English score with Russian transcription for children. Numbers in English for children or “Count and play! Numbers in business documents

To learn how to count in English up to a million, you need to know only 31 words, and in Russian - more than a hundred words! Impressive...
As for everything else, English account practically no different from Russian. All the same rules for composing numbers apply in it, although there are several important caveats (which can greatly facilitate the process of learning English numerals):

First, English numbers do not decline by gender. Those. if in Russian we write " two thousands" and " two million", then in English it will always be " two thousand" and " two million".

Secondly, there are no cases in English, and, accordingly, there are no different case endings. This means that the usual for us "1 thousand cha”, “2 thousand chi”, “5 thousand h” come down to knowing one word “thousand”. And no additional endings!

Thirdly, there are no personal names for hundreds. Therefore, instead of "two hundred" the Englishman will say "two hundred", instead of "three hundred" - "three hundred" and so on in the same vein. Agree, it's much easier to remember.

And fourthly, there are much fewer exceptions!

Now let's move from theory to practice:

All numbers are based on 9 basic numbers - from 1 to 9 (0 and 10 should also be included here). If you speak French or German you will notice that the English numbers have a very similar sound and spelling. In any case, you just have to remember them:

English count up to 10
0 zero ["ziərəu]zero
1 one [wΛn]one
2 two [tu:]two
3 three [θri:]three
4 four [fɔ:]four
5 five [faiv]five
6 six [six]six
7 seven ["sev(ə)n]seven
8 eight [eit]eight
9 nine [nein]nine
10 ten [ten]ten
11 & 12
11 eleven [i"lev(ə)n]eleven
12 twelve[twelve]twelve

Further is easier. English numbers from 13 to 19 are all formed the same way - according to the formula N + "teen". N is a number from 3 to 9, and "teen" is the suffix added to it. They are always written together and read the same way with the stress on the last syllable.

English count up to 20
10 ten [ten]ten
11 eleven [i"lev(ə)n]eleven
12 twelve [twelve]twelve
13 thirteen [θə:"ti:n]thirteen
14 fourteen [,fɔ:"ti:n]fourteen
15 fifteen [ ,fif"ti:n]fifteen
16 sixteen [,sik"sti:n]sixteen
17 seventeen [,sev(ə)n"ti:n]seventeen
18 eighteen [,ei"ti:n]eighteen
19 nineteen [,nain"ti:n]nineteen
20 twenty ["twenty]twenty

What you should pay attention to in writing is the changes in the root of the base word:

  • Number 13: three is mutated into thir.
  • Number 15: in the second syllable (fi ve) the consonant v changes to f, while the letter "e" disappears.
  • Number 18: the double t that appears when the suffix "teen" is added to "eight" is replaced by a single t.

The ending "teen", which forms the second ten, is actually a full-fledged word. It means the age of a person from 13 to 19 years old inclusive.

Tens are formed in the same way as numbers from 10 to 20, with the same rules for replacing letters. Only instead of the ending "teen" a shorter "ty" is added:

English score up to 100
10 ten [ten]ten
20 twenty ["twenty]twenty
30 thirty ["θə:ti]thirty
40 for ty ["fɔ:ti]fourty
50 fifty ["fifty]fifty
60 sixty ["siksti]sixty
70 seventy ["sev(ə)nti]seventy
80 eighty ["eiti]eighty
90 ninety ["nainti]ninety
100 hundred ["hΛndrəd]hundred

Moreover, all derived English numerals (such as 21, 34, 59, ...) are written in the same way as in Russian - separately. But to separate tens and ones is accepted by a hyphen, and not, as we are used to, by a space. Although it won't be a blunder if you don't include a hyphen. Examples:

44 - forty-four - forty-four
23 - twenty-three - twenty-three
99 - ninety nine - ninety nine

As already mentioned, among the English numbers there are no separate names for hundreds. Instead, the word is used hundred("hundred") with the corresponding cardinal number. There are no exceptions to this. Examples:

English score up to 1000
100 (one) hundred ["hΛndrəd]
200 two hundred two hundred
300 three hundred three hundred
400 four hundred four hundred
500 five hundred five hundred
600 six hundred six hundred
700 seven hundred seven hundred
800 eight hundred eight hundred
900 nine hundred nine hundreds
1000 thousand ["θauz(ə)nd]one thousand

As you can see, numbers in English are much easier than in Russian!
Target this lesson- learning the basic vocabulary of English numbers, so the use of more complex numbers is included in a separate lesson "Compound English Numbers". It will discuss the important nuances of this process and examples of practical applications.

Have you ever thought about how often you have to meet numbers in Everyday life? Without them it is impossible to name the price of a thing, exact time, required amount. And these everyday moments occur several times a day! Therefore, it is important to know and be able to use ordinal numbers in English. Today we will study their spelling and pronunciation, as well as figure out how to easily explain counting to 10 in English for children. For a successful study, we will divide the material into several parts.

The English account is built according to a system similar to the Russian language: first, English numbers are studied, which make up single-digit numbers, and then multi-digit numbers are formed on their basis. Let's get acquainted with the transcription of these numbers and work out the pronunciation of numbers in English.


This is the basic basis of all numbers. The section is rather difficult, since all the listed numbers must be learned by heart, while there are no generalizations here. That is why there are many tips on how to learn counting from 1 to 10 in English for children easier.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation sound
0 Zero/oh /ziərəu/, /ou/ /zero/, /ou/
1 One /wʌn/ /one/
2 Two /tu:/ /that/
3 Three /θri:/ /srii/
4 Four /fo:/ /foo/
5 Five /faiv/ /five/
6 Six /six/ /syks/
7 Seven /sevn/ /sevn/
8 Eight /eit/ /eith/
9 Nine /nain/ /nine/

Grammar notes: at the figure 0 there are two names. In most cases, including when they make an account in English, they use Zero. Oh are used when it is required to name a single digit of a combination, for example, a telephone number.

Numbers of the first ten: counting from 10 to 20

Counting from 10 to 20 in English has one feature. The first 3 digits differ in individual spelling, and the rest have a common suffix - teen . Thus, the first ten is quite easy to learn with children, the main thing is to carefully work out the pronunciation of these English numbers in Russian.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation sound
10 Ten /ten/ /ten/
11 Eleven /ilevn/ /ilevn/
12 Twelve /twelv/ /tvelv/
13 Thirteen /θə:ti:n/ /shoyochiin/
14 Fourteen /fɔ:ti:n/ /footiin/
15 Fifteen /fifty:n/ /fiftiin/
16 sixteen /sixti:n/ /syktiin/
17 seventeen /sevnti:n/ /seventyin/
18 Eighteen /eiti:n/ /aytiin/
19 Nineteen /nainti:n/ /nineteen/

Grammar notes : root change in numbers 13 and 15 ( three third and five fif ); lack of double t at the junction of the root and suffix in the figure 18 (eigh t+t een=eigh t een).


We studied the count up to 20, but the number twenty itself will be attributed to this section, since it has a suffix - ty . This ending has thirty, and forty, and all other numbers, so it will be even easier to learn them than the previous ones. Thanks to consonance ty , you can come up with an English verse for children on the topic, we count in dozens.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation sound
20 Twenty /twenty/ /twenti/
30 Thirty /θə:ti/ /shoyochi/
40 Forty /fɔ:ti/ /footi/
50 Fifty /fifty/ /fifty/
60 sixty /siksti/ /syksti/
70 seventy /sevnti/ /seventy/
80 Eighty /eiti/ /aty/
90 Ninety /nainti/ /ninety/

Grammarremarks: the numbers 20, 30, 40, 50 change the root letter (tw o ⟶tw e nty, thr ee⟶th i rty, f ou r⟶f o rty, fi v e⟶fi f ty); at the merger eigh t and t y letter t does not double (eigh t y)!

Composite numbers

We have practically learned how to count in English in order from one to one hundred. Now the learned numbers will help us create the numbers 36, 89, etc. This is done simply: first the name of the ten is pronounced, then the units. On a letter, put a hyphen between them, for example. thirty-three. Let's take a look at some examples with pronunciation and transcription.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation
94 Ninety-four /nainti fo:/ /find fo/
72 Seventy-two /sevntitu:/ /seventytoo/
59 Fifty nine /fifty nain/ /fifty nin/
81 Eighty one /eiti wan/ /aty one/
48 Forty-eight /fɔ:ti eit/ /footy ate/

Now in our account from 0 up to 100 there are no gaps.

Studying hundreds and thousands

How to use numbers when the amount is over 100? Easily! When listing hundreds in order, they are preceded by the corresponding units, for example. twohundred (200) . The same principle applies to thousands, for example. eightthousand (8000). Even a child can remember this simple rule.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation
100 One(a) hundred /wʌn (ə) hʌndrɪd/ /one(e) moping/
1000 One (a) thousand /wʌn (ə) θaʊzənd/ /one(e)southend/
300 three hundred /θri: hʌndrɪd/ /sri moor/
5000 five thousand /faiv θaʊzənd/ /five southend/

Grammar Features: one hundred/thousand/million, etc. can be denoted by the number 1 ( one ) or the indefinite article a . Both options are correct.

Composite numbers from 100

Compiling a numerical construction like 139 or 1509 seems much more difficult, but in fact it also has an easy and understandable principle - just add the short word and. So, first hundreds are pronounced, then and is added and the combination ends with tens and ones. For example, 139 looks like this onehundredandthirty-nine. Accordingly, in constructions with thousands, thousands come to the fore, then hundreds, etc.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation
467 Four hundred and sixty-seven /fo: hʌndrɪd ænd siksti sevn/ /foo handrid and sixty sevn/
2578 Two thousand five hundred and seventy-eight /tu: θaʊzənd faiv hʌndrɪd ænd sevnti eit/ /too south fife handrid and savnty ate/
305 Three hundred and five /θri: hʌndrɪd ænd faiv/ /Sri Handrid & Fife/
3007 Three thousand and seven /θri: θaʊzənd ænd sevn/ /sri south and sevn/

Grammar notes : all English numbers are never declined for cases and genders, so their endings are always the same .

Counting up to 10 in English for children: a quick memorization technique

How to easily and clearly explain the numbers up to ten in English for children? Practice material in a fun and playful way.

One of the easiest and most popular ways is cards with numbers and numbers. Engage with the child, voicing the number and showing the card, so he will learn to count, perceiving information visually and by ear. It is great if a verbal designation with transcription is added to the cardboard. When memorizing the inscription in children, it is automatically practiced correct writing the words.

Counting up to 10 in English for children: flashcards

Based on the cards, you can come up with various competitive games: who will get more correct answers, who will answer faster, who will explain better etc. You can use this method in outdoor ball games: the host asks a question, the player catches the ball and answers.

The addition works well. English words in everyday situations. For example, on a walk with a child, you saw cats. Ask him to count them and say the number in English. If your child loves to draw, then invite him to draw the numbers and sign them. Another effective method- study the score to the beat of the music, or simply in poetic form or in the form of counting rhymes in English. This method will not bore the child and will help to quickly memorize new words.

In other words, in learning, all means are good - if they are interesting and effective. Add variety to your activities foreign language and you will definitely succeed. Good luck!

Views: 31

English numbers from zero to twelve simply need to be remembered, since no pattern has yet been used in their formation.

Table of English numbers

Number English title Transcription
0 zero[‘ziərəu]
1 one
2 two
3 three[θri:]
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven[‘sev(ə)n]
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve

Download table with numbers and transcription :

Game #1

Online counting game in English from 1 to 12 will help to revive the study of English numbers for children (author - genkienglish.com)

How to play:

When you click on a daisy with a number, the name of the number is pronounced in English.

When you click Song Demo at the bottom of the game, you can listen to the song of numbers.

Game #2

Another variant Online Games about English numbers up to 12 with pictures and pronunciation (by the same author — genkienglish.com). Each picture shows a number and the corresponding number of animals.

How to play:

When you click on the picture, the number is pronounced. When you click on Song demo: play, you can listen to the song How old are you?

English Joke

teacher: Did you parents help you with these homework problems?

Pupil: No I got them all wrong by myself!

At first, mastering the English language, the need for knowledge of basic vocabulary and some elements of grammar comes to the fore.

And if you have not studied English before or have studied it for a very long time, it will always be useful to consider which are the foundation, without which further study of the language is impossible.

correct pronunciation of numbers and composition of numbers

Digit (Russian) Digit (English) Transcription Pronunciation
1 - one one
2 - two two
3 - three three [θri:]
4 - four four
5 - five five
6 - six six
7 - seven seven [‘sev(è)n]
8 - eight eight
9 - nine nine
0 - zero zero [‘zièreu]


IMPORTANT remember that this ten is the basis on which further material is built, so try to learn these 10 words.

Number (Russian) Number (English) Transcription Pronunciation
10 - ten ten
11 - eleven eleven
12 - twelve twelve


These numbers have indigenous names and are not subject to any rules.

The rest of the second ten is good because they have a common pattern.

The formula is: digit (F) + suffix (-teen). In general, see for yourself:

Second Ten Formula: Digit(F) + Suffix(-teen)

Number (Russian) Number (English) Transcription Pronunciation
13 - thirteen thir teen [ˈθε:'ti:n]
14 - fourteen four teen ['fo:'ti:n]
15 - fifteen fif teen ['fif'ti:n]
16 - sixteen six teen ['siks'ti:n]
17 - seventeen seven teen [‘sevn’ti:n]
18 - eighteen eigh teen
19 - nineteen nine teen ['nain'ti:n]


Some exceptions:

  • The number 13 changes radically. Instead of threeteen - thirteen.
  • The number 15 changes radically. Instead of fiveteen - fifteen.
  • In the number 18, one "-t" is removed. Instead of eightteen - eighteen. The reason for this is the lack of long consonants in English.

The next link is the "tens". All of them have a common purpose.

First comes the number (F), then the “-ty” suffix is ​​added to it, resulting in a ready-made ten.

See for yourself:

Tens Formula: Digit(F) + Suffix(-ty)

Number (Russian) Number (English) Transcription Pronunciation
20 - twenty twin ty [‘twenti]
30 - thirty thir ty [ˈθε:ti]
40 - forty for ty [‘fo:ti]
50 - fifty fif ty [‘fifty]
60 - sixty six ty [‘siksti]
70 - seventy seven ty [‘sevnti]
80 - eighty eigh ty [‘eiti]
90 - ninety nine ty [‘nainti]


Some exceptions:

  • The number 20 changes radically. Instead of twoty - twenty.
  • The number 40 changes radically. Instead of fourty - forty.
  • The numbers 30, 50, 80 change radically in the same way as the second ten.

Some information for those who are going to use large numbers:

Number (Russian) Number (English) Transcription Pronunciation
100 - one hundred
  • 2000000 - two million.
  • Correct numbering.

    Everything is the same as in other languages. Senior order first, then descending orders

    Billions - Millions - Thousands - Hundreds - Tens - Units


    463 - four hundred sixty three

    1508 - one thousand five hundred eight


    • For ease of reference, native speakers will convert thousands to hundreds. For example, the number 1500 is easier to say as "fifteen hundred" (which literally translates as "fifteen hundred").
    • In most cases, native speakers break years into 2 parts:

    1980 - nineteen-eighty; 2015-twenty-fifty

    The study of basic elements, such as or prime numbers, will help us create the foundation on which our knowledge of the English language will be based.

    There is no need to rush into this matter, because if you have a poor understanding of simple things, in the learning process you will still have to go back and fill in these gaps.

    A small lesson on the correct compilation of numbers and.

    Learn how the English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100, 1000, 1000000 are written in words and learn how to count in English.

    The VoxBook audio course has many examples of the use of numbers and numerals. So in the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island" from the famous song:

    Fifteen men on the dead man's chest [fifteen people per dead man's chest]
    Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum [yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum]!
    drink and the devil had done for the rest [drink and the devil will bring you to the end]
    Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

    Below are the numbers in English with transcription and translation. Further, the ways of forming cardinal numbers (Cardinal Numerals) and the English account are analyzed in detail.

    Table: Numbers in English with transcription from 1 to 1000,000,000.
    Number Name in Russian Name in English Transcription
    1 one one
    2 two two [ˈtuː]
    3 three three [θriː]
    4 four four
    5 five five
    6 six six
    7 seven seven [ˈsevn̩]
    8 eight eight
    9 nine nine
    10 ten ten
    11 eleven eleven [ɪˈlevn̩]
    12 twelve twelve
    20 twenty twenty [ˈtwenti]
    30 thirty thirty [ˈθɜːti]
    40 fourty forty [ˈfɔːti]
    50 fifty fifty [ˈfɪfti]
    60 sixty sixty [ˈsɪksti]
    70 seventy seventy [ˈsevnti]
    80 eighty eighty [ˈeɪti]
    90 ninety ninety [ˈnaɪnti]
    100 hundred a (one) hundred [əwʌnˈhʌndrəd]
    1000 one thousand a (one) thousand [ə wʌn ˈθaʊzn̩d]
    1000000 million million / a (one) million [ə (wʌn)ˈmɪlɪən]
    1000000000 billion milliard / a (one) milliard (BrE)
    billion / a (one) billion (AmE)
    [ə (wʌn)ˈmɪlɪɑːd]
    [ə (wʌn) ˈbɪlɪəŋ]
    BrE-British English, AmE-American English

    Numbers in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

    The numbers in English from 1 to 12 are i.e. denote the number of items and consist of one word (see table). Writing English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 must be remembered. Based on their first ten, all other English numbers are formed.

    Numbers in English from 13 to 19.

    In English, the numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 are.
    To form them, the suffix -teen is added to the English number from 1 to 10 from the third column of the table. The result is the number needed to count from 13 to 19:

    13 thirteen - thir teen[ˌθɜːˈtiːn]
    14 fourteen - four teen[ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
    15 fifteen - fif teen[ˌfɪfˈtiːn]
    16 sixteen teen
    17 seventeen - seven teen[ˌsevnˈtiːn]
    18 eighteen-eigh teen[ˌeɪˈtiːn]
    19 nineteen - nine teen[ˌnaɪnˈtiːn]

    Please note that in the English numbers 13 and 15, the root 3 three and 5 five are modified:
    3 - 13 teen
    5-15 teens

    The stress of numerals with the suffix -teen.
    In English, numerals ending in the -teen suffix have two stresses, on the first and second syllables (ˌ weak secondary (collateral) stress and ˈ main stress). Look at the transcription so as not to make a mistake in pronunciation:
    13 - thirteen [ˌθɜːˈtiːn]
    14 - fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
    15 - fifteen [ˌfɪfˈtiːn]

    If the numeral with the suffix -teen is not followed by a noun, then when pronouncing the main stress falls on the suffix -teen:

    When a numeral with the -teen suffix is ​​the definition of a noun (that is, it is followed by a noun), then the stress in it does not fall on the suffix, but only on its first syllable:
    fifteen pencils [ˈfɪftiːn ˈpensl̩z]
    sixteen boxes [ˈsɪkstiːn ˈbɒksɪz]

    In the VoxBook audio course in the fairy tale "The Fish and the Ring" from the collection English Fairy Tales, in which you can hear a similar accent (for this, install the audio course on your computer and listen for yourself):

    English numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.

    English numbers denoting whole tens 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are derived cardinal numbers. To form them, the suffix -ty is added to the tens figure from the third column of the table. The result is the required number of tens:

    20 twenty - twen ty[ˈtwenti]
    30 thirty-thir ty[ˈθɜːti]
    40 forty - for ty[ˈfɔːti]
    50 fifty - fif ty[ˈfɪfti]
    60 sixty - six ty[ˈsɪksti]
    70 seventy - seven ty[ˈsevnti]
    80 eighty-eigh ty[ˈeɪti]
    90 ninety - nine ty[ˈnaɪnti]

    Please note that in the English numbers 20, 30, 40 and 50, the root of 2 two, 3 three, 4 four and 5 five are modified, and the repetition of the letter t disappears in the number 80:

    2 two - 20 ty [ˈtwenti]
    3 three - 30 ty [ˈθɜːti]
    4 four - 40 ty [ˈfɔːti]
    5 five - 50 ty [ˈfɪfti]
    8 eight - 80 ty [ˈeɪti]

    The stress of numerals with the suffix -ty.
    In English numerals ending in the suffix -ty, the stress is only on the first syllable. Look at the transcription and pronunciation:
    40 - forty [ˈfɔːti]
    50 - fifty
    60 - sixty

    English numbers 100, 1000, 1000000.

    English numbers from 100 to 1000 and 1000000 are presented at the end of the table (see above).

    In English, before 100 hundred, 1000 thousand, 1000000 million, either the indefinite article a (which has the meaning one - one), or the word one is put:

    100 hundred - a (one) hundred [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd] (i.e. a hundred or one hundred)
    1000 thousand - a(one) thousand

    Please note that the article is not used with other cardinal numbers:
    Three pencils. Three pencils.
    two girls. Two girls.

    100 hundred , 1000 thousand and 1000000 million do not end with -s , including when they are preceded by another number other than one, for example:

    100 hundred (one hundred) - one hundred or a hundred
    200 two hundred
    300 three hundred
    400 four hundred
    500 five hundred - five hundred
    600 six hundred
    700 seven hundred - seven hundred
    800 eight hundred
    900 nine hundred - nine hundred
    1000 thousand (one thousand) - one thousand or a thousand
    2000 two thousand - two thousand
    3000 three thousand - three thousand
    4000 four thousand - four thousand
    5000 five thousand - five thousand
    1000000 million (one million) - one million or a million
    2000000 two million
    3000000 three million three million
    4000000 four million
    5000000 five million - five million
    6000000 six million - six million

    Thus, the numeral is never given the ending -s , however...

    However: the word signifying number can refer not only to a numeral (which does not need to end with -s), but also to a noun, which may already have an ending -s. For example, 100 hundred , 1000 thousand and 1000000 million end with -s when they express an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands or millions. In this case, they are nouns, and the noun following them (if any) is used with the preposition of:
    Three million tons of coal. Three million tons of coal.
    Hundred ideas for learning. Hundreds of ideas for learning.
    Some birds can fly thousand miles. Some birds fly thousands of kilometers.
    Four or five millions of specie had been thrown into circulation lately. Four, five million specie (for) have recently been thrown into circulation.

    All of the above applies to other English numbers from 2 and above, which act as a noun:
    Magnificent seven. The Magnificent Seven. (singular)
    How many seven do you have? How many sevens do you have? (plural)

    In the VoxBook audio course in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, with this example:

    Here it is about gentlemen of fortune [so always with gentlemen of fortune = pirates]. They live rough and they risk swinging [they live without amenities and risk being hanged], but they eat and drink like fighting cocks [but eat and drink like kings: "fighting cocks" = show off], and when a cruise is done, why, it's hundreds of pounds instead of hundreds of farthings in their pockets [and when the voyage is over = after sailing, well, they have hundreds of pounds in their pockets instead of hundreds of farthings = pennies].

    (R.L. Stevenson - "TREASURE ISLAND")

    Note. Also, million can end with -s when it is preceded by two, three, etc. provided there is no other number after it. In this case, million is followed by a noun with the preposition of:
    two millions of books. - Two million books.

    English account. Compound cardinal numbers in English.

    In English counting in composite numbers from 20 to 99 (that is, consisting of two numbers - tithes and units), a hyphen (dash) is placed between tens and the units following them:
    20 - twenty
    21-twenty-one [ˈtwenti wʌn]
    22-twenty-two [ˈtwenti ˈtuː]
    30 - thirty [ˈθɜːti]
    31 - thirty-one [ˈθɜːti wʌn]
    32 - thirty-two [ˈθɜːti ˈtuː]

    In English counting with composite numbers over 100, within every three digits, before the tens (and if there are none, then before the ones), the union is put and:
    235 - two hundred and thirty-five
    407 - four hundred seven
    2034 - two thousand thirty-four
    2004 - two thousand four
    5236 - five thousand two hundred thirty-six
    250129 - two hundred fifty thousand, one hundred twenty-nine
    4221589 - four million two hundred twenty-one thousand five hundred eighty-nine
    203000000 - two hundred three million

    In American English, the union and is omitted, for example: 235 - two hundred hirty-five.

    Some rules for translating numerals into English:

    1. Russian genitive case of nouns after cardinal numbers do not do it translate into English language noun with the preposition of (a common mistake):

    In the VoxBook audio course in the tale "JACK THE GIANT-KILLER" from the collection English Fairy Tales, in which this particular case occurs:

    ...he is a huge and monstrous giant [he is a huge and monstrous giant] with three heads [with three heads]; he'll fight five hundred men in armor [he will defeat/conquer five hundred men in armor], and make them fly before him [and "make" = make them run in front of him]."

    (English Fairy Tales - "JACK THE GIANT-KILLER")

    2. Russian noun in the singular after compound numbers ending in one (one, one), should be translated into English as a plural noun:
    twenty one day - twenty one day
    three hundred and fifty one books three hundred and fifty-one book

    3. Cardinal numbers can be used as a definition after the word being defined. This is especially true for cases of designating page numbers, paragraphs, chapters and parts of books, house numbers, rooms, sizes of clothes and shoes, bus numbers and has the meaning of an ordinal number, although it is replaced by a cardinal number:
    part two - the second part
    chapter seven - the seventh chapter
    Read lesson three. - Read the third lesson.
    Open your book on page nineteen.- Open your books to the nineteenth page.
    He live in apartment 12 (twelve).- He lives in apartment 12.

    4. Combinations of two of my sisters, five of your books, two of his friends, etc. two of my sisters, five of your books, two of his friends are translated into English (and not: two my brothers, five your books, two of his friends is a common mistake).

    For example, in the VoxBook audio course in the novel "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson, with this example:

    There were six of the buccaneers, all told [there were six pirates, "all counted" = in total]; not another man left alive [no one else survived]. Five of them were on their feet, flushed and swollen [five of them were on their feet, with reddened and swollen /faces/],

    (R.L. Stevenson - "TREASURE ISLAND")