Fruit theme english for kids. Fruit in English

Outline plan in preparatory group in English "Fruits" ("Fruits")

Target: learning new vocabulary and speech patterns on the topic « Fruits»


1. Educational: build skills oral speech, the words: an apple, a banana, an orange, a kiwi, a lemon, a fruits.

2. Educational: to promote the development of memory, emotions, attention, imagination, the ability to listen and hear; develop pronunciation skills; develop motivation to study language.

3. Educational: to promote the formation of interpersonal skills, volitional qualities and behavioral skills.

Equipment: interactive board, computer.

visual material:

dummies fruits.

Lesson progress

1. Greeting, introduction to the atmosphere of foreign language communication.

Good morning boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.

Chorus: Good morning, Aliya Radikovna!

2. Phonetic and speech exercises. Sound processing, development of phonemic hearing. In order to speak english, we need to wake up the tongue with you. The tongue woke up, stretched clap, sad. I looked out the window, I heard the breeze [w] flower. Surprised [ about:]autumn. I decided to take a walk with my tongue, get some fresh air, ran along the path [d] good, day, ground, cloud, friend. Our tongue walks, it quickly freezes, trembled with. Runs and warms up [h] house, happy.

Repeat sounds and words.

3. Assimilation of new knowledge. To give children a concrete idea of ​​the studied facts, phenomena, about the main idea.

Guys do you love fruits? Are you like fruits? What kind fruits you know? What are fruits do you like? Look at the screen. Presentation display.

4. Physical education. Emotional discharge, removal of physical fatigue.

And now, guys, let's have a rest and sing a song hello.

Reinforcing familiar phrases.

sing a song hello together with the teacher and perform movements.

hello(3, how are you(2?

I'm good, I'm great, I'm wonderful(2!

Hello(3,how are you(2?

I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm not so good (2) .

hello(3, how are you(2?

5. Fixing the topic. Based on the acquired knowledge, develop appropriate skills and abilities. What is it? What can you see? Watch the presentation and answer the question.

6. The final stage. Reflection.

Guys, what did you learn today? What do we learn about? Are you like it? Good bye, boys and girls!

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Apple - pomegranate - grapefruit

Orange - tangerine - apricot -

Pineapple - watermelon - mango -

peach - melon - persimmon -

Plum - lemon - avocado -

Current - gooseberry - raspberries -

Strawberry - cranberry - cherry -

2- put everything in its place.

Listed below are the names of fruits, vegetables, and foods. Divide them into three appropriate groups (the first is fruits, the second is vegetables, the third is berries).

an apple, honey, a tomato, a banana, a cucumber, butter, potato, sugar, milk, a cabbage,

a peach, cheese, a pear, a carrot, meat, an onion, a plum.

3. Exercise

Phrases (1-5) express a certain action, and expressions (6-10) a place where these actions can be performed. Choose the appropriate place (a-e) for actions (1-5).

1. send a letter a) bookshop

2. buy a dictionary b) grocery

3. buy some rice c) post-office

4. drink a cup of coffee d) café

5. grow flowers e) garden

4. make up words.


6. find the words

7. Write down the answers to the questions according to the picture.

Does he have any grapes?

Yes, he does. No, he does not.

8. Translate sentences correctly usingDo/ Does. (in notebooks)

1. He reads a lot (read a lot). -He reads a lot. 2. He doesn't read much . - He does not read a lot. 3. He reads a lot? - Does he read a lot? 4. Wu likes cats. (love cats) - He loves cats. 5. He doesn't like cats . - He doesn't love cats. 6. Does he like cats? - Does he love cats? 7. Do they know? (know) - Do they know? 8. She doesn't know. - She doesn't know. 9. He knows. - He knows. 10. She has a ball ? (to have a ball) - Does she have a ball? eleven. Carry out the ball. - He does not have a ball.


2. Does or Do?UseDoesorDo.

1. - you go to school on Sundays?
2. - your father read comics?
3. - your mother like black cats?
4. - the dog eat spaghetti?
5. - the girls play football?
6. - do you speak Chinese?
7. - your granny play on computer?
8. Do you like an ice cream?
9. - you watch TV in the mornings?
10. - they go to the forest in spring?

3. translate words

vegetable- potatoes- tomato-

Basil- onion- radish-

Eggplant- carrot- beet-

Pea- cucumber- pumpkin-

Cabbage- pepper- garlic -

4. Assign the following words to the appropriate groups of definitions:

cheese, soup, bread, butter, rice, salad

1. green, mixed, potato, fruit ……..
2. white, brown, wholemeal, rye, sliced, garlic……..
3. tomato, chicken, mushroom, home-made, tinned……..
4. mild, mature, soft, cream, blue, goat’s……..
5. brown, long-grain, wild……..
6. olive, vegetable, sunflower ……..

5. Match the words below the numbers with the words below the letters.

1. salt and
2. fish and
3. bread and
4. cheese and
5. strawberries and

a. biscuits
b. butter
c. cream
d. pepper
e. chips

6. Match fruits with their names:

apple, pear, bananas, lemon, orange, peach, pineapple, grapes, (black) currants, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberry, pomegranate, melon

Insert words into sentences:

exotic, stones, skin, pips, varieties, seedless, bitter, bunches

1. Whatever you do, don't try to eat the ……of a banana!
2. Plums and peaches have large…….
3. Grapes and bananas grow in……..
4. Grapes can be seeded or…….
5. Grapes have seeds, but lemons and limes have…….
6. Mangoes, lychees and starfruit are sometimes called tropical or……fruit.
7. Golden Delicious, Cox's, and Granny Smith are different……of apple.
8. A grapefruit is part of the same family as the orange, but much more…….

Gulshat Apayeva
Abstract of an English lesson in the middle group on the topic "Vegetables".

Subject: Vegetables.

Target: Teach kids names vegetables in English and use them in speech.

Tasks: 1) Repetition and consolidation of the topic "Fruits", familiarization with the vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables": tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage, potato;

2) Development of memory, attention;

3) Formation of sustainable motivation to study in English .

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

1) Greeting. Verse Good morning!

2) Phonetic warm-up.

3) Speech warm-up.

fine, thank you.

How old are you?

I am 3 (4) .

2. Repetition of previously studied material.

Boys and girls, what kind of fruits do you know?

Apple, banana, pear, orange, lemon, melon, watermelon, peach, pineapple, grapes, strawberry.

1. Tea would not be so tasty,

If not for the sour lemon.

2. A fairy told me in a dream

Pear English Pear.

3. Loves our monkey Nana

Eat Banana in the morning.

4. We really want to eat

Orange sweet orange.

5. The best fruit for a person -

It is, without a doubt, Apple.

6. I prefer watermelon to plums

Watermelon otherwise Water-melon.

7. I draw on the board with chalk


8. Apricot big brother

Peach, Peach, adorned the garden.

9. Pineapple, Pine-apple, that

Grows straight out of the ground.

10. We ate all the grapes,

Grapes otherwise, grapes.

2. Acquaintance with new vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables".

Today I brought you vegetables:






What is your favorite vegetable? (children's answers)

3. Moving activity.

"Hello, hello!"

4. Actualization of knowledge.

Let's check, how did you remember these vegetables.

A game What vegetable is missing?

Models are laid out on the table vegetables. Children must guess which the vegetable is gone.

A game "Riddles"

1. Very necessary for salad

Tomato or Tomato.

2. How juicy am I

Cucumber tells us.

3. I speak but they do not believe me

What hares love Carrot.

4. The swan spoke to the hare

That cabbage is Cabbage.

5. We have a flute in our house

Potato is growing in the garden.

It's yummy, yummy yummy to my

tummy, tummy, tummy (x2)

Apples, apples, apples, apples

I like apples, apples apples, "cause there

yummy, yummy yummy to my

tummy, tummy, tummy (x2)

(repeat above with bananas, oranges, strawberries, grapes)

6. Ending. Summarizing.

What new did you learn today? Did you like games, songs?

Good bye, boys and girls!

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You can move on to fruits. The transition is the simplest, because good visual associations are made (color - fruit). In addition, some English names of fruits are consonant with Russian ones (banana, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin), and you don’t need to memorize orange at all - just fix the “orange orange” bundle.

Build the lesson according to the same principle as everyone else: hello-song, the main block (with breaks for “active” physical education minutes), goodbye-song. The structure of the lesson was described in detail.

Basic words that can be learned with a child within this topic

Apple- Apple

Banana- banana

Orange- orange

Pear- pear

Apricot- apricot

Lemon- lemon

Plum- plum

Grapefruit- grapefruit

grapes- grape

Kiwi- kiwi

peach- peach

Choose words that the child is familiar with real life, seasonal fruits growing in your area. For example, I was very surprised that in the classroom the teacher chose grapefruit and kiwi, but did not take an apricot. She probably tried to take sounds similar to Russian ones ... but we learned the apricot anyway - on our own.

Words can be divided into groups and learned in 2-4 lessons. Repeat the learned colors with the fruits.

Crafts in the lesson on the study of fruit

You can make simple applications with your child. Cut the blanks yourself if the baby is still unsure of the scissors.

The simplest coloring will do. For example, fruits in a bowl that say what color they are.

You can include any fruit-related activities in your classes. Take any "fruit development" and work with these materials in English. Start with what your child likes.

Mathematics (counting, logic), wiring, tasks for drawing up sequences, simple comic stories - whatever your heart desires!

Preparing your hand for writing (we make apple pies from apples):

Fortunately, there are a lot of materials on the network for free download.

Poems about fruits in English

Poems and songs are a great way to teach English to your child. When choosing a poem, see that it can be accompanied by some movements in meaning - so the baby will be more interested, and he will learn the rhyme faster and with great pleasure. Before you give a poem, learn it yourself!

Examples of poems (take all the same apples):

Apples in the Attic.
Apples in the hall.
Apples in the summer.
Apples in the fall.
apples make you healthy.
Apples make you tall.
I will eat some apples.
I will eat them all.

Ten Red Apples

Ten red apples grow on a tree
Five for you and five for me
Let us shake the tree just so
And ten red apples will fall below
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Or a song about apples:

apple tree
(sung to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Way up high in the apple tree
Two red apples smiled at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could.
Down came the apples.
Mmm - were they good!

In this song, in each new verse, reduce the number of apples: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0. You can show the baby a video:

If you have any other ideas, please add them in the comments.

For those who are just starting to learn English, the names of fruits in English can be a good training base. Firstly, having learned the names and trying to put them into practice, fruits in English can be called in the most ordinary situations - in the supermarket, in the garden, and often right in your kitchen. Secondly, fruits in English are an excellent base for combining with others. thematic groups words for primary education- "Colors", "Shape", "Volume", "Taste", etc. That is, having learned fruits in English, you can make a lot of phrases with a variety of adjectives, which will certainly help you fix these words in your memory.

For example:
Apples - Apples
can be Red apples - Red apples
and may be Round red apples - Round red apples

Pears - Pears
can be Yellow pears - Yellow pears
and may be Sweet yellow pears - Sweet yellow pears

And if you want - you can mix everything - Sweet round yellow apples - Sweet round yellow apples

You can always make any chain of words yourself, depending on what words you remember. By the way, making chains of words can be an exciting and useful game if you are learning English with a child. A competitive moment can also be included in such a game - who will make the most chains, or who will make the longest chain. Everything will depend on your imagination.

We call fruits in English.

One of the frequently asked questions on the topic "Fruit" in English is, in fact, the word itself fruit - fruit, fruit. In what cases should it be used in the singular form to refer to several fruits (considering this noun as uncountable) - fruits, and when - in the plural form - fruits ?

If we are talking about fruits in general, like food, not meaning a set of individual fruits, then we use fruits.

Fruit is cheap here. — Fruit is cheap here.

If we mean different types of fruits, we use the plural fruits.

There are pears, apples and other fruits in the menu. - There are pears, apples and other fruits (types of fruits) on the menu.

So with the word fruits figured out, let's go directly to the names. First, let's name a dozen of the most common and familiar fruits. By the way, to simplify the task for beginners, we wrote the names of fruits in English in Russian transcription.

Apple - ["æpl] - (epl) - apple

Banana - - (bae "nena) - banana

Lemon - ["lemən] - (" lemn) - lemon

Melon - ['melən] - ("melen) - melon

Watermelon - [‘wɒtər‚melən] - (" watermelen) - watermelon

Orange - ["ɔrindʒ] - (" orange) - orange

Peach - - (pi: h) - peach

Pear--(" pea) - pear

Pineapple - ["paɪnæpl] - (" pineapple - pineapple

Tangerine - [, tændʒə "ri: n] - (tenje" ri:n) - mandarin

Then, when these words no longer cause difficulties, you can memorize a few more fruits in English with translation, which may be useful.

Apricot - [‘æprə‚kɒt] - (" epicot) - apricot

Kiwifruit - [ˈkiwifru: t] - ("kiwifru: t) - kiwi

Lime--(" lime) - lime

Plum - [ˈplʌm] - (flame) - plum

Pomegranate - [‘pɒm‚grænɪt] - (" pomgranite) - garnet

Learn the names of berries in English.

memorizing English words denoting various fruits, one cannot ignore the names of berries in English. After all, if we recall the situations in which we use the names of fruits (for example, the name of juices, different types of ice cream, syrups, jams, etc.), a variety of berries immediately come to mind.

Please note: most berries in English have the word in their name Berry, which actually means Berry.

The most common berries in speech:

Bilberry - ["bɪlb (ə) rɪ] - ("bilberry) - blueberries

Blackberry - [ˈblækberi] - ("blackberry) - blackberry

Blackcurrant - [ˌblækˈkɜːrənt] - (black currant) - blackcurrant

Blueberry - [ˈbluːberi] - ("blueberry) - blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries

Cranberry - [ˈkrænberi] - ("cranberry) - cranberry

Cherry - [ˈtʃeri] - ("cherry) - cherry, sweet cherry

Grapes - [ˈɡreɪps] - ("grapes) - grapes

Raspberry - [ˈræzberi] - ("raspberry") - raspberry

Strawberry - [ˈstrɔːberi] - ("strawberry) - strawberries, strawberries

Putting new words into practice.

Don't forget to learn new words and use them in practice whenever possible. If you are learning English with a child, it can be a variety of games: both word games (composing chains, for example, which we wrote about above), and various role-playing games- play "shop", "cafe", "cottage". The main condition should be the maximum use of new words in the game.

If you are learning English on your own, we can offer you effective method practice - an online self-instruction manual for the English language. Listening to short texts and doing simple exercises to them, you can replenish vocabulary and learn how to correctly compose English sentences.

For example, you can find the names of fruits on the site in this short text for beginners:

She often eats apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she often eat pears? No, she does not.
She doesn't eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes, he does.

Listen to text

She often eats apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she often eat pears? Not…
She doesn't eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes…

Passing such lessons, you not only consolidate new words in your memory, but also master the use of basic grammatical structures.