Analysis of the work "The History of a City", Saltykov Shchedrin. "History of one city": analysis of the work by chapters Summary of one city Saltykov Shchedrin

“The Foolovites descended from the bunglers, next to whom the tribes of onion-eaters, blind-bearers, spinning beans, rukosuev and others lived. They were all at odds with each other.

The bunglers went to look for a prince. Everyone refused such incapable subjects, finally one agreed and called them Foolovists. Historical times in the city of Foolovo began with one of the princes crying out: “I’ll shut it up!”

The author cites an ironic chronicle of the mayors of the city. So, for example, number eighteen is “Du-Charlot, Angel Dorofeevich, a French native. He liked to dress up in a woman's dress and feast on frogs. Upon examination, it turned out to be a girl ... ” Separate chapters are devoted to the most remarkable city governors.

This mayor sat in his office all the time, scribbling something with a pen. Only from time to time did he jump out of his office and say ominously: “I won’t stand it!” At night, watchmaker Baibakov visited him. It turned out that in the boss’s head there is an organ that can play only two pieces: “I’ll ruin!” and "I won't stand it!" To repair the damaged organ, the masters were called. No matter how limited the ruler's repertoire was, the Foolovites were afraid of him and staged popular unrest when the head was sent for repairs. As a result of misunderstandings with repairs, even two identical mayors appeared in Foolovo: one with a damaged head, the other with a new, varnished one.

The Tale of the Six Mayors
Anarchy began in Foolov. At this time, only women aspired to rule. Fought for power were the “evil Iraida Paleologova”, who robbed the treasury and threw copper money at the people, and the adventuress Clementine de Bourbon, who “was tall, loved to drink vodka and rode like a man.” Then the third contender appeared - Amalia Stockfish, who excited everyone with her luxurious bodies. The “fearless German woman” ordered the soldiers to roll out “three barrels of foam”, for which they greatly supported her. Then the Polish candidate entered the fight - Anelka with the tar smeared before for debauchery gates. Then Dunka Tolstopaya and Matryonka Nozdrya got involved in the struggle for power. After all, they have often been in the houses of mayors - "for a treat." Complete anarchy, revelry and horror reigned in the city. Finally, after unimaginable incidents (for example, Dunka was eaten to death by bugs at a bug plant), the newly appointed mayor and his wife reigned.

Hungry city. thatched city
The reign of Ferdyshchenko (the author changes this Ukrainian surname in cases). He was simple and lazy, although he flogged citizens for misconduct and forced them to sell the last cow "for arrears." I wanted to "crawl like a bug on a feather bed" to my husband's wife Alenka. Alenka resisted, for which her husband Mitka was beaten with a whip and sent to hard labor. Alyonka was presented with a “dradedam scarf”. After crying, Alenka began to live with Ferdyshchenko.

Things started to go wrong in the city: either thunderstorms or drought deprived both people and cattle of food. The people blamed Alenka for all this. She was thrown from the bell tower. A "team" was sent to pacify the riot.

After Alenka, Ferdyshchenko was tempted by the "opestvennaya" archer girl Domashka. Because of this, fires began in a fantastic way. But the people did not destroy the archer at all, but simply returned it with triumph "to the opposition." To pacify the rebellion, a "team" was again sent. Twice the Foolovites were "reasoned" and this filled them with horror.

Wars for enlightenment
Basilisk Borodavkin "introduced enlightenment" - made false fire alarms, made sure that every inhabitant had a cheerful look, composed meaningless treatises. He dreamed of fighting with Byzantium, introduced mustard, Provence oil and Persian chamomile (against bedbugs) with general murmuring. He also became famous for waging wars with the help of tin soldiers. All this was considered "enlightenment". When taxes began to be withheld, the wars "for enlightenment" turned into wars "against enlightenment." And Wartkin began to ruin and burn down settlement after settlement ...

The era of dismissal from wars
In this era, Theophylact Benevolensky, who loved to legislate, became especially famous. These laws were completely meaningless. The main thing in them was to provide bribes to the mayor: “Let everyone bake pies on holidays, not forbidding himself such cookies on weekdays ... Upon taking out of the oven, let everyone take a knife in his hand and, cutting out a part from the middle, let him bring it as a gift. Whoever does this, let him eat."

Mayor Pryshch used to put mousetraps around his bed before going to bed, or even go to sleep on the glacier. And the strangest thing: he smelled of truffles (rare delicacy edible mushrooms). In the end, the local leader of the nobility poured vinegar and mustard on him and ... ate Pimple's head, which turned out to be stuffed.

Worship of mammon and repentance
State Councilor Erast Andreevich Sadtilov combined practicality and sensitivity. He stole from a soldier's cauldron - and shed tears, looking at the warriors who ate musty bread. He was very feminine. He showed himself as a writer of love stories. The dreaminess and "haberdashery" of Sadtilov played into the hands of the Foolovites, who were prone to parasitism - therefore the fields were not plowed and nothing sprouted on them. But there were costume balls almost every day!

Then Sadilov, in company with a certain Pfeyfersha, began to engage in occultism, went to witches and sorceresses and betrayed his body to scourging. He even wrote a treatise On the Rapture of a Pious Soul. "Rampages and dances" in the city stopped. But nothing has really changed, only "from the inaction of the merry and violent they switched to the inaction of the gloomy."

Confirmation of repentance. Conclusion
And then Gloomy-Grumbling appeared. "He was terrible." This mayor did not recognize anything but the "correct construction." He struck with his "soldierly imperturbable confidence." This machine-like monster arranged life in Foolovo like a military camp. Such was his "systematic delirium". All people lived according to the same regime, dressed in specially prescribed clothes, and performed all the work on command. Barracks! "In this fantasy world, there are no passions, no hobbies, no attachments." The inhabitants themselves had to demolish the habitable houses and move to the same barracks. An order was issued on the appointment of spies - Gloomy-Grumbling was afraid that someone would oppose his barracks regime. However, the precautionary measures did not justify themselves: no one knows from where a certain “it” approached, and the mayor melted into the air. On this "history stopped its course."


The story describes the life of the city of Glupov for a hundred years until 1825. The chronicle of the city during this time was kept by four archivists. The history of Glupov is directly connected with the period of government of various mayors. In the first prehistoric chapter, the author considers the question of the origin of the city's population. The people of the bunglers were able to defeat other tribes. The bunglers decided to find a prince to manage them. Many rulers refused to rule over stupid people. One of them agreed, but did not live in the city, leaving instead of himself a governor - a newcomer. The governor turned out to be a thief. The prince sent a noose to a dishonest newcomer. But he did not wait and stabbed himself with a cucumber. After this, the prince appointed several more rulers in his place. But they all stole terribly. The prince himself arrived in Foolov and from that moment began a historical period in the life of the city. Further, the work provides a description of the mayors of Glupov, tells the biographies of the most significant.

Dementy Varlamovich Brodysty was very gloomy and taciturn. He always used two phrases: "I will not tolerate and I will ruin." Once the clerk saw an incredible picture. The busty man was sitting at the table as usual, but his head was separate and completely empty. It turned out that the head of the mayor contained only two organs with melodies: I will not stand it and I will ruin it. But somehow, due to dampness, the head became unusable. Watchmaker Baibakov ordered a new head in the capital. But she did not come on time, so Brody was without a head.

After that, two self-proclaimed chiefs appeared in the city. A messenger from the province quickly picked them up. And Foolov plunged into anarchy. During the week, the city was ruled by six women mayors. Residents quickly got tired of such confusion. Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov became the new mayor. His activities for the city had a positive meaning, he even dreamed of opening an academy in the city.

Pyotr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko managed the city for the first six years in a very coordinated manner, during these years Glupov prospered. But then the mayor was beguiled by a demon. He kindled with feelings for the wife of the coachman Alenka. She refused the mayor. Then Ferdyshchenko exiled her husband to Siberia, and Alenka had to obey. But as a punishment for such actions, a drought came to the city, followed by famine. Residents then threw Alenka from the bell tower. Ferdyshchenko wrote various letters to his superiors, even a detachment of soldiers arrived in Foolov. When the mayor fell in love with Domashka again, strong fires began in the city. The ruler was frightened and refused Domashka. Ferdyshchenko's reign ended in travel when he died from overeating.

Vasilisk Semyonovich Borodavkin became the new mayor. He considered himself a smart ruler and even waged wars to educate the people. During his reign, Foolov began to decline.

Another ruler, Theophylact Irinarkhovich Benevolsky, liked to issue various laws, although he did not have the right to do so. Therefore, he scattered leaflets with laws at night. The mayor was dismissed for cooperation with Napoleon.

Then Lieutenant-Colonel Pryshch controlled Glupov. He did not actually participate in the management, but the city surprisingly developed due to excellent harvests. It turned out that Pimple had a stuffed head, which the leader ate, smelling truffles from it.

Under the next mayor - State Councilor Erast Andreevich Sadtilov, Glupov did not develop at all. Laziness and depravity have become characteristic features foolovtsev. The mayor spent all his time at balls. Soon famine came to Foolov. Sadtilov was soon removed. For a hundred years, the last mayor was Ugryum Burcheev. He was not very intelligent, in fact, was an idiot. Burcheev decided to completely rebuild the city. Foolov was destroyed to the ground. The river interfered with the new construction, but Burcheev failed to block its channel, although he tried very hard. Therefore, Burcheev led the Foolovites to a lowland, it was decided to build a city there. But something went wrong. The mayor literally vanished into thin air and disappeared without a trace. The story ended there.

"The history of one city", a summary of which is given in this article, is an ironic, grotesque chronicle of the city of Foolov. The satire of Saltykov-Shchedrin is transparent, so the face of modern Russia is easily guessed in the text.

Only at first glance it seems that the story, like an inventory of city governors, is a gallery of madness and human moral deformities. In fact, each image is recognizable in its own way.

Unfortunately, the work does not lose its uniqueness to this day.

The history of the creation of the "History of one city"

The idea of ​​the work was nurtured by the author for several years. In 1867, a story appears about a mayor with a stuffed head, eaten with appetite at the end. This hero was transformed into a governor named Pimple. And the story itself became one of the chapters of the story.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889)

A year later, the author began writing the chronicle of Glupov. The work lasted over a year. Initially, the work was called "Glupovsky Chronicler", the final title appeared later. The name change is due to the fact that the second carries a wider semantic load.

In the year of graduation, the story was first published in the almanac "Notes of the Fatherland", where Mikhail Evgrafovich signed with the pseudonym N. Shchedrin. A self-published edition comes out six months later. The text is somewhat different. The sequence of chapters has been changed, and the characteristics and descriptions of the governors have been rewritten in abbreviation, but have become more expressive.

Main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the work are the mayors and townspeople - the inhabitants of Glupov. Below is a table with specifications. A brief overview of the main characters is given.

Amadeus Manuilovich Klementy Italian. At home he served as a cook. His signature and most delicious dish was pasta. The Duke of Courland, admiring his culinary skills, took him with him as a family cook. After Amadeus Manuylovich received a high status, which helped him to take the post of mayor. Klementy forced all the Foolovites to make pasta. Sent into exile for high treason.
Fotiy Petrovich Ferapontov He was the personal hairdresser of the Duke of Courland. Then he began to rule the city. Big spectator. Never missed public punishments on the square. He was always present when someone was flogged with rods. In 1738, the manager was torn to pieces by dogs.
Ivan Matveyevich Velikanov He is famous for drowning the director responsible for the economy and the economy in a pond. For the first time introduced a tax from the townspeople. From each, a few kopecks to the treasury of the board. Often severely beat police officers. Seen in an indecent relationship with the first wife of Peter I (Avdotya Lopukhina). After that, he was taken into custody, where he remains to this day.
Manyl Samylovich Urus-Kugush-Kildibaev Brave soldier, guardsman. Control methods are appropriate. He was remembered by the townspeople for his courage bordering on madness. Once even took the city of Foolov by storm. There is little information about him in the chronicle. But it is known that in 1745 he was dismissed from the post of governor.
lamvrokakis A fugitive Greek citizen of unknown origin, name and family. Before becoming a mayor, he traded soap, oils, nuts and other small things in the market of a neighboring city. He died in his own bed in an unequal battle with bedbugs.
Ivan Matveyevich Baklan He is famous for his height of more than two meters. Died during a hurricane. A strong wind broke the man in half.
Dementy Varlamovich Brodysty The role of the brain in his head was performed by a peculiar mechanism resembling an organ. But this did not interfere with the performance of the duties of the governor, the preparation and execution of papers. Therefore, the inhabitants affectionately called him Organchik. He did not contact the public, but constantly uttered the only formidable phrase “I will not tolerate!” Why the inhabitants of the city were in perpetual fear. Actively collected taxes and taxes. After his reign, there was anarchy for about a week.

The image symbolizes the stupidity, emptiness and limitations of most officials and managers.

Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov Active and proactive manager. Paved roads (as many as two). Organized local production of beer and honey drinks. He forced the inhabitants to cultivate and use mustard, as well as bay leaves. He collected arrears more actively than others. For any infractions and without them, stupid people are beaten with rods. The only one who died of natural causes.
Petr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko Former soldier. He was Potemkin's batman himself, which he was pretty proud of. The first six years were uneventful. But then the brigadier seemed to be crazy. The depth of the mind did not differ. He had a speech impediment, so he was tongue-tied. Died from overeating.
Vasilisk Semenovich Borodavkin Appears in the Enlightenment Wars chapter.

The portrait of the hero corresponds to the surname.

The longest reign in the history of the city. The predecessors launched arrears, so Wartkin took it sternly. In the process, more than 30 villages burned down, and only two and a half rubles were saved. Equipped one area, planted trees on one street.

Constantly fastened with all the buttons, put out fires, created false alarms. Solve problems that didn't exist.

He forced the Foolovites to build houses on foundations, plant Persian chamomile, and use Provence oil.

He dreamed of annexing Byzantium, and then renaming Constantinople to Ekaterinograd.

Tried to open an academy, failed. So he built a prison. He fought for education, but at the same time against it. True, the inhabitants of the city did not see the difference. Could do a lot more "useful", but suddenly died.

Onufry Ivanovich Negodyaev Man of the people. He served as a stoker in Gatchina. He ordered the destruction of the streets paved by his predecessors. And from the resulting stone to rebuild the monuments and memorials. Foolov fell into decay, devastation was all around, and the townspeople became wild, even overgrown with wool.

He was fired from his position.

Gloomy-Grumbling In the past, a military man, therefore he is obsessed with the army and military operations. Empty limited, stupid, like most of the characters in the book. He preferred to destroy Foolov and rebuild another city nearby, making a military fortification out of it. Forced residents to go to military uniform, live according to the army schedule, carry out absurd orders, line up and march. Ugryumov always slept on bare ground. Missing in time natural phenomenon that no one could explain.
Erast Andreevich Sadilov He always looked offended, upset, which did not prevent him from being depraved, vulgar. During his reign, the city was mired in debauchery. He wrote melancholy odes. He died of inexplicable anguish.
Acne Like many rulers of the city, from the former military. Was in office for several years. Decided to take over management to take a break from work. The Foolovites unexpectedly became rich under him, which aroused suspicion and unhealthy reactions among the masses. Later it turned out that the governor had a stuffed head. The ending is deplorable and unpleasant: the head was eaten.

Minor characters

Prince A foreign ruler whom the Foolovites asked to become their prince. He was stupid but cruel. He solved all questions with the exclamation: “I’ll screw up!”
Iraida Lukinichna Paleologova An impostor who appeared during the period of unrest after the death of Brodystoy (Organchik). Based on the fact that her husband reigned for several days, and her historical surname (a hint of Sophia Paleolog - the grandmother of Ivan the Terrible) demanded power. Rules for a few days outside the city.
Interception-Zalkhvatsky He appeared victorious on a white horse. Burned down the high school. Zalikhvatsky became the prototype of Paul I.
Foolovites City dwellers. The collective image of the people, blindly worshiping the tyranny of power.

The list of heroes is not complete, it is given in abbreviation. Only in times of turmoil, more than ten rulers were replaced, of which six were women.

It is a summary of the work by chapters.

From the publisher

The narrator assures the reader of the authenticity of the document. To prove the absence of artistic fiction, an argument is made about the monotony of the narrative. The text is entirely devoted to the biographies of the mayors and the peculiarities of their government.

The story begins with the address of the last clerk, setting out a chronicle of events.

About the origin of fools

The chapter describes the prehistoric period. Tribe of bunglers velo internecine wars with neighbors, defeating them. When the last enemy was defeated, the population was confused. Then they began to search for a prince to rule them. But even the most stupid princes did not want to take power over the savages.

They found someone who agreed to "go free", but did not go to live on the territory of the estate. He sent governors who turned out to be thieves. I had to appear to the prince in person.


The reign of Dementiy Brudasty began. The townsfolk were surprised by his lack of emotion. It turned out that he had a small device in his head. The mechanism played only two short compositions: “I will ruin” and “I will not tolerate”.

Then the unit broke down. The local watchmaker was unable to fix it himself. We ordered a new head from the capital. But the package, as is often the case in Russia, was lost.

Because of anarchy, unrest began, and then a week-long anarchy.

The Tale of the Six Mayors

During the anarchist week, six impostors changed. Women's claim to power was based on the fact that their husbands, brothers, or other relatives once ruled. Or they themselves were in the service of the families of the mayors. And some had no reason at all.

The news about Dvokurov

Semyon Konstatinovich stayed in power for about eight years. Ruler of progressive views. Main innovations: brewing, honey brewing, planting and use of bay leaves and mustard.

Reformatory activity is worthy of respect. But the changes were violent, ridiculous and unnecessary.

hungry city

The first six years of the governorship of Petr Ferdyshchenko were measured and calm. But then he fell in love with someone else's wife, who did not share her feelings. A drought began, then other cataclysms. The result: starvation and death.

The people rebelled, caught and threw the chosen one of the official from the bell tower. The uprising was brutally suppressed.

thatched city

After the next love affair of the steward, fires began. The whole area burned down.

fantasy traveler

The governor went on a journey to homes and villages, demanding that food be brought to him. This was the cause of his death. The townsfolk are frightened that they will be accused of deliberately feeding the boss. But everything worked out. A new one has arrived to replace the fantastic traveler from the capital.

Wars for enlightenment

Wartkin approached the post thoroughly. Studied the activities of predecessors. I decided to look up to the reformer Dvoekurov. He ordered to sow mustard again, to collect arrears.

The inhabitants rebelled on their knees. Wars "for enlightenment" began to be waged against them. Power has always been the winner. As a punishment for disobedience, it is ordered to use Provence oil and sow Persian chamomile.

The era of dismissal from wars

Under Negodyaev, the city became even more impoverished than under the previous ruler. This is the only manager of the people who previously served as a stoker. But the democratic principle did not benefit the population.

The Pimple period is noteworthy. He did not engage in any activity, but the people grew rich, which raised doubts. The marshal of the nobility revealed a secret: the chief's head was stuffed with truffles. A quick-witted henchman personally feasted on her.

Worship of mammon and repentance

The successor of the stuffed head, State Councilor Ivanov, died from a decree that he could not understand, burst from mental strain.

The Vicomte de Chario took over. With him, life was fun, but stupid. Nobody was involved in administrative affairs, but there were many holidays, balls, masquerades, and other amusements.

Confirmation of repentance and conclusion

The last manager was Ugryum-Burcheev. Dumb-headed type, martinet. The author calls him "the purest type of idiot." He supposed to destroy the city and recreate a new one - Nepreklonsk, making it a military fortification.

supporting documents

Notes created by foremen as a warning to followers and successors are given.

Analysis of the work

The work cannot be classified as a small literary form: a story or a fairy tale. In terms of content, composition and depth of meanings, it is much wider.

On the one hand, the syllable, style of writing resemble real summaries. On the other hand, the content, description of the characters, events, brought to the point of absurdity.

The retelling of the history of the city covers about a hundred years. Four local archivists took part in writing the chronicle in turn. The plot even covers the history of the nation. The locals are descended from an ancient tribe of "thugs". But then they were renamed by neighbors for savagery and ignorance.


The history of the state is reflected since the calling of Rurik to the principality and feudal fragmentation. The appearance of two False Dmitrys, the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the turmoil after his death are highlighted. He appears in the form of Brody. Dvokurov, who becomes an activist and innovator, establishing brewing and mead production, symbolizes Peter I with his reforms.

Foolovists unconsciously worship autocrats, tyrants, carrying out the most absurd orders. Residents are the image of the Russian people.

The satirical chronicle could be applied to any city. The fate of Russia is ironically conveyed in the work. The story does not lose its relevance to this day. A film was made based on the work.

"The history of one city", a summary of which is in this article, is a detailed chronicle of the city of Glupov. The events that took place from 1731 to 1825 are described. The novel opens with the chapter "From the Publisher", in which the author strongly insists on the authenticity of this chronicle, and also invites the reader to imagine what this city was like in reality.

In the "Appeal to the reader from the last archivist-chronicler" it is stated that the goal that everyone who undertook this work set for himself was to depict the correspondence between power and people. Thus, a detailed history of the reign of all the mayors of Glupov was obtained.

Origin of city dwellers

In the prehistoric chapter of the novel "The History of a City", a summary of which you are now reading, tells about the victory of the ancient people of the bunglers over the tribes surrounding them. True, being stronger than their neighbors, they did not know what to do with it, so they went to look for a prince who could manage them.

To their surprise, all the princes refused them, since no one wanted to rule such a people. Then they had to call for a thief, who managed to find the prince. The prince agreed to manage, but did not want to move, sending this same thief instead of himself. The people ordered to be called "stupid", hence the current name of the city appeared.

They were obedient people, but the thief who controlled them wanted to pacify them, and riots were necessary for this. In addition, the thief turned out to be so dishonest and stole so much that the prince sent him a noose.

All the rulers whom he sent in his place turned out to be thieves, only ruining the treasury. Then the prince had to come personally, and this was the end of prehistoric times for the city of Foolov.

Dementy the Brody

The first of the significant mayors was Brodasty Dementy Varlamovich, who arrived in 1762.

He was extremely silent and gloomy, constantly repeating only: "I will ruin!" and "I will not stand it!". The townspeople could not understand what was happening, until one day his secretary, having entered the office to make a report, saw that the body of the official was sitting at the table, and the head was lying separately. It was, however, completely empty.

The whole city was shocked by this news. It was possible to find out everything from the organ master Baibakov, who regularly visits Brodastom. He explained that in the head of the mayor in one of the corners there was an organ that could only play two pieces of music. One was called "I will not tolerate!", And the second - "I will ruin!".

By the time Brodysty got to Glupov, his head had become damp, so now it was in constant need of repair. Baibakov could not cope with the repair, so he ordered a new head in St. Petersburg, but its delivery was delayed.

It all ended when two identical city governors appeared at once, whom the messenger, who had specially come from the province for this purpose, dubbed impostors and took them away. Foolov was left without leadership. The mayor's organ in the "History of a City" (a summary helps to recall the main events of the work) is one of the most famous and memorable details.


The city fell into anarchy. From Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel "The History of a City" (a summary will help you prepare for an exam or test for this work), we learn that anarchy lasted exactly a week.

During this time, as many as six city governors have been in power. All claims to power were dubious. If one was based on the work of her husband, and the second - on her father, then the rest put forward even less substantiated grounds.

In Foolovo, hostilities were constantly taking place, in between which some townspeople threw others from the bell tower or drowned them. When everyone was tired of anarchy, a new ruler arrived, whose name was Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov.

Semyon Dvoekourov

In Foolovo, he launched a very fruitful and beneficial activity. Summary through the chapters of the "History of a City" can give a full impression of it. In particular, honey brewing and brewing were introduced, and the use of bay leaves and mustard became obligatory.

Dvoekurov had thoughts of establishing his own academy in Glupov, but he did not have time to implement them. Semyon Konstantinovich was replaced by Petr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko. Under him, the city prospered for six years. But in the seventh year he failed. As the Foolovites said, "I was confused by the demon."

Ferdyshchenko fell in love with the coachman's wife Alenka, who, to the great surprise of everyone around, rejected him. Then Ferdyshchenko went to extreme measures. He branded and exiled her husband to Siberia, only then Alenka came to her senses and agreed.

The entire city had to answer for the sins of its ruler, which was hit by a drought. Hunger followed. All around began to die one by one. Then the patience of the townspeople came to an end. They sent a walker to Ferdyshchenko, who did not return. A petition was sent, but there was no response. Then they got Alenka herself and threw her from the bell tower. Ferdyshchenko also did not waste time, he wrote numerous reports to his superiors. Bread was not obtained, but a team of soldiers was sent to Foolov.

The people were calmed down, but then Ferdyshchenko got a new hobby - archer Domashka. Fires came to Foolov through it. The Pushkarskaya Sloboda burned down, and then the fire spread to the Sloboda and Bolotnaya settlements. Only then did Ferdyshchenko retreat, returning Domashka.

The reign of this mayor ended with a journey. He went in search of a city pasture. In all places he was welcomed, they were always treated to dinner. Three days later he died from overeating.

Basilisk Wartkin

He studied the entire history of the city, deciding that the only role model was Dvokurov. But by that time, all his undertakings and achievements were forgotten and abandoned, in Glupov they even stopped sowing mustard. Wartkin first of all decided to correct this injustice. And as a punishment for such carelessness, he ordered to eat more

But the fools did not agree to this. Then Borodavkin decided to set out on a campaign against Streltsy Sloboda. The campaign lasted 9 days, but not everything went well. In the summary of the novel "The History of a City" one can find confirmation of this. In the dark, they often had to fight with their own, and some real soldiers were quietly replaced with tin ones. But the mayor still persevered.

But when he came to the settlement, he did not find anyone in it and began to pull the houses into logs. He staged several more wars for education, but all this ultimately led to the impoverishment of Glupov, which finally ended under yet another mayor Negodyaev. In this state, he was found by the next important ruler, a Circassian named Mikeladze.

His reign was not marked by almost any events and decrees, he focused entirely on attention to the female sex. The city could breathe easy.

Theophylact Benevolensky

Feofilakt Irinarkhovich Benevolensky is an important character for the plot, described in Saltykov-Shchedrin's History of a City. The summary of the novel helps to learn the plot without reading the whole work. Benevolensky was a close friend of Speransky, even studied with him in the same lyceum. From a friend, he adopted a passion for legislation.

The trouble was that the mayor did not have such functions, so laws had to be issued secretly. Benevolensky did it at the house of the merchant Raspopova, and at night he scattered them all over the city. But he was not destined to rule for long. The authorities found out about his connections with Napoleon and fired him.

Lieutenant Colonel Pimple

Another ruler was Lieutenant Colonel Pimple. From the summary of the "History of a City" from the passage, one can understand what he was like. He was described like this:

The pimple was no longer young, but unusually preserved. Broad-shouldered, folded in a circle, he seemed to be saying with his whole figure: do not look at the fact that I have a gray mustache: I can! I can still do it! He was ruddy, had red and juicy lips, behind which a row of white teeth could be seen; his gait was active and brisk, his gesture quick. And all this was adorned with shiny staff officer epaulettes, which played on his shoulders at the slightest movement.

He practically did not deal with the city, so life simply flourished. The harvests were so plentiful that the Foolovites became alert. The secret of Pimple was revealed by who noticed that Pimple's head smells like truffles. A big lover of minced meat pounced and ate the head.

After that, State Councilor Ivanov arrived in Foolov. He was so short that he could not fit anything large, and he died. The next was the foreigner Viscount de Chario, who had a lot of fun, for which he was sent abroad. And yet he was still a woman.

Erast Sadilov

Important changes began with the arrival of Erast Sadtilov. Under him, everyone was completely mired in laziness and debauchery. Nobody wanted to work, the famine began again.

Sadilov was engaged only in balls. The pharmacist's wife set him on the path of goodness. The townspeople repented, but no one returned to work. And when the authorities found out that the local nobility read Strakhov at night, then Sadtilov was completely removed.


Over time, Ugryum-Burcheev came to power in the city. It is known that he was a complete idiot, from the "History of a City". A summary in the 8th grade is especially useful, because then they study Saltykov-Shchedrin. In Glupovo, Ugryum-Burcheev decided to make the same streets with the same houses and families.

To do this, he destroyed everything and began to build anew, but a river stood in the way. He began to build dams from construction debris left after the destruction, but the river eroded them every time. Then Moody-Grumbling led the Foolovites away from the river. A new place was chosen for the city, on a lowland, where construction began.

Sad end

It is not known how it all ended, because the publisher claims that the notebooks with all the details were lost. The scoundrel in the face of Grim-Grumbling eventually disappeared very suddenly, as if dissolving in the air, and history stopped flowing at that. The publisher does not provide other details and circumstances at all.

The conclusion of the story contains the so-called corroborating documents. These are the writings of various city governors, which they wrote at different times as a warning to their followers.

History of one city(summary by chapter)

Contents of the chapter: Inventory to the mayors ...

This chapter lists the names of the mayors of Glupov and briefly mentions their "achievements".

It speaks of twenty-two rulers. So, for example, about one of the city governors in the document it is written as follows: “22) Intercept-Zalikhvatsky, Archangel Stratilatovich, Major. I will keep silent about this. He rode into Foolov on a white horse, burned the gymnasium and abolished the sciences.

The history of one city (full text chapter by chapter)

Inventory to the mayors, at different times, in the city of Stupid from the higher authorities appointed (1731-1826)

1) Klementy, Amadeus Manuilovich. Taken out of Italy by Biron, Duke of Courland, for skillful cooking of pasta; then, being suddenly promoted to the proper rank, sent by the mayor. Arriving in Foolov, not only did he not give up pasta, but he even forced many people to do so, which made him glorify himself. For treason, in 1734 he was beaten with a whip and, after tearing out his nostrils, exiled to Berezov.

2) Ferapontov, Fotiy Petrovich, foreman *. Former barber of the same Duke of Courland *. He repeatedly made campaigns against the short-earners and was so eager for spectacles that he did not trust anyone to flog without himself. In 1738, being in the forest, he was torn to pieces by dogs.

3) Velikanov, Ivan Matveevich. He imposed in his favor the inhabitants with a tribute of three kopecks from the soul, having previously drowned the director in the river of economy *. He killed many police captains in the blood. In 1740, during the reign of the meek Elizabeth, having been caught in a love affair with Avdotya Lopukhina, he was beaten with a whip * and, after curtailing his tongue, was exiled to imprisonment in the Cherdyn prison.

4) Urus-Kugush-Kildibaev, Manyl Samylovich, captain-lieutenant of the Life Campanians *. He was distinguished by insane courage, and once even took the city of Foolov by storm. By bringing this to the attention, he did not receive praise and in 1745 he was dismissed with publication *.

5) Lamvrokakis, a fugitive Greek, without a name or patronymic, and even without a rank, caught by Count Kiril Razumovsky in Nizhyn, in the market. Traded Greek soap, sponge and nuts; moreover, he was a supporter of classical education. In 1756 he was found in bed, bitten by bedbugs.

6) Baklan, Ivan Matveyevich*, foreman. He was three arshins and three vershoks tall, and boasted of what was happening in a straight line from Ivan the Great (the bell tower known in Moscow). Broken in half during a storm that raged in 1761.

7) Pfeifer, Bogdan Bogdanovich, guard sergeant, native of Holstein. Having accomplished nothing, he was replaced in 1762 for ignorance *.

8) Busty, Dementy Varlamovich *. He was appointed in a hurry and had some special device in his head, for which he was nicknamed "Organ". This did not prevent him, however, from putting in order the arrears started by his successor. During this reign there was a pernicious anarchy, which lasted seven days, as will be narrated below.

9) Dvoekurov, Semyon Konstantinovich, civilian adviser and cavalier. He paved Bolshaya and Dvoryanskaya streets, started brewing and mead making, introduced mustard and bay leaves, collected arrears, patronized the sciences and petitioned for the establishment of an academy in Foolov. Wrote an essay: "Biographies of the most remarkable monkeys." Being of a strong physique, he had eight amants in succession. His wife, Lukerya Terentyevna, was also very indulgent, and thus greatly contributed to the brilliance of this reign. He died a natural death in 1770.

10) Marquis de Sanglot, Anton Protasievich, a French native and friend of Diderot. He was frivolous and liked to sing obscene songs. It flew through the air in the city garden, and almost flew away completely, as it caught on the tails of a spitz, and was removed from there with great difficulty. For this undertaking, he was fired in 1772, and the next year, without losing heart, he gave performances at Isler on mineral waters *.

11) Ferdyshchenko, Petr Petrovich, foreman. Former batman of Prince Potemkin. With a not very extensive mind, he was tongue-tied. Arrears launched; he liked to eat boiled pork and goose with cabbage. During his tenure, the city was subjected to famine and fire. He died in 1779 from overeating.

12) Borodavkin, Vasilisk Semyonovich. * This city administration was the longest and most brilliant. He led a campaign against the arrears, burned down thirty-three villages and, with the help of these measures, recovered the arrears of two and a half rubles. Introduced the game lamouche * and olive oil; paved the market square and planted birch trees on the street leading to government offices; again petitioned for the establishment of an academy in Foolov, but, having received a refusal, he built a movable house *. He died in 1798, at the execution, admonished by the police captain.

13) Scoundrels *, Onufry Ivanovich, former Gatchina stoker. He placed the streets paved with its predecessors and set up monuments from the extracted stone *. He was replaced in 1802 for disagreeing with Novosiltsev, Czartorysky and Strogonov (a famous triumvirate in his time) about constitutions, in which he was justified by the consequences.

14) Mikaladze, Prince Xavier Georgievich, Cherkashenin, a descendant of the voluptuous Princess Tamara. He had a seductive appearance, and was so eager for the female sex that he almost doubled the population of Foolov. Left a useful guide on this subject. He died in 1814 from exhaustion.

15) Benevolensky *, Feofilakt Irinarkhovich, State Councilor, comrade of Speransky in the seminary. He was wise and showed a penchant for legislation. He predicted public courts and zemstvos.* He had a love affair with the merchant Raspopova, with whom, on Saturdays, he ate pies with filling. In his free time, he composed sermons for city priests and translated from the Latin works of Thomas a Kempis. Re-introduced, as if useful, mustard, bay leaf and olive oil. The first taxed a tribute, from which he received three thousand rubles a year. In 1811, for pandering to Bonaparte, he was called to account and exiled to prison.

16) Pimple, major, Ivan Panteleevich. He turned out with a stuffed head, which was convicted by the local marshal of the nobility. *

17) Ivanov, State Councilor, Nikodim Osipovich. He was so small in stature that he could not contain extensive laws. He died in 1819 from strain, trying to comprehend some Senate decree.

18) Du Chario, viscount, Angel Dorofeevich, French native. He liked to dress up in a woman's dress and feast on frogs. Upon examination, it turned out to be a girl. Exiled in 1821 abroad.

20) Sadtilov, Erast Andreevich, State Councilor. Friend of Karamzin. He was distinguished by tenderness and sensitivity, hearts *, he liked to drink tea in the city grove, and could not see without tears how black grouse were playing. He left behind several idyllic compositions and died of melancholy in 1825. The tribute from the ransom was raised to five thousand rubles a year.

21) Gloomy-Grumbling, a former scoundrel. He destroyed the old city and built another in a new place.

22) Interception-Zalikhvatsky *, Archangel * Stratilatovich, major. I will keep silent about this. He rode into Foolov on a white horse, burned the gymnasium and abolished the sciences.

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