Crafts on the theme of the bible. Resurrection of Christ

Each lesson begins and ends with a prayer. Consists of a Bible story reading and a golden verse. Various activities include game elements, warm-up, songs and poems, as well as creative tasks.

Lesson 1

Section: Creation. FIRST DAY

PRAYER:“Thank You, Lord, for this day that You have created. Thank you for the light our eyes see. Teach us and help us in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The golden verse of this section is found in the book of Acts, the 17th chapter, verse 24: "God who made the world and all that is in it." First, so that the children can easily remember, we will learn the words "God made everything." After a few lessons, when the children know the words "God made everything" well, you will begin to teach with them "... without Him nothing began to be."

The verse can be learned as follows: on three balloons you write one word of the golden verse. All children stand in a large circle. You give the first balloon to the child on your left and say the word "God". He passes the balloon to the next child and says the same word, and so on. While the children pass the first balloon to each other, you take the second one and, saying the word “done”, give it to the child on your left. He must pass the second ball, while not forgetting to pronounce the second word of the golden verse.


Everything we see is made by God. But once upon a time, there was nothing. (Let the children close their eyes.) You can't see anything when your eyes are closed or when the room is dark. There was nothing for a very, very long time: no sky, no earth, no people, nothing. But God began to do. The Bible is the Word of God (show the children the Bible). The Bible says: “In the beginning God created (made) the heavens and the earth.” But the earth looked very different from what we see it today. It was impossible to see beautiful trees, bright flowers, chirping birds, playing animals. You wouldn't see a single person. Even the earth was nowhere to be seen, because the entire surface of the earth was covered with water. But you wouldn't have seen the water either, because then there was no sun, no moon, no stars, and it was very dark. On the first day (show the children one finger.) God made light and separated it from darkness (when telling a story, you can use a flashlight to explain what is light and what is darkness). And the earth became light. It happened on the first day.

BOOKS: Have the children sit in a circle where they can see you well. Show them the Children's Bible.

DIY: Start making the Creation Flower craft with your kids today. Today the children will make a stand, glue a stem, a core and a petal to it with the number “1” drawn on the top side, and with the image of what God did on the first day on the bottom (paint half of the petal in yellow and the other in black) . Let the children leave the crafts until the next lesson (do not forget to sign the work). Make some "spare" crafts.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a few praise songs.

Lesson 2

Section: Creation. SECOND DAY

PRAYER:“Thank You, Lord, for every day You have created for us. Thank you for the light our eyes see. We thank You for the sky and the water that You have made for Your children. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GLORIFICATION: Sing with the children the song "God Created Great Mountains":

God created big mountains (Raise your hands up as high as you can)

And lakes and seas. (Move your fingers.)

The sun is round, big, (Fold your hands, depicting a large circle.)

He gave all the trees a dress. (Standing on tiptoe, raise your hands high up.)

God created swimming fish, (Put your palms together and depict swimming fish.)

Birds and buzzing bees. (Move your arms like a bird's wings.)

And huge crocodiles (Putting both hands forward, show how the crocodile opens and closes its mouth.)

And big, big elephants. (Put your hands on the back of your head in a castle and, moving your elbows and swaying from side to side, show an elephant.)

He separated the night from the bright day,

God created both you and me. (Point to each other and then to yourself.)

GOLDEN VERSE: We will be learning the words "God made everything" today as well. Give three children three balloons with the words of the golden verse. Give one child a pin (be very careful!). When all the children together "read" the word written on the first balloon, the child with a pin bursts it. Etc. At the end, have all the children repeat the golden verse in unison.


Briefly review Lesson 1. After God made light and darkness, He divided the water so that the sky and the seas appeared. Did you know that clouds are made of water? (Have the children look out the window at the sky.) God did it on the second day. (Show the children two fingers.)

When telling a story, you can use water in a glass. Be careful that children do not get their clothes wet.

BOOKS: Show the children the pictures from the Children's Bible again.

DIY: Today the children will continue to make the Creation Flower craft. Help the children who were absent from last lesson to do what you did last Sunday. Glue the second petal to the core. On the top side is the number "2", and on the bottom - what God created on the second day (divide the petal in half with a wavy line and paint one half blue and the other blue). Make some "spare" petals for absent children. Today, the children will leave the crafts again to continue next week (all crafts must be signed on the underside of the stand).


Lesson 3

Section: Creation. THE THIRD DAY

PRAYER:“Jesus, we love You with all our hearts. We thank You for everything You have done for us. Thank you for the land and the seas, for the trees and grass, for all the plants that we see. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Ask the children if anyone remembers the key verse we learned in the last two lessons (“God made everything”). Today we will begin to study the 24th verse of the 17th chapter of the book of the Acts of the Apostles: "God, who created the world and all that is in it." In this lesson, we will learn only the first three words. Cut out footprints (footprints) from paper, each of which will have one word of the golden verse written on it. Stepping on the footprints, you need to pronounce the written word.

WARM-UP: Consider doing the following exercise with the children before you tell them a Bible story:

I have two hands

I can clap them:

Clap, clap, clap, clap!

(We clap our hands.)

I have two legs

I can stomp them:

Top, top, top, top!

(Stomp feet.)

My ears to listen, (Put your hand to your ear, as if listening.)

My pens to play with.

And when they get tired

I'll put them to rest.

(Hands on knees.)


After God separated the light from the darkness, He separated the water and the sky and the seas appeared. This happened on the second day of creation. On the third day (ask the children to show three fingers) God created dry land (earth) among the seas and oceans. God looked at what He had done and liked it very much. "Very good and beautiful!" the Lord said. “But there is nothing on earth. Something must be created on earth. I know what I will do. May beautiful green grass and tall trees grow on the earth, on which delicious fruits will grow - apples, pears, peaches, oranges, tangerines, ... ”Different plants, palm trees, tall and low trees grew on the earth, and the soft grass looked like a beautiful green carpet, which was spread on the earth by the Lord Himself. When God saw all this, He was very happy. "How beautiful! Very well! I think the person will also like it very much!” (You could show the children a piece of land and let them touch blades of grass, leaves, a twig of a tree.) On the third day, God created the earth, grass, plants, and trees.

BOOKS: Using the Children's Bible, review what was created on the third day.

DIY: Glue the third petal to the core, on the upper side of which the number "3" is drawn, and on the lower side - what God created on the third day (draw the earth with a brown pencil, green grass and a tree).

THE ENDING: End with a prayer and sing the song “God Made Great Mountains” (See Lesson 2).

Lesson 4

Section: Creation. FOURTH DAY

PRAYER:“Thank You, Lord, for this day that You have made. We thank You for the sun that shines on us during the day. We thank You for the moon that shines at night and for all the stars we can see in the sky when it's dark. Thank you Lord. Amen".

GLORIFICATION: Sing the song “He holds the whole world in his hand” with the children:

He holds the whole world in His hand,

He holds the whole world in His hand,

He holds the sun and stars in His

hand, (3 times)

He holds the whole world in His hand.

He holds the rain and the wind in His

hand, (3 times)

He holds the whole world in His hand.

He holds the mountains and the sea in His hand (3 times)

He holds the whole world in His hand.

He holds little children in His hand (3 times)

He holds the whole world in His hand.

He holds papa and mama in His hand (3 times)

He holds the whole world in His hand.

GOLDEN VERSE: Ask the children if anyone remembers the words we learned in the last lesson (“God who made the world”). Today we will continue to teach this verse by adding the two words "...and that's it." We will teach in the same way as the previous time: stepping on the footprints (footprints), you need to pronounce the written word.


Ask the children to think about what the Lord did on the first, second, and third days of creation. You can use the Creation Flower craft to make it easier for children to remember. On the fourth day (show the children four fingers) God created the sun, moon and stars. The sun shone on the earth during the day, and the moon and stars gave light at night. When God saw what He had done on the fourth day, He said, “Very good!”

BOOKS: Have the children look at the pictures in the Children's Bible and point to what was created on the fourth day.

HANDMADE: The children will continue to make the Creation Flower craft. Make the fourth petal by writing the number “4” on the top side, and on the bottom drawing what God created on the fourth day (draw the sun, moon and stars on a blue background). Then glue the petal to the core.

THE ENDING: Pray and sing the song "He holds the whole world in His hand."

Lesson 5

Section: Creation. FIFTH DAY

PRAYER:“Thank You, Lord, for all that You have created for Your children. We thank You for the fish that we can see in the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. And thank you for the birds we can see in the sky. We love you, Dad. Amen".

WARM-UP: Conduct the following warm-up with the children before the key verse and the Bible story. Maybe one of the children learned the words? Come up with your own movements to words.

I'll spread my arms wide

And then I'll fold them.

And having arranged them, my friend,

Make a small cotton.

I'll spread it wide again

I'll put them back together quickly.

And now they're tired

I'll put them to rest.

GOLDEN VERSE: Today we will learn the key verse found in Acts 17, verse 24: "God who made the world and all that is in it." Cut out three more footprints from paper, each with one word of the golden verse written on it. As you step on the footprints and say the written words, give the children an example of how they should pass. Let the rest of the children help say the verse.


The day after the Lord created the sun, moon, and stars, He thought, “Everything is very beautiful. But there is no one alive on earth. I know what I will do! I will create someone alive today." God first created fish and reptiles that live in the water. And after that He created different birds. "Very well!" God said when he saw what He had created. (Show the children pictures of fish and birds from the Children's Encyclopedia.)

BOOKS: Have the children sit in a circle so that all the children can see you well. Show them the Children's Bible and ask the children to show you what the Lord created on the fifth day. Ask the children questions by asking them what was created in the previous days. Reward the children with small prizes for correct answers.

DIY: We continue to do the craft that the children started doing in the first lesson. On the fifth petal from the bottom, draw a fish in the water, and a flying bird above the water. The drawing should be very simple so that children can draw on their own. Some children will need your help.

THE ENDING: At the end of the lesson, pray and sing the two songs the children have learned in this section.

Lesson 6

Section: Creation. SIXTH DAY

PRAYER:“Thank you, Lord, for the animals you created for man. And we thank You that You created people like You. Thank you for being like You, my Lord and my God. We love You and want to be more like You. In the name of Jesus. Amen."

GOLDEN VERSE: Review with the children the key verse found in Acts 17, verse 24: "God who made the world and all that is in it." Have the children make a puzzle with the verse written on it. To make a mosaic, take a sheet of paper or cardboard, write the words of a verse on it, and cut it into several pieces of different shapes. When the children have completed the puzzle, read the verse and ask them to "read" the words of the verse on their own.


Briefly review with the children all that God created in the first five days of creation. After the Lord created fish and birds, He decided to create other animals as well. On the sixth day (show the children how many there are six and ask them to show you the same number of fingers) He created all the animals that we can see. He liked them all very much. But there was no one like God. So He said, “I will create a man who will be like Me. With him I can talk and be friends.” God created man from the earth and named him Adam. When God saw everything He had done, He said, “Very, very good! Just great!".

BOOKS: Have the children sit in a circle so that all the children can see you well. Show them the Children's Bible. Tell the children, "Please show me who God created on the sixth day."

A GAME: You can play the following game with the children: on the floor in front of the children are six boxes (eg, shoeboxes, or made of thick paper) on which the numbers from 1 to 6 are written. These numbers indicate the day of creation. You give the children six pictures of objects created by God on different days. The task of the children is to put the picture in the correct box. Don't forget to reward all the kids who played this game.

DIY: Today the children will finish making the Creation Flower craft. On the sixth petal, you need to draw some kind of animal (for example, a cat) and a person (just outlines). Remind the children to take the crafts home at the end of the lesson.

THE ENDING: End the session with a prayer and sing a few praise songs.

Lesson 7

Section: Creation. SEVENTH DAY

PRAYER:“God the Father, we are so grateful to You for the world You have made! You love us. You made everything so beautiful. We love You too. Please teach us every day. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Ask the children who remembers the key verse (“God who created the world and all that is in it”, ). Give the children little slips of paper with the golden verse printed without the first word. The first word "God" should be written in dotted lines so that the children can circle the letters on their own. “Read” the verse with the children. Maybe one of the children can repeat the verse on their own?

A GAME: Before you play, remember with the children what day of the week it is. And what will happen tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? Etc. Play with the children the game you played last week by adding the seventh box. There are seven numbered boxes (from 1 to 7) on the floor. These numbers represent the day of creation. You give the children seven pictures showing objects created by God on different days (nothing is drawn on the seventh picture, just a blank sheet of paper). Children have to arrange the pictures into boxes. You can play in turn so that all children have the opportunity to participate.


Everything that appeared on earth was made by God. It didn't take him too long to do so. On the first day, the Lord created light and darkness. In the second, God divided the water in such a way that the sky and the seas appeared. On the third day, He created dry land in the midst of water, and grass, plants, and trees grew on this land. On the fourth day, the sun, moon and stars appeared, which illuminated the earth. On the fifth day, the Lord created fish and birds. And in the sixth - all animals and man. “Very good, just great!” thought the Lord when he saw all of His creation. On the seventh day He did nothing but rested. The Lord blessed this day and gave it to man for rest. Therefore, we should not engage in ordinary activities on this day, but we should go to church and rest on Sunday.

DIY: Make the Creation Cube with the kids. Give the children a cutout, signed in advance (child's name and date), and ask them to decorate it with crayons or pencils. After that, bend at the fold. Put six peas inside the cube, which will remind the children how many days it took God to create the world, and glue the cube together. Let the children set aside the finished crafts. At the end of the lesson, remind them to take their work home.

THE ENDING: End with a prayer and sing a few songs. At the very end of the lesson, reward each child for something special. For example: for a golden verse, for answers to questions, for crafts, for diligence, for attentiveness, for accuracy, etc. Find something good in each of the children and praise them.

Lesson 8

Section: Noah. NOAH HEARED GOD

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for Your love for us. We thank You for Noah who believed in You and was obedient to You. We ask You, Lord, help us to always believe in You and be obedient to You in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse for this section is found in Genesis chapter 6 verse 9. Children do not need to memorize the entire verse. They will only learn the last words of the verse: "Noah walked before (before) God." You can play the game "Pass the bundle" with the children.


Some time after God created man on earth, people forgot God. They did evil and grieved the Lord. The strong offended the weak. The rich humiliated the poor. People cheated, stole and hated each other. It was very painful for God to look at all this. But there was one person who was different from the others. He lived honestly and always acted justly. He loved God. Despite the fact that he was surrounded by evil, sinful people, this man acted as God wanted. People laughed at him, called him names, told lies and untruths about him. But God, looking at him, rejoiced. This man's name was Noah.

One day God spoke to Noah and told him something very important. God told him something that no man on earth knew. The Lord said to Noah: “Noah, build a big ship (ark). When the ark is ready, take lots and lots of food and bring different animals and your family into the ark. Soon it will rain heavily and all living things will die from the water. Only those who are in the ark will be left alive.”

Noah always obeyed God. Therefore, even now he obeyed the Lord.

COLORING: Give the children the Noah Builds the Ark coloring book. Show the completed sample. Younger children may need help.

DIY: Cut out the pieces of the ark. Have the children stick them on a piece of paper or cardboard. To make this task more interesting for children, make parts of the ark from paper of different colors. When the children are done, have them draw clouds in the sky and water. Ask the children to retell the story to each other.


Lesson 9


PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Noah. We want to hear Your voice as Noah heard You. We will be obedient to You. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse for this section is “Noah walked with God” (Gen. 6:9c). Explain to the children that walking before God means fearing God, respecting and honoring Him, and trying to please the Lord in all of our actions.

Before the lesson, cut out an ark from a piece of paper, write the words of the golden verse on it and cut it into four parts. Have the children complete the puzzle, and then read the key verse to them. Let everyone repeat after you.

WORDS WITH MOVEMENTS: Have the children repeat the movements after the teacher and perhaps learn the following words:

God said, “Listen, Noah!

Quickly build an ark!

(Show the build movements.)

Morning, evening and afternoon

Noah hit with a hammer.

(Show the “beat with a hammer” motion.)

And all the neighbors laughed

They said: "Ha-ha-ha!"

(Laugh: "Ha ha ha!")

Look, Noah, the sun is shining!


(Place your hand on your forehead,

as if protecting the eyes from sunlight.)


(We show the movements “we work with a hammer.”)

He builds a big ark.

(Raise your arms up and spread them wide.)


Remind the children of the previous lesson. The Lord loved Noah because he tried to live righteously and honestly. Noah walked with God. Noah did good and hated evil. So God told Noah to build an ark. The Lord told Noah what size the ship should be. The ark was supposed to have three floors, there should have been a small window on top, and a door on the side. Noah pitched the entire ark inside and out. When the ark was ready, Noah brought different animals in pairs (two) and took food (food) for them and for his family. The last to enter the ark was Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives. After that, God closed the door to the ark. Show the children the toy ark and ask them to name the animals they might see.

BOOKS: Have the children look at the pictures in the Children's Bible and name the animals that Noah brought into the ark.

COLORING: Color with the children the Animals Enter the Ark coloring page.

DIY: Make the “Ark” craft with the children: cut a small rectangle out of cardboard, on which then stick matches (previously cleaned of sulfur). Glue them in such a way that you get an image of the ark. Write the word "NOAH" next to the ark.

THE ENDING: Pray and sing one or more songs

Lesson 10

Section: Noah. THE FLOOD

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Noah and his family who loved You and served You. Help us to be as bold as they are and walk before You every day. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse for this section remains the same: “Noah walked with God” (Gen. 6:9c). Ask the children what it means to walk with God. If the children have not memorized the verse yet, memorize it with the help of the doll: the doll says the words of the golden verse, and the children repeat.

WORDS WITH MOVEMENTS: Let the children repeat after the teacher the movements and the continuation of the poem:

And when the work is done

(Put your hands on your chest.)

All the animals came running.

(Hold hands in pairs.)

They began to enter the ark in twos

(Move in pairs around the room.)

And wait when it's time for them to swim.

(Sit on chairs or the floor.)

God closed the door in the ark,

Nobody could open it.

(Clap your hands once.)

Thunder struck and it started to rain

(Move your fingers, imitating rain.)

For many days and nights he walked and walked.

(Drum your fingers on the chair or floor.)


When Noah, his family, and animals entered the ark, God closed the door behind them. After seven days it began to rain, which continued for forty days. The water rose so high that even the highest mountains were covered with water for several meters. All life on earth perished. Only Noah, his family, and the animals that were with him in the ark survived. Water increased on earth for 150 days.

Show the children the layout of the ark.

BOOKS: Show the children the Children's Bible. Have a child briefly retell the Bible story.

MOSAIC: Show the children the Ark mosaic. Let them put it together. Ask the children to name the animals in the picture.

THE ENDING: Sing the song(s) and end with a prayer.

Lesson 11

Section: Noah. RAINBOW


GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse is “Noah walked with God” (Gen. 6:9c). Ask the children who remembers the verse and can recite it by heart. Give the children four balloons that have one word each of the golden verse written on them with a marker or felt-tip pen. Children blow up balloons. After that, one of the children bursts the balloons with a pin, having previously "read" the word on the balloon. All other children repeat the words of the verse after him. At the end of the lesson, give small prizes to those who have memorized the verse.

WORDS WITH MOVEMENTS: Let the children repeat after the teacher the ending of the poem with movements. If the teacher remembers the words by heart, you can repeat the entire poem with the children.

But everyone who was in the ark,

Our good God wonderfully preserved!

(Shake your head in the affirmative and say "Yes!")

And Noah prayed in joy: (Put your hands together in prayer.)

“Thank you, Lord, that You are always with me!” (Everyone says "Amen!")


Let the children remember what they were told in the last lesson. Soon the ark came to rest on high mountains. Noah opened the window and released the raven, but it soon returned. A few days later, Noah released a dove, which also returned. A few days later, when Noah released the dove, it brought a fresh leaf in its beak. And a few days later, Noah released a dove, but he did not fly back. When the earth dried up, Noah, his family, and all the animals left the ark. The first thing Noah did was an altar on which Noah offered a sacrifice to God. He prayed and thanked the Lord for saving him and his family from the water. God loved Noah because he walked with the Lord.

BOOKS: Have the children look at the picture in the Children's Bible and briefly retell the Bible story.

COLORING: Give the children the rainbow coloring book. Tell the children what colors to decorate the picture with and help those who need your help.

DIY: Make the Ark-2 craft with the children. Stick matches (previously cleaned of sulfur) on the cardboard in the form of a rhombus (several layers) to make a voluminous ark. From above, make a roof of matches, having previously placed a note with a golden verse in the ark. Cut out a window and a door from dark paper. Glue the window on top, and the door on the side of the ark.

THE ENDING: End the session with a prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 12

Section: Obedience. ABRAHAM

PRAYER: “Lord, we are so grateful to You for every person who has obeyed You. Thank You for the example of Abraham who believed in You and went to a country he did not know. Help us to be obedient to You in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: In this section, we will study the following key verse: “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). Show the children the tent mosaic. It is very simple to make it: draw a tent on a piece of paper, color it with colored pencils or crayons, write a golden verse on it and cut it into 5-6 parts. The children should put together the puzzle, and then read the golden verse to them several times. Let the children repeat after you. Explain to the children that Abraham and his wife Sarah, whom they will learn about today, lived in the same tent (tent, in other words).


Long ago, there lived a man who loved God very much. This man's name was Abraham.

One day God told Abraham to leave home and go to another country. God promised to take care of Abraham.

Abraham thought and thought. Leave your home? Leave the city where he lived? Leave friends? "I don't know if I can," thought Abraham. But he knew what he was going to do. “I will do what God says,” Abraham said. “I believe that God knows what is best for me. I believe in God."

So Abraham and his family packed their clothes and things and loaded the luggage onto the camels. They were ready for a long journey.

They said goodbye to all their friends and left. Abraham was perhaps a little afraid. Maybe he was a little sad. But he believed in God. He knew that God would take care of them.

Abraham traveled with his family for many days. Finally they came to another country. The first thing Abraham did was build an altar and pray

God, thanking Him for His guidance. “Thank you God for taking care of us, for bringing us to this place. I know that You are strong and kind. We will always believe in You."

DIY: Make the "Abraham" craft with the children. Glue the strips on a piece of paper in the desired sequence. If you have placed the strips correctly, you will have a drawing in which you can see Abraham.

COLORING: Color in the crafts you made with the children in this lesson. At the end of the class, remember to remind the children to take their work home.

THE ENDING: End the session with a prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 13

Section: Obedience. AND SHE

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Your protection and Your salvation that You give to those who walk before You. We want to please You always and walk before You. Help us with this. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: We continue to teach the verse “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). Make a whale mosaic out of navy blue cardboard. Write the golden verse with a bright marker on the front side, and draw Jonah praying on the reverse side. When the children repeat the key verse after you, turn the puzzle over and show Jonah's drawing. Tell the children, "Soon you will learn about this man named Jonah."


Read the poem Jonah to the children, and then retell the story in simple, understandable language.

"Go, Jonah, preach

To Nineveh,” God said.

The Prophet thought: “No, I will leave

To Tarshish…” and he boarded the ship.

Here he sleeps in the hold (it's calmer there),

Suddenly, a storm. Throwing luggage into the sea.

And the captain said to Jonah:

"We must pray, not sleep."

"Who are you? questions were heard. -

Where? Speak quickly!

And the fugitive answered the sailors:

“I am a Jew who honors the Lord.

I am the cause of this grief

I don't need to be here...

Let the abyss bury me -

And the storm will stop howling.

And now the guilty Jew is overboard,

Like an unnecessary thing, it flies ...

A huge whale swam behind the ship,

And the whale swallowed Jonah.

Jonah swam for three days

In a living and terrible ship -

The cabin was the whale's stomach -

And finally swam to the ground.

The whale threw it on land -

The Lord decided to save him ...

How bad it is not to listen to the Lord

And self-will to sin!

BOOKS: Have the children sit in a circle where they can see you well. Show them the Children's Bible and the book Jonah and the Whale. Ask the children to retell the Bible story using the pictures in the book.

VIDEO: If possible, you can show the children the cartoon "Jonah".

COLORING: Give the children the Jonah by the Sea coloring book.

DIY: Make paper craft "Jonah" with the children. On the bottom side, draw Jonah, who is praying to the Lord.

THE ENDING: Finish with prayer.

Lesson 15

Section: Obedience. JESUS ​​NAVIN

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for every person who obeys You. Teach us every day how we can trust You. We want to obey You always and in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE:“Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22) is our golden verse. Build a fort out of blocks with your kids. As you walk around it, say the golden verse together. Go around Jericho several times all together, and then one at a time. Give the child who recited the verse a small prize.


When Moses died, Joshua became the leader of the people of Israel. The Israelites came to the land that the Lord had promised them. They crossed the Jordan River, the waters of which parted before them like the Red Sea. The people crossed the land of the Jordan and camped on the other side. Right in front of the people was the city of Jericho. Its high walls seemed impregnable. Joshua thought, “Lord, how are we going to conquer this city and land?” The Lord turned to His faithful servant and said: “All the people who can fight, let them go around the city for six days, once. On the seventh day go around the city seven times, blow the trumpets and let all the people shout. After that, the wall of the city will collapse to the ground. Joshua obeyed the Lord and did everything as God told him. Every day the men went around the city. The enemies did not understand what was happening. Why are these Israelis walking around our city? Why don't they attack? But even if they attack us, they can't do anything. We are protected by high city walls! A city like Jericho is impregnable!

On the seventh day, the Israelites marched around the city seven times. After that, seven priests blew their trumpets, and the people shouted loudly. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho began to shake and crumble. The people of Jericho did not understand what was happening. The walls of their city shook and fell to their very foundations. The people of Israel rushed to the city and rushed in from all sides. It was the first city that the Israelites captured in Canaan.

POEM "JERICHO": Study the following poem with the children. Give the children words to learn at home with their parents.

God's people walked around the walls

And he was silent, as if he were mute.

Only their trumpets played loudly,

And the people in the city heard it...

For the seventh time they walked around the wall,

They stopped ... and suddenly screamed.

From a loud cry the walls fell,

And the trumpets were playing, and people were shouting...

And this cry was heard so far,

And the walls collapsed very easily!

But who, tell me, broke the walls?

Yes! Strong and Strong God destroyed them!

DIY: Make the Walls of Jericho craft with the kids.

THE ENDING: Sing a few praise songs and pray.

Lesson 16

Section: Obedience. ELIJAH AND THE CROWS

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Your care. You give us food every day. Teach us to be obedient to You, as Elijah was obedient. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: We teach the golden verse - "Obedience is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22). You can play the game "Pass the bundle."


The Lord is exalted in His wisdom,

He sent food to the prophet miraculously:

Then the raven will bring a piece of meat,

That poor widow bakes unleavened bread.

The hand of the Lord did not fail,

And the blessings of the earth have not yet been taken.

God does amazing things

And in our days. You just need to see them.


“Elijah, there will be no rain on the earth for several years. The plants will dry up and there will be nothing to eat. Go to the stream of Chorath and stay there. I will take care of you,” God said.

When Elijah came to the stream of Cherath, he was tired, hungry and thirsty. He drank from the stream. (Put your hands together and show how you drink from the stream.) Oh, what delicious, cool water! “But I am hungry, and there is nothing to eat here,” said Elijah. Suddenly he heard the flapping of wings. He looked up and saw a large black bird. It was a raven, and it had something white in its beak! The raven threw to Elijah what he was holding in his beak. It was bread. Yum yum yum, very tasty! Elijah bowed his head and said, "Thank you, God."

Suddenly he heard the flapping of wings again. He looked up and saw another raven. In the beak of this bird was a piece of meat, which he threw to the preacher! Elijah tasted the meat. Yum yum yum, how delicious! He bowed his head and said, “Thank You, God. »

Every morning and every evening the ravens brought meat and bread to Elijah. He drank from the stream of Cherath. God took good care of Elijah.

COLORING: Give the children the Elijah and the Crows coloring book. Tell the children what colors to decorate the picture and help them.

DIY: Make a craft-mobile "Crows" with the children. The paper from which you will make the ravens should be black on both sides. You can glue two sheets of black paper together. Glue the eyes on the head on both sides (you can do it yourself by putting a dot with a black marker on a white circle). Attach the birds to the mobile (paper tape) with a thread using a needle (ONLY an adult should do this!). Write "GOD CARES FOR US" on your mobile.

THE ENDING: Pray with the children and sing a song.

Lesson 17

Section: Obedience. NEEMAN

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for the children who believed in You and for the little Israelite girl who served Naaman's wife. Help us to always believe in You. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE:“Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22) is the golden verse of this entire section. Without reminding the children, ask them who can tell the golden verse. Reward these kids right away. Reward the rest later when you repeat the verse together.


Naaman the general was sick. And no one could help him: not his family, not his friends, not his neighbors. His servants and even the king could not help him. (Show the children a doll with flour on its face and hands as you explain to the children what leprosy looks like.)

But one little girl said, “There is a prophet in Israel called Elisha who, with the help of God, will heal Naaman.” “All right,” said Naaman, “I will go to Elisha and see if he and God can help me.” When Naaman came to Elisha's house, he went to the door and knocked three times (demonstrate). Door opened. “I am the commander of Naaman. Elisha at home? - he asked. “Yes, Elisha is at home, but he is busy,” the servant replied. “He told me to tell you to go to the Jordan River and bathe seven times, and then you will be healthy again.” The warlord turned around and left. He was very angry and did not thank the servant. “Elisha could have at least met me. Why should I wash in the Jordan River? It seems so stupid, but I'll try."

The water was cold, but the warlord jumped into the river. “I feel so stupid,” he said. “And nothing happened. I haven't recovered." But Naaman jumped again and again and again. He was about to give up when one of the soldiers said, "Only two more times left, Warlord." Naaman jumped into the water again. He thought that this would be enough, but he remembered that the prophet had said seven times. It won't hurt again. He jumped into the water one more time. This time he plunged headlong into the cold water. Then he got out of the water.

“I feel different,” Neaman said to himself. "I am well!" he shouted to the soldiers. Naaman and his soldiers returned home very happy.

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Have the children sit in a circle and show them the Children's Bible and pictures reminiscent of the Bible story.

DIY: Make the Naaman Healing craft with the children: the picture shows the Jordan River and a slit is made, and a pocket is made on the reverse side below the slit. Children lower the figurine of Naaman the leper from the outside into the slot, showing how he plunged into the water. In the pocket there is a figurine of a healthy Neaman in advance. After the sick Neaman "dipped" seven times, he gets into the pocket, and from the pocket we take out the figure of the healthy Neaman and put it through the slot.


Lesson 18

Section: Children in the Bible. JOSEPH

PRAYER:“Lord, thank you for the children who believed in you. Thank you for Joseph, from whom we can learn. Help us to believe in You as Joseph did. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE:“We are now the children of God” (). We distribute 4 balloons to the children, on which one word of the golden verse is written with a marker or felt-tip pen. Children blow up balloons. After that, one of the children bursts the balloons with a pin, having previously "read" the word on the balloon. All other children repeat the words of the verse after him.


Joseph had many brothers. Eleven brothers. We have only 10 fingers on two hands. Eleven is ten and one more. Father loved Joseph very much. He even made colored clothes for him. But the brothers were jealous of Joseph and one day they sold him into slavery. Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold to a rich man. But God helped Joseph and after a while Joseph became the most important and famous person in that country after the king. Only the king was more important than Joseph. All people respected Joseph and loved him. Soon he met his brothers. But he did not punish them, although he could have thrown them into prison or executed them. He forgave them. Joseph loved his brothers and God. Soon Joseph met with his dad again.

MOSAIC "JOSEPH": Show the children the mosaic and draw their attention to the fact that his father loved Joseph very much and gave him colored clothes. God also loves us very much because we are His children. The Bible, the book that God wrote, says "we are now the children of God."

WORDS WITH MOVEMENTS: Learn with the children the following words with movements:

Joseph, Joseph, you sit so deep!

(Make a sad face and look down.)

But do not be afraid: God is always with you,

Even when you are sleeping.

(Pretend to be asleep.)

Ah, Joseph, strangers

You have been taken far away.

(Place your hand on your forehead and look into the distance.)

But the Lord will always be with you

All your earthly days!

(Smile and say "Amen!")

BOOKS: Have the children sit in a circle so that all the children can see you well. Show them the book Joseph and the Colored Clothes. You open the first page, tell what is written there and give it to the children. After looking at the picture, the child passes the book to the next person. When the book is returned to you, you open the second page and pass the book to the children, telling them what is written next and what can be seen in the picture. Ask the children to review as quickly as possible because "everyone is interested". Don't make it too long so the kids don't lose interest. Talk emotionally and engagingly.

After some time, you can show the children other books: individual pages of the book "Joseph's Dream".

COLORING: Give the children the Joseph Forgive His Brothers coloring book. Show the completed sample. Younger children may need help.

DIY: You can show the children how you will make the craft “Joseph in the Ditch”. When the craft is ready, let each of the children take turns playing with it. Have the children tell their own story about Joseph.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing the song.

Lesson 19

Section: Children in the Bible. MOSES (part 1)

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for the children who believed and believe in You. Thank you for Moses, from whom we can learn. Help us to trust You the way Moses and his mother trusted You. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: In the lessons of this section, the children will learn the verse "We are now the children of God" (). Children should find pre-hidden pieces of paper around the room, resembling a basket with a baby in shape. On these pieces of paper, the words of the golden verse are written on one side, and on the other side they are numbered. When the children find it, put them in the correct order. Let the children help you if they know the numbers. Say the verse first one word at a time, and let the children repeat. Then say the verse in full. Will the children be able to repeat after you?


(Use the book “Moses and the Special Basket” while telling this story. Opening the first page, you tell what is written there and give the book to the children. The children look at the picture and pass the book to each other in turn. It is more convenient to seat the children in a semicircle so that they all You were seen and did not interfere with each other.When the book is returned to you, you read the second page and pass the book again to the children.Tell the children to look as quickly as possible so that they do not lose interest.)

Long ago, there was a king who really disliked the people of Israel, especially baby boys. Moses' mother knew that God would help her save her baby from this evil king. Miriam, the elder sister of Moses, loved her younger brother very much. Moses' mother made a special basket that floated on the water. She hid Moses in this basket on the river while Miriam watched him. When the king's daughter and her maids came to the river, they saw this basket. The maid took the basket out of the water and gave it to the princess. The princess took baby Moses out of the basket and hugged him. Mariam ran up to the princess and said that she could call a nanny for the baby. The nanny whom Miriam brought to the daughter of the king was the mother of Moses. The princess loved baby Moses and raised him in the palace as her own son. Moses' mother thanked God every day that the king's daughter had found the basket.

Moses grew up and believed in God just like his mother did when he was very young!

REPETITION: Show the children the Joseph mosaic and briefly recall the story of the last lesson. Tell the children that they will soon learn about some more children who believed in God. God loves us very much because we are His children. The Bible even says that we are children of God.

COLORING: Give the children the coloring book “Baby in a Basket”. Show the finished pattern to make it easier for the children to color.

DIY: Make the Life of Moses craft with the children. You will need helpers to cut out the details of the craft. You can involve older children in this work. Invite a child to tell about the life of Moses using the completed craft.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 20

Section: Children in the Bible. MOSES (part 2)

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Your love for us. Thank you for the faith you have given us. Let us believe in You the way Moses did. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse in this lesson is the same as in the previous one: “We are now the children of God” (). Explain the verse to the children in your own words. We are the children of God, because God is our father and He calls us His sons and daughters. You can play the game "Pass the bundle" with the children. You prepare in advance a bundle consisting of several bundles (newsprint, fastened with adhesive tape), inside of which there are cards with the words of the golden verse. Put some small prize (candy, lollipop, etc.) in the last bundle along with the card. Children sitting in a circle pass the bundle to each other in turn to the music. When the music stops, the child holding the bundle unfolds upper layer and takes out a card. Place the card on the floor and read the word of the verse. Let the children repeat after you. Turn on the music and the game continues. The surprise will go to the one who unfolded the last layer. Then repeat the entire golden verse together. Maybe one of the children remembered the verse. Reward these kids with a small prize.


When Moses grew up, he became a shepherd. One day he went with his flock far from home. He walked and walked, when suddenly he saw a fire. He came closer and saw that it was a burning bush. “I wonder,” thought Moses, “who could set fire to this bush here in the desert?” Time passed, the bush burned, but did not burn out. Moses decided to come closer to see why the bush was not burning. As he approached the bush, he suddenly heard a voice that called his name. "Take off your shoes, for the ground you're standing on is holy." It was the voice of God. “Moses, I want you to return again to Egypt, from where you fled, and lead My people out of slavery. I will always be with you and bring you to a good land where you will live freely.” Moses obeyed God and did what the Lord told him to do.

POEM: Study the following verse with the children. You can give words to each child at home so that they learn with their parents.


God came to Moses to say:

“I want to give you a task:

In the magnificent palace the evil pharaoh sits,

And you, Moses, should talk to him…”

Moses didn't like this job

And he is reluctant to go to the pharaoh.

But Moses knew what to obey,

And he decided to be obedient to God.

And even though Moses knew that he would meet trouble,

Yet he boldly answered:

"Yes, Lord, I'm coming!"

REPETITION: You can ask the children to tell you the story of baby Moses using the book Moses and the Special Basket. Have the children take turns telling the story from one picture. If one of the children has forgotten the story, someone can help him.

COLORING: Give the children the Moses Leads the Israelites coloring book. Maybe the kids need your help.

THE ENDING: You can end the lesson with some song and prayer.

Lesson 21

Section: Children in the Bible. SAMUEL

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You that we can hear Your voice, as Samuel heard. Help us to be attentive so that we can hear You. Help us to be obedient to You and our parents. Thank you. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse in this lesson is “We are now children of God” (). Ask the children to explain the verse in their own words.

You can teach a verse to children in the following way: the doll says the verse, and the children repeat after it. First one word. Then completely silent. You can change the speed of pronunciation, volume, voice. Ask the children to be careful to repeat exactly as the doll says. When children can say a verse without the help of a doll, you can compete, who is faster - a doll or a child?


Samuel served in the temple, where he helped the priest Eli. Samuel was a very good helper. He loved the Lord very much and wanted to live a life that would please God. One evening Samuel went to bed. He was already beginning to fall asleep, when suddenly he heard someone call him. It must be Eli calling me, Samuel thought. He jumped out of bed and ran to the priest. “I came because you called me,” Samuel said. “I didn't call you. Go to bed, Samuel,” Eli replied. As soon as Samuel lay down on the bed, he suddenly again heard someone call him. He got up and went back to Eli. “Elijah, it was you who called me this time?” Samuel asked. "No, I didn't call you. It's already late. You probably dreamed it." Samuel went to bed and again heard: "Samuel!" When Samuel came to the priest, Eli realized that God was talking to Samuel. “When you hear your name again, say what you hear and ask the Lord to speak to you,” Eli told him. God spoke to Samuel again and told him about what He wanted to do in the future.

REPETITION: Briefly review with the children the stories of Joseph and Moses. You can assemble the Joseph mosaic and look at the book Moses and the Special Basket again.

COLORING: Give the children the Samuel coloring book. Maybe the kids need your help. Show them the colored picture as a model.

THE ENDING: Sing a song and pray briefly.

Lesson 22

Section: Children in the Bible. DAVID (part 1)

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for David who believed in You. Thank you that we can learn from his example to trust You. Help us to love You as much as David loved You. In the name of Jesus. Amen".
GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse of this lesson is “We are now the children of God” (). Make four lambs of different sizes, on which the words of the golden verse will be written (on the largest lamb - the first word, on the smallest lamb - the last word). Have the children arrange the lambs in order to make the golden verse. The verse can be written on the back so that the children are not distracted. When the children have laid out the lambs, turn the pieces over and read the verse to the children. Have them try to repeat the verse.


David was tending his dad's sheep. He loved the Lord and often played the harp and sang songs praising God. The Lord helped David and made him very bold.

One day David was tending sheep. Everything was quiet and calm. But suddenly David saw how a huge hungry bear grabbed a small lamb. David was not taken aback and rushed to the bear. God helped David and the lamb survived.

Once a huge lion attacked David's flock, but David did not run home this time and did not leave the sheep alone. He protected the sheep so that the lion could not do anything. Whenever someone attacked the sheep, David defended them without fear. He knew that the Lord was with him.

REPETITION: Recall briefly the stories of past lessons (Joseph, Moses, Samuel) and again recall the story of David. You can use bright pictures so that visual images are deposited in children's memory. You can ask the children to fold the Joseph mosaic.

DIY: Make the Harp of David craft with the kids. You will need helpers to cut out the details of the craft. You can involve older children in this work. Ask the children to talk about David as you do the craft.

Lesson 23

Section: Children in the Bible. DAVID (part 2)

PRAYER:“Lord, we love You and we believe in You. Help us, please, never be afraid of anything or anyone. Help us to be bold like David. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Explain to the children that the key verse ("We are now the children of God" ) are the words of God and are recorded in His Word, the Bible. Open the Bible and show the children where this verse is written. You could underline the verse in the Bible and let each one look at it in turn.


David continued to herd his daddy's sheep when the war started. The Philistines attacked David's people. They wanted to capture all the cities and make people their servants. Two armies lined up one against the other. On one side stood the Israeli soldiers, and on the other stood their enemies - the Philistines. The strongest and tallest warrior in the Philistine army was Goliath. He was much taller than David. He was much stronger than David. He had a long spear in his hands, a heavy sword at his side, and a huge shield hung behind his back. He would go out every day and challenge someone from the Israelite army to fight him. But everyone was afraid of him, and no one dared to fight such a strong warrior.

When David saw Goliath, he was not afraid, but he wanted to fight this giant. David was shorter than Goliath. He wasn't as strong. He didn't have a weapon like Goliath. But he believed that God would help him. And the Lord helped David defeat Goliath.

REPETITION: Ask the children to think of the names of people who believed in God and whom you told them about. Ask the children to remember some episode from the life of these people (for example, Joseph's dad gave very beautiful clothes; Moses' mother hid him in a basket; when Moses grew up, God spoke to him from a burning bush; Samuel heard the voice of God when he went to bed; David passed sheep and was very brave). Use bright pictures to remind children of these stories. You can reward the children with small prizes, first those who answered, and then all the remaining children.

COLORING: Give the children a coloring book called David with a sling. Show the finished pattern to make it easier for the children to color.

DIY: Make the Defeat Goliath craft with the kids. You will need helpers to help the children fold the paper as needed. You can involve older children in this work. Have a child tell about David and Goliath as they work.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing the song.

Lesson 24

Section: Children in the Bible. SOLOMON

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Solomon, from whom we can learn. We want to get to know you more and more. We ask you for wisdom. We know that You always give wisdom to those who ask You. Thank you. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Make a simple mosaic of bright paper in the form of a crown, on which the golden verse “We are now the children of God” () will be written. The children will have to put together the pieces of the puzzle, after which you will read the golden verse to them. Ask the children to repeat the verse after you. If it's hard for them. Let them repeat not the whole verse, but in parts. Tell the children that these words are written in the Bible and are the words of God. Therefore, it is very important for us to know them and learn them by heart.


King David had a son named Solomon. When David grew old, he appointed Solomon king, although he was still very young. Solomon loved God very much. One night, God spoke to Solomon in a dream and told him, "Ask for something to give you." Solomon could have asked God for lots and lots of money to buy whatever he wanted. He could ask God for a long happy life. He could ask the Lord to help him defeat all his enemies. But he didn't ask for it. He was very young and so he asked God for wisdom. And the Lord heard him and gave him wisdom and even that which Solomon did not ask for.

Once two women with one child came to King Solomon. One said that it was her child, and the other that it was hers. No one could determine which of these women was telling the truth and which was lying. But God gave King Solomon wisdom and He was able to make the right decision. When all the people heard about this, they understood that the Lord was helping Solomon.

REPETITION: Show the children pictures of Bible characters (Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, and Solomon). Distribute the pictures to the children, give them time to look at them carefully, and ask them to tell the story of the life of these characters. Praise the children and reward them with small prizes.

COLORING: Give the children the Solomon and the Queen of Sheba coloring book. Show the finished pattern to make it easier for the children to color.

DIY: Make the Solomon's Crown craft with the kids. You will need helpers to make the craft. Ask older children to help you. Ask a child to tell about Solomon when they have finished their craft.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 25

Section: Children in the Bible. JOSIAH

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for Josiah, from whom we can learn. We want to love You and serve You. Please help us to always love Your Word - the Bible. Thank you for everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Make several small "bibles": fold a small paper rectangle in half, write "BIBLE" on the outside and decorate in a dark color; on the inside, write one of the words in the golden verse (“We are now the children of God,” ). Ask the children to look for some "bibles" in the room that were "accidentally lost." When the children find them, put them in correct sequence and read the golden verse. Explain to the children that these words are written in the Bible and are the words of God. That is why we call this golden verse - it is very important to us.


Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. (Show the children how old Josiah was with their fingers and ask them to show you eight fingers.)

He loved the Lord very much and tried to live in such a way as to please God. When Josiah got older, he decided to renovate God's temple. The priest, cleaning the temple, found the book of the law. (You can show the children this situation: you are cleaning or sweeping the floor, when suddenly you find a book and are very surprised.) The book of the law was brought to King Josiah, and when it was read to him, he was very upset and even tore his clothes. He was sad because he did not know God's laws before and therefore did not keep them. From that time on, the king began to study the law himself (show the children the Bible) and taught the commandments of God to all the people. The Lord loved Josiah and helped him in everything.

REPETITION: Ask the children if they remember the name of the king we talked about last time. What did King Solomon ask God for? Josiah was also a wise king because he loved God and studied His law.

DIY: Make the Crown of King Josiah craft with the children. Ask the older children to help you make crafts for the little ones. After the children have finished their craft, have a child tell about King Josiah.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 26

Section: Children in the Bible. JOHN and JACOB

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for John and James and for the other disciples we can learn from. Help us to be obedient to You, just as these two brothers were obedient to You. Thank You for Your help. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Show the children a drawing of fishermen with fish glued to it. The fish are glued on only one edge (for example, the tail) in such a way that, by bending the edge that is not glued, you can read a part or a word of the golden verse ("We are now the children of God",). For greater clarity, over the fish, you can stick a piece of bandage like a net, but in such a way that you can bend the fish.

Ask the children if they remember why we call this golden verse.


The brothers John and James were fishermen. Almost every day they went fishing with their dad. One day, as they were washing up on the bank of the net, Jesus came up to them and said, "Follow Me." They immediately left their father and followed the Lord. They walked with Jesus for three years, listening to all the stories Jesus told and seeing all the miracles Jesus did. Jesus loved John and James very much and often took the two brothers and Peter with Him where He did not take the rest of the disciples.

One day Jesus took John, James and Peter to a high mountain where He prayed. Suddenly, the disciples saw how Jesus had changed: His clothes became as white as snow. The prophets Moses and Elijah appeared next to them, who talked with Jesus.

John and James saw many of the miracles of Jesus. John even wrote several books in the Bible.

REPETITION: Show the children the two crowns they made in the previous two lessons. Ask them what was the name of the king to whom the Lord gave much wisdom, and what was the name of the king who began to reign when he was very young (8 years old).

DIY: Make the Boat and the Fishermen craft with the children. You will need helpers to make the craft. Ask older children to help you.


Lesson 27

Section: Children in the Bible. BOY WITH FIVE BREAD

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for the boy who trusted You and spared no food for You. We ask You to help us to trust You too. We love you. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Make paper cards in the form of five loaves and two fish, on which the words of the golden verse and the Scripture where this verse is located (“We are now the children of God”,) will be written. Number the cards on the back. Show the children in turn the numbers (1-7) drawn on the loaves and fishes, calling them out loud. Then ask the children to put the cards in order. The children may need your help. As you lay out the cards one by one, let the children count out loud. When the cards are in the correct order, turn them over and read the golden verse to the children. Can one of the children repeat the verse after you?


“May I, mom? Can? Well, please, can I?”

"I'm busy, Pavel. (Use the name of one of the boys in your class whose attention is the hardest to keep.) May I have something?”

"Can I go down the road to see Jesus?"

"Where is He and who is He?"

“He is now near the lake and He tells very interesting stories. I want to listen to Him. Everyone has gone. May I, Mom?

“It will soon be time for lunch, and you might get hungry. Let me prepare some food for you to take with you.”

Mom put five loaves (show five fingers), small loaves, and two small fish (show two fingers on the other hand) in Pavel's bag.

"Of course! Here, take everything and give it to Jesus.”

Jesus picked up the food, looked at the sky, prayed, and suddenly - a miracle of miracles happened! Suddenly there appeared so much bread and fish that five thousand men and all the women and children who were there could be fed. There are still twelve baskets left.

DIY: Make the Boy's Basket craft with the children. Ask older children to help you.

COLORING: Give the children the Boy with Five Loaves coloring book. Show the finished pattern to make it easier for the children to color.

END: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 28

Section: God of miracles. THE SEA PARTS

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Moses who led the people of Israel out of Egypt. We thank You for all the miracles You do. Thank you for the miracle of the sea. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse for this section is found in Psalms 104:5 - "Remember His wonders." Explain the verse to the children in your own words. We must remember the miracles that God has done that are recorded in the Bible, and the miracles that God does in our lives. With children, you can memorize the words "Remember the wonders of God." These words are easier for children to understand.

Maybe one of the children can name some miracles that God has done.


The Israelites suffered greatly in Egypt. The Egyptians mocked the Israelites, forcing them to work hard. The people prayed to God and asked to save them from the evil Egyptians. The Lord heard and sent Moses to Egypt. Moses led the Israelites out and led them to good country. But the pharaoh (the king of Egypt) decided to catch up with the Jews and return them.

Pharaoh's army has almost caught up with the people of Israel. People heard the clatter of horses and the noise of chariots. They are about to die or be taken back into slavery. It seems like nothing and no one can help. But nothing is difficult for God!

The Lord sent a wind that blew so hard on the Red Sea that the waters of the sea parted to the sides. The people of Israel walked on the bottom of the sea as if on dry land, and the water stood like two walls on both sides. As soon as Moses and his people came to the seashore, the waters closed again. The people of Israel passed through the Red Sea, and none of them drowned or got hurt, because the Lord was with them.

REPETITION: Remember with the children all the heroes of the previous section (Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon, Josiah, John and Jacob, the boy with five loaves). Beautiful, bright pictures will help you.

COLORING: Distribute the Moses Leads the People of Israel coloring book to the children who did not color it. Show the children the finished sample.

DIY: Make the Exodus craft with the children. You will need helpers to make the craft. Ask older children to help you. Ask a child to tell about the miracle of the sea when they have finished their craft.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 29


PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You that You care for us, feed us and clothe us. Thank you for being our dad. We love You and want to serve You. In the name of Jesus. Amen"

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse of this section is “Remember His wonders” (). We will memorize the words “Remember the wonders of God” to make it easier for the children to remember. We distribute 4 balloons to the children, on which one word of the golden verse and a passage of Scripture is written with a marker or felt-tip pen. Children blow up balloons. After that, one of the children bursts the balloons with a pin, having previously “read” the word on the balloon. All other children repeat the words of the verse after him.

Ask the children what miracles they remember from the Bible. Maybe one of the children will be able to tell about some miracle that the Lord did in the life of their family.


Tell the children that you will tell them the story about the oil. Most likely, children do not know what oil is. Therefore, explain to them that oil is oil, similar to the one in which their mothers fry delicious pancakes and pancakes.

One woman's husband died and she was left alone with two children. She came to Elisha and wept. Elisha, you are God's prophet. You hear the words that the Lord speaks. Help me and my children. My husband has died and I am now a widow." She cried and cried. “A neighbor came to us and demanded that we give him the money that my husband lent. But I do not have money. This man wants to take my two children for debt. What should I do?"

Elisha thought about it and asked, “What do you have in the house?” “I have nothing but one jar of oil (oil),” the widow replied. Suddenly Elisha heard God say something to him. He said to the woman, “Go to all your neighbors and ask them for empty pitchers. When you have taken many, many jugs, go into the house with your sons and pour oil into the empty jugs.” The woman obeyed Elisha and did everything he said. She asked all her neighbors for empty jugs, brought them home and started pouring oil into them. When the pitcher was full, her children would put it aside and give her another. They poured one pitcher, then a second, a third, a fourth... They had already lost count. So many jugs, and each of them contains expensive oil.

(You can show the children what this miracle looked like by pouring a drink from a bottle into glasses. Your assistant “barely has time” to serve you the next empty glass. Tell the children that the only difference is that the oil did not decrease in the jug. The drink can be hand out to children after the story during a snack.)

When all the jugs were full, the oil stopped flowing. The joyful widow sought out Elisha and told him about the miracle the Lord had done. “Go sell the oil. Then you will be able to repay the debt to your neighbor, and on the rest of the money you and your children will be able to live,” Elisha told her.

REPETITION: Recall with the children what a miracle the Lord did with the sea when Moses led the people of Israel. Show the children the pictures.

DIY: Make the Jug of Oil craft with the kids. When the children have finished working, ask them to retell the story.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 30

Section: God of miracles. THE CHILD IS RISEN

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Elisha, who was obedient to You. We also want to see the kind of miracles that Elisha saw. Help us to be obedient to You in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen"

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse for this section is found in Psalms 104:5. We will learn the words "Remember the wonders of God." These words are easier for children to understand. You can teach a verse to children with the help of a doll that says a verse, and the children repeat after it. First one word. Then completely silent. Change the speed of pronunciation, volume, voice. Ask the children to be careful to repeat exactly as the doll says. When the children learn the verse, you can compete, who is faster - a doll or a child?


One boy got sick. He sat in his mother's arms until he died. Mom took her child to the room where Elisha lived, put her son on the bed, and she herself went to God's prophet.

Elisha often came to visit this family because they had prepared a room for him at their home, where he stayed when he was in the city.

When Elisha learned that the child had died, he followed the child's mother to their home. He went up to his room. There was a little boy on his bed. Elisha closed the door. He knelt down and prayed to God. Elisha believed in God, and something miraculous happened. The little child moved. He sneezed! He sneezed seven times! (Ask the children to sneeze seven times.) Then he opened his eyes. He looked at Elisha and smiled. The little boy was alive and well again!

Learn the following words with movements:

This little boy was healthy. (Raise thumb up)

He could walk. (Show the “walk” motion with your fingers)

He could jump. (Show fingers jumping)

He could run. (Show the “run” movement on your fingers)

And climb trees. (Show with your thumb and forefinger the "climb up" motion)

This little boy is sick. (Put your finger on your other hand)

Help came from Heaven. (Look up)

Elisha prayed. (fold your hands)

The boy sat down. (thumbs up)

He sneezed - not once - but seven times! (Sneeze seven times)

REPETITION: Ask the children what other miracle the Lord performed through Elisha (the miracle of the oil that did not diminish).

DIY: Make the Elisha Room craft with the children. Glue wooden sticks (matches) on the table, and a piece of cloth on the bed. From fabric with a different pattern, make small curtains for the window.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 31

Section: God of miracles. THE ENEMY IS BLIND

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Elisha, from whom we can learn to trust You. We thank you for your protection and protection. Help us to fear nothing and no one. We love you. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse for this section is found in Psalms 104:5 - "Remember the wonders of God." You can play the game "Pass the bundle" with the children. You prepare in advance a bundle consisting of several bundles (newsprint, fastened with adhesive tape), inside of which there are cards with the words of the golden verse. Put some small prize (candy, lollipop, etc.) in the last bundle along with the card. Children sitting in a circle pass the bundle to each other in turn to the music. When the music stops (if it is not possible to use the music, the teacher standing with his back to the children can just clap his hands from time to time), the child who has the bundle in his hands unfolds the top layer and takes out the card. Place the card on the floor and read the word of the verse. Let the children repeat after you. Turn on the music and the game continues. The surprise will go to the one who unfolded the last layer. Then repeat the entire golden verse together.


One day big army The Syrians surrounded the city where Elisha lived because Syria was at war with Israel. God's prophet woke up in the morning from the cries of his servant. He ran around the room screaming in fear. Elisha was not afraid and did not worry, because he knew that God was stronger than all his enemies.

He prayed to God and said, "Smite them with blindness." Suddenly all the warriors went blind and stopped seeing. They didn't know where to go. And Elisha said to them: “Let me take you to the city where you need and to the person you are looking for.” The soldiers followed Elisha, who led them to the Israelite king. God's prophet prayed that God would open the eyes of the Syrians. The Lord answered that prayer and they were able to see again. The king was very happy and wanted to kill his enemies. But Elisha said to him: "Don't kill them, but rather feed them and let them go." After that, these people went to their homeland in Syria and never again fought with the Israelis.

REPETITION: The children already know three stories about Elisha and the miracles God did through him. Let them retell these stories. You can help them by giving them the Children's Bible, open to pages 199, 195, and 205.

DIY: Make the craft "The Lord opens and closes the eyes of people." You can help the children, but it is better that they learn to cut, glue, draw themselves. Put the pattern in front of the children for everyone to see. As you work, remember the story again. Let the children try to tell themselves what they remember.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 32

Section: God of miracles. GOD SAVE DANIEL

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for Daniel. Teach us to trust You as Daniel did. Thank you for the miracle you have done in his life. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse in this section is "Remember the wonders of God." Make a little book with the children with the words of the golden verse and the Scripture where it is located. To do this, you will need a binder, four strips of paper and pens (felt-tip pens) of different colors. On each of the strips, write one word (the last one is a Scripture), and let the children, under your supervision, bind these strips together using a binder. When the book is ready, tell the children that Daniel was very smart and read many books.

Children can take the books home for their parents to help them memorize the verse. In the next lesson, you can award small prizes to those who know the golden verse by heart.


You could use the book Daniel and His Very Good Friend to tell this story. Show the children the picture and tell them what it is.

King Darius was a very good friend of Daniel. Some bad people did not want Daniel and King Darius to be friends. They persuaded King Darius to issue an order for everyone to pray to the king. Daniel violated the king's command because he prayed only to God and no one else. Due to the fact that Daniel violated the order, King Darius had to throw him into a den with large hungry lions. Daniel prayed to God and asked Him to protect him from the big hungry lions. God heard Daniel's prayer and sent an angel to protect him from the lions. King Darius could not sleep that night because he felt sorry for his very good friend. The next morning, King Darius hurried to the den, where large hungry lions were sitting. King Darius was very happy and glad when his good friend Daniel was pulled out of the ditch. He was so glad that he canceled his decree and ordered everyone to pray to the God of Daniel. Daniel and King Darius remained very good friends and worshiped God together for the rest of their lives.

REPETITION: Have the children retell the Bible story, taking turns using Daniel and His Very Good Friend.

COLORING: Give the children the Daniel and the Lions coloring book. Show the finished pattern to make it easier for the children to color.

DIY: Make the Daniel craft with the children. You will need helpers to make the craft. Ask older children to help you. Ask a child to retell a story they heard today.


Lesson 33

Section: God of miracles. ANGEL BRING PETER OUT OF PRISON

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for the miracles You do. Please teach us to trust You as Peter did. We want to see Your miracles in our lives too. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse in this section is "Remember the wonders of God." You can make small crafts for children by cutting out the outlines of two warriors and Peter from paper. After gluing two pieces of thread, connect the three figures so that the figure of Peter is in the middle. On the one hand, write on the figures - "Remember", "miracles", "God"; and on the other - "Psalm", "104:" and "5". Let the children take the crafts home.


King Herod was a very evil man. He ordered the execution of one of Jesus' disciples, James, brother of John. (A few lessons ago, the children learned about two brothers, James and John. Ask them if they remember what the brothers were by profession before they became Jesus' disciples. You can show crafts for children - Fishing boat.) When King Herod saw that some people liked it, he decided to execute one more of the Apostles. This time, Herod's soldiers seized Peter and put him in prison. But at that time it was Easter, so they decided to execute Peter in a few days. And then the night came, which for Peter was to be the last. The next morning he was to be killed. To prevent Peter from running away, a large guard was posted near his cell. Two soldiers were sleeping in the same cell, to which Peter was chained with two chains. Escape was simply impossible. Suddenly… A bright light shone in the dark, gloomy chamber! So bright, as if the sun mixed up the time and began to shine at night. Peter woke up and saw an angel who said to him, "Get up and follow me." Peter got up and followed the Angel through the heavy iron doors that opened by themselves. When they left the prison on the street, the Angel suddenly disappeared, and only now Peter realized that it was not a dream. God Himself sent His Angel to save him.

REPETITION: Remind the children of how God saved Daniel. You can use the book "Daniel and His Very Good Friend" for this. Tell the children that our Lord is Almighty. He saved Daniel, and it was not difficult for Him to save Peter.

SCENES: You can act with the children a short skit on the Bible story that the children heard today. You will need five people to play Peter, Angel, Herod and two warriors. Ropes can be used instead of chains.

DIY: Make the Liberation of Peter craft with the children. You will need helpers to make the craft. Ask older children to help you. Ask a child to retell a story they heard today.

THE ENDING: Sing a few songs and end the lesson with a prayer.

Lesson 34

Section: God of miracles. PETER RESURRECTED A WOMAN

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for Peter and for all the miracles You have done in and through his life. We want to believe in You just like Peter did. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse for this section is found in Psalm 104, verse 5 - "Remember the wonders of God." Use a marker to write the words of the verse on the balloons that the children will take home with them after class. Label each balloon and put it somewhere so that the children are not distracted.


Tabitha was very kind people. She always helped poor people with food and money. But besides this, she herself sewed very beautiful clothes, which she helped those who needed. But one day she got sick. She lay at home one day, the second, the third, but did not recover. And a few days later she died. The people living in this city loved her very much and they sent two disciples to Peter to ask him to come to them. When Peter arrived, the people, with tears in their eyes, showed him the shirts and dresses that Tabitha had made. Peter went into the room, knelt down and prayed. And after that, he turned to the body and said: “Tabitha, get up!” She opened her eyes and, seeing Peter, sat up. Tabitha was alive again, and all people glorified God for this miracle. Tabitha did a lot of other good things and made a lot of beautiful clothes for the needy people in her city.

REPETITION: Have the children remember the miracle that happened to Peter. You could show them a picture from the Children's Bible. Let the children tell the story themselves.

DIY: Make the Tabitha craft with the children. Cut out two dresses for each child. Using a hole punch, make holes along the edge of the dresses by folding both dresses together (the kids will love to try this on their own). Give each child a thread with which the children will “sew” the two pieces together. Attach the ends of the thread with adhesive tape on the back. On the dress you can write "Tavifa is alive again!".

While working, you can sing a song with the children or talk about good deeds which they can do.

Lesson 35

Section: God of miracles. PAUL SAVE IN DAMASCUS

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for Paul, who at first did not believe in You, and then believed. Help us to obey You and hear Your voice. Thank You for every miracle You have done. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE:“Remember the wonders of God (Psalm 104:5)” is a memory verse. Make a small golden verse craft with the children. To do this, you will need two strips (one should be slightly wider than the second, but about two times shorter). On the narrower strip, write the words of the golden verse, and on the wider strip, cut two vertical slits at a distance so that the second one can move freely in the slits and one of the words can be seen. By moving the bar, you can read the entire verse. Glue the edges of the narrow strip together to make a ring.


Paul was formerly called Saul. He really disliked people who believed in Jesus. When he learned that there were many disciples of Jesus in the city of Damascus, he took soldiers with him and went to that city. He wanted to capture all Christians and put them in jail.

When Saul was already approaching Damascus, suddenly a bright light from the sky shone on him. Saul even fell to the ground and immediately asked, “Who are you?” He heard the answer: “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.” From that moment Saul was blind and could not see anything for three whole days (Ask the children to show you three fingers). But after three days, the Lord told the disciple, whose name was Ananias, to come to Saul and pray for him. Ananias did not want to go right away, because Saul was a very evil man and did a lot of bad things to the Christians. But later he agreed to come, and when he prayed, Saul began to see again. Saul believed in Jesus and never persecuted believers again. He began to preach himself and tell people about Jesus.

REPETITION: Ask the children what two miracles God did in Peter's life (the release from prison and the resurrection of Tabitha). Have the children tell the story using the Children's Bible or pictures.

DIY: Make the “Conversion of Saul” craft with the children. You will need helpers to make the craft. Ask older children to help you. Ask a child to retell a story they heard today.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 36

Section: God of miracles. GOD FREEED PAUL AND POWER

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for Paul, for changing him. We want to preach about You like Paul did and see the miracles he saw. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The verse in this section is “Remember the wonders of God” (Psalm 104:5). Make a small craft with the children that will look like a prison building. Cut through the door and stick a sheet of white paper with the words of the golden verse on the bottom so that when you open the door you can read the golden verse (the door does not need to be glued).

Give small prizes to those children who have memorized the golden verse. Sign the crafts on the back so that each child can take his own home.

REPETITION: Have the children remember the story of Paul's (Saul's) conversion to the faith. Show them books and crafts. Explain to the children that after Saul believed in Jesus, he was not called Saul, but Paul.


(Wave your finger ominously.) “Will you ever stop talking about Jesus? If not, you'll be sorry." This is what the people said to Paul.

But Paul kept talking and telling others about how wonderful Jesus was. Paul was not afraid at all, because he knew that God would take care of him. In addition, Paul was a good missionary.

But soon the people seized Paul and his friend Silas. They grabbed them, tore their clothes and beat them. And then they threw them into jail and said to the jailer, "Put them in jail in a place where they can't tell others about Jesus."

The jailer ordered that Paul and Silas be taken to the farthest cell. So that they could not escape, their feet were chained in a log. “Now let's see how you get out of here and tell others about Jesus,” the jailer said, slamming the door and closing it two turns.

Paul and Silas began to sing. (Sing a chorus to a song that fits this story.) The other prisoners heard Paul and Silas sing about Jesus and began to listen. Suddenly - Boom! Fuck! There was a big earthquake. The walls of the prison trembled and all the doors opened. All prisoners could now escape from prison. The jailer woke up and saw what had happened. He drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought Paul had fled when he heard a voice saying, “Do no harm to yourself. We didn't run away. We are still here." It was the voice of Paul.

The jailer ran up to Paul and said, “Please, Paul, tell me about your Jesus. He is truly a wonderful friend. I want Him to be my friend too.” The jailer and all his family from that time believed in Jesus.

DIY: Make the Life of Paul craft with the children. Tell the children briefly some of the stories from Paul's life. One day God saved Paul from the evil people who were guarding him at the gates of the city in a very interesting way. Paul was let down from the city wall in a basket.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a prayer and sing a song. Remind the children not to forget to bring their crafts.

Lesson 37

Section: Jesus. JESUS ​​IS THE SON OF GOD

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for giving us Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for knowing You and believing in You. Help us in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse that the children will be learning throughout this section is found in Matthew verse 16, chapter 16, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” We will change this verse a little to make it easier to remember. Children will learn the following words: "Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God."


Israel was taken over by the mighty Roman Empire, which was ruled by an emperor, or Caesar. Once Caesar said: “I need money: I want to build myself a new palace. I need money: I want to upgrade roads and build new ships. I need money for my warriors, who help me rule over many countries ... "

The people of Israel were very unhappy: "Caesar wants more and more money." But they were afraid. Roman troops were deployed throughout the country. Sometimes the Israelites were filled with impotence, sometimes with sadness. "Can't anyone help us?" But some people said, “Don't be sad and don't be afraid. We also have Holy Scriptures in which it is written that God will send a Deliverer to His people. We are His people, God will help us." (The teacher shows the children a figurine of Mary.)

At that time, in a small Israeli town, there lived a young girl named Maria. She had a fiancé and, helping her parents with the housework, often thought about Joseph. “Soon Joseph will be my husband. We will have our own house and I will help him in everything. Suddenly Maria heard: “Greetings, Maria. The Lord is with you. God sent me to you." Maria was even a little scared. (The teacher puts an Angel figurine next to the figure of Mary.)

“Mary, you will give birth to a Son. Call Him Jesus because He will save people from their sins.” Maria asked with surprise: “I am not married yet. How can I give birth to a Son?” “The father of this Child will not be Joseph, but the Lord. He promised to send Israel a Deliverer who would save the people.” Mary replied, "I don't quite understand how this will happen, but I will be obedient to God." The angel disappeared (hide the angel), and joyful Mary ran to tell Joseph about everything.

DIY AND REPEAT: Make with the children a figure of Mary and an Angel, which at the beginning they will decorate with crayons or pencils. Have the children tell the Bible story for this lesson.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a prayer and sing a song.

Lesson 38


PRAYER:“Dear Lord, we thank You for Your love for us and for all children. Help us to love other people just as much. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The children will continue to study the next verse: “Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God” (). The teacher shows the children a picture drawn on cardboard (thick paper) depicting Jesus. Next to Jesus, cuts were made in the cardboard, into which figures of children were inserted. A golden verse is written on the reverse side of the figurines. “Turning the children's figures over to the other side, you will see the words that God wrote in the Bible. This is the golden verse. And now we will turn the figures over again. You see that the children loved Jesus and were always close to Him. They believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.”


Every time Jesus came to any city or village, many people gathered around Him. Word of Him quickly spread: “Jesus is in the city! He heals the sick and talks about God!” One woman takes her daughter by the hand and says, "Come on, let's hear what He has to say to us." Other mothers also call their children, some take the babies in their arms and go to where Jesus is. It's a fun crowd. Children jump and rejoice.

The disciples of Jesus are surprised: “Why did the mothers bring their children with them?” One of them says, “Jesus is busy. The kids still don't understand. They just get in the way. Go away and don't make noise."

The women and children were sad. They turned around and headed home when they suddenly heard, “Let the children come to Me. Why do you forbid them? The Kingdom of God belongs to them."

Jesus rejoiced and rejoices even today when children come to Him.

DIY: Do the "Jesus Loves Children" craft with the children. Let the children color the sheet first, and then cut and fold.

REPETITION: Show the children the figures of Mary and the Angel. Have them tell the story of the previous lesson. Ask the children who is Jesus' dad.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer and sing the song.

Lesson 39

Section: Jesus. JESUS ​​HEALED A BOY

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for all the miracles You have done. We thank You for every person healed. We love you. Bless us in the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Children will learn the words "Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God" (). To do this, they will make "beads" with a golden verse. You will need six paper rectangles (may be made from colored paper) about 3 by 4 cm in size on which to write the words of the verse and the passage of Scripture. Glue the rectangles with a tube and put on the thread. Boys can give their "beads" to their mothers or sisters.


In the city of Capernaum there lived a boy who fell ill. He visited many doctors, drank various medicines, but nothing helped him. His father served in the royal palace. But even the king could not help.

Suddenly the boy's father heard that Jesus was nearby. He heard a lot about Jesus Christ. "Jesus is the only one who can help us," the boy's father thought, and went to look for Jesus. He searched for the Lord for a long time, asked different people but finally found it. The boy's father ran up to Jesus and said, “Jesus! Come with me please. My son is very sick. I ask You to heal him. Come with me while my son is still alive."

Jesus did not go with him, but said, “Go home. Your son is healthy!" The man thought, "If Jesus said so, then it must be so." He obediently went home. He was in a hurry to find out how his son was feeling. Suddenly he saw that his servants were running towards him. From a distance they began to shout: “Sir! Mister! Your son is healthy!" Father was happy as ever in his life. He asked the servants about the time his son got well, and realized that it was exactly when Jesus told him, “Go home. Your son is healthy!" And the boy's father, and the boy, and the whole family believed after that that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.

DIY: Make paper dolls with your kids to put on your fingers. When you make crafts with the children, remember the biblical story again, showing it with the help of dolls. Let the children participate in this too, using their dolls. Show the father doll first. Then show the Jesus doll with the other arm. And then take off the Jesus doll and put the joyful boy doll on your finger.

REPETITION: Show the children the “Jesus Loves Children” craft from the previous lesson. Let the children remember the topic of the last lesson. You can help them remember by asking leading questions.


Lesson 40


PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for every miracle You have done. You raised even a girl who died, because nothing is difficult for You. We love You and ask You to help us in everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: We continue to teach the verse with the children: “Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God” (). You can learn this verse with the help of a doll in the following way: the doll says the golden verse, and all the children repeat (first one word at a time, and later several words).


One day a man, whose name was Jairus, approached Jesus and asked the Lord to help him. He had only one daughter, whom he loved very much. She was only 12 years old, but she became very ill, and no one could help. The doctors were powerless. So this girl's dad came to Jesus. Jesus immediately went to Jairus' house to heal his daughter. But on the way they met people who came from the house of Jairus and brought bad news.

“Don't disturb the teacher, Jairus. We're sorry, but your daughter has already died. The doctors did everything they could." Jairus felt his legs give way from grief. “I don't have any more children. The only child I had but died is my beloved daughter, thought the unfortunate father. But at that moment he heard the words of Jesus: "Do not be afraid, just believe, and your daughter will be saved."

When they arrived at the house of Jairus, all the people were already crying and sad music was playing. Jesus took the three disciples and the girl's parents with Him and entered the room. The girl was no longer breathing. But Jesus took her by the hand and said, “Girl, get up!” At that moment, the girl opened her eyes, breathed again, and sat up in bed. Parents were happy and surprised at the same time. Their girl was alive again!

Jesus loved people and always helped them.

REPETITION: Ask the children what similar story they already know (see previous lesson). Discuss with the children how these stories differ (one is about a boy, the other is about a girl; the boy was sick, but did not die, and the girl died, but was resurrected; etc.).

PICTURES: Show the children the large pictures of the story. Ask the children to tell you the Bible story themselves.

DIY: Make the craft “The girl is alive again!” with the children by decorating the picture and gluing a piece of fabric instead of a blanket. Be sure to sign each work.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a prayer of thanksgiving for each miracle of the Lord.

Lesson 41


PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for the miracles of making sick people well. You are our God, and we ask You to heal our loved ones so that no one gets sick. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Our golden verse is “Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God” (). Have the children sit in a circle (for example, on the floor) and ask them to close their eyes. "Now you understand how blind people feel." Place the numbered cards in front of the children with the words of the golden verse written on them. Let the children find them without opening their eyes. Then the children can open their eyes, put the words of the verse in order, and read it aloud to the children. Let them repeat after you.


In one city, Jesus saw a blind man asking for money. This man was born blind and never in his life saw beautiful flowers, beautiful clouds, or a sunset. He didn't even see his parents. The disciples immediately asked their Teacher who was to blame for the fact that this man was blind: his parents or himself. Jesus answered that no one is to blame for this - not his parents, not himself, but through this God will be glorified. After that, the Lord spat on the ground and, mixing saliva with earth, anointed the eyes of a blind man with the resulting mud.

"Now go and wash yourself in the pool of Siloam." (You can explain to the children that this word means “Sent” in Hebrew and we remember that Jesus was sent by God the Father.) The blind man went to the pool, although he did not understand why Jesus smeared his eyes and told him to go wash . He heard from other people that Jesus healed sick people and hoped that maybe it would help him. Although all people said that a person blind from birth has never become sighted.

When he came to the pool, he scooped up water with his hands and began to wash his eyes. A bright light that he had never seen before in his life struck him in the eyes. Overjoyed, he ran home to tell others about this miracle that Jesus had performed. But all the neighbors could not immediately believe in this miracle and thought that this was a different person.

The man who was born blind but who was healed by Jesus believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.

DIY: Make glasses for a blind person out of black cardboard. Ask the children to show the craft to other family members at home and tell them the Bible story.

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Show the children today's story in the Children's Bible and the large pictures of the healing of the blind man.

THE ENDING: Sing the song and end with a short prayer.

Lesson 42


PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You that You love all people. You love adults and children. Do you even love bad people because You believe that they can change and become good. Thank you. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: You can play the game "Pass the bundle" with the children. You prepare in advance a bundle consisting of several layers, inside of which there are cards with the words of the golden verse. Put some small prize (candy, lollipop, etc.) in the last bundle along with the card. Children sitting in a circle pass the bundle to each other in turn. When the teacher, with his back to the children, claps his hands, the child holding the bundle unfolds the top layer and takes out a card. Place the card on the floor and read the word of the verse. Let the children repeat after you. After that, the game continues. The surprise will go to the one who unfolded the last layer. Then repeat the entire golden verse together.


One day Jesus came to the city of Jericho. There were always crowds of people around Jesus. Some people couldn't even see Jesus because of the crowd, let alone hear what He was talking about with others. In this city lived a man named Zacchaeus. He was very short, but he was very rich. Zacchaeus did not have a single friend. People didn't like him because he cheated others for money. Zacchaeus really wanted to see Jesus, but the crowd wouldn't let him in. People shoved Zacchaeus aside and called him Shorty. All the people were sure that Jesus would not even want to talk to Zacchaeus. “Someone, but Jesus knows what kind of person Zacchaeus is!” people thought. No matter how hard Zacchaeus tried, he could not approach the Lord a single step. But suddenly he smiled to himself and ran along the street along which Jesus was walking. Having overtaken the crowd, Zacchaeus saw a tree. Quick as a cat, he climbed up the fig tree and began to wait for Jesus to come. Now no one will prevent him from seeing Jesus Christ, about whom people talk so much. Or maybe even Jesus will come closer to the tree, and Zacchaeus will even be able to hear Him. Suddenly he saw a crowd of people among whom Jesus was walking. People were supposed to pass next to Zacchaeus, but suddenly the crowd went straight to the fig tree, on which a short rich man was sitting. Jesus walked up to the fig tree, raised his head and said, "Zacchaeus, get down from the tree, because I need to visit you." Zacchaeus nearly fell out of the tree in surprise. Nobody loved him, he had no friends, even just comrades. And suddenly Jesus wants to come to visit him. Zacchaeus changed, became good and began to help the poor and needy people.

DIY: Make the craft "Zacchaeus on the tree" with the children.

BOOKS: Show the children today's story from the Children's Bible.

THE ENDING: End with a short prayer.

Lesson 43

Section: Jesus. JESUS ​​IS WITH US NOW

PRAYER:“Lord, thank you for always being with us. You will never leave us alone. We love You and thank You for everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: This is the last lesson in the Jesus Section. Have the children tell the key verse (“Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God”, ). Give verse memorization awards. Give the children who came for the first time, or who were absent from previous lessons, an opportunity to memorize the verse.


This happened right after one of the biggest Jewish holidays - Passover. Jesus was executed on the cross. The disciples gathered in the house where they wept and sobbed. They felt sorry for their Teacher, and they were afraid. All doors and windows in the house were locked. They remembered how Jesus told them that on the third day after his death He would rise again, but they did not believe. But suddenly someone knocked on the door of the house. Maybe they are soldiers? They cautiously looked through the crack in the door and, seeing that they were two of Jesus' disciples, opened the door. These two people were joyful and smiling. “Why are you happy? Don't you know that Jesus was killed, and we, too, can be seized at any moment and executed?

“We know that Jesus was crucified on the cross, but we know something else. As we were walking from Jerusalem to a certain village, we met Jesus who was talking to us. Don't you remember how Jesus told us that he would rise again after death?

It was hard for the disciples to believe, but suddenly Jesus appeared in the room. All doors and windows were closed, but the Teacher Himself stood in the middle of them. Everyone immediately got scared, but Jesus said, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

Jesus told His disciples, "I will always be with you, wherever you are." Therefore, we never need to be afraid of anything, because we are not alone.

DIY: Make a paper heart with the children, consisting of two identical parts, inside of which the words "I am with you all the days until the end of time ()" will be written. Explain to the children that Jesus is always with us, even when we are afraid and cannot see Him. He is inside our heart. He is close to help us and give us courage.

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Show the children the Children's Bible and other pictures of the resurrected Jesus.

REPETITION: Let the children remember the story of Zacchaeus. You can show them the craft from the last lesson to help them remember.

THE ENDING: Sing the song and end with a short prayer.

Lesson 44

Section: Holy Spirit. THE HOLY SPIRIT ON MOSES

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for the Holy Spirit that You have given to those who believe in You. We thank You for Moses, from whom we can learn to trust You. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The golden verse of this section is "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me" (). Make small tablets out of paper on which the golden verse will be written. Explain to the children what the tablets (two flat stones) are. God Himself wrote the words of the law (10 commandments) on stone tablets and gave them to Moses.


One day God said to Moses: “Make two tables of stone and go up Mount Sinai. There I will talk to you and write My commandments on the tablets for you.” Moses did just that. He carved two tablets out of stone, and early in the morning he ascended the mountain.

God spoke to Moses and explained the commandments to him, and all the people of Israel were waiting for their leader. Moses was on the mountain for a very long time: more than a month, forty days and nights. And when he began to descend from the mountain, he had two flat stones (tablets) in his hands, on which God wrote very important words for His people. People every day looked at the mountain and thought: “When will Moses return? Probably, the Lord speaks very important words to him for us. I wonder what he will tell us when he returns? Suddenly they noticed a man who was coming down the mountain. “It must be Moses,” they thought. "Very similar to our leader." As Moses got closer, the people noticed that he had something in his hands for them. These were two flat stones (tablets) with the law that God wrote for them.

But what's with the face of Moses? Why does it glow so brightly? Like a sun!

Moses did not even know that his face began to glow while he was talking to the Lord. When he came down the mountain, he did not understand why the people were afraid of him. Therefore, Moses covered his face with a veil when he talked to people, and when he talked with the Lord, he took off the veil.

BOOKS: Show the children the picture of Moses holding the tablets of the law in the Children's Bible.

DIY: Have the children cut out a Moses figurine, paint the face yellow, and glue the golden verse tablets that the children made at the beginning of the lesson to the figurine.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a song and a prayer so that our faces shine with God's light.

Lesson 45

Section: Holy Spirit. HOLY SPIRIT ON SAMSON

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for every blessing You have given us. And thank You for the greatest blessing - the Holy Spirit, which You have given us. We love You, Holy Spirit, and we want to hear Your voice always. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse for this lesson is found in Isaiah chapter 61, verse one: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me." You can give small prizes to children who memorize the golden verse.


The Lord has always loved and loves His people. But when people turned away from God and stopped believing in Him, serious problems came into their lives. This story took place many years ago.

The people of Israel forgot God and did evil. Therefore, very soon they were attacked by enemies - the Philistines. People suffered and cried. When it got really bad, they prayed to God and asked Him to help. The Lord heard the prayers of His people and sent deliverance. In one family a boy was born, who was named Samson. Since childhood, the Spirit of the Lord descended on Samson, and miracles took place. Samson was very strong, and his strength was in his hair. Therefore, he did not cut his hair, and he had long hair.

One day the enemies came to Samson and tied him up with two new ropes. (At this point, your assistant can tie the hands of one of the children or all the children with a thin thread. Ask the children not to break the thread for now.) But when the bound Samson was led, the Spirit of the Lord fell on him, and he tore the ropes like thin threads. (Now the children can break the thread, imitating Samson.)

One day Samson came to the city of his enemies. All night long the enemies waited for Samson to leave the city in order to seize him. They locked the gate and thought that now Samson would not be able to escape. But the Spirit of the Lord fell on Samson, he pulled out the gate and put it on his shoulders. (You may want to emotionally show the children how Samson did this.) Only in the morning did the Philistines find the gates of their city on the top of the hill. It took many people to bring the gate back to the city. And Samson did it alone, because the Spirit of the Lord was upon him.

REPETITION: Show the children the craft from the previous lesson and remind them of the story of Moses.

DIY: Make a small craft with the children that will look like a city gate. Write "Gate of Gaza" on the door. Tell the children that Gaza is the city where the enemies of the Israelite people, the Philistines, lived.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a prayer.

Lesson 46

Section: Holy Spirit. THE HOLY SPIRIT ON DAVID

PRAYER:“God Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit that you have given us. Holy Spirit, You are always with us, so we can be bold like David and not be afraid of anything. We love You and thank You for everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The golden verse is “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me” (). Let the children make a 'horn of oil' out of the paper strip. Explain to the children that oil is oil that has been pressed from olives. The most important person in the country in ancient times was the king. The king was anointed with oil. This is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. A small piece of paper on which the golden verse is written can be inserted into the "horn" so that children can learn it at home with their parents.


David's parents had a lot of sons - eight. (Have the children point this number on their fingers.) David was the youngest, which means he had seven older brothers.

One day God's prophet Samuel came to their house. Samuel heard the voice of God and did what the Lord told him to do. He came specifically to anoint one of the brothers as king. In ancient times, the prophet poured oil (oil) on the head of a person who was to become a king.

When Samuel saw David's older brother, he thought, “This is the future king! He's tall and strong!" But the Lord told him, "It's not him." Samuel approached the second brother, but the Lord said again, "And it's not him." Samuel approached the seven brothers in turn, but he understood that God had not chosen them to be kings. Dad did not call David, because he was still very young and was tending sheep. When Samuel found out that there was another brother, the youngest, whom they forgot to call, he realized that God did not choose a strong and high one, but one who loved the Lord very much. Samuel poured oil from the horn on David's head, and from that time the Holy Spirit was always on David. Therefore, he was never afraid of anyone: neither a lion, nor a bear, nor Goliath. And the Lord helped him in everything.

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Show the children the Children's Bible and other pictures that show Samuel anointing David to be king.

SCENES: If you have enough boys, you can show a Bible story. Choose the smallest boy as David. Explain to the children at the end that God does not look at our age, height, or strength. It is important to Him that we have a pure heart that loves Him.

REPETITION: Show the children the craft from last lesson and remind them of the story of Samson. You can tie the hands of one of the children with a thin thread so that he shows how Samson broke two new ropes.

THE ENDING: Sing the song and end with a short prayer.

Lesson 47

Section: Holy Spirit. THE HOLY SPIRIT ON JESUS

PRAYER:“God the Father, we thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You that the same Holy Spirit lives in us, which was on Jesus. We thank You for everything. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse for this lesson is “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me” (). Give five children who are not afraid of loud noises balloons containing notes with the words of the golden verse ("Spirit", "Lord", "God", "on me" and ""). Children need to burst the balloons by stepping on them with their feet. After that, unfold the notes and put together a golden verse from the words. Have the children repeat the words of the verse after you several times until they memorize them.


Jesus was thirty years old (show the children on your fingers what thirty years will be). He also worked as a carpenter; carved wood furniture and various objects. He has not yet cured a single person, has not done any miracle. But one day Jesus heard God the Father tell Him to go to the Jordan River. In this river, John baptized all the people. People came to him and asked God for forgiveness for their wrong deeds. As soon as John saw Jesus, he understood that Jesus is the Son of the living God, whom God the Father has sent as the Savior of all people. Therefore, John did not want to baptize Jesus. “Jesus, I need to be baptized by You, not You by me!” But Jesus answered him, "You must baptize Me." Then John baptizes Jesus. As soon as Jesus came out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on Jesus in the form of a dove. And all the people heard a voice from heaven that said, "This is my beloved Son who will do my will." Everyone marveled at Jesus. After that, Jesus performed many miracles and signs by the power of the Holy Spirit.

REPETITION: Show the children the craft from last lesson and ask which of them remembers what the teacher talked about last time.

DIY: Make the Baptism of Jesus craft with the children. Have one of the children (or all of the children take turns) tell the Bible story. Tell the children that the same Holy Spirit is upon us today to help us, sustain us, teach us, and work miracles.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with a prayer that God will fill us more with His Spirit every day and that we will always hear His voice.

Lesson 48

Section: Holy Spirit. HOLY SPIRIT ON 120 STUDENTS

PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for everything You give us. And especially for your Holy Spirit, which you have poured out on us. Help us to be bold and speak about You always and to all people, as the Apostles and your disciples did. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The golden verse is “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me” (). Give the children small cards with one letter on one side and dash(es) of different colors on the other. The first word of the golden verse can be added by laying out three cards in the correct sequence, on which one of the letters of this word is written on one side, and red dashes are drawn on the other side (the first letter is one dash, the second is two and the third is three). The word "Gentlemen" will be written on seven cards, on the reverse side of which there will be blue dashes, etc. Have the children put the golden verse together, repeat it, and try to memorize it if they haven't already.


This story took place shortly after Jesus was crucified and resurrected. In Jerusalem, in the house, in the upper room (that is, on the second floor), the Apostles and disciples gathered. All of them were one hundred and twenty people (several times more than we are here in the room!). They were praying together, when suddenly... Everyone heard a noise that can be heard when a very strong wind blows. Nobody understood. And suddenly everyone saw that flames appeared above the head of everyone present. Someone already wanted to run for water to put out the fire. But soon they realized that this fire does not burn. It was the Holy Spirit whom God the Father sent upon His children. At that moment, all one hundred and twenty people began to pray in other languages ​​that they had not learned before. And all the unbelievers who heard this noise were amazed and glorified God. After that, the disciples preached and spoke about God with power, and were not afraid of anything. God did miracles and healed many sick people.

REPETITION: Recall with the children the story of the last lesson. Let them tell you, and then show them the Baptism of Jesus craft.

DIY: Give the children a piece of paper with a drawing of the praying disciples. Having folded a sheet of red paper several times, cut out fiery tongues. You will get several at once, which the children will glue over the heads of the students. Write "120" at the bottom of the picture.

THE ENDING: End with a prayer and a song of praise.

Lesson 49


PRAYER:“Lord, we thank You for the Holy Spirit, which You have given to all who obey You. We want to be always obedient to You, just like Philip. Help us with this. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: Children continue today to learn the verse “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me” (). Make a set of cards with the word of the golden verse written on one side and a serial number on the back. Have two children hold the thread or string, and have the third child, who knows the numbers, hang the cards on the thread with clothespins in the correct order. Read the verse to the children, and let everyone repeat after you. Now ask the children to “read” on their own.


Once an angel of the Lord told one of Jesus' disciples Philip to go to the desert road leading from Jerusalem. Philip was very surprised: “Lord, I don’t understand why I need to go on this road, which almost no one walks or drives. Maybe I just overheard or I was wrong? No, if the Lord said it, then I must obey Him.” So Philip obeyed and went to the deserted road. He was walking, praising the Lord and praying, when suddenly ... he heard some noise. “Strange,” Philip thought, “what is that noise?” Soon he saw a chariot approaching him. A man was sitting on it and reading something. The Holy Spirit told Philip to come to the chariot, and Philip heard that the eunuch (servant of Queen Candace) was reading the Bible. Philip asked, "Do you understand what you are reading?" “No, I don’t understand anything, but I would really like someone to explain it to me.” Then Philip began to tell him about Jesus and what God had done for every person. The eunuch believed in Jesus and right on the way, when they reached the water, he was baptized in water. When they came out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended on the eunuch, and Philip was transferred by the Angel of the Lord to the city of Azoth, where he preached about Jesus to the inhabitants of this city. The eunuch went home joyful, glorifying God for the Holy Spirit, which descended on him and for the salvation that the Lord had given him.

DIY: Have the children glue matchsticks into the chariot that the eunuch rode on the road from Jerusalem. Make wheels out of cardboard. When they are finished, have the children retell the Bible story from today's lesson.

SCENES: Prepare a scene with the children for today's lesson. Distribute the roles of Philip, Angel, eunuch among the children. Let some child speak the words of the Spirit, hiding from the rest of the children.

THE ENDING: End the lesson with song and prayer.

Lesson 50

Section: Holy Spirit. THE HOLY SPIRIT ON JOHN

PRAYER:“Lord, thank You for Your Word that You have given us, and for the Holy Spirit Who teaches and helps us. Holy Spirit, help us understand everything that is written in the Bible. Teach us as You taught John. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

GOLDEN VERSE: The key verse for this section is found in Isaiah chapter 61, verse one ("The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me"). Make a paper strip puzzle by writing the words of the verse on it and cutting it so that the children can guess which pieces are adjacent.


John, one of Jesus' disciples, lived on the island of Patmos. The emperor sent John there because he preached about Jesus. But John did not stop believing in God and continued to preach to those people who lived on this island. One Sunday John was praying and suddenly he heard a voice behind him. A loud voice said, "I am Alpha and Omega, first and last." John turned around to see who was talking to him and saw Jesus. As soon as he saw the Lord, He fell at His feet as if dead. But Jesus laid His hand on John and said, "Don't be afraid." The Lord said to His faithful disciple, "What you see, write it in a book and send it to the churches." God revealed the future to John and told him what would happen before Jesus returned to earth again. And today we can learn about it from the Bible. Much of what is written in the books of Revelation has already been fulfilled or is now being fulfilled. Therefore, we can be sure that Jesus will soon come to earth again for the second time.

REPETITION: Have the children remember and tell the story they heard in the last lesson.

DIY: Make a small craft with the children that will look like a scroll with a seal. Wrap a sheet of paper several times around the pencil. Glue the thread and print from plasticine to the thread. On the scroll, write the words of the golden verse. At the end of the lesson, remember to remind the children to take their crafts with them.

THE ENDING: Sing a song of praise, pray, and reward the children who have memorized the golden verse.

Easter / Matt. 27:38-66; Matt. 28:1-10

Subject: Jesus died and rose again.

Truth: Jesus died and rose again so that we could live forever.

Purpose: To show that Jesus died for our bad deeds, but God raised Him up so that we could live forever with Him. Learn to thank God for salvation.

Dogma: Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.


1 option:

Outcome: “We shared the good news that each of us had, but do you know the good news that belongs to all nations?” This news is the best news for everyone! It spread very quickly and it is transmitted from century to century - "Christ is risen!"

Option 2:

Guys, would you like to live forever with Jesus in heaven? And how to get there? The teacher shows a rocket folded from paper. Can you fly to the sky on a rocket? To the moon, you can. But the moon is not the sky.

The teacher makes a cross out of a rocket. What is it? Today I will tell you why the cross will help us get to heaven.

Bible story:

  1. Evil people.
  2. Jesus was crucified on the cross.
  3. Jesus asks the Heavenly Father to forgive people's sins.
  4. Women cry at the cross.
  5. Jesus died for our bad deeds.
  6. Joseph placed the body in the coffin.
  7. Guards at the tomb, the stone has been rolled away.
  8. An angel and then Jesus appear to women.
  9. Jesus rose so that we could live forever.

The biblical story is told with the help of a model of Mount Golgotha ​​with 3 rising crosses (the crosses are made of cardboard, lie on the mountain, the lower edge is glued to the mountain, they rise by a thread tied to the upper edge), a garden with a coffin and figurines of people or pictures.


Thanksgiving prayer. Children pray in a chain, thanking God for salvation.

Golden Verse:

“We believe that Jesus died and rose again” 1 Thessalonians 4:14

Memory game: "Echo".

Who knows what an echo is? (If you shout loudly in the mountains: “Katya!” The echo will repeat for a long time: “Katya, Katya, Katya ...”). The news that Jesus died and rose again spread like an echo through the world.

Children with the teacher stand in a circle, holding hands. The teacher says one word at a time from the golden verse, imperceptibly squeezing the child's hand, now to the left, then to the right of him. The child who was shaken by the hand repeats this word, then the next one, and so on until the teacher. In this way, the children echo each word of the golden verse, and then the whole golden verse.

craft "Jesus is alive." With its help, biblical history is repeated.

Homework: verses by heart "Joy", "Our Lord"


- paper rocket

- scissors

- blanks for crafts

- visualization of the Bible story

- poems "Joy", "Our Lord"

- anthem: "Gave us ..."


The joy of resurrection spilled over like a stream:

God gives salvation to those near and far.

The golden sun lit up the distance,

A new song is sung without sorrow.


- Who was crucified as a villain,

To save people?

- Our Lord. He is for the people

Was rejected as a villain.

- Who destroyed the forces of darkness,

So that we live in the light?

- Christ who conquered death.

He brought us happiness!

- Who will return to the world again,

To take the saved to heaven?

Our glorified Christ

The faithful will be delighted with tears.

Gave us

Children's choir sings about Jesus Christ

That the Lord is risen, we proclaim to all.

Easter is our holiday, the holiday of eternal spring.

Gave us this day, Savior, You.