Types of household radiation, and how harmful they really are. Harm Wi-Fi router radiation Radiation harm

The Swiss company ISA Bodywear, which produces underwear, has released new series men's underpants. Thin silver threads are woven into the fabric from which they are sewn. As conceived by the creator, designer Andreas Sallmann, this will help protect the delicate parts of the male body from "harmful radiation". Designer Sallman admits that no one has been able to prove the existence of harmful effects, "but if the possibility exists, then it is better to protect yourself." Protective silver briefs are limited edition, only 4000 pieces, and not everyone will get it. What will happen to those who do not have time to buy a pair, and is it worth worrying about this?

Harmful radiation: myths and reality

Fears that microwave radiation is harmful to health have existed for as long as the radiation itself has been known. Most often, he is credited with the ability to cause cancer. Mobile phone users are especially at risk: they are applied directly to the head, phones emit something, this something penetrates the brain, thereby causing cancer. However, despite the fears, few people are ready to give up the cell phone. Instead, we are offered special stickers that absorb harmful radiation and protective covers. The aforementioned protective shorts will save us from other devices, in particular microwave ovens. However, before buying, you should think about whether the fear is justified and what exactly you have to defend against.


A cell phone emits microwave radiation, that is, radio waves with a frequency between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. GSM phones, the most common in Russia, emit microwaves in the range from 800 MHz to 1.9 GHz.

The phone is not the only source of microwave radiation. Microwave ovens use 2.45 GHz radiation to heat food; WiFi and Bluetooth devices use 2.4 GHz microwaves (some WiFi uses 5 GHz). If the phone can somehow cause the appearance of a tumor, then all these devices can.

Microwave radiation is used for radio communication for several reasons. The first of these is government regulation. It is these parts of the spectrum that are allocated by government agencies for these types of communications. The second is size. The antenna needed to receive microwave signals can be very small (a few millimeters).


To understand whether microwave radiation can cause cancer, you must first understand what can cause cancer in general.

One of scientific theories calls the cause of any, including cancerous tumors, mutations, that is, irreversible damage to its DNA. As you know, it is in the intricacies of DNA that a “program” is contained that allows the body to assemble a new cell identical to the previous one. If DNA is damaged for some reason, all new cells are assembled "with failures", which leads to the emergence of various diseases, including cancer.

There are several ways to damage DNA - this can be done chemical substances(carcinogens), viruses and ionizing radiation. But microwave radiation is not ionizing. On the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, microwaves are located between centimeter radio waves and infrared radiation. From ionizing radiation (hard ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma radiation), our microwaves are separated by infrared (thermal) and visible radiation (ordinary light). This means that an ordinary incandescent light bulb emits waves that carry much more energy. If these were dangerous to humans, they would cause much more harm than low-power microwave radiation.

Microwaves carry so little energy that biological molecules do not perceive them as quanta, but as an alternating electromagnetic field. This, in fact, is based on the action of microwave ovens. Water molecules, which are dipoles (that is, small magnets), begin to oscillate under the influence of microwaves. Colliding with the surrounding molecules, the rotating water molecules convert the microwave energy into heat.

The microwave radiation of other devices differs from the radiation of a microwave oven only by a much lower (thousands of times) power. It also causes water molecules to vibrate and heat the matter around them - but heating by a fraction of a degree is not capable of causing a mutation.


The effects exerted by sources of microwave radiation on the body are reduced to heating. Heating in itself is not safe. Microwaves heat up the three organs that contain the most water: the brain, the lens, and the male gonads. The brain and testicles do not tolerate overheating, which is why they are equipped with perfect cooling systems, but the lens does not. When heated, the proteins contained in it begin to coagulate, like the protein of a hard-boiled egg, the lens becomes cloudy and becomes opaque - a cataract occurs. And in specialists working with microwave equipment, cataracts are indeed observed more often than in ordinary people.

However, in order to overheat the lens to such an extent that the occurrence of cataracts is inevitable, much more powerful microwave radiation is required than that emitted by home appliances and even cell phone base stations.

A review published in 1997 in the Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology looked at the occurrence of cataracts in laboratory rats placed next to a microwave oven. The meaning of this report can be summarized as follows: if you do not press your face against the door of a working microwave for more than half an hour, nothing will happen.


Let's forget about existing theories and data (and common sense) for a moment and assume that microwave radiation causes tumors. In the end, there may be a mechanism for the occurrence of tumors, which we currently do not know anything about. Let's imagine that such a mechanism exists.

The ideal victim in the search for the culprit would be a cell phone. People use microwaves for much longer, but we do not put them on our heads for a few hours a week. WiFi and Bluetooth appeared relatively recently, are much less common, and their power is lower. In addition, during a call, when the phone is closest to the ear, the radiation power increases.

Recently, on a lot of information feeds, there was a news item with a loud headline: "In ten years, a mobile phone guarantees brain cancer." The news was dedicated to the work of a professor at the Swedish Orbero Institute, Kjela Mild, and his colleagues. A large-scale study conducted by the professor showed a slightly increased risk of acoustic neuroma formation (a benign tumor of the auditory nerve) in people who use a cell phone for 10 years or more. Interestingly, in the entire article by Professor Mild, the words “cancer” and “guarantees” never occur - these are free exaggerations added in the retelling.

But it turns out that "something" still causes something? Let it take ten years, even if with a small probability, even benign ... But it still turns out that microwave radiation can cause a tumor to appear? ..

The research method used by Professor Mild is called population. It is approximately as follows: to show that cause A causes effect B, if the mechanism by which A can do this is unknown, you need to take several groups of volunteers - some will be exposed to the action of A (they use telephones), while others will not (they do not use phones). If B (acoustic neuroma) occurs more frequently in the first group than in the second, it is possible to calculate how much A increases the risk of B.

It's perfectly legal - after all, that's how cigarettes were first proven to cause lung cancer. However, in that study, it was about increasing the risk by tens and hundreds of times, and still there were reasons for doubt for a long time until the mechanisms by which tobacco causes lung cancer were demonstrated. In the case of Professor Mild, things are much more complicated. The accuracy of such a study depends on the size of the groups, the reliability of the data they reported (how else to estimate the duration of phone use), in such a study all other risk factors should be excluded (and they are unknown for acoustic neuroma), and so on.

Moreover, it is not only Professor Mild who deals with acoustic neuroma. There are numerous publications showing that cell phone use does not increase the risk of acoustic neuroma and any other brain tumor when used for less than ten years, ten years, or more.

Who is right and who is not able to count is unclear. Professor Mild's work is typical in this field. Every year, the period to which such works are devoted is getting longer and longer. It is impossible to consider it as evidence that microwave radiation can lead to the appearance of a tumor. Notably, in 2006 Professor Mild published a paper demonstrating that cell phone microwave radiation did not increase the risk of male testicular tumors.

With other household sources of microwaves, it is still more difficult. The microwave oven, for example, has stubbornly refused to harm health since the mid-fifties. However, this does not mean that microwave sources are safe. Microwaved food can burn you. A fake cell phone battery can explode. Bluetooth headset conversations are easily intercepted. Many WiFi networks are very easy to hack. But one thing is certain. Microwave radiation does not cause tumors. It's better to find another way to worry.

As for protective shorts, it is better to bring chocolate or a piece of cheese from Switzerland. Real protective underpants weigh several kilograms and are made of lead. They are intended for patients with malignant tumors of the prostate. In such patients, a source of ionizing radiation is implanted into the prostate. Lead underpants protect loved ones from radiation

The effect of radiation depends on the wavelength. If we represent it in the form of a scale, then we first see short waves, which include X-rays and cosmic rays, as well as gamma rays. All of them have enough energy to free an electron from the atom of which it was a part. As a result, ions are formed (why these types of radiation are called ionizing). The impact of these ions and due to further changes in irradiated cells.

Non-ionizing radiation is not capable of releasing electrons and forming ions, but they can cause thermal damage to tissues and destroy cellular structures.

Waveband scale

From short to long:

cosmic radiation

Gamma radiation

x-ray radiation



(non-ionizing radiation):



radio waves

Radiation from power lines

Harmful sockets

Scientists are sure that the influence of non-ionizing radiation is now a much more serious problem than radiation.

Radiation is a local phenomenon,” says the head of the laboratory of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA), candidate of biological sciences Oleg Grigoriev, “outside the radiation zone, a person is not in danger. In addition, radiation contamination still belongs to the category of catastrophes, and not to everyday events. Meanwhile, we are exposed to the radiation that electromagnetic fields create every second.

The kitchen has a kettle, fridge and microwave. The room includes a TV, computer, possibly the Internet. Almost everyone has phones: both landlines and mobiles. Everything that works from the outlet gives this radiation. “A separate electrical appliance may not be dangerous at all,” says Oleg Grigoriev. “But when they are used simultaneously, the effects are cumulative.”

Back in the 19th century, bioeffects from exposure to electromagnetic fields were established, and on this basis a lot of devices and devices were developed. Then N. Tesla created an apparatus, the impact of which significantly improved digestion. Until now, many types of physiotherapy are based precisely on the interaction of internal and external electromagnetic fields.

The difficulty lies in the fact that their impact is not fully understood. If the level of radiation can be measured with a dosimeter, then with non-ionizing radiation, a huge number of factors play a role: from physical - wave frequency and radiation intensity to purely individual - predisposition to diseases, age. And to build a simple dose-effect relationship, as in the case of radiation, is impossible here. The currents can go through the skin or deeper - in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, or even through the blood vessels. Depending on the localization and effectiveness, there will be results.

Imagine the situation,” continues Oleg Grigoriev. - You have a transformer station working behind the wall, but you don't know about it. Along this wall is your bed, where you sleep every night. And after 3-4 years, you begin to have cardiovascular diseases, you run to the doctors, you are treated symptomatically, without removing the cause. And the reason is that every night you are in the zone of an industrial electromagnetic field.

Cell phones cause cancer?

Between 1996 and 2003, New Zealand physicist Dr. Neil Cherry studied the effects of electromagnetic fields on volunteers from around the world. Studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation causes damage to DNA and chromosomes, changes in brain activity and blood pressure. This radiation affects the pineal gland in the brain, which leads to a decrease in the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for important biochemical processes in the body, including chronobiological ones. Then Cherry suggested that radiation increases the activity of oncogenes.

And in June of this year, WHO officially recognized mobile phones as a potential carcinogen. Their active use - which means half an hour of talking a day for at least 10 years - increases the risk of developing a malignant brain tumor by 40%.

Since the brain is primarily under electromagnetic influence, this causes impaired attention and memory, chronic fatigue, and subsequently pathological processes in the central nervous system. That is why such close attention is now being paid to the mobile handset - after all, in this case, the head acts as a kind of antenna for receiving electrical signals. And there is nothing good in it.

How to avoid harmful effects

It is clear that in order to avoid electromagnetic radiation, all the gains of technological progress will have to be abandoned. It is impossible to do this, and it is not necessary. However, negative effects can be minimized. To do this, it is necessary to observe electromagnetic hygiene.

Try to reduce the number of electrical appliances in the bedroom. Do not put beds and sofas against the wall behind which the refrigerator or TV is working. After all, the radiation perfectly passes through our walls, which are often a little thicker than cardboard ones. The barrier needs reinforced concrete material.

The most intense radiation occurs when, for example, a microwave oven is heated. Just don't stand around during this time.

To protect yourself from the radiation of mobile phones, make it a rule not to bring it to your head at the moment when a number is dialed and a connection is established, as well as when recharging. These are the periods of the most intense radiation.

Do not be lazy to unplug electrical appliances from the outlet when you are not using them. After all, even in standby mode, the device is a source of powerful radiation.

The hand-free function almost completely reduces the risk.

And it is very important to limit the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren and expectant mothers.

Out of the field

A couple of decades ago, scientists found that a person must be in a natural electromagnetic field, that is, the field that the earth creates. If you pull him out of these conditions, he starts to hurt - and even more than with radiation.

The most obvious way to deprive a person of this field is to send him into space. In everyday life, the electromagnetic field of the earth is weakened on the highest floors of skyscrapers and, conversely, in the basement, as well as in metal bulletproof bunkers, like those where cashiers sit. All these shielded structures (by the way, the mobile phone does not receive a signal here) create very difficult conditions for health.

Should I be afraid of x-rays?

Often people refuse an X-ray examination, explaining this by the fact that they already did one 3 months ago. “So you can get irradiated!” - many people think.

So you can't be fooled! - said Natalia Nadezhina, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Local Radiation Injuries and Acute Radiation Sickness of the FMB. - The simplest examination is a chest x-ray. A direct and lateral image is 500 microsieverts, this is one millionth of a sievert, that is, 0.05 roentgens. The maximum allowable rate is 2 roentgens (20 millisieverts) per year for people working with ionizing radiation, for diagnostic procedures - no more than 5 millisieverts per year, for people who are examined regularly - no more than 1 millisieverts per year for 5 consecutive years .

Radiation is radiation invisible to the human eye, which nevertheless has a powerful effect on the body. Unfortunately, the consequences of radiation exposure for humans are extremely negative.

Initially, radiation affects the body from the outside. It comes from natural radioactive elements that are in the earth, and also enters the planet from space. Also, external exposure comes in microdoses from building materials, medical X-ray machines. Large doses of radiation can be found in nuclear power plants, special physical laboratories and uranium mines. Nuclear weapons testing sites and radioactive waste disposal sites are also extremely dangerous.

To a certain extent, our skin, clothes and even houses protect against the above sources of radiation. But the main danger of radiation is that radiation can be not only external, but also internal.

Radioactive elements can enter through air and water, through cuts in the skin, and even through body tissues. In this case, the radiation source acts much longer - until it is removed from the human body. It is impossible to protect yourself from it with a lead plate and it is impossible to go far away, which makes the situation even more dangerous.

Irradiation dosage

In order to determine the power of exposure and the degree of exposure to radiation on living organisms, several measurement scales were invented. First of all, the power of the radiation source is measured in Grays and Rads. Everything is quite simple here. 1 Gy=100R. This is how the level of exposure is determined using a Geiger counter. The X-ray scale is also used.

But do not assume that these indications reliably indicate the degree of danger to health. It is not enough to know the radiation power. The effect of radiation on the human body also varies depending on the type of radiation. There are 3 in total:

  1. Alpha. These are heavy radioactive particles - neutrons and protons, which are the most harmful to humans. But they have low penetrating power and are not able to penetrate even through the upper layers of the skin. But in the presence of wounds or suspension of particles in the air,
  2. Beta. These are radioactive electrons. Their penetrating ability is 2 cm of leather.
  3. Gamma. These are photons. They freely penetrate the human body, and it is possible to protect oneself only with the help of lead or a thick layer of concrete.

The radiation effect occurs on molecular level. Irradiation leads to the formation of free radicals in the cells of the body, which begin to destroy the surrounding substances. But, given the uniqueness of each organism and the uneven sensitivity of organs to the effects of radiation on humans, scientists had to introduce the concept of an equivalent dose.

To determine how dangerous radiation is in a given dose, the radiation power in Rads, Roentgens and Grays is multiplied by the quality factor.

For Alpha radiation it is 20, and for Beta and Gamma it is 1. X-rays also have a factor of 1. The result is measured in Rems and Sieverts. With a coefficient equal to one, 1 Rem is equal to one Rad or Roentgen, and 1 Sievert is equal to one Gray or 100 Rem.

To determine the degree of impact of the equivalent dose on the human body, another risk factor had to be introduced. For each organ, it is different, depending on how radiation affects individual tissues of the body. For the organism as a whole, it is equal to one. Thanks to this, it was possible to draw up a scale of the danger of radiation and its effect on a person with a single exposure:

  • 100 Sievert. This is a quick death. In a few hours, and at best days nervous system organism ceases to function.
  • 10-50 is lethal dose, as a result of which a person will die from numerous internal hemorrhages after several weeks of torment.
  • 4-5 Sievert - - mortality is about 50%. Due to damage to the bone marrow and disruption of the hematopoietic process, the body dies after a couple of months or less.
  • 1 Sievert. It is with this dose that radiation sickness begins.
  • 0.75 sievert. Short-term changes in the composition of the blood.
  • 0.5 - this dose is considered sufficient to cause the development of cancer. But there are usually no other symptoms.
  • 0.3 sievert. This is the power of the apparatus when obtaining an x-ray of the stomach.
  • 0.2 sievert. This is the safe level of radiation allowed when working with radioactive materials.
  • 0.1 - with a given radiation background, uranium is mined.
  • 0.05 sievert. Norm of background exposure to medical equipment.
  • 0.005 sievert. Permissible level of radiation near the nuclear power plant. It is also the annual exposure rate for the civilian population.

Consequences of radiation exposure

The dangerous effect of radiation on the human body is caused by the action of free radicals. They are formed at the chemical level due to exposure to radiation and primarily affect rapidly dividing cells. Accordingly, the organs of hematopoiesis and the reproductive system suffer to a greater extent from radiation.

But the radiation effects of human exposure are not limited to this. In the case of delicate tissues of mucous and nerve cells, their destruction occurs. Because of this, a variety of mental disorders can develop.

Often, due to the effect of radiation on the human body, vision suffers. With a large dose of radiation, blindness due to radiation cataracts can occur.

Other body tissues undergo qualitative changes, which is no less dangerous. It is because of this that the risk of cancer increases many times over. First, the structure of tissues changes. And secondly, free radicals damage the DNA molecule. Due to this, cell mutations develop, which leads to cancer and tumors in various organs of the body.

The most dangerous thing is that these changes can persist in the offspring, due to damage to the genetic material of germ cells. On the other hand, the opposite effect of radiation on a person is possible - infertility. Also, in all cases without exception, radiation exposure leads to rapid deterioration of cells, which accelerates the aging of the body.


The plot of many fantastic stories begins with how radiation leads to the mutation of a person or animal. Usually, the mutagenic factor gives the main character a variety of superpowers. In reality, radiation affects a little differently - first of all, the genetic consequences of radiation affect future generations.

Due to disturbances in the DNA molecule chain caused by free radicals, the fetus may develop various abnormalities associated with problems of internal organs, external deformities or mental disorders. However, this violation may extend to future generations.

The DNA molecule is involved not only in human reproduction. Every cell in the body divides according to the program laid down in the genes. If this information is damaged, cells begin to divide incorrectly. This leads to the formation of tumors. Usually, it is contained by the immune system, which tries to limit the damaged tissue area, and ideally get rid of it. But due to radiation-induced immunosuppression, mutations can spread out of control. Because of this, tumors begin to metastasize, turning into cancer, or grow and put pressure on internal organs, such as the brain.

Leukemia and other types of cancer

Due to the fact that the effect of radiation on human health primarily extends to the hematopoietic organs and the circulatory system, the most common consequence of radiation sickness is leukemia. It is also called "blood cancer". Its manifestations affect the entire body:

  1. A person loses weight, while there is no appetite. He is constantly accompanied by weakness in the muscles and chronic fatigue.
  2. There are pains in the joints, they begin to react more strongly to the surrounding conditions.
  3. Inflamed lymph nodes.
  4. The liver and spleen are enlarged.
  5. Difficulty breathing.
  6. There are purple rashes on the skin. A person often and profusely sweats, bleeding may open.
  7. There is immunodeficiency. Infections freely penetrate the body, which often raises the temperature.

Before the events in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, doctors did not consider leukemia to be a disease from radiation. But 109,000 surveyed Japanese confirmed the link between radiation and cancer. It also revealed the likelihood of damage to certain organs. Leukemia came first.

Then the radiation effects of human exposure most often lead to:

  1. Mammary cancer. Every hundredth woman who has experienced severe radiation exposure is affected.
  2. Thyroid cancer. It also affects 1% of those exposed.
  3. Lungs' cancer. This variety is most pronounced in irradiated uranium miners.

Fortunately, modern medicine may well cope with oncological diseases in the early stages, if the effect of radiation on human health was short-lived and rather weak.

What affects the effects of radiation

The effect of radiation on living organisms varies greatly depending on the power and type of radiation: alpha, beta or gamma. Depending on this, the same dose of radiation can be practically safe or lead to sudden death.

It is also important to understand that the effects of radiation on the human body are rarely simultaneous. Getting a dose of 0.5 Sievert at a time is dangerous, and 5-6 is deadly. But after doing a few x-rays 0.3 Sievert for a certain time, a person allows the body to cleanse itself. Therefore, the negative effects of radiation exposure simply do not manifest themselves, since with a total dose of several Sieverts, only a small part of the exposure will act on the body at a time.

In addition, the various consequences of the action of radiation on a person are highly dependent on the individual characteristics of the organism. A healthy body resists the damaging effects of radiation longer. But the best way to ensure the safety of radiation for humans is to contact radiation as little as possible to minimize damage.

The benefits and harms of a cell phone depend entirely on how you use it.. Many words have been said about the need and importance of a mobile device in the life of a modern person. No less has been written about the harm from electromagnetic radiation, the successor of which is any, even the simplest apparatus. What this harm is, how to minimize the risks and recognize the harmful effects is described in this article.

The harm of the phone to the human body

The influence of a mobile phone on human health has been subjected to repeated studies, which sometimes had conflicting information. Scientists have been arguing about the dangers of mobile devices for decades, and there is already a huge amount of experimental results and other scientific research that are constantly published on scientific resources. More than 10 thousand publications on this topic have already been collected, which can be found in international publications. But does the phone emit radiation?

May 31, 2011 is the day when the WHO officially recognized the harmful effects of radiation from mobile devices on human health. She recognized radiation as a potential carcinogen and identified group 2 B.

The harm of mobile phones to the human body lies in the fact that when talking it is close to the brain. At the same time, electromagnetic rays come into direct contact with it and can adversely affect health. The characteristics of this type of radiation are such that when exposed to living cells, they cause an increase in their temperature and possibly play a role in irreversible processes when radio frequency exposure occurs regularly. Thus, a brain tumor can develop.

The harm of the phone to human health also lies in the fact that while talking on the phone, concentration of attention worsens, thus, due to talking on the phone while driving in a car, accidents happen 4 times more often. Although the cause here is not radiation, the problem remains relevant to this day. Do not talk on the phone while driving and using the speakerphone. Although the harm of cell phones to human health has been discussed by the scientific community for a long time, no consensus has yet been reached. There are various versions of this provision. The most common is the financial component, since phone manufacturers are interested in selling their product, and therefore hiding the true results of research.

According to the precautionary principle, healthcare organizations are required to advise users of mobile devices to minimize the time of their use and especially their presence near the head. The ban on frequent use of the phone is relevant primarily for children.

Among the consequences that the phone can have on the body, there is also the well-known vegetative-vascular dystonia - a mysterious disease that is characterized by a pronounced decline in strength and decreased performance. Some researchers believe that the reason for this condition is the too frequent use of mobile phones or being in an area with a dangerous level of radiation from the tower. And with the constant suppression of the body by electromagnetic waves, cancer can develop.

Society reaction

Protection from the radiation emitted by phones has become a hot topic among users. The widespread use of mobile phones forms a wary attitude towards them as carcinogenic agents that can cause the development of cancerous tumors. When evaluating studies, there are still no unequivocal conclusions on the long-term effects of cell phone use. At the same time, the version is often expressed that manufacturers and companies of mobile devices embellish and hide the results of research. Several similar incidents have been recorded:

  • The case of Anders Ahlbom - it turned out that the chief specialist of the working group of experts turned out to be an expert lobbied by mobile phone manufacturers. He was paid to find that radiation from mobile phones is harmless. After the scandal, he was fired and not allowed to attend the World Congress.
  • Canadian scientists have also been repeatedly seen in the bias of their research - they were repeatedly paid for by manufacturers and mobile operators and the central television channels of the United States.

Phone manufacturers are no exception in this case and, along with manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco products, they are trying to deny and ridicule the results that speak of a real danger.

Meanwhile, experts different countries have long united in their belief that the effect of the phone on the body is detrimental. Thirty scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, led by Jonathan Samet, produced enough experiments and conclusions that today it has become difficult to ignore. One can only guess why a group of scientists classified this harm as potentially carcinogenic, assigning it an appropriate marker. And what (or who?) prevented the IARC at WHO from classifying the problem with marker 1A or 2A as higher, because the evidence was presented quite serious - brain cancer. And confirmation of the development of glioma and other brain lesions with frequent use of a mobile device near the ear was accepted by the most authoritative experts.

Electromagnetic fields and public opinion

But is the phone really dangerous? Does the phone emit radiation? The microwave frequency range, which is characteristic of microwave radiation, which is the range of the cellular network, affects the following functions in the body:

  • suppresses cellular and humoral immunity;
  • provokes the development of oncology;
  • cause of endocrine dysfunctions;
  • development of reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations.

The development of these diseases depends on three factors of electromagnetic radiation: frequency, power and exposure time. The higher the data, the greater the impact. Thus, radiation from cellular communication becomes similar to gamma radiation, which has the same principle of operation. For both gamma radiation and microwave radiation, the time of exposure to the rays determines the total power that affects the body.

The maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation from cellular communications in Russia is 10mW / cm² in the position near the head. If this level is exceeded, diseases may occur.

Ordinary citizens sometimes do not suspect that their safety depends on themselves, since the radiation power of mobile phones is different for all models, and it is worth paying close attention to the level of supply and reception of these signals before buying. Each phone model has its own SAR level - energy absorption.- which should be as low as possible. When the necessary measurements of the signal level were not made before purchase, it is better to control it manually, if such a function is provided in the device. Very often there are cases when the allowable level is exceeded, especially when calling and searching for a network.

Since modern life is no longer possible without the use of a mobile network, it is possible to reduce the level of microwave exposure by not bringing the phone close to the head, since safety is directly proportional to its distance from the body. Fortunately, today there are a lot of opportunities for this: speakerphone, “hands-free”.

How to protect yourself from excessive telephone radiation

Radiation from a phone (from Latin radius "beam", radiātiō - "radiation") is non-ionizing. This is a safer type of radiation, unlike ionizing radiation, which is characteristic of some radioactive metals, as well as an X-ray machine and places with a nuclear and thermonuclear reaction.

Non-ionizing radiation surrounds us everywhere: in electric light, sunlight, even heat from our body. Due to frequent exposure to a high dose of radiation, there is a cumulative effect where a minor exposure of the body occurs, causing a change in blood biochemistry, which over time can cause serious health problems.

Possible harm to cellular communication is the following consequences:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • infertility;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • development of oncological diseases.

Despite the obvious data of scientific works on this topic, mobile phone manufacturers continue to convince that all this is fiction. Although there are many such examples in history: the same leaded gasoline, until it was banned at the international level due to its harmful effects on health, oil refineries denied the presence of a carcinogenic effect in it.

Therefore, the abuse of talking on the phone should be partially or completely accompanied by a wireless headset that allows you to communicate without leaning the phone to your head.

What the phone emits applies to home radio telephones, and not just to cellular ones, since the nature of the signal is very similar.

Is the radiation from the phone harmful when it is at rest? Yes, because the signal received from the station is pulsating. But the radiation becomes the strongest at the moment of calling the number, when the subscriber number connects to the base station of the cellular operator. If the cell signal can't easily find the tower, then it goes to full strength to pick it up. In these situations, the phone is most dangerous and should be kept close to the body to a minimum.

In such cases, it is advisable to turn off the phone altogether or set the “Airplane” mode. There are special covers for the phone with a shielding effect that do not transmit radiation, they can be used. If it is possible to improve the transmitted signal during a conversation, then you need to do this: stand on an elevated surface, go to a window or go out into an open space so that the received signal does not meet obstacles. These actions will minimize the effect of electromagnetic rays that they have on the body.

The effect of cell towers on the human body

Radio signal transceivers with powerful antennas make it possible to maintain communication between subscribers of cellular operators. To make communication better, such towers should be placed on hills: it is allowed to install them on the buildings of some enterprises, residential buildings, or on mountains and hills.

The distribution of electromagnetic radiation from the tower occurs in such a way that the houses under it are not the epicenter of radiation, because the waves from the tower propagate horizontally. Being close to 30 meters from such an antenna is potentially hazardous to human health.. If such a tower and directly mobile operators adhere to the European norm and do not exceed the signal higher than 2W / kg, then the danger, as such, is not considered exceeded.

The radiation from the tower tends to fade away from its source, so already within 150 meters such radiation becomes no more dangerous than from a phone lying in another room.

However, quite often there are situations when mobile operators place their base stations in bad faith, adding additional equipment to already operating stations that already emit maximum permissible radiation. Thus, the norms restricting the construction near dangerous objects are violated, people are exposed to radiation.

Changes in legislation appear to be no less of a problem, according to which the construction of new houses is not taken into account from the position of radiation from antennas and no examinations are carried out for an increased level of microwave.

The described risks from radiation may be relevant for people whose houses are within 100-120 m or less.. If you know that there is a cell tower in the neighborhood at this level, especially if the antenna itself is located at the same height as your apartment, you need to measure the energy flux density from it by contacting an accredited laboratory. Since the waves propagate horizontally, the greatest damage is possible precisely at the same height as the radiation source.

If, after measurements, the signal level is higher than the permissible level (above 1900 MHz and above 10 μW / cm²), then it is necessary to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, indicating the available evidence.

The effect of the phone on human health seems to be carefully hushed up by someone. A vigilant citizen must learn to live in a new reality around factors that can cause exposure in order to be able to independently protect themselves and their loved ones from possible danger. After the World Health Organization announced to the whole world about the dangers of phones, adding them to a separate registry of carcinogenic products, sober-minded people no longer have any doubts that there is no smoke without fire.

Conducted studies have confirmed the fact that EMR really affects a living organism, and if this organism is somehow weakened or suppressed, then the study can simply kill it by mutating cells into malignant neoplasms. A characteristic experiment was with chickens that were subjected to prolonged EMR. They developed cancer three times more often than others.

These rules will be most relevant for our children, who appear completely defenseless against radiation. The bones of the skull in children are much thinner, which means that the degree of radiation passing through the skull is much higher than in an adult. If we add to this factor undeveloped immunity and constant stress of the body due to increased growth, then we can understand why the percentage of childhood oncology has sharply increased in recent decades.

Electricity has firmly entered our lives and has become an integral part of it. But technological progress is associated with an increase in the level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which has an adverse effect on all living organisms. Electromagnetic radiation is an oscillation of electric and magnetic fields that propagates through space at the speed of light. A person does not see or feel it, therefore, is not able to assess how it affects health. Meanwhile, doctors all over the world are sounding the alarm that EMR acts on the body like radiation. Let's figure out how electromagnetic waves affect a person, whether there are ways to protect against adverse effects.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

Throughout life, a person is exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). If the influence of electromagnetic radiation from natural sources(Sun, magnetic and electric fields of the Earth) people are not able to change, then they can reduce the impact from artificial sources.

But actively using the achievements of scientific progress, a person, on the contrary, is increasingly experiencing the effect on the body of side effects caused by the operation of various devices and mechanisms - electromagnetic waves from artificial radiation sources that surround us everywhere:

  • transformers;
  • cell phones;
  • medical equipment;
  • computers;
  • antennas;
  • elevators;
  • household appliances;
  • power lines.

Energy coming from sources varies in frequency and wavelength are the main characteristics of EMF. Scientists have discovered and studied electromagnetic waves of all possible ranges that are used in science or technology. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is formed from the totality of all waves.

Spectral range of EMF radiation

The light that is perceived by the human eye is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but only a small part. While studying it, other waves were also discovered. Electromagnetic waves include:

  1. X-rays and gamma rays - high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (3 - 300 MHz).
  2. Infrared radiation, light visible to the human eye, as well as ultraviolet - medium frequency radiation (0.3 - 3 MHz).
  3. Radio emission and microwaves - low-frequency radiation (3 - 300 kHz).

All electromagnetic waves are used by humans and have an impact on both living organisms and the environment. The biological activity of waves increases with a decrease in their length.

Radiation coming from low-frequency and medium-frequency sources is non-ionizing. It means that harm to health at an acceptable level of exposure to EMR is minimal.

A strong biological effect on the human body is provided by medical equipment - sources of high-frequency radiation and ionizing electromagnetic radiation: x-ray machines and computed tomography machines. MRI and ultrasound are harmless to the body, because X-rays are not used in the diagnosis.

The full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation by wavelength is divided into ranges:

  • radio waves (100 km - 1 mm) - used in the field of television and radio broadcasting, in radar;
  • microwaves (300 - 1 mm) - used in industry and in everyday life: satellite and cellular communications, microwave ovens;
  • infrared radiation (2000 microns - 740 nm) are widely used in forensics, physiotherapy, for drying products or products;
  • optical radiation - 740 - 400 nm - light visible to humans;
  • ultraviolet radiation (400 - 10 nm) is widely used in medicine and industry: bactericidal and quartz lamps;
  • x-rays (0.1 - 1.01 nm) are widely used in medical diagnostics;
  • gamma radiation (less than 0.01 nm) are used in the treatment of cancer.

The boundaries between the ranges of the spectrum are considered very conditional.

Level of electromagnetic radiation

Outgoing electromagnetic radiation from artificial EMF sources can be low-level and high-level. The power level of the source affects the degree of intensity of electromagnetic radiation.

High level sources include:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • electric transport;
  • towers for television and radio broadcasting, satellite and cellular communications;
  • transformers;
  • electric lifting installations (elevators, funiculars).

Low-level sources include all types of household appliances, devices with a CRT display and house wiring, sockets and switches.

To determine the level of EMR, a special device is used - a fluxmeter.. It fixes the value of the electric field strength indicator, according to which protective measures are taken if the norms are exceeded.

The maximum permissible level of exposure of the population is the value of the intensity of electromagnetic radiation, at which there is no harmful effect on the human body.

To calculate the radiation dose depending on the source, distance to it and size, there are special tables and formulas. A safe dose of electromagnetic radiation is 0.2 - 0.3 μT.

How electromagnetic radiation affects living organisms

Numerous scientific studies have led to the conclusion that the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human body and animals is negative, its consequence is disruption of the internal organs and the development of various diseases.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on a person depends on many factors:

  • intensity (level) of the field;
  • their length and frequency;
  • time span of impact;
  • human health status.

Sources from high level EMFs have a stronger impact on human health. The depth of penetration into the body depends on the wavelength: long-wave fields act on internal organs, the brain and spinal cord, short waves - only on the skin and lead to a thermal effect.

EMFs increase the risk to the health of children and debilitated organisms, as well as people prone to allergic diseases.

Spurious electromagnetic radiation and interference with constant exposure disrupt the activity of all body systems and can lead to the occurrence of radio wave disease, the symptoms of which are observed by many:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • state of apathy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • persistent headaches;
  • sleep and attention disorders;
  • frequent depression.

If we take into account that the average city dweller is constantly exposed to the electromagnetic field throughout his life, then radio wave disease can be diagnosed in almost every city dweller and the resulting symptoms can be explained precisely by its development. If you do not take measures to protect against harmful EMF, then the risk of developing chronic ailments (cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus) and permanent viral respiratory diseases increases.

After short term exposure electromagnetic waves, a healthy body is able to fully recover and eliminate the changes that occurred while in the zone of increased EMR.

With prolonged action of electromagnetic rays, the bioenergetic balance of the body is disturbed, changes accumulate and become stable.

What harm do electromagnetic radiation cause to the human body

Harm to health from sources of ionizing radiation has been proven for a long time, and there is probably no person who would not know about the negative consequences of exposure to x-rays or gamma rays. The impact on human health of EMF from non-ionizing sources is still poorly understood, but scientists around the world have already proven its negative impact.

The main types of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • microwave and radio emission from wireless communication devices and household appliances.

Electromagnetic fields and radiation pose a threat to almost all systems of the human body
. Under their influence

  • the permeability of nerve signals from the brain to other organs worsens, which affects the activity of the whole organism: brain coordination is disturbed, reflexes are dulled;
  • negative changes in the mental state are detected: impaired memory and attention, in severe cases, the appearance of suicidal thoughts, delusions, hallucinations;
  • there is an adverse effect on the circulatory system: EMR can provoke the adhesion of blood cells, which will lead to blockage of blood vessels, arrhythmias, and increased blood pressure;
  • there is a decrease in the permeability of cell membranes, due to which the body experiences oxygen starvation and insufficient intake of nutrients;
  • the production of hormones is disrupted, since under the influence of electromagnetic fields there is a constant stimulation of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • immunity decreases (frequent SARS, tonsillitis), and immune cells begin to attack their own cells (the occurrence of allergic reactions) due to a drop in the level of lymphocytes.
  • the risk of oncological diseases increases - there is evidence that intense exposure to certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can have a carcinogenic effect;
  • there is an inhibition of sexual function in men (reduced potency) and women (menstrual irregularities, infertility).

Electromagnetic radiation has a particularly detrimental effect on the fetus in the womb.

The constant excess of the allowable dose of EMR during pregnancy leads to a negative effect on the mother and to pathologies of the child's development at different times, especially in the first trimester:

  • the formation of defects in various organs;
  • slow development of the most important body systems;
  • stillbirth;
  • premature birth.

In one study of exposure to electromagnetic waves on pregnant women, a high probability of stillbirth and spontaneous abortion was found with an increase in the maximum allowable level of EMR. For those participants in the experiment who constantly wore an electromagnetic emitter, the risk of miscarriage was twice as high. If a child is born, he has a high probability of developmental pathologies, since EMR affects the DNA structure, damaging it.

The conclusion is disappointing - the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body negatively and negatively affects the activity of almost all of its systems. To avoid its devastating effects on health, it is necessary to take care of life safety (BJD) and methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation.

Methods of protection against the influence of electromagnetic fields

Electricity permeates every corner of our lives, from simple incandescent lamps to complex industrial installations. Modern man can no longer imagine how he will do without household appliances, means of communication and telecommunications. It is not possible for most of us to completely abandon the use of electric current and the benefits of civilization, but the implementation of some recommendations will minimize the devastating health effects from the harmful effects of EMF.

At enterprises where a person is constantly forced to face the action of high-level EMR, they are required to install protective screens and strictly comply with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements and rules of the Belarusian Railways.

It is important to know that the level of EMF strength decreases as you move away from it for a certain distance. So, in order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of high-voltage lines on human health, you need to move to a safe distance from power lines or other high-level sources by 25 meters.

In no case should residential buildings be built closer than 30 meters from sources with a high level of electromagnetic radiation
and do not allow children to play near transformer boxes or towers.

In order for electrical equipment to make life easier for a person, and not shorten it, you must adhere to the following tips and rules.

  1. Find out the degree of danger that comes from various sources of electromagnetic radiation at home and at work using a special dosimeter.
  2. In accordance with the indicators, arrange electrical appliances in such a way that they are as far as possible from the recreation area and the dining table (at least 2 meters).
  3. The distance from the CRT monitor or TV should be at least 30 cm.
  4. If possible, remove all electrical appliances from the bedroom and children's room.
  5. Place an electronic clock with an alarm clock no closer than 10 cm from the pillow.
  6. Do not stay near a working microwave oven, microwave oven or heater.
  7. Cell phones are not recommended to be brought closer to the head than 2.5 cm. It is not bad to talk through the speakerphone, and keep the phone as far away from you as possible.
  8. You should not constantly carry cellular communications in your pockets - in your purse or purse they are the place.
  9. Always turn off electrical devices that are not in use, because even in sleep mode, a certain dose of radiation comes from them.
  10. It is harmful to use a hair dryer before bed: EMR slows down the production of melatonin and disrupts sleep cycles. Do not use a computer or tablet less than 2 hours before going to bed.
  11. In sockets for connecting electrical appliances, it is necessary to check the presence of grounding.

You should be aware that the steel case of electrical appliances well shields the radiation emanating from them, and electromagnetic waves can also penetrate walls: electrical appliances located in the next room or neighbors can also affect the body.

All recommendations must be strongly observed by expectant mothers if they want to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Excessive computer or cell phone use during pregnancy poses a health risk to the unborn child.

Technological progress has made life much easier for people and has given a wide variety of equipment and electronics, medical devices that help us to be healthy, electric vehicles and elevators. But the negative impact on a person of electromagnetic radiation from electrical appliances and devices, power lines and communication towers cannot but disturb specialists and scientists.

Numerous studies lead to disappointing conclusions that without the use of EMF protection measures, human health is in danger. Therefore, if there is no possibility or desire to get rid of all the benefits of civilization and move to live in the forest, it is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of EMR by following the simple rules of the Belarusian Railways for working with electrical appliances and follow the recommendations given above.