Where where why where. Complex sentences with the conjunction words "where", "where", "whence", "when"

There is something / where / where / when ...

integral expression, predicate + conjunction

1. An integral expression. No punctuation marks are required between parts of the expression.

there is something to remember! V. Shukshin, Two letters. Tapericha, thank God, grace, there are many villages and yards along the roads, is where get away from the weather, but doprezh and do not bring the creator what happened! A. Chekhov, On the high road. So, it is necessary to raise the underground, if there is where lift it, make a hole out of it with a wooden deck. V. Rasputin, Farewell to Matera.

2. Predicate + union. If a part of a sentence with a subordinating union “what, where, where” can be omitted or moved, then a comma before the union is placed according to the rules for punctuation of complex sentences.

She has everything only her darling wants. N. Taffy. Nyanka's tale about a mare's head. “... There is a lot of gold and silver in our forests,” replied Artemy. - The records are there is a place to look…” P. Melnikov-Pechersky, In the woods. Wolves so wolves and there, wherever you turn them! .. D. Mamin-Sibiryak, Zolotukha.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what is "what / where / where / when ..." in other dictionaries:

    WHAT Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    WHAT- (1) WHAT (1) [what] what, what, what, what, about what, pronouns. 1. interrogative. What object (thing), what phenomenon? What it is? What are you waiting for? What's wrong with you? Why are you displeased? What of that (follows)? “What new will Moscow show me?” Griboyedov. "What… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    What- (1) WHAT (1) [what] what, what, what, what, about what, pronouns. 1. interrogative. What object (thing), what phenomenon? What it is? What are you waiting for? What's wrong with you? Why are you displeased? What of that (follows)? “What new will Moscow show me?” Griboyedov. "What… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    THERE IS Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    THERE IS- husband. the name of the sixth letter of the church and Russian alphabet, e. | Yes, 3rd person, present. vr., ch. be, is omitted, implicitly, in Russian where it is used, in other languages, for example. he is kind, he is angry, etc.; but there is a characteristic of the language, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    there is- EAT, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat; ate, ate; eat; eaten; ev; incompatibility 1. whom (what). Eating, eating. E. want. E. with pleasure. Don't eat meat. Longing eats the heart (trans.; colloquial). The bug eats wood (spoils, gnawing, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

(generalizing lesson on the topic "Adverb" Grade 7)

Purpose: to generalize, consolidate and show knowledge on the topic "Adverb".

    Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Today our lesson will take the form of a game called "Where, where, when, where, how much, why and how?" (Slide 1). Why do you think it's called that? (Because we will talk about such a part of speech as an adverb, which answers the questions indicated in the title of the game).

    Repetition of what has been learned.

On the board there are cards with concepts and terms (adverb, sign of action, sign of sign, immutability, circumstance, mode of action, degree, place, time, reason, purpose), which you must logically arrange and, based on them, tell everything about the part of speech being studied .

    Consolidation of what has been learned.

The most difficult issue is the spelling of adverbs. Therefore, during our game, we will have to show our skills in spelling this part of speech and once again consolidate our knowledge. Each of you has a worksheet on the table with the tasks of the game, during which you will fill it out. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a token with adverb words that will replenish your vocabulary. Who will score the largest number tokens, he will become the winner of the game. And we will work according to this plan (Slide 2):

    Where adverbs with the prefix NI?

    When it is written H, but when HH?

    Where Missing b at the end of adverbs?

    Where appeared continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of adverbs?

    Why in some adverbs the end is written A, while in others it is written O?

    Why do you need adverbs?

    How distinguish an adverb from other parts of speech?

Task 1. "Where?" (Slide 3)

- Mark the numbers of sentences where adverbs with the prefix NI are written.

Compliance is checked using a slide. (Slide 4)

Task 2. "When?" (Slide 5)

Using a punch card, solve a spelling problem: when is H written, and when is HH?

Task3. "Where?" (Slide 6) (Fizminutka)

I will call adverbs with the spelling “b at the end of adverbs after hissing”, when you hear an adverb that is written with a soft sign - sit down, without a soft sign - get up.

Task 4. "From where?" (Slide 7) (task by group)

Now we will combine our efforts to solve challenging task"Full, separate and hyphenated spelling of adverbs". 1st row: decorate chamomile petals with adverbs that are written together, 2nd row: separately, 3rd row: through a hyphen. (Each group has a yellow flower core with the word "adverb" on the table and white petals).

Task 5. "Why?" (Slide 8)

You have cards on your tables. letters E, O, A. I will name adverbs, and you hold up a card with the letter that is written at the end of the word.

Task 6. "Why?" (Slide 9)

- Replace the words in brackets with adverbs formed from them and write them down. Think about what adverbs serve in speech.


Task 7. "How?" (Slide 10)

Indicate what part of speech the underlined words are.

Dictionary work.

    Using the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S.I. Ozhegov, determine the meaning of the adverbs SYZDAVNA and SYZNOVA. What vocabulary group do they belong to?

    Put the stress in the adverbs FOR A LITTLE, FOR A LITTLE. Check yourself with a spelling dictionary.

    Write down in a column the adverbs EXACTLY, ON DESIGN, BORED. Write them down next to them in transcription. Is there a difference in the spelling and pronunciation of the CHN combination in these words. Check yourself with a spelling dictionary.

    Summing up the lesson.

Our game has come to an end, count your tokens, now we will determine the winners. (Grading).

Guys, you did a great job in class. But some of you have seen your gaps in knowledge on the topic "Adverb". I ask each of you to express what you have learned and what you have not.

Slide 12:

I learned the spelling...

I didn't get the spelling...

Thank you all, goodbye.

Where, where, when, where, why, why and how.

Long planning, technical preparation, musical rehearsals, organization and briefing - this is an incomplete list of what the organizers of the club's intellectual game project “What? Where? When?". She took place. Winter game. The first pancake, according to the audience of the project, did not turn out lumpy.

December 18, 2010 at 18:00, hundreds of eyes in different parts of the world stared in awe at the screen - the monitor, the TV, the stage of the spiritual center on Nagatinskaya. The first game of the winter series of games of the Bible Connoisseurs Club of the Moscow League has begun. The evening opened with a musical program of a vocal and instrumental ensemble that performed praise songs “I Come to Glorify”, “The Book of Life”, “Call - I will hear”. The master of the Club, the minister of the SDA Church, Alexander Vasilyevich Zhukov, spoke with parting words to the teams and spectators.

“It would be foolish for me to ask you which book I would open for instruction. Clearly, “What? Where? When?”, such wise, beautiful, and even Adventists. This is the book of Proverbs. But here's the question, I'll start with it. This great sage, who would definitely not be a master here, but a doctor, I'm talking about Solomon. What three verbs did he use in the first eight words of his saying of wisdom? Parables Solomon begins with very interesting words: to know, to understand, to comprehend. Connoisseurs, especially you. We are called masters. It brings a smile. We are more likely to make smart faces, sit and watch. And you play, you really show wisdom. Here are the words of Solomon: “to know wisdom and instruction, to understand the sayings of the understanding; learn the rules of prudence, justice, judgment and righteousness…” So, God grant you to know, understand and assimilate all that wisdom of God, which is truly superior to any wisdom, any knowledge. And here, Solomon speaks of the source - the beginning of wisdom - is the fear of the Lord. God forbid that really the credo of this club is “What? Where? When?" was the beginning of this wisdom—the fear of the Lord.”

After a prayer of blessing, a mysterious voice, belonging not to the mysterious, but to our very real brother Pavel “Sanych” Zhukov, announced the line-up of Olesya Semyina's team.

Pavel Shcheglov: 19 years old, studying at the 3rd year of the Moscow Automobile and Road state university(MADI).
Alexander Silchenko: 25 years; studying at the University Russian Academy Education at the Faculty of Journalism, in parallel studying at the Russian State University. Gubkin at the Faculty of Economics. Works as a manager in the field of automation of payments for housing and communal services. He serves as a deacon and school teacher in the Vostochnaya community. (+ hobbies: reading books, amateur sports (volleyball, swimming, running)).
Roman Semyin: 24 years; finished Medical College and the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow Pedagogical University, continues his education in graduate school. She works as a history teacher in a school.
Nikolay Stepanov: 25 years; higher economic Education; works as a database programmer. He is the director of the Pathfinder Club "Pilgrim" (+ hobbies: forest, hiking, traveling).
Andrei Shinkevich: 38 years; Graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics of MIREA (Moscow state institute radio engineering, electronics and automation), senior developer at Mirantis (+ free spoken English, published translation of the book).
Olesya Semyina: 20 years; studies in the 4th year of the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical State University; works as a Russian language tutor. Church Sabbath School teacher.

The excitement of the players who took their places at the gaming table was reflected in the first rounds of the game. The discussion, which is the basis of the entire game, was tentative and quiet at first. Moreover, failures in the answers, alternating with successful answers, did not allow the players of the first team to be liberated. But gradually the players entered the rhythm and began to conduct discussions more lively and confidently. The team of Olesya Semyina mastered the questions of the blitz tournament and one question with a black box, in which there was a fig tree fruit. Questions came across both on the Biblical theme, and on the topics of natural science. The total score of the game is 6:4 in favor of the experts.

According to the club's master, Roman Semyin was recognized as the best player of the team, who received a Handbook on Theology as a gift from the club's master Anatoly Vasilyevich Zubach. About Roman, his wife Maria said after the game that she fell in love with him even more. Apparently, such games also contribute to the establishment of family relationships.

The most interesting for the audience in the hall and Internet viewers was the observation of the course of reasoning and their personal thoughts on the questions asked. The presenter had to make comments to the audience more than once. This justified the director's desire not to introduce the audience into the game room. This project apparently it will have to contribute to the assimilation of ethical norms, in addition to intellectual ones.

The second team that sat down at the gaming table were:
Anastasia Kazievskaya, 20 years old
Designer, studies at the Moscow Humanitarian Academy at the art and graphic faculty; fond of literature fine arts and cinema.
Gevorg Mnatsakanyan, 21
Second-year student of the medical faculty of the First Moscow State medical university them. Sechenov, a talented musician, master of the violin.
Andrey Yasyrkin, 31 years old
Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University; is a technical consultant in the field of data center design for HP; fond of photography.
Olga Donchenko, 20 years old
Studies as a specialist in the field of "Marketing and project management"; works as an editor of television programs and a correspondent at the Moscow student television of the Media Center;
enjoys television journalism and cooking.
Grigory Blokhin, 24 years old
Graduated from the Rostov State Economic University with a degree in jurisprudence; is currently a candidate degree candidate of legal sciences at the North Caucasian Academy Public Service. Works as a lawyer in a consulting company in Moscow
Dmitry Serikov, 34 years old
Graduated from the Academy of Mechanics and Control; is a specialist in the field of repair of refrigeration equipment; enjoys martial arts and chess.

Having watched the game of the previous team of Semyina and gained some experience, Dmitry Serikov's team was more confident and lively. However, the questions that came up turned out to be more difficult and led to a risk score of 3:5 in favor of the leader. After a musical pause and a change of spinning top, the team pulled out a victory with a score of 6:5. There was a black box, and a salad set, and blitz questions, and mathematical riddles. Something turned out to be within the power, something else needs intellectual reinforcement.

The masters of the club noticed the captain's contribution to the victory by the fact that he correctly chose the versions for answers and thus ensured a team victory on the last three decisive questions. As a result, Dmitry Serikov is the best player of the team in the first game and the owner of the book “Every Day with Jesus“.

Both teams that played on December 18 become members of the club of experts in the Moscow League. We will expect their further participation in the games of the intellectual club.

Important for the organizers of the game were the creation of a television project, a test of strength in the technological field, the use of video and computer technologies for ministry. The project is intended to become a “donor” for many other types of Christian ministry and leisure, i.e. offer new technical solutions.

Project Manager Pavel Zhukov

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Such a pleasure to work with such children! Be their navigator, helmsman, make sure that they do not get lost in the ocean of the new and still unknown, so that questions become a tailwind, and not a terrible obstacle. This is incredibly exciting, but also immeasurably difficult, because you can’t guess what will interest them, it’s difficult to be able to answer all the questions. And how do you find the strength to admit that you yourself do not know something? This is probably the most difficult. But if the great Socrates said: “I know that I know nothing,” then why should we, mere teachers, know everything? Such recognition can be even more stimulus for the guys: yes, we know a lot, but we don’t know everything, look, we also ask questions and also want to know more.
So what does it mean to be able to ask questions? Of course it is permanent job mind, self-improvement and self-education. That is, on the one hand, having taught us to ask, we give our students the opportunity to always learn, to receive continuing education. And if children, having become adults, do not lose interest in our subject, use the acquired knowledge and strive to acquire new ones, then we have managed to give them a truly high-quality education that was useful to them in life, and not which they neatly left on the school porch right after prom.
But there is another side, I think, more important. We must teach our students to ask themselves questions, analyze their own actions, think about what and why is happening around them in the world, in the country, in society. Perhaps the best thing for this is literature lessons, in which we not only discuss literary works, life paths authors and the imagery of the language, but we talk about eternal values, exchange opinions, empathize, sympathize with the characters or disagree with them.
It turns out that in the first case we are talking about curiosity, inquisitiveness, and in the second - about conscience and truth.
Asking questions is often a thankless, unpleasant thing. It is much easier to close yourself in your cozy little world, put on a case, hide in a mink (and, for greater persuasiveness, put a geranium on a windowsill and start a canary). The less you know - you sleep better, but your conscience sleeps better because of this, doesn't it?
Asking questions to which there is no unequivocal answer is a difficult and painful matter, but this is probably the only way to become a person. I think, therefore I am, I ask, therefore I care.
Boris Pasternak wrote:
In everything I want to reach
To the very essence.
At work, in search of a way,
In heartbreak.
We must teach this, and this will be the key to a quality (read: full, rich) life - to ask, seek, question, disagree. Our children should strive, like Pasternak, to "reach the very essence," and not become those who, mindlessly accepting what is imposed from above, will say: "I have not read Pasternak, but I condemn." This is the purpose of our work.

Rhymed grammar rules

1. Writing -tsya and -tsya in verbs

Before the verb to write,

Don't forget to ask a question

Because soft sign in the question,

And we add it to the verbs.

2. Writing words with roots -ber-/-bir-, -ter-/-tir-, -mer-/-mir-, etc.

If there is behind the root A,

At the root will be And always,

Here is an example, remember:

legs you TER? - You TIR Ay!

3. Spelling of roots -KAS-/-KOS-

So that we don't make mistakes

When -CAS- should be written,

And when we write -KOS-,

We will answer the question:

Is there a suffix -A- behind the root?

CAS - we will always write;

KOS - we will write then

When there is no -A- behind the root.

4. To remember the alphabet

A, b, c, d, e, e, e -

We wash clothes.

F, h, i, d, k, l, m -

Eat an orange quickly.

N, o, p, r, s, t, y -

Let's walk on the bridge.

F, x, c, h, w, u -

Ah, what a bowl!

They won't be remembered at all.

That's all, friends!


Questions of indirect cases
You already know for sure.
If you ask them without delay,
Additions will be found here.

6. Definition.

Sign of an object or phenomenon
Denotes a definition.
Whose and what? - the answers are simple,
Just missing a wavy line.

7. Issues of circumstance

Seven questions - just a miracle!

Just remember them like this:

Where? When? Where? Where?

Why? What for? And How?

Questions: where? when?
How? where? and where?
Circumstances are always
They will give you an answer, yes, yes, yes

Secondary members of the sentence

Sign of an object or phenomenon


Whose? and which?- the answers are simple

(Only the wavy line is missing!).

Questions of indirect cases

You already know for sure.

If you ask them, without delay

Find everything right away ADDITIONS!

Here are the questions: where? where? as? where? and when?


Never say no!

Everything will tell you in detail:

The action pattern will show

Time, place will call

And the reason will lead

8. Communion

The participle, the child of a verb and an adjective, is very brave and does not separate itself when it wanders alone. But as he acquires a family, he is brave before the OSA (definable word), and behind her - he is afraid of the sting, fenced off with commas.

9. Orthoepy

It was not the driver who drove, but the driver.

Not porcelain, but porcelain.

The verdict was not announced -

Court verdict.

Planed not by a carpenter, but by a carpenter,

But a board is not a board.

And listened alone

Not "Tosca", but longing.

10. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members

If there are homogeneous terms,
Be sure to separate them with a comma:
Children draw, play, sit,
They argue, laugh, sing, talk.

11. How to find the main members of a sentence

When your task is to find
The main members of the proposal
First find the verb
Verb in any mood.
When you find this verb
Between other words
Then highlight it quickly
Just two traits.

Then from him we questions who? what?
We direct to other words
And the subject, as if on a hook,
Let's catch these questions.
Here we are its one feature
Instantly emphasize without a doubt
And admire - in front of you
main members of the proposal.

12. What is a phrase

Attention! Attention!
Here is a phrase.
There are a couple of words in it,
But their rights are not equal.
In it, the main word is always
Walks with an addict.

And who's in charge here - without difficulty
The question defines.
The question comes from the main
To the dependent word,
And never, on the contrary,
Remember as a basis.

Attention! Attention!

Here is the phrase:

There are a couple of words in it,

But their rights are not equal

(It contains the word main always with dependent walking!):

The question comes from the main

And never vice versa!

13. Spelling prefixes PRE- and PRI-



    Did the train arrive, did the steamer sail,
    The astronaut came from the Universe -
    About everyone who comes, arrives, sails
    It is written PRI-, no doubt.

2. Accession.

The screw screwed, screwed the wheel,
Glued, sewn skillfully -
Remember that they say about everything,
What good hands have done.

3. Proximity.

On the roadside hill
In the suburbs of the seaside
At the school site is nice
Even fastidious - freedom.

4. Incomplete action.

Tongue bit - not quite bit off.
Burnt doesn't mean it's on fire.
Remember what's done, but not quite
They write with the prefix PRI-.

    Meaning "very".

    Predlinny will reach the roof with his hand,
    Greedy won't give you candy.
    Who is very such or very such -

PRE- we write at the same time.

    Similar to PERE-.

    The rains are pouring incessantly in October,
    But literate rain is not a barrier.
    Where PERE- and PRE- are very similar,
    There you only need to pre-put ...

14. About the spelling of prefixes

All consoles, like people,
Treasure their face.
To remember the appearance of each,
You don't have to be a sage.
Only on Z and FROM prefixes
This differs:
Influenced by neighbor
Z and S change.

15. Spelling prefixes on Z and S

You remember that prefixes


Before deaf consonants

Quickly change Z to S.

There are attachments for Z,
And on FROM there are.
Like a diligent student
Do you distinguish prefixes?
Look at the neighbor
An effective move is simple! -
And in the attachment FROM write,
If after him deaf!
Leads friendship Z with a voiced
Here's what kids need to know!

16. About the spelling of the suffix -CHIK in nouns

The couples became friends
Spinning in a waltz
D and T, Z and S,
Expect only miracles from life!
Self-sufficient and dashing,
J dances for two.
Five consonants -
In strong friendship.
In a word, everyone is on duty.
Suffix -Chick il -Schik do they need?
- Chick will be seen a mile away!
Every student knows
What do we write after them -Chick.

17. about dividing b

Always after prefix

This is my rule.

It was "sat down"

It became "ate"

You were able to guess

Why did it happen?

Who is the culprit?

- Solid sign!

We also need a solid sign -

We can't write without it.

Congress, edible, explanation,

And the entrance, and the announcement.

18. Verb conjugation

The 2nd conjugation includes all verbs in -IT, except for SHAVING, CLADDING, 4 verbs in -AT and 7 verbs in -ET:




and also endure, twirl,


All other verbs belong to 1 conjugation.

Drive, hold

Watch and see

Breathe, hear


And depend, and twirl,

And offend, and endure.

You remember, friends,

You can't hide them on -e-!

To the second harness

We'll take it without a doubt

All verbs that –it,

Excluding shaving, laying,

And one more thing: look, offend,

Hear, see, hate,

Drive, hold, breathe, twirl,

Depend and endure.

19. Н and НН in adjective suffixes

Every gentleman will tell you:

two letters H any time

Write in words where -onn- and -enn-,

But only windy with one.

The native answered him:

On the H the base ends

Add a suffix to it –n- -

With two HH you get the floor!

And in the suffixes –in-, -an- and –yan-

Write H one, friends!

Only tin, wood

And glass written with two.

20. Synonyms

Words are synonyms

Always close in meaning

They differ only in shades sometimes:

Native land - Fatherland - Fatherland!

How much is sacred to us in them!

21. Antonyms

Minus - plus, fire - water,

Daring - careful!

All antonyms always


22. Homonyms

The meaning of the words is different. And what?

Like twins, they are similar:

The load is lifting tap,

And pours water in the apartment tap.

23. Direct and figurative meaning of the word

iron horseshoe the blacksmith forged the horse.

I am in man iron will appreciate:

Though she did not hear the ringing of the anvil,

But, like iron, it must be strong and strong.

24. Speech styles

The artists are talking in the dressing room

Your friend is talking to you

Style is simple colloquial,

And not some other.

Reading a story or a verse

novel, poem, play

Know in them art style,

The style is very interesting.

Still have style journalistic

Articles in a political magazine

Newspaper essays, notes -

Remember this style too.

Open your biography official business.

And the rules when we teach

We use style scientific!

25. Capital letter

Names, surnames,

Nicknames, cities

All capitalized

Always write!

26. Unstressed vowel

If the letter is a vowel

Raised doubt

You immediately

Put emphasis.

27. Dividing b

Before E, Yo, I, Yu, I

I stand in the roots, friends.

Sparrows, family, housing -

Before I, Yu, I, E, Yo.

28. b - indicator of softness

Soft sign, soft sign -

You can't do without it!

Can't write without it

Thirty, twenty, ten, five.

Instead of "six" we get a pole,

Instead of "is" we will write eats,

Will become foam "hemp"

Corners - "embers",

"Banka" will turn into a bank.

Here's what might happen

If we forget

Soft sign in the words to write.

29. Silent consonants

Not wonderful, not great

It's terrible and dangerous

The letter T is written in vain.

Everyone knows how lovely

The letter T is appropriate.

30. Endings of adjectives

Winter day, winter day

We are going for a walk.

For a joke, for a laugh

We ask the forest echo:

"What tree are you on?"

The echo answers: "OM!"

“What are you under a bush?”

The echo answers: "IM!"

"Tell it to everyone!"

Echo answers: "Eat!"

31. Spelling NOT with verbs


Don't know, don't rush!

With verbs alone

Particle DO NOT write!

32. Full and short adjectives

Full adjectives have despair:

Somewhere the end has fled

Rushed off without asking permission

And suddenly he became bold,

Beautiful has become beautiful!

33. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement

According to the goal, always distinguish the sentence:

AT narrative- message,

Question in interrogative (will you give us an answer?)

And in incentive- request, advice.

34. Parsing a word by composition

Schoolboy! When parsing a word

End and base

Find it first.

After the root there will be a suffix,

And the attachment is ahead.

35. Complex sentence

One sentence simple with another

Decided to become a proposal one.

There can be three simple ones, four and five -

It is important to separate them all with a comma!

36. Separate spelling of a preposition

I drive my car

I'll change all the endings.

In the cockpit I sit separately,

With the word I write separately,

I am very strict with lazy people!

My name is the driver PROPOSITION.

37. Exception words in which O is written in the root after hissing

Our O is angry today:

He made the seam in the hood.

Throwing on an embroidered outfit,

Climbed for berries in the garden.

But the seam clung to the gooseberry,

And the gardener heard a rustle.

38. Hyphenated spelling of indefinite pronouns and adverbs

At - something, - either, something, - something

Don't forget the dash!

39. Exception words in which Y is written in the root after C

The gypsy tiptoed over to the chicken and yelled, “Chick!”

Came on tiptoe of a gypsy and on a chicken "Shush!" said.