Learn to read the Quran slowly. Secrets of self-study Arabic

Koran- The Word (Speech) of Allah, its superiority over the words (speech) of creations is similar to the superiority of Allah over His creations, and reading the Qur'an is one of the best activities for a person.
There are many virtues in studying the Quran and teaching it to others:
Reward for reading the Quran: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah, one good deed will be recorded, and the reward for doing good deeds increases tenfold” (At-Tirmidhi).

Another hadith says: Once the Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked his companions: - “Who wants to go to Buthoy or Alik ( settlements located near the Medina. - Approx. auth.) and, without quarreling with anyone, without sinning, return with two large camels? The companions replied: "Oh Messenger, we all want it!" Then the Prophet said: “Then why don’t you go to the mosque and learn two verses from the Book of Allah or revere it? It is better for Him than a camel. If you read three verses, then they are better than three camels, four - four, no matter how many verses you read - they are all better than camels ”(Abu Dawood, Muslim).

Reward for learning the Quran: The Prophet ﷺ said: "The best of you is the one who has learned the Qur'an and taught it to others"(Al-Bukhari).
Virtues of studying the Qur'an, memorizing it by heart and reading it according to all the rules: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever reads the Qur'an, knowing it by heart, he is with noble, obedient messengers (angels), and who reads the Qur'an with difficulty and at the same time makes great efforts ( wishing to read it correctly), a double reward awaits him ”(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to start memorizing the suras of the Koran?

1. Sincere intention. Make sure that you intend only for the sake of Allah, His pleasure, in order to be rewarded by His grace. No need to show off or memorize the Koran for show.

2. You need to learn how to read the Holy Quran with the correct pronunciation, as well as in accordance with the rules of tajwid. If a person can read one page fluently and at the same time correctly (it is understood that if the page is difficult, he can read it in 1.5 minutes, and if it is easy, in 1 minute), he can begin hifz (memorize the Koran) with confidence. But, if the student does not yet read the Qur'an fluently, it is undesirable for him to immediately start the hifz, as he may encounter great difficulties. In many cases, such students do not finish their studies, except for those who have a very strong desire to learn.

3. Constancy. The more often you memorize the verses, the easier the memorization process will become. It is very important not to miss a single day. There are no holidays in worship. At the very least, if you don't have time at all, learn 3-5 lines a day. If you are consistent, insha Allah, you can become a hafiz in 5-6 years.

4. Atmosphere. Retire to a quiet place so that you can concentrate only on the Qur'an and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Turn off distracting objects (such as mobile phones, TV, etc.)

5. Memorize the verses with meaning: read the translation before you start learning the verse, understand the meaning of what is written.

6. Before memorizing, it is useful to listen to the verse that you want to memorize. This will help you overcome pronunciation problems and improve the quality of your memorization.

7. Read in your daily prayer what you have learned. If you forget a piece, you will immediately correct your mistake by looking at the Qur'an and never make that mistake again.

8. Keep good teacher(friend, family member) who has knowledge of the suras. The most serious problem in this great work is the lack of desire on the part of the disciple. In this case, the final result will depend on the experience of the teacher. Having an experienced mentor is very important, so start your training by looking for a teacher. Let him check your memorized verses every day. Or test each other with a person who also learns the Quran.

9. Read the suras aloud. Reading aloud helps not only to speak, but also to listen to yourself.

10. Dua. Ask Allah to make it easier for you to memorize the Quran.

Of course, everyone wants to be a strong hafiz. To achieve your goal, you must follow some rules.

Given the capabilities of their memory, everyone should choose for themselves the appropriate method of memorization, for example:
Read the page from beginning to end in a row and thus memorize.
Learn one verse, then the second, put them together, then the third and so on.
To learn by words, that is, learn one word, then the second, connecting them until you complete the verse.
Divide the page into three or four parts, learn them separately, and then put them together.
Learn the page from the end, that is, first memorize the lowest verse, then the next and connect the verses gradually until you reach the top.
Remember by writing.
To memorize by listening, that is, to choose one reader and, listening to his recording many times, try to memorize. Mostly visually impaired people resort to this method.

As for memorization by reading a page from beginning to end, a page when memorized in this way should be read one hundred, one hundred and fifty or more times. In general, it will be better if the hafiz teacher chooses the method of preparing lessons for the student himself. And in general, only under the strict control of the teacher, the student achieves the intended goal faster. The secret to a well-learned page is constant repetition - the more you read the page while memorizing, the more you will know it.

If you, having learned a page or at least half a page, can read it by heart without hesitation or read it slowly, pronouncing each letter, then know that you have memorized it well, you can confidently continue to memorize further and do not worry - such a hifz will not be easily forgotten.

Do not worry if you have a weak memory, because in educational institutions in the training of hafiz, nine out of ten students have a memory below average. Also, do not worry about the fact that you cannot immediately recite the page you just learned by heart, because many need one night or even two days to pass before the memorized sura is fixed, and this is normal. For most students, memory is revealed only after memorizing ¼ of the Qur'an, and for some it is not revealed until the moment when half of the Qur'an is memorized.

So don't worry friend - you can become a hafiz! Ask Almighty Allah for this and be sincere. Amen!!!

Spending a lot of time in one of the Arab countries, many people want to learn how to speak Arabic, communicate with the local population, and understand what is happening around you. That is, to master the language at a conversational level. You don't need all the subtleties of the language, you just need to communicate at a casual level. And then the question arises Do I need to learn to read Arabic?

This requires observing each word, linking words and comparing. Let me use the words "Illiterates" and "Shepherd" to illustrate their meanings according to the Beneficent Qur'an, as well as the methodology. Then ask those to whom the Book is given and those who are illiterate: "Will you also obey Allah?" If they become Muslims, they will be properly guided, but if they return, you need not worry, because your only responsibility is to convey the Message.

Here we have "those to whom the Book was given" who are Jews and you can read the previous verses for further clarification. Then we have "those who are illiterate" who are Arabs who have not been given the Divine "Book". More passages that more clearly illustrate the difference.

Of course, you can write down the words and expressions you hear on a piece of paper in Russian letters. This will be enough if you only need to ask the price in the store or explain to the taxi driver where to take you. But if you want to tell something, then after the third sentence, the Arabs will lose the thread and stop understanding you. What's the matter?

Another very important aya that explained to the Jews the origin of the final prophecy, which will be from an "illiterate" prophet, that is, he will not be one of the Jews. And who will deliver them from their burdens and the fetters that were on them in the Torah, such as the law of an eye for an eye, as well as for others, which is definitely not for the purposes of this answer.

Therefore, the word "illiterate" in the Qur'an does not refer to people who do not know how to write, but rather to people who are away from the Divine "Books". If the Arabs were truly illiterate, how did we understand what Allah meant, who then wrote the letters that the Prophet Mohammed sent to the leaders of the Byzantine and Persian empires? Who then wrote the treaty between Muslims and Jews in Medina? Who then wrote the "Hanging Verses" Seven "Muallakat" that hung on the Kaaba, which preceded Islam?

The fact is that the European ear does not pick up very many Arabic sounds. We simply do not hear the difference between all these X, K, and a few A. But let you reassure that the Arabs also do not hear the difference between our familiar letters. For them, Victoria and Victoria are one and the same.

For example. Two girls Lena and Lina are walking. Meet a young man. He liked one of them. But he can't explain which one just by saying her name. He will have to describe her. Do you know why? For him, these girls have exactly the same names! By the way, my name is Lana, also from the same series. Despite the fact that I emphasized A, they called me either Lena or Lina. It only helped when I began to pronounce A with a slight breath, like ع (as the letter ain).

"Shepherd" or "Rai" is translated from "راع" in the Merciful Qur'an. The leader of the people is the guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A person is the guardian of his family, and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband's house and his children, and she is responsible for them.

Arabic alphabet. How to memorize Arabic letters several times faster

A man's servant is the guardian of his master's property, and he is responsible for it. This means that "Shepherd" used by Sahih Bukhari also signifies a person of authority. So the Prophet Mohamed was the Shepherd and Companions, may Allah bless them for all they did was his flock. The Qur'an does not use the word "Shepherd" in this metaphor and actually uses it as it regularly means.

The same thing happens when we try to pronounce what we wrote down in Russian letters. As long as our communication consists of several phrases and it is clear what it is about, then everything is fine. But if you try to tell something, then after the third sentence, the Arabs will lose the thread of the conversation and will no longer understand what is being said.

This is because all Arabic words consist of three root letters, and if these letters are pronounced incorrectly, then the meaning is lost. Therefore, it is very important to learn to distinguish between them. That is why, if you want full communication, it is better to learn how to read and memorize the words written in Arabic.

Here we have in mind the word "shepherd", meaning exactly what the shepherds prevented the two women whom the Prophet Moses met from getting from the water. Here a word which the translator failed to translate, as previous hadiths which are considered accurate by Muslims, goes against the command of this very clear Ay. The word "Raina", translated from the Arabic word "راعنا", is the same word for "Shepherd". So the command here is clear, don't speak, shepherd, but watch and listen. This is because we are not sheep led by a shepherd who will eventually sell us and kill us when we are alive and ready, but intelligent living beings who watch the world around us and listen to the commandments of Allah.

Learning to read is much easier than most people think.

For those who are just thinking about starting to learn Arabic, the most difficult thing seems to be that you need to read from right to left. But this is just the easiest part. And I will prove it to you now. Read the following sentences from right to left.


In another, Aya Allah reminds us of the Jews who misrepresented this very word from its correct usage in their Book. The proof of what Allah is saying here can be found in the New Testament. That is why it is not enough to know Arabic to understand the Merciful Qur'an, but we must also learn how each word is used by observing each word, linking words and comparing.

Choose the best time and place for you

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam. First, regarding the reward, the answer is: No! To explain, reading the Qur'an in Arabic has a reward of one chananat for each letter read, where one chananat is a reward for a good deed. As a real hadeeth in At-Tirmidi says.




Those who have already started learning face the following difficulties :

  1. AT Arabic no vowels - all 28 letters are consonants. How do you know which vowel to pronounce?
  2. All letters are the same
  3. Letters change their spelling depending on their location in the word.

Let's deal with this right now.

Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will receive a reward. And this reward will be multiplied by ten. So increase your reading of the Qur'an to get these virtues, and get the following virtues. Reading the Qur'an in Arabic, where Arabic is not the first reader, has a double reward. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, says that the Prophet said.

Of course, one who reads the Qur'an beautifully, smoothly and accurately will be in the company of noble and obedient angels. So my brother in Islam, don't let Shaytan give you any excuse like: I'm not "Arab" or "This is not my language". This hadeeth is a solid proof against such whispering. Devote yourself to the Quran, whether you are Arab or not! Excuses have been eliminated and the path has been cleared for you to embrace the Qur'an. And inshaAllah you will find a teacher or study circle to help you.

Yes. In Arabic, all 28 letters are considered consonants. But it's not all that tragic. Because the familiar A, O, And yet there are, and if they are clearly pronounced, then they are written. Those that are not clearly audible are not written. In different dialects, they can sound completely different. But classical Arabic manages to remain unchanged precisely due to the fact that in the Koran these same fuzzy sounds are nevertheless indicated. It is much easier to learn to read when there are these special icons (vowels).

Reading the Qur'an in English is obviously helpful in understanding the translation and meaning of Arabic. This is what every Muslim must do. Every Muslim had to read and understand the entire Qur'an before they died. Then we will have no excuse that "we did not know" when we are asked on the Day of Judgment.

The Qur'an is only the Qur'an in Arabic, so care should be taken that it has a good translation or access to a scholar. Translation is only man's attempt to explain the Word of Allah. It is not enough to read and make your own interpretation. The Qur'an is not quoted in a translation unless the translation has been verified in Arabic. This is done in order to avoid unintentional errors, misinformation and misrepresentations.

Therefore, when choosing an Arabic course, pay attention to Are there any vowels in the texts? The fact is that when adults compose a course for adults, they often simply do not understand how we need these voicing assistants. By the way, when we were compiling our course of the Egyptian dialect, the most difficult thing was just to arrange the vowels. Adult Arabs sincerely did not understand why this was necessary at all. Then we asked them, how did you learn to read in the first grade? To which they smiled and did everything right.

Indeed, meditating on the verses of Allah is a form of worship that will bring one closer to Allah Almighty. This reflection is not reckless and wandering, but includes the study of the classical tafsir of the studied verses, as this will be responsible for the great advice of Ibnul-Qayyim. "Such as thinking about a book that a man has memorized, and he sets it out in such a way that he can understand what its author intends with it."

Indeed, the Book of Allah is not a book like other books, it is the eternal Speech of Allah, and not something created. It's a study guide for life and death and what's going on. It deserves very careful study, much more than the speeches of others.

Do you remember how you learned to read Russian? This experience will help us further. Most likely, at first you had an alphabet or a primer with pictures, and you memorized the letters from watermelon to apple using the association method. Then you learned how to add the syllables "ma-ma we-la ra-mu." And then it was a matter of practice: walking hand in hand along the street with adults, you jumped for joy if you managed to read what was written on the sign. You had picture books and big letters. You moved your finger along the line and added syllables from letters, letters from syllables.

Learning to read is much easier than most people think.

We must know what the Prophet said and how he interpreted it; and his immediate followers also as he taught them, otherwise we may let the pollution through the ages of clouds or confuse our understanding and make us understand some things not intended by Allah Almighty and therefore go astray thinking that we are worshiping Allah .

My brother, in Islam, you should know that he reads and meditates on the Qur'an, devoting his study regularly, and its "incarnation" has great benefits here and in the Hereafter. So, let's look at some of them to more firmly attach ourselves to the Qur'an. Each advantage is an inspiration for us.

The same can be done now. Memorize letters with associations. For example letter و (wow) is similar to an ear and reads like o or u (Arabs do not hear the difference).

You can memorize letters, learn how to put them into syllables in just a couple of days. Our students complete the course "Reading Arabic is easy if you know how" in 2-3 days. We do not recommend chewing on the study of letters for a long time, not analyzing and checking what you have already memorized and what not, but immediately proceed to practice and use a cheat sheet at first (as in childhood). Because understanding the principles of reading and memorizing letters, with our approach, just as they explain it to young children at school, is not difficult. But if you don’t practice right away, you will forget everything very quickly, no matter how much time you spend on learning.

Indeed, the Prophet summarized this religion with his statement. Therefore, by reading and meditating on the Quran, a person fulfills an obligation and is rewarded for this. By fulfilling this obligation, the Quran becomes proof for him on the Day of Judgment! So if the Quran is in front of you it will take you to heaven, if it is behind you it will drag you to hell. We need to think carefully about our position with the Quran. We neglect him, contradicting him, ignoring his orders and prohibitions, do we think deeply about this?!

Will it be in our favor on the Day of Judgment? We ask Allah to make the Qur'an a proof for us and not a proof against us on this day. The Prophet said: The Qur'an is an intercessor, something gives permission to intercede, and that is rightfully believed. Abu Umaam related what the Prophet said.

Our brain is so arranged that everything unnecessary, unused is put aside in the far corner and then it is difficult to find it. You will definitely learn how to read fluently if you practice. But in fact, you have this experience even without me - after all, you did not immediately begin to read Russian quickly either. It is important to start and move forward. From the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck and invite you to be convinced of the ease of mastering Arabic letters on the example of the first two lessons of my author's course “Reading Arabic is easy if you know how”, which you can get for free.

Make dua so that Allah will grant you this knowledge

In Sahih Muslims we find how "Umar ibn al-Khattab" understood this principle. Some people began to ask him during his khilafah about the leadership of Mecca, they asked: "Who are you using to rule Mecca?" He said: "Ibn Abzaa." They asked: "And who is Ibn Abzaa?" Umar replied: "A freed slave from those whom we have freed." And he answered them: Verily, he is a reader of the Book of Allah and aware of the obligations of the Muslims.

Have you not heard the statement of your Messenger: "Indeed, Allah raises some people by this Book and lowers others." Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, said what the Prophet said. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas heard the Prophet say. This will be said to the companion of the Qur'an: read, raise and adorn your voice, as you did when you were in dunya!

September 27, 2016

Arabic alphabet.
How to memorize Arabic letters several times faster

The Arabic alphabet at the first glance at it can cause a whole bunch of emotions - “what kind of squiggles are these”, “these are some kind of hieroglyphs”, “yes, I will never remember this”, “in order to learn how to read and write here with these badges, many days of hard work are needed ”... and so on.

It is very important for a Muslim to read the Quran. There are additional benefits when reading the Quran in Arabic. The best practice is to take the time to read the Qur'an every day, read Arabic, and then if you don't understand Arabic, read the translation in your own language. Also, one should try to find a scholar or study circle to improve his understanding of the Qur'an.

Hope this helps answer your question. Salam and please keep in touch. My earliest, most precious memories revolve around my family and the Quran. My experience was extraordinary. The "Quran" is the core of the Islamic worldview - the basis of the prophetic claims of Muhammad, the basis of sharia, "law" and the common denominator among all Muslims. It is the most read book in the world, and for Muslims, it is the closest thing to the Word made flesh.

To be honest, such an attitude towards the Arabic alphabet is understandable - it is so unlike the usual Latin alphabet, and even the Arabs write from right to left, how can a person figure it out? No way!

In fact, any new phenomenon can be mastered quite quickly if you approach it along the shortest path. And today I will share with you a part of the methodology of the RUSARA center for quickly memorizing Arabic letters. We successfully use it on streams where learning to read and write in Arabic takes place.

First, the Qur'an was not meant to be read like a book. When Muhammad was alive, there was no such thing as a written book in Arabic. What the early Muslims knew as the "Quran" were "short liturgical recitations". After the death of Muhammad, all of these expositions were compiled into a book we call the Qur'an, and this explains why many who try to read the Qur are left confused and frustrated. It is not meant to be read like the Bible.

This leads to my second point: The Qur'an contains only a small part of the Muslim worldview. Some hadiths even bring verses from the Qur'an "cancelled" or canceled, depending on which imit interprets them. Thus, a complex system of age-old traditions, authoritative leaders, and theological branches interact with Kor to form Islam.

So, first of all, I want to reassure you right away - Arabic alphabet does not consist of hieroglyphs or squiggles, but of letters, each of which denotes its own sound. Dot!

Next, look at the expanded picture of the Arabic alphabet. We count letters. How much? 28 pieces. Already 5 less than in the Russian alphabet. But the main thing is not even the number of letters, but their quality. Let's take a closer look at the letters. Don't you find, dear friends, that some of them are very similar to each other, differing only in dots above or below?

This feature of the Arabic alphabet will help us. Our first task is to remember the appearance and name of the letters. This is much easier to do if you do not learn all the letters in a row, but break the alphabet into "groups" of letters similar to each other.

I show on a live example:

  • I take the first three similar letters and separate them into a separate group.

  • After that, I take the next letters and also form a new grouping from them, and so on, until the end.

Good news- the letters that we select into groups follow each other alphabetically, so there is no need to mix and drag them, so you can do everything quickly and clearly.

And here's what you need to do now to quickly memorize the letters.

1. Print the alphabet or find your own
2. Draw different colors around groups of letters that are similar to each other
3. Remember the appearance and name of the letters, starting with the very first grouping.

This is easy to do, since we have 4-5 letters in a group, and even if you work with one group a day, then in a maximum of a week you will master the entire Arabic alphabet.

The Qur'an and the Sunnah contain many texts that encourage the memorization of the Qur'an by heart, explain the superiority of the experts of the Book of Allah over other believers, point out the virtues of learning the Qur'an and teaching it to others. Allah Almighty facilitates the memorization of His Scripture for those who sincerely strive for this for the sake of His pleasure and in the hope of receiving His reward: “ We have made the Quran easy to remember. But are there any commemorators?” (Sura 54 “al-Qamar = Moon”, verse 17).

Following the instructions of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, memorized the Qur'an and respectfully treated the experts of the Qur'an. Many of the Companions, their followers and Islamic scholars dedicated their lives to the study and dissemination of the Book of Allah. They passed on the tradition of reading the Quran from the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, took care of maintaining the chain of transmitters going back to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, taught Muslims the rules of reading the Quran ( tajweed). Thanks to the help of Almighty Allah, and then the efforts of the imams of the Muslim ummah, reading the Koran and teaching it has become an uninterrupted tradition that will continue until the disappearance of the last Scripture on earth shortly before the Day of Judgment.

In the specialized literature, various methods of memorizing the Qur'an are analyzed, taking into account psychological, physiological, social and other factors. The purpose of this article is not to consider these factors, but to make it easier for Russian-speaking Muslims to memorize the Koran at home. In addition, we will talk about the process of memorizing the Quran, and not about teaching the subtleties of tajwid, since the work of the organs of speech for each person is individual and requires correction by an experienced teacher who is an expert on the rules of reading the Quran.

For the proper organization of the process of memorizing the Qur'an, which requires perseverance, patience and constancy, Islamic scholars have developed a system of memory development based on the Muslim tradition and the centuries-old experience of experts on the Qur'an. As you know, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, memorized five to ten verses and did not start memorizing the next verses until they put the acquired knowledge into practice. Fixing the memorized verses in memory can be summarized as follows:
1 - frequent repetition of verses
2 - reading by heart
3 - understanding the semantic meanings of the verses
4 - familiarization with the interpretation of the verses (tafsir)
5 - fulfillment of the instructions contained in the verses

In accordance with this methodology and taking into account the resources available to Russian-speaking Muslims, it is advisable to propose the following process for memorizing and repeating the Koran:

1. Arabic alphabet.

Almighty Allah repeatedly indicates in the Qur'an that it was sent down in "clear Arabic". Therefore, any believer who wants to learn the Qur'an must know the Arabic alphabet and be able to read Arabic. As noted by experts, a person who has an average learning ability can learn the letters of the Arabic alphabet in one week, and learn to read in one month.
At home, I recommend learning the Arabic alphabet using Ilnur Sarbulatov’s video tutorials, which are called “Arabic alphabet from scratch”

I want to emphasize that many Russian-speaking Muslims make a gross mistake by memorizing the Koran by transcription (Arabic words are written in Cyrillic or Latin). This is unacceptable, since reading the transcription violates the pronunciation of the Qur'an and changes the meaning of its verses. For example, Arabic has a hard consonant [k] and a soft consonant [k]. The Arabic word “qalb” when written with a hard consonant sound [k] means “heart”, and with a soft consonant sound [k] it means “dog”. Now imagine a person who reads the verses that mention these words, transcribed, pronouncing the word “dog” instead of the word “heart” and vice versa! Therefore, I urge all fellow believers to make an effort and learn to read in Arabic, especially since you will feel the special sweetness of faith when you learn verses directly from the Koran.

2. Memorizing the verses of the Qur'an

The main method of memorizing the Quran is the frequent repetition of its verses. There are different ways of memorizing, which depend on the individual characteristics of the person. Some believers learn verses one at a time, others read five verses at a time and then repeat them, and still others read a whole page first and then repeat it. It is necessary to choose the method that is most easy for a person.
I recommend learning the verses in the following order:
1. Choose the sura you want to learn. As a rule, it is better to start learning with short suras at the end of the Qur'an.
2. Listen carefully to the reading of the selected verses.
For this purpose, I recommend listening to the recording of the “Sheikh of the Quran readers” of our time, Mahmoud Khalil al-Husari, may Allah have mercy on him, whose reading is distinguished by simplicity, clarity of diction and correct pronunciation. Moreover, there is a special record of the Qur'an which is study guide for those who have begun to memorize the Book of Allah.
3. Read the translation of the verses to be memorized.
I recommend the semantic translation made by our esteemed brother Elmir Kuliev.
4. Familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the verses being memorized.
I recommend the three-volume tafsir "Relief from the Magnanimous and Merciful" by Abdurrahman al-Saadi.
5. After you have memorized part of the verses or the entire sura, return to the recording of Mahmoud Khalil al-Husari.

In the pause between the verses or within the verse, try to read the memorized fragment of the Qur'an from memory.
For example, 112 surah “al-Ikhlas = Purification of faith”.
You: Bismi-Llahi r-rahmani rrahim (pause in recording)
al-Husari: Bismi-Llahi r-rahmani rrahim
You: kul huwa-llahu ahad (pause in recording)
al-Husari: kul huwa-llahu ahad
You: Allahu ssamad (pause in recording)
al-Husari: Allahu samad
You: lam yalid wa lam yulyad (pause in recording)
al-Husari: lam yalid wa lam yulyad
You: wa lam yakul-lahu kufuan ahad (pause in recording)
al-Husari: wa lam yakul-lahu kufuan ahad

This method is very useful and effective for strengthening the memorization of the Quran ( hifz). At the initial stage, it is recommended to memorize three or four short verses daily, and then combine everything learned together, repeating the learned fragment many times. It is important to finally fix the memorized verses and not start studying a new fragment until the previous one has been memorized. Over time, it is recommended to increase the amount of memorized text until it reaches maximum number lines that the student is able to memorize at one time.

3. Repetition of the verses of the Qur'an in prayers.

It is necessary to gradually accumulate and regularly repeat the memorized verses of the Qur'an. In addition to reading the Quran daily (more on that later) effective way is the reading of learned verses and suras in prayers.
The outstanding scholar and expert on hadith Abu al-Hasan al-Sindi, in his commentary on the collection “Sunan al-Nasai”, writes: “Sometimes the imam should read [in prayers] what the prophet read, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, in order to receive grace ( barracks) from him, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, reading and reviving his Sunnah…” (Vol. 2, p. 170).

In this regard, it would be advisable to draw the attention of a respected reader to those verses and suras that the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, read in five daily prayers, so that we follow his example in this (taken from the book):

I. Dawn prayer ( fajr)

Two sunnah rak'ahs before the obligatory dawn prayer:

1 rak'ah - "al-Baqarah" (No. 2), ayat 136
2 rak'ah - "Al Imran" (No. 3), verse 64 or "Al Imran" (No. 3), verse 52

1 rak'ah - "al-Kafirun" (No. 109)
2 rak'ah - "al-Ikhlas" (No. 112)

Two rak'ahs of the obligatory dawn prayer ( fard):

Long dissected suras ( tival al-mufassal) 1:
1. “al-Waqia” (No. 56) and similar surahs in both rakahs
2. “at-Tur” (No. 52) and similar suras
3. “Kaf” (No. 50) and similar surahs in the first rakah
Short dissected suras:
4. “at-Takwir” (No. 81)
5. “al-Zalzala” (No. 99) in both rakahs
Once I read on the way:
6. in the 1st rakah - “al-Falyak” (No. 113), in the 2nd rakah - “an-Nas” (No. 114)
Sometimes he recited more than 60 verses (in one or both rakahs):
7. Ar-Rum (No. 30)
eight." Ya Sin” (No. 36)
9.”al-Muminun” (No. 23)
10. “as-Saffat” (No. 37)
On Fridays I read (sometimes):
11. in the 1st rakah - “as-Sajda” (No. 32), in the 2nd rakah - “al-Insan” (No. 76)

II. Midday prayer ( zuhr)

The first and second rak'ahs of the obligatory midday prayer:

1. about 30 verses equal in length to Surah as-Sajda (No. 32)
2. “al-Buruj” (No. 85), “at-Tariq” (No. 86) and similar suras
3.” al-Layl” (No. 92) and similar suras
4. “al-Inshiqaq” (No. 84) and similar suras
5. in the 1st rak'ah - "al-A'la" (No. 87), in the 2nd rak'ah - "al-Gashiya" (No. 88)

The third and fourth rakahs of the obligatory midday prayer:

1. about 15 verses equal in length to Surah as-Sajda (No. 32)
2. “al-Fatiha” (No. 1)

III. Evening prayer ( ‘asr)

The first and second rakahs of the obligatory evening prayer:

About 15 verses equal in length to Surah as-Sajda (No. 32)

The third and fourth rak'ahs of the obligatory evening prayer are:

1. about 7-8 verses equal in length to the surah “as-Sajda” (No. 32)
2. “al-Fatiha” (No. 1)

IV. sunset prayer ( maghrib)

The first and second rakahs of the obligatory sunset prayer:

1. Short dissected suras
2. Once I read “at-Tin” (No. 95) in the 2nd rak'ah on the way
3. Medium and long dissected suras
4. "Muhammad" (No. 47)
5. “at-Tur” (No. 52)
6.” al-Mursalyat” (No. 77)
7. "al-Araf" (No. 7) in both rak'ahs
8. Al-Anfal (No. 8) in both rak'ahs

Two sunnah rak'ahs after the obligatory sunset prayer:

1 rak'ah - "al-Kafirun" (No. 109)
2 rak'ah - "al-Ikhlas" (No. 112)

V. Night prayer ( ‘isha)

The first and second rakahs of the obligatory night prayer:

Medium dissected suras:
1. Ash-Shams (No. 91) and similar Surahs
2. al-Inshikaq (No. 84)
3. al-A'la (No. 87)
4. al-Alaq (No. 96)
5. al-layl (#92)
6. Once I read “at-Tin” (No. 95) in the 1st rak'ah on the way

Reading suras similar in meaning in one rak'ah:
1. “ar-Rahman” (No. 55) and “an-Najm” (No. 53)
2. “al-Qamar” (No. 54) and “al-Hakka” (No. 69)
3. “at-Tur” (No. 52) and “az-Zariyyat” (No. 51)
4. “al-Waqia” (No. 56) and “al-Kalam” (No. 68)
5. “al-Maaarij” (No. 70) and “an-Naziat” (No. 79)
6. “al-Mutaffifin” (No. 83) and “Abasa” (No. 80)
7. “al-Muddassir” (No. 74) and “al-Muzzammil” (No. 73)
8. “al-Insan” (No. 76) and “al-Qiyama” (No. 75)
9. “an-Naba” (No. 78) and “al-Mursalat” (No. 77)
10. “ad-Dukhan” (No. 44) and “at-Takwir” (No. 81)

4. Daily repetition of the verses of the Qur'an

In one of the authentic hadiths, it is reported that the Qur'an leaves the hearts of those who do not pay due attention to it, faster than a she-camel is freed from her bonds. Therefore, it is important to set aside time for the daily repetition of the memorized verses of the Qur'an.
One of the methods of repeating the Qur'an is contained in a hadith reported by Abu Dawud, Ahmad, at-Tahawi and other experts on hadith.
Since the opinions of the Muhaddiths regarding the authenticity of this hadith differed due to one transmitter (highlighted in italics), I will give the entire chain of his transmitters.

1) Fahd - Yusuf ibn Buhlul - Suleiman ibn Hayyan - Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman ibn Ya'la ibn Ka'b at-Taifi- Uthman ibn Abdullah ibn Aus ibn Hudhaifa - his grandfather Aws ibn Hudhaifa
(“Sharh Mushkil al-Asar” (No. 1371, 1373) at-Tahawi).
2) Abu Khalid al-Ahmar (i.e. Suleiman ibn Hayyan - approx. D.H.) - – Usman ibn Abdullah ibn Aus – his grandfather Aus ibn Khuzayfa (“Musnad” (No. 539) by Ibn Abu Sheiba)
3) Abdurrahman ibn Mahdi - Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman at-Taifi– Usman ibn Abdullah ibn Aus al-Saqafi – his grandfather Aus ibn Khuzayfa (“Musnad” (No. 16166, 19021) of Imam Ahmad).
4) Abu Bakr ibn Abu Shayba - Abu Khalid al-Ahmar (i.e. Suleiman ibn Hayyan - approx. D.Kh.) - Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman ibn Ya'la at-Taifi– Usman ibn Abdullah ibn Aus – his grandfather Aus ibn Khuzayfa (“Sunan” (No. 1345) Ibn Maji)
5) Musaddad - Kurran ibn Tammam - (through another chain Abdullah ibn Said - Abu Khalid -) - Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman ibn Ya'la- Uthman ibn Abdullah ibn Aus - his grandfather Aus ibn Khuzayfa
(“Sunan” (No. 1393) by Abu Dawud).

The hadith reports that when Aus ibn Hudhaifa, may Allah be pleased with him, came to the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as part of a delegation from the Saqif tribe, he talked with them after a night prayer (‘ isha). Once the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was late and came later than usual, because due to certain circumstances he could not read the part of the Qur'an that he used to read every day. Therefore, he did not want to leave this reading and lingered. Further, Aus ibn Hudhaif said: “I asked the companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, about how they divide (reading the suras) of the Qur'an in parts. They replied: “Three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen and part of the whole mufassal.”

As Sheikh al-Albani notes: “The isnad of this hadeeth is weak because of Ibn Yali, aka at-Taifi, who was called a weak narrator by al-Dhahabi and [Ibn Hajar] al-Asqalani ... I (i.e. al-Albani I also consider this hadeeth to be weak. All of his narrators are reliable, except for Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman ibn Ya'l at-Taifi. He is a weak narrator due to a (bad) memory, as pointed out by leading scholars of hadith. Ibn Abu Hatim narrated from his father (2/2/97): “Weak transmitter of hadith”, an-Nasai said: “Not very strong (transmitter), wrote down his hadith.” Ibn Main differed in his opinion about him. He described it with the following words: “Fit”, “Fit with a stretch”, “Weak”. As for al-Bukhari, he called him a very weak narrator, as follows from his words: "He has doubts." Some scholars of hadith considered it reliable. However, their opinion about the reliability of this transmitter does not have weight, since it contradicts the classification of the aforementioned imams, especially considering that in the science of hadith there is a rule: in case of disagreement about the reliability of the narrator, abduction ( jarh) is given priority over confirmation ( ta'dil). Therefore, al-Dhahabi included the name of this narrator in his collection of Weak Narrators of Hadith. (“Daif Abu Dawud”, No. 246).

Taking into account the opinion of those scholars of hadith who considered this hadith weak due to the presence of an unreliable narrator in it, nevertheless, nothing can prevent us from accepting the addition that Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi cites in his collection from the words of the expert on hadith Suleiman ibn Hayyan 2, since he is in the chain of transmitters after Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman ibn Yali at-Taifi.

Thus, citing the aforementioned hadeeth, Abu Jafar at-Tahawi said: “Abu Khalid, i.e. Suleiman ibn Hayyan, [said:] “We looked into it (i.e. at the scroll of the Qur'an - approx. D.H.), and [divided the reading of the Qur'an into parts as follows:] the three suras at the beginning of the Qur'an - “al- Bakara” (No. 2), “al-Imran” (No. 3) and “an-Nisa” (No. 4), [then] five (suras) - “al-Maida” (No. 5), “al-An'am” (No. 6), “al-A'raf” (No. 7), “al-Anfal” (No. 8) and “Baraa” (No. 9), [then] seven (sur) - “Yunus” (No. 10), “ Hood” (No. 11), “Yusuf” (No. 12), “ar-Ra’d” (No. 13), “Ibrahim” (No. 14), “al-Hijr” (No. 15) and “an-Nahl” (No. 16), [then] nine (suras) - “Banu Israil” (No. 17), “al-Kahf” (No. 18), “Maryam” (No. 19), “Ta Ha” (No. 20), “al- Anbiya” (No. 21), “al-Hajj” (No. 22), “al-Muminun” (No. 23), “an-Nur” (No. 24) and “al-Furqan” (No. 25), [then] eleven (suras) - suras beginning with the letters “Ta. Syn. [Mim]” (No. 26-28), “al-Ankabut” (No. 29), “ar-Rum” (No. 30), “Lukman” (No. 31), “al-Sajda” (No. 32), “al-Ahzab” (No. 33), “Saba” (No. 34), “Fatyr” (No. 35) and “Ya Sin” (No. 36), [then] thirteen (suras) - “as-Saffat” (No. 37), “Garden” (No. 38), “az-Zumar” (No. 39), suras beginning with the letters “Ha. Mime. [Ain. Syn. Kaf]” (Nos. 40-46), “Muhammad” (No. 47), “al-Fath” (No. 48) and “al-Hujurat” (No. 49), [and then all the surahs from] the “Mufassal” part (Nos. 50-114). (“Sharh Mushkil al-Asar” (No. 1373) at-Tahawi, “Tafsir” by Ibn Kathir to the sura “Kaf”).

Thus, the cycle of reading the Qur'an according to this classification is divided into seven days:

1 day - “al-Fatiha” (No. 1), “al-Baqarah” (No. 2), “al-Imran” (No. 3) and “an-Nisa” (No. 4)
Day 2 - "al-Maida" (No. 5), "al-An'am" (No. 6), "al-A'raf" (No. 7), "al-Anfal" (No. 8) and "Baraa" (No. 9)
Day 3 - "Yunus" (No. 10), "Hud" (No. 11), "Yusuf" (No. 12), "ar-Ra'd" (No. 13), "Ibrahim" (No. 14), "al-Hijr" (No. 15) and “an-Nakhl” (No. 16)
Day 4 - “Banu Israil” (No. 17), “al-Kahf” (No. 18), “Maryam” (No. 19), “Ta Ha” (No. 20), “al-Anbiya” (No. 21), “ al-Hajj” (No. 22), “al-Muminun” (No. 23), “an-Nur” (No. 24) and “al-Furqan” (No. 25)
Day 5 - suras beginning with the letters “Ta. Syn. [Mim]” (No. 26-28), “al-Ankabut” (No. 29), “ar-Rum” (No. 30), “Lukman” (No. 31), “al-Sajda” (No. 32), “al-Ahzab” (No. 33), “Saba” (No. 34), “Fatyr” (No. 35) and “Ya Sin” (No. 36)
Day 6 - “as-Saffat” (No. 37), “Garden” (No. 38), “az-Zumar” (No. 39), suras beginning with the letters “Ha. Mime. [Ain. Syn. Qaf]” (Nos. 40-46), “Muhammad” (No. 47), “al-Fath” (No. 48) and “al-Khujurat” (No. 49)
Day 7 - all the surahs from the “mufassal” part (Nos. 50-114).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the study of the Koran is a special way of life, achieved by following the Koranic commandments, observing Muslim morality, constant spiritual self-improvement and regular repetition of learned suras. In the hadiths of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, it is explained that the experts of the Qur'an are "the people of Allah and His special slaves." And in the verse of the Qur'an, which is known as the "verse of the reciters", it is said that those who read the Qur'an and keep its commandments will receive their reward in full and an addition in addition: "Verily, those who read the Book of Allah perform prayer and spend from what We endowed them, secretly and openly, hoping for a deal that will not be unsuccessful, so that He will reward them in full and even add from His mercy. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Gratitude” (Sura 35 “Fatir = Creator”, verses 29-30).

1Mufassal is the common name for all the suras of the Qur'an, starting from the 50th sura "Kaf" and up to the end of the Qur'an

The two most common classifications of suras from the al-mufassal section are:

Long dissected suras (tival al-mufassal) - suras from “Kaf” (No. 50) to “al-Hadid” (No. 57)
Middle dissected suras (ausat al-mufassal) - suras from “al-Hadid” (No. 57) to “at-Takwir” (No. 81)
Short dissected suras (kisar al-mufassal) - suras from “at-Takwir” (No. 81) to the end

Long dissected suras (tival al-mufassal) - suras from “Kaf” (No. 50) to “An-Naba” (No. 78)
Middle dissected suras (ausat al-mufassal) - suras from “an-Naba” (No. 78) to “ad-Duha” (No. 93)
Short dissected suras (kisar al-mufassal) - suras “ad-Duha” (No. 93) to the end

2Abu Khalid al-Ahmar Suleiman ibn Hayyan al-Azdi al-Kufi was an imam, hafiz of the Qur'an and a scholar of hadith. He was born in Jurjan in 114 AH. He transmitted hadiths from Hisham ibn Urva, Leys ibn Abu Salim, Abu Malik al-Ashjai and other scholars, and from him the hadiths were transmitted by Imams Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abu Bakr ibn Abu Shayba, Ishaq ibn Rakhawayh and other experts in religion. All scholars of hadith described him as a truthful and reliable narrator. He died in 189 AH. He was one of the scholars of hadith. He avoided kalam, disputes and judgments based on personal opinion (rayy). (For more details, see his biography in “al-Sikat” (6/395), “Tahdhib al-Kamal” (3/271-272), “Tabaqat ulama al-hadith” 1/398-399).

Learning to read the Qur'an consists of 4 basic rules:

  1. Learning the alphabet (the alphabet in Arabic is called "Alif wa ba").
  2. Writing training.
  3. Grammar (tajwid).
  4. Reading.

You may immediately think that this is easy. However, all these stages are divided into several subparagraphs. The main point is that you need to learn how to write correctly. That's right, not right! If you do not learn to write, then you cannot move on to learning grammar and reading.

2 more very important points: the first is that by this method you will only learn to read and write in Arabic, but not to translate. To fully delve into this language, you can go to an Arab country and already there gnaw at the granite of science. Secondly, you need to immediately decide on which Koran you will study, since there are differences in them. Most of the old mentors teach from the Qur'an, which is called Ghazan.

But I do not advise you to do this, because then it will be difficult to switch to the modern Koran. The font is very different everywhere, but the meaning of the text is the same. Naturally, “Gazan” is easier to learn to read, but it is better to start learning with a modern font. If you do not quite understand the difference, then look at the picture below, this is how the font in the Quran should look like:

I think that if you want to learn how to read the Quran, then you have already bought it. Now we can move on to the alphabet. At this stage, I advise you to start a notebook and remember the school. All letters must be printed separately in a notebook 100 times. The Arabic alphabet is not more complicated than the Russian one. Firstly, there are only 28 letters in it, and secondly, there are only 2 vowels: “he” and “alif”.

But it can also make understanding that language more difficult. Because in addition to letters, there are also sounds: “un”, “u”, “i”, “a”. Moreover, almost all letters (except "wow", "zey", "rei", "zal", "dal", "alif") at the end, in the middle and at the beginning of the word are written differently. Most also have problems with what needs to be read from right to left. After all, they read from left to right. But in Arabic it's the other way around.

It can also cause inconvenience in writing. The main thing in it is that the bias in handwriting should be from right to left, and not vice versa. You can get used to it for a long time, but after a while you will bring everything to automatism. Now UchiEto will show you the Arabic alphabet (yellow boxes highlight the spellings of the letters depending on their location in the word):

First, it is important that you write as much as possible. You need to get your hands on this as you are now building the foundation of your learning. In a month it is quite possible to learn the alphabet, know the spelling options and learn how to write. If you are interested, then you will meet in half a month.

Once you have learned the alphabet and learned how to write, you can move on to grammar. In Arabic, it is called "tajwid". You can comprehend grammar directly while reading. Only a small nuance - in the Koran the beginning is not where everyone is used to. The beginning is at the end of the book, but it is better to start with the first sura of the Qur'an called Al-Fatiha.

Tags: How to say Arabic, Arabic Phrasebook, Interesting Facts, koran-tadghvid-po-arabski

Not so long ago, a Muslim came to me with a question:

I advised him to purchase my 3 Hour Arabic Reading & Writing online course complete with 2 Hour Phonetic Subtleties, which he did the same day. Exactly three days pass, he writes to me on Viber:

Well, I think: probably, the person already knew the alphabet, now he just summarized the material, and it went well for him. I think let me ask again. I ask if he learned to read before, he says no, this is the first time. I start asking questions and find out that he really, studying my lessons from scratch, began to read the Koran in 3 days !!!

I was extremely surprised, since on average it takes people from a month to a month and a half to independently study all the course material. May I ask how much time per day do you work out?

He answers me: Well, about 5, 6 hours a day and immediately read the Koran, watched the lessons and read. I did it at the same time and I remember everything. Now I read freely, only slowly so far. But I can read without problems. Alhamdulillah. I made a dua to Allah so that He would make it easier for me to study and everything worked out, Alhamdulillah. I read to my more experienced brothers, and they are surprised that in 3 days I learned to read the Koran!

Then I asked him to tell his story, because it will be very useful for those people who have been going to take up the study of Arabic for years, but the apparent complexity of the subject stops them on the threshold ...

“My name is Abdul Malik, I am 36 years old. All my life I looked at the Arabic scriptures as if they were Chinese), I thought that this was beyond my power. My grandparents are over 80 years old, about 5 years ago they learned to read the Koran in Arabic and this was amazing news for me. I thought how at that age you can learn these hieroglyphs ?! At that moment, they told me that I should also learn and that it was really simple. But I did not believe and continued to think that I would not succeed. Another five years passed, and then my own mother, over the age of 60, also learned to read the Koran in a month, and then I was already shocked how they succeed. Mom told me let's learn it's easy. In the end, I decided to try and found video tutorials on the Internet. For 3 days I carefully studied these lessons and immediately applied them in practice. In fact, I understood what my old people told me five years ago. Everything is really simple and clear. All that is required is to memorize the alphabet and literally 4 more very simple tricks as you begin to read in an amazing way. It's been three days since I started learning to read Arabic and I'm already reading the Qur'an Alhamdulillah. In general, brothers and sisters, the moral of this story is that you just have to start and inshaAllah everything will happen by itself!”

From myself I will add that the Arabic language, the language of the Last Message, has an amazing mystical property to be revealed to those who are really looking for Knowledge.

The internal logic of this language is striking in its harmony.

Therefore, if you have desire and fear, then take the first step - and perhaps a miracle awaits you.

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