What to do when you skip school. How to skip school for a good reason

Let's admit to ourselves: at least once in our lives, but each of us had a desire not to go to school. Just an incredible desire! Today we will please young tricksters and tell you some reliable ways to skip school without consequences.

Ways to skip school on "excellent"

Since you have already decided that you want to skip school, let it be on your conscience. Just try our methods!

Method one

It is suitable only for those guys who get good grades. How can an excellent student skip school? Easy - using your reputation. All you need is a little artistry and playing on the feelings of the parents. And since the most sensual parent is mom, we boldly go to her and declare, they say, I didn’t have time to do my homework and there’s no point in going tomorrow, it will only get worse. If you try, then mom herself will come up with an excuse for you to skip school.

Method two, how to skip school

Tell your parents that school tomorrow is evil. You urgently need to prepare for some kind of conference there and there is not a minute to lose! Yes, there is a risk of being locked in a room to prepare for a non-existent conference. But since we have already taken the path of lies, it's time to complete the picture! Say that you need to prepare with Ivan Ivanovich, the new leader of your circle. Why new? Yes, because the number of the "old" may be with your ancestors! The risk justifies the means, try it.

The third way to skip school

Don't want to involve your parents? It is necessary to act locally, in the school itself! Lie to the teachers about being stuck in the library. Or you were accidentally locked in some office. The advantages of this method of skipping school can be considered that it is almost impossible to check whether you are lying or not. The downside is travel time. It is unlikely that they will believe you if you walk away like this for several days in a row.

The fourth way to get out of school

Method for older classes:

  • Guys are often called to the military registration and enlistment offices;
  • Girls have unscheduled medical examinations.

Is the hint clear? But often such an excuse will not get away with it: the situation is very unrealistic when a guy is called by the military registration and enlistment office three times a week. And the girls can complain about “some complications” no more than once a month.

Fifth way to skip school

The method is smart and efficient. Before using it, make sure that the class teacher is not in close contact with your parents. Otherwise it will be bo-bo!

Ask a friend to send a text message to their mobile phone for help. The meaning is this: as if your mother asks you to urgently appear at home due to force majeure. Well, the pipe burst or the dog is sick. Then rename your friend's contact in the phone book to the banal "mom" - and show the teacher. 100% effect! Warning: do not use often!

The best seventh way

Of course, you already guessed. Illness Simulation! Yes, this way of skipping school has long saved entire generations of schoolchildren from hated knowledge. And why don't we use it? The main thing to remember here is that there are no deviations. If you decide to skip school this way, you have no friends. Simply NO friends! Nobody has to guess what you're faking. Otherwise, it may end in embarrassment and ridicule of you as a bad artist and a liar.

You can simulate the disease right at school. Approach the teacher, before that, putting on a “sick” look and in a sad voice declare that you have a severe headache (stomach, etc.), take time off from the lesson home or to the first-aid post. Usually, if this method is not abused, teachers are released from the lesson, this method is most suitable for a physical education lesson.

But you can simulate the disease at home, in the morning. If everything is done correctly, your parents will leave you at home, while it is important to convince them that something just hurts you today and you need to sit quietly at home, and not call an ambulance.

This is how you get out of school. Do not deliberately get sick or use dangerous methods that can harm your health. Remember, knowledge is power! And if you have already decided to skip school, then lie! And he began to lie - lie to the bitter end!

In the life of every student there is a situation when it is very necessary not to go to school. We want to warn you right away: there is nothing good in the fact that a child skips classes. If gaps are repeated with a regular frequency, this is fraught with gaps in knowledge, as well as the formation of a bad habit of skipping, which can create a lot of problems as a person grows up. But if the case is isolated, then our advice will tell you how to skip school without unpleasant consequences.

Negotiate with parents

The most legal way is to negotiate with the parents. If the child does well in all subjects, and his behavior does not cause any particular complaints, then they will most likely respond positively to the only request in a quarter to miss classes due to fatigue and write a note to the class teacher with a request to release the student for a day due to family circumstances.

fake note

If the student is sure that the parents will not agree to write a note asking for release, you can ask an older friend, older brother, etc. make a fake note on behalf of mom. This method is also suitable if the student skipped school and does not know what to do. But it must be remembered that the teacher can clarify by calling the parents who wrote the note, or save the leaflet until parent meeting to determine authorship.

Illness Simulation

If the student does not shine with academic success or his parents are very principled, then you can simulate the disease. If the mother and father do not believe the word, you can slightly heat the thermometer on the battery (the main thing is not to overdo it 37.5 - that's what you need!) In the case when the temperature has to be measured in the presence of parents or a nurse working at the school, you can first lubricate the armpit area with ground pepper with wet hands. Connoisseurs are also advised to eat a lead from a simple pencil. The body temperature will rise to the required level.

Visiting the military registration and enlistment office

Male high school students are periodically called to the military registration and enlistment office. When deciding how to skip school, it is possible to choose this good reason (in case the high school student is sure that in the next few weeks he will not really be called to this institution).

Painful periods

Naturally, this option is available for girls of a certain age. Discomfort and in such days feel many women. If you are a born actress, you can exaggerate suffering (the main thing is not to overdo it!)

Visit to the polyclinic

From time to time, everyone needs to visit a dentist, ophthalmologist or other medical specialist. This method is especially effective in the case of a chronic disease in a student, which is known to teachers.

How else to skip classes?

The following three methods can be used if you need to skip one or more lessons.

Passing the examination

A reference to the fact that it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, for example, to do a fluorography, donate blood for analysis, etc. It is well known that these procedures are performed in the morning, so the reason will be significant.

Call from lessons via SMS or note

An SMS message received on a cell phone or a note sent through a watchman asking to be allowed to go home due to an emergency situation, for example, grandmother became ill or a plumber should come, etc., usually finds understanding among teachers.

Visiting the section, mug

If a student attends a sports section, a circle of interests or receives additional education at school foreign language, you can take time off from lessons due to the need to prepare for a competition or competition, attend an unscheduled lesson or workout.

Use these tips as little as possible! Remember that often asking for time off will cause understandable suspicion, and if you get out of trust, you will fall under total control, and then you are unlikely to be able to skip school without a good reason. In addition, each absenteeism is a gap in knowledge, which may have to be filled in much more time, making much more effort.

In the life of all students there are situations when you do not want to go to school. I would like to warn that if a child skips classes, then this is a bad deed. Regularly repeated absences are fraught with gaps in knowledge, and in this way a bad habit of skipping school can form, which creates many problems in the process of growing up a child. But still there are 10 ways to skip school and in reality they all work.

Method Navigator

3 way. Note from relatives.

In a situation where the student is sure that the parents will not agree to write a note with requests for exemption from classes, you can ask to do this on behalf of the mother of an older brother, sister or girlfriend. This method is suitable only when the student has already skipped school and does not understand what to do next and how to justify himself to the teacher. It is important to remember that the teacher is always able to clarify whether the note is really true by calling the parents or by saving the piece of paper until the parent meeting with the mission to determine the authorship.

4 way. SMS with a call from the lessons from relatives.

An SMS message received on a mobile phone with a request to let the child go home due to an emergency situation at home, for example, “grandmother got sick” or “a plumber will come,” often finds understanding among teachers.

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5 way. Section visit.

If a student goes to a sports section, an art or music school, and also if he receives additional education at a foreign language school, then you can easily take time off from classes due to the need to prepare for a competition or competition, attend an unplanned lesson or training.

6 way. Pretend to be "sick".

You need to get up to school a little later than usual. Next, you will have to inform your parents that you are sick and behave like a sick person behaves. It is important to move slowly. After sleep, do not comb your hair. If a cold or flu is simulated, then you can sneeze or cough, and also say that you feel dizzy. At the moment of simulating pain in the stomach, it is worth holding on to the stomach and complaining about the pain. There should be no appetite for breakfast, because it disappears in sick people.

7 way. To miss the bus.

If the child gets to school on his own by bus, then you can simply be late for it. You will have to go to the stop too slowly so as not to be in time before departure. You can also just hide until the bus leaves, and then return home. If the parents are still at home or suddenly return from work at lunchtime, then you will need to hide from them so that they do not notice skipping school.

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8 way. Hide your backpack.

It is important to hide your own backpack at school, and when the lesson starts, you need to start loudly indignant and shout that the notebooks and textbooks along with the backpack are gone, and there are suggestions where they hid it. Then you have to go in search of a backpack and return only at the end of the lesson. Do not forget that you will have to stain the backpack a little to make it more plausible that he was at the stadium or with the cleaning lady in the back room.

9 way. Rub your feet with laundry soap.

You can skip classes with the help of an ordinary piece of laundry soap. He needs to rub his leg and boldly go to class. It all lies in the fact that at the moment of rubbing the trouser leg against the leg, a too natural effect of damage will turn out. Already at recess, you can safely go to the medical center with complaints of a bruise and pain in the leg.

10 way. The need to go to the military registration and enlistment office.

This method will give a result only for high school boys who have the right to skip school due to a call to the military registration and enlistment office. In order not to get into a difficult situation, it is important to find out in advance whether there will actually be subpoenas from this institution in the coming days.

Sometimes school can be the worst place in the world and you just can't do without a day off. Use your creativity to find a reason to leave class and enjoy free time. Here are some ways to skip school without arousing suspicion.


Feign illness

    Prepare the ground. If you are going to feign illness, then tell your parents in advance that you are not feeling very well. Your illness will look less realistic if your parents only hear about the symptoms for the first time at the very last moment.

    • Tell your parents that you seem to have eaten something wrong in the school cafeteria if you want to feign stomach pain.
    • Say that you have a sore throat if you are going to feign a cold.
    • To be realistic, wake up in the middle of the night before the morning when you want to stay at home and let your parents know that you don't feel well. Try mimicking the stomach/cold symptoms mentioned earlier, or just say "I think I'm sick" or "I'm not feeling well."
  1. Wake up sick. Get up a little later than you should. Let your parents know that you are unwell. Act like you are sick.

    • Move slowly as if your muscles hurt. Do not comb your hair after sleep.
    • If you are faking a cold or flu, you can cough/sneeze and say that you are dizzy. When feigning stomach pain, hold your stomach and complain about the pain.
    • Hold your appetite for breakfast. Sick people often don't have an appetite, so make it look right.
  2. Simulate elevated temperature. Parents will probably want to take your temperature, as a fever is a sign of a real illness. To convince them of your illness, you will need to make your parents believe that you have a fever.

  3. Try to be brave first, and then give up. If your parents offer to stay at home, do not immediately agree. Act like you don't want to miss school at all.

    • Think about it for a couple of minutes and say something like "But I was preparing for open lesson". And then change your mind: "Only I'm not sure that I can sit through all the lessons."
    • If your parents agree that it's better for you to stay at home, then your trick is a success.
  4. Continue to behave according to the legend. Despite the free day, you still need to pretend to be sick, at least in the presence of your parents.

    • Pretend to be sick all morning, and then start pretending to feel better.
    • The next morning, act like you're still not well, but you're rested and ready to go to school.

    Run away from class

    1. Weigh the risks. Many schools may have monitors or cameras at the exit, and watchmen or teachers may monitor those leaving the building. The decision to run away from class can be very risky.

      • Be sure to read school rules to know all the possible consequences in case you get caught.
    2. Leave at the right time. If you are going to leave the lessons, then you need to wait for the moment when almost certainly no one will notice you. To do this, it is best to blend in with a crowd of other students.

      • Leaving at the very beginning of the day, you can hardly go unnoticed, as all the children rush to classes, and do not leave school.
      • Try to go to the first class to be seen at school, and then sneak out at recess. Choose a break after the first lesson or a big break.
    3. Keep track of time. There is no need to raise the alarm of teachers and parents by returning from school late. When skipping classes, constantly look at the clock to know how much free time is left.

      • Leave some time to get dressed. school uniform(if you have changed clothes) and return to school by the bell from the last lesson.
      • You need to arrive on time to the school bus stop or to the place where your parents usually meet you after school. If teachers see you and ask where you have been, then say that you became ill and were in the bathroom, or that one of the other teachers called you to them. The main thing is that the teacher does not tell your parents that you were absent from class.

    Come up with good reasons

    1. Say you haven't finished your homework. In the morning, declare that you did not have time to finish a very important task - you can panic, try to burst into tears and frantically pretend that you are in a hurry to finish the job. If your parents believed your tricks, then they may take pity on you and suggest that you stay at home to complete the task.

      • With some parents, this situation will not work. They may send you to school so that you learn a lesson and always have time to do your homework from now on.
    2. Late for the bus. If you are traveling to school on your own by bus, then just miss it. Go to the bus stop very slowly so that you don't make it before the departure, or just hide until the bus leaves, then return home.

      • If your parents are still at home or suddenly return from work at lunchtime, then you will have to hide from them so that they do not guess that you are not at school.
    3. Set your parents' alarm for another time. It's not hard, but it's risky: you'll almost certainly be exposed, and your parents may be late for work.

      • When the parents are asleep, pick up their alarm clock or phone and set the alarm 1-2 hours ahead (for example, if the alarm is set for 6 in the morning, then set it to 7 or 8 hours). Then put it back in place. When the alarm goes off, your parents will panic that they might be late for work and (maybe) not get you to school in time.
      • If one of the parents sets the alarm, then you only need to take care of one phone or alarm clock. If there are several alarms, then you need to translate them all.

In the life of every student there is a situation when it is very necessary not to go to school. We want to warn you right away: there is nothing good in the fact that a child skips classes. If gaps are repeated with a regular frequency, this is fraught with gaps in knowledge, as well as the formation of a bad habit of skipping, which can create a lot of problems as a person grows up. But if the case is isolated, then our advice will tell you how to skip school without unpleasant consequences.

Negotiate with parents

The most legal way is to negotiate with the parents. If the child does well in all subjects, and his behavior does not cause any particular complaints, then they will most likely respond positively to the only request in a quarter to miss classes due to fatigue and write a note to the class teacher with a request to release the student for a day due to family circumstances.

If the student is sure that the parents will not agree to write a note asking for release, you can ask an older friend, older brother, etc. make a fake note on behalf of mom. This method is also suitable if the student skipped school and does not know what to do. But it must be remembered that the teacher can clarify by calling the parents who wrote the note, or save the leaflet until the parent meeting in order to determine authorship.

If the student does not shine with academic success or his parents are very principled, then you can simulate the disease. If the mother and father do not believe the word, you can slightly heat the thermometer on the battery (the main thing is not to overdo it 37.5 - that's what you need!) In the case when the temperature has to be measured in the presence of parents or a nurse working at the school, you can first lubricate the armpit area with ground pepper with wet hands. Connoisseurs are also advised to eat a lead from a simple pencil. The body temperature will rise to the required level.

Male high school students are periodically called to the military registration and enlistment office. When deciding how to skip school, it is possible to choose this good reason (in case the high school student is sure that in the next few weeks he will not really be called to this institution).

Naturally, this option is available for girls of a certain age. Discomfort and pain in the abdomen on such days are felt by many women. If you are a born actress, you can exaggerate suffering (the main thing is not to overdo it!)

From time to time, everyone needs to visit a dentist, ophthalmologist or other medical specialist. This method is especially effective in the case of a chronic disease in a student, which is known to teachers.

How else to skip classes?

The following three methods can be used if you need to skip one or more lessons.

A reference to the fact that it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, for example, to do a fluorography, donate blood for analysis, etc. It is well known that these procedures are performed in the morning, so the reason will be significant.

Call from lessons via SMS or note

An SMS message received on a cell phone or a note sent through a watchman asking to be allowed to go home due to an emergency situation, for example, grandmother became ill or a plumber should come, etc., usually finds understanding among teachers.

Visiting the section, mug

If a student attends a sports section, a hobby group or receives additional education at a music school, a foreign language school, you can take time off from lessons due to the need to prepare for a competition or competition, attend an unscheduled lesson or training.

Use these tips as little as possible! Remember that often asking for time off will cause understandable suspicion, and if you get out of trust, you will fall under total control, and then you are unlikely to be able to skip school without a good reason. In addition, each absenteeism is a gap in knowledge, which may have to be filled in much more time, making much more effort.

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How not to go to school? How to get out of school? How to skip school

How to persuade parents to let them not go to school?

You can imagine what parents will say: what is the best way to skip work? No one will especially captivate you and they will not kill you to death, they will grumble a little, but they can punish you a little. Slowly - walk like it. Well, it's fun, you can drink a beer, then chatter, And there, next to the gateway, are the guys who, skipping school, are already in crime. And under another gateway, the boys are drug addicts. Both are waiting for you in their arms. And now, after several absenteeism, you are hopelessly behind, fall out of favor with both teachers and parents, the school becomes hated, and only the guys from the gates respect you. Next - a fork - either go downhill, and eventually become a loser in life (this is at best) or, making gigantic efforts, get out of this swamp. I am writing this because I myself was in this situation, and chose the second.

In fact, there are quite a few ways that a child can skip school. Sometimes it’s enough just to inform your parents about your unfinished lessons and they themselves will come up with a reason for absenteeism so that the child does not pick up deuces and spoil his overall rating. You can also ask a friend to send you an SMS, supposedly from your parents, asking for some help, which you can then show to the teacher. But most effective way slipping from lessons at school can be considered a sudden onset disease, which is quite easy to imitate by drinking cold water the day before, so that the throat turns red and seems inflamed; complain of headache and general fatigue; finally warm up the thermometer to show parents the presence of a high temperature.

My classmate (who studied very well at school) did not want to go to music school to death. The problem was compounded by the fact that the mother of this individual worked there as a teacher. When she personally brought her offspring to school, the resourceful guy safely brought his mother to her class, turned around and stomped home. For this he had nothing. If you don’t feel like it, don’t go, you can slip through for a couple of days, on the eve of the holidays and the New Year there is no more intensive study.

It’s better to honestly confess to your ancestors that you don’t want to go to school, 3 days can be missed without a certificate if the parents scribble a note.

Provocative question =). As an option - heat the thermometer, rub your cheeks and lie under the covers. At the very least, your appearance and the readings of the thermometer can cause slight excitement in parents.

Any normal parent would not let their child skip school. Unless there is a good reason (going to the doctor, for example, or going to a funeral)

You can just pretend that you are going to school. But before reaching 10 steps to the school - go to the park. True, your absence will be noticed and told to your parents.

Conclusion: You need to be able to skip. But it is not advisable to do this (an unpleasant conversation with parents and the director is possible)

Just don't go.

You can explain to your parents that you do not want to go today. After all, we were all once children and we know what it is. If a child does not want to go to school, he can simply skip it. Hanging around and doing bad things.

For me, let my child be at home and warm. I'll think of something for him to do.

But of course, it is necessary to instill love for school from the very beginning, so that such questions would not arise.

But now such teachers that not love for school can appear from the first day))))

put a thermometer in a cup of tea for 10 seconds (see that the temperature is not higher than 37.5)

go to the clinic and take a sick leave (you need to be able to convincingly lie that weakness is dizziness, nausea, then come up with it yourself)

or stupidly skip classes (better in the spring when it's warm)

The Ministry of Health warns you to take a break during the holidays, if you often mow down from your studies, you can be expelled from school)

My brother and I somehow came to school, first to his class, then they told me that our parents called us home to go to the village.

We came home and were told that the school was quarantined for a week. Both of them roared, okay, one child will deceive, and when two at once, no one checks.

I had simple excuses to my parents: my stomach hurts, my head hurts, I feel bad. Well, most often I didn’t go to school myself (when my parents worked), and then I myself or asked older girlfriends to write me a note supposedly from my mother.

I usually wrote myself a certificate supposedly from my parents. If the teacher called in the evening, I tried to pick up the phone and say no, or give the phone to my older brother. There were no mobile phones then. It probably won't work now.

As a child, I kept a thermometer near the battery. It's just hard to keep track of it showing the right temperature. This method has always yielded results. Only after all, during absenteeism, you can miss new topic and then nothing will be clear. So my advice is to skip school!

How to get out of school for 1 day with parents and teachers?

The start of the school year is getting closer every day. There are hard everyday life ahead, lessons, homework, and, probably, every child is already beginning to feel sad about the ending holidays and come up with options for how not to go to school. And parents and teachers will again and again have to monitor academic performance and, of course, absenteeism.


There are many options for how to get out of school for 1 day. Let's analyze the different ones and find out which method is better.

The most popular, but not the first on the list, excuse for today is the disease. You can refer to any parts of the body or internal organs. The main thing is not to overdo it, as especially nervous parents can be sent for a comprehensive examination.

medical examination

How to get out of school for 1 day at the teacher? Now we'll tell you. So, choose your day carefully. It is better that this be the day when the control or dictation is scheduled. The day before the expected date, we begin the preparatory process. We approach the teacher of the subject from which we are going to leave, or to the class teacher. We inform him that a medical examination is scheduled for tomorrow. It is held annually, and therefore cannot be canceled.

We promise to bring a note from the parents by the next day. When communicating with a teacher, one must be convincing, speak confidently, then a note, most likely, will not be needed. But if it is still required of you, ask your older brothers, sisters or friends to write it. Be careful when offering relatives to write you a note, because they can report to their parents.

The funeral

The second place in terms of excuses from the teacher is occupied by the version about the funeral of loved ones. Be a little sad when you break the news to your teacher. But do not overplay, so that there are no questions. In this case, notes are usually not required. Most importantly, do not forget which of the relatives was chosen for this sad event.

Raising temperatures

Everyone knows how to get out of school for 1 day with their parents due to a headache. But how to confirm this with facts?

A stuffy nose is easy to portray, just sniff your nose more often. Be careful, it might bleed. You can also peel the onion, and the snot will pour in a stream. But the headache must be supported by the temperature that the parents will see on the thermometer.

There are also several options for this:

We use a battery. This option is good when the heating is turned on in the apartment. You need to take a thermometer and hold it near the battery. In no case do not put it on top, as it may burst. Keep a close eye on mercury. As soon as the thermometer shows 38 degrees, immediately remove it. After that, the temperature indicator can rise a little more, literally by a couple of divisions, and stop. An indicator of 38.2-38.3 is what you need;

For this option, you need preliminary preparation and a computer. Turn on your computer or laptop in advance and specify the place of strong heating. We bring the thermometer to those parts that are very hot, and wait for 38 degrees. If the computer is in another room, you need to come up with a reason to approach it when measuring temperature. In principle, this method is suitable for any device that emits heat;

We will use the help of a pet. The temperature of any animal, cat or dog, is at least 38 degrees. We take a thermometer and put it under the pet's paw, actively stroking it so that it does not damage the device. We wait for the desired temperature and present it to parents.

Hot tea will help raise the temperature

How to get out of school for 1 day with mom? The answer to this question will be prompted by flair and knowledge of its weaknesses. Any mother seeks to feed the child during illness, as there is an opinion that the patient should be tasty to drink and feed. We order hot tea from her, it is possible with honey and lemon. Additives do not play a role in heating. It is important that the tea is brought before the thermometer.

When lowering it into a hot drink, be careful, it may slip out and break. We bring the temperature to the desired mark and wait for mom. If for some reason you are denied tea, hot milk, then you can ask for something to eat. Any hot food will do.

There are many options for heating the thermometer, choose your own. Attention, in no case do not rub the thermometer with your hands. You can break the tip and mercury will spill onto your hands. It is very dangerous. In general, when using a thermometer, follow safety precautions.

Do not forget to follow the legend after presenting the thermometer. We lie, we are sad, we move, if necessary, slowly, groaning.

Abdominal pain

Another way is to pretend that your stomach hurts. We start the operation the night before. We start the alarm clock so that we get up four to five times a night. Carefully, the call should not be heard by parents. We get up, go to the toilet and spend ten to fifteen minutes there. Loudly, so that everyone in your house can hear, we flush the water. In the morning, if the mother herself does not ask first, we inform you that we toiled with our stomachs all night. And now it hurts, besides, your head is spinning and you feel sick. We depict on the face, of course, strong torment and hold on to the stomach. To my mother's questions about food, we can say that we bought something in fast food on the street. In this option, of course, you will be "fed" with activated charcoal (or another similar drug) and given herbal tea to drink. Alas, you will have to give up almost food, or eat very little, and also sit at home. Do not forget to run to the toilet every 2 hours.

First days of school

How to get out of school for 1 day with parents and teachers in the first days of school? The answer to the question can be thought up on the go.

For example, it is permissible these days to tell your parents that you are going on an excursion with the class, and the teacher that you were with your mother at sea. At the beginning of the year, everyone will be satisfied with this version, and the school will not require a note. The main thing is confidence.

A small conclusion

There are still a lot of options for how to get out of going to school, but many of them, unfortunately, are fraught with consequences. For example, it is proposed to drink iodine, put mustard plasters or other warming compresses on the forehead, rub the armpits, etc. But it is best to choose safe options so that absenteeism does not turn into a real illness and trips to the emergency room.

School truancy, reasons. Child skips school

When school begins, teenagers spend a lot of time away from their families.

This time gives new experience and sets many difficult personal tasks. Much of the time is spent at school, a place where class pressure and relationships with other children can be stressful. Some teenagers tend to be enthusiastic about new situations, while others tend to show a need for close family relationships. For some children, the very idea of ​​being in a school away from home and parents already causes great anxiety. Such children, especially if they have to face situations that frighten them or that they think they cannot handle, will do everything to avoid returning to school.

This kind of school avoidance - sometimes referred to as school refusal or school phobia - is not uncommon and affects about 5% of children. Such teens may refuse to go to school once and for all or come up with reasons why they shouldn't go there. They may skip school frequently complaining of feeling unwell with vague, unexplained symptoms. Many children show symptoms associated with feelings of anxiety and restlessness that they cannot consciously control. They may experience headaches, abdominal pain, hyperventilation, nausea, or dizziness. In general, clearer symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or weight loss physical basis, are quite rare. The symptoms of school refusal most often appear in school days and absent on weekends. When such children are examined by a doctor, he cannot diagnose the true disease. However, since the child's symptoms may be due to a physical illness, a physical examination should usually be the basis for assessing the condition.

Most often, teens who avoid school do not know exactly why they feel sick, so it can be difficult for them to explain the reason for their discomfort or frustration. But if school-related anxiety leads to school avoidance, the very appearance of symptoms can signal an emotional struggle with issues such as:

  • fear of failure;
  • ridicule from other children (for example, a child may be teased because he is fat or small in stature;
  • concerns about how to use the toilet in a public place;
  • "meanness" on the part of the teacher;
  • threats of physical harm (as a form of school fights);
  • actual physical harm.

For some teens, the school environment can exacerbate existing tensions. For example, if a child has a tendency to be overly conscientious and expect only good things from himself, the fear of failure can gradually lead to overwhelming and paralyzing fear.

In some cases, children may have experienced the loss of a loved one who has died, a divorce, or a move to another city. Especially if the child is still small, he may be afraid that another loss may happen in his absence at home.

In addition to the school environment itself, school avoidance may be related to the difficulty of separating the child from parents and the loss of a sense of security in gaining greater independence. These teenagers tend to be insecure, less independent than their peers, and less socially active. They may be reluctant to stay overnight with friends, preferring to spend time at home with their parents. Some children with disabilities or chronic illnesses may be even more reluctant to go to school and be away from home, which provides them with a place of refuge and care.

While the parents of such children show their love and understanding, they may also show overprotectiveness. In some cases, parents are depressed or physically ill and may unconsciously desire to spend time with their child. The teenager is often the only child in the family or special child in some other respect - for example, he may be the first or last child in a large family.

As the child reaches adolescence, the fear of school decreases; however, when such a condition develops in preadolescence, it is of great concern. Teenagers younger age those who experience this feeling of dread are often afraid of getting older. They may also be overwhelmed by a stressful situation at home that affects their sense of security or self-confidence, making them even less able to face challenging tasks in learning and social life.

How to deal with school truancy

First of all, to cope with school avoidance, the child needs to be examined by a doctor who will rule out physical illnesses and help parents make a treatment plan. Once the physician has ruled out physical illness as the reason for the child's reluctance to attend school, every parent's effort should be directed not only to understanding the pressure the teenager is under, but also to getting the child back to school.

Here are some tips on how to help your child cope with his problems.

  • Discuss with your child the reasons why he doesn't want to go to school. Consider and identify all possible causes. Show empathy, support and understanding of the child's problems. Try to resolve all the stressful situations that you together identified as the cause of the child's anxiety.
  • Let the teenager know that you understand his concerns, but still insist on his immediate return to school. The longer a child stays at home, the more difficult it will be for them to return to school. Explain to the child that his health condition is quite normal, and physical symptoms are probably caused by experiences that he shared with you - perhaps these are concerns about grades in school, homework, relationships, with teachers, experiences caused by social pressure, or unfounded fears of school violence. Let him know that school attendance is compulsory for all children according to the laws of your country. At the same time, he will continue to pressure you to let him stay at home, but you must strongly insist on his return to school.
  • Discuss your child's school avoidance with school staff, including teachers, the principal, and the nurse. Share your plans for getting your child back to school and enlist their support and help.
  • Make it a rule to be extremely decisive in the morning when the child goes to school and complains of his symptoms. Try to keep discussions about his symptoms or feelings to a minimum. For example, do not ask the child how he feels. If he feels well enough to get out of bed and walk around the house, then he may well go to school. Do not openly show your doubts about whether you are doing the right thing by sending your child to school. As soon as the child begins to go to school regularly, his physical symptoms will probably stop showing up.
  • If your child's anxieties are too strong, it may be best for him to return to school gradually. For example, on the first day, he may wake up in the morning, get dressed, and then you drive him past school to experience the feeling of going back to school before you return home with him. On the second day, he can go to school for half a day or just for his favorite lesson or a few lessons. On the third day, the child can finally return to school for the whole day.
  • Your pediatrician can help ease your child's return to school transition by writing a certificate stating that the child previously had some symptoms that prevented them from attending school, but although the symptoms may persist, they are no longer can go back to school. This will help the child avoid feelings of shame and humiliation.
  • Ask school staff to help you while your child is at school. The school nurse or secretary can take care of the child if they begin to show symptoms and encourage them to return to class.
  • If the child is worried about a problem such as bullying at school or an unfair teacher, act as the child's advocate and discuss these issues with school staff. The teacher or principal will need to make some adjustments to reduce the pressure placed on the child in the classroom or on the playground.
  • If your child stays at home, make sure he is comfortable and safe, but he should not receive any special treatment. All his symptoms should be treated based on analysis and understanding of the situation. If the child's complaints are not unfounded, he should stay in bed. But this day at home should not become a holiday for him: do not give him any special treats and delicacies, do not let visitors in; the child must be supervised at all times.
  • Your child may need to see a doctor if they have to stay at home because of illness. The reasons why a child stays at home may include not only complaints that he is not feeling well, but also the manifestation of quite recognizable symptoms: temperature above 38.3 ° C, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, frequent dry cough, ear or toothache.
  • Help your child become independent by supporting activities and activities with other children outside the home. These can be clubs, sports sections and overnight stays with friends or relatives.

When to seek help if your child is skipping school

Although you can try to handle the school refusal problem yourself, if your child's school shirking lasts longer than a week, you and your child may need professional help to deal with the problem. First of all, your child should be examined by a pediatrician. If your child is still refusing to attend school or is showing chronic or recurring signs of separation problems, your doctor may recommend that you see a child psychiatrist or psychologist.

Even if the child does not have a tendency to get involved in adventures, the manifestation of unexplained physical symptoms in him should be the reason for a medical examination.

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How to skip school for a good reason

11th grade last quarter. The holidays ended and I decided to rest a little longer, as a result I did not go to school for 3 days. At the same time, a classmate said that teachers remember me there. And I planned that no one would notice my pass.

How to get out of this situation without consequences for me?

Lawyers' answers (14)

To be honest, you don’t even have to worry about it. they have no right except to verbally reprimand you. At the moment, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation assigns to the municipalities the right to determine the procedure for deductions, however, nothing will be done to you simply for a few passes.

Have a question for a lawyer?

You will not be expelled - that's for sure. You can bring a note from your parents that you weren't at school for family reasons, or you can just do nothing.

Clarification of the client

And how many days can I still not go to school for a note from my parents or an act of "do nothing" to be valid? Can I write a note myself or say verbally that I was not there for family reasons?

Hello. Of course, you can bring a note from your parents that you were somewhere, for example, you left. But the school will still have the right to verify such information.

You won’t do sick leave either, since now everything is automated.

It’s better to just go to school and say in words that you left for another city, for example, and simply didn’t have time to return to the beginning of classes. And don't procrastinate. It will not do without consequences at all, but if it is normal to talk with the class teacher, then there may be no consequences.

Good afternoon. And I would also advise you to take assignments from classmates to keep abreast of things and prepare for the lessons. In the classroom, explain that, for example, they were leaving. In principle, there is nothing super scary in skipping three days of classes. It certainly doesn't threaten to be deducted.

The main thing is now to show that you have made up for lost time on your own and are now fully prepared to study. I also advise you not to delay going to school.

Article 43 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

"four. For non-fulfillment or violation of the charter of the organization carrying out educational activities, internal regulations , rules for living in dormitories and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities disciplinary measures can be applied to students - remark, reprimand, expulsion from the organization carrying out educational activities.

Thus, the maximum that will be is a remark.

Give a written explanation about your valid pass (I was sick, I was with my grandmother where buses run once a week, etc.)

You are 18 years old and you are a fully capable citizen. Your parents are not responsible for you. Submit written explanations on your behalf.

You can not go more, but only for good reasons.

If you have positive reasons for not going to school, then this is not limited to any period. Of course, you can write a note yourself, but teachers can contact your parents and check the information.

Clarification of the client

What if my reasons are not positive? That is, as I’m skipping now, can I not walk for another 4-5 days without consequences?

Will it be enough in this case a note on my behalf that I was not there for personal reasons?

What if my parents say I didn't go without a good reason? Can I say that my parents are not aware of the reason why I did not go or that now my parents are not responsible for me and I say that I did not go for personal reasons? What to say in this case?

Well, they'll make a note. No punishment from heaven is provided for this, and if there are good reasons, you can come up with and justify it.

3 days - basically - you can get by with words. If more - then either a note from the parents or a certificate from the doctor that he is “healthy”.

And how many days can I still not go to school for a note from my parents or an act of “do nothing” to be valid? Can I write a note myself or say verbally that I was not there for family reasons?

Well, don't abuse it. I would advise not to miss more than 3-5 days.

Will it be enough in this case a note on my behalf that I was not there for personal reasons?

You are 18 years old! You can already be responsible for your actions and answer for your obligations.

Article 43 federal law About education:

conscientiously master educational program to carry out an individual study plan, including attending designated curriculum or individual curriculum training sessions,

For non-fulfillment or violation of the charter of an organization carrying out educational activities, internal regulations, rules for living in dormitories and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities, disciplinary measures may be applied to students - a remark, reprimand, expulsion from the organization, carrying out educational activities.

No disciplinary action is allowed to students during their illness, holidays, academic leave, maternity leave or parental leave.

When choosing a measure of disciplinary action, an organization carrying out educational activities must take into account the severity of the disciplinary offense, the reasons and circumstances under which it was committed, the previous behavior of the student, his psychophysical and emotional condition, as well as the opinion of the advice of students, advice of parents.

According to the decision of the organization carrying out educational activities, for repeated disciplinary offenses provided for in part 4 of this article, it is allowed to apply the expulsion of a minor student who has reached the age of fifteen years from an organization carrying out educational activities as a disciplinary sanction. Expulsion of a minor student is applied, if other measures of disciplinary action and measures of pedagogical influence have not yielded results and his further stay in the organization carrying out educational activities, renders bad influence on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of the organization.

The decision to expel a minor student who has reached the age of fifteen and has not received the main general education how disciplinary action is taken according to his parents(legal representatives) and with the consent of the commission for minors and the protection of their rights.

Hence the conclusion that expulsion is an extreme measure. If before that you regularly attended classes, studied, bad behavior you are not observed, etc., then, of course, they will not be able to expel you. You can write an explanatory note on your own behalf. Even if the parents say that the reason was not valid, the maximum that they will apply to you is a remark.

If you are on good terms with your parents and they know about your absenteeism, talk to them (in case of a “sudden” call from the class teacher home). They understand, I hope. If your parents, on occasion, confirm that you really “went to your grandmother” these days, where buses run once a week, this will only be a plus for you. But do not abuse and do not miss many days. Of course, you are already 18 years old, and you yourself are responsible for your actions, but do not forget that in this USE year on which your future destiny will depend. It is not necessary to heat up relations with teachers and bring the matter to reprimands.

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