We see letters. We pronounce and hear sounds, we write letters and see them written, that is, letters are a designation of sounds

The difficulty lies in the fact that the number of letters does not correspond to the number of sounds. In Russian everything:

6 vowels [A, O, U, I, S, E]

10 vowel letters [A, O, U, I, S, E, I, E, E, Yu]

The last four letters denote two sounds [YA], [YO], [YE], [YU] or one sound [A], [O], [E], [U], depending on the place where they stand, this makes it difficult understanding of the child's sound-letter system of the Russian alphabet. Therefore, acquaintance with the so-called iotized vowels is placed at the end of the training.

So, when teaching a preschooler to read, we only talk about six vowel sounds that we hear in speech ..

So in the word RIVER we will mix two vowels [E] and [A], and we see the letters “E” and “A”. And in the word HERRING we hear three vowel sounds [E], [O], [A], and we see the letters “E”, “E” and “A”

We hear sounds, not letters!

The vowel sound is usually denoted in red - the vowel is always red.

Consonant sounds and letters, there are also certain difficulties for the child: the sound is not pronounced the way the letter denoting it is called.

For example, the letter "Be" - the sound corresponding to this letter is jerky [B], not "be".

The sound of the letter "Sha" is a jerky sound [Ш], not "she".

Consonants are combined into pairs according to hardness-softness: the letter "Be" can mean two sounds -
hard sound [B], as in the words DRUM, BULL, BUN,

and soft sound [B '] as in the words BIDON, PROTEIN, DOVE.

There are consonants always solid - these are F, W, C .
And there are consonants in always soft - this is Y, H, SH .

Solid consonants are usually marked in blue. And consonants are soft - green.

Game exercise "Signals"

Children raise the signal circle. If you play in crazy conditions, you can take pencils or felt-tip pens: red, blue, green, depending on which sound you hear: vowel, hard consonant, soft consonant.

Game exercise "Fists-Palms"

If the child hears a solid sound, then they squeeze the handles into fists. If soft - "soft" palms.

In the process of learning to color, we still encounter the concepts of voiced and voiceless consonant sounds. The characteristics of sounds are determined by ear and by the vibration of the vocal cords. When a voiced consonant is pronounced, the vocal cords vibrate. You can feel it by placing your palm on the throat area. Voiced letters [З], [В], [Б], etc., these sounds are formed with the participation of the voice.

During the formation of sounds [S], [F], [P], etc., the vocal cords do not participate in the formation of sound, and we do not feel vibrations in the throat with our palms. These are dull sounds.

Game exercise "Calls"

If the sound is sonorous, the children will repeat the movement when playing the bell. When the sound is deaf, the children should close their ears.

Reminder for parents.

Language is the main means of human communication. With the help of language, people communicate with each other, convey their thoughts, feelings, desires. Each language is a complex system. The elements of this system are sounds, words, sentences that are closely related.

Phonetics - a branch of the science of language, in which the sounds of the language, stress, syllable are studied.

Soundis the basic unit of the language along with the word and the sentence, but unlike the latter, it does not have any meaning in itself. Sounds play an important semantic-distinctive role in the language: they create an external, sound shell of words and thus help to distinguish words from each other.

Sounds are vowels and consonants.

Vowelswe pronounce sounds only with our voice, they can be sung and pulled.

Consonants- lips, teeth or tongue are involved in their pronunciation.

The consonants are divided into:





Voiced only

Only the deaf

Consonants are hard and soft, except:

C, F, W - always firm

H, W, Y - always soft

A voiced consonant at the end of a word and before a deaf consonant is replaced by a deaf pair:

du b [n], stopper ka [n].

Consonants before the vowels A, O, U, S, E sound solid: floor, poppy, onion, smoke.

At the end of the word and before other consonants, it is also firmly: cat, p lit ka.

Consonants before vowels Ya, E, Yo, Yu sound soft: ball, stump, honey, l yuk.

At the end of the word, if we speak softly, a soft sign is written: bear, bed. soft sign It's a letter, it doesn't make a sound.

stress- this is the selection of one of the syllables with greater force when pronouncing the word.

The stress always falls on the vowel sound: herbs a , about zero, r a to.

The word is made up of syllables.

Syllable- this is one vowel sound or several sounds in a word, which are pronounced in the process of speaking with one push of air. How many vowels in a word, so many syllables.

To convey sounds in Russian writing, special signs are used - letters.

Do not mix in oral speech sounds and letter names of these sounds :

[l] - sound, "el" - letter

[p] - sound, "er" - letter

Talk about a letter - a letter denotes a sound.

Sounds we hear and speak letters we see, write and read.

Syntax - a branch of the science of language that studies the phrase and sentence.

phrase- a combination of two or more independent words related to each other in meaning and grammatically. For example, home country, very interesting.

offercalled a word or several words that contain a message, question or motivation. The sentence is characterized by intonational and semantic completeness, that is, it is single statement.

So a sentence is made up of words. In the sentence, the words are next to each other and they are “friends”.

Pretext- "small word". All words in a sentence and prepositions are written separately. The first word in a sentence is written with capital letter, followed by a period, exclamation point, or question mark.

alyona korneychuk
Compendium of GCD on teaching literacy "Sounds and Letters"


Goals: introduce: - with the concept sounds and letters; - give the concept of a vowel sound, consonant sound; - with designation sounds in writing.

Everything that we say, read, write, what is it called?

(Our speech).

What is our speech? (from words)

What about words? (from sounds)

Sounds we speak and hear.

BUT letters we see, write and read.

Sounds there are vowels and consonants.

Vowels sounds. Vowels sounds are different but very friendly, they all love to sing. Their voices sound beautiful and loud. Let's sing these together sounds! - AUOEY.

The air flows freely through the mouth, There are no obstacles of any kind. The voice calls, the voice sings. The sound becomes a vowel.

Vowels sounds are always marked in red.

game exercise "Name the pictures"

(Card with pictures : duck, needle, glasses, bus)

Consonants sounds.

Consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But they don't want to sing.

Consonants can't sing sounds, do not like. Consonants sounds we pronounce with the help of lips, tongue, teeth, palate, there is a barrier in their pronunciation. They are short. Some are loud, others are muffled. Some hard, others soft. Look at them. What color is their outfit? (children's answers).

If consonant the sound is solid, then he puts on a blue outfit, and if soft, then green. Look, there are consonants sounds, which have both blue and green in their outfit. What does that mean, what do you guys think? (children's guesses).

It means that two sounds: both, hard and soft. Such a lot of sounds, look (teacher shows sounds on the board) .

But there is sounds who or only hard and soft girlfriends he does not have. Or vice versa, only soft sound, and there is no firm girlfriend.

Let's just name the hard ones. sounds(the teacher shows, and everyone calls in chorus sounds) - [g] [w] [c].

Now let's just name the soft ones. sounds - [h '] [u '] [th '].

Look at the soft sounds there is a comma at the top right. She points out that the sound is soft. This comma is called an apostrophe.

game exercise "Name the pictures" Which words start with hard and which start with soft sound?

(Cards-pictures: shirt, belt, squirrel, drum, light bulb, leaf)

The teacher clarifies in children how vowels differ sounds from consonants?

(when we pronounce vowels sounds lips and teeth do not interfere with us, but consonants meet an obstacle in their path).

Fizkultminutka In children, cards with letters. They run in all directions, on a signal - split into 3 teams: vowels, hard consonants and soft consonants. Three house: blue, green, red.

Remind that vowels sounds denoted in red, and consonants in blue or green.

game exercise "Find a picture" Circle the pictures whose names start with a vowel sound in red, and blue on the consonant.

(Picture cards : axe, handle, window, towel, bow)

Circle the pictures whose names end in a vowel sound in red, and blue on the consonant.

(Picture cards : needle, ball, duck, umbrella)

Guys we can all hear sound, can you see it?

Sounds indicated in writing letter. And in the next lesson, we will begin to get acquainted with letters.

Related publications:

Homework for teaching children to read and write "Vowels and letters" Card 1. The sound and the letter A, and 1. The sound “A” is a vowel (it is formed with the help of a voice, it can be sung, pulled, the air stream does not meet.

Synopsis of a lesson on teaching literacy in the senior group “Consolidating the sound [K] - [K ’], the letter K. Work on the proposal” Goal: Consolidation of the sound K (Kb, letters K. Work on a sentence Educational tasks: 1. Continue to learn to differentiate a solid sound.

Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy “Solid consonant sound [w], letters Sh, sh. Shea combination " Topic: Solid consonant sound [w], letters Sh, sh. Shea combination. Purpose: to acquaint with the solid consonant sound sh, with the spelling of the combination shi;.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sounds [s, s ']. Letters z, z '" Didactic goal: to form in children knowledge about the sounds [z], [z "] and letters Z h Type of lesson: acquaintance with new sounds and the letter of the main one.

MDOU Kindergarten No. 32 in Rybinsk. Plan - summary of the GCD on teaching literacy in a group preparatory to school on the topic: “Sounds G - K, letters.

GCD scenario for teaching literacy: “Sounds [k] - [k], letter “K”” in the preparatory group. Script directly - educational activities on teaching literacy: "Sounds [k] - [k], the letter" K "" in preparatory group Target:.

Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy “Sounds [s], [s ']. Letter C" 1. Correctional and educational goals. To consolidate the skills of distinguishing and pronouncing the sounds С, СЬ in syllables, words, sentences; exercise.

Literacy lesson “Consonant sounds [z ’], [z]. Letters Z, Z " Literacy lesson

Linguistic definitions (definitions are studied by reading) that a student of grade 1 should know.

1. Speech is a way of communication between people, or what we say.

Types of speech and their features.

Signs of oral speech- speaking and listening (when prompted, the children are shown the ear and mouth)

2) Written

signs writing - writing and reading (at a hint, it shows how a person reads, how a person writes)

Speech is made up of sentences.

2. Sentence is a word or several words related between themselves within the meaning of that express a complete thought.

Offer signs:

1) Expresses a complete thought.

2) The sentence is pronounced with a certain intonation (according to the intonation, the sentences are exclamatory (Mom, I came!) And non-exclamatory (Mom bought milk.)

Making an offer in writing:

1) A sentence always starts with a capital letter.

2) A sentence always ends with a punctuation mark (. ! ?)

3. Word- this is a combination of sounds (not letters !!!) that have a certain value.

Highlight large and small words:

Big word: mom, house, Katya, school, cat, etc.

In the scheme, a large word is indicated by: (if capitalized),

(with lower case)

Small word: prepositions (in, under, over, etc.), conjunctions (a, and, but).

In the scheme, small words are indicated: preposition - union -

The word is divided into syllables.

4. Syllable- one or more sounds that are pronounced on one exhalation.

Methods for determining the number of syllables in a word:

1) Put your palm to your mouth and pronounce the word (how many times the chin touches the hand - so many syllables.

2) Put your palm under your chin and say a word (how many times the air flow touches your hand - so many syllables).

3) How many vowels in a word - so many syllables.

In the scheme of the word, syllables are distinguished: (ma-shi-na)

syllable-fusion- this is a syllable consisting of two sounds (consonant and vowel): MA, MU, MO, MI, KA, etc.

The fusion syllable is denoted as follows:

A fusion syllable with a solid base (acc. tv.),

A fusion syllable with a soft base (according to soft)

Syllables are stressed and unstressed.

The word has one stress.

In a word with one syllable - no stress is placed, because and so it is clear that he is shock.

Reception of stress setting: you need to call the word (M-iiiiii-shka, st-uuuuu-l, p-aaaaaa-pa).

The stress is placed above the vowel in the stressed syllable with a slash.

Sounds and letters.

We make and hear sounds.

In writing, we put sounds in special brackets -

For example: [t], [and].

There are 6 vowels in Russian: [a], [o], [y] [s], [i], [e].

How to understand that it is a vowel sound? When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air in the mouth does not encounter obstacles, the vowel sound can be sung (Aaaaa, Oooooh)

Vowel sounds are stressed and unstressed (depending on the stress).

How to understand that it is a consonant sound? When pronouncing a consonant sound, the air meets an obstacle (teeth ([c]), lips ([m]), tongue and teeth ([l]).

Consonants are voiced / deaf ([d] / [t]), hard / soft ([d] / [d '])

Foreword 2

Part 1. Difficult questions of spelling

1.1 Phonetics 4

1.2 Subordination of words in phrases 5

1.3 Means of speech expressiveness 6

1.4 Roots with alternating vowels o//a, e//i 8

1.5 Spelling prefixes 9

1.6 H and HH in different parts of speech 10

Part 2. Practical tasks. Tests.

Phonetics 12
Subordination of words in phrases 16 Means of speech expressiveness 18

Spelling prefixes 20

Roots with alternating vowels o//a, e//i 23

Н and НН in different parts of speech 25

Difficult sentence 29 Part 3. Composition - reasoning. 33

Answers 50


The success of passing the exam in the Russian language, as well as in any other subject, is largely determined by how prepared the students are for this exam. Summarizing the accumulated experience and systematizing the available material, I got a "Collection of materials for preparing for the GIA in the Russian language", corresponding to the demo version of the GIA 2013. (i.e. with the latest changes).

This manual is addressed to students of grade 9 preparing for the exam in the Russian language. It is intended for effective training for the exam, since it contains systematized and generalized theoretical information in tables and diagrams, as well as training tasks included in the GIA specification.

The collection consists of 3 parts. The first part contains theoretical material in the form of diagrams and tables, where attention is paid to such complex issues as the spelling of vowels and consonants in the root, Н and НН in the suffixes of adjectives, participles and adverbs, expressive means of the language, etc. Such a design of theoretical material , as it seemed to me, is easier for students to assimilate and remember. A credit system for each topic has been introduced into the system of preparation and lesson activities. Using this material, students take tests for each topic. We use the materials of the collection when working not only with the 9th, but also for carrying out a variety of work in the Russian language lessons starting from the 5th grade (For example, in the 5th grade on the topic “Phonetics”). To check the level of assimilation of the material, part 2 of the collection includes tests that are grouped by selected topics fully complying with the GIA 2013 plan. Thus, the tests include all the tasks of parts A and B. For each topic, several test options are offered, containing from 7 to 10 tasks. (For example, phonetics - 4 tests, types of communication in phrases - 4, etc. (Such work helps me prepare weak students.) Tests are distributed according to the level of complexity, the level of complexity gradually increases.

The third part of the collection is devoted to the preparation of task C2. Last year, the changes affected the third part of the examination paper. In 2013, only one task C2 was presented - an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic, i.e. there was no alternative task C2.2. The students wrote an essay, revealing the meaning of the statement of a famous linguist, writer or publicist about the Russian language. 36 citations were offered. I tried to group all the statements into 6 groups by topic: “ Grammar”, “Syntax”, “Morphology”, “Vocabulary”, “Punctuation”, “ Expressive means language", which will allow graduates to test their knowledge of speech science and the ability to work with text: read the text thoughtfully, meaningfully, understand the meaning, highlight primary and secondary information, build their own text based on what they read.

Answers to the tests are given at the end of the collection. They will help to independently check the correctness of the tasks and the degree of assimilation of the theoretical material.

The materials of the collection can be used in organizing independent work students in grades 8-9, in the process of preparing for the upcoming exam, both independently and under the guidance of a teacher, as well as in the study of many topics in the Russian language.

Phonetics is a branch of the science of language that studies the sounds of speech, their formation and properties, as well as stress.

There are 33 letters in Russian: 10 vowels, 21 consonants + b and b.

We pronounce and hear sounds, we write letters and see them written, that is, letters are the designation of sounds.

vowels (consist of a voice, they can be pulled, sung) CONSONANTS (when formed, air overcomes any barrier in the oral cavity)
Letters - 10; A, E, E, O, U, I, S, Yu, E, I Sounds - 6; [a], [o], [e], [y], [and], [s] 1. Paired voiced / deaf consonants: Voiced: G B C D Z F Deaf: K P F T S Sh + X, C, Ch, Sch (they are always deaf) It is convenient to learn all the deaf ones by memorizing the sentence: F about to a, X about h e w b P oh st more c? (in this sentence all consonants are deaf)
1. In the Russian alphabet there are vowels that can represent one or two sounds - these are the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya. They designate two sounds in 3 positions: 1. At the beginning of the word: yama [y'ama] - 3 letters, 4 sounds 2. After vowels: ate [pay'el] - 4 letters, 5 sounds 3. After b and b: blizzard [v'y'uga] - 5 letters, 5 sounds The letter And after soft consonants means one sound : drink [p'it'], after b - two: nightingales [salav'y'i] 2. Paired soft / hard consonants: Soft consonants will be if they are softened by vowels E, E, Yu, I, I + b + H, W, Y (they are always soft); for example, in the word “jam” the sounds [p] and [n] are soft, because they were softened by [e] and b, and [c] is a hard sound. Solid consonants will be if there are no these sounds next to them and b, + Zh, Sh, C (they are always solid).
2. The vowels E, E, Yu, I, And denote the softness of the previous consonant sound: small [small] - mel [m'el] 3. Sonorants: R, L, M, N, Y Always hard: W, W, C Always soft: H, W, Y
3. How many vowels in a word - so many syllables: around - around (vowels: o, y - 2 syllables) 4. Phonetic processes: 1. Voicing - a dull sound is pronounced like a voiced one: request [proz'ba], make [zd'elat']; 2. Stunning - voiced is pronounced as deaf: snowdrift [sugrop]
5. Do not confuse the meaning of b: in the word winter storm b separates the consonant [v] and the vowel Yu; in the word mole b softens the consonant L; in words speech and will you go b - indicator of grammatical form (verb and noun f.r. 3 skl)

Subordination of words in phrases