Educational poster with months in English. Name of the days of the week in English

Poster "Working week in English with emoticons" will help you quickly and easily remember English titles days of the week

Rhyming words are the easiest to remember. So quickly and effortlessly you can remember Sunday ["sʌndeɪ] - Monday ["mʌndeɪ](Sunday Monday), Tuesday ["tjuːzdɪ] - Thursday ["θɜːzdeɪ](Tuesday Thursday). Not to be confused Tuesday–Thursday, just remember that on Thursdays thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, because as we found out earlier, Thursday derived from English word"thunder" - thunder, and this day belonged to the noisy god Thor.

Word "Friday" ["fraɪdeɪ] associated with the word "free" - free, and many perceive Friday as the beginning free time- free, personal pastime. Saturday ["sætədeɪ]- the day of Saturn! It remains for small: remember the word Wednesday ["wenzdeɪ]- Wednesday.

Days of the week: catchy rhymes for kids

Poems about the days of the week English language

Learn the abbreviations of the days of the week in English

Accepted cuts English days weeks help you learn and visually remember the names of dates faster. In the culture of the language, two-letter abbreviations for calendars and three-letter abbreviations for short writing in the text are common:

Mon, 17 Mar 2014 (Monday 17 March 2014),
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 (Tuesday, 27 Dec 2016)

Learn the days of the week with songs and videos

Voiced poems or catchy songs will also help you quickly learn the days of the week.

On a note:

If you are interested in expanding vocabulary in English in the shortest possible time, we advise you to read the article

Now you can find on YouTube a huge number of different variations, fast and slow tempo, British or American pronunciation. Choose the song that makes you happy and understandable to listen to. We offer you an example of such a training video for children:


Finally, I would like to quote the American Richard Balls, the author of the world bestseller "What color is your parachute?". With these two sentences, you will not only easily learn the days of the week with prepositions, but also get one step closer to English-speaking culture:

Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon. (per. Youth is like a long weekend on a Friday night. Average age is like a long day off on a Monday afternoon.)

In contact with

If you want to quickly and easily teach your child the days of the week in English, as well as the months in English and the weather in English, just print and place this poster in his children's room or in any other prominent place - at eye level child. Kids 2-3 years old can be brought to the poster for a few minutes a day and read the names of the days of the week in English, study pictures with the weather in English, look at the seasons in English. Here you will see how quickly your baby will learn all the information. The main thing is not to rush things and not make the child look at the poster for a long time. Your classes should last at least 2-3 minutes a day. When you feel that the child has more or less begun to navigate the information on the poster, you can try to play. For example, ask him to show him where this or that weather is. If the child is already talking, point to a certain picture of the weather yourself and ask the child to determine what the weather is like there, let him answer in English. and will also be useful to you for the development of the baby in the field of English.

For children from 3 years old, you can use this material to play the weather forecast in English. Look at the weather outside your window and find the same weather on the poster with your child.

For younger children school age and school age, you can use this material for joint study in a group, for example, the topic of weather in English will be very well complemented if you include this poster in the process of studying the material.

The poster includes the following days of the week in English:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Months in English:

  • December
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • august
  • September
  • Nobember

Seasons in English:

  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Weather in English:

  • Sunny
  • cloudy
  • rainy
  • Stormy
  • snowy
  • Foggy
  • windy
  • Rainbow
  • Flood
  • Tornado

In addition, the poster days of the week in English, months in English, seasons in English, weather in English is made in two versions in color and black and white for ease of use.

You can download the poster "Days of the week in English, months in English, seasons in English, weather in English" here for free. Click on the picture below.

Know the days of the week in English you must from school. But they are so painfully remembered that they become global problem even for people who speak excellent English.

We will provide you wonderful ways to remember the days of the week and translate them into English through associations and songs. But first, let's get to know them personally!

In the image above you can see the names days of the week in English, their translation, transcription and pronunciation in Russian.

But the most important thing is the cuts. It is the abbreviations that are most often used in the correspondence of Americans, which incredibly confuse Russians. Therefore, when you learn the days of the week in English, learn them along with abbreviations to show your level of education in the field of this language, as well as your modernity of views.

How to remember the days of the week in English?

Method 1: Learn a children's song!

This is one of the most famous songs among not only Russians who are trying to learn English, but also among Americans. YES! Unbelievable but true. This is the song the kids sing English schools to learn the days of the week as well as their order.

So, having learned and sung a song about the days of the week in English, you will become even closer not only to the language, but also to its speakers, plunge into the environment of their learning methods and gain valuable knowledge.

As you sing the song, try to create a series of associations. Scientists say that associations are the best way to remember.

Method 2: Take advantage of our associations!

Agree that the associations are quite vivid. We even did a little experiment among our students.

Some of the students learned the days of the week using the “memorization” method, and some in the manner described above. So, the days of the week in English are the simplest simplicity if you learn them with us!

It is the way of associations that helps to remember words faster. Forget cramming, be as innovative as we are online school AirySchool!

Our tutors got rid of the stereotyped teaching methods of the USSR a long time ago. We are able to find a creative approach to the study of any topic of the English language. After all, who, if not us, will show imagination for the benefit of the development of the field of education? It's a joke, of course, because we are not alone on this path. We are only trying to help visitors to our site get acquainted with the innovations of studying not only the topics of the days of the week in English, but also tenses, articles, idioms and other features of the language.

Hello! We continue to get acquainted with English everyday vocabulary. In addition to the names of the seasons and months, we often call the days of the week (days of week). This article is dedicated to them: the origin, name, use and methods of memorization. If you want to learn how to speak English, then you, one of the first, need to learn the days of the week in English.

English-speaking countries, like us, use a seven-day week. In most of them, the seven-day period starts on Monday, that is, the first day of the week is Monday. But in the USA, Canada, Israel, the countdown starts on Sunday. However, business days are Monday through Friday. Remember this rule so as not to get confused when studying the American calendar.

Another distinguishing feature is that English days of week are proper names. And this means that they, like months, are always written with capital letter, regardless of their order in the sentence. Including the abbreviated form of days. days of the week are abbreviated Another uniqueness of the English days of the week is that for abbreviation in the calendar, the first two letters are simply taken from the word - Mo., Tu., We. In Russian, the reduction occurs in two consonant letters - Mon., Tue., Sat. sometimes one or three letters may be used in English - Fri., Thu., Sat. And when writing a date, the day of the week is written first: Sun, 9 Mar 2014.

How to pronounce the days of the week in English?

To learn how to pronounce English days of week correctly, carefully study the table and transcription:

Title in English


Russian pronunciation


MondayMonday ["mΛndei]MondayMondayMon
Tuesday Tuesday ["tju:zdi]TuesdayTuesdayTue
WednesdayWednesday ["wenzdei]"WednesdayWednesdayWed
ThursdayThursday ["θə:zdei]ThursdayThursdayThu
FridayFriday ["fraidei]FridayFridayFri
SaturdaySaturday ["sætədei]SaturdaySaturdaySat
SundaySunday ["sΛndei]SundaySundaySun
Download the table, print it out and place it in a prominent place so that you can repeat it or peep at any convenient moment;).

See also video lesson on pronunciation


Before moving on to the grammar rules, let's learn how to call the time of day in English:

  • Day - afternoon [ˌɑːftə "nuːn]
  • night
  • Morning - morning ["mɔːnɪŋ]
  • Evening - evening ["iːvnɪŋ]

Times of the day in English Grammar rules regarding the English days of the week and day can be reduced to the following several laws:

  • Always capitalized: I like Sunday
  • Denoting days, they are used with the preposition "till, by, from, on": Christmas on Saturday, and in denoting the time of day - the preposition "in": in the afternoon
  • Used with such prepositions and definitions: this, every other, next, by / before, every, last
  • In combination with these words, the preposition is not used: last Wednesday
  • The article is usually not used.

Everything is extremely simple, understandable and accessible.

Methods for memorizing English days of the week

In order to remember something, use any, even the most illogical and sometimes crazy ways. The main thing is the result, and how you achieve it is not important. I will offer several options, and you choose the one that you like or come up with your own.

Option number one. Based on a sound analogy:

  • Monday - Monkey - monkey or Moon Day - lunar day, and sometimes it can be Monster Day (especially after yesterday)
  • Tuesday - True - real or Use Day - a useful day, spend it productively
  • Wednesday - Wedding - wedding or When is Day - day of questions
  • Thursday - Syoss (Syos) - today is a well-advertised shampoo. Wash Day
  • Friday - Freedom - freedom (work week ends) or fraer day
  • Saturday - Satan - the devil, on Saturday we get off like a devil, but for someone it's Sad a Day - a sad Saturday
  • Sunday - Sun - the sun, the most cheerful and bright English days of week

Days of the week Second option. Use rhyming memory songs:

Monday's child is nice and slow
Tuesday's child is go, go, go Wednesday's child is very funny
Thursday's child is happy and sunny
Friday's child is like a king
Saturday's child can dance and sing
Sunday's child can stand on her head
And count the ghosts under her bed!

Listen to the pronunciation of these words in English, look for something familiar in their sound, draw analogies, come up with memos according to the principle: the funnier the faster. And you will succeed!

And finally option number three. By origin. The names of the days of the week in the Romance and Germanic languages ​​are derived from the names celestial bodies, which, in turn, got their name from the Old Norse and Roman gods. Even in ancient times, people found out that the planets move, and began to measure the passage of time according to their movements.

So they took the lunar month as the main time unit, which was approximately 29 days. This period, in turn, included 4 lunar phases, which were about 7 days long. It was from the lunar phase that the seven-day period appeared. Then people knew only 7 planets, and then they decided to name them in honor of the most revered gods. English culture adopted several names from the Romans:

  • Monday - Moon
  • Saturday - Saturn
  • Sunday - Sun

Saturday - Saturn The remaining names were formed later from the Scandinavian mythical gods, the motives of which were brought to the British Isles by the Vikings:

  • Tuesday - Tiu (Tiw)
  • Wednesday - Woden
  • Thursday - Thor
  • Friday - Freya

As a result, the seven-day period familiar to the British today appeared:

Origin of the days of the week

TuesdayTiuTiu - son of Odin, god of war
WednesdayWodenViking supreme god Odin
ThursdayThorThor - son of Odin, god of thunder
FridayFreyaFreya - goddess of fertility
SundaySunThe sun

Choose the option you like, and learn the days in English using any of the methods, or come up with your own. Watch the video to practice your pronunciation. For kids, educational cartoons can be shown.

According to MZ Biboletov's teaching materials, grade 4.

Lesson on the topic "Days of the week."

Target: familiarization with new vocabulary on the topic "Days of the week"; reading skills training; activation of dialogical speech skills.

Tasks: Formation of skills to communicate in English, taking into account speech capabilities. Development of the child's personality, his speech abilities, thinking, memory and imagination; motivation for further study of English at the subsequent stages of school education.

Equipment: cards with a task on the topic "Days of the week" by the number of students; pictures with the image of products and dummies.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

Good morning boys and girls! How old are you today?

What day is it today?

Look at the blackboard please. You can see are the calendar there.

What do we learn today?

Answers of children.

You are right today we will learn the names of the days of the week and find out what you usually do on different days of the week.

Phonetic charging.

Guys, let's play sounds. How does our monkey keep its paws warm after walking in the rain? ([h], [h], [h])

How do mosquitoes buzz?

How does a monkey ring a bell?

How does a monkey call a squirrel for a walk?

How does our monkey smile?

The monkey wrote us sounds on the blackboard, but it rained and left almost nothing on the blackboard. Let's restore the record.

(On the board, the symbols are written in the form of dots, by which you can guess what sound it is.)

Board writing:

(Students one by one go to the board and circle the sounds.)

Now look carefully at both columns and say which sounds are recorded in the first column and which are in the second. (In the first column - deaf, in the second - voiced.)

Let's connect pairs of voiced/deafness with arrows. Name the pairs ! ([t]-[d] [k]-[g] [p]-[b] [s]-[z] [f]-[v].

Now remember the verbs with these sounds.

(Students take turns calling verbs with these sounds.)

Introduction of new vocabulary on the topic "Days of the week". Work in couples.

Today there is a guest in our school. You can see him in the picture in your textbooks on page 23.Our guest will help us to learn the new words on the topic “Days of the week”.

Look at the picture and repeat the new words after Mr. Greenwood.

Can you translate these days of the week.?

On the board are written words on the topic "Days of the week" in English with transcription. Students read the words after the teacher and in pairs, then repeat after the speaker.

Physical education minute.

You are tired. Stand up and do some exercise with me!

Hand up! clap! clap! clap!

Hand down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Run! Go! Swim! stand up!

Look at the photos exercise 3 on page 24.Jim and Jill do different things on different days of the week. Use the example and make up the sentences about Jill and Jim.

Pupils perform exercise 3 using the specified sample. The teacher also invites the children to make similar sentences about their week, following the model shown on the cards.

Sample text on cards:

dance thursday

read books on Tuesday

Sing songs Friday

Play football Monday

Visit my friends Saturday

Have porridge Sunday

Run in the park Wednesday

Workout skills reading.

Look at page 24 exercise 4.Let,s read the following words and word combination after the speaker.

Look at them please. Lets read them together.

The next task for you is exercise 5 on page 25 in your textbooks.( Children repeat after the speaker the words and phrases given in exercise 4 and then read them in groups of 4 for 3 minutes.)

Development skills written speeches.

Its time to write the days of the week in your cards.. You can see the flowers in the blackboard.

The next task for you is exercise 3 on page 15.

You time is up. Who will go to the blackboard to write down the sentences?

Alex will read his sentences and you will help me check them up.

(Students do exercise 1 (work. tete. s. 15). Then, to complete exercise 3 (work. tete. s. 15), 1-2 students go to the board and make sentences for 3-4 minutes. After they discussed and reviewed by the whole class.

Summing up the lesson.

T he lesson is over. You are welldone. Thank you for the lesson. goodbye children.