Analysis of the WCU Kuzovleva V.P., Peregudova E.Sh. "English" for teaching English in elementary school

The proposed material is sufficient for studying the topics, as it is complemented by the exercises of the Workbook and the Reading Book.

The conceptual apparatus is sufficient, there is no overload of texts with concepts and terms, it corresponds to the stock of knowledge, experience of cognitive and practical activities of students, their needs and interests. The vocabulary and style of the educational material corresponds to the age characteristics and interests of students in grade 8, has educational and educational value.

The educational material is presented logically and consistently in accordance with the stages of work on speech material: the formation of speech skills, their improvement and development of skills. Each portion of the material within the cycle is brought to the level of skill. (noted by all participants of the approbation).

The functional significance of the material lies in the development of students' language abilities and mental functions (guesses, logical presentation, memory, thinking, attention), the ability to solve speech-thinking problems, learning skills.

The material is highly educational. A tolerant attitude to a foreign culture and language is brought up and a respectful attitude to native culture, traditions and customs is formed, a desire to broaden one's horizons, an interest in cognitive activity, the need for a useful pastime is brought up, the need for familiarization with world culture is brought up, awareness of one's culture is formed through the context of the culture of English-speaking countries, love for the Motherland is brought up.

A diverse nature of the presentation of the material is used: stating, explanatory, problematic, analytical, comparative, critical, informative, classifying, etc., taking into account the socio-cultural, developmental, educational and educational aspects.

2. Methodical scheme

A variety of technologies are used (technology of communicative learning, problem-based learning, project-based, student-centered technologies).

The EMC contains redundant material that provides students with the opportunity to choose lexical units and grammatical phenomena depending on their interests, abilities and level of learning. Alternative options for working with exercises are presented depending on the level of training of students. This approach allows you to consistently implement the principle of individualization of training. There are no failing students.

All material is fixed in a workbook and expanded through the use of a reading book.
It is important that the reading passages are taken from works of various literary genres. Such reading expands the horizons of students, deepens knowledge about the country of the language being studied.

In the teaching materials, both intra-subject and inter-subject communications are carried out.
The Workbook (together with the Textbook and the Book for Reading) presents a set of exercises for practicing lexical and grammatical material. The book for the teacher systematizes all the material for preparing a lesson plan, clearly formulates the objectives of the lessons, which makes it easier for the teacher to achieve the goals prescribed in the new standard. In addition, all the material of the lesson is described in detail, keys are given. Additional material is also given (links to Internet sites where you can find interesting material), which can be useful to the teacher and students in the lesson.

3. Didactic apparatus

The number of questions and tasks is sufficient to motivate learning, to work out and consolidate the material, to organize practical activities, to organize independent work, self-control and self-assessment.

The tasks in the Textbook, Workbook and Reading Book allow you to organize independent work students in the classroom and at home.

The kit significantly expands the possibilities of using various forms of work in the classroom, allows you to use frontal, pair, group and individual forms of work in the lesson.

4. Artistic and graphic design and printing execution

The proposed illustrations correspond to the educational goals and objectives, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, help to ensure a comfortable emotional state of students in the process of working with the teaching materials (noted by all participants in the approbation).
The color scheme, font and format are designed at a high level and correspond to the psychophysical characteristics of secondary school students.

Analysis of the methodological concept of teaching materials V.P. Kuzovlev "English 8" and UMK K.I. Kaufman "Happy English 8"

Methodical substantiation of the use of UMK "English language" by the authors Kuzovleva V.P., Lapa N.M.

The subject line of the textbooks "English" by the authors Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., Peregudova E.Sh. and others (JSC Publishing House Prosveshchenie, 2011), in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, is included in the Federal List of Textbooks Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The scientific supervisor of the team of authors is academician Passov E.I., the author of the program - the concept of communicative foreign language education "Development of individuality in the dialogue of cultures".

Completed line of textbooks for grades 2-11 educational institutions designed to meet the requirements of the Federal State educational standard Primary General Education (FGOS) and the Exemplary Program of Primary General Education in a Foreign Language, the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS) and the Exemplary Program of Basic General Education in a Foreign Language. The content of textbooks is also correlated with the Fundamental core of the content of general education, the Program for the formation of universal learning activities and other basic documents that ensure the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The content of all textbooks allows you to achieve the planned learning outcomes provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard: personal, meta-subject and subject.

In our work, we studied the teaching materials for the eighth grade, a positive moment for choosing this teaching materials is the presence of a complete methodological portfolio, which, on the one hand, provide continuity between elementary, middle and high schools, and on the other hand, save the teacher from routine work and free up time to create really thoughtful creative lessons. The authors of the teaching materials have created work programs, calendar-thematic lesson planning. In addition, films have been made using the technology of communicative foreign language education, the UMK website has been created, where all the new materials of the UMK appear regularly, you can find comprehensive answers to all questions about working with constituent parts subject line, get advice on issues of interest. Thus, online support provides not only teachers, but also students with the opportunity to receive additional materials and additional exercises designed for different levels training, additional materials for preparing for the final certification, introduces the best student projects, makes it possible to post your own projects, download the necessary audio courses in MP3 format.

AT composition of the CMD includes a book for students (Student's book). The textbook is built in accordance with the basic curriculum A: 3 hours per week for 8th grade. The material in the textbooks is organized into cycles. Each cycle in the Textbooks has its own name and introduces Russian schoolchildren to a certain area of ​​life of their peers from English-speaking countries. The basis for mastering speech material in all textbooks is the principle of complexity, which implies interconnected teaching of all types of speech activity.

Cycles have a single structure, which includes

lessons in the formation of lexical skills,

lessons in the formation of grammatical skills,

Lessons for improving speech skills in monologue and dialogic forms of speech,

· Lessons in developing the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Several appendices are included in the Tutorial:

1. Grammar guide;

2. Linguistic and cultural reference book, which gives brief explanations of some facts of the culture of the countries of the studied language and Russia;

3. English-Russian dictionary;

4. List of proper names and geographical names;

5. Table of forms of irregular verbs;

6. "Learn to learn", containing reminders for the formation of SLA and UUD.

Textbooks are closely related to other components of the teaching materials. They contain links to the Workbook and the Reading Book.

The workbook is designed to activate and systematize the material presented in the Textbook. Each lesson in the Workbook corresponds to the corresponding lesson in the Textbook and has the same name with it. Workbooks are used both in the classroom and at home. If in the Textbook most of the exercises are based on the material of the children's culture of English-speaking countries, then in the Workbook many exercises are based on their native culture, which allows children to better understand its features. Workbooks for EMC "English" (grade 8) contain the section "All about me", in which students write about themselves, their family, friends, school, city, etc.

The book for reading is compiled in such a way that home reading is organically included in the content of the entire cycle of lessons, developing and deepening its content. Learning to read is based on excerpts from works of art designed for students in this age group and popular with English and American peers. The book for reading, along with the works of classics of children's literature, includes excerpts from the works of the most popular contemporary authors. It also includes various types of authentic texts: short stories, excerpts from literary works, comics, poetry, etc. The texts are accompanied by a variety of exercises to develop reading skills. The book for reading is supplied with an English-Russian dictionary, a linguistic and regional reference book, a list of personal names and geographical names.

Control tasks contains quarterly and annual tests and tasks for them in test formats for all types of speech activity. Each of the test papers corresponds to the material of the cycles of lessons in the EMC "English 8", is developed taking into account the lexical and grammatical material studied in them and is built in accordance with the formats and requirements of the final assessment for elementary school. This component of the teaching materials helps students to prepare as best as possible for the new objective forms and means of final control, which are supposed to be used when conducting final certification at the end of primary school, basic general education and secondary (complete) general education, and the teacher competently organizes the assessment of students' educational achievements in basic types of speech activity. The component also includes a CD in MP3 format, which contains the texts of control tasks to test the ability to understand speech by ear.

The grammar guide with exercises contains grammar rules with illustrations and examples that provide step-by-step mastery of the material, exercises for a more solid assimilation of grammatical phenomena, a “Test Yourself” section consisting of questions and exercises to check the material covered, as well as keys to all exercises for self-examination. The grammar guide can be used as an independent guide by parents who want to help their child learn the basics of English grammar. The audio application (CD, MP3) is designed to help students better master the pronunciation side of speech and the ability to understand speech by ear. In the audio application, all exercises are recorded by native speakers.

The educational disk is a component of the teaching materials, including: an audio course (in MP3 format) containing authentic audio recordings of texts and exercises to improve the pronunciation side of speech, as well as to further develop the ability to understand speech by ear; ABBYY Lingvo electronic dictionary, which allows not only to get a translation of unfamiliar words, but also to listen to their correct pronunciation; the ABBYY Lingvo Tutor program, which contains additional sets of exercises for a more solid mastery of new lexical units of the lessons.

UMK is developed on the basis of the concept of communicative foreign language education "Development of individuality in the dialogue of cultures". This concept fully complies with the requirements of the new educational standard. In the textbooks of this EMC, these requirements are implemented through four global aspects of foreign language education - cognitive (sociocultural), developing, educational and educational. EMC provides not only teaching English, but also develops the individuality of the student in the dialogue of cultures. Using the activity principle of teaching foreign languages, the main goal is the communicative goal - the formation of communicative competence, which, in turn, includes linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic components. The last component includes practical knowledge of the language being studied, taking into account the personal characteristics of the student, the characteristics of his previous language experience, culture, previously acquired skills and abilities, including those of a general educational nature. Under the practical goal of teaching a foreign language in the methodology, it is customary to understand the need to provide a pre-professional level of language proficiency that allows subsequent retraining in accordance with the needs of the specialty or the personal interests of students.

Teaching method “English language 8” reflects the sociocultural approach to teaching (E.I. Passov, V.V. Safonova, P.V. Sysoev, S.G. Ter-Minasova). The lessons on this EMC are planned in such a way that the teacher seeks to create conditions for the formation of intercultural competence among students, which implies an interest in the characteristics of a foreign culture, in establishing a polylogue of cultures through the use of educational process authentic (taken from life) materials. Central location in pedagogical process should take the formation of the ability for intercultural communication, for the dialogue of cultures, which is especially important now, when the "mixing of peoples, languages, cultures" has reached unprecedented proportions and, as always, the problem of fostering tolerance for foreign cultures, awakening respect and interest in them has become acute. Therefore, one of actual problems in teaching a foreign language today is the need for a deeper study of the world of native speakers and, as a result, the formation of the socio-cultural competence of students.

The purpose of the cognitive (sociocultural) aspect is to acquire knowledge about the culture of another people, including knowledge about the language as part of a foreign culture. To do this, the CCM uses various means:

display of current reality: illustrations, photos, slides, computer programs, questionnaires, tickets, labels, reproductions of paintings by artists of the countries of the language being studied;

text excerpts:

fiction; reference and scientific-encyclopedic literature (guides, maps, etc.); media materials;

colloquial array: authentic dialogue texts; explanations and demonstration of the structure of the language; speech samples; rules-instructions; structural and functional generalizations;

background knowledge contained in toponymy, proverbs, popular expressions, non-equivalent vocabulary; information about non-verbal means of communication and much more.

The teacher's choice of a WCU for teaching a foreign language also implies not only his knowledge of all its components, but also an understanding of their didactic significance. The effect of using each component is possible only if the teacher knows what, where, when it is advisable to use in the educational process. The very idea of ​​the EMC is to maximize the activation of both the intellectual and emotional spheres of the personality of students, to use all channels of information. The exclusion of at least one component included by the authors in the teaching materials will have a negative impact on the learning outcomes, as it will violate the system laid down in it. In this regard, I try to follow the recommendations of the book for teachers. The cycles contain redundant material, which provides students with the opportunity to choose material depending on the interests, abilities and level of learning of students. The chosen approach makes it possible to consistently implement the principle of individualization of education, allowing more capable students to learn material that goes beyond the basic course. Thus, the changes I make relate mainly to the amount of material and the number of training exercises.

WMCs have stood the test of time. When reprinting, the shortcomings identified in the course of their use were eliminated, and the wishes of students, teachers, and recommendations of methodologists were taken into account. The content side of the Textbook has been reduced and updated in the editions of 2010-2011. Replaced outdated information and information that has lost relevance for today's teenagers. The volume of new lexical units (LE) intended for both productive and receptive assimilation has been reduced. The repetition of speech material has increased, as well as work on the grammatical side of speech. The advantage of this EMC is its compliance with educational goals, age characteristics and interests of children, modern teaching technologies, as well as its effectiveness in individual lessons with children. The chosen structure of the textbook and the method of presentation are based on modern pedagogical technologies. The textbook contains enough exercises to organize various kinds of learning activities. The exercises are thought out, the illustrative series is well chosen. The textbook successfully solves the problem set by the authors: the development of individuality in the dialogue of cultures.

A distinctive feature of the teaching materials is that the main part of the burden of observing the law of adequacy when implemented in textbooks is taken from the teacher and taken on by the authors of the textbooks: all lessons are planned so that they can be used as ready-made scenarios. This will provide a “living wage” of literacy and a basis for process management, adherence to the planning system. In this approach, the basis for the further creativity of the teacher, freed from routine planning, for which he has almost no time. Creativity can and should be shown mainly in the process of implementing the textbook in a particular class and in planning reserve lessons (usually 20% of them).

It is positive that the proposed Concept refuses the control used on the basis of the “carrot and stick” policy, since this turns educational activity into a confrontation between the teacher and students and contradicts interaction as the essence of communication.

Control by its very nature is aggressive, so it's not a matter of perfecting it. There is only one way to remove the negative properties of control - to make it a means of managing the education process. In this case, those “tools” with which this management is carried out are revealed: for the teacher, this is open control, hidden control, correction, observation, accounting, evaluation, mark; for the student - self-control, mutual control, self-esteem and mutual evaluation. The general line should be considered in this case the transfer of students to the mode of self-control. They should be taught how to control and correct themselves. As a result, they will get rid of dependency, because they will have their own psycho-physiological apparatus for regulating their activities, and this brings up responsibility in a person.

In our work, we examined the section Speaking in more detail. The subject content of speaking is chosen in such a way that it is of interest to both British and Russian schoolchildren and is associated both with situations of everyday communication and with situations of a problematic nature. In the 8th grade, speaking becomes equal to reading and the task is to further develop speech skills in monologue and dialogic forms.

When teaching speaking, work on reasoning, expressing one's attitude, comparative assessment of one's native culture with the culture of the country of the language being studied has a large share.

When teaching monologue speech, the following skills and abilities are developed.

1. The ability to speak holistically, both in semantic and structural terms.

2. The ability to speak logically and coherently. This means being able to consistently express thoughts, facts, judgments that are connected in a semantic sense and correlated with the task of the statement. To speak coherently means to be able to "link" separate phrases and super-phrasal units in the text by certain means of the language.

3. The ability to speak productively. From the point of view of form, the productivity of an utterance is determined by the number of new combinations: the less memorized, the greater the productivity. Therefore, the main task is to persistently and constantly develop productivity by combining and transforming material. We should also not forget that productivity is also content, that is, the ability to use the wealth of facts, information, thoughts that are necessary, according to the speaker, to achieve the goal for which he enters into communication.

4. The ability to speak independently, i.e., choose an utterance strategy, draw up an utterance program, speak without borrowing thoughts from previously read and listened to sources, speak without relying on full records or images.

5. The ability to speak impromptu, without special training and discussion.

6. Ability to speak at a normal pace.

Section V of all cycles is devoted to the development of specific communication skills, and section VI - to the development of communication skills in general.

A detailed list of subjects for discussion, speech functions that students should master, is given in the Map of textbook “English 8” in the sections “Topics, Problems, Situations”, “Functions” and “Speaking”.

Lexical speaking skills are formed both on the basis of previously learned material and new material, with a total volume of about 1500–1600 lexical units (1250 units were learned in grades 5–7 and 300 in grade 8).

New words and expressions are given at the end of the cycle in the “Test Yourself” section.

Grammatical speaking skills are formed on the basis of the grammatical material learned in previous classes, as well as on the basis of new grammatical phenomena. New grammatical phenomena that are subject to active learning in each cycle are indicated in the Map of textbook “English 8” in the “Speaking” section.

With all the positive qualities of the UMC, there are some negative aspects. First of all, this is the overload of some topics with lexical units and grammatical structures and, accordingly, require more lessons (hours) allotted for their development. Some homework assignments require a lot of time to complete, some lessons are oversaturated with lexical material. there are not enough exercises to work out and consolidate some grammatical phenomena; for students' statements according to a speech pattern, for example) additional supports are required. In addition, the very form of some exercises makes it difficult to work, since the items of the tasks are not numbered, but are highlighted with a list marker.

In general, this subject line of textbooks allows the teacher to work creatively, develop the personality of the student and achieve the planned learning outcomes provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard: personal, meta-subject and subject. The teaching materials take into account the features of using field games in teaching dialogic speech.

Analysis of teaching materials edited by V.P. Kuzovlev and others for grades 10-11
Levina Irina Mikhailovna
English teacher of the highest qualification category of the State Educational Institution "Schools of Health" No. 901
Based on the specifics of the topic we have chosen, it seems to us appropriate to analyze this teaching material from the point of view of the compliance of the texts presented in it and the tasks for them with the criteria of authenticity.
EMC "The World of English" for grades 10-11 is a continuation of the series teaching kits basic course (grades 5-9). This TMC aims to consolidate, generalize and systematize the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the framework of the basic course, as well as to master a certain amount of new material. It contains 7 thematic cycles (Units). Each of the sections is structured in such a way that it provides for parallel training in all types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The textbook is colorfully designed and contains visual supports: a variety of photographs, drawings, maps. It widely presents both educational and authentic and truly authentic materials: journalistic texts from newspapers and magazines, scientific articles, texts of a regional and cultural nature, excerpts from works of art.
Teaching materials for grades 10-11 consists of the following components:
Textbook (Student's Book);
Workbook (Activity Book);
Book for reading (Reader);
Teacher's Book (Teacher's Book);
Audio cassettes.
It seems to me appropriate to analyze the presented materials in terms of the criteria and parameters of authenticity required for texts at the senior stage of teaching a foreign language:
Compliance with the age characteristics of students.
The subject side of the content of these texts takes into account the age characteristics of the psychology of older students and reflects interesting topics for discussion: the state-political structure (“What do you know about the political system of Great Britain?”, “What political system does Russia belong to?”) , youth subculture (“What are the characteristics of a subculture?”, “What subculture are popular in Russia?”), the position of young people and their rights (“Is it easy to be young?”, “What rights do you have?” ), geographical position and its influence on the way of life and mentality of the people ("How does geography influence the life of the country and its people"s lives?"), The social security of citizens ("Is the system of social Welfare fair?", "Do you have to pay for medical care?"), the contribution of scientists and figures of literature and art to world scientific and technological progress and world culture in general ("What helps you to enjoy yourselves?", "Inventions that shook the world"). The presence of visual supports.
Some texts are provided with visual supports (photographs, maps, reproductions, etc.), which creates a situation of communication and contributes to the understanding of the text.
cultural aspect.
It seems necessary to note the content in this TMC a large number regional information, students for the first time learn about some of the geographical features of the United States and Australia, get acquainted with two samples of Western democracies, with youth movements of various directions, with the problems of the health care systems of Great Britain and the United States. Informational aspect.
The presented topics cover the widest range of youth interests: from political issues to the contribution of representatives of English-speaking countries to scientific and technological progress and world culture. The identified problems contribute to the development of the necessary qualities of a person, including such qualities as tolerance, readiness for a joint solution of emerging problems, social activity, responsibility, progress and world culture.
situational aspect.
In dialogue texts, it is necessary to note the naturalness and vitality of the situations presented, the presence of a certain emotional charge, which helps to arouse the interest and emotional response of students. It also seems necessary to note the presence of humorous elements in the presented texts, the inclusion of which contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of ease and relaxation.
Presentation of different forms of speech, lexical and phraseological authenticity.
Most of the texts are emotionally colored dialogues; texts of an informative and controlling nature are presented in the form of monologues. These texts are characterized by lexical and phraseological phrases that are typical for living English speech and often do not have equivalents in their native language (face and hands of the clock, from the horse's mouth, a lazybones, etc.).
Functional and grammatical authenticity.
The genre and compositional diversity of the presented texts and authentic linguistic means, including the use of grammatical models in texts that differ from those accepted in the native language of students, which correspond to the characteristic patterns inherent only in the English language, make it possible to acquaint students with modern, "live" speech clichés ( - Remember to bring the book back. - Keep him from doing it.). Structural authenticity.
The presented texts have a meaningful integrity, logical connections between its components (in dialogues, this aspect is expressed using connectors, elliptical sentences, pronominal substitutions).
Design aspect.
Another feature of the audio texts presented in the UMK is their sound design: almost all of them have a sound range (environmental clues), (music); silence fillers (.„Erm...,; materials are presented in execution different people, with their individual manner of speech, including non-professional announcers, which also creates the impression of "real" material.
Aspect of the learning task.
Tasks for authentic texts presented in the EMC are aimed at interacting with the text, develop a guess, the conditions for performing the exercise almost do not differ in their main characteristics from the conditions of natural communication (What do you think? Imagine, that...., Discuss it in your group.)From the presented analysis, it can be seen that the materials of this teaching material correspond to the basic criteria of authenticity and the parameters of authentic texts.
The authors propose the following system for working with authentic materials:
Stage 1 includes pre-text exercises and actual text exercises of a receptive nature. Pre-text exercises, the purpose of which is to awaken and stimulate motivation to work with texts of this nature, to activate the intellectual activity and cognitive needs of students, and can be represented by the following tasks:
Which of the following landscapes can you see on these pages?
Match the word and the description with its meaning.
Divide your class into groups and meet with your group to discuss the problem and your roles.
Control of understanding of the read text can be associated with those communicative tasks that the teacher sets in the lesson:
read the text with full understanding (learning reading);
with an understanding of the general content (introductory reading);
get selective information (viewing reading).
Checking the understanding of the read text is carried out using the text, which includes various tasks to find the correct answer from the proposed statements.
Stage 2 - the text stage, which is supposed to use various tricks extraction of information and transformations of the structure and linguistic material of the text:
Find in the text facts which help to explain...
Which conclusions of the author do you (dis) agree with?
What information helps you understand...?
Find in the dialogue how ... a) shows admiration; b) shows surprise; c) says she/he knows about something.
What common features can you find ...?
Fill in the gaps in the summary of the article, using an appropriate words.
Stage H - reproductive and productive exercises, aimed at developing the appropriate skills to conduct a conversation mediated by the text:
Finish up the sentences to make a story
Discuss the problem of...
Make up a scheme of...
Combine all information about…in the table
Stage 4 - productive exercises that are focused on the active use of new speech means in situations close to authentic or in natural communication in oral or written form:
Imagine yourself in one of the situations described in ...
Find out the information about... in the LCG.
What is your attitude towards the following opinions about...
Choose a project you "d like to do and present it to the classmates.
Among the productive exercises, the most interesting are: interviewing, polling, role-playing or project. Such exercises contribute not only to the formation of one's own point of view on the events and facts described in the texts, but also develop the ability to critically perceive the information offered by the authors. They are creative in nature and correspond to the aspect of authenticity (tasks that stimulate interaction with the text, based on such operations that are performed in an extracurricular environment when working with sources of information; tasks that develop conjecture, since it is an authentic communicative action that stimulates mental activity, to which students use in everyday communication). Comparing their own attitude to universal human values ​​with the attitude of foreign peers towards them, Russian schoolchildren learn to better understand them. Getting acquainted with the best examples of the culture of English-speaking countries, students are better and more deeply aware of their native culture.
Thus, the analysis of this teaching material showed that the texts and tasks presented in it meet the criteria of authenticity. I believe that this is exactly what a modern educational and methodological complex for teaching a foreign language should be like, and properly organized work with it can give quick and effective results in teaching various types of speech activity.

Analysis of WMC V.P. Kuzovlev "English"
on the subject of activating the speech of students
Russian UMK V.P. Kuzovlev allows you to successfully develop speech
ability of students, takes into account the experience of students in their native language,
suits their age and interests, and therefore
provides high motivation in the process of learning English.
In each textbook, acquaintances act as interlocutors.
fairytale heroes, dragons, monsters, animals.
AT primary school the game remains the leading activity,
therefore, all situations and topics for communication are of a playful nature. In this
The teaching staff has been given many opportunities to develop the ability to
independent work on the language, and, consequently, the ability to
self-development and self-improvement. Development of universal educational
action is the mechanism that ensures independence
educational activity of a younger student in mastering a foreign language
language as a means of intercultural communication and interaction.
In UMK great importance playing games as a way of learning
foreign language speech. It is in this type of activity that
the main components of independent learning activities (exercises
"Let's play", "Let's sing", "Role play").
Due to the fact that the UMC uses the rule of redundancy of speech
material, only that speech material is assimilated in speech, which
suits the individuality of each student. From lexical groups
children choose and use in speech only those words that they personally
necessary. This contributes to a more solid assimilation of the material. In that
UMK uses the strategy of “choosing and using, master”.
On average, a student memorizes three or four words per lesson. Wherein
some words sound similar to the students' native language and do not
are difficult to master.
In the EMC, children study the following topics: "Family", "Help around the house",
"Games and toys", "Holidays", "Free time", "Sports",
Travel, Friends, Favorite Pets, and Favorite Characters. At
children develop a guess by analogy with their native language, by drawing and by

In the teaching staff, speech is carefully selected and dosed for a given age.
material. A slow pace of progress is provided so that students do not
there was a belief that they were not able to learn the material, organized
high repetition of material in new situations of communication.
This EMC corresponds to the age interests of students due to
organization of training based on the dialogue of cultures. Mastery of speech
material is accompanied by the knowledge of interesting facts of native culture
and the country of the language being studied.
Semantization of new lexical units is carried out in the process
perception of texts of different nature: British and
American children's dialogues, captions for pictures.
The speech pattern is accompanied by
aimed at the formation of lexical and grammatical skills
speaking. Sometimes meaningful filling of the sample is caused by students
difficulties. It is necessary to show students the possible ways of transforming any
statements into “one’s own”: take ready-made from the text what is consistent with
their thoughts and feelings.
All topics and situations for communication are age-appropriate
abilities junior schoolchildren. Children are interested in listening, reading,
talk and write about it.
For productive mastery of students
all aspects of IC
a system of means (memos and special exercises) is provided for
development of students' ability to learn, developed taking into account the specifics
all kinds of tasks. This system is designed to equip students
rational methods of mastering IC and prepare for independent
work on the language not only in the classroom, but also at home.
This UMC provides conscious mastery of grammatical
side of speech. The strategy of mastering speech material from receptive
types of speech activity to productive extends to
mastery of the grammatical side of speech.
The process of mastering the grammatical side of speech. Included in the total
context of communication and takes place in specially selected, communicatively
valuable speech patterns; in connection with learning to read and lexical
side of speech; deliberately, using the rules of the instructions.
The sets of exercises in the Textbook and Workbook help
form and develop grammatical skills; develops the ability to
identifying linguistic patterns in the derivation of rules.

Provides greater repetition of grammatical material in new
communication situations and different types activities. Some conditional
the exercises are included as additional exercises in the Book for
teachers. The process of learning the grammatical side of speech does not occur
in isolation, it is included in the general context of communication when used
various situations. The formation of grammatical skills takes place
certain stages from the perception of a grammatical phenomenon to its
Automation of the use of a grammatical phenomenon is carried out
during the following exercises:
imitative, when students read and repeat after the speaker
There is a memorization
grammatical form in finished form.
the formal side of the model.
substitution, when students substitute into a speech sample
lexical units, exercise 2, page 58, (Grade 4 AB); exercise 1,
page 74, (grade 4 AB). This increases the ability to
reproductions based on analogy, exercise 2, page 51, (3rd grade AB),
exercise 1, page 94, (grade 3 AB).
when students transform
grammar form, exercise 1, page 61, (Grade 4 AB), exercise
2, page 70, (2nd grade AB), exercise 2, page 84, (2nd grade AB).
reproductive, when students independently reproduce
grammar form, exercise 2, page 62, (4th grade AB), exercise
2, page 75, (grade 4 AB), exercise 2, page 56, (grade 2 AB).

2.2 Analysis of V.P. Kuzovleva "English for the 6th grade of secondary schools"

The analyzed textbook by V.P. Kuzovlev "English for the 6th grade of secondary schools" /31/ is built in accordance with the curriculum (3 hours a week) and is oriented in its content to the state educational standard in relation to the subject "foreign language". However, it should be noted that the material intended for assimilation is higher than the requirements of the educational standard in terms of depth and general content. All components of the teaching materials contain redundant material, which provides the opportunity to choose material depending on the interests, abilities and level of education of students. The chosen approach makes it possible to consistently implement the principle of individualization of education, allowing more capable students to master material that goes beyond the basic course /32/.

Teaching materials for the 6th grade continue and develop the education system laid down in the basis of the WMC for the 5th grade, namely teaching a foreign culture. This EMC is based on a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of a foreign language culture: cognitive, educational, developing and educational, and within the educational aspect - all types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing.

If in the 5th grade the main task was to teach receptive types of speech activity, and primarily reading, then in the 6th grade, teaching productive types, namely speaking, comes to the fore.

speaking. The material of each cycle, intended for mastering speaking, is indicated in the technological map in the "Speaking" column.

The task of UMK-6 is to bring speaking to the level of productive knowledge of the material.

The subject content of speaking is built around topics and problematic issues of interest to both English and Russian students. A detailed list of the subjects of discussion and speech functions that students must master is given in technological maps in sections "Topics, problems, situations", "Functions", "Speaking".

In the 6th grade, priority is given to teaching dialogic speech. For teaching dialogic speech, special lessons are assigned in each cycle, in which students, with the help of functional supports, master such speech functions as requesting information, explanation, consent, description, promise, refusal, agreement, invitation, apology, exchange of impressions, motivation for action and others

The emphasis in teaching dialogic speech is not on the reproduction of exemplary dialogues, but on the development of dialogic communication mechanisms: developing a reaction to the interlocutor's remark, choosing an adequate communication strategy and tactics, seizing the initiative, etc.

By the end of the 6th grade, students should be able, without prior preparation, to conduct a simple conversation with a speech partner in connection with the presented situation of communication, as well as the content of what they saw, heard or read, adequately responding to his remarks, asking for clarification and encouraging the interlocutor to continue the conversation, using speech formulas and cliches of an etiquette nature within the framework of the language material of the 6th and previous grades. The statement of each interlocutor should contain at least 4-6 replicas that are correctly formatted linguistically and meet the communicative task.

In the 6th grade, the study of monologue speech continues. By the end of the 6th grade, students should be able, without prior preparation, to speak logically, consistently and in accordance with the proposed situation of communication or in connection with what they have heard or seen, briefly convey the content of what they have read or heard, directly relying on the text, given questions, key words. The volume of the utterance is at least 6-10 phrases, correctly formatted linguistically and corresponding to the set communicative task.

Let's move on to the analysis of the second cycle of the studied teaching materials /31/ “Unit 2. What are you like?”

In total, 63 exercises are presented in the second cycle of this EMC:

· in “Student’s Book” /31/ – 28 exercises;

· in “Activity Book” /33/ – 13 exercises;

· in “Reader” /34/ – 22 exercises.

The Student's Book offers three RIs, which is 10.7%.

In "Activity Book" and "Reader" this type of games is not presented.

In paragraph 2.1. The following types of RI have been described:

1) congenital,

2) assigned,

3) acquired,

4) effective,

5) functional.

In the analyzed UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, two types of RI are proposed:

Purchased - 1 game, which is 33.3%,

Effective - 2 games, which is 66.7%.

In addition, the exercises are divided into games in pairs and in a subgroup:

In pairs - 2 games - 66.7%,

In the subgroup - 1 game - 33.3%.

So, from the analysis of the teaching materials of V.P. Kuzovlev "English for the 6th grade of secondary schools" shows that RI is represented in it, but in insufficient quantities (only 10.7%). The formation of speaking is carried out mainly through other types of exercises.

Of the types of RI proposed by methodologists (clause 2.1.), only 2 of their types are used: acquired and effective. More attention is paid to games in pairs. But most likely, games in subgroups will be used at the senior stages of learning when improving oral speech.

In general, all the requirements for students in the 6th grade in the Program for Foreign Languages ​​/24/ in the section of speaking, in the analyzed TMC are fully implemented.

Dialogic speech: students should be able, without prior preparation, to conduct a simple conversation with a speech partner in connection with the presented situation of communication, as well as the content of what they saw, heard or read, adequately responding to his remarks, asking for clarification and encouraging the interlocutor to continue the conversation using speech formulas and cliches of an etiquette nature, expressing their attitude to the subject of the statement.

This textbook aims to help students master the basic course of AL in accordance with the requirements of the state standard, is designed to lay a solid foundation for the middle and senior stages of learning from the textbooks of this series.

Your strategy and tactics in the proposed role; d) planning the possible behavior of the partner; e) determining the type, scope and structure of the dialogue and its possible outcome. The use of role-playing games in teaching dialogic speech at the senior stage. Types of role-playing games used in teaching a foreign language at the senior stage of education It is the role in the game and the actions organically associated with it ...

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