the state of the means of production is determined, and the remains of products and materials are identified.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the study question of the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the issue under study

Supervisor's remarks and assessment of the student's work (signature)

Planning department, accounting.

The study of the plan of socio-economic development, the main indicators.

The current plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise is submitted to the department of the strategy for the development of the agrarian economy, form 188. The plan contains the following forms: 1. implementation of agricultural. products and raw materials; 2. presence of page - x. lands; 3. use of arable land, sown area, productivity and gross harvest of agricultural crops. products; 4. availability and use of reclamation lands; 5. the need and cost of seeds and planting material for sowing and planting for next year's harvest; 6. production of industrial products; 7. economy and work; 8. property and land relations; 9. availability of social infrastructure facilities; 10. calculation of costs for the maintenance of social infrastructure facilities, engineering systems and structures; 11. the need for material, technical and energy resources; 12. balance of cash receipts; 13. production of food industry products.

Planning department, accounting

Studying the methodology for compiling a business plan for the development of agricultural enterprises.

Depending on the specific nature and conditions of the enterprise, the composition and structure of the business plan may vary significantly, but the content side will be the same. A traditional business plan written at the level of an individual enterprise includes the following sections: summary, business history, product (service) description, industry analysis, production plan, marketing plan, organizational and financial plans. In large enterprises, both the research and development plan and the risk assessment and insurance stand out.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the study question of the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the issue under study

Supervisor's remarks and assessment of the student's work (signature)


Accounting, economic department.

The study of tax calculations and the organization of wages in on-farm divisions

Remuneration at the enterprise is organized according to the current tariff rates in accordance with the categories of work and categories of employees.


Methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments

In the SEC "KATP Dzhankoy" - annually, self-supporting tasks for production units are compiled. The self-supporting task regulates the mutual obligation of the team to fulfill the production task, on the other hand, the management of "KATP Dzhankoy" - which provides the team with material and financial resources, accepts the amount of work and makes payment. The list of works, the name of the products to be obtained, the cost and quantity of the resources necessary to fulfill the plan, wages, and the bonus as a result of making a profit included in the business assignment are indicated.

Head of practice, ch. economist.

Intern, student.

Download the full text of the completed work practice diary -

Documentation should be approached carefully and responsibly. In this case, they are guided by slightly different principles than when writing term papers. Filling in the diary is not enough, the feedback left by the management of the enterprise is also not enough. When applying, it is mandatory to adhere to the established recommendations and requirements. There is a set of rules in which methodical instructions are given. When compiling them, they are guided by GOST.

On the general provisions governing the internship

In accordance with the methodological guidelines developed by the Ministry of Education, university students, students of vocational schools, colleges, sent for undergraduate or industrial practice in the relevant organizations, should familiarize themselves with all types of professional activities related to the disciplines studied in theory. At the same time, trainees should get the concept of job competencies.

Training a person in a certain specialty suggests that he will soon get into production and will face the need to resolve specific issues. In this case, theoretical knowledge will be clearly not enough. Therefore, there is a need for real experience. In other words, it is necessary to clearly set the task, which implies the execution of tasks in full accordance with established standards. This will become a weighty argument in favor of the fact that a young person is able to independently make the right decisions regarding his profession, and he can be entrusted with the performance of one or another type of work.

One who carries out his activities within the framework of a university, college, vocational school and is called upon to supervise workshops draws up a program of events. To consider this program, cyclic commissions are convened. If the members of the commission make a positive decision, the approval of the potential employer must be obtained. After these conditions are met, the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs puts his signature on the relevant documents.

The curator is entitled to independently draw up forms for student reports. They are approved by the academic council (if we are talking about a higher educational institution), the head of the enterprise to which the student is sent for internship.

A contract of social employment is concluded between an educational institution and enterprises. In doing so, the legal basis of both parties must be taken into account. Students can independently choose an organization for internships. This option involves filing an application addressed to the rector. This is done a month before the start of practice or earlier.

How are the results of the practice recorded in the diary?

Internship students should fill out the production diary accurately and in a timely manner. The types of disciplines in which work is carried out are not taken into account. The diary is a mandatory document for all specialties. It records the information received, which is written evidence that students or students have gained professional experience.

As mentioned above, the Ministry of Education has drawn up Methodological Guidelines. They must fully comply with certain requirements.

  1. The diary should contain information allowing to draw a conclusion about the trainee's skills, his professional suitability.
  1. Diary entries are made during the working day. They reflect the list of works and assignments performed by the student.
  1. The head of the practice is charged with the duty of: reviewing the records made by his wards, grading. The curator performs such checks every day and puts his signature. This is done in order to prove the interest of the leader.
  1. At the end of the practice, the head of the enterprise puts a seal, which is certified by a signature.

The diary is provided as an attachment to the main report submitted by the student to the department for verification. Representatives of the Ministry of Education are also involved in determining the structure of the practice diary.

Special applications have been created. Each of them is numbered. They are just the basis for compiling reports and diaries. Let's say what it should look like title page, governs Annex number one. You can find the form on our website. The rules for filling out the diary are determined by Appendix No. 2.

Today, technical capabilities make it possible to place high-quality photographs, audio materials, and video files in the practice diary, which serve as indisputable evidence that the trainee did not shy away from the work entrusted to him, gained experience, learned useful skills, thanks to which he consolidated the theoretical knowledge gained in the educational institution.

The information necessary to write a detailed report on the practice is collected by pupils and students during the entire duration of the practice. The information obtained is recorded in the practice diary. In other words, competently and competently compiled diary in the near future will help in writing a report that will certainly be appreciated by the teachers of the educational institution. In this way, diligent students will be rewarded for their efforts.

In addition to the diary itself, other documents are attached to the report:

  • characteristics, which are a review of the enterprise, certified by the management of the organization and the seal;
  • certification sheet.

When students are serious about paperwork, summarizing the results of the practice, as a rule, does not cause absolutely no problems. After compiling the report, collecting the necessary signatures, students will have to pass the test for practical work.