Bodies carrying out environmental monitoring. Lesson "The concept of monitoring the environment

The idea of ​​creating a Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) was expressed at the UN Stockholm Conference on the Environment in 1972. The real foundations of GEMS were laid at a special meeting in Nairobi (Kenya) in 1974, where the role of agencies and member states was clarified UN.

Basics of GEMS in former USSR were developed by Academician Yuri Antonievich Israel and reported at a meeting of the UNEP Board of Governors in 1974. A distinctive feature of the concept of Yu. A. Israel was tracking anthropogenic changes in the natural environment. First of all, this concerned anthropogenic pollution.

The priority for pollution monitoring at the first intergovernmental monitoring meeting in Nairobi in 1974 was based on the properties of the pollutants and the ability to organize measurements:

1. The size of the actual or potential effect on human health and well-being, climate or ecosystems (land and water).

2. Tendency to degradation in the environment and accumulation in humans and food chains.

3. The possibility of chemical transformation in physical and biological systems, as a result of which secondary (daughter) substances may turn out to be more toxic or harmful.

4. Mobility, mobility.

5. Actual or possible trends (trends) in concentrations in the environment and (or) in humans.

6. Frequency and (or) magnitude of impacts.

7. Possibility of measurements at this level in various environments.

8. Significance for assessing the situation in the environment.

9. Suitability in terms of universal distribution for uniform measurements in the global and subregional programs

A large number of contaminants were rated in points (from 0 to 3) for each of the selected criteria. The highest scores were prioritized (the higher the score, the higher the priority). The priorities found in this way were then divided into eight classes (the higher the class, i.e., the lower its serial number, the higher the priority) indicating the environment and type of measurement program (impact, regional and “basic”, global).

The types of measurements that should be carried out when the pollutant itself is difficult to measure (indirect monitoring) were also listed there. This requires the measurement of the following quantities:

· water quality indicators (coli bacteria, BOD5, COD, blue-green algae, their primary productivity);

· soil quality indicators (salinity, acidity and alkalinity ratio, nitrate and organic nitrogen content, soil organic matter content);

· human and animal health indicators (disease incidence, genetic consequences, drug susceptibility);

vegetable contamination indicators.

1. Classification of priority pollutants by priority classes

Priority class pollutant Wednesday Type of measuring program
I Sulfur dioxide plus particulate matter Air I, R, B
Radionuclides (90 Sr + 137 Cs) Food I, R
II Ozone Air I, B
DDT and other OCPs biota, human I, R
Cadmium and its compounds food, man, water And
III Nitrates, nitrites Drinking water, food And
Nitrogen oxides Air And
IV Mercury and its compounds food, water I, R
Lead air, food And
carbon dioxide Air B
V Carbon monoxide Air And
Petroleum hydrocarbons Sea water R, B
VI Fluorides Fresh water And
VII Asbestos Air And
Arsenic Drinking water And
VIII Microtoxins Food I, R
microbiological contamination Food I, R
Reactive hydrocarbons Air And

It is well known that natural things happen over time, i.e. natural changes in climate, weather, temperature, pressure, seasonal changes in plant and animal biomass. This information has long been used by man.

Natural changes occur relatively slowly, over long periods of time. They are recorded by various geophysical, meteorological, hydrological, seismic and other services.

Anthropogenic changes are developing much faster, their consequences are very dangerous, as they can become irreversible. To establish them, it is necessary to have information about the initial state of the environmental object, i.e., the state before the start anthropogenic impact. If such information cannot be obtained, it can be reconstructed based on the available data obtained over a relatively long period of time, based on the results of observations of the composition of bottom sediments in water bodies, the composition of glaciers, the state of tree rings relating to the period preceding the onset of noticeable anthropogenic impact, and also according to data obtained in places remote from the pollution source. These features determine the legitimacy of another name for global monitoring - background monitoring, or monitoring of background environmental pollution.

Currently, a global network of background monitoring stations has been created, which monitor certain parameters of the state of the environment. Observations cover all types of ecosystems: aquatic (marine and freshwater) and terrestrial (forest, steppe, desert, alpine). This work is carried out under the auspices of UNEP.

Stations for complex background monitoring of Russia are located in biosphere reserves and are part of global international observational networks.

The task of studying the Earth as an integral natural system has been set by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) and is being solved on the basis of the widespread use of space observation tools. The IGBP, which began in 1990, has seven key areas of development.

1. Patterns of chemical processes in the global atmosphere and the role of biological processes in the cycles of small gaseous components.

Projects carried out in these areas aim, in particular, to analyze the impact of changes in the ozone content in the stratosphere on the penetration of biologically hazardous ultraviolet radiation to the earth's surface, to assess the impact of aerosols on climate, etc.

2. Influence of biogeochemical processes in the ocean on climate and inverse influences.

The projects include comprehensive studies of global gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, the seabed and the boundaries of continents, the development of methods for predicting the response of biogeochemical processes in the ocean to anthropogenic disturbances on a global scale, and the study of the euphotic zone of the World Ocean.

3. Study of coastal ecosystems and the impact of land use change.

4. Interaction of vegetation cover with physical processes responsible for the formation of the global water cycle.

Within this direction, research will be carried out under the program of a global experiment to study the cycle of energy and water, in addition to research under the World Climate Research Program.

5. Impact of global changes on continental ecosystems.

Methods will be developed to predict the impacts of climate change, concentration carbon dioxide and land use on ecosystems, and feedback; explore global changes in ecological diversity.

6. Paleoecology and paleoclimatic changes and their consequences.

Research will be conducted to reconstruct the history of climate and environmental change from 2000 B.C. e. with a temporary resolution of no more than 10 years.

7. Modeling of the earth system in order to predict its evolution.

Monitoring is the systematic observation of the state of the environment. Monitoring has its own tasks:

  • monitoring the state of the environment and individual natural objects, the physical, chemical, biological processes occurring in it, the level of pollution of soils, atmospheric air, water bodies, the consequences of its influence on vegetation and animal world, human health ;
  • generalization and evaluation of the information received on the state of the environment;
  • forecasting changes in the state of the natural environment in order to prevent its negative environmental consequences;
  • providing information on the state and changes in the natural environment to interested organizations and the population.

Depending on the objects of environmental monitoring, it is divided into general - environmental monitoring, and sectoral - monitoring of natural objects.

The procedure for organizing and conducting state environmental monitoring is regulated by federal laws (the Law of the RSFSR "On the Protection of the Environment", the Forest, Water, Land Codes, laws on subsoil, on wildlife, etc.) and other acts of environmental legislation.

The organizational basis of state environmental monitoring is the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The structure of this body includes subdivisions of various levels, which are entrusted with the functions of conducting environmental monitoring: posts and observation stations that collect information about the natural environment; territorial, regional observation centers, research institutions that analyze and evaluate the data obtained, develop forecasts. The competence of Roshydromet covers monitoring of surface fresh waters and the marine environment, soils, atmospheric air, near-Earth space, etc. Sectoral monitoring is carried out by specially authorized bodies of state environmental management for certain types of natural resources.

Land monitoring - a system for monitoring the state of the land fund for the timely detection of changes, their assessment, prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes Forest monitoring - a system for observing, assessing and forecasting the state and dynamics of the forest fund (Article 69 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation). Its implementation is entrusted to the Federal Forestry Service of Russia.

Monitoring of water bodies is a system of regular observations of hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical indicators of their state, which ensures the collection, transmission and processing of the information received in order to timely identify negative processes, predict their development, prevent harmful consequences and determine the degree of effectiveness of ongoing water protection measures. Monitoring of objects of the animal world - a system of regular observations of the distribution, abundance, physical condition of objects of the animal world, the structure, quality and area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir habitat (Article 15 federal law"About the Animal World"). This monitoring is carried out by the bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries, Rosleskhoz, etc.

A number of other bodies of special management within their competence are also involved in the implementation of state environmental monitoring - the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, Gosatomnadzor, etc.

Monitoring of individual natural resources (sectoral) are components of the system state monitoring the natural environment. The overall management of the creation and functioning of a unified state system of environmental monitoring is carried out in accordance with the established procedure by the State Committee for Ecology of Russia (clause 7 of the Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection).

The concept and objects of environmental control

The objects of environmental control are:

  • natural environment, its state and changes;
  • activities to implement mandatory plans and measures for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;
  • compliance with legislation, rules and regulations in the field of nature management and environmental protection.

In the process of environmental control, various methods are used: monitoring the state of the environment; collection, analysis and generalization of information; verification of compliance with environmental rules and regulations; carrying out ecological expertise; prevention and suppression of environmental offenses; taking measures to compensate for environmental damage, bringing the perpetrators to administrative and criminal liability, etc.

State environmental control

State environmental control is one of the types of administrative and managerial activities and, in contrast to monitoring, involves not only the collection and analysis of the necessary information, but also the verification of compliance with environmental requirements and standards by the subjects of nature management, the identification of violations of environmental legislation. It is of a supra-departmental nature and includes in its system bodies of general and special competence that manage the use of natural resources and environmental protection. A special place among them is occupied by special environmental inspections - the state forest protection, hunting inspection, fish protection, the state sanitary and epidemiological service, etc.

The organization and conduct of state environmental control and ensuring intersectoral coordination of the activities of state bodies in this area are entrusted to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection.

Officials of state environmental control bodies, in accordance with their powers, have the right in the prescribed manner:

  • visit enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination, get acquainted with documents and other materials necessary for the performance of their official duties;
  • check the operation of treatment facilities, their means of control, compliance with environmental quality standards, environmental legislation, the implementation of plans and measures for the protection of the environment;
  • issue permits for the right to emit, dump, dispose of harmful substances;
  • establish, in agreement with the bodies of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, standards for emissions and discharges of harmful substances by stationary sources of environmental pollution;
  • appoint the state ecological expertise, ensure control over the implementation of its conclusion;
  • demand the elimination of identified deficiencies, give instructions or opinions on the location, design, construction, commissioning and operation of facilities within the limits of the rights granted;
  • bring guilty persons to administrative responsibility in accordance with the established procedure, send materials on bringing them to disciplinary and criminal liability, file claims in court (arbitration court) for compensation for harm caused to the environment or human health by environmental offenses;
  • make decisions on limiting, suspending, terminating the operation of enterprises and any activity that is harmful to the natural environment and human health.

Decisions of state environmental control bodies can be appealed to the court.

Production control is carried out by the environmental service of enterprises, organizations and institutions (officials, laboratories, departments, etc. for environmental protection), whose activities are related to the use of natural resources or have an impact on the natural environment. The task of industrial environmental control is to verify the implementation of plans and measures for nature protection and environmental improvement, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, compliance with environmental quality standards, compliance with environmental legislation requirements at a particular enterprise, organization, institution. It can be expressed in the control of pollutant emissions, the allocation and development of funds for environmental protection measures, the operation of treatment facilities, etc.

Within the framework of public control, citizens and their organizations, public associations and environmental movements can independently or jointly with state bodies participate in the implementation of environmental activities, verification of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation by enterprises, organizations, institutions, officials and citizens, identification and suppression of environmental offenses. Various mass public organizations (trade union, youth, etc.), as well as specialized environmental formations (nature conservation societies, environmental parties, etc.) take part in the protection of the natural environment. The activities of environmental movements are expanding, uniting citizens in defense of individual natural objects and complexes, in connection with the solution of zonal environmental problems (protection of Lake Baikal, the Volga River, etc.).

An important link in environmental control is environmental expertise, as well as the environmental impact assessment (EIA) preceding it, which form an interconnected set of tools that prevent environmentally harmful activities and take into account environmental requirements at the stage of making economic and other decisions.

Environmental impact assessment

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) - a procedure for taking into account the environmental requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the preparation and adoption of decisions on the socio-economic development of society. It is organized and carried out in order to identify and take the necessary and sufficient measures to prevent possible environmental and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of economic and other activities that are unacceptable to society.

Environmental impact assessment is carried out when preparing the following types of substantiating documentation:

  • concepts, programs (including investment ones) and plans for sectoral and territorial socio-economic development;
  • schemes for the integrated use and protection of natural resources;
  • urban planning documentation (general plans of cities, projects and detailed planning schemes, etc.);
  • documentation on the creation of new equipment, technology, materials and substances;
  • pre-project studies of investments in construction, feasibility studies and projects for the construction of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing economic and other facilities and complexes (clause 2.1 of the Regulations).

When preparing documentation substantiating the development of a number of objects and types of economic and other activities, an EIA is mandatory. The list of such types and objects is given in the appendix to the Regulation on environmental impact assessment in the Russian Federation. The expediency of conducting an EIA for other types and objects of activity is determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the environmental protection authorities. The result of the EIA is a conclusion about the admissibility of the impact of the planned activities on the environment. Supporting documentation for the implementation of views and objects economic activity, containing the results of the EIA, is submitted for state environmental expertise.

Environmental expertise is the establishment of compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and the determination of the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise in order to prevent possible adverse effects of this activity on the environment and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise (Article 1 Federal Law "On Ecological Expertise").

Thus, the essence of environmental expertise is a preliminary (at the stage of decision-making and project development) verification of the compliance of economic activities with environmental requirements, and its purpose is to prevent harmful environmental and other consequences of such activities.

The legal basis for environmental expertise is the Law of the RSFSR "On the Protection of the Environment", the Federal Law "On Environmental Expertise", the Regulations on the procedure for conducting state environmental expertise, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1996 No. 698. Depending on the organization and carrying out ecological expertise is divided into two types: state and public.

State ecological expertise is organized and carried out by specially authorized state bodies. The exclusive right to conduct it and the corresponding functions belong to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection and its territorial bodies (Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Expertise", clause 6 of the Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection). They have the right to appoint environmental expertise and control the implementation of its requirements. State ecological expertise can be carried out at two levels - federal and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Public ecological expertise is organized and carried out at the initiative of citizens and public organizations (associations), as well as at the initiative of local governments by public organizations (associations), the main activity of which, in accordance with their charters, is environmental protection, including environmental expertise.

Conducting a state environmental review is mandatory in cases established by law, and a public environmental review is carried out on an initiative basis. At the same time, public environmental expertise may be carried out before the state one or simultaneously with it.

Participants (subjects) of the state ecological expertise are:

  • a specially authorized state body organizing the examination (a body of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia);
  • an expert commission (experts) formed by a specially authorized body for conducting an examination;
  • the customer of the documentation subject to examination is an enterprise, organization, institution, in respect of whose objects an environmental examination is to be carried out.

The objects of environmental expertise may be economic and other decisions; activities that have an impact on the environment, as well as its results.

Thus, the following are subject to mandatory state environmental expertise conducted at the federal level:

  • draft legal acts of the Russian Federation, the implementation of which may lead to negative impacts on the environment;
  • projects of complex and targeted federal programs;
  • draft master plans for the development of territories of free economic zones and territories with a special regime of nature management;
  • draft schemes for the development of sectors of the national economy;
  • drafts of general schemes for resettlement, nature management and territorial organization of the productive forces of the Russian Federation;
  • projects of investment programs;
  • projects of integrated schemes for nature protection;
  • feasibility studies and projects for construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of business facilities;
  • draft international treaties;
  • treaties providing for the use of natural resources;
  • substantiation materials for licenses to carry out activities that can have an impact on the environment;
  • draft technical documentation for new equipment, technology, materials, substances, certified goods and services;
  • draft schemes for the protection and use of water, forest, land and other natural resources, the creation of specially protected natural areas;
  • other types of documentation.

Ecological expertise is based on the principles:

  • presumptions of potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activities;
  • the obligation to conduct a state environmental review prior to making decisions on the implementation of an object of environmental review;
  • the complexity of assessing the impact on the environment of economic and other activities and its consequences;
  • the obligation to take into account the requirements of environmental safety when conducting an environmental review;
  • reliability and completeness of information submitted for environmental expertise;
  • independence of experts in the exercise of their powers;
  • scientific validity, objectivity and legality of the conclusions of environmental expertise;
  • publicity, participation of public organizations, consideration of public opinion;
  • responsibility of the participants in the environmental review and interested parties for the organization, conduct, quality of the environmental review.

The stages of the expert process are regulated in detail by the legislation. Its result is the conclusion of the environmental review - a document prepared by the expert commission, which contains reasonable conclusions about the admissibility of the impact on the environment of economic and other activities and the possibility of implementing the object of the environmental review.

The opinion of the expert commission is subject to approval by the specially authorized state body in the field of environmental expertise, after which it acquires the status of the conclusion of the state environmental expertise. A similar approval procedure is provided by law for the conclusion of a public environmental review.

The conclusion of the ecological expertise can be positive or negative. A positive conclusion is one of the mandatory conditions for financing and implementation of an object of environmental expertise. The legal consequence of a negative opinion will be a ban on the implementation of the object of environmental expertise.

The conclusion of the ecological expertise may be challenged in court.

Environmental monitoringan information system for observing, assessing and predicting changes in the state of the environment, created to highlight the anthropogenic component of these changes against the background of natural processes.

Main objectives of environmental monitoring consist in providing the environmental protection and environmental safety management system with timely and reliable information that allows:

Assess indicators of the state and functional integrity of ecosystems and human habitats;

Create prerequisites for determining measures to correct emerging negative situations before damage is caused.

The main tasks of environmental monitoring are:

Observation of sources of anthropogenic impact;

Observation of anthropogenic impact factors;

Observation of the state of the natural environment and the processes occurring in it under the influence of anthropogenic factors;

Assessment of the actual state of the natural environment;

Forecast of changes in the state of the natural environment under the influence of factors of anthropogenic impact and assessment of the predictive state of the natural environment.

Environmental monitoring of the environment can be developed at the level of an industrial facility, city, district, region, territory, republic as part of a federation.

When developing an environmental monitoring project, the following information is required:

Sources of pollutants entering the environment - emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by industrial, energy, transport and other facilities; wastewater discharges into water bodies; surface washouts of pollutants and biogenic substances into the surface waters of land and sea; the introduction of pollutants and biogenic substances onto the earth's surface and (or) into the soil layer together with fertilizers and pesticides during agricultural activities; places of burial and storage of industrial and municipal waste; technogenic accidents leading to the release of hazardous substances into the atmosphere and (or) the spill of liquid pollutants and hazardous substances, etc.;

Pollutant transports are atmospheric transport processes; transfer and migration processes in the aquatic environment;

Processes of landscape-geochemical redistribution of pollutants - migration of pollutants along the soil profile to the level of groundwater; migration of pollutants along the landscape-geochemical conjugation, taking into account geochemical barriers and biochemical cycles; biochemical circulation, etc.;

Data on the state of anthropogenic emission sources - the power of the emission source and its location, hydrodynamic conditions for the release of emissions into the environment.

Global Environmental Monitoring System - this network of observations of sources of influence and the state of the biosphere already covers the entire Earth. The Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) was created by the joint efforts of the world community (the main provisions and goals of the program were formulated in 1974 at the First Intergovernmental Monitoring Meeting). The top priority was organization of monitoring of environmental pollution and the impact factors causing it.

The monitoring system is implemented at several levels, which correspond to specially developed programs:

Impact (study of strong impacts on a local scale - I);

Regional (manifestation of the problems of migration and transformation of pollutants, the combined impact of various factors specific to the economy of the region - R);

Background (on the basis of biosphere reserves, where any economic activity is excluded - F).

When choosing pollutants for observation, their priority is determined depending on the observation environment (Appendix 2).

In the zone of influence of emission sources, systematic monitoring of the following objects and parameters of the environment is organized.

1. Atmosphere: chemical and radionuclide composition of the gaseous and aerosol phase of the air sphere; solid and liquid precipitation (snow, rain) and their chemical and radionuclide composition; thermal and humidity pollution of the atmosphere.

2. Hydrosphere: chemical and radionuclide composition of the environment of surface waters (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.), ground waters, suspensions and these sediments in natural drains and reservoirs; thermal pollution of surface and ground waters.

3. Soil: chemical and radionuclide composition of the active soil layer.

4. Biota: chemical and radioactive contamination of agricultural land, vegetation, soil zoocenoses, terrestrial communities, domestic and wild animals, birds, insects, aquatic plants, plankton, fish.

5. Urbanized environment: chemical and radiation background of the air environment of settlements; chemical and radionuclide composition of food products, drinking water, etc.

6. Population: characteristic demographic parameters (population size and density, birth and death rates, age composition, morbidity, level of congenital deformities and anomalies); socio-economic factors.

Systems for monitoring natural environments and ecosystems include means of observation: the ecological quality of the air environment, the ecological state of surface waters and aquatic ecosystems, the ecological state of the geological environment and terrestrial ecosystems.

Observations within the framework of this type of monitoring are carried out without taking into account specific emission sources and are not related to their zones of influence. The basic principle of organization is natural-ecosystem.

The objectives of observations carried out as part of the monitoring of natural environments and ecosystems are:

Assessment of the state and functional integrity of the habitat and ecosystems;

Identification of changes in natural conditions as a result of anthropogenic activities in the territory;

Study of changes in the ecological climate (long-term ecological state) of the territories.

A number of systems for monitoring environmental pollution and the state of natural resources operate on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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Environmental monitoring

At the end of the 20th century, the scientific and technological activity of mankind has become a tangible factor influencing the environment. In order to optimize the relationship of man with nature and the ecological orientation of economic activity, a multi-purpose information system of long-term observations has appeared - monitoring.

Ecological monitoring (environment monitoring) (from Latin monitor - one who reminds, warns) is a multi-purpose information system for long-term observations, as well as assessment and forecast of the state of the natural environment. The main goal of environmental monitoring is to prevent critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to human health, the well-being of other living beings, their communities, natural and man-made objects.

The monitoring system itself does not include environmental quality management activities, but is a source of information necessary for making environmentally significant decisions.

The environmental monitoring system accumulates, systematizes and analyzes information: on the state of the environment; about the causes of observed and probable changes in the state (i.e. about the sources and factors of influence); on the admissibility of changes and loads on the environment as a whole; about the existing reserves of the biosphere.

Basic monitoring system procedures

3 selection (definition) and examination of the object of observation;

3assessment of the state of the object of observation;

3prediction of changes in the state of the object of observation;

3 presentation of information in a form convenient for use and bringing it to the consumer.

Environmental monitoring points are located in large settlements, industrial and agricultural areas.

Types of monitoring

1. Depending on the territory covered by observations, monitoring is divided into three levels: global, regional and local.

· Global monitoring - monitoring of global processes (including anthropogenic influence) occurring on the entire planet. The development and coordination of global monitoring of the natural environment is carried out within the framework of UNEP (a UN body) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). There are 22 networks of active stations of the global monitoring system. The main objectives of the global monitoring program are: organization of a warning system about a threat to human health; assessment of the impact of global atmospheric pollution on climate; assessment of the amount and distribution of contaminants in biological systems; assessment of problems arising from agricultural activities and land use; assessment of the response of terrestrial ecosystems to environmental impacts; assessment of pollution of marine ecosystems; creation of a system of warnings about natural disasters on an international scale.

· Regional monitoring - tracking processes and phenomena within a single region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in nature and in anthropogenic impacts from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere. At the level of regional monitoring, observations are made of the state of ecosystems of large natural-territorial complexes - river basins, forest ecosystems, agroecosystems.

· Local monitoring is the monitoring of natural phenomena and anthropogenic impacts in small areas.

In the local monitoring system, the most important is the control of the following indicators (Table 4).

Table 4

Objects of observation and indicators


Chemical and radionuclide compositions of the gaseous and aerosol phases of the air sphere; solid and liquid precipitation (snow and rain) and their chemical and radionuclide compositions, thermal pollution of the atmosphere.


Chemical and radionuclide composition of the surface water environment (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.), groundwater, suspended matter and bottom sediments in natural drains and reservoirs; thermal pollution of surface and ground waters.

Chemical and radionuclide compositions.

Chemical and radioactive contamination of agricultural land, vegetation, soil zoocenoses, terrestrial communities of domestic and wild animals, birds, insects, aquatic plants, plankton, fish.

urban environment

Chemical and radiation backgrounds of the air environment of settlements, chemical and radionuclide compositions of food products, drinking water, etc.


Population size and density, birth and death rates, age composition, morbidity, etc.), socio-economic factors.

2. Depending on the object of observation, there are basic (background) and impact monitoring.

· Basic monitoring - monitoring of general biospheric natural phenomena without the imposition of anthropogenic influences on them. For example, basic monitoring is carried out in specially protected natural areas, which practically do not experience local impacts of human activity.

· Impact monitoring is the monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in especially hazardous areas.

In addition, monitoring is distinguished: bioecological (sanitary and hygienic), geoecological (natural and economic), biospheric (global), space, geophysical, climatic, biological, public health, social, etc.

Environmental monitoring methods

Various research methods are used in environmental monitoring. Among them are remote (aerospace) and ground methods. Remote methods, for example, include sounding from artificial satellites, spacecraft. Terrestrial methods include biological (bioindication) and physico-chemical methods.

One of the main components of environmental monitoring is biological monitoring, which is understood as a system of long-term observations, assessment and forecast of any changes in the biota (the presence and disappearance of any species, changes in their state and abundance, the appearance of accidental introducers, changes in habitat, etc.). ) caused by anthropogenic factors.

The structure of biological monitoring is quite complex. It consists of separate subprograms based on the principle based on the levels of organization of biological systems. Thus, genetic monitoring corresponds to the subcellular level of organization, while environmental monitoring corresponds to the population and biocenotic levels.

Biological monitoring implies - the development of early warning systems, diagnostics and forecasting. The main stages of activity in the development of early warning systems are the selection of suitable organisms and the creation of automated systems capable of isolating “response” signals with sufficiently high accuracy. Diagnostics involves the detection, identification and determination of the concentration of pollutants in the biotic component based on the widespread use of organisms - indicators (from the Latin indicare - to indicate). The forecast of the state of the biotic component of the environment can be carried out on the basis of biotesting and ecotoxicology. The method of using organisms - indicators is called - bioindication.

Bioindication, in contrast to a simple physical or chemical measurement of anthropogenic factors (they provide quantitative and qualitative characteristics that make it possible to judge biological effects only indirectly), makes it possible to detect and determine biologically significant anthropogenic loads. The most convenient for bioindication - fish, aquatic invertebrates, microorganisms, algae. The main requirements for bioindicators are their multiplicity and constant connection with the anthropogenic factor.

Benefits of live indicators:

Summarize all, without exception, biologically important data about the environment and reflect its state as a whole;

· make it unnecessary to use expensive and time-consuming physical and chemical methods for measuring biological parameters (short-term and burst emissions of toxicants cannot always be registered);

reflect the speed of changes occurring in nature;

indicate the ways and places of accumulation of various kinds of pollution in ecological systems and possible routes of entry of these agents into food;

allow to judge the degree of harmfulness of certain substances for nature and man;

make it possible to control the action of many human-synthesized compounds;

help to normalize permissible load on ecosystems.

Two methods are generally suitable for bioindication: passive and active monitoring. In the first case, visible and invisible damage and deviations from the norm are examined in free-living organisms, which are signs of massive stress exposure. Active monitoring attempts to detect the same effects on test organisms under standardized conditions in the study area.

Monitoring the state of natural resources in Russia

Environmental monitoring of the environment can be developed at the level of an industrial facility, city, district, region, territory, republic.

There are several departmental monitoring systems in the Russian Federation:

* Environmental Pollution Monitoring Service of Roshydromet;

* monitoring service of the forest fund of Rosleskhoz;

* monitoring service of water resources of Roskomvod;

* service of agrochemical observations and monitoring of pollution of agricultural lands of Roskomzem;

* Service for sanitary and hygienic control of the human environment and his health of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia;

Control and inspection service of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, etc.

Monitoring Organizations

anthropogenic impact

on various objects of the environment

Objects of study

Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Atmospheric air pollution.

Pollution of land surface waters.

Sea water pollution.

transboundary pollution.

Comprehensive monitoring of environmental pollution and impact on vegetation.

Atmospheric pollution.

Global background atmospheric monitoring.

Comprehensive background monitoring.

radiation factors.

Emergency toxicological monitoring.

Ministry of Natural Resources Protection of the Russian Federation

Natural and disturbed groundwater regime.

Exogenous geological processes.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation

Soil pollution.

Vegetation pollution.

Water pollution.

Contamination of agricultural products, products of processing enterprises.

State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation

Drinking sources of water supply for settlements.

Work area air.

Food products.

Noise sources.

Sources of vibration.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Population morbidity from environmental pollution factors.

Residual amount of halogen-containing compounds in food products.

Federal Forestry Service of the Russian Federation

Monitoring of forest resources

Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation

Monitoring of fish resources.

Atmospheric air monitoring. Atmospheric air in Russia is not taken into account as a natural resource. To assess the level of air pollution in 506 cities of Russia, a network of posts of the national service for monitoring and controlling air pollution has been created. At the posts, the content of various harmful substances in the atmosphere coming from anthropogenic sources of emissions is determined. Observations are carried out by employees of local organizations of the State Committee for Hydrometeorology, the State Committee for Ecology, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, sanitary and industrial laboratories of various enterprises. In some cities, observations are carried out simultaneously by all departments. Atmospheric air quality control in settlements is organized in accordance with GOST “Nature Protection. Atmosphere. Rules for air quality control in settlements”, for which three categories of atmospheric pollution observation posts are established: stationary posts (designed for regular air sampling and continuous monitoring of pollutant content), route posts (for regular monitoring using specially equipped vehicles), mobile posts (carried out near highways to determine the features of air pollution created by cars), under-flare posts (carried out by car or at stationary posts to study the features of air pollution by emissions from individual industrial enterprises).

Water monitoring is carried out within the framework of the state water cadastre. Accounting for water resources (except for underground) and monitoring their regime is carried out on a network of hydrometeorological observatories, stations and posts of Roshydromet. Roskomvod provides enterprises, organizations and institutions with control over the correct accounting of the amount of water taken from water sources and the discharge of used water into them. State accounting of groundwater (including operational reserves) is carried out by organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources Protection of the Russian Federation. The selected drinking and technical waters are subject to control.

Monitoring of land resources is carried out by both land users and state land management bodies. Land inventory is carried out once every 5 years. Information on state registration of land use, accounting for the quantity and quality of land, soil appraisal (comparative assessment of soils according to their most important agronomic properties) and economic assessment of land are recorded in the state land cadastre.

Monitoring of mineral resources is carried out at various stages of their development. Geological study of the subsoil, accounting for the state of the movement of mineral reserves are within the competence of the bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources Protection of the Russian Federation. Supervisory activity in the field of rational use of mineral resources is carried out by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (a specialized control body that, along with supervision of the state of safety of work in industry, supervises compliance with the procedure for using subsoil during the development of mineral deposits and the processing of mineral raw materials). The Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Natural Resources in terms of subsoil protection controls about 3,650 enterprises for the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, which include more than 171 thousand objects (mines, mines, quarries and cuts).

Monitoring of biological resources. Accounting for game and game animals is entrusted to the State Service for Accounting for Hunting Resources of Russia, which, based on the available information, makes forecasts for the rational use of animal resources. Monitoring of fish resources is carried out in all fishing basins and in places most exposed to anthropogenic impact. It is carried out by employees of fishery institutes, ichthyological services of fish protection bodies subordinate to the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation.

Works on the study and mapping of stocks of wild plants are carried out mainly by research institutes and departments of relevant universities. In particular, for the industrial raw materials of medicinal plants, the areas of their placement, reserves within the ranges, are determined. In addition, work is underway to assess the floristic diversity of individual regions, regulate pasture pressure on natural groups, and control the removal of commercial plants.

Monitoring of forest resources includes accounting of the forest fund, protection of forests from fires, sanitary and forest pathological control and control of logging and reforestation, as well as specialized monitoring of industrial and territorial complexes, zones of ecological trouble. The functional and technological structure of the national level of the forest monitoring system includes: forest management enterprises, forest pathological monitoring service, specialized forest protection enterprises and stations, research institutes, industries and universities, and some others.

In the state environmental management system, an important role is given to the formation of the Unified State Environmental Monitoring System (EGSEM) (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2003 N 177) as a source of objective comprehensive information about the state of the natural environment in Russia. This system includes: monitoring of sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment; monitoring of pollution of abiotic and biotic components of the natural environment; ensuring the creation and functioning of environmental information systems.

  • Ecological problems at different stages of society development.
  • Economic relations that develop in the process of interaction between society and nature.
  • Territorial aspects of the formation of modern global environmental processes.
  • Population growth. Food and energy problems.
  • The environmental monitoring system includes the following main procedures:

    Definition of specific goals and objectives of monitoring,

    Definition of monitoring objects,

    Collection of information and preliminary examination of monitoring objects,

    Drawing up an information model of the object of observation,

    Development of an analytical monitoring program,

    Development of technological regulations for individual measurement parameters for monitoring objects,

    Sampling and measurement,

    Assessment of the reliability of the results and their documentation,

    Assessment of the state of the object of observation and identification of the information model,

    Correction of the information model and monitoring programs,

    Forecasting changes in the state of the object of observation, developing the necessary corrective measures.

    Monitoring objects: surface, underground and waste waters, atmospheric air, industrial emissions into the atmosphere, soils, wastes, biota, etc. For example, waste water is water discharged in the prescribed manner into water bodies after its use or received from a polluted territory.

    When developing environmental monitoring programs and selecting monitoring objects, the following information is analyzed:

    Information about background pollution of environmental objects;

    Information on potential sources of pollutants entering the environment - on emissions into the atmosphere, discharges of wastewater into surface and underground water bodies and on the terrain, on the introduction of pollutants and biogenic substances into the soil layer, on places of burial and storage of production and consumption waste, about possible man-caused accidents, etc.;

    Data on the transfer of pollutants and their possible transformation and accumulation in environmental objects, including data on the processes of landscape-geochemical redistribution of pollutants.

    When developing monitoring programs, the following can be selected as objects of environmental monitoring:

    Surface and ground waters (including those used for drinking water supply),

    atmospheric precipitation, snow,


    Atmospheric air (including on the territory of the industrial site, within populated areas),

    Industrial emissions into the atmosphere (ventilation emissions),

    Air emissions from mobile sources,

    soils and soils,

    Bottom sediments,

    vegetation remains,

    Objects of the animal world (tissues of fish, mammals, etc.).

    The choice of environmental monitoring objects precedes the determination of specific indicators to be identified in each of the monitoring objects.

    Monitoring programs (background monitoring, pollution monitoring of environmental objects, monitoring of pollution sources, monitoring in emergency situations)

    To solve specific environmental management problems, complex short-term (for 1-2 years) and long-term (for 5-10 years), as well as separate targeted monitoring programs are being developed.

    For each type of monitoring, based on the goals and objectives set, the target program defines:

    Types and number of observations for each type of natural objects,

    The list of harmful substances for which monitoring is carried out,

    Periodicity of observations, start and end dates of observations,

    The number of stationary and temporary points (points, alignments, posts) and their spatial reference to natural and industrial objects,

    Terms and form of presentation of results, algorithms for their processing and directions of use.

    Depending on the types of monitoring, various additional tasks may be set in the program:

    During background monitoring - determination of the background concentration of a pollutant in environmental objects, trends in changes in background concentrations over time;

    When monitoring objects of the natural environment - determining the degree of anthropogenic impact on the environment, assessing the ability of natural ecosystems to take on additional load, assessing the potential maximum impacts that will not cause irreversible changes in ecosystems, assessing the acceptability of environmental objects for various types of nature use (human habitation, water intake, wastewater discharge, air emissions, waste disposal, etc.);

    When monitoring sources of pollution - determining the contribution of each source to environmental pollution, checking compliance with established standards for maximum permissible impacts on natural objects (emissions, discharges, waste disposal, etc.);

    When monitoring under accident conditions and emergencies- determination of the real harm caused to the environment, forecasting the directions of development of an emergency and development of measures for its localization and liquidation, determination of the volume of liquidation work (area land plot subject to reclamation, etc.).

    When developing programs for monitoring environmental pollution sources and monitoring the environmental objects themselves, the list of indicators and the frequency of observations depend on the list of normalized pollution indicators and on the permitted values ​​of gross emissions into the atmosphere, discharges into water bodies, and waste disposal. As a rule, monitoring of pollution sources is carried out in such cases for the purposes of industrial environmental control and is carried out according to a schedule agreed with state authorities at the stage of obtaining permission to discharge wastewater into water bodies, release pollutants into the air, and temporarily dispose of waste .

    When forming a background monitoring program, the main condition is the representativeness of the sample of values ​​(i.e., the length of the time series of observations), therefore, observations under the background monitoring program should be started well in advance of the start of economic development of the territory. The background concentration of a substance is taken to be the statistically justified upper confidence limit of the possible average values ​​of the concentrations of this substance, calculated from the results of observations for the most unfavorable meteorological or hydrological conditions or the most unfavorable time of the year. When calculating background concentrations, only those observation points should be taken into account for which data are available for at least 1 year - with a monthly or ten-day sampling system, at least for a two-year period - with 6-8 observations per year, at least for a three-year period - with 4-5 samplings per year. The main condition is that the observations were carried out for at least a year and the minimum number of points for the calculation period was at least twelve. The frequency of observations during background monitoring depends on the error in determining background indicators, which is allowed in the assessment of environmental impacts. The list of background monitoring indicators is determined based on the profile of the proposed economic activity in the given territory.

    When developing a monitoring program in emergency and emergency situations, the list of pollution indicators is determined by the nature of the accident and its potential consequences, taking into account the physical and chemical processes occurring in environmental objects during and after the accident. The frequency of monitoring depends on the scale of the accident, the speed of the ongoing processes, the chosen technology for eliminating the emergency and its consequences. The monitoring program should be designed not only directly for the period of emergency elimination, but also for the period of elimination of its consequences.

    Thus, the target monitoring program for a waste disposal facility should provide for monitoring the state of ground and surface waters, atmospheric air, soils in the zone of influence of the facility. The draft of such a monitoring program is agreed with the state regulatory authorities. The monitoring system of the waste disposal facility should include not only instruments, but also special devices and structures - pits, wells, observation wells. In addition to the creation of observation facilities, it is necessary to equip a control facility upstream of ground and surface water in order to determine the background values ​​of polluting indicators. In the samples taken according to the schedule (for example, scheduled sampling is carried out once a week, unscheduled sampling - after heavy rain, during floods, during thaw, etc.) ground and surface water samples are determined by the pollution indicators provided for by the program (based on the composition waste placed on site), such as: ammonium ion, nitrates, nitrites, bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates, iron ions, petroleum products, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), pH, cadmium, chromium, lead, dry residue and etc. If a significant (several times) increase in the concentrations of the determined indicators is established in the samples taken downstream in comparison with the samples at the control (background) facilities, it is necessary to increase the frequency of sampling and expand the number of determined indicators, as well as take measures to limit the intake of pollutants. substances into groundwater to the level of maximum permissible concentrations.

    The waste disposal facility monitoring system also includes continuous monitoring of air quality. It is necessary to take and analyze air samples on the territory of the facility and on the border of the sanitary protection zone on a quarterly basis. Pollution indicators characteristic of those types of waste that are placed at the facility are subject to determination. The list of indicators and frequency of sampling are substantiated during the development of the monitoring project. When analyzing atmospheric air samples, the list of pollutants may include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, total hydrocarbons, methane, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, benzene, etc. In the event that, based on the results of monitoring, concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible values ​​for at least one component, measures should be taken that adequately take into account the level and nature of pollution.

    In the zone of possible influence of the waste disposal facility, according to a separate program, observations are made of the state of soils and vegetation. To this end, soil quality is controlled by chemical elements included in the monitoring program; as a rule, they include general impurities, nitrites, nitrates, sulfates, oil products, heavy metals.

    The specifics of economic activity often predetermine the mandatory inclusion in all monitoring programs of an assessment of soil pollution by oil products. When oil and oil products get into the soil, profound changes in the chemical, physical, microbiological properties of the soil occur, a significant restructuring of the entire soil profile. Due to the absence of legally established maximum permissible concentrations of oil products in soils, pollution is assessed by comparison with background values.

    Soil pollution with oil and oil products is considered to be an increase in the concentration of oil products to a level at which

    The ecological balance in the soil system is disturbed,

    There is a change in the morphological and physico-chemical characteristics of soil horizons,

    The water-physical properties of soils are changing,

    The ratio between the individual fractions of soil organic matter is disturbed,

    The productivity of land is decreasing.

    Potential sources of soil pollution are drilling sites, drilling and field barns, oil fields, flares, oil and gas pipelines, oil storage facilities, land transport.

    The program for monitoring soil pollution with oil products may include visual observations, physical and chemical analysis, and biological analysis.

    The essence of the visual method is to examine the sources of pollution and their registration, a preliminary assessment of the degree of soil pollution and the state of vegetation. Instrumental monitoring is carried out at episodic and sensitive observation points. Episodic points are determined by the need to clarify a specific source of pollution; regime points are installed at the sites of emergency spills. As such points, areas after backfilling of sludge pits and waste disposal, the territories of active flares, oil reservoirs, as well as areas near settlements, forests, water bodies can be selected.

    Local environmental monitoring is most developed in resource-extracting industries and the petrochemical industry. Existing hydrometeorological observations in large cities are conducted, as a rule, within the framework of federal monitoring.

    Questions for self-control

    1. Formulate a definition of local environmental monitoring.

    2. Determine the purpose of local monitoring.

    3. Determine the main and particular tasks of monitoring the environment of the enterprise.

    4. Name the main directions of the organization of observations of the natural environment.

    5. Basic requirements for observations in the development of programs for monitoring sources of environmental pollution.

    6. Features of background monitoring observation programs.

    7. List the main provisions of the monitoring program in emergency and emergency situations.

    8. Name the monitoring indicators of the waste disposal facility.

    9. Give examples of enterprises where it is necessary to monitor soil pollution with oil products.

    8. The procedure for developing an analytical program and technological regulations for monitoring

    Monitoring programs are the basis for the preparation of specific analytical programs, which are developed separately for each unit that carries out environmental monitoring. If necessary, a consolidated analytical program can be developed for any level of generalization of information. Then, technological regulations are developed for each object of analysis included in the analytical monitoring program.

    The basis for the development of an analytical program is the terms of reference for monitoring, developed and approved by the environmental service of the enterprise. The task must clearly and unambiguously indicate:

    Goals and objectives of monitoring,

    Sources of financing of works, amount of financing,

    Territory and time of monitoring,

    Monitoring objects,

    Specific pollution and physical parameters to be measured during monitoring,

    Specific forms of finding indicators of pollution in environmental objects,

    Forms of presentation of monitoring results,

    The order of processing and transfer of results.

    The creation of an analytical monitoring program in the general case involves the performance of work, which can be conditionally divided into several stages (Table 3).

    Table 3

    Stages of execution of an analytical program

    The end of the table. 3

    Justification of the need to perform subcontract work by other organizations List of organizations-subcontractors and scope of performed observations
    Calculation of costs for various options implementation of the monitoring system Cost calculation
    Justification of the timing of the transmission of monitoring data at various levels of management Draft Regulations for the Transfer of Control Data
    Substantiation of the composition of data to be transferred to state management and control bodies List of data transferred to state bodies
    Substantiation of requirements for archiving and summarizing information at the object level (forms of tables, storage periods, etc.) Draft instructions for maintaining archival documents at the monitoring site

    If necessary, research organizations and analytical laboratories that will participate in the monitoring may be involved in the preparation of an analytical monitoring program. When compiling the analytical program, the capabilities of environmental monitoring units are taken into account and the need to involve contract subcontractors in the work is determined.

    The analytical program agreed with the heads of the laboratories involved in its implementation is approved, as a rule, by the environmental service of the organization.

    The next stage of work is the development technological regulations for each object of analysis included in the analytical monitoring program. Technological regulations are developed directly by laboratories performing monitoring using standard forms. The technological regulations include all stages of work directly performed by the laboratory in accordance with the analytical program and with the procedures adopted in the laboratory, including:

    Location of specific observation points and sampling sites,

    Determining the timing and frequency of observations and sampling,

    Sampling and delivery to the laboratory,

    Preparation of samples for analysis,

    Conducting analysis,

    Documentation of results,

    Validation of results, etc.

    Standard forms of regulations are given in the form of tables for each of the objects of monitoring.

    As an example, a typical technological procedure for atmospheric air monitoring is given (Table 4).

    Table 4

    Technological regulations for monitoring atmospheric air pollution with sulfur dioxide

    Procedure for developing sampling programs

    Sampling programs, which are drawn up as an integral part of these regulations, must be included in the technological regulations for the performance of monitoring observations related to the sampling of environmental objects for the purpose of chemical analysis. When developing sampling programs, it is necessary to take into account the requirements that are regulated by regulatory documents. Special requirements for sampling equipment for environmental monitoring are associated with the need to ensure representativeness and reproducibility when sampling environmental objects, as well as the possibility of losing some information during transportation and storage of samples.

    The current regulatory documents establish various requirements for sampling equipment. Thus, electric aspirators used for sampling atmospheric air and industrial emissions into the atmosphere should provide:

    Continuous work for 20 min.,

    Maintaining a stable air flow during extraction,

    Sampling simultaneously through several channels,

    Determination of volume flow with an error of no more than 5% for atmospheric air and 10% for industrial emissions into the atmosphere.

    Special requirements are also imposed on sampling devices for soils, surface, underground and waste waters, bottom sediments, atmospheric precipitation, etc. When developing sampling programs, one should take into account the need for conservation of various types of samples, the specifics of sample transportation, follow the procedure for issuing the sampling procedure by special acts, etc. .d. If all the necessary requirements are not met at the sampling stage, the monitoring results cannot be recognized as reliable.

    So, sampling of soil samples is carried out twice a year: after thawing of the soil in spring and autumn - before frost. The depth of sampling is 20-40 cm. For comparability of the results, it is important that the timing and methods of sampling are identical. To study vertical migration - to determine the depth of seepage of oil and other pollutants, the presence of an intrasoil flow, the nature of the transformation of the soil profile - soil cuts and "digging" are laid. The size of the reference section is 0.8 x 1.5 x 2.0 m (respectively, the width of the short “front” wall, the width of the long wall and the depth of the section). The incision is positioned so that the “front” wall is illuminated by the sun. A measuring tape is lowered into the cut, along which the depth of penetration of the pollutant and the depth of each soil horizon are marked. The “front” wall describes the morphology of soil horizons (color, moisture, structure, density, mechanical composition, neoplasms, inclusions, the thickness of the plant root system, etc.), the depth from which the soil boils from the addition of 10% hydrochloric acid is noted. acids.

    Soil samples are taken first from the lower horizons, gradually moving to the upper ones. One soil sample weighing 0.5-1.0 kg is taken from each genetic horizon. If the thickness of the genetic horizon exceeds 0.5 m, two samples are taken from the upper and lower parts of the horizon, respectively.

    In case of emergency spills of pollutants, soil samples are taken along the diagonal of the contaminated area every 8-10 m, starting from the edge. Pollution of the territory from the impact of the torch is controlled by taking soil samples every 500 m with a total length of up to 3 km, and in all other cases - along the perimeter of the site after 8-10 m, retreating from the border of the contaminated site by 10 m.

    The network of security checkpoints should be dynamic and reviewed annually, taking into account the results of analyzes and other information. The composition of indicators to be determined in soil samples is given in Table 5.

    When forming a program for sampling natural and waste water, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of GOST R 51592-2000 “Water. General requirements for sampling”, which regulates in detail the requirements for equipment for sampling water, determines the procedure and procedures for the conservation of samples, their preparation for storage, the requirements for processing the results of sampling, the procedure for transporting samples and accepting samples in the laboratory.

    Table 5

    Key indicators for determination in soil samples

    No. p / p Name of indicator Regime observations Episodic observations Availability of initial data for reclamation Completion of works on reclamation
    Contents oil products - - + +
    Fractional composition of petroleum products + - - -
    soil moisture - - + +
    Soil structure - - + +
    Soil volumetric weight - - + +
    Total porosity - - + +
    salt extract pH + - + +
    pH of water extract + + + +
    Humus content - - - +
    total nitrogen - - + +
    calcium and magnesium - - + +
    Nitrates - - + +
    Exchangeable sodium - - + +
    Mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium - - + +
    chloride ions + + + +
    sulfate ions + + + +

    The end of the table. 5

    * + is determined; - not defined; the content of oil products is determined by the ICS method

    Questions for self-control

    1. List the requirements for the terms of reference for the preparation of an analytical monitoring program.

    2. Describe the sequence of developing an analytical monitoring program.

    3. Expand the content of technological regulations for facilities, analytical monitoring programs.

    4. Features of sampling in various natural components.

    5. Make a list of the main indicators to be determined in plant samples.

    9. Ensuring the reliability of analytical monitoring data

    In order to obtain reliable results of environmental monitoring and their compliance with the requirements established by legislative and regulatory legal acts and state standards, when designing and operating an environmental monitoring system, it is necessary to ensure compliance with metrological rules and regulations governing the use of measuring instruments, metrological measurement support, auxiliary and test equipment , application of measurement techniques.

    The main requirement for measuring instruments(hereinafter - SI), used in environmental monitoring, is testing to approve the type of measuring instruments (according to PR 50.2.009-94 "GSI. The procedure for testing and approving the type of measuring instruments"). After receiving a positive test result, such measuring instruments are included in the prescribed manner in the State Register of Measuring Instruments (PR 50.2.011-94 "GSI. The procedure for maintaining the State Register of Measuring Instruments"). It should be borne in mind that a certificate for measuring instruments of the established type is issued for a certain period (no more than 5 years) and after the expiration of the period it must be renewed.

    A mandatory requirement for MI is periodic verification in accordance with the methodology developed at the MI testing stage in order to approve the type of MI.

    During the operation of the measuring instrument, it is necessary to observe the scope of application established in the technical passport of the measuring instrument: both the durability of its operation and the reliability of the results obtained with its help depend on this.

    Separate regulatory documents set the lower limit for the detection of a pollutant in environmental objects - usually it ranges from 0.1 MPC (for soil) to 0.8 MPC (for atmospheric air).

    Special attention should be given to the observance in the process of measurements of the norms of measurement error established by regulatory documents (GOST 27384-87 "Water. Standards of error in determining indicators of composition and properties", GOST "Nature protection. Atmosphere. General requirements for methods for determining pollutants" and etc.).

    Universal-purpose measuring instruments (spectrophotometers, polarographs, chromatographs, etc.) must be provided with certified methods for performing measurements (hereinafter referred to as MMI).

    Special requirements are imposed on MI that incorporates sources of ionizing radiation. Such measuring instruments are subject to mandatory registration with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health of Russia at the place where the measuring instruments are used, and the operation of such measuring instruments is prohibited without obtaining a license from the Gosatomnadzor of Russia.

    Auxiliary laboratory equipment includes devices and devices that are not used directly to obtain an analytical signal, but are used in the process of sampling and preparing them for analysis: analytical signal recording tools that are not part of the measuring instruments (potentiometers, plotters, etc. ), devices for providing the necessary measurement conditions (ventilation equipment, transformers, etc.), laboratory centrifuges, rotary evaporators, equipment for obtaining distilled or deionized water, filtering installations, etc.

    In the absence of mandatory requirements normative documents for auxiliary laboratory equipment, as desirable characteristics, one can indicate durability, reliability in operation, low water and energy consumption, ease of installation, no side effects during operation (strong noise, vibration, electrical interference, etc.), compactness, and safety for personnel.

    The requirements for test equipment (i.e., equipment that reproduces any external influences on the test or analyzed sample or sample, if the magnitude of these influences are determined in the measurement or test procedures, and with an indication of the measurement error of such influences) are quite clearly formulated in GOST R 8.568-96. An example of external influences that can be reproduced using test equipment is heating a sample (reaction mixture) at a certain temperature and humidity, irradiation with ultraviolet radiation of a certain wavelength, etc.

    The mandatory requirements for test equipment include:

    Availability of an approved methodology for certification of each unit of test equipment,

    Timely certification and registration of its results in the form of an act;

    The presence in the test equipment of measuring instruments that allow monitoring the parameters of external influences during testing.

    When performing work on environmental monitoring, the same requirements are imposed on the means of metrological support for measurements as on measuring instruments, which are formulated in GOST R 8.315-97 “Reference materials for the composition and properties of a substance. The order of manufacture, certification and application.

    Means of metrological support for ecoanalytical control include: standard samples (composition or properties of a substance), certified mixtures, reference standards, calibration gas mixtures, various generators (for example, thermal diffusion, zero air generators, etc.) and diluents (dynamic) of gaseous substances, sources of microflows of carrier media, etc.

    Calibration gas mixtures (CGM) and standard samples (RS) must be entered in the appropriate section of the State Register of MI, specific copies of CGM and CRM must not have an expired shelf life, it is unacceptable to use CRM or CRM with an expired RM type approval. Each copy of the RM must be properly labeled, etc.

    It should be noted that without metrological support, it is impossible to obtain reliable data of ecoanalytical control.

    When performing measurements for the purposes of environmental monitoring, it is allowed to use only certified methods (MP). The norm that establishes a restriction on the use in the field of environmental protection of only certified methods for performing measurements is contained in Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements". Specific requirements for the development, certification and use of MVI are set out in GOST R 8.563-96 “GSI. Methods for performing measurements.

    The production premises of the laboratory must comply with the established sanitary and hygienic standards

    By illumination (according to SNiP 23-05-95);

    By humidity and air temperature (according to SanPiN;

    According to the level of noise and vibration (SN 2.2.412-1);

    According to the air quality of the working area (according to SanPiN

    It is also necessary to control the conditions for performing measurements described in specific measurement procedures (temperature, illumination, humidity, etc.) and related to the specifics of the operation of certain types of measuring instruments.

    The production area should be sufficient for the normal work of analysts (at a rate of 12 m 2 per analyst), for the placement of storage facilities, for receiving and preparing samples, for processing the results of analyzes and measurements.

    Separate rooms for the weight room, for the distiller, for analytical instruments, for storing reagents and solvents, and for eating should be allocated in the production premises of laboratories.

    Premises for receiving samples, for preparing samples for analysis, must be equipped with effective exhaust ventilation. At the same time, the operation of exhaust ventilation should not affect the operation of weighing equipment, analytical instruments and other equipment.

    The laboratory should be provided with control over the parameters of the microclimate in the premises, over the air quality of the working area and the level of harmful physical parameters. The laboratory must be provided with the necessary controls.

    It is necessary to comply with the requirements of electrical safety, the presence of grounding of measuring instruments and laboratory equipment. The ground resistance is measured annually, the measurement results are documented in the relevant act.

    Laboratory personnel directly performing analyzes should be provided with personal protective equipment (safety glasses, aprons, gowns, gloves, etc.). It is necessary to comply with fire safety requirements in the laboratory.

    Access of unauthorized persons to the premises of the laboratory should be limited.

    Metrological assurance of measurements

    Mandatory requirements for the results of environmental monitoring:

    · results of measurements should be expressed in the established units of physical quantities;

    the error of each result must be known;

    · the error of the results should not exceed the established norms of error.

    The last two requirements actually establish requirements for the reliability of the results. The reliability of the monitoring results is ensured by the system of metrological measurements, the constituent elements of which are intralaboratory control and external control over the activities of monitoring laboratories.

    Internal laboratory control procedures are regulated by the Quality Manual and internal instructions of the laboratory.

    The quality of laboratory results is ensured by:

    Quality control system;

    Organizational structure of the organization;

    Highly qualified personnel;

    material and technical equipment;

    Methodological and metrological equipment;

    Regular control of the head of the laboratory and group leaders, executors for the fulfillment of the requirements of regulatory documents for CCA procedures and measurements, for the correctness of calculations, filling out work logs and protocols for analyzes and measurements;

    Participation of the laboratory in interlaboratory comparative experiments;

    External control.

    Internal laboratory control procedures include:

    Control of the availability of updated RD for the composition and methods of CSA;

    Monitoring the correctness of the application of ND and compliance with the procedures provided for by the relevant MVI;

    Quality control of the work of performers with the corresponding administrative conclusions;

    Operational control of quality indicators of CCA results,

    statistical control,

    Intralaboratory control using encrypted samples (analysis by two independent methods), etc.;

    Interlaboratory comparative experiments;

    External control.

    The procedure for internal control of the CCA quality assurance system is carried out in accordance with MI 2335-95 “Recommendations of the CSI. Internal quality control of the results of the CCA”, RD 52.24.66-85 MU “System for monitoring the accuracy of the results of measurements of pollution indicators of the controlled environment” and other industry documents on the procedure for organizing and conducting internal control.

    Operational control of convergence is subjected to working samples according to the methods of analysis in accordance with the technological regulations for certain types measurements and CHA. Operational control of the accuracy of CCA results is carried out in accordance with the criteria defined during the certification of methods using standard samples, the method of additions, etc. Operational control of reproducibility is carried out by comparing the results of QCA obtained by another standardized or certified method of analysis. The results of operational control are recorded in the work logs of the performers.

    Operational quality control of CCA, carried out by the contractor, performs the functions of preventive control and serves to take prompt measures when the error of control measurements does not meet the control standards. Operational control is carried out each time during the CCA for prompt response to the CCA process.

    Control methods are an integral part of each analysis method used in the laboratory, and control standards are established in the CCA methods or in the methods recommended by MI 2335-95.

    Operational control is also carried out when equipment is changed, when it is out of repair, when new reagents are used, etc.

    If the discrepancies exceed the control standards, then the measurements are repeated. If the re-measured value is not within the established tolerance, the analysis by this method is stopped until the causes that caused the excess of the standards are identified. If necessary, the work is transferred to another performer or another method (method) of analysis is chosen.

    Internal control on encrypted samples is carried out in order to assess the real quality of CSA of working samples performed during the controlled period, the quality of the work of performers and the effective management of this quality. Internal control is based on comparison of primary and control results of analyzes with standards allowed by normative documents.

    Internal control is organized by the heads of departments (groups). It is carried out by analysis of encrypted samples by performers or analysis carried out by two independent methods. The leaders of the groups discuss the results of the intralaboratory control with the performers, evaluate the quality of their work and the correctness of the QCA, record the results in the journal of intralaboratory control.

    The frequency of internal laboratory control is at least 1 time per quarter.

    If necessary, department heads take corrective actions:

    Checking the health of the equipment;

    Checking used reagents, standard solutions, samples, etc.;

    Checking the compliance of CCA objects with CCA methods.

    If the cause of discrepancies is found, measures are taken to eliminate it.

    Quality control of CCA results when introducing new methods or those operating in relation to new CCA objects is carried out using standard samples in accordance with MI 2335. Upon receipt of positive results after the above quality control procedures, an act of introducing a new MVI in the laboratory is drawn up. The head of the laboratory determines a group of performers working according to this method, appoints a person responsible for the timely implementation of the accuracy control procedure. In case of obtaining negative results, consultations are held with the developers of this MVI.

    Quality control of the CCA results when changing equipment, leaving it out of repair is carried out using standard samples, comparing the CCA results obtained on another device, according to another certified MVI.

    For the correct organization and documentation of intralaboratory control, technological charts can be developed, which include (Table 6): the name and designation of the measurement procedure, the controlled metrological characteristic (convergence of the results of parallel determinations, stability of the calibration characteristic, reproducibility of measurement results, measurement error, etc. .), a link to a document regulating the control procedures, the value of the control standard, the frequency of control, the method of documenting the results of control.