The most beautiful rubaiyat of Eastern poets. Jami: oriental poet, poetry

Abdurrahman Jami- a major Persian-Tajik poet of the classical period, after which the separate development of Persian and Tajik literature began.

GAZELLES (a genre of oriental poetry)
* * * My gaze, seeing the earthly world, is from you. The world is blooming like a garden in spring - from you. May the crescent of the young moon not shine for me. My house is full of bright moon - from you. So you throw the lasso that everyone would like Adopt a fatal cast - from you. Whoever saw you will not hide Not a shield, not a fortress wall - from you. Rosa boasted: I, they say, are her clothes. But the amber spirit is different from you. And your clothes must be torn, To fall, to separate somehow - from you. You say, "What does Jami want from me?" I want only you - from you. * * * What did this sheikh see in the world, hiding in his house, Having renounced human needs, only what he needs for himself? He himself gnawed through the living connection with the world, like an umbilical cord, And like a silkworm, he went into his cocoon - alien to everything. Why, alive among the living, does he run from human anxieties? Getting rid of everyone, where to go from yourself? In what darkness? He is mature, full of strength, has not done worthy deeds. You, as an infidel, do not trust him because ... After all, he did not hear camel bells among the steppe sands. You, listening to his preaching, do not believe even one word. In love with a false external brilliance, he bought a pile of shells, I gave my priceless pearls for them to who knows. Jami, don't ask him about the cup of true love— From that cup he did not even have a chance to drink half a sip. * * * Madrasa has become alien to me, and I do not need khanaka, Maikhana has now become the abode of my prayers. In whirling dhikr, the voices of the dervishes do not draw me, I hasten under the canopy, where nay sounds, where the drunken song is heard. What do you ask me about the sheikhs and their affairs? Here the throat is loud, my friend, and a hundred-tongue is needed. Where is the kravchiy, destroying the vow and violating the prohibition? We will sell piety for a bowl or two wines. Tell me about love! I better than fairy tales haven't heard Under the dome of a wonderland that is full of fairy tales from time immemorial! Burn your wings like a moth, fall at the feet of your candle To ignite hearts, it is lit by the Almighty. But you, Jami, stay away from those who are passionate about external brilliance! Not every shell, friend, contains a pearl. * * * I'm drunk - I kiss the base of the bowl or jug, Among drunkards - small and great - making a libation in the morning, Instead of a rosary of a hundred grains, give me a lollipop - a snack for wine, And do not drag me to fast from the house where the whole century is a walk. Amazed by our love, time has forgotten today About the moth, the candle, the rose and the nightingale of the story. Why should I renew my old acquaintance with you? I am devoid of merit for you, a stranger full of charm! The holy fool is teased by children, for their amusement he scolds, But the stones that you throw at me, I will not deign attention. The day when the maid combed your hair before the wedding Brought unbearable torment for thousands of souls of lovers. Jami, only he is worthy of love who is courageous in heart, like a warrior. So be firm, ready to sacrifice your life without hesitation. * * * Here from your eyes two tears glistened on the roses of your cheeks, Like rain splashes fell on a tulip petal. If you shed a tear, what can I say about myself If tears flow silently down my cheeks like a stream. You really have tears, not just a reflection of mine, That in your eyes I once, as if in a mirror, could see. Wherever your tear fell on the path of the garden - Now a living rose has opened, then a narcissus is a wet flower. Like rare tear-pearls for your ear pendants A jeweler-pupil was strung on curved eyelashes. Amazed by the rare pearl of the bright secret of your love, Jami strung a pearl necklace on a string of lines. * * * A madman, smitten with love for you, lurks in the ruins of any. Before the bright candle of your face, the moon is a night moth. All the grief of Yakub small is equal to a particle of my sorrows, Yusuf blooming beauty is nothing before your beauty. A living heart, a living soul are not given to us for ourselves. Everything that is given to us, we spend on the way to a distant meeting with you. Let me touch your black mole with a daring hand. For a grain of a poor ant, it is a sin to trample under foot. And let our house collapse, thanks to the light of love, That we have an abode of torment on a deaf street of disasters. There is no way for those who have lost their hearts to your joyful city; Dark separation is given to us, and the dust of the ruins is empty. After drinking a sip from the goblet of anguish, Jami lost consciousness; Woe, if the kravchiy will bring him such a full goblet. * * * For the last time, now burn my chest with an iron brand! Perhaps I will drink a healing balm in that burn. And may the soul be forever cleansed of malice and enmity; Will I cleanse my heart and then my old longing? Listen to the prayer of love, come, sultana of beauty, And my grief, and my pain before you, I will pour out. And this heart is the door of the treasury, it was pierced by hundreds of arrows! Pearls on their stings, like tears, I melt from everyone. You save this heart as your treasury. The kings of their treasures must defend the door in battle. As a bird is drawn into a net by the bait of small grain, The soul entered into my flesh, seeing your mole. You are the blood of the heart, O Jami, write a winged gazelle, So that your beloved will listen to you, like a rose to a nightingale. * * * I say: “You rather resurrect Christ through the mouths of people.” Beauty tells me in response: “Stop! You are not worth my affection! I say to her: “Does the nightingale soul fly away from your net?” He says: “Do you know my curls? .. Is there a stronger snare in the world?” I say: “I am the container of troubles. Like a flute, I groan, mourning" He says: "Do you moan or not, your moan does not reach your ears." I say: “The downpour of pain is unbearably cut from the cloud of anguish!” He says: “Well, what about herbs? .. Look! Not poison - the coolness of the rains! I say: “My heart is in the blood. Heal! Shoot this target!" He says: “You can’t even dream of such a balm, foolish one, don’t you dare!” I say: “If you don’t give happiness, then leave at least sadness about you!” He says: “If you tell the truth, you could be more modest in requests!”. “Your secret treasure,” I say, “you could trust the mahram!” “You are not a mahram, Jami,” he says, “go away as soon as possible!” * * * For heavenly beauty, a severe fast is not suitable: Fasting for the moon and for the daylight is not prescribed. Peri, melt before our eyes, and with you - the hearts of lovers. Stop the crime, put up a border post! You and I became thin, like a month on a new moon, From separation I withered, you are as thin as a knitting needle from your post. Because of the thought of you, I err in my prayers. Where is the giaour, where is the holy fast?! It won't fit in my head! Don't worry if you break your fast inadvertently. We fast for you, this sin will be forgiven you! Except for the thought of you, the heart does not eat food. You will not find better ways to fast on earth! Don't expect sweet wines, Jami! Blood and tears are your drink. Difficult post let this bitter water complete! * * * Oh, poor wanderer in the City of Beauty! He will silently emanate with the blood of the heart. I am stricken with disease, and the doctors Do not heal that cruel disease. The lover is a wise book of love. A scribe always miscalculates in love. You won't find anyone like me in the sublunar world. No one like you will not find! Let it make noise on your street Rivals armed rabble - Like a sweet-sounding nightingale, Jami Your spring will sing with dignity. * * * You branches of roses are incomparably more charming. Admire yourself - you are so perfect! What is the use of lying in the dust before you? Above the ground your gaze hovering arrogantly. I hide you from strangers? .. So what? .. To the apple of my eye, don't I know the price? He is near, friend ... In his ignorance In vain we wander through the universe. Heavenly Lion, for me, is by no means a Dog, And for you, I'm just a despicable dog! Jami is your faithful slave. I'm not one of those Whose name is treachery and treason. * * * Who am I - forever lost peace, A humble wanderer on the path of the worldly? But every breath I take creates a flame And sleep runs me through the deaf nights. I cherish in my heart the sowing of sorrow, And I have no other worries. Love for you ruined my fate. Oh, have pity on the ruined fate! Like your curls, my spirit is upset In my soul - all the feelings are scattered. So don't blame me for my actions! Look: I am so insignificant before you. My defense will appear in court Tears in my eyes, my poor face is sick. I am before you - road dust; really Can I confuse your peace with a speck of dust? Be patient, Jami, sigh under the winter cold And know: winter is fierce - before spring. * * * Now you are in my heart, now in my sleepless eyes. That is why I shed blood in tears. You carved your image in my soul And the idols of the past plunged into dust. Passionately the world yearns for you! Like Yusuf, You are glorious beauty in both worlds. You touch the deep strings of the soul, I sob like chang in your gentle hands. "Hey Jami! - you asked, - who did you fall in love with? You know everything yourself, without needing words. * * * On the street wine merchants praised a certain nitpick That exalted husband who drank in the Maikhana, Who renounced forty years of fasting and vigils And for forty days he did not leave the refuge by the wine barrel. Jam had a magic ring, and, gifted with the power of the ring, Both mortals and the realm of the genies, he ruled with full power. Come, pour some wine, O kravchiy, so that with a magic ring Jama We were gifted with drops of moisture, sparkling like barking. When you grabbed the hem of what you have been striving for all your life, Wave your arms like dervishes, spinning until you fall. The soul, free from malice, is able to yearn for the sweet, The flower of sublime sadness did not germinate in every soil. You do not call, oh venerable sheikh, from now on we are to your conversations We now have a different faith, and from now on a different sense has become. If these eyebrows were the mihrab of worship for the faithful,— The whole city would have fallen to its knees and the forehead would have fallen to the floor. Jami is now exalted before the noble and commoner, He shone so brightly in the rays of his beloved virtues. * * * I hope your eyes turn sometimes On those that are forever taken prisoner by you to death. The radiance of your face made me forget That the world was once famous for the radiance of the sun and moon. What is a slender cypress in the garden before your camp? Will reeds be equal with a slender heavenly tuba? If I see anything in the world besides your face, It will not be more burdensome than sin and more unforgivable than guilt. But if you really agree to accept my intercessors Then these tears, like messengers, are now directed towards you. How sad is my every breath, the dawn itself testifies But his testimony is both incorruptible and true. What a fire in Jami's chest, about which he sighs again And sheds inconsolable tears in the middle of the midnight silence? * * * The army of idols is countless, my idol is one, The stars are full, but the moon, revealed through the ether, is alone. How many horsemen are glorified in the armies of the earth, Mine - in its unimaginable beauty - is the only one in the whole world! What to bow to the royal crowns? - One hundred such crowns - Ashes of the road at your door ... And outside the door - a feast. There you rest in a drunken dream, on your lips - wine, - Two rubies are kissed by me, in the heart - the world is one ... The power of love will not endure the mind, having taken the kingdom of the heart! There is no need for a second padishah - my emir is alone. The killing of the most innocent victims is your eternal law. Well, kill! I am more helpless than all, naked and sire, alone. Don't trade the tavern for a bunch of dervishes, Jami! — In the mahalla, love does not differ, as if there is only one clergy! * * * Not to find thinner than you, as you know. Oh, we are insignificant, loving - as you know! Rose! If you step on the beam, it will move from its place, He will swim, ashamed of himself, - as you know ... Chest whiter than silver - hidden in silver Hearts of solid granite - as you know. Chamois pz snare of love sprang back - And freedom will be preserved, as you know! Braids long to toe - the memory of the nets, Rose is the shadow of beloved cheeks, as you know... Shine of the brow is my clear day, curls are night and rest, Black musk is just a hint, as you know! .. Together flesh and spirit is your guest, your Jami is with you, Without you, he is a handful of ashes, as you know! * * * ... With the late rabble you drink rose-colored wine! Our glass vessel with a stone, why are you breaking it? We are peaceful and so humble! Why are you knocking A stone of anger in the door of strife? - Hit and smash! With a top sponge tinted with musk fluff, Those charmers are empty arrogance, you knock down all their lies! Having conquered the Negro army with the army of Rum, you will eat, - You throw the chorus of song-dancers into a shiver, and beat them! Passion will bristle my heart, turning it into a comb, - You comb your curls, you twist with a comb, you whip ... An early breeze ripped open the gates of jasmine ... O Muthrib! Why are you knocking down your hour for chang? Where you, Jami, huddle, - space of holiness - Again, a hut in a narrow place, why are you breaking it? ................................................................
Copyright: poems of Eastern poets

When it comes to Eastern poetry, Omar Khayyam's rubaiyat and Japanese haiku always come to mind first. But the storehouse of oriental poetry is inexhaustible. The East has always known and appreciated the beauty of the word. “The syllable oriental was a model for me…” A. S. Pushkin once wrote. Like Alexander Sergeevich, Eastern poets wrote a lot and fruitfully about the beauty of a woman.

Indian, Persian, Chinese poetry is beautiful and delightful, but the wise and multifaceted Japanese poetry was the creative basis for the intricate tie of Oriental poetry. Over the course of 12 centuries, two of the most famous genres of Japanese poetry were formed - three-line haiku and five-line tanka. In the tradition of Japanese lyric poetry, it is not customary to express feelings openly, they are transmitted through images of wildlife. It is also not customary to admire the external beauty of a woman - here, too, images of a butterfly, a flower, a precious stone are used.

Evening bindweed
I'm captured... Still
I am in oblivion.

And I want to live in autumn
To this butterfly: drinks hastily
Dew from the chrysanthemum.

Oh no ready
I can't find a comparison for you
Three day month!

Oh, how many of them are in the fields!
But everyone blooms in their own way -
This is the highest feat of a flower!

On the road where I'm going
On the slopes of the mountains
Quietly rustling bamboo ...
But apart from my dear wife
It's heavy on my heart...

The rustle of jasper clothes subsided,
Oh how sad I am
Without telling my beloved
What was left at home
A kind word, leaving ...
Kakinomo Hitomaro

Although this evening
I'm not expecting anyone
But my heart trembled
When stirred by the wind
Bamboo curtain.
Ozawa Roan

Seen everything in the world
My eyes - and returned
To you, white chrysanthemums.

Classical Sanskrit poetry was intended for recitation at court poetic tournaments, it focused on a narrow circle of connoisseurs and lovers of virtuoso literature, and obeyed strict literary canons. Its main genres are love, nature, panegyric, fable, fairy tale. One of the fundamental points is the magic of the word (“dhvani”)

Jasmine stuck in the hair,
And the bliss of half-open lips,
And the body that is anointed
Sandalwood mixed with saffron
And the gentle hop of her chest -
Here is paradise with its delights!
Everything else is such a small thing...?

Why should we call the face - the moon,
Or a pair of blue lotuses - eyes,
Ile gold grains - particles,
What is living flesh made of?
Only fools who despised the truth,
Believing the deceitful nonsense of the poets,
Beautiful bodies are served, consisting
Of smooth skin, meat and bones.

Than a beautiful gaze, wound me better than a snake -
Nimble, unsteady, in iridescent sparkling
Elastic curves, with glossy skin
Blue lotus colors. From a snake bite
A good healer will heal
But herbs and mantras are powerless
Against the lightning of wondrous eyes!

You are gentle, anichchama flower, I do not argue, but a lot
More tenderly my beloved touchy.

Sparkles like pearls, the smile of the desired - and similar
With bamboo her golden skin.

Lilies are embarrassed, bowing before the desired:
"Her eyes overshadow us."

The beloved wears flowers with an uncut stem,
And become her burden of flower vibrations.

Unable to distinguish my desired from the moon,
Stars are looking down from above.

So we got to Persian poetry with its star shining through the centuries, an amazing phenomenon in the history of culture not only of peoples Central Asia, but the whole world - Omar Khayyam. The man, known to most as the author of laconic, but elegant in their simplicity, captivating with the imagery and capacity of the rubaiyat, made a significant contribution to the development of physics, mathematics, astronomy, his discoveries have been translated into many languages. But we are now interested in his poems about the beauty of a woman

Rosehip scarlet gentle? You are more tender.
Chinese idol is lush? You are more magnificent.
Is the chess king weak before the queen?
But I, a fool, am weaker in front of you!

In the morning the faces of the tulips are covered with dew,
And violets, when wet, do not shine with beauty.
I like a rose that has not yet blossomed,
Slightly noticeable hem raised her own.

My idol, the potter fashioned you like this,
That before you the moon is ashamed of the spell.
Let others decorate themselves for the holiday.
You have a gift to decorate a holiday with yourself.

To the glow of the moon, beauties of the night,
I will add the warmth given by a candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of cypress,
The murmur of a stream... And your appearance will come out.

I dressed many women in brocade, pearls,
But I could not find the ideal among them.
I asked the wise man: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.
Omar Khayyam


Omar Khayyam

Where are these people, the wisest of our land, now?
They did not find a secret thread at the heart of creation.
How much they talked about the essence of God, -
They shook their beards all their lives - and left without a trace.

The chosen one, by whom the path of knowledge began,
Who jumps thoughts in the sky on Burak,
He drooped his head, knowing his essence,
Like the sky - and crying in confusion.

All who are old and who are young, who now live,
One by one they will be led into the darkness.
Life is not given forever. How they left before us
We will leave; and for us - they will come and go.

Even the brightest minds in the world
Could not disperse the surrounding darkness.
Told us some bedtime stories
And went, wise, to sleep, like us.

For a moment, a moment - and life will flash by ...
Let this moment sparkle with fun!
Beware, for life is the essence of creation,
As you spend it, so it will pass.


As long as I stand before you
you swear that it was given to you by fate,
and I’m leaving - you won’t even look after ...
I mistook your false brilliance for light.

But a veil fell from my eyes,
and now I can see your soul.

I see: there is not a penny of truth in it.
Your love is words, and vows are lies.

Oh how you laugh at me evilly
when you say that you are faithful to me alone!

That's enough! Arrows pierce my chest
carrying honey and poison at the same time.

Classical oriental poetry

He is the husband of another beauty,
and you are the wife of another,
And I - two banks, like a bridge,
ready to connect.
I put all my strength
for the meeting to take place
Now, oh my lotus, destiny
left to trust.

Preparing for a secret meeting with him,
decorate yourself well
And remember: hesitation, fear
we are inevitably destroyed.

Go with hope, because you
I handed over the right key, -
There is no one who would not want

At the hour of the first merger, the first caresses
God Kamadeva is hungry and greedy, -
Be restrained - do not crush in a hurry
the sweetest of wonderful grapes.
Do not be greedy, having mastered the bashful,
subdue your tormenting flame, -
The worthy better die of hunger,
than to eat with both hands.

O Krishna! Of course you are very wise
and should know no worse than others,
How scared the young elephant
smell the driver's rod for the first time.

She decided to meet you
only after much begging and exhortation,
So try to please my dear -
She will immediately become closer and more desirable.

Persistently do not force love,
only rude ignoramuses do that,
She is gentle - do not hurt her soul,
in a fit of passion, do not tear your clothes.

Enjoy with her only until then,
while your onslaught endures favorably,
But step back, as soon as you notice
that looks displeased, tired.

And don't grab your hands in a hurry,
seeing that she was ready to leave, -
So the demon Rahu, vomiting the moon,
she is not immediately swallowed again.

He is an incomparable lover, you are also full of fire,
Let the jasmine of love bloom more magnificent every day.
Merchants in the city gathered at the marketplace of love,
Set a higher price for them - and do not sell cheap.

Krishna himself is your buyer, and the deal is not bad,
Do not call him an ignoramus, mistaking him for a shepherd.

You will be at a loss, do not be angry: he is more glorious than glorious,
Among the shepherds he has sixteen thousand wives.

And do not be embarrassed that he is hundreds of times taller than you:
The god of love will spread a bed - and equalize you.

Decorate your hair first
and put a mark on your forehead,
And then lift your eyes
give them life.
Appear to him, to the very heels
wrapped in fabric
And to make him crave more,
Stand up a little further.

First, my soul, be ashamed -
just look askance
And flashes of evil eyes
awaken a flame in it.

Half your chest
so that part is visible
Take care that your camp is tighter
clothes fit.

Frown - but then for a moment
and show joy
Be restrained so that again and again
he was waiting for your love.

What good advice
do you need?..
God of love himself, let him be henceforth
your mentor!

Abu Abdullo Rudaki

Yes, that's right: our world is not fair to the sage.
Do not expect good things from the world, but be hardworking.
Take and give, then that one is happy
Who took and gave, having accumulated wealth.

My desired flower, thin-skinned idol,
Oh, where is your long-awaited drink drunk?
He breathes cool. You make me happy
The intoxicating joy of an unspeakable winter.

Things without knowing the true price,
Are you created by God for war?
Listen, owner short life,
Do you need battles?

For the right to look at her, I gave my heart on the cheap.
The kiss was not dear either: I handed my life over to the merchant.
However, if my cheat is destined to become a merchant,
Then a dexterous merchant will immediately take away my life for a kiss!

The beauty of resinous, curly curls
From crimson roses it seems more tender.
Each knot contains a thousand hearts,
In each curl - a thousand sorrows.

Classical Japanese poetry

Songs of Yamato! You grow from one seed, the heart, and expand into myriads of speech petals - into myriads of words.

The people who live in this world are entangled in a dense thicket of worldly affairs; and whatever lies on their hearts, they all say in connection with what they hear and what they see.

Without any effort it moves heaven and earth; captivates even gods and demons invisible to our eyes; refines the union of men and women; softens the heart of stern warriors... Such is the song.

Ki no Tsurayuki
From the preface to the collection "Kokinshu"


Where are you, cuckoo?
Remember, the plums began to bloom,
Only spring died.

In a hut rebuilt after a fire

I hear the hailstones rattling.
I'm the only one who hasn't changed here
Like this old oak.
translator: V. Markova

Willow bowed and sleeps,
And it seems to me, a nightingale on a branch -
This is her soul
translator: V. Markova

Only the breeze dies -
Willow branch to branch
Butterfly flutters.
translator: V. Markova

How enviable is their fate!
North of the busy world
Cherry blossoms in the mountains.
translator: V. Markova

Are you also one of those
Who does not sleep is intoxicated with flowers,
About mice in the attic?

Rain in the mulberry grove rustles ...
On the ground barely moving
Sick silkworm.

Still on the edge of the skate
The sun is burning over the roof.
The evening is chilly.

Closed her mouth tightly
sea ​​shell.
Unbearable heat!
translator: V. Markova

Chrysanthemums in the fields
They already say forget it
Hot Carnation Days!

Masaoka Shiki. Haiku

Masaoka Shiki (Shiki), 1867-1902

It was Shiki who introduced the term "haiku", there "officially" separating the art of single verses from the art of rengi (the latter was no longer as popular as in Basho's time). In haiku poetry, Shiki founded new school(it is believed that he simply revived this genre, which also began to decline). Shiki proclaimed the principle of "objectivity" as fundamental: images for haiku should be taken from real life experience, and not from one's own imagination; the figure of the observer-poet himself, his judgments, personally invented epithets - all this, if possible, was now removed from the frame. It was Shiki who glorified Buson as a poet, opposing the "more objective" Buson the artist to the "subjective" Basho the monk. Shiki suffered from illnesses almost all his life, and for the last seven years he was chained to
bed. He died quite early, at the age of 35 (from tuberculosis), but he left behind a new school of haiku and a new school of tanka, which in general is not so little...

Killed the spider
And it got so lonely
In the cold of the night

mountain village -
From under the snowdrifts comes
The murmur of water

Mountains in spring
Looking from behind the other
From all sides

Pears in bloom...
And from home after the battle
Only ruins

iris flower
Almost withered -
spring twilight

Summer on the river
Near the bridge, but my horse

I peel a pear -
drops of sweet juice
Crawling on the edge of a knife

You're staying,
I'm leaving - two different
Autumn for us

Kobayashi Issa. Haiku

Kobayashi Issa, 1762-1826.

Issa, unlike Basho and Buson, came from a poor peasant family. He also traveled a lot, but in his life there was more suffering and struggle than contemplation. Life with a stepmother as a child, poverty, the death of two wives and several children - all this
strongly affected his poetry. Issa has many verses about the smallest and most insignificant creatures - flies, snails, lice. Nevertheless, in his poems about these "smaller brothers" there is not just pathetic pity, but sympathy and enthusiasm, turning into a call to protest against life's hardships and despair.

Snow melted -
And the whole village is full around
Noisy kids.

Ah, don't trample the grass!
There were fireflies
Yesterday at night.

Here comes the moon
And the smallest bush
Invited to the feast.

Oh with what sadness
The bird looks out of the cage
To the flight of the moth!

Our life is a dewdrop.
Let only a drop of dew
Our life is still...

Quietly creep,
Snail, down the slope of Fuji
Up to the very heights!

Buddha up!
The swallow flew out
From his nostrils.

Oh, don't hit the fly!
Her hands are shaking...
Her legs are trembling...

Oh what a shame I am
Listen while lying in the shade
Rice Planting Song!

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Crying is not the time, but the time to say goodbye.
Quietly say, smiling: "Goodbye!"
No return, no former happiness
you don't promise me out of pity.
Will invocative speeches help,
if the soul does not answer the call?
Our farewell is more reliable than a meeting,
Our silence is truer than words.

Mournful music, dreary song
to see off Don't stand on the threshold.
Soon you will be happy again.
Is it worth it to cry, saying goodbye to me?

Kazi Nazrul Islam (Beng.) (1899-1976)
- Bengali poet, musician, philosopher.

The lover is blind. But passion is a visible trace
He leads him where there is no way for the sighted.

Outside of passion, we cannot find consolation,
There is only bile and darkness of black troubles.

With a dirty floor they do not go to love.
Lovers have many signs.

Through madness goes their way.
And there is no place for imitators.

After all, when you love and are loved,
You gain light of both worlds.

Leave the dungeon of the word "I" as soon as possible,
You will say: "We" - and the dawn will bloom.

Beautiful rest on your way
But you will also taste the bitter color of torment.

Be righteous, if you can, Nizami.
For the heart, a torch is the light of righteousness.
Ganjavi. (1141–presumed 1204)
- Azerbaijani poet, thinker.

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Beware of inflicting wounds
The soul that keeps and loves you.
She hurts a lot more.
And, having forgiven everything, he will understand and not condemn.

Taking all the pain and bitterness from you,
Will resignedly remain in torment.
You will not hear insolence in words.
You will not see the evil tear of sparkling.

Beware of inflicting wounds
To those who will not answer with brute force.
And who can't heal the scars.
Who will dutifully meet your blow.

Beware of cruel wounds yourself,
that inflicts on your soul
The one who keeps you as a talisman,
But whoever in his soul does not carry you.

We are so cruel to those who are vulnerable.
Helpless for those we love.
We keep traces of countless wounds,
Which we will forgive ... but we will not forget !!!
Omar Khayyam

Rudaki ran his hand along the strings,
He sang about a dear friend.

The ruby ​​of wine is a molten ruby.
But a ruby ​​is similar to lips.

One fundamental principle was given to them:
One hardened, the other melted.

Barely touched - burned his hand,
Barely sipped - lost his peace.
Rudaki (around 860),
father of Persian poetry
Translation by S. Lipkin

I went to the sage and asked him:
"What is love? He said "Nothing"
But I know a lot of books have been written:
Eternity is written by some, while others - as a moment ...
It will scorch with fire, then it will melt like snow,
What is love? "It's all man!"
And then I looked him straight in the face,
How can I understand you? "Nothing or everything?"
He said with a smile: "You yourself gave the answer!:
"Nothing or everything!" - there is no middle ground here!
Omar Khayyam

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