How to pass a commission in a military school. Admission to a military university after school: features and conditions

The procedure for medical examination of candidates entering the school is determined “Methodological recommendations on the organization of the work of the subcommittee to determine the suitability for health reasons of candidates for admission to federal state educational organizations with special names "Presidential Cadet School", "Suvorov Military School", "Nakhimov naval school”, “cadet (naval cadet) military corps” and in professional educational organizations with the special name “military music school”, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2014 No. 515 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in federal state educational organizations with special names “presidential cadet school”, “Suvorov military school”, “Nakhimov naval school ”, “cadet (naval cadet) military corps” and in professional educational organizations with the special name “military music school”, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and admission to these educational organizations " annually from April 15 to June 1 personal files of candidates are sent to the schools, incl. a copy of the medical record of the candidate for admission to the school, certified by the seal of the medical institution. A genuine medical book is presented by the candidate upon arrival directly to the selection committee.

As part of the Admissions Committee of the school, a subcommittee is created to check personal files, in which the head of the medical center (pediatrician) takes part, who checks the medical records of candidates.

The procedure for passing a medical examination by candidates, a list of mandatory diagnostic studies and contraindications for health reasons for admission to the school:

Candidates entering the school undergo a preliminary medical examination at a medical organization at the place of residence in accordance with the procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2017 N 514n "On the Procedure for Conducting Preventive Medical Examinations of Minors" (as amended and supplemented). Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 18, 2017 N 47855. The document begins to be valid on January 1, 2018:

List of doctors needed

for a medical examination:

List of mandatory

diagnostic studies:

pediatric cardiologist
pediatric endocrinologist
d Children's phthisiatrician (conclusion with Mantoux data for all years)
ECG at rest and after exercise
Thyroid ultrasound
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs + kidneys
general blood analysis
general urine analysis
blood sugar test
examination of feces for helminth eggs
blood test for HIV, RW, hepatitis HCV and HB s

The list of instrumental examinations - height, body weight, sexual formula, heart rate for 1 minute, blood pressure (three times). According to the indication, additional studies are carried out: echocardiography (indicating a heart murmur), ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys (indicating biliary dysfunction (JVP), anomalies in the development of the kidneys and urinary system), fibrogastroduodenoscopy - FGDS (indicating chronic gastritis, duodenitis), radiography of the spine (indicating scoliosis), plantography or radiography of the feet (indicating flat feet), electroencephalography (indicating syncope), etc.

A comprehensive assessment of the health status of candidates is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2003. No. 621.

Data on the passage of a preliminary examination indicating the group of the state of health of the minor, the medical group for classes physical education with the issuance of a medical report on the minor's belonging to a medical group for physical education are entered in the medical documentation of the minor with the issuance of a child's medical record for educational institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, orphanages and boarding schools - form 026 / y-2000 (hereinafter - Medical card f. 026 / y). The medical examination must be completed no earlier than January of the year of admission to the school.

List of medical documents in the personal file of the candidate

The following medical documents certified by the seal of the medical organization are enclosed in the personal files of candidates:

1. Copy of medical insurance policy;

2. A copy of the Medical Card f.026 / y, a Form for passing a medical commission with the results of a preliminary medical examination (examinations by specialist doctors, laboratory, instrumental and other studies, data from additional consultations, studies prescribed in case of suspected presence of a disease in a minor ( condition), the diagnosis of which was not established during examinations by specialist doctors and basic studies indicating the health group of the minor and the medical group for physical education;

3. Medical report on belonging to a medical group for physical education (Appendix No. 4 to the Order);

4. A copy of the history of the development of the child (form No. 112 / y) and the original extract from it, indicating whether the child is under dispensary observation for diseases, indicating the diagnosis and date of registration (observation) and information about the absence (presence ) allergic conditions, including those that prevent preventive vaccinations and antibiotic treatment, in the presence of food allergies, indicating the products;

5. Information from the psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries about the minor being registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, abuse of narcotic drugs and other toxic substances;

6. A copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations (form No. 156 / y-93). At the time of admission, children must be vaccinated by age.

The originals of the Medical Card f.026 / y and the results of the recommended laboratory and instrumental studies (blood test, urine test, electrocardiogram - conclusion and tape) are presented by the candidate upon arrival for entrance examinations directly to the selection committee. All sections of the Medical Record f.026 / y must be completed. In case of loss of the history of the development of the child (f. 112 / y), the candidate submits the State of Health Study Report in the prescribed form, certified by the seal of the medical institution.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons (having chronic diseases or obvious physical disabilities that are contraindications for admission to the school), or in whose personal file medical documents are not provided according to the specified list, are not allowed to competitive entrance examinations.

Citizens enrolled in the school by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for the enrollment of candidates submit, upon arrival at the school, a certificate of contacts with infectious patients, a certificate of registration from a tuberculosis dispensary, a certificate of preventive vaccinations (at the time of admission they must be vaccinated by age).

The list of medical contraindications for health reasons for admission to the school is determined in accordance with column I of the Schedule of Diseases and columns 32, 33 of table "d" of the additional requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 No. 123 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination" regardless of growth requirements. In addition, the candidate is not recommended for health reasons to enter the school if, in a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, he is assigned to the III-V health group in accordance with a special scheme approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 30, 2003 No. 621.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, or whose personal file does not contain medical documents according to the specified list, are not allowed to competitive entrance examinations (clause 12 of the Procedure).

#military university #health #education

How is a medical examination carried out? Prior to the start of a medical examination, citizens, on the basis of requests from military commissariats, receive certificates and other documents from organizations characterizing their state of health, including the status of being registered (monitored) for mental disorders, drug addiction.

At the same time, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, officials working with these documents are not entitled to disclose information constituting a medical secret. Medical examination of candidates is carried out in two stages: . a preliminary medical examination is carried out by medical specialists of the military medical commissions of the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

The final medical examination is carried out by medical specialists of military medical commissions of higher military educational institutions.

Prior to the start of a medical examination, citizens undergo mandatory diagnostic tests:

Fluorography (X-ray) of the lungs in 2 projections (if it was not performed or if there is no information about this study in the medical documents during the last 6 months) with the mandatory presentation of fluorograms (X-rays) during the examination; . radiography of the paranasal sinuses;

General (clinical) blood test;

General urine analysis;

Electrocardiography at rest and with exercise;

Investigation for drugs; . a blood test for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C markers, serological tests for syphilis.

In addition, if necessary, in the direction of the military medical commission, a medical examination can be carried out in a medical organization at the place of residence. Based on the results of a medical examination, specialist doctors issue conclusions on the category of fitness for military service and fitness for admission to a specific higher military educational institution in a specific field of study, which is recorded in the appropriate medical examination card.

In which medical institutions is a medical examination carried out?

Medical examination of candidates entering higher military educational institutions is carried out at the preliminary stage in the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and at the final stage in higher military educational institutions, and citizens from among the military personnel passing military service in military medical organizations.

Candidates are sent to medical organizations of the state and municipal health systems only for mandatory diagnostic tests and according to indications for a medical examination.

What are the requirements for the psychological qualities of candidates?

A citizen entering the military service must:. be disciplined and responsible, able to work in a team, interact effectively with comrades, treat elders and commanders with respect, build their behavior in everyday activities and extreme situations on the basis of mutual assistance and mutual assistance; . have reasonable activity and initiative; . have emotional stability in situations associated with a threat to life, endurance to physical and mental overload (neuro-psychological stability); . have stable motives for voluntary entry into military service (high military-professional orientation).

Can the military commissariat (municipal department of the military commissariat, commander of a formation, unit) refuse to file a personal file of a candidate for admission to a higher military educational institution?

Only in case of non-compliance with certain requirements for candidates for admission (including the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation, level of education, age, health status, professional suitability). Refusal to consider citizens as candidates due to the lack of assignments determined by the plan for the preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have passed and have not completed military service to complete the first courses of universities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as well as the refusal to consider military personnel as candidates due to the lack of assignments , determined by the plan for the preliminary selection of candidates from among the military personnel for completing the first courses of universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense, is not allowed.

A modern soldier must be strong and hardy, and this is possible only in the absence of health problems. That is why when young people enter a military school, a health certificate is required without fail. True, it is quite difficult to go through all the doctors in state clinics, especially during the admission period.

How to pass a military medical examination.

Moreover, the list of specialists is quite impressive - there you can find a cardiologist and a surgeon, a urologist and an endocrinologist. Add to this an impressive list of diagnostic studies, because the future of the military should be explored from all sides. Queues to doctors can be many hours long, no one has canceled ordinary patients at the polyclinic, and there is not enough time, as usual, so a medical examination is carried out formally, which is in principle unacceptable and solves only part of the problems, without answering the main question: does the state of health correspond to the expected physical activity in the school.

The Soyuz-Ostankino Academic Medical Center offers a medical commission for those entering the military schools of the capital. By paying a predetermined amount (very affordable for most residents of the Russian Federation), you get the opportunity to:

    ○ get an objective opinion from each specialist and assess your health;

By not standing in queues, but by visiting each specialist at a predetermined time, you provide yourself with comfort and speed in passing a medical examination for admission to a military school, and this is worth the money spent!

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N p / pName of parts of the types of the Armed Forces of the USSR, military branches, military specialtiesAre completed by persons having a degree of restriction not lower than
1. Special purpose parts1
2. Parts of special purpose, operational and police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR2
3. Border troops2
4. Airborne, airborne assault units, units of the Marine Corps2
5. Submarines, surface ships3
6. Drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors3
7. Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and launchers of missile units4
8. Other parts of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, local rifle, guard units4
9. Chemical Parts4
10. Missile, anti-aircraft missile units, ground units of the Air Force4
11. Communication parts, radio engineering parts4
12. Other parts of the Armed Forces of the USSR5
13. Military construction units (detachments), railway units5

Not lower than 150 cm (surface ships, submarines of the Navy, universities);

Not less than 155 cm (training units, border troops);

Not less than 160 cm (groups of troops);

Not less than 170 cm (airborne units, units of the Marine Corps);

Not higher than 175 cm (crew members of tanks and engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors);

150 - 180 cm (drivers and crew members of combat vehicles, infantry and missile launchers);

180 - 185 cm (special purpose parts).

5. For the recruitment of groups of troops and for service in high-mountainous areas, persons with a degree of limitation of at least 4 are sent.

6. For the crews of engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors, the degree of restriction is 3.

7. When determining the degree of restriction on the state of health and physical development of persons called up for active military service, military personnel and entering military educational institutions, doctors are guided by tables.

List of diseases, restrictions, article Schedule of diseasesRestriction degree
Mental disorders in acute and chronic infections in history with full restoration of normal mental activity and the absence of phenomena of organic damage to the central nervous system5
History of deferment from active military service for treatment on bt. 6-in5
Article 8-c5 B
History of deferment from active military service for treatment under Articles 11-d, 12-d, 14-d, 15-d4
Brain injury in the last 3 years, confirmed by a medical (treatment and preventive) institution4-A, B
Articles 11-d, 12-d, 14-d, 15-d4-B, C
Condition after a meningococcal infection with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission for 12 months4
Articles 16-b, 24-c, 26-d, 28-b5
Article 22-g5-B
Chronic gastroduodenitis5
Conditions after acute inflammatory diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, vasculitis, etc.) with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission for 12 months4-B, C
Condition after acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission for 12 months4-B
Conditions after acute infectious, infectious-allergic diseases of the musculoskeletal system with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission for 6 months4-B
Conditions after viral hepatitis, typhoid and paratyphoid diseases with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission for 12 months4-Z
In the anamnesis, a delay from conscription for active military service for treatment under Art. 33-g, 34-g, 39-g5-3
Article 47-c4
Article 62-b4-G
Articles 36-d, 38-d, 40-d, 43-c, 44-d4-B
Articles 50-g, 56-g4-B
Flat feet II degree without symptoms of osteoarthritis in the talonavicular joint4
Defects of the fingers or toes, not included in the explanations to Art. 42 (point "c") and 43 (point "b")4
Articles 55-c, 60-c4
Osgood-Schlatter disease without dysfunction3
Article 75-b5
In the anamnesis, a delay from conscription for active military service for treatment under Art. 765
Articles 64-c, 65, 66, 71-b5-B
Article 67-c5-B, C
Article 734
Article 77-c5
Articles 78-b, 79-c4
Absence of six or more teeth in both jaws4
Removable dentures4
Anomalies of bite II degree4
Article 79-g3
Article 79-a, malocclusion of the 1st degree2
Visual acuity, not lessRestriction degree
without correctionwith correction
0,7 / 0,7 1
0,6 / 0,6 2
0,5 / 0,4 3
0,5 / 0,1 4