Главные достопримечательности белоруссии на английском. Достопримечательности белоруссии

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Russia and Poland. Its territory is much larger than such countries as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece and a number of others. Its present population is about 12 million people. Belarus is a land of vast plains and picturesque hills, thick forests and green meadows, deep blue lakes and flowing rivers. Forests cover 2/5 of Belarus, they are scattered all over the country. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in our country. The Dnieper, Pripyat, Beresins, Sozh, Zapadnaya Dvina, Neman are the biggest rivers with more then 500 kilometers in length. The largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch which stretches 13 kilometers from West to East. It is a very popular recreation area in our country. Belarus has a moderately continental climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean with a warm winter and warm summer.

To most of the world, Belarus is thought of as a relatively new country in Central Europe. For Belorussians, it"s an ancient land. The history of Belarus goes back to ancient times beginning with the Polotsk Principality in the 10th century.

From the 13th century until the 16th centuiy the territory of present -day Belarus was the core of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in which Belarussian was the official language. It was one of the largest, most powerful and flourishing states, in Eastern Europe. The 16th century is considered to be the Golden Age of Belarussian history. This period was marked by prolific growth and foundation of many new cities and towns. There was significant progress in the development of culture and economy of the Belarussian people. As Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe many wars took place on its territory.

One of the worst wars was in 1812 when French emperor Napoleon attacked Russia and as a result, Belarussian lands became a major battlefield arena. A great number of Belarussians took part in this war against Napoleon.

In the 20th century alone Belarus survived three revolutions and three bloody wars. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was one of the most heroic and tragic periods in the history of the century. For three years the territory of Belarus was occupied by the Nazis.

The country lost more than 3 million people (every third citizen fell in the fight against fascism), many towns and villages were ruined. Belarus lost more then half of its national wealth.

Today Belarus is a developed industrial state. Industry makes up 70% of the Gross National Product. The main industries are engineering, chemical industry, wood-working industry, light and food industries. The major industrial centres in Belarus are Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Soligorsk, Zhodino, Brest and others. Belarussian goods are exported to many countries and are known all over the world. Belarussian agriculture specializes in milk and meat production, flax, vegetables (especially potatoes) and fruit (especially apples). The Republic of Belarus has a well-developed science and educational system.

The Academy of Sciences founded in 1929 is one of the largest centres of science in our country. Its research-institutes work on various important problems in such fields as mathematics, optics, genetics, biology, etc. The demand for higher education remains high. State institutions are the centres both for education and scientific research. Nowadays in Belarus there are 43 universities, academies and institutes which provide training in various spheres of science and humanities.

At present Belarus actively participates in an effective international partnership with the governments of different states and international organizations. As a co-founder of the United Nations, Belarus cooperates with various institutions and organizations of the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, International Labor Organization, UNESCO, the European Union, etc. Belarus has a friendly working relationship with such countries as Germany, Denmark, France, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, The USA and many others.

Get ready to your next trip: take a car, train or bicycle and go explore Belarus. Together with guide to Belarus Vetliva we made up a list of the main reasons to ride all over the country: from springs with healing water and ecological routes to impressive objects of military tourism, chamber museums and manors, that haven’t lost their greatness.


1. Kosava Castle

Ivatsevichy district, Kosava


2. The Palace Complex of the Sapegas in Ruzhany

Pruzhany district, Ruzhany

Travel guides call the castle ruins ‘belarusian Versailles’, but it’s not spectacular views or glamourous interios that you should come here for (there is not so much of them left), but strong energy of the place. Just imagine: in the beginning of the 17th century there was founded a castle and the chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lew Sapega took part in it. So as to make life there not only comfortable, but also secure, three massive defensive towers were added to the complex. Important state issues were discussed in here, top managers of those times used to organize balls, also the Sapegas archive and the state treasury were kept in the castle. After the uprising of 1831 was defeated, the Sapegas left the residence and the castle turned into a textile factory. During the WWI the ensemble was set to fire, but after the WWII the idea of restoration was forgotten completely.

3. Brest Hero-Fortress


It is a massive defensive construction and an open-air museum of Soviet heroic monumental art. The fortress was built in the 19th century and its histiry is pretty impressive. In 1596 Union of Brest was announced here, much later there was signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovs k that ended the participacion of the Soviet Russia in the WWI. But the fortress became really famous after the heroic events of the WWII.

4. Olmanskiye Moors

Stolin district

It´s the only naturally preserved complex of the raised, transitional and lowland moors, which occupies 75% of the territory of Stolin district. That’s the dream of any ecologist: 687 spieces of plants, 151 species of birds, and 26 species of mammals live there. It’s interesting that in the 60s there was an aviation range, that is why there are still unexploded bombs and shells in the moors.

An ecological route of almost 2 km is of a special interest. It goes along the Vyalikaye Zasominaye lake, which is the natural border with the Ukraine. Another route leads to 40 m high tower, which gives an excellent opportunity to look around the territory and biodiversity. Ask locals where More Gerodota (Gerodot’s Sea) is - it’s Vyalikae and Malaye Zasominaye and 23 lakes more.

Foreigners will have to pay € 114 in advance for a visit. More information about the .

How to get? The classics: a bus or minibus from Minsk to Stolin.


5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nathional park

It’s the largest and the oldest forest in Europe protected by UNESCO that Belarus is really proud of. Here the agreement that put an end to the Soviet Union was signed. It’s right here where belarusian Ded Moroz lives (his residence is open even in summer, he just wears lighter outfit then). Here you can breathe in relict air, ride a bike, feed a bison and go see Kamyanetz Tower , which is already more than 700 years old.

How to get? We recommend going to Brest by train, and then a bus to Kamyanetz. There are also direct minibuses available for the most impacient travellers.


6. Jesus Collegium

Pinsk, 1, Leninskaya vulica

Pinsk is the second after Hrodna belarusian town with the most landmarks preserved. The building of collegium deserves a special attention. Talented students were accepted there regardless of their families’ income. If you walk around the building, you’ll notice that it looks so much different: like a fortress from the river and like an open book from the backyard. Now it is a nice museum of belarusian Polesie where you can see stuffed animals or have a sit on a wooden bicycle. Then along Lenina Street there is the Franciscan monastery with the Madonna of Pinsk and cool magnets, Palace of Butrimovich, House of Orda and the University of Polesie campus. The river front in town is 2.5 km long, enough space for walks with beautiful view.

How to get? You can go by minibus : the ride takes 3 hours and costs € 3. Two days a week there is also a train; it leaves from Minsk at 17.37 and comes to Pinsk at 22.55.


7. Polesie

Brest region

The largest European moor territory that occupies almost 30% of the map of Belarus. Terra incognita has the size of a small country; there are isolated villages and local inhabitants who even speak their own language. To feel all the beauty of living in Polesie you should wait for the spring spate of river Pripyat. A perfect option is to rent a boat and swim along flooded belarusian countryside from Turau to Pinsk.

How to get? You already know how to get to Pinsk.


8. Mir Castle

Mir, 2, Chyrvonaarmeiskaya vulica


9. Kalozha Church

Hrodna, 6, Kalozha vulica

Kalozha Church, or the Church of Sts. Boris and Gleb, appeared on the pagan temple at the Castle Hill in Hrodna already in the 11th century. It’s an Ancient Rus period building, although it was reconstructed. The church is not plastered, so you can look at all engineering solutions of those times. The church stands on an abrupt bank of the river Neman.

How to get? By train (from any belarusian town), bus or minibus (€ 7).


10. Trinity Church in Gervyaty village

Astravets district, Gervyaty village

It’s the highest cathedral in Belarus - 61 m (24 floor building!) and the only one created according to the all neogothic canons. It was erected at the site of a wooden church of the 16th century. A brick works was organized for construction purposes only, and also eggs were collected from all over the neighborhood (they were added to the grout to make it stronger. The slate was brought from Germany. Here you can learn how arc-boutant looks: it’s
a semi-arch that distributes load from the main wall and stands separately (remember Notre-Dame de Paris), which is not typical for Belarus. Make sure to attend the service, it’s in Belarusian, Polish and Lithuanian, and go for a walk in the park, which is probably even cooler than the church.

How to get? The best variant is to drive, of course. If there’ no such opportunity, go to Astravets and then to Gervyaty (through Varnyany).


Hrodna district, Nemnava

A navigable canal was built in the 19th century to connect the Black and Baltic seas. There are just two constructions in the world that were built so long ago and so elaborately and that are preserved in so good condition: in Great Britain and in Sweden. The length of the canal is 101 km, 22 km goes through the belarusian border territory with the lightened visa control. Locks, opening bridges, columns - everything is so well-coordinated and thoroughly thought through. You can get on a boat called Neman, walk along on foot, visit the museum, go kayaking, see a survived manor in Svyatsk built in the 18th century according to the project by Italian architect Giuseppe de Sacco.

How to get? Start from Minsk by car (Valozhin - Lida - Skidzel direction, 327 km). From Hrodna you can take a bus (Hrodna - Garachky, Hrodna - Nemnava, Hrodna - Kalety, the stops Augustousky Canal or Sonichy) or drive.


12. Slonim Synagogue

Slonim, 1, Savietskaya vulica

The baroque synagogue of 1642 is one of the most ancient in the country. The half-ruined building has remained gorgeous inner finery. The synagogue was gravely damaged during Napoleonic war, but was reconstructed quickly due to Jewish community that was one of the most powerful in the country. There were 21 synagogues, and 70% of the population was Jewish in the end of the 20th century. In 2000 the building was brought back to the faithful but still it wasn´t reconstructed. Be sure to look closely at the Torah ark , fretwork, and painting, which were preserved greatly.

How to get? Catch a minibus . It takes 2.5 hours.


13. Church of Nativity of Virgin Mary, Muravanka

Schuchin district, Muravanka village

The 600 year old church was set to be a place for worship service as well as a defensive building. The church looks like a real castle with two-meter walls in thickness, loopholes, and towers. The church in Muravanka was experienced many wars and was damaged badly during Russian-Polish war. In 1882 there was a great reconstruction and a bell tower was built. It was a good mixture of Gothic and Renaissance, stones, bricks, and rose-window. The bricks were special called “royal lily”, a symbol of Virgin Mary’s purity. Historic facts and legends say there were a plenty of underground passages but now nobody can tell where they began and ended.

How to get? Catch the bus Minsk - Schuchin . The church itself is situated at a distance of 3 km from Mazhejkava village.

14. The castle in Navahrudak


Novogrudok is an ancient Belarusian town that was the first capital of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The main sightseeing in the town is a ruined castle of 12th century. It was ruined by the Swedes almost to the current state in six centuries after the first mention. Only two walls have remained of the whole building. A charming view opens up on the Castle hill, the best place for picnic. The memorial house of Adam Mitskevich who was born in Navahrudak is worth visiting. Be sure to visit Transfiguration Church and 500- year old Church of Saint Boris and Gleb.

How to get? Catch a minibus or a bus from Minsk (€ 2). A train is not the best option


15. Church of Saint Michael

Zelva district, Synkavichy village

It’s the biggest defensive church in Belarus. A great impenetrable church was constructed in the 16th century. It looks like a real small castle with towers, loopholes in an inaccessible height, and thick walls. Also pay attention to the gates remained since 1880. Within the walking distance of the church there is a manor house of the 19 th that later was converted to alcohol factory. By the way, there is a legend about the name of the village. The church was built by father and son. One day son fell down from the staging and died. Father desperately cried to him, “Son, son!” (Belarusian: Synku, Synku!). That’s how the name of the village appeared. It’s possible to see a ledge above the entrance similar to casket door that was made by father in memory of his son.

How to get? It’s easy to go by bus from Minsk to Zelva, than you should take a car.


16. Chetvertinsky Manor

Zeludok village, Schuchyn district

Chetvertinsky Manor is one of the most cinematic places of the country. This explains why the first Belarusian horror “Massacre” was made there. Some cinematic decorations still remained such as laminated-veneer lumber, painted signs of fire on the frontage. Soviet epoch left a movie club with projection cabin and stars images.

From the beginning, the castle was set to be a place for receiving guests of the Chetvertinsky family. The modernistic manor projected by a famous Italian architecture Marconi was built in the middle of a big park in 1908. The building has maintained an authentic staircase, tile, and some wallpaper.

How to get? Find additional information .


17. Kreva Castle


Kreva Castle is the most picturesque ruins in our guide. The castle was built in 14th century. Those walls witnessed quite many things during the centuries. Duke Kestutis, father of Vytautas, was killed there in 1382. The union between Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Kingdom of Poland was signed there in 1385. Kreva Castle negated the attack of the Tatars and the Muscovites in the 16th century. However, the castle wasn´t considered as a good fortification and was abandoned in 19 h century. The ruins were preserved in 1929 and weren´t changed till nowadays.

Listen to wind blowing among the walls. Enter to a beautiful Church of Alexander Nevskiy and to Church of the Transfiguration and try to find an ancient pagan temple Although , Kreva is considered to be a village now, there are still witnesses of the previous great times.

How to get? Get on a bus or train Minsk - Smorgon, than catch a green regional bus MAZ with curtains.



18. Nesvizh Castle

Nesvizh became a family seat of the Radzivils, the main family in the history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For example, the King of Poland was a frequent guest and family members held high position in the country. The series of palaces and gardens in Nesvizh occupy 90 hectares. You can find early renaissance, baroque, neoclassicism, and modernism in Nesvizh Castle . Ask to tell you the story about Bona Sforza´s revenge and golden full-length apostles.

How to get? You can go from Minsk to Nesvizh by Brest route. If you decide to go by bus, here you can find a schedule .


19. The City of the Sun in Minsk


Minsk is a victim of imperialistic ambitions of soviet government. You can feel it walking down Independent Avenue (Praspiekt Niezaliezhnasci) , a 15-km straight asphalt shaft that halves the city. Arthur Klinau, a Belarusian writer, called Minsk the City of the Sun for its Stalinist architecture and described the city as a main artery road of Big Communistic Dream . Railway station forecourt with “gates”, Lenin square, Marksa, Kirava, Svyardlova streets are massive constructions of an ideal communistic Rome according to the Soviets.

How to get? You can find in .


20. Khatyn Memorial complex

Lahojsk district, Khatyn village/ Mokrad village

It’s an example of good soviet documentation. Memorial complex was made on the place of the village burnt by the Nazis during the Second World War. All people were brought to a storehouse and burnt. The same happened with people of 628 villages. Before the trip you can watch the movie Come and see made by Elem Klimov in 1985. Find information about tickets and .

How to get? If you go by car, take M3 route (59 km). There is no public transport to get on. If you hitch a lift, you’ll have to walk 5 km from the route.


21. Naliboki Reserve

Valozhyn district

Naliboki Reserve is the biggest forestland in Belarus, three times larger than Malta! Plant life is very diverse, a quarter is medicinal plants, a plenty of them are in Red List. The same is with wild animals; for example, there are 29 rare species of birds. The reserve is surrounded with three big rivers Neman, Berezina, and Usa. That’s why the landscape is very picturesque and not very accessible as Svaneti in Georgia. For example, 20 000 people hided there during the Second World War. Be brave to make a speed march to age-old forest. Be sure to see Lake Kroman, Lauryshava Monastery built in the 13th century, and the Tyshkeviches’ manor in Vyalae village. Feel free to swim naked, you can let it there.

How to get? The only chance is to go by car that takes you 1 hour.


22. Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle

Minsk district, Azyartso village

It’s rural Belarus in miniature, an open-air museum with old-time construction of three parts: Central, Poozerie, and Podneprovie. A church, a parishional school, mills, baths (called ‘banya’), and rural houses can provide you the information for ethnic research. All these spread among picturesque fields, so don’t forget to charge your phone. And don’t forget to taste ‘krenovuha’ (national drink) in the tavern at entrance.

How to get? All the information you can find .


23. Homiel Palace and Park Ensemble


It’s better to go to Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble in spring. A huge park becomes green and blossom. The River Sozh is affluent and you can wander around Rumyantsev-Paskevich Residence looking at a grand river. The Palace and Park Ensemble is the biggest historic building remained monolithic. Catherine II, a Russian empress, gifted Gomel to her favorite Count Rumyantsev and he built the castle on the River Sozh. Than the castle went to commander Paskevich who made the whole outbuildings complex: a hunter house, winter garden, and several churches. Landscape park of 24 hectares has preserved greatly. You can walk there half a day but beforehand you should eat some Gomel chocolate Spartak of 90% cocoa.

How to get? There are 5 trains from Minsk every day. You can also catch a minibus (€ 6), or drive (300 km).


24. Gerard Manor

Dobrush district, Demianki village

It’s a beautiful manor built in Russian Revival style in compulsory evacuation zone. The construction of the red brick building was funded by Nicolai Gerard, a Russian civil servant and Finland governor general, in the latter half of the 19th century. The manor is situated on the hill crossed with a moat, the bridge decorates the view. The park with rare species of trees has preserved as a wonderful silence there. If you’re looking for a place with no tourists, you should go there. By the way, you can get into the manor legally.

How to get? You can go there without pass on Radunitsa celebration (Day of Rejoicing). If you want to go other day, you have to get a pass in Dobrush. You can go to Dobrush by train Minsk - Homiel and then get on a suburban train or bus.


25. The Museum of Old Belief in Vietka

Vietka, 5, Chyrvonaya Square

In the 17th century Old Believers set their hearts on the town of Vietka. It didn’t bother pathologically tolerant belarusians, that is why Old Beliefs icons, manuscripts and printed books of the 16-19th centuries, textile and household items collections are still preserved in excellent condition. The museum is interactive: e.g., you can learn traditional weaving.

How to get? Go to Homiel, and then take a bus (it’s just 22 km).



26. Barbujsk Fortress


This massive fortification was constructed during preparation to the war against Napoleon. To build it almost the whole town, which there had been before, was destroyed. Anyhow the fortress survived the long french siege, and turned into a jail after the war. They say there’s an egg-shaped ward in one of the forts where prisoners lost their minds after a couple of weeks of spent there. Not for nothing a famous Russian thinker Herzen wrote that ‘Let it be Siberia, let it be anything but this horrible prison on the river Berezina’. Now it’s fun just to climb the remains of the fortress, or visit the abandoned guardroom , which had been a church before. It may seem like aliens landed by the side of the fortress. Actually, it’s the Babrujk ice skating arena for 7 thousand people.

How to get? It’s just a half hour form Minsk by a fancy Stadler train (or two hours by a regular one) and you already walk around racy Babrujsk. Another option is to go by bus or a private minibus .


27. Tolstoy Family Manor

Bykhau district, Hrudzinauka village

One of the most beautiful and mysterious places in Belarus is the Tolstoy family manor. Although Leo Tolstoy never got there, it is still worth visiting. There is a two floor manor with cupolas, columns, front stairs and an open terrace with a view on the park. You can wander around 10 hectares park, find a 100 years old Siberian pine, and enter the palace. Recently there was a school and a camp for sick children, that is why you can still see painted green walls and a soviet cloakroom - a weird contrast with the architecture and amazing age-old oaks.

How to get? The easiest way is surely by car (put 53.6343, 30.4775 into your navigator).

28. Bujnichskaye Pole

Buinichy, Mahiliou district

Mahiliou defensive front passed right through Bujnichskaye Pole in 1941. Despite numerical and technical superiority of Germans, Mahiliou people held the line for 23 days. Open air museum and a huge display of military hardware is perfectly looked after, and the chapel is cleaned every day with such care that it seems like each worker lost a relative here. On the other side of the street there’s a zoo where you can see a bizon.

How to get? A piece of cake: there’s a city bus from Mahiluou.


29. Halubaya Krynitsa (Blue Spring)


Unknown but really cool belarusian sight is the biggest spring in Eastern Europe. Take a six litres bottle and go get some healing water. You can even take three dips, but be ready to clatter with the teeth all day long, because the water is freezing even in July. The water is emerald, it’s very picturesque, but there are always lots of those wishing to receive communion. On ortodox holidays it’s always crowded, so we strongly recommend checking the calendar in advance. By the way, the legend reads that in ancient times the water column was of a human height.

How to get? It’s 8 km to the south-east from Slauharad.


30. Lenin Street, Mahiliou


Once you walk down pedestrian precinct you fall in love with Mahiliou. This street contains two castles of the 17th and the 18th century, museum of Belarusian artist Byalynitsky-Birulya Astrologer square , cinema, theatre, and Saint Stanislav Church where the main Belarusian church music festival is held. You can also find there the school where Otto Schmidt, mathematician and Arctic explorer, and Nikolai Sudzilovsky , first Hawaii president, studied (however it’s a shopping mall now). There is a reconstructed town hall on the other end of the street. You should go!

How to get? It takes 2.5 hours to go to Mahiliou from Minsk by minibus and around 4 hours by train.


31. Braslau Lakes

Braslau is a huge national park that contains 60 lakes, big forestland and swamps, and hundreds of animal and plant species. Take a bike and make a trip around villages and churches to feel like a Discovery character. It’s a good idea to go camping; a national park has 47 encampments for recreation without environmental damage. If you want fishing, you can find free or paid place here; just take a fishing rod, turn out a phone, and enjoy the nature.

How to get? Don’t worry and take a minibus , it takes only 3 hours.


32. Saint Sophia Cathedral

Polatsk, 1, Zamkavaya vulica

It’s the first brick cathedral in Belarus built in the 11th century by Usyaslau the Sorcerer , the main character of all Belarusian legends. It was as important as Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev and Novgorod that time. However, the cathedral was reconstructed three times. The cathedral was being destroyed by fire and invaders before it was completely destroyed during the Great Northern War by Russian troops in the 18th century.

Vitiebsk, 11, Pakrouskaya vulica


34. St. John Baptist Church

Pastavy district, Kamai village, 1, Haharyna vulica

It’s the only church in Belarus that has never been closed for 400 years of its existence. The building dates back to XVII century and is an example of Belarusian-style defensive Gothic, with massive walls and loopholes. The paintings inside belong to the brush of Alfred Romer , an aristocrat who enjoyed portraying peasants and painting churches.

How to get? You can get to Pastavy by bus , but then you"d have to try hitch-hike if you don"t have a car.

VETLIVA is a guide to Belarus where all the sights, tours, health camps and farmhouse guest rooms are collected. You can book a tour right on the website. Sincerely recommended!

Text by Nasta Eroha, translated by Alexandra Murashko & Anastasia Ryzhankova

Photo by palasatka, Rodion Kovenkin, YAUHEN BUZUK, firairo, bender, way.by, sportintour.by

Так как я сейчас нахожусь с кратковременным визитом в Беларуси, решил накидать свой топ список архитектурных достопримечательностей этой страны, причём был я всего в нескольких из этих мест, остальные у меня давно на примете. Распределение мест случайное.

1. Брестская крепость - один из символов не только Бреста, но и всей Беларуси, во многом благодаря трагическии и в тоже время героическим временам Второй мировой войны. Предложение о строительстве оборонительных укреплений у слияния рек Буга и Мухавца появилось еще в конце XVIII в. Ход Отечественной войны 1812 год подтвердил его целесообразность и в 1833 году был утвержден проект крепости, разработанный военными инженерами Опперманом, Малецким и Фельдманом. Крепость была торжественно заложена 1 июня 1836 года и через шесть лет она вступила в строй действующих.

2. Мирской замок - выдающееся произведение белорусского зодчества 16 века. В его архитектуре нашла зримое отражение эпоха феодализма: за мощными стенами и башнями, способными защитить владельца от неприятеля, стоял богатый дворец - резиденция магната. Выполненный из камня и кирпича, окруженный земляными валами с бастионами и рвами с водой, замок своей монументальностью и неприступностью олицетворял силу и неограниченную власть феодала.

3. Дворцово-парковый ансамбль Радзивиллов в Несвиже - на месте деревянного укрепления середины XVI в. был заложен каменный замок. Сооружение его на первом этапе вел итальянский архитектор Ян Мария Бернардони - автор ряда построек в городе.

4. Каменецкая башня - немой свидетель многих страниц истории и кровопролитных баталий прошлых веков. В XIV в. ее многократно осаждали рыцари-крестоносцы, штурмовали войска польского князя Мазовецкого, литовских князей Витовта и Ягайло. В XVII в. в Каменце у стен крепости шли ожесточенные бои между армиями Речи Посполитой и Московского государства.

5. Замок Гедимина в Лиде - крепость была построена в 1323-1325 гг. князем Гедимином и на протяжении нескольких столетий оставалась мощной цитаделью на западных землях Беларуси. Многочисленные осады, которые выдерживала крепость, привели к повреждению стен, разрушению башен и полному уничтожению ее застройки внутри.

6. Дворцовый комплекс Сапег в Ружанах - памятник архитектуры XVII века, руины бывшей резиденции магнатского рода Сапег в посёлке Ружаны. Во время Первой мировой войны (1914) по недосмотру фабричных прачек во дворце произошёл сильнейший пожар, часть стен обрушилась. В межвоенный период предпринимались попытки восстановления, однако вследствие разрушений Великой Отечественной войны дворец окончательно превратился в развалины. Летом 2008 года на территории дворцового комплекса были начаты раскопки и реставрация.

7. Полоцк я решил объединить двумя его древними соборами - Спасо-Преображенским и Софийским . Собор Спасо-Евфросиньевского монастыря, построенный между 1128 и 1156 годами зодчим Иоанном, представляет собой шестистолпную одноглавую постройку. В ней отразились особенности общего направления древнерусского зодчества XII в. - небольшие размеры, простота плана, монументальность внешнего вида, достигнутая скупыми средствами, и фресковая роспись интерьера.

Построен на фундаменте Софийского собора XI века (заложен между 1044 и 1066 годами), камни фундамента доступны к осмотру в нижней (подвальной) части собора. От собора XI века сохранилась состоящая из трех частей апсида высотой около 9 м (с правой стороны собора, если стоять лицом ко входу в храм), остатки стен, склеп. Эта апсида - самое старое каменное сооружение на территории Беларуси.

8. Борисоглебская церковь в Гродно - замечательный образец древнерусского зодчества второй половины XII в. Композиция здания, его конструкция и декоративное убранство родственны Нижней церкви в Гродно (середина XII в.). Оба памятника подтверждают существование на Гродненщине самостоятельной архитектурно-художественной школы, где широко использовались местные строительные материалы, керамика и элементы народного прикладного искусства.

9. Дворец Пусловских в Коссово - был заложен в 1838 году на западной окраине поселения как загородный усадебный ансамбль с большим парком. В строительстве дворца и разбивке парка принимали участие архитекторы Ф. Ящолд и В. Маркони. Дворец, обладая широко развитой композицией, свойственной классицизму, наделен крепостными башнями и башенками в духе готической старины, представляет романтическое течение в архитектуре середины XIX века.

10. Монастырь иезуитов в Гродно - костел и монастырь - выдающийся памятник архитектуры Беларуси XVII-XVIII в. В прошлом костел и монастырь были самыми богатыми в Речи Посполитой. Они занимали целый квартал в центральной части города. В комплекс застройки входили коллегиум, аптека, библиотека и ряд хозяйственных помещений.

Добавлю к этим красотам свои впечатления от беларуских городов, которые я посетил.


Belarus borders Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia. Its population is almost 10 million. It is not a tiny country, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland could altogether fit on the territory of Belarus. For more information, check 50 interesting . One of the main places to visit in Belarus is Minsk, while there is much more to see in the country. So, I will tell you about the best attractions and places to visit in Belarus.

Bialowieza Forest National Park

Did you know that the largest and oldest forest in Europe is situated in Belarus , on the border with Poland? It is called Bialowieza Forest National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is a great place to visit in Belarus with kids.

If you visit Brest (which I strongly recommend you doing), you can easily get to the Bialowieza Forest situated less than 100 km away from it. There, you can rent and ride a bicycle through one of the numerous bike paths in the national park, go to one of the nature and local lore museums, visit the Father Frost (Belarusian Santa Claus), or simply walk along the forest alleys enjoying the calmness and fresh air. You can even stay in a house in the center of Bialowieza Forest.

To find out more about activities and things to do in the Bialowieza Forest check this article .

Braslav Lake Group

Braslav lakes is one of the favorite places to visit in Belarus among locals. These lakes are also one of the Belarusian national parks.

The lake group includes dozens of small and big lakes, some have a very well-developed infrastructure around them, but some are just hidden in the forest.

Medieval Mir Castle

Another popular place to visit in Belarus in the Mir Castle Complex. It is situated in Minsk region and is easily reachable by car or bus.

The castle used to belong the famous rich family of Radzivills and is surrounded by numerous legends that you can find out during your visit. The architecture of it is a combination of Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance. This blend makes the Mir castle special.

In summer, numerous knight and music festivals are held on the territory of the castle gathering thousands of people.

Brest Hero-Fortress

Brest fortress, which is situated close to the city of Brest, on the south-west of Belarus, is famous for its heroic defense against German invaders during the World War II. As you might know, the whole of Poland was conquered in just 2 weeks, while the Brest fortress alone could restrain constant attacks of Germans for 1 month.

The fortress is now part of a big complex of monuments and museums. You can visit the Museum of War, the 5 th Fort Museum, as well as Defense Museum. Being in this place lets you feel the atmosphere of those difficult times. Entering the fortress gates, you will hear the original announcement about the Fascist invasion. On the walls of the fortress, you can still find the famous inscriptions of the soldiers. The most famous of them is “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up. Goodbye, Motherland!”

Minsk, capital of Belarus

Minsk, the capital of Belarus, is the most visited place in the country. It is a big city with almost 2 million people, but you don’t feel the business, dirt and noise of a big city. Minsk is a great place to visit with kids. The city is very convenient for tourists, as most of the main attractions of Minsk are located close to each other, in the city center. They include the Grand Theater of Opera and Ballet, cozy houses and cafes of the Trinity suburb, Upper town with the town hall, the Independence avenue with its chic boutiques and many other places. Just walk around the city center and you will easily find them all.

One attraction worth visiting that is situated not in the center of Minsk, is the Belarusian National Library having a form of a diamond, one of the largest libraries in the world, the roof of which is also a great panoramic point.

Visit Zabrodie Village that Still Remembers the First World War

Other places to visit in Belarus

Belarus has lots of great places to visit. This list could include other beautiful castles, like Nesvizh and Kossovo castles, Pripyat and Berezinsky National Parks, other old cities like Slonim, Novogrudok, Gomel and Vitebsk, numerous museums and places to discover the Belarusian culture. Just come here and find the best places to visit in Belarus on your own!

Author bio:

Roman from Visit-Belarus.com writes about interesting facts, useful information, attractions and places to visit in Belarus. He is also the creator of the RomanRoams.com travel blog which talks about adventurous travel and traveling on a budget.

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Белоруссию нельзя назвать самой популярной страной среди туристов. Однако такое отношение можно считать неоправданным. Моря здесь, конечно, нет, зато очень много красивых уголков, исторических мест и комфортабельных санаториев, отелей и пансионатов для путешественников.

Природа Белоруссии прекрасна. Чистейшие озера и реки, дремучие леса, зеленые поля - страна просто создана для зеленого туризма и активно развивает именно это направление. К полюсам поездки на отдых в Беларусь можно отнести очень доступные цены. В сравнении с Россией здесь весьма недорогие продукты. Снять коттедж на берегу тихого озера можно по очень скромным ценам. Кроме того, сами белорусы - гостеприимный народ, который всегда рад гостям.

Что обязательно следует сделать в Беларуси - отправиться на охоту или рыбалку, увидеть один из старинных замков, посетить знаменитый Брест и побродить по современным улицам центра Минска. Нельзя забыть и про местную кухню - стоит попробовать традиционные драники и местную Зубровку.

Лучшие отели и гостиницы по доступным ценам.

от 500 рублей/сутки

Что посмотреть в Белоруссии?

Самые интересные и красивые места, фотографии и краткое описание.

Это самый крупный реликтовый, по-настоящему первобытный лес Европы. Согласитесь, очень интересно увидеть, какой Европа была до того, как ее основательно заселили и переделали люди. Величественная, дремучая, с вековыми деревьями - Беловежская пуща неизменно вызывает интерес у туристов. Только здесь вы можете увидеть зубров, дубы, которым более 600 лет. Сейчас это биосферный заповедник, отправляться сюда лучше в составе организованной экскурсии.

Борисоглебская церковь, расположенная в городе Гродно, представляет собой старинное строение и удивляет именно своей древностью. Построенная ещё в 12 веке, во времена Древней Руси, они сохранила мощность стен, величественность и особый неповторимый колорит. Ученые называют Борисоглебскую церковь отдельным явлением в архитектуре, не имеющим аналогов на планете.

Главная площадь белорусской столицы, её архитектурный ансамбль начал формироваться ещё в 1930-е годы. Главное место в центре площади занимает Монумент Победы в виде обелиска, есть здесь и уютный сквер, и жилые дома. Кроме того, на Площади Победы были заложены капсулы с землей из разных городов-героев. Действует здесь и зал памяти героев Великой Отечественной войны, так что площадь полностью оправдывает своё название.

Нарочанский национальный парк называют самой удобной площадкой для туристов, которые хотят познакомиться с красотами Беларуси. Здесь к услугам путешественников 16 туристических маршрутов, комфортабельные номера, удобные коттеджи, а бюджетные туристы могут остановиться в кемпинге. Голубые озера, Музей леса, аптекарский сад, редкие травы и животные - в Нарочанском национальном парке есть на что посмотреть и чем заняться. А природа здесь просто изумительная!

Это технический музей, который полностью посвящён истории развития железнодорожного транспорта. Здесь представлены еще довоенные экземпляры паровозов, отлично сохранившихся и бережно отреставрированных. Кроме того, в железнодорожном музее города Брест можно увидеть уникальные паровые краны и целую коллекцию пассажирских вагонов разного класса.

Это целый комплекс из шести музейных объектов. Гомельский дворцово-парковый ансамбль признан самым старым и наиболее авторитетным в Беларуси, так что пропустить его туристам никак нельзя. Ансамбль включает в себя дворец Румянцевых и Паскевичей, «Зимний сад», старинный парк, который признан памятником садово-паркового искусства, дом-усадьбу Халецких и ряд других интересных объектов.

Данный музей представляет собой самое крупное в стране собрание произведений искусства и работ белорусских художников и мастеров из других государств. Коллекция музея впечатляет - чтобы выставить все богатства собрания, его площадь пришлось несколько раз расширять и открывать филиалы. При музее работают реставрационные мастерские, а коллекции постоянно пополняются.

Это, безусловно, самая печальная достопримечательность Беларуси. Она посвящена 149 жителям деревни Хатынь, которых, в 1943 году сожгли и расстреляли фашисты. Хатынь стала символом жертв Великой Отечественной войны среди мирного населения. Мемориал поражает пронзительной скульптурой «Непокорённый человек», свидетельствами преступлений нацистов и общей атмосферой.

Комплекс посвящён традиционным ремеслам и народным технологиям. Работает уже более 17 лет и представляет собой настоящий музей под открытым небом. В Дудутки едут, чтобы своими глазами увидеть настоящую деревню времен Древней Руси, с действующей ветряной мельницей и домами, в которых прекрасно сохранились вещи, созданные древними мастерами. Кроме того, в Дудутках можно увидеть, как делают настоящий домашний сыр и посетить зоосад.

Настоящая жемчужина Белоруссии, замковый комплекс, основанный в 1520 году. Входит в список ЮНЕСКО, сегодня является замком-музеем. В Мирском замке представлены 39 экспозиций, есть пруд и живописные парки. Но самое интересное, что в Мирском замке можно снять номер или провести праздничное мероприятие - здесь работает отель и ресторан, где предлагают блюда старинной кухни. В замке действует конференц-зал и сувенирная лавка с изделиями местным мастеров.

Это самый известный католический храм Беларуси, расположен в Минске. Костёл удивляет туристов своим величием, стенами из красного кирпича и богатым внутренним убранством. Костёл Святого Симеона и Святой Елены относительно молод - его строительство началось в 1905 году. Путешественники могут полюбоваться витражами и барельефами, а также поприсутствовать на богослужении, которые проводятся здесь регулярно.

Это удивительное здание внесено в список наиболее оригинальных строений нашей планеты. Национальная библиотека Беларуси, главная библиотека страны, возведена в виде ромбокубоктаэдра. Высота этого куба достигает 23 метров, а вес, без учета собрания книг - 115 тысяч тонн. Особенно оригинально это здание, чем-то похожее на алмаз, выглядит вечером, когда включается подсветка, окончательно превращающая его в драгоценный камень.

Действительно крупный замок, целый комплекс, во внутреннем дворе которого располагается настоящая площадь. Строительство этого замка началось еще в XV веке, затем он был перестроен и отлично сохранился до наших дней. Сегодня эта резиденция Радзивиллов стала музеем-заповедником, где можно познакомиться с бытом старинного аристократического семейства. В 2012 году Несвижский замок был реконструирован и сегодня принимает тысячи туристов - на выходных здесь наблюдаются очереди.

Великая Отечественная война началась для СССР именно в Бресте. Сегодня крепость превратилась в мемориал, который увековечил подвиг советских воинов, сумевших задержать продвижение фашистских захватчиков. Брестский мемориал стал самым крупным в СНГ памятником ВОВ, целым комплексом, куда входят места боев, скульптурные композиции и руины старой крепости.