Topic. St

Here I posted a few examples of stories of the origin of the Valentine's Day holiday on English language with translations.

Saint Valentine's Day History

We celebrate Valentine's Day every February 14th.

The story of Valentine’s Day begins in the third century with an oppressive Roman emperor Claudius II and a humble Christian priest Valentine.

Claudius declared it unlawful for young men to marry. He seen the king wanted them to be solders in far away lands. He thought that if the young men were married would worry about their families back home and so wouldn't make very good warriors. Valentine disobeyed the king and secretly married many young couples.
When Claudius found out about it he sent Valentine to prison.

According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer, Julia. Before his execution The bishop passed her a note signed "From your Valentine" as a farewell.

This story has become into the defining tradition of Valentine's Day.
On each February 14, Saint Valentine's Day, messages of affection and devotion are exchanged around the world. An estimated one billion cards sent each year, making it the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas.


The history of Valentine's Day dates back to the third century, during the time when the cruel Roman emperor Claudius II and the humble Christian priest Valentine lived.

Claudius forbade young men to marry.
Valentine understood that the king needed soldiers fighting in overseas countries.
The emperor believed that he would not have good warriors if young people were married, because then they would worry about their families remaining in their homeland.

Valentine disobeyed the king and secretly performed the wedding ceremony for many young couples.
When Claudius found out about this, he sent Valentine to prison.

According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the jailer's daughter, Julia. Before his execution, the priest gave her a farewell note signed "From your Valentine".

This story gave rise to the tradition of Valentine's Day.
Every February 14, on Valentine's Day, people all over the world give each other signs of attention and devotion. It is estimated that one billion valentines are sent each year, making this the second largest holiday after Christmas.

According to a Roman legend, during the third century, a man named Valentinus was imprisoned for his Christian beliefs and sentenced to death by execution. While jailed, Valentinus restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter. The night before Valentinus was sentenced to execution, he wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter saying, “From Your Valentine.” Valentinus was executed Feb. 14, 269 A.D.


According to Roman legend, in the third century, a man named Valentine was imprisoned for his Christian beliefs and sentenced to death. In prison, Valentine healed the guard's blind daughter. At night, before the execution, the priest wrote a note to this girl: "From your Valentine." Valentine was executed on February 14, 269.

Legends say that Valentinus was killed for trying to help persecuted Christians escape Roman prisons.


History tells us that Valentine was killed for trying to help persecuted Christians escape from Roman prisons.

This story claims that Valentine was a priest in third-century Rome. Claudius II (Known as Claudius Gothicus, was a Roman emperor from 268 AD to 270 AD) thought single men made better soldiers. Naturally the outlawed young men from marrying. Valentine argued against this order and kept performing marriages. Claudius soon had him executed for going against his commands.


This story claims that Valentine was a priest in the third century in Rome. Claudius II, known as Claudius Gothicus, was Roman Emperor from 268 AD. until 270 AD, believed that unmarried youths would be the best soldiers. Thus forbade young people to marry. Valentine opposed this order and continued to marry. Soon Claudius had him executed because the priest had disobeyed him.

In the fifth-century, legends have said that Romans honored Juno (The pagan goddess of love and marriage). On February 14, a man would pick a woman’s name out from a box and later court her for marriage. Around the time frame of 498 A.D., Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as the official St. Valentine's Day to honor the martyr Valentine and to ultimately end the pagan celebration of Juno.


Legends say that in the fifth century, the Romans honored Juno, the pagan goddess of love and marriage. On February 14, the young man chose the name of the girl from the box, then led her down the aisle. In about 498 AD, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 the official Valentine's Day to honor the memory of the martyr Valentine and ultimately put an end to the pagan celebration of Juno.

Story of Saint Valentine and St. Valentine's Day The day is named after Bishop Valentine, who was alive in ancient Rome. He betrayed the Emperor by conducting illegal weddings for couples in the name of love. He was arrested and fell in love with the jailer's daughter. Before he was executed, he gave a note to his love saying "From your Valentine", which founded the whole meaning of the current celebration.


The history of St. Valentine and the name of the Valentine's Day holiday came in honor of Bishop Valentine, who lived in Ancient Rome. He disobeyed the Emperor by secretly performing wedding ceremonies for couples in the name of love. He was arrested and in love with the guard's daughter. Before he was executed, he handed over a note to his love that said, "From your Valentine." This note was the origin of this holiday.

1 Valentine's Day (voiced lyrics, transcription)

Press on English word to listen (or listen in the player)

[ˈvæl.ən.taɪnzˌdeɪ] - Valentine's Day (holiday of all lovers, celebrated on February 14)
["væləntaɪn] - 1) valentine (love or playful message, poems sent on Valentine's Day); beloved, beloved (usually chosen as a joke on February 14, on Valentine's Day)
- love, kindness, sympathy
– kiss
- to hug tightly, to squeeze in an embrace; show favor, love
- a heart
– romantic
["kjuːpɪd] - Cupid
- bouquet
["ʧɔklət] - chocolate
["prez (ə) nt] - a gift
- offer

other words:

card- card; flowers- flowers; jewelery- jewelry; gift- present; date- date

couple- pair; loving couple, pair of lovers/sweethearts- couple in love; be in love (with)- to be in love; to fall in love (with)- fall in love (with someone)


2 Video about the history of Valentine's Day (in English)

3 Cooking chocolate covered cherries for Valentine's Day (in English)


4 Features of the use of the verb to love / love

1. The Russian verb to love can correspond to verbs to love and to like.
Verb to love denotes a deep feeling of affection that the subject feels towards someone: to love one "s parents (one" s children, one "s family).
Verb to like smb, smth, doing smth denotes pleasant sensations, pleasure from something, from communicating with someone.

2. Preposition for with the word love introduces animate nouns syntactically dependent on it in constructions like smb's love for smb(someone loves somebody); with the same words of introduces inanimate nouns syntactically dependent on it in constructions like smb's love of smth(someone loves something).

3. Verb to love- not used in the form continuous(in the continued form of the future, present and past tense).


5 Song in English: So this is love / So this is love ...

So this is love, mmm...
So this is love.
So this is what makes life divine.
I'm all aglow, mmm...
And now I know (and now I know)...
The key to all heaven is mine.
My heart has wings, mmm...
And I can fly.
I "ll touch every star in the sky.
So this is the miracle
That I "ve been dreaming of.
Mmm, mmm...
So this is love.


6 Audio Lesson: Valentine's Day / Valentine's Day (BBC)

It "s that time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. But Valentine"s Day is not only about public displays of affection: in recent years it has also become big business. In the UK alone, more than GBP20 million is spent on flowers, whilst in the United States over $1 billion is forked out on chocolates.

Although Valentine's Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, although some historians suggest he was a Roman martyred in the third century AD by a Roman Emperor. It is said that the first recorded Valentine's card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415. It is believed that he sought solace from his confinement by writing love poems to his wife .

Valentine's Day, or its equivalent, is now celebrated in many countries around the world. However, the traditions often differ from place to place. In Japan, for example, it is customary for the woman to send chocolates to the man, while in Korea April 14th is known as "Black Day" and is when the unfortunate men who received nothing on Valentine's Day gather to eat noodles and commiserate with each other.

Technological developments have also played their part in keeping Valentine's Day relevant in the 21st century. Valentine's e-cards have been all the rage in recent years. However, internet security experts urge web users to be wary as malicious hackers could use e-cards to spread viruses and spyware.

Valentine's cards can also be used for less than romantic purposes. Police in the UK city of Liverpool sent Valentine's cards to criminals who failed to appear in court or have not paid fines. The cards contained the verse, "Roses are red, violets are blue, you"ve got a warrant, and we"d love to see you." Who says romance is dead?

public displays of affection– public displays of affection/love
over $1 billion is forked out- zd. unfasten more than a billion dollars
hidden in the mist of time- sunk into oblivion
martyred- zd. who was martyred
recorded- known or fixed
imprisoned– prisoners
solace- looking for consolation
confinement- imprisonment
it is customary- accepted / considered commonplace
commit- express sympathy
e-cards- e-cards
all the rage- the cry of fashion
viruses viruses- computer viruses
spyware– spyware (collecting information from virus-infected computers)


7 Idioms about love in English

blind love- blind love
unrequited love- unrequited love
love-lorn- suffering from hopeless love, abandoned
lovesick- yearning for love; looking for love
love philtre, love potion- love potion, love potion
love story- love story; short story, love story
love in a cottage- paradise in a hut
love match- love-match
love knot- a bow as a symbol of love, union (tied with a figure eight)
love seat- sofa, armchair for two
love chest- Amer. box with the initials of the newlyweds (wedding gift)
love curls- curls that cover part of the face
love apple- obsolete. tomato
at love- "dry" (not allowing the opponent to earn a single point)
to play for love- play for money

man of heart- man of heart
stout heart- a devoted heart, a reliable ally
to gladden smb."s heart- to make smb happy, to bring joy to smb.
to harden smb."s heart- harden smb. a heart
to speak from the heart- speak from the heart, sincerely
from the bottom of one "s heart- from the depths of the soul
at heart- deep down
to pluck up heart- pluck up courage
to set one's heart- make up your mind (to do something)
to win smb."s heart- to conquer smb. a heart
the heart of the matter- gist of the matter
half a heart- reluctantly
with a single heart- unanimously
heart and hand with enthusiasm, with energy
out of heart- sad, in bad shape
by heart- by heart, by heart
heart-throb- heartthrob
chicken-heart- cowardice, cowardice; coward, wet chicken
change of heart- change of point of view (often to the exact opposite), transition to the other side
lay to heart- take seriously, take to heart (advice, reproach)
cross one's heart- swear that you are telling the truth
purple heart- Amer. military Purple Heart medal (for wounded in combat)

St. Valentine's Day Massacre- the massacre on Valentine's Day, the name given to the massacre of the mafia from the Al Capone group over bandits led by George Moran, in Chicago on February 14, 1929, during prohibition in the United States

blind date- Amer. unfold blind date with a stranger

Glasgow kiss- Brit. unfold headbutt (in a fight)
kiss of death- "death kiss", the last straw (a neutral or seemingly favorable event or action that leads to catastrophic consequences, final collapse)
kiss of life- "kiss of life" (method of artificial respiration - from mouth to mouth)
kiss the book kissing the bible when taking the oath in court
kiss and tell- talking about his love affair (with some famous person)
kiss-in-the-ring- an old game (in which the catcher kisses the caught)
kiss off- razg. fired, fired from work; unfold get away, hide
kiss-me-quick- ladies' hat in the form of a bonnet (fashion of the 50s of the XIX century)

to marry off a daughter- to marry off a daughter
daughter nation- descendant people


8 Proverbs about love in English

Love and a cough cannot be hidden.
You can't hide love and cough.

All the world loves a lover.
The lover is loved by the whole world.

All's fair in love and war.
In love and war, all means are good.

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Better to love and lose than never love.

Love is blind.
Love is blind.

Love me, love my dog.
Love me, love my dog ​​too.

Love is harder to accept than to give.
Love is harder to receive than to give.

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.
Love lives in shacks and palaces.

The heart that once truly loves never forgets.
True love is never forgotten.

Faint heart never won fair lady.
A timid heart has never won a beautiful lady.

Far from eye, far from heart.
Out of sight, out of mind.

A merry heart is a good medicine.
A happy heart is the best medicine.

A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
Honey tongue, and a heart of bile.


9 Games, songs, stories in English on the theme of Valentine's Day (flash)

Legends of Saint Valentine

There are several legends about the origin of the celebration of Valentine's Day. One of them says that February 14 is the day of the execution of the Roman doctor and priest, St. Valentine, who secretly married Christian soldiers, violating the emperor's ban. According to another similar legend, while in prison, Valentine fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer, whom he healed. Before the execution, the saint gave her a letter ending with the words "from your Valentine."
From the "Catholic Encyclopedia" it follows that at least three Valentines became martyrs. One was a priest in Rome, the second was a bishop in the modern Italian city of Terni, and the third lived in Egypt. The Egyptian Saint Valentine lived around 100–153 AD. He was one of the candidates for the post of bishop of Rome. In his sermons, he extolled the virtues of marriage as the central place for the realization of Christian love. Almost nothing is known about the circumstances of his death, and the place of burial is also unknown.
In 496 AD Pope Gelasius established that February 14 is the day of commemoration of St. Valentine. And in 1969, Saint Valentine was removed from the calendar of saints, as his historicity was questioned. On February 14, modern Catholics celebrate only the day of memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet.
According to another version, a pagan holiday became the prototype of Valentine's Day. In ancient Rome, the holiday of fertility (Lupercalia) was celebrated, dedicated to the wife of Jupiter - the goddess Juno (patron of love and marriage).

Attributes of Valentine's Day in the USA

Today, the traditional symbols of this holiday in the United States are cupids ( cupids), pigeons ( doves), cooing birds ( birds), roses ( roses), hearts ( hearts), Cupid's arrows ( arrows). Small lace napkins are also common ( doilies) adorned with this symbol.

Valentines /"Valentines"
Every year, 90% of American households purchase such postcards. More than 190 million postcards ("valentines") are sold in the United States every year on Valentine's Eve. 32% of them contain a ready-made text of romantic content, 45% - humorous inscriptions. In terms of the number of cards sold, Valentine's Day is second only to Christmas.
Moms receive every fifth "valentine" given by Americans and Americans.
Women usually buy postcards more often, men more often choose more expensive works of printing art.

Sweets/ Candies
More than 36 million boxes of chocolates are sold each year on Valentine's Day in the United States. Polls show that Americans in love on the eve of Valentine's Day prefer to buy sweets and chocolates in specialized stores. In 2004, there were 3,467 of them in the United States.

Flowers/ Flowers
On Valentine's Day 2006, 189 million roses were sold in the US, with 74% of their buyers being men. It is curious that flower buyers most often give them to their lovers, including wives, and buyers give them to their mothers. The set of flowers that Americans prefer to buy on the eve of the holiday differs from the average: 54% of sales are roses (mostly red), 23% are mixed bouquets, 10% are carnations.
Valentine's Day provides the largest flower sales in the US, with flower sales on this day accounting for 35% of all holiday sales.

Jewelery/ Jewelry
In 2005, there were almost 28.8 thousand jewelry stores in the USA. The volume of their average monthly sales is approximately $2.6 billion. In the same year, 1.8 thousand jewelry workshops operated in the United States, their production volume amounted to $9 billion.

The history of the first "valentine"

Edna Barth, author of Hearts, Cupids, and Red Roses: The History of Valentine's Day Symbols Hearts, cupids, and red roses: The story of the Valentine symbols, gives many stories about the existence of traditions such as those now associated with the celebration of Valentine's Day.
Despite the fact that the church condemned the love lotteries of ancient Rome, they existed later. In the Middle Ages, similar customs were in France, Italy and Germany. Sometimes lovers who won each other in the lottery decorated their sleeves with identical red hearts. In medieval England, children dressed up as adults and caroled around the house with love songs. In Wales, on February 14, wooden spoons decorated with hearts, locks and keys were given to loved ones. In many countries, fortune-telling was practiced for betrothed-mummers, like baptismal fortune-telling in Russia.
Valentine's Day is also mentioned in the works of the classics. The corresponding verse, for example, was written in 1382 by Geoffrey Chaucer, thus marking the year of the engagement of King Richard II of England and Anne of Bohemia. In "Hamlet" William Shakespeare put into Ophelia's mouth the mention of this day.
Perhaps the first "valentine" was sent to his wife by Charles, Duke of Orleans. This happened in 1415, when the duke was imprisoned in London (during the Hundred Years' War, he was captured by the British after being defeated at the Battle of Agincourt). One of the first "valentines", created around the same time, is now kept in the British Museum in London. Later, in many European countries, lovers made themselves or ordered postcards from artists, often accompanying passionate confessions with romantic poems (borrowed or their own).
Esther Howland is considered to be the inventor of modern valentines. In 1840, she sent the first greeting cards for Valentine's Day, and a little later she created a publishing company that specialized in the production of "valentines".
The first box of "Valentine" sweets was made in England in the early 19th century. Around the middle of the 19th century, a tradition arose of making special cakes, pastries, cookies, decorated with appropriate symbols and inscriptions.

Cards and puzzles on the theme of Valentine's Day (in English)

Funny poems and counting rhymes about love

If You Love Me...
if you love me
If you love me, love me true
Send me a ribbon, and let it be blue;
If you hate me, let it be seen
Send me a ribbon, a ribbon of green.

5 little hearts
5 little hearts, all in a row
The first one said, "I love you so."
The second one said, "Will you be my Valentine?"
The third one said, "I will, if you"ll be mine,"
The fourth one said, "I"ll always be your friend."
The fifth one said, "Until the very end."

Roses Are Red
roses are red,
violets are blue,
sugar is sweet,
And so are you!

To My Valentine
If apples were pears
and peaches were plumes,
And the rose had a different name
If tigers were bears
and fingers were thumbs,
I "d love you just the same.

One, I love...
One-I love,
Two - I love
Three - I love, I say;
Four - I love with all my heart,
Five - I cast away.

One, he loves...
One, he loves; two, he loves;
Three, he loves, they say
Four, he loves with all his heart;
Five, he cast away.
Six, he loves; seven, she loves;
Eight, they both love.
Nine, he comes; ten, he tarries;
Eleven, he courts; twelve, he marries.

my love

A peck of meal upon her back,
A baby in her basket;
Saw ye aught of my love a-coming from the market?

Ring a Ring O'Roses
Ring a ring o' roses
A pocketful of positions.
Tisha! Tisha!
We all fall down.

St. Valentine's Day comes on February 14. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages. Valentine's Day is a time when people in love express their feelings to those whom they love or adore. Some people give greeting cards, flowers, chocolates, perfumes or jewelry to their admirers or partners while others take their loved ones for a romantic dinner at a restaurant or even propose to get married.

Valentine's Day cards are the most popular gifts. They can be ready-made or hand-made. Also Valentine's cards can be pink or red-colored and some of them can be heart-shaped. Some valentines are very fancy; they are decorated with ribbons, paper lace and images of cupids. A card can be different; it can be sentimental with love poetry, friendly or satirical.

The origins of this day are not clear. Some sources believe that it stems from the story of St Valentine, a Roman priest who was executed on February 14, around 269 C.E. According to one legend, Valentine served as a priest during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he forbade marriage for young men. Valentine disobeyed the order of Emperor Claudius II and secretly married young couples anyway. When Valentine's actions were discovered, he was sentenced to death. In prison he fell in love with him jailer's daughter who visited him during his confinement. Just before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed "From Your Valentine".

Today, St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of love, young people, happy marriages and the holiday was named after him. St. Valentine's Day is a good day for parties. The restaurants and clubs are decorated with red and pink paper hearts. Chocolate, candies and cookies are often cut in the shape of hearts.

Translation of the text Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th. It is widely celebrated by people of all ages. Valentine's Day is a time when lovers express their feelings to those they love or adore. Some people give their fans or partners greeting cards, flowers, chocolates, perfume or jewelry, while others invite their lovers to a restaurant for a romantic dinner or even propose marriage.

Valentines are the most popular gifts. They can be ready-made or do-it-yourself. Also, valentines can be pink or red, and some of them can be heart-shaped. Some valentines are very unusual; they are decorated with ribbons, paper lace and drawings of cupids. The postcard may be different; she can be sentimental with love poems, friendly or satirical.

The origins of this day are not clear. Some sources believe that this is related to the story of Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who was executed on February 14, around 269 AD. According to one legend, Valentine served as a priest in the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were better soldiers than those with wives and families, he forbade young men to marry. Valentine disobeyed the order of Emperor Claudius II and secretly married young couples anyway. When Valentine's actions were exposed, he was sentenced to death. In prison, he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, who during his imprisonment came to him. Shortly before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed "From your Valentine."

Today, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of love, youth, happy marriages, and the holiday was named after him. Valentine's Day is a good day for parties. Restaurants and clubs are decorated with red and pink paper hearts. Chocolate, candy and cookies are often cut into heart shapes.

Additional expressions

  • St. Valentine's Day- Valentine's Day
  • express feeling- express feelings
  • to adore- adore, adore
  • jewelry(or jewelery) - jewelry, jewelry
  • admirer- admirer, admirer
  • to get married- get married, get married, get married
  • Valentine's Day card- valentine
  • valentines– valentines
  • ready-made- ready, standard
  • hand-made- handmade
  • ribbon- ribbon
  • paper lace- paper lace
  • cupid- cupid, cupid
  • C.E.- year of our era
  • priest- Priest
  • anyway- doesn't matter
  • jailer- jailer, guard
  • confinement- imprisonment
  • Patron Saint- patron saint

St Valentine's Day comes on February 14. It is not a legal or national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed, but it is a happy little festival for young people. St Valentine is the patron of sweethearts. February 14 is the anniversary of his death.

It is widely celebrated among people of all ages by exchange of “valentines”. A "valentine" may mean a special greeting-card or a little present. The day is the time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candies are favorite gifts which sweethearts send to each other. Valentine candies are packed in red heart-shaped boxes and sold for this one day.

Valentines are special greeting cards. They are often colored red, have red trimmings and pictures of hearts. Some “valentines” are very fancy, they are trimmed with paper lace and little bows of paper ribbon. They have verses of love poetry printed on them.

It is a good day for parties. The hosts trim the hall with red and white paper hearts. Refreshments are often colored red. Sandwiches and cakes are often cut in the shape of hearts. Sometimes, a King and Queen of Hearts are chosen during this evening

It is a very interesting holiday and many people like to celebrate it.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th. It is not a state or national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed on this day, but this is a fun holiday for young people. Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. February 14 is the anniversary of his death.

This day is widely celebrated among people of all ages. They exchange Valentines. "Valentine" can mean a special card or a small gift. On this day, it is customary to send small gifts to those you love. Flowers and sweets are favorite gifts that lovers send to each other. The candies are packaged in red heart-shaped boxes and are sold specially on this day.

Valentines are also special greeting cards. They are often red in color, with red trim and heart designs. Some "Valentines" are very whimsical, they are decorated with paper lace and small paper ribbon bows. They contain love poems.

This is a good day for parties, especially among young people. The hosts decorate the hall with red and white paper hearts. Drinks and snacks are often red. Sandwiches and cakes are often carved into the shape of a heart. Sometimes, a king and queen of hearts are chosen.

This is a very interesting holiday and many people like to celebrate it.

St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of Love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with a bow and arrow.

Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown in prison for his teachings. On February 14,Valentine was beheaded. The night before he was executed, he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter signing it, "From Your Valentine.

Another legend tells us that this same Valentine, well-loved by all, wrote notes from his jail cell to children and friends who missed him.

February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities.

St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one that you care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flower of love. Most people send "valentines, a greeting card named after the notes that St. Valentine wrote from jail. Valentines can be sentimental, romantic and heartfelt. They can be funny and friendly. If the sender is shy, valentines can be anonymous."

Americans of all ages love to send and receive valentines. Handmade valentines are created by cutting hearts out of colored paper. Valentines can be heart-shaped, or have hearts, the symbol of love, on them. In elementary schools, children make valentines for their classmates and put them in a large decorated box, similar to a mailbox. On February 14, the teachers open the box and distribute the valentines to each student. After the students read their valentines, they have a small party with refreshments.

You can write a short rhyme inside the heart:
roses are red,
violets are blue,
sugar is sweet,
And so are you!

Or you can buy valentines with messages in them. If you are shy, you can sign it, "Your Secret Admirer".

Translation of the text: St. Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day (2)

Valentine's Day has its roots in several legends. One of the earliest symbols of this day is Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is represented as a little boy with a bow and arrow.

300 years after the death of Jesus Christ, Roman emperors still required people to believe in Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, was thrown into prison for his teachings. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded. The night before his execution, he wrote a farewell letter to the jailer's daughter, signing it: "From your Valentine."

Another legend tells that this same Valentine, whom everyone loved, wrote notes from a prison cell to children and friends who missed him.

February 14 was also a Roman festival held in honor of the goddess. The young men randomly chose the names of the girls accompanying them to the celebrations.

Today is St. Valentine's Day - it's the day of lovers. This is the day when we tell friends or loved ones that we love them. You can send candies to whoever you like. Or you can send roses, flowers of love. Most people send "valentines"—greeting cards named after St. Valentine, who wrote notes from prison. "Valentines" can be sentimental, romantic, sincere. They can be funny and friendly. If the sender is shy, they can be anonymous.

Americans of all ages love to send and receive Valentines. "Valentines", handmade, are made by cutting out hearts from colored paper. "Valentines" can be in the shape of a heart - a symbol of love - or its image. AT primary school children make "valentines" for their classmates and put them in a large decorated mailbox. On February 14, teachers open the box and give out valentines to each student. After the students read the cards, they have a small evening with snacks and drinks.

Inside the heart, you can write a short verse:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
And sugar is sweet
The same as you!

Or you can buy postcards with ready-made inscriptions. If you are shy, you can sign like this: "Your secret admirer."

1. 100 topics of oral English (V. Kaverina, V. Boyko, N. Zhidkih) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and applicants to universities. Oral exam. Topics. Reading texts. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)