The nervous system is being restored. How to restore the nervous system yourself

"People who can't deal with anxiety die young"


If you carefully think about the worn-out stamp “everything”, it becomes clear why these nerves need to be strengthened, and the nervous system trained, toned and stimulated. So that there are no diseases, but there is health.

Bound by the same goal, bound by the same chain...

Body and mind are connected like lovebirds. Every change inside is reflected outside. And vice versa, everything external turns into an internal state. It is not for nothing that there is such a direction in medicine as psychosomatics, which is trying to establish a clear connection between the course of mental processes and their influence on the physiological state of a person.

All this in the near future may come back to haunt serious, which will drastically affect the quality of life. It will change and, as you know, not for the better.

The question "why strengthen the nerves" is clear as day. Nerves with the psyche needs the same care, the same training as the body. Then the person will be harmoniously healthy (physically and mentally). And health is a guarantee of a full, active and active life.

Methods for Strengthening nervous system and the psyche are a great many, and conditionally they can be divided into 2 groups: training for the body and training for the psyche. Let's take a look at the first group.

Strengthen the body to calm the nerves and psyche

You can strengthen the body, nerves and psyche if you follow these recommendations:

  1. Need to train the body increasing the level of physical activity. Movement is life. This can be easily verified by the example deceased. As Vysotsky sang: "Everyone fled from the noise and screaming, only the dead man did not run away." All living things must move, and as actively as possible. While running, or vigorous walking, all the stress hormones accumulated by us are intensively consumed by the body. They are stress hormones to help you run away from fear and danger, and not lie in their way (or on the couch).
  2. Nutrition is a matter of principle. Correct! Food is a responsible matter and it is impossible to approach it in a hurry. The principle of nutrition for the glory of health is to provide the body with all the necessary substances, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
    Just filling your stomach on the go with what you have to is wrong. And the echo of the spells: “do not overeat”, “do not eat at night”, “do not abuse” never stops in the air.
  3. Away, unhealthy addictions. Instead of breakfast - coffee with a cigarette... This ritual makes you wake up in the morning, serving as a light tonic. You can stop on it. And it is best to quit smoking, drinking, using stimulants and other destructive habits. The short excitatory effect of nicotine is replaced by a phase of sharp inhibition. To get a new portion of vivacity and tone up the brain, one cigarette is followed by another, a third... But the excitation phase is getting shorter, and the inhibition phase is longer. At a certain stage, the body no longer reacts with a flash of excitement. Instead of a short tone charge, the smoker begins to experience fatigue, irritation, weakness and drowsiness. The same with coffee. After the next portion, he no longer gives a charge of vivacity, but takes the last one.
  4. Hardening and winter swimming. Water is an indispensable condition for existence. The aquatic environment is dozens of ways to strengthen nervous system. Hardening creates "impenetrable" immunity, invigorates, makes the body "wake up" and withdraw its reserves. Winter swimming is an extreme form of hardening. It seems strange, but walruses are amazingly healthy and balanced people. Such a powerful physiological stress that the body receives when immersed in an ice hole will launch all your armored trains standing on sidings.
  5. Bath and sauna is a recognized method for cleansing the body and soul. High temperatures, hot steam, combined with a birch broom, very quickly heal any blues, and a grateful body responds with pleasant languor, relaxation and a clarified mind.
  6. AT water you need not only to bathe, temper and steam. It must also be drunk properly and in sufficient quantities. The 8 cup method is widely known. According to the primary sources, it is precisely this volume of water that should pass through the channels of our body per day, washing it, cleaning the mucus from the intestinal walls, removing decay products and organizing the correct water balance.
  7. Massage, self-massage- the strongest remedy against any ailments. The trouble is that the body gradually loses flexibility, joint mobility. Metabolic processes go badly, stagnation and clamps appear in the muscles. Powerful self-massage up to a seventh sweat will perfectly disperse stagnant blood, enhance metabolic processes, give vivacity and a lot of energy.
  8. Sleep and rest area. Deep, healthy sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. In a dream, the body is restored, updated cells, the brain rests. Lack of sleep, superficial sleep, frequent awakenings, early awakenings quickly loosen the nervous system. A person becomes lethargic, apathetic, sluggish, hardly thinks, concentrates. In communication, lack of sleep is manifested by outbursts of irritation and aggression. You need to sleep, turning off all sources of noise: TV, telephone, radio, computer. The sleeping room should be well ventilated. Coffee and smoke breaks before bed will destroy your good intentions, because. tend to excite the nervous system. Sleep in the dark. Darkness is a condition for the production of melatonin (the hormone of calmness and sleep). If you are already accustomed to falling asleep under the noise and light accompaniment of the TV - wean it. Screen flicker, flashes of light interfere with the production of sleep hormone.
  9. Nature- Another natural assistant in creating a strong psyche and a healthy nervous system. The most calm and harmonious people are tourists of all stripes. Hiking, water, cycling is a wonderful and natural way to relax the nervous system. Nature heals itself. You just have to get out of the city, sit by the river and watch the sun reflect in the water. You will return home peaceful and inspired. Communication with nature can not only easily recreate the psyche, but also treat the most severe physical ailments.

Useful food for nerves - eat and relax!

Nutritionists have created a special diet for those who want to stop worrying and start living. Without the substances and microelements necessary for a person, which he receives at the dinner table, nerve cells cannot cope with their tasks in full.

Lack of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine weaken the nervous system and its interaction with internal organs.

Magnesium is an essential element responsible for muscle relaxation, transmission and receipt of nerve impulses. His sources:

  • mineral water;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • wheat bran.

Eat oatmeal, barley, millet, buckwheat more often. These cereals have large reserves of magnesium.

Phosphorus is a trace element that reduces muscle tension and tones the nervous system. It is found in offal, milk, beans and cereals.

Calcium is a regulator of neuromuscular impulses. Despite its importance for the strength of bones and teeth, nerves need it just as much. And sometimes even more. In such cases, the body "removes" it from the bones, directing it to where it is in great need. Sources of calcium:

  • dairy;
  • cabbage of all varieties and spinach;
  • nuts;
  • poppy and sesame seeds;
  • soy and wheat.

Potassium - contributes to the coordinated work of muscles and nerves, serves as a prevention of depression and. The lack of potassium is replenished by enriching your table with vegetable and dairy products, as well as lean meats and fish.

  • vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, melons, watermelons, bananas);
  • dried fruits (figs, raisins, prunes);
  • cereals (wheat flour and bran, rye bread, oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, almonds);
  • meat and fish (beef, rabbit, tuna, flounder, cod).

Iron - ensures the full functioning of the thyroid gland, is responsible for normal metabolism and the formation of nerve fibers. A lot of iron in meat and liver. Any meat is suitable, and the darker it is, the more iron it contains.

The following products are rich in this element:

  • river fish, sea fish, seafood;
  • eggs (chicken, duck, quail);
  • fruits, dried fruits;
  • green vegetables;
  • bread and cereals.

Iodine is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. Deficiency of the hormone thyroxin causes severe metabolic diseases. Hormonal imbalance is apathy, lethargy, depression, chronic fatigue and irritable weakness. The lack of iodine is compensated by adding seaweed, sea fish and seafood to the diet.

Products for the nervous system that make us happy:

Vitamins and sedatives for nerves

To strengthen the nervous system and psyche, certain vitamins and preparations are needed.

The nerves react very favorably to vitamin B and very badly to its deficiency.

It is most convenient to purchase an inexpensive package of Pentovit. This is a blister of 50 tablets that contain the entire group of this vitamin.

B vitamins lower the level, relieve, normalize mood and even restore nerve cells. They improve thought processes, strengthen memory, give cheerfulness and efficiency.

Vitamin C is great for managing stress and boosting your mood. Vitamin E calms the nervous system. Vitamin A slows down the aging of nerve cells, improves sleep, its lack will lead to lethargy, fatigue and some general lethargy.

Tinctures, herbal preparations, syrups, drops and tablets are the main forms of sedatives.

Syrup Novo-Passit is more appropriate for mild forms of neurosis, makes it easier to fall asleep and calms.

Drops of Valocordin, Valoserdin, drops of Zelenin reduce the excitation of the central nervous system, have a sedative, hypnotic effect. Also these funds remove vegetovascular symptoms.

The best pills that restore the balance between inhibition and excitation of the nervous system are:

  • Glycine;
  • Persen;
  • Donormil.

But the first thing to do to strengthen the nervous system is to stop being nervous for every reason and without it, here's how to do it:

“Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, give me the courage not to worry where nothing depends on me and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.” This prayer is great advice for those who are constantly nervous about everything. No need to be nervous, you just need to study your problems. And act according to this call.

It is also worth remembering that:

If, after another scandal with your husband, his shirts are picturesquely located on a chestnut tree (which grows under your house), the phone went on an exciting journey through sewer pipes, and only a handful of waste paper remained from wedding photos - it's time to think about it.

We will show you effective methods.

So that the nerves are not naughty: 12 simple ways to restore the nervous system

If you think that it is too early for you to turn to a psychotherapist in order to restore the nervous system and intend to cope on your own, then we advise:

    Do not lie like a lazy seal on the couch, but find the kind of physical activity that you enjoy.

    And don't tell us that they just don't exist! Don't like puffing while squatting at the gym? And who is stopping you from choosing something more aesthetic, so as not to be nervous, like Natasha Rostova before the first ball?

    “At work, I am a super-collective and ultra-responsible accountant. After the next office “wars”, I restore the nervous system by doing pole dancing. Down with a formal suit and a folder with documents, hello - a short skirt, pink stilettos and a pole. And so - 3 times a week.- says Margarita from Lipetsk.

  1. Watching kind, life-affirming films and comedies, reading humorous books- and nervous breakdowns will not be terrible for you!

    Until you are, leave all the "darkness" to those cheerful idiots that you so much want to be like.

    Communicate more with animals so as not to become a nervous person.

    There is no way to have some kind of "fluffy" in a rented apartment? Go to pet stores, pat your neighbor's dog behind the ear (after making sure that you will not be left without a hand), and in the most extreme case, a brilliant invention of mankind will come to the rescue - videos about cats on YouTube.

    To help the (nervous) system recover, change the "picture" before your eyes.

    And it is not necessary to surf the open spaces for three years Pacific Ocean. Sometimes, in order to calm down, it is enough to walk along the river bank for half an hour or “hang out” with a cup of coffee in a new cafe.

    Think of your forgotten, abandoned hobbies if you need to cope with a nervous breakdown.

    Who said that collecting tin soldiers or jumping on a trampoline when you are 35 years old and you are a girl is wrong? "Gray" people whose main entertainment is and will be a TV and a can of beer? And going to barbecue becomes the main event of the year?

    Why “reinvent the wheel” if people have long successfully restored nerves with the help of meditation, positive affirmations (something like “I am relaxed and calm”), yoga, reading prayers?

    Find, finally, something that will help "hide the nerves in a box" just for you!

    Don't forget about classical music if you don't want to know what nervous diseases are.

    At first, when you listen, your jaw will cramp from boredom, but very soon you will feel its positive influence on yourself. And who knows - maybe soon you will be hopping to the Philharmonic box office to buy an annual subscription?

    To restore the nervous system, psychotherapists recommend listening more often:

    • "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" by Liszt;
    • "Symphony No. 2" by Tchaikovsky;
    • Beethoven's Egmont Overture;
    • all the works of Mozart;
    • all works by Shostakovich.
  2. In order not to be considered a nervous person, review your diet:

    The most anti-stress products

    Special breathing exercises will also help, if in the morning you don’t look at all like an adequate, calm person, but rather like an evil, nervous goblin from The Lord of the Rings.

    Here you really need to do everything so that nerve diseases bypass you:

    To improve the state of the nervous system - your must to be.

    7-8 hours a day in an embrace with a pillow and your favorite teddy bear will allow you to stay “in adequate”, even if the heel is broken, the car does not start, and the boss “cut” tasks for the day, as if for a month.

    If you want to help the nervous system recover after exercise, try to visit the water more often.

    But do not despair if the nearest river from you is 300 kilometers away, and you need to go to the sea for 5 days “on the way”. Try just sitting in the tub for 5 minutes, looking at the running water, or taking a warm shower if you need to recover from a stressful day. Bioenergetics unanimously "decided" that some water washes away all the accumulated negativity.

    The author of the article remembers how in childhood all the girls in the yard were terribly afraid of the grandmother of one of our girlfriends - a harsh, nervous Soviet professor. Moreover, not only the children shied away from the strict lady, but also the neighbors, the janitor, the concierge and even the mutt Chapa.

    Nastya told us with a laugh that it was possible to beg Alla Vasilievna for money for ice cream or a movie only after she left the bathroom or returned from the bath. The girl's parents, adults and accomplished people, all family issues (Should I plant currants in the country? Should I re-paste the wallpaper in the living room this year?) With the hostess of the house, they also decided in this way.

    Tip for the most desperate: to restore inner balance and get rid of nervous tension, get out from time to time where no one will hear you and yell at the top of your voice.

    Tell the world (albeit without witnesses) what you think about your ex-husband, utility prices and bonus system at your “favorite” job.

You won’t drink experience: 4 best folk ways to restore the nervous system

1) Herbs "from the nerves."

Our grannies also knew how to restore the nervous system with the help of herbal preparations:

    infusion from nervous diseases will help to "get together."

    Take equal amounts of valerian, motherwort, fennel and cumin. 1 st. l. pour this goodness with a glass of boiling water and leave to brew for several hours.

    The system of taking the medicine: you need to drink in three doses throughout the day. In order to restore the nervous system, you will have to drink the infusion for 30 days.

    Not lemonade, of course, but quite tolerable in taste. For prevention, these herbs are taken twice a year (in spring and autumn);

    St. John's wort tea will also help restore internal strength from nervous disorders.

    Brew 1 tsp. dry St. John's wort 0.2 boiling water.

    Drink this "glorious drink" twice a day with honey;

    coriander is not only a seasoning for your culinary masterpieces, but also an excellent tool to restore emotional balance during nervous overload.

    1 tsp coriander seeds, pour 200 ml of boiling water, and then bring to readiness in a water bath for 15 minutes.

    The system of taking the medicine: take a small glass (35-40 ml) (you see, it worked not only for cognac!) 4 times a day until the mood becomes like that of Snow White, frolicking in a clearing in the forest;

    mint tea with honey and lemon will help restore nervous strength if the day turned out to be unsuccessful.

    At the same time, you need to take mint not the one that grew along the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, but where grasshoppers jump and birds chirp. Honey, ideally, should be lime or meadow, and lemon should be eaten with the skin.

    Teas from chamomile, lemon balm, calendula, and hops will also help restore the nervous system.

    We don’t promise that it will be as tasty as the rolls from your favorite sushi bar, but it’s quite tolerable, especially if you alternate the herbs.

    motherwort tincture for nervous and emotional overload.

    Dried motherwort herb (1 part) is poured with medical alcohol (5 parts) and insisted for a month.

    The system of taking the medicine: 3 times a day for a month, take 20 drops, and then enjoy their own peace of mind and are surprised at the nervousness of colleagues.

2) Herbal sachets: nervous ones are asked to leave!

For real aesthetes, we offer a special way to restore the long-suffering nervous system:

    in clean linen bags you need to put either a collection of herbs for nervous diseases, or one of them separately:

    lemon balm, lavender, mint, rosemary, hop cones, oregano - everything that can be found from nervous overload in the nearest pharmacy or sold by compassionate grandmothers on the market.

    bags are placed either under the pillow or at the head.

    So the aromas of herbs will perfectly relieve stress, restore strength and, perhaps, give you a wonderful dream about how you are relaxing in Mallorca with Leonardo DiCaprio.

3) Breathe Deeper: Aromatherapy to Save Nerve Cells.

Like "Riga Balm" for the soul, so these oils on your nervous system - restore it and support it:

  • pine;
  • cedar;
  • lavender;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • orange.

You will need an oil burner (a great reason to check out the home decor section). For 5 sq.m. 1 drop of oil is enough.

4) Pine forest in your apartment: nervous entry is prohibited!

In a pharmacy, buy an extract of pine needles and dilute it in the bathroom according to the instructions to get rid of nervous tension. Soak in warm water for 15 minutes.

Arrange yourself such a "" 10 evenings in a row if you want to "pat up" the nervous system.

Interesting video about

how to restore your nervous system after stress:

"One tablet is enough ...": 18 drugs to restore the nervous system

For those who are not averse to letting pharmacists earn their own money, our list of simple but effective drugs to restore the nervous system:

No. p / p

Name of the drug


"Valerina extract"






Lily of the valley-motherwort drops





Peony tincture

Motherwort tincture





Just before you “treat yourself” with something from this “nervous” list, do not be too lazy to consult with your doctor about the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

We hope you are now sufficiently armed with knowledge, how to restore the nervous system to start every day, regardless of the weather, in a good mood and “number one readiness” for any life situations.

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Everyone experiences stressful situations at work and in their personal lives from time to time. A little emotional stress and fatigue can be easily removed with a good rest, massage, bath or watching your favorite movie. However, recovering from a strong shock, restoring the nervous system and mental balance is not so easy.

After serious traumatic events or prolonged stress, a person sometimes cannot recover for a long time. In such a situation, a lot of efforts will have to be made to restore the body and psyche in order to avoid dangerous consequences, for example, the development of depression.

The impact of severe stress on the nervous system and general health

The quality of a person's life equally depends on both physical health and psychological comfort. When he has good relationships in the family and at work, then small stresses associated with negative information, difficult tasks and minor conflicts are easily tolerated. They do not leave consequences, do not affect globally on health, well-being and the psyche.

If a person happens to experience events that unsettle him, the consequences can be very serious, up to the development of mental disorders. manifested in the loss of physical strength, reduced immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Psychologically, a strong psycho-emotional load can lead to a nervous breakdown, prolonged depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder or other psychopathology.

Neurotic disorders may be accompanied by episodic aggression, insomnia, attacks of anxiety and fear, tantrums, and apathy. Often, under the influence of stress, a person develops a somatoform disorder. For no apparent reason, the head and heart begin to hurt, the potency in men decreases, there is tension in the muscles, a general loss of strength. However, diagnostics does not show the presence of any somatic pathologies, just severe stress can provoke an inadequate response of the autonomic nervous system. The brain reacts to overwork and other stressors with a deterioration in memory function, a decrease in concentration and mental abilities.

Many people, not knowing how to overcome nervousness, relax and calm their nerves, resort to the use of sedatives and other unsafe drugs. This approach to problem solving can have dire consequences. Some medications can be addictive, which subsequently threatens to develop a drug withdrawal syndrome, in which anxiety, restlessness, irritability and somatic symptoms only increase. No pills for nerves and stress can be purchased independently without consulting a specialist. Only a competent approach to rehabilitation after a strong stressful impact will help you recover, cope with your nerves and prevent a recurrence of the situation.

How to independently overcome stress and strengthen the nervous system?

It is not always possible to restore a shattered nervous system after prolonged stress without the intervention of specialists. You should definitely turn to the professional help of a psychologist, psychoneurologist or psychotherapist when a small child or teenager has experienced severe stress, and also if the symptoms have reached the stage of neurosis or psychotic disorder. The doctor will select the optimal treatment tactics, will be able to advise good and safe sedatives for nerves and stress. However, the main condition for effective therapy and quick recovery after a long stressful load is quality rest and positive emotions.

Passive types of recreation

After experiencing stress, the first thing to do is to normalize your sleep and learn how to cope with excitement. Passive rest is a good way to do this: reading light literature, turning off all media broadcasters and the phone for several hours, taking a nap, taking a walk in the fresh air, visiting a spa. To restore the nervous system, practices such as yoga and meditation are suitable.

Yoga classes help to get rid of fussiness, master energy management methods, restore balance between body and mind, and meditative practices help to get rid of annoying and disturbing thoughts, calm down, relax. It is good to have meditation sessions before going to bed so that it is calm and strong. Breathing exercises will be especially useful in yoga, because under stress the body receives less oxygen, and oxygen starvation is expressed in headaches, weakness and drowsiness. Breathing techniques help not only to restore good sleep, but also improve the general condition.

Particularly noteworthy are massages that help relax contracted muscles, stretch the knots formed there that cause pain. While at home, you can listen to pleasant music, have an aromatherapy session, watch a soulful movie or family video. A woman can just take time for herself, make a relaxing mask, self-massage of the face, make-up. American scientists have proven that such procedures increase the level of the hormone of joy - endorphin. Well calms the nerves and favorite needlework.

Communication with family and friends

With the development of information technology, people began to communicate less live. Being alone with your problems and experiences after suffering acute or prolonged stress, it is difficult to find peace and restore peace of mind. Intuitively, a person feels the need to talk with someone, share his pain, get advice from the outside, but not everyone is ready to turn to a psychologist. Communication with friends and relatives brings a lot of positive emotions, allows you to get support, distract from problems.

You can meet and chat with friends at home or go for a walk together, go to the cinema, sit in an interesting company in a cafe, meet new people. For those who have been married for a long time, a romantic date will be a real holiday. You can organize exciting family leisure activities, go on a picnic with the children, for example. You should not withdraw into yourself so that relatives do not feel guilty for what is happening.

Proper nutrition

Not only the advice of a psychologist, but also nutrition correction and proven folk recipes will help calm your nerves and relieve stress. Stressful situations and the constant mental "digestion" of problems greatly affects the appetite. Some people are prone to, therefore, they are able to quickly gain excess weight. Others, on the contrary, cannot eat normally. All this has a negative effect on well-being. Wholesome, healthy food and vitamins help to overcome the effects of stress more easily. If a person has lost his appetite, fragrant and appetizing-looking dishes should be preferred. With a tendency to overeat, it is necessary to unload the refrigerator by removing all high-calorie foods in order to minimize the damage to the digestive system from a sudden bout of overeating.

The following simple nutritional tips will help calm your nerves and relieve stress:

  • Give up cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and strong coffee, which cause great harm to the nervous system.
  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, diversify your menu with vitamin salad recipes that suppress hunger.
  • Be sure to eat foods that have Omega-3 - various varieties of sea fish, eggs, linseed oil. This component contributes to the efficient functioning of the brain, which will help strengthen the psyche and nervous system, as well as vision and blood vessels.
  • Replace black tea with green tea, it contains more polyphenols and antioxidants that restore the functioning of nerve cells.
  • If you want something sweet, you should not buy cake or ice cream, give preference to dark chocolate and bananas, these products can cheer you up and quickly overcome the blues.

Active recreation

Physical activity can help relieve stress and soothe frayed nerves at home. It is important to move more and put your daily routine in order.

You can choose different forms of physical activity - go swimming, running, team or individual sports. Even a simple morning exercise will help restore appetite, restore sleep, strengthen muscles and normalize weight. Any sports training relieves muscle tension, restores vigor and strength, and has a positive effect on the entire body. Walking or running through the park, you can forget about the negative, get aesthetic pleasure from the views of nature. Experts believe that a person should take at least 10 thousand steps every day, this has a positive effect on the entire body.

Restoring the nervous system and psyche is not such an easy task; during the period of adaptation after a psychological shock, it can be difficult to find joy in life and find peace of mind. It is worth trying different methods and not being shy about asking for support from others. It is important to realize that lifestyle correction in general allows you to save nerve cells and increase resistance to stress. Even the best specialist will not help to protect yourself from destructive stressful impact in the future, if you do not change your life position, do not set the right priorities.

Various disorders of the nervous system occur in 15-20% of the population. These disorders can be manifested by vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue, depression, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, fears, anxiety, lack of will, headaches, irritability, increased sensitivity to weather changes and other symptoms that are individual in nature.

Despite convincing scientific evidence, outdated, primitive, or erroneous ideas about the causes and remedies for these conditions are ubiquitous. Unfortunately, this is largely facilitated by the lack of proper erudition among health workers. Myths in this field of knowledge are extremely tenacious and bring considerable harm, if only because they leave nothing else but to put up with the resulting nervous disorders (a myth is a widespread, mass delusion presented as a scientific fact) The most persistent and common misconceptions are as follows . Myth one: "The main cause of nervous disorders are stress" - If this were true, such disorders would never occur against the background of complete well-being. The realities of life, however, quite often testify to the exact opposite. Stress can indeed lead to nervous disorders. But for this it must be either too strong or too long. In other cases, the consequences of stress occur only in those whose nervous system was disturbed even before the onset of stressful events. Nervous stress here only plays the role of a developer used in photography, that is, they make the hidden obvious. If, for example, an ordinary gust of wind knocks down a wooden fence, then main reason this event will not be the wind, but the weakness and unreliability of the structure. A frequent, though not mandatory, indicator of the ill health of the nervous system is increased sensitivity to the passage of atmospheric fronts. In general, for a weakened nervous system, anything can act as a “stress”, for example, water dripping from a tap or the most insignificant domestic conflict. On the other hand, everyone can recall many examples when people who have been in extremely unenviable, difficult circumstances for a long time, only became stronger from them - both in spirit and body. The difference is in the small - in the correct or disturbed work of the nerve cell ... Myth two: "All diseases - from the nerves" This is one of the oldest, most persistent misconceptions. If this statement were true, it would mean, for example, that any army after a month of hostilities would completely turn into a field hospital. Indeed, in theory, such a powerful stress as a real battle should have caused illness in everyone who participated in it. But in fact, such phenomena are by no means of such a massive character. In civilian life, there are also many professions associated with increased nervous stress. These are ambulance doctors, service workers, teachers, etc. Among the representatives of these professions, however, there is no universal and mandatory morbidity. The principle “All diseases are from the nerves” means that diseases arise “out of the blue”, for the sole reason of a violation of the nervous regulation. - Like, the person was completely healthy, but after the experiences caused by troubles, he began to experience, for example, pain in the heart. Hence the conclusion: nervous stress caused heart disease. In reality, behind all this lies something else: the fact is that many diseases are hidden and not always accompanied by pain. Very often, these diseases manifest themselves only when increased requirements are placed on them, including those associated with "nerves". For example, a diseased tooth may not show itself for a long time until hot or cold water gets on it. The heart that we just mentioned can also be affected by the disease, but in the initial or moderate stages this may not give any pain or other unpleasant sensations. The main, and in most cases - the only method of examining the heart is a cardiogram. At the same time, the generally accepted methods of its implementation leave most of the heart ailments unrecognized. Quote: “ECG taken at rest and outside a heart attack does not allow diagnosing about 70% of all heart diseases” (“Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment”, St. Petersburg, 2005). In the diagnosis of other internal organs, there are no less problems, about which - further . Thus, the statement “All diseases are from nerves” is initially false. Nervous stresses only put the body in such conditions that those diseases with which he was already sick begin to appear. About the real causes and rules for the treatment of these diseases - on the pages of the book “Anatomy of the Vital Force. Secrets of restoring the nervous system”, accessible and intelligible. Myth three : "In case of nervous disorders, you need to take only those drugs that directly act on the nervous system." Before turning to the facts that refute this point of view, you can ask simple questions about what needs to be treated if the fish in the pond is sick - the fish or the pond ? Maybe diseases of the internal organs harm only them? Is it possible that a violation of the activity of any organ does not affect the state of the body in any way? Obviously not. But the human nervous system is the same part of it as the cardiovascular, endocrine or any other. There are a number of diseases that originate directly in the brain. It is for their treatment that drugs should be taken that directly affect the brain tissue. At the same time, incomparably more often, neuropsychological problems are the result of general violations of the physiology or biochemistry of the body. For example, chronic diseases of the internal organs have a very important property: they all, one way or another, disrupt cerebral circulation. In addition, each of these organs is capable of exerting its own, special effect on the nervous system - due to the specific tasks that it performs in the body. Simplistically, these tasks boil down to maintaining a constant blood composition - the so-called "homeostasis". If this condition is not met, then after some time there are violations of those biochemical processes that ensure the functioning of brain cells. This is one of the main causes of all kinds of nervous disorders, which, by the way, may be the only manifestation of diseases of the internal organs. There is official statistics, according to which people with a chronic course of these diseases have neuropsychiatric abnormalities 4-5 times more often, than among the general population. A very indicative experiment was when spiders were injected with the blood of healthy people, after which no changes were noted in the life of insects. But when the spiders were injected with blood taken from the mentally ill, the behavior of the arthropods changed dramatically. In particular, they began to weave a web in a completely different way, which became ugly, wrong and good for nothing (with disorders of some organs, dozens of substances can be found in human blood that cannot be identified even today). organs disrupt the brain, accumulated for a very long time. This information was confirmed, in particular, by the too low effectiveness of general health measures used when the nervous system was weakened, while targeted treatment of damaged organs led to its rapid rehabilitation. Interestingly, Chinese medicine made the same observation many centuries ago: acupuncture of the so-called "fortifying points" often gave little benefit, and dramatic healings occurred only when points associated with specific weakened organs were used. In the works of the classics of European medicine, it is said that “... it is not necessary to prescribe a nerve-strengthening treatment, but it is necessary to seek out and attack those causes within the body that led to the weakening of the nervous system.” Unfortunately, knowledge of this kind is presented only in special scientific literature. To even greater regret, the detection and treatment of chronic, sluggish diseases is by no means one of the priorities of modern polyclinic medicine. The Anatomy of the Vital Force ... clearly shows how and due to what the nervous system is depressed with the most frequent and common disorders of the internal organs . Indirect and insignificant, it would seem, signs that manifest these violations are given. Available and effective methods for their elimination are also described, along with a description of the mechanism of their therapeutic action. Myth four: "When the vitality is weakened, you need to take tonics like Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola Rosea or Pantocrine." Tonics (the so-called "adaptogens") cannot actually eliminate any cause of the weakening of vitality. They can only be taken by healthy people before significant physical or nervous stress, for example, before a long journey behind the wheel. The use of these funds by persons with a weakened nervous system will only lead to the fact that their last internal reserves will be used up. We confine ourselves to the opinion of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.V. Kireev: “toning agents relieve the patient’s condition for a short time, due to the individual potential of the body” In other words, even with very modest incomes, you can dine in restaurants. But only three days a month. Due to what to eat further - is unknown. Myth five: "Purposefulness and any other qualities of a person depend only on himself" Every thinking person suspects, at least, that this is not entirely true. As for scientific views, they can be represented by the following data: Special areas of the brain, the frontal lobes, are responsible for purposeful activity in humans. There are quite a few reasons that can disrupt their normal state. For example, obstructed or reduced blood circulation in a given area of ​​the brain. At the same time, thinking, memory and vegetative reflexes do not suffer at all (except for severe, clinical cases). However, such disorders cause changes in the subtle neuronal mechanisms of goal-setting, due to which a person becomes uncollected, incapable of concentration of attention and volitional efforts to achieve a goal (in everyday life: “Without a king in the head”, “In the head - the wind”, etc.). Note that violations in different areas of the brain cause a variety of changes in human psychology. So, in case of violations in one of these zones, the instinct of self-preservation, causeless anxiety and fear begin to sharply prevail, and deviations in the work of other zones make people too ridiculous. In general, the most important psychological characteristics personalities to a large, prevailing degree depend on the characteristics of the work of certain brain structures. With the help of electroencephalograms, for example, it was revealed how the predominant frequency of the bioelectrical activity of the brain affects a person’s personal qualities: - persons with a well-defined alpha rhythm (8-13 Hz) are active, stable and reliable people. They are characterized by high activity and perseverance, accuracy in work, especially under stress, good memory; - persons with a predominant beta rhythm (15-35 Hz) showed low concentration and sloppiness, made a large number of mistakes at low work speed, found low resistance to stress. In addition, it was found that persons whose nerve centers worked in unison with each other in the anterior parts of the brain were characterized by pronounced authoritarianism, independence, self-confidence, and criticality. But as this unison shifted back to the central and parietal-occipital areas of the brain (50 and 20% of the subjects, respectively), these psychological qualities underwent changes up to the exact opposite. A study conducted in the United States explained, for example, why adolescents, to a greater extent than adults, are prone to risky behavior: drug use, casual sex, drunk driving, etc. people, compared with adults, significantly reduced biological activity in those parts of the brain that are responsible for making meaningful decisions. Along the way, let's dispel another myth that a person supposedly creates his own character. The fallacy of this judgment follows at least from the fact that the main character traits are formed by about the age of four. In most cases, this is the period of childhood, from which people remember themselves. Thus, the “backbone” of the character is formed without taking into account our wishes (in the proverbs: “A lion cub already looks like a lion”, “You were born with a bow, you will die with a bow, not a rose”). By the method of positron tomography, information was obtained that each type of character of healthy people corresponds to certain features of blood flow in different areas of the brain (the same, by the way, underlies the division of people into two large groups - introverts and extroverts). For similar reasons independent of us, individual features of gait, handwriting and much more. With all this, you can easily get rid of many undesirable traits of your character, if you eliminate those obstacles that interfere with the normal functioning of nerve cells. How exactly - in my book. Myth six: “Depression is caused either by difficult life circumstances, or by an incorrect, pessimistic way of thinking.” Obviously, one must agree that not everyone who finds himself in difficult life conditions develops depression. As a rule, a healthy and strong nervous system allows you to endure a forced change in lifestyle without much damage to yourself. It is worth noting, however, that this process is usually accompanied by a very painful period, during which there is a decrease in the "level of claims", that is, the rejection of the expected or habitual blessings of life. Something similar happens in the event of the inevitable loss of loved ones. If the loss of a loved one causes persistent and increasingly intensifying negative symptoms, this makes one suspect the presence of hidden bodily or nervous diseases in the body. In particular, if someone in such cases begins to noticeably lose weight - this is a reason to think about the presence of stomach cancer. As for the “sad way of thinking” and the depression allegedly generated by it, everything is somewhat different: depression occurs first, and only then various plausible explanations are found for her (“Everything is bad”, “Life is meaningless”, etc.). On the other hand, everyone can easily recall the daring rosy-cheeked bumpkins, bursting with love of life in all its forms, but possessing an extremely primitive philosophy of life. Depression is a manifestation of impaired activity of brain cells (of course, along with this, there are such events as “grief” or “great grief”. They can cause depression in absolutely healthy people, but mental wounds in this case heal sooner or later. Then they say that “Time heals”. It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish depression in yourself, because it can hide under different clothes and masks. Even those who know exactly about their susceptibility to depression are far from always able to recognize the next exacerbation of this disease, the gloomy pictures of the worldview drawn by depression seem so natural to them. On the pages of "Anatomy of the vital force ..." there is a complete list of direct and indirect signs that will allow you to identify the possible presence of depressive disorders. Myth seven : "If a person cannot get rid of smoking, then he has weak willpower." - A delusion that has long roots and is extremely widespread. The fallacy of this opinion is as follows: It is known that the components of tobacco smoke begin, sooner or later, to participate in the biochemical reactions of the body, displacing substances specially designed for this by nature. Not only does it distort the most important processes in the body, but smoking causes a restructuring of the nervous system, after which it will need more and more portions of nicotine. When quitting smoking, the reverse changes must occur in the brain, which will allow it to switch back to “full internal supply”. But this process occurs only in those whose nervous system has high adaptability, that is, the ability to adapt (well-known examples of adaptation are winter swimming and the opening of a “second wind” in long-distance runners). According to statistics, the ability to adapt is reduced, in to one degree or another, about 30% of the population - for reasons beyond their control and available as described below. Adaptive reactions occur at the cellular level, so it is practically impossible to increase one’s adaptive capabilities with the help of “willpower” (because it is said: “You can’t jump above your head”). with smoking, at their request, they were taken away and left far away in the taiga or in other places where it would be impossible to purchase cigarettes. But after a day or two, tobacco abstinence became so unbearable (“physiological abstinence”) that it forced these people to smoke last year’s foliage and get to the nearest settlement. even being at risk of repeated heart attacks. Based on these realities, individuals with reduced adaptability who intend to quit smoking are first recommended to take drugs that artificially improve brain function - up to antidepressants. The same is true with alcohol addiction. In passing, we note that the adaptive possibilities are not unlimited in persons with a healthy nervous system. For example, one of the tortures used by criminals is the forced injection of hard drugs, after which a person becomes a drug addict. The next is known. All of the above, however, in no way negates the effectiveness of the methods described in the book that can restore the strength and normal adaptive ability of nerve cells. Myth eight: "Nerve cells do not regenerate" (option: "Angry cells do not regenerate") This myth claims that nerve experiences, manifested in the form of anger or other negative emotions, entail irreversible death of nervous tissue. In fact, the death of nerve cells is a constant and natural process. The renewal of these cells occurs in different parts of the brain at a rate of 15 to 100% per year. Under stress, not the nerve cells themselves are intensively “consumed”, but those substances that ensure their work and interaction with each other (first of all, the so-called “neurotransmitters”). Because of this, a permanent deficiency of these substances may occur and, as a result, a protracted nervous breakdown (it is useful to know that the mentioned substances are irretrievably spent by the brain during any mental processes, including when thinking, communicating, and even when a person experiences pleasure. The same natural mechanism always operates: if any impressions become too a lot, the brain refuses to perceive them correctly (hence the proverbs: “Where you are loved, don’t go there”, “Guest and fish smell bad on the third day”, etc.) From history, for example, it is known that many eastern rulers regularly satiated with all possible earthly pleasures, they completely lost the ability to enjoy anything. who could give them at least some joy in life. Another example is the so-called "principle of the candy factory", according to which even people who were very fond of sweets, already after a month of work in the confectionery industry, have a strong aversion to this product). Myth nine: "Laziness is an invented disease for those who do not want to work" It is usually believed that a person has only three natural instincts: self-preservation, prolongation of the family and food. Meanwhile, a person has much more of these instincts. One of them is the "instinct to save vitality." In folklore, it is present, for example, in the form of a saying "A fool will start thinking when he gets tired." This instinct is inherent in all living things: in scientific experiments, any experimental individuals always look for the easiest way to the feeder. Having found it, in the future they use only it (“We are all lazy and inquisitive” A.S. Pushkin) At the same time, there is a certain number of people who experience a constant need for work. In this way they get away from the internal discomfort caused by an overabundance energy. But even in this case, they spend their energy only on activities that can be beneficial or enjoyable, for example, playing football. The need to expend energy on meaningless work causes suffering and active rejection. For example, in order to punish the youths during the time of Peter I, they were literally forced to “push water in a mortar” (By and large, the instinct to save vitality requires a rather rigid balance between work and the remuneration received. Attempts to ignore this condition for a long time led, in particular, to the abolition of serfdom in Russia and to the economic collapse of the USSR). Laziness is nothing more than a manifestation of the instinct to save vitality. The frequent occurrence of this feeling indicates that the energy reserves in the body are reduced. Laziness, apathy - the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome - that is, an altered, unhealthy state of the body. But in any state of the body, a lot of energy is spent on its internal needs, including maintaining body temperature, heart contractions, and respiratory movements. A sufficiently large amount of energy is spent just to keep the membranes of nerve cells under a certain electrical voltage, which is tantamount to simply maintaining consciousness. Thus, the emergence of laziness or apathy is a biological defense against the "squandering" of vital forces in case of their deficiency. Lack of understanding of this mechanism fuels countless family conflicts, and also causes many people to think of self-blame ("I've become too lazy"). Myth ten: "Chronic fatigue will pass if you give the body a rest" Rebuttal: in healthy people, even those associated with heavy and everyday physical work, the forces are fully restored after a night's sleep. At the same time, many feel constant fatigue even in the absence of muscle load as such. The key to this contradiction is that the formation or release of energy in the body can be disrupted at any stage, due to various internal reasons. For example, one of them is an imperceptible weakening of the thyroid gland (the hormones produced by this gland are the same kerosene that is sprinkled for raw firewood) As a result, the metabolism and energy in the body and brain slows down, becoming inferior. Very often, unfortunately, such causes of nervous disorders are ignored by psychiatrists and doctors of other specialties. For reference - up to 14% of patients referred to psychiatrists or psychotherapists for weakness or depression, in fact, suffer only from reduced activity of the thyroid gland. Other, much more frequent and common causes of weakening of vital energy - in A. Tornov's book "Anatomy life force. Secrets of the restoration of the nervous system. The book is in Word format. Connection: [email protected] This is the only address from which this book can be obtained legally, in the complete and modified author's version.