Good and bad school rules. How to behave at school: rules of conduct in the classroom, at recess, in the canteen

How difficult it is to sit through 40 minutes of a lesson motionless, while not fidgeting, not talking and listening carefully to the teacher. Difficult, but quite possible. So, let's talk about how to behave in a lesson at school.

Preparing for the lesson

At the break before the lesson, prepare your table: remove all unnecessary items from it, put a textbook and a notebook on the desired subject, two pens (one is a spare), a pencil, a ruler, a diary. If your teacher allows, you can put a small toy on the desk that will be your talisman. Everything on your desk should be related to the lesson.

Before the lesson, do not put unnecessary items on the table: textbooks and notebooks in other disciplines, breakfast, toys that you brought to your classmate, etc.

During the lesson

When the bell rings, stand at your desk and sit down only after the permission of the teacher - such are the rules at school. As soon as the lesson begins, listen carefully to the words of the teacher, completing his assignments. During the lesson, sit upright in a chair, leaning on its back. So that during the lesson you are not distracted by extraneous thoughts (for example, about how to pass another level in your favorite computer game), try to constantly think about what you are doing in the lesson. To do this, you must be very careful and not let a single task of the teacher go past your ears. Even while another student is answering, listen to what he says - suddenly you can complete his answer.

If you want to answer the teacher's question, raise your hand. No matter how well you know the correct answer and no matter how much you want to answer a question or explain the solution to a problem, do not get up, do not shout and do not stretch your raised arm to its full length. It will be enough if you raise your hand, bending it at the elbow, and put it on the table. The teacher will definitely notice that you want to answer.

In the classroom, without the permission of the teacher, you can not get up, walk around the classroom. If you need to get out urgently good reason, raise your hand and ask the teacher's permission.

If in class you drop a pen, notebook, or any other object, before picking it up, ask the teacher for permission to get up from your seat. If the teacher has dropped something, such as chalk, a book, or a pen, pick it up and give it to him.

When a teacher addresses you or calls you to answer a question, stand up. Answer the question in a loud and clear voice so that both the teacher and the other students can hear you. When answering the teacher's question, first name the most important and basic, and then, if the teacher asks, supplement your answer with details.

If you are called to the board, write the task and, explaining your decision, turn to face the class. Do not obscure what is written on the board, move a little to the side so that all the students in the class and the teacher can see your notes. When you go out to answer at the blackboard, take your diary with you and put it on the teacher's desk. When answering the teacher's questions, stand straight, your hands should be freely located along the body - do not put them in your pockets, do not hide them behind your back and do not cross them on your chest. If you have to show something on a board or a map, use a pointer and stand sideways to the whole class, while not blocking the board or map - everyone should see what you are showing.

When one of your classmates answers, listen carefully to his answer - this will help you remember the lesson better, or perhaps you can supplement someone else's answer with something by raising your hand after the answerer has finished.

You are not allowed to talk in class without the permission of the teacher. Turning to one of your classmates during the lesson, you will distract both yourself and the one with whom you decided to talk from classes. Postpone all conversations until recess, even if you want to talk about school matters. If you urgently need to contact one of your classmates in class (ask for a pen, ruler, etc.), raise your hand and ask the teacher for permission. But it is better to foresee everything before the start of the lesson: check if the pen is writing, if the notebook has run out, if you have forgotten the ruler or pencil, etc.

Some students try to replace conversations with notes they pass to each other. As a rule, the teacher notices such "mail" and the case ends with a remark recorded in the diary. Even if you manage to sneak a note to your friend, you're still likely to get hurt. At the time when you compose a note and pass it through classmates, the class will not wait for you and you will miss the words of the teacher explaining new material or giving a new task. So, no matter how interesting it is to compile notes and give them to the one for whom they are written, we do not advise you to do this, as this will prevent you from learning new material in class and lead to comments in your diary. Besides, what if you distract your classmate with a note?

During the execution of written control works do not distract yourself from the task and do not distract others. Even if you can't solve some difficult problem or don't know how to write a word correctly, don't ask any of your classmates for help directly in the lesson. Firstly, by doing this you will distract them from the task. Secondly, the solutions suggested by one of the classmates may turn out to be incorrect. Imagine how embarrassing it will be for you to get a low mark for the wrong answer that someone suggested to you!

Rules of courtesy in the classroom

At the lesson, do not forget about politeness and the basics of cultural behavior. If one of your classmates or a teacher sneezes, coughs, then it would be more appropriate for you to remain silent, pretending that nothing happened. No need to say "Be healthy!" or something else like that; polite person will act as if he didn't notice anything.

If you yourself sneezed or coughed during the lesson, you better apologize to those present.

It’s better not to be late for the lesson, but if you still didn’t have time to take your place in the class and the lesson has already begun, knock on the office door before opening it, and, apologizing, ask the teacher for permission to enter the class. If you are late, take your seat as quietly as possible without attracting the attention of your classmates so as not to tear them away from the lesson.

During the lesson, do not be distracted by conversations with your desk mate. If one of your classmates bothers you, you can politely tell him about it or ignore him - usually such lovers of chatting during the lesson quickly calm down if they do not find a grateful listener. If your classmate, despite the fact that you are not going to listen to him, continues to distract you, tell the teacher about it.

If outsiders are present in the lesson (other teachers, one of your classmates' parents, etc.), you should not pay attention to them and should behave in the same way as in a regular lesson. Do not turn around, trying to examine the guests, especially do not address them with questions and comments. In the topic "" we already talked about what you can’t eat in the lesson. If you're hungry, wait for recess and eat your breakfast. Chewing gum, eating sweets, seeds or pop measles is not allowed in the lesson - this is impolite, ugly and distracts from class.

Even during the game that the teacher is playing with the class, it is forbidden to make noise, laugh out loud, shout and stomp your feet on the floor in the lesson.

Whatever grade you get in class, try to keep your feelings in check. No matter how happy you are with a high mark, you should not scream with delight or jump on one leg, do not forget that there is a lesson. If you do not agree with the mark given to you, do not get into an argument with the teacher in the lesson, trying to prove that he is wrong. Talk to the teacher after class, but not in front of other students.

At the end of the lesson write homework in the diary and get up from your seat only after the teacher allows. To say goodbye to the teacher, students usually stand near their tables and only after the teacher says goodbye to them, they can go to recess.


It is forbidden:

1. run around the school and up the stairs, fight, shout, swear, call children names, touch other people's things, walk around the school during lessons, use foul language

2. beat and offend kids, girls


1. wear every day school uniform, for physical education, to have a sports uniform, change shoes every day into changeable shoes

2. come to school 15 minutes before class neat and handsome

3. walk around the school on the right side

4. obey teachers

5. greet and leave the school to say goodbye to all teachers, adults

6. carry a diary every day


It is forbidden:

1. run, fight, scream, swear with classmates

2. leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher

3. offend girls, call other students names

4. draw on desks and chairs, school walls

5. throw backpacks and other things


1. help each other, be friends with each other

2. obey teachers

3. take care of school things (textbooks, blinds, desks, chairs, walls, manuals)

4. provide assistance to classmates, teachers


It is forbidden:

1. shouting, talking, shouting from a place, calling names, turning around and disturbing others, disrupting lessons, making noise in class, throwing erasers, distracting and distracting, playing, flying airplanes, cheating, corresponding with classmates, laughing

2. argue, call names, interrupt, snap, yell at the teacher

3. open the textbook, get up and walk around the classroom during the lesson without the permission of the teacher

4. fight, beat and offend classmates and classmates

5. eat and chew

6. being late for class, skipping classes


1. listen carefully and obey the teacher

2. do what the teacher says

3. draw and write on the board, only with the permission of the teacher

4. be ready for lessons

5. write down in the diary all the homework for each lesson.

6. raise your hand if you have questions

7. control your emotions

8. Throw away gum before class

9. hand in notebooks on time, always write down homework in the diary

10. when answering at the blackboard, hands should not be in pockets

11. observe correct posture on the lesson


It is forbidden:

1. throw bread

2. fight, run around the dining room

3. shouting, disturbing others


1. go to lunch in pairs, not run

2. take precautions

3. wash your hands before eating

4. eat silently


It is forbidden:

1. scream

2. run around the school, fight, beat and offend students


1. ask the teacher before going to the toilet, wash your hands after using the toilet

2. to be on duty and prepare everything for the lesson


1. you need to prepare for the lessons

2. do all your homework

3. do work on the bugs

4. write down in the diary all the homework for each lesson.

5. put all the textbooks and notebooks that will be needed at the lessons that day in the backpack.

6. if asked, you need to learn the rules.

7. fill in the diary for the next week on the weekend

8. over the weekend, ask your parents to sign the diary

School is public place. Therefore, both adults and children should adhere to the mandatory norms of behavior and internal regulations in the learning process. Knowing and following these rules of conduct will lead to discipline and order. Consider the basic rules of behavior in school.

Basic Rules:

All students of the school must arrive for classes 10-15 minutes before they start. Leaving outerwear in the locker room and changing shoes, students sit down at their jobs and wait for the lesson to begin.

Students are required to complete their homework within the time limits set. school curriculum, as well as come to class with all the necessary supplies for studying.

At the request of the teacher, the student must present the diary.

It is forbidden to bring any types of weapons, explosives, alcohol, cigarettes, and so on into the territory of the school institution.

School rules forbid during all educational process express profanity.

At breaks it is forbidden: to make noise, disturb others to rest, run up the stairs;

Students must show respect to all school staff as well as to their classmates.

Senior students should be attentive to junior students (do not offend the younger ones, help, protect).

Students are required to keep the school clean and tidy, even if you are not designated as the class on duty.

Students are required to respect the property rights of their classmates (textbooks, clothes, personal belongings).

When finding personal belongings, students are required to present them to the school administrator or the senior duty officer.

You can not miss or be late for classes without good reasons.

Pupils must treat school property with care.

Now let's get acquainted with the rules of behavior of students during classes:

To greet the teacher, students are required to get up from their jobs and say hello, they also get up when any adult enters the classroom during the lesson.

At the lesson, the student must behave quietly and calmly, not interfere with his classmates and not violate discipline.

To ask a question during the lesson, you must first raise your hand, and after receiving permission from the teacher, you can speak.

During classes, students have the right to use school supplies and equipment issued, which is then returned to the teacher.

Rules of conduct for students in the school cafeteria:

In the dining room, students must observe cleanliness, accuracy, adhere to the norms of behavior. - It is not allowed to come to the dining room in outerwear.

It is forbidden to distract neighbors, take away other people's food, etc. while eating.

Students are required to take good care of school cafeteria property.

Rules of conduct in pictures

Images can be printed and hung in the classroom, or used for a wall newspaper or presentation. To open an image in full screen, click on it.

slides for presentation

As soon as the kids come to school, all sorts of “why” and “how” begin at their doorstep. How will peers in the class, why the teacher seems unapproachable, what to do to please her, how to behave with a neighbor on the desk ... And thousands of other small and large questions related to the rules of conduct at school. We will deal with some of them now.

The school has certain rules that all students and teachers must follow. This is necessary in order to make studying at school a pleasant, convenient and comfortable affair for all participants in the process. So let's take a closer look at the rules.

Behavior at school, in the classroom, in the classroom

  • It is better to come to school 10-15 minutes before the start of the lesson. In the cold season, you leave your coat or jacket in the cloakroom, change your shoes into clean shoes (in many schools this is strictly monitored). Then you go to class, sit down at your desk and get ready for the lesson. If you're lucky, you'll still have time to greet your classmates and discuss last news not to do this during the lesson.
  • You need to come with your homework completed and a diary filled out for two weeks in advance with tasks recorded for each day. If the teacher asks to see the diary, you will not be ashamed of him. Keep records in your diary and notebooks as accurately as possible.
  • All the necessary textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils should be at hand, so collect your portfolio in the evening. Then you won't forget anything. But, most likely, mom has already taken control of this process.
  • During the lessons, be sure to turn off the sound on so that it does not interfere with listening carefully to the teacher. If an SMS arrives during the lesson, you can, of course, stealthily read it. But it is better to answer it at a break so as not to be distracted. Suddenly you miss the teacher's explanations, then at home you will suffer for a long time with the task.
  • Indecent gestures and expressions are unacceptable not only during the lesson, but also at any other time. Even if other children massively violate this rule and swear obscenely in the presence of teachers. If you want to feel like a well-mannered person, you will never allow yourself such things for the sake of your own self-respect. And when you respect yourself, people feel it, they stop making fun of you and begin to respect you too.
  • You cannot leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or nurse.
  • If you miss a few days due to illness or other good reason, bring a doctor's note or a note from your mother to school stating the reason you were absent.
  • When the teacher enters the class at the beginning of the lesson, stand up and greet him. They also greet the headmaster or any other adult entering the class.
  • During the lesson, you can not talk, turn around, prevent other children from listening to the teacher's explanations.
  • If you need to leave the classroom (for example, to the toilet), raise your hand, ask permission to leave. Whenever you want to ask the teacher a question in class, raise your hand.
  • Sometimes the teacher can tell you that you violate the rules of conduct in the classroom. This happens when your classmates indulge, and then they say that it's not them, but you are to blame. This, of course, is unpleasant, but try not to argue with the teacher. Trying to prove your innocence can only make matters worse. If such cases are repeated, then sooner or later the truth will come out, and the real culprits will get "on the nuts."
  • Keep your desk clean and tidy. Let it contain what you need in the lesson. Everything else is better off.
  • Don't refuse to help the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson. It will be great if you yourself guess to offer such help (hand out notebooks, get books and educational visual aids from the closet, wipe the blackboard, etc.).

Rules of conduct at recess at school

After 45 minutes of a lesson, you are probably tired of sitting, writing and listening. And you think that during the break you can do anything - run around like crazy, scream and play around. Many sin this, but it is wrong and can even be dangerous. More often, the desire to run along the school corridors overcomes boys. Therefore, it is not surprising that they walk around the school decorated with bruises, scratches, bandages and sometimes even wear a cast on their arm. But it is much more offensive when the victims of school "accidents" are girls who are literally knocked down by a crowd of rushing boys.

I want to run - go to, there you will not interfere with anyone and you will not injure anyone by negligence. At recess, you can take a walk to the library, go to the dining room, toilet, prepare for the next lesson, call a friend or mom. Calm behavior between lessons shows that you respect the children around you, adults and yourself. Try to rest during the break and gain strength before the upcoming lesson. Follow the school rules, do not shout, do not participate in fights.

School rules prohibit the following during breaks:

  1. Hustle.
  2. Use obscene gestures and expressions.
  3. Throw objects at other children.
  4. Fight.
  5. Run up stairs, corridors, next to window openings or glass showcases, slide down the railing of the stairs or bend over them. In general, you need to walk up the stairs, keeping to the right side.
  6. Do anything that could cause injury or damage to school equipment.
  7. Run. Especially with sharp objects in your hands (scissors, pointer, pencils and pens). It was not enough to hurt other children or himself.
  8. Sit on window sills, especially if the windows are open. This can be very dangerous!

Adults or children walking ahead of you down the hallway or stairs can be asked to step aside if you are in a hurry. But in no case do not overtake. With school employees, parents and teachers, you need to stop and say hello when you meet.

Be careful when opening and closing the door. Don't clap, don't put your hand in the opening. Do not linger unnecessarily in the toilet. It's not the best place for any conversation. By the way, did you wash your hands after going to the toilet?

When your class is on duty around the school, you help the teacher keep order at recess. It is better to leave the class during the break. Especially if the teacher asks for it. This is usually to open the windows and ventilate the classroom. Firstly, you won’t get through, and secondly, it’s more pleasant and easier to work out in a ventilated room.

Rules of conduct in the school cafeteria

The school canteen is a place of especially large crowds of people, since in 15-20 minutes of a break everyone needs to have time to eat. To make this happen every day without “adventure”, especially carefully follow the rules:

  • Don't be in a hurry to be the first. It is better to go here with the whole class at the time determined for him by the schedule. Do not rush to be the first to take a seat at the table, even if you are very hungry. Do not push other students for this.
  • Follow the queue, it will be more practical and safer.
  • Walking through the dining room, look under your feet and at the plate you are carrying. Try not to slip and, moreover, not to fall.
  • Wash your hands before you sit down at the table.
  • Use the fork carefully so as not to injure others or yourself.
  • Do not spill hot tea or soup on yourself or your neighbors.
  • Sit straight at the table, do not push your neighbors, do not keep your elbows on the table. You can read the article on our website.
  • After eating, everyone cleans up after himself, taking it to a separate table specially designed for this.

Surely your head is already spinning from the abundance of rules and restrictions. And you want to ask - how do you remember all this? There are several secrets.

  1. When you follow the general rules of etiquette every day, then any useful skill quickly becomes a habit. Therefore, you do not need to keep your good manners just for going out into the world. Play etiquette at home - mom will only be happy, believe me. By doing this, you will train yourself so that you can make a favorable impression of yourself wherever you meet people.
  2. Start learning etiquette with your younger sister or brother, friend. After all, you have already learned enough from this article to become an etiquette teacher for those who are younger than you. By teaching them, you memorize the rules yourself more productively.
  3. The most interesting. You probably have a close person whose opinion you value, whom you want to be equal to. And first of all, you want to make a good impression of yourself on him. Now imagine that this authoritative person for you is constantly watching you, wherever you are, whether it be a house, yard, school, library or sports section. In this case, you will think a hundred times before you litter in the stairwell, gossip with your girlfriend or offend the weak. This is very effective method make yourself a well-mannered person with pleasant manners.

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