The drama of the Ostrovsky thunderstorm is a summary of the actions.  A.N. Ostrovsky

The action of the play takes place in a fictional city on the Volga - Kalinov (). In the very first act, one can see a gloomy picture of the manners and life in this place: the rich merchant Dikoi scolds his nephew Boris, who arrived from Moscow, the local intellectual Kuligin delivers his main monologue about the cruel customs in the city (here on this topic). And, of course, the appearance of the wealthy widow of the merchant Kabanikhi, her son Tikhon and his wife Katerina takes place here.

Varvara - daughter of Kabanikhi - main character Katerina (here is her) opens her soul. We immediately notice her dreaminess and sincerity thanks to the monologue "Why don't people fly like birds?". The girl also talks about life in her parents' house, and with the naked eye it is clear that Katerina suffers in marriage. She is not comfortable with a husband who does not object to her mother and an ignorant mother-in-law. The husband does not protect his wife from the attacks of his mother, but goes to rest in a tavern. In addition, in the process of talking with Varvara, Katerina reveals her secret to her and confesses her feelings for Boris, Diky's nephew from Moscow.

A well-constructed plot is interrupted by an old merchant's wife with threats (here is her). And now it's time for the first thunderstorm.

Act II

The second act of the play is opened by the worker Glasha and the wanderer Feklusha, who tells fables. In the meantime, Tikhon says goodbye to his mother and wife and leaves for a while, and Kabanikha does not waste time in vain - he only does what he teaches and reproaches. She makes her daughter-in-law cry and wail in public to prove that she loves her husband. Katerina reluctantly complies.

Penetrating to Katerina, Varvara (her characteristic) gives her the key to the gate so that she can meet with Boris at night. However, Katerina doubts the necessity and correctness of this undertaking. We must not forget that the heroine is very God-fearing, and marriage is not an empty phrase for her, so it is not so easy for her to agree to such meetings.


If at the beginning of the play Kuligin (his characterization) nevertheless talked about the beauty of nature, then closer to the key moment, the patriarchal merchants of the city come to the fore, and in a conversation with Boris Kuligin utters his second monologue “That's what, sir, we have a little town!” . There he denounces the old-timers of the city and their vices: tyranny, greed and malevolence (their collective image).

Boris tells Kudryash about Katerina and her "angelic smile", and notes that when she prays, "it seems to glow from her face."

And Varvara had already invited Boris on a date with Katerina, and by the end of the third act of the drama, the meeting of the heroes had already taken place.

Action IV

Ten days have passed. Kuligin tells Dikoy about his desire to make a clock and a lightning rod for the city, but Dikoy is only indignant at his suggestion. He believes that lightning and thunderstorms are the consequences of the fact that Elijah the Prophet rides across the sky in a chariot. Kuligin objects that this is electricity.

Tikhon returns, and Katerina finds no place for herself because of her betrayal. Varvara even decides to tell Boris about Katerina's experiences. Simultaneously with the culmination of the drama in Kalinov, a thunderstorm comes again.

And on the boulevard, Katerina still can’t stand it and admits Tikhon to treason, and she does it in the presence of Kabanikha, who, unlike her son, is not capable of forgiveness.

Action V

Toward the end of the play, Tikhon opens up to readers. He frankly feels sorry for his wife, he even admits to Kuligin that he himself loves her very much and is killed looking at her. But it is too difficult for him to resist his mother.

Katerina comes to Boris, but on the orders of his uncle, he leaves far to Siberia. The girl asks Boris to take her with him, but he refuses her, fearing the wrath of his uncle. So, Katerina finds herself in complete despair: she does not know where to go, because there is no way home. So she comes to the decision that she will be better off in the grave.

An active search for Katerina begins, and the news is announced that “The woman threw herself into the water!”. The reader understands that Katerina could not stand such a state, and really preferred death. Tikhon was sitting next to his dead wife and, as if not believing what was happening, had already managed to rebuff his mother, claiming that it was she who killed her. It is amazing that Tikhon even envied Katerina, not understanding why he “remained to live in the world and suffer?”

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, is a young man of decent education.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), a wealthy merchant's wife, widow.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son.

Catherine, his wife.

Barbara, Tikhon's sister.

Kuligin, a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker looking for a perpetuum mobile.

Vanya Kudryash, a young man, Dikov's clerk.

Shapkin, tradesman.

Feklusha, stranger.

Glasha, the girl in Kabanova's house.

A lady with two lackeys, an old woman of 70, half crazy.

City dwellers of both sexes.

The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, on the banks of the Volga, in the summer.

Ten days elapse between the third and fourth acts.

Act one

A public garden on the high bank of the Volga, a rural view beyond the Volga. There are two benches and several bushes on the stage.

The first phenomenon

Kuligin sits on a bench and looks across the river. Kudryash and Shapkin are walking.

Kuligin (sings). “In the midst of a flat valley, at a smooth height…” (Stops singing.) Miracles, truly it must be said, miracles! Curly! Here, my brother, for fifty years I have been looking beyond the Volga every day and I can’t see enough.

Curly. And what?

Kuligin. The view is extraordinary! Beauty! The soul rejoices.

Curly. Wow!

Kuligin. Delight! And you: "nothing!" You took a closer look, or you don’t understand what beauty is spilled in nature.

Curly. Well, what's the deal with you! You are an antique, a chemist!

Kuligin. Mechanic, self-taught mechanic.

Curly. All the same.


Kuligin (pointing to the side). Look, brother Curly, who is waving his arms like that?

Curly. This? This is Dikoy scolding his nephew.

Kuligin. Found a place!

Curly. He has a place everywhere. Afraid of what, he of whom! He got Boris Grigoryevich as a sacrifice, so he rides on it.

Shapkin. Look for such and such a scolder as Savel Prokofich among us! Will cut off a person for nothing.

Curly. A poignant man!

Shapkin. Good, too, and Kabanikha.

Curly. Well, yes, at least that one, at least, is all under the guise of piety, but this one, as if off the chain!

Shapkin. There is no one to take him down, so he is fighting!

Curly. We don’t have many guys like me, otherwise we would wean him to be naughty.

Shapkin. What would you do?

Curly. They would have done well.

Shapkin. Like this?

Curly. Four of them, five of them in an alley somewhere would talk to him face to face, so he would become silk. And about our science, I wouldn’t utter a word to anyone, if only I would walk and look around.

Shapkin. No wonder he wanted to give you to the soldiers.

Curly. I wanted to, but I didn’t give it away, so it’s all one thing. He will not give me away, he smells with his nose that I will not sell my head cheaply. He's scary to you, but I know how to talk to him.

Shapkin. Oy!

Curly. What's here: oh! I am considered a brute; why is he holding me? So, he needs me. Well, that means I'm not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.

Shapkin. Like he doesn't scold you?

Curly. How not to scold! He can't breathe without it. Yes, I don’t let it go either: he is the word, and I am ten; spit, and go. No, I will not be a slave to him.

Kuligin. With him, that eh, an example to take! It's better to be patient.

Curly. Well, now, if you are smart, then you should learn it before courtesy, and then teach us! It’s a pity that his daughters are teenagers, there aren’t any big ones.

Shapkin. What would it be?

Curly. I would respect him. It hurts dashing for girls!

Pass Dikoy and Boris. Kuligin takes off his hat.

Shapkin (curly). Let's go to the side: it will still be attached, perhaps.


The second phenomenon

The same, Dikoy and Boris.

wild. Buckwheat, you came here to beat! Parasite! Get lost!

Boris. Holiday; what to do at home!

wild. Find the job you want. Once I told you, twice I said to you: “Do not dare to meet me”; you get it all! Is there enough space for you? Wherever you go, here you are! Pah you damned! Why are you standing like a pillar! Are you being told al no?

Boris. I'm listening, what else can I do!

wild (looking at Boris). You failed! I don't even want to talk to you, to the Jesuit. (Leaving.) Here it is imposed! (Spits and leaves.)

The third phenomenon

Kuligin, Boris, Kudryash and Shapkin.

Kuligin. What is your business with him, sir? We will never understand. You want to live with him and endure abuse.

Boris. What a hunt, Kuligin! Captivity.

Kuligin. But what a bondage, sir, let me ask you. If you can, sir, tell us so.

Boris. Why not say? Did you know our grandmother, Anfisa Mikhailovna?

Kuligin. Well, how not to know!

Boris. After all, she disliked the father because he married a noble woman. On this occasion, father and mother lived in Moscow. Mother said that for three days she could not get along with her relatives, it seemed very wild to her.

Kuligin. Still not wild! What to say! You must have a great habit, sir.

Boris. Our parents raised us well in Moscow, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, and my sister was sent to a boarding school, but both suddenly died of cholera; my sister and I were left orphans. Then we hear that my grandmother also died here and left a will so that our uncle would pay us the part that should be when we come of age, only with a condition.

Kuligin. With what, sir?

Boris. If we are respectful to him.

Kuligin. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance.

Boris. No, that's not enough, Kuligin! He first breaks down on us, scolds us in every possible way, as his soul pleases, but all the same ends up giving us nothing or just a little. Moreover, he will begin to tell that he gave out of mercy, that this should not have been.

Curly. This is such an institution in our merchant class. Again, even if you were respectful to him, who would forbid him to say something that you are disrespectful?

Boris. Well, yes. Even now he sometimes says: “I have my own children, for which I will give money to strangers? Through this, I must offend my own!

Kuligin. So, sir, your business is bad.

Boris. If I were alone, it would be nothing! I would drop everything and leave. And I'm sorry sister. He used to write her out, but mother's relatives did not let her in, they wrote that she was sick. What would her life here be - and it's scary to imagine.

Curly. Of course. Do they understand something?

Kuligin. How do you live with him, sir, in what position?

Boris. Yes, on no one: “Live, he says, with me, do what you are ordered, and I’ll pay what I put.” That is, in a year he will count as he pleases.

Curly. He has such an establishment. With us, no one even dare to utter a word about salaries, they will scold what the world is worth. “You, he says, how do you know what I have in mind? Somehow you can know my soul! Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that five thousand ladies will be given to you. So you talk to him! Only he had never in his entire life come to such and such an arrangement.

We present for you summary plays from school curriculum Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" to get acquainted with the main storylines.

The action of the play takes place in the fictitious county town of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga.

Action 1

Merchant Dikoy, a tyrant, vicious and greedy, scolds his nephew Boris in front of the inhabitants of the city. Wild is the only relative of Boris and his sister, and by agreement he will write off his property to them if they are obedient and obliging in everything.

When Dikoi leaves, Boris confesses to his acquaintances Kuligin and Kudryash that it is difficult for him to live in the city of Kalinovo, since he does not understand the local traditions at all.

Kuligin is convinced that an honest deal will not bring profit here. He dreams that he will invent something useful for mankind, for example, a lightning rod. The wanderer Feklusha, passing by, assures everyone that their city is the promised land.

Boris is clearly aware that dreams of inventing mechanisms are unrealizable. He also understands that he does not want to spend all his youth in this godforsaken place.

Alone with himself, Boris recalls the girl he fell in love with - Ekaterina Kabanova. The trouble is, she's married.

Katerina appears, her husband Tikhon, his mother the merchant Kabanova and sister Varvara. The mother reproaches Tikhon that he is tired of her, that his wife is more important to him, that he will soon forget about respect for her. Tikhon is tired of these moralizing, but he continues to humiliate himself in front of his mother. Katerina also convinces her mother-in-law of the opposite. But Kabanikha frankly regrets that her son is a mumbler and his wife will not be afraid of such a husband. These are her views on what a family should be.

Tikhon reluctantly agrees with her. When she leaves, she complains about her life and, in frustration, goes to drink with Diky.

Varvara and Katerina are frank with each other. Katerina recalls her childhood and youth, how happy she was, admits that she no longer loves her husband, that she feels the closeness of the end of her life.

Varvara, wanting to calm Katerina, hints at her connection with Boris.

A mad lady appears on the square, screaming that beauty is pulling into the whirlpool. The old woman's words alarmed Katerina. Subsequently, they proved to be prophetic.

Kabanov returns, and the family goes home.

Action 2

Tikhon needs to go to another city for two weeks. The family will have a farewell ceremony, which is led by Kabanikha. Kabanov repeats after his mother instructions for his wife: do not argue, honor your mother-in-law as your mother, do not sit idle, do not look at the guys. These words humiliate both Tikhon and his wife. Katya is haunted by a premonition of an approaching tragedy. She begs her husband not to leave or take her with him. But he firmly decided to take a walk in the wild, breaking out from under the yoke of his mother.

Katerina hugs her husband goodbye, but Kabanova makes her bow at his feet. The mother-in-law complains that modern youth has completely forgotten about the rules and traditions of life in their county town. She scolds Katya for not crying about her husband's departure. The merchant's wife is glad that there is an older generation in the house who will teach how to live.

Lonely Katerina is alarmed by the silence. She is bored. Throws about children, about self-realization in some work.

Varya goes for an evening walk and quietly tells Katya that she did not close the gate, hinting to her that she might meet Boris. The girl doubts, she wants to remain a faithful wife.

Boris also understands the immorality of his feelings for a married woman, but wants to see her.

Action 3

For the elderly, the house of the Kabanikhi is a paradise, only here all the ancient customs are observed. Moscow for them is a sinful city that makes people unhappy.

Wild appears. He is drunk and wants to talk heart to heart. He complains that everyone wants money from him, that he is very unhappy with his nephew. Boris comes up to the house looking for his uncle. He and Kuligin see Varya and Kudryash kissing. The girl hints to Boris that Katerina is waiting for him at the ravine.

Lovers meet, confess their feelings to each other, make a new meeting.

Action 4

10 days have passed. Tikhon returns.

People are walking in the town square. You can see how a thunderstorm is moving towards the city. Dikoy scolds Kuligin for his stupid, in his opinion, desire to invent a lightning rod.

The crowd disperses. The stage is empty. Thunder boomed.

Katerina is thoughtful and sad. Tikhon, seeing that something terrible is happening to his wife, asks her to tell about everything. Boris comes up to them, bows. Katya turns pale and almost faints. Varya gestures for Boris to leave, fearing that everything might be revealed to her mother.

People are excitedly discussing the approaching storm. Katya whispers to Tikhon that this element will destroy her. Nobody understands her condition. Varya offers to pray, and Kabanov calls his wife home.

The mad Lady shouts, turning to Katerina, that there is no escape from God, that it is time to go to the pool. The girl, in a fit of madness, confesses everything to her husband and mother-in-law - while her husband was gone for a week and a half, she walked with Boris.

Action 5

Tikhon admits to Kuligin that he could have forgiven Katerina if not for his mother's teachings. He believes that his mother is partly to blame for Katya's betrayal - she ate her with food. The family finally breaks up. Varvara escapes with Kudryash.

Katerina disappears, everyone rushes to look for her.

Katya is alone on the river bank. She is sure that she killed her lover along with her. She calls Boris, he comes to her call. He consoles her, but says that he is forced to go to Siberia and cannot take her with him. Katya asks him to pray for her. When Boris leaves, she throws herself into the river.

Action 1

Public garden on the banks of the Volga.

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kudryash and Shapkin are walking. Kuligin admires the Volga. They hear Dikoy scolding his nephew in the distance. Discuss it. Kudryash says that Boris Grigoryevich complains1 about the obedience of the townsfolk, that there is no one Diky in a dark alley. Shapkin notices that except, which does the same, but under the guise of piety. He adds that it was not without reason that Dikoy wanted to give Kudryash to the soldiers. Curly replies that Dikoy is afraid of him, because he understands that he has his own head. He regrets that Diky does not have adult daughters, otherwise he would be his.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy and Boris appear. Dikoi scolds Boris, he obediently listens, Dikoi leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells the audience about his family and domestic circumstances. Boris's grandmother (Dikoy's mother and Boris's father) took a dislike to him for marrying. The daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law did not get along, as the daughter-in-law. They moved to Moscow, where they raised their children, without denying them anything. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister went to a boarding school. The parents died of cholera. The grandmother in the city of Kalinovo also died, leaving her grandchildren an inheritance that their uncle must pay them when they come of age, but only on the condition that they will be respectful to him. Kuligin notices that neither Boris nor his sister will see the inheritance, since nothing will prevent Diky from saying that they were disrespectful. Boris does, but does not receive a salary - they will settle it at the end of the year, as the Wild will please. All the households are afraid of Wild - he scolds everyone, but no one dares to answer him. Kudryash recalls how Dikoy was scolded by the hussars on the ferry, to whom he could not answer the same, and how then Dikoy took out his anger for several days at home. Boris says that he can't get used to the local order. Kuligin replies: Kuligin recalls that Dikoy answered the mayor when he came to him on complaints from workers that they were counted incorrectly:
Feklusha appears with another woman. Feklusha says that around, that blesses, and especially. Do go.
Kuligin says about Kabanikh that she,. Then he adds that for the general good he is looking for a perpetuum mobile (perpetual motion machine), wondering where to get money for models.

Phenomenon 4

Boris (one) says about Kuligin that he good man- . He grieves that he will have to ruin his youth in this wilderness, what.

Phenomenon 5

Katerina, Varvara, Tikhon and Kabanikha appear. The boar saws his son, that his wife is dearer to him than his mother, that he should try his mother-in-law. Tikhon tries to dissuade her. Katerina enters into a conversation, but Kabanikha cuts her off, complaining about Tikhon that he does not keep his wife in fear. Tikhon answers:. Kabanova reproaches her son for what he is. He replies: Kabanova notices that if the wife is not kept in fear, she can have a lover.

Phenomenon 6

Tikhon reproaches Katerina that he always gets it from his mother because of her. Left unattended by his mother, Tikhon wants to go to Diky for a drink. Leaves.

Phenomenon 7

Katerina and Varvara remain alone.

Katerina! Katerina recalls the time when she lived with her parents - she went for water, watered flowers, then went to church with wanderers and pilgrims - She had extraordinary dreams in which they sang, smelled of cypress, etc. Katerina tells Varvara that she has the feeling that she is standing in front of an abyss, smelling trouble. She confesses that she has sin on her mind. Varvara says that after Tikhon's departure, he will think of something. Katherine screams:

Phenomenon 8

A half-mad lady appears with two lackeys, shouting that beauty leads to the abyss, to the pool, points to the Volga, threatens with fiery hell.

Phenomenon 9

Catherine is scared. Varvara reassures her, says that she is a lady. Thunderstorm, it starts to rain. Katerina gets scared, she and Varvara run away.
Action 2

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha and Glasha are talking. Glasha says that, she asks, what would they not live in the world. Feklusha replies that it is impossible in the world without sin, says that sin follows her -g- loves. Says that. Tells that there are countries where. Feklusha leaves, Glasha speaks approvingly of the wanderers who tell about everything.

Phenomenon 2

Katerina tells Varvara about how she was offended by something in her childhood and she ran out to the Volga, got into a boat, and in the morning they found her ten miles away. Then he confesses to Varvara that he loves Boris. Varvara says that he also likes Katerina, only it's a pity to see him nowhere. Katerina is frightened, screaming that she will not exchange her Tisha for anyone. Varvara argues with her what can be done. Katerina assures her that if she gets sick of life here, nothing will hold her back - she will either throw herself out the window, or in the Volga Varvara says that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she calls Katerina with her.

Phenomenon 3

Enter Kabanikha and Tikhon, who is getting ready to go. Kaba-nikha tells him to order his wife how to live without him, then she herself pronounces instructions, Tikhon repeats after her. He leaves with Barbara.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina asks Tikhon not to leave. He replies: Katerina asks then to take her with him. Tikhon refuses, explaining that he needs a break from scandals and all the household. Katerina begs her husband to take a terrible oath from her, falls on her knees before him, he picks her up, does not listen, says that it is a sin.

Phenomenon 5

Kabanikha, Varvara and Glasha arrive. Tikhon leaves, Katerina says goodbye to him, Kabanova makes her bow to her husband at the feet,.

Phenomenon 6

The boar is alone. Complains about the fact that antiquity is being deduced, that there is no longer the former respect for the elderly. Young people, in her opinion, do not know how, and still want to live by their own will.

Phenomenon 7

Kabanikha reproaches Katerina for not saying goodbye to her husband, as it should be. . Katerina replies that she does not know how and does not want to make people laugh.

Phenomenon 8

Katerina, alone, laments the fact that she has no children. She regrets that she did not die in childhood, then she would fly like a butterfly from flower to flower, etc. She is going to wait for Tikhon.

Phenomenon 9

Varvara tells Katerina that she took time off to sleep in the garden, where there is a gate, the key to which Kabanikha usually hides, then adds that she took this key away, and put another one in its place. Gives this key to Katherine. Katerina shouts: but she takes the key.

Event 10

Katerina, alone, argues with herself, holding the key in her hand, wants to throw it away, but then hides it in her pocket. Decides to see Boris, and there.
Action 3

Street at the gates of the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha tells Kabanikhe that the last times have come, that in other cities: noise, running around, incessant driving. He says that in Moscow everyone is in a hurry, that and so on. Kabanova agrees with Feklusha, declares that she will never go there for anything.

Phenomenon 2

Wild appears. Kabanova asks why he wanders so late. Wild is drunk, arguing with Kabanikha, she rebuffs him. Wild asks her forgiveness, explains that he was angry in the morning: the workers began to demand payment of the money due to them. . He complains about his temper, which brings him to the point that then he has to ask for forgiveness. Wild leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells Glasha that he was sent for Diky from home. He sighs that he cannot see Katerina in any way. Kuli-gin appears, admires the weather, beautiful places, then adds what, what. The poor have no time to walk, and the rich sit behind closed gates, the dogs guard the house so that no one sees how they rob orphans, relatives, nephews. Curly and Varvara appear and kiss. Curly leaves, followed by Kuligin.

Phenomenon 4

Varvara makes an appointment for Boris in the ravine behind the Kabanovs' garden.

Night, the ravine behind the Kabanovs' garden.

Phenomenon 1

Kudryash plays the guitar and sings a song about a free Cossack.

Phenomenon 2

Boris appears. Argues with Kudryash over a place for a date. Then he tells Kudryash that he loves a married woman who, when she prays in church, looks like an angel. Curly guesses what it is, says what, notices what.

Phenomenon 3

Varvara arrives, she and Kudryash go for a walk. Boris and Katerina remain alone. Katerina: She blames Boris for ruining her, she is afraid of the future. Boris urges her not to think about the future,. Katerina confesses that she loves Boris.

Event 4-5

Kudryash and Varvara come, wondering if the lovers have coped. Those answer in the affirmative, are removed. Curly speaks with praise of the idea of ​​climbing through the garden gate. After a while, Boris and Katerina return. Having agreed on a new date, everyone disperses.
Action 4

A narrow gallery of a building that began to collapse, on the walls of which scenes of the Last Judgment are depicted.

Phenomenon 1

It is raining, the walkers run into the gallery, discussing the images on the walls.

Phenomenon 2

Kuligin and Dikoy appear. Kuligin is trying to persuade Wild to donate money to install a sundial on the boulevard. He scolds Kuligin, tries to get rid of him, says:. Kuligin explains to Diky that it is necessary to install several lightning rods in the city. Dikoy shouts that the thunderstorm is the punishment of the Lord, and no one, calls Kuligin an atheist and a Tatar. Kuligin leaves with nothing, muttering to himself that he must submit, and promising that they will talk when he has a million. The rain is ending.

Phenomenon 3

Boris and Varvara are discussing last news Tikhon arrived. Varvara reports that Katerina has become not herself,. Barbara is afraid that she is. The storm starts again.

Phenomenon 4

Kabanikha, Tikhon, Katerina and Kuligin appear.


Beginning of the 19th century. The city of Kalinov, standing on the steep bank of the Volga.

In the first act of the play, the reader sees a public city garden. Here the clerk of the merchant Wild Kudryash, the self-taught mechanic Kuligin and the tradesman Shapkin are talking to each other. We are talking about the character of the Wild - wayward, cruel and merciless. Boris immediately appears, having arrived in Kalinov from Moscow. His parents died, and he came to Diky to receive from him his share of the inheritance left by Boris's grandmother. Only the will has one condition - the inheritance will go to Boris if he behaves respectfully towards Wild. Kudryash, Kuligin and Shapkin tell Boris that in this case he will never receive any inheritance.

The wanderer Feklusha appears in the garden, who praises Kalinov and especially the Kabanovs' house. Kuligin explains to him that Kabanova is a rich merchant's wife who never forgets to give to the poor, but does not give her family any life. At this time, Kabanova herself enters. Her son Tikhon, daughter Varvara and Tikhon's wife Katerina are with her. She scolds them for something, and then leaves, allowing them to walk on the river bank. Varvara allows Tikhon to go on a visit, while she herself stays with Katerina and starts a conversation about her relationship with Tikhon. Katerina reveals her secret to her, says that she feels somehow strange, she wants to spread her arms and fly. Varvara guesses that Katerina is in love, and the object of her love is not her husband at all. Knowing that Tikhon is due to leave one of these days, Varvara promises Katerina to arrange a date for her with her beloved. Katerina is horrified, and then a crazy lady enters, who threatens Katerina with hellish torments. Katerina calls Varvara to go home as soon as possible and pray before the icons.

In the second act, the Kabanovs' house appears before the readers. Tikhon is going on the road. Katerina asks Tikhon not to leave her at home, swears allegiance to him, but Tikhon does not listen to her words and leaves. Varvara goes for a walk, sends Katerina greetings from Boris and tells Katerina to say that she will sleep with Varvara in the garden in the gazebo. She gives Katerina the key to the garden gate, and she hesitates and puts it in her pocket.

In the next action, we see a bench near the Kabanovs' house. Varvara meets her lover, Kudryash, and, seeing Boris, tells him to wait at the gate of the garden. Katerina comes out to Boris. She is unable to resist the feelings that they have for Boris

The fourth act shows the streets of Kalinov. All the action is going to a thunderstorm, which begins towards the end of the action. Varvara and Boris collide in the gallery. Varvara informs Boris that Tikhon has returned, and Katerina can confess her betrayal to him. Boris is frightened and asks Varvara to keep Katerina from this step. Katerina herself enters immediately, along with her husband and mother-in-law. People are gathering in the gallery - a thunderstorm has begun on the street. Katerina is waiting for lightning to strike her for treason. The mad lady enters again, threatening her with terrible torments. Katerina breaks down and confesses to her husband and mother-in-law about her relationship with Boris.

The fifth act again leads the reader to the high bank of the Volga. Tikhon tells Kuligin about what happened in his family. Kuligin tells him that he could forgive his wife, but Tikhon does not consider this possible, and not because Tikhon himself does not want this, he is actually very kind to Katerina, cannot even think about punishing her - his mother insists on this, and her word for Tikhon is law. Kabanova's maid Glasha enters and reports that Katerina cannot be found. Tikhon goes to look for her. Katerina enters. She talks about her suffering and calls Boris. Boris appears. He tells Katerina that Dikoy is sending him to Siberia. Katerina begs him not to leave her in Kalinovo, to take her with him, but he refuses - and she herself understands that this is impossible. They say goodbye. Katerina says with horror that her life goes on. She leaves, and a lot of people appear on the stage, among them Tikhon and his mother. There is a cry that the woman has rushed into the Volga. Tikhon wants to run away, but his mother won't let him go. Kuligin enters, he carries Katerina's body in his arms. Tikhon rushes to Katerina with tears. He no longer listens to his mother, he blames her for everything that happened. The play ends with his words: “Good for you, Katya! Why am I left to live in the world and suffer!”