Belize form of government and state structure. Belize (country)

Most of the country's territory is occupied by a low, sometimes swampy plain with many lakes and lagoons. The climate is tropical, trade wind. The average monthly temperature is around 26°C. Almost half of the country's territory is covered by tropical rainforests.

The population of Belize is anthropologically and ethnically very diverse. Two-thirds of it consists of blacks and mulattoes, the vast majority of which are seasonal workers working on sugarcane and citrus plantations or engaged in logging. The Maya Indians, who once inhabited the territory of modern Belize, now make up less than 20% and live in isolation in the hinterland. Over half of the population of Belize uses the local dialect of English.

Until 1970, the capital was the largest city and port of the country - Belize. But as a result of repeated impacts of devastating hurricanes, accompanied by floods, the capital had to be moved to Belmopan. Most of the population lives on the coast, where the main cities are located - Belize, Stann Creek, Corozal, Punta Gorda.

History of Belize

The territory of modern Belize was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1502.

After the conquest of Central America by the Spaniards (1509-1524), the northern part of modern Belize was nominally included in New Spain (Mexico), and the southern part of the captaincy general of Guatemala. However, the Spaniards practically did not colonize this remote and almost deserted area, and the British began to penetrate there.

The first English colony on the banks of the Belize River was established in 1638. In the middle of the 17th century other English settlements were established.

The bulk of the English settlers were pirates and colonists from the island of Jamaica, who brought with them black slaves to work in logging and plantations.

In the 18th century, the Spaniards repeatedly tried to force the British out of Belize by force of arms, but the colonists successfully repelled all attacks.

Since 1840, the British began to call this territory British Honduras. In 1862, England officially declared British Honduras to be its colony.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the population of Belize consisted mainly of Creoles of Anglo-Negro origin and Garifuna, resettled by the British from the islands of the Caribbean, as well as from the British. Then Mestizos and Mayans from Mexico and Guatemala, as well as Indians, Chinese and other immigrants from Asia began to move to the territory of Belize. In 1959 Mennonites (Germans and Dutch) from Canada moved to Belize. In 1964 it received internal self-government, in 1973 it was renamed Belize. Belize gained independence on September 21, 1981.


The nature of Belize is the most important attraction of the country. After all, the local landscapes are so attractive and magnificent that once you see them, you want to come here again and again.

Most of the territory of Belize is occupied by a plain with numerous beautiful blue lakes and rivers, in some places there are impenetrable swamps. The two largest rivers flow in the northern part of the country - Belize and Rio Hondo. In the last century, these rivers were used to transport timber to the sea coast. In the south of the country, the majestic Mayan Mountains rise, the height of which is not about 1120 m. The area around them is considered the most sparsely populated part of Belize.

Approximately half of the country is occupied by dense moist forests. The north and southwest of Belize are covered with deciduous and coniferous trees. Dense thickets of mangroves stretch along the sea coast. The most valuable species growing in Belize are dalbergia (rosewood), mahogany, logwood, pine and mahogany.

The fauna of the country is quite diverse. Numerous species of exotic animals live in the local forests, such as jaguars, broad-nosed monkeys, iguanas, armadillos, etc. The forests of Belize are distinguished by a wide variety of avifauna.

Here you can find a large number of hummingbirds and parrots. The coastal waters of the Caribbean Sea are rich in fish of various species, turtles and crustaceans, which are eaten by the local population.


The main attractions of Belize are unique natural landscapes that amaze with their beauty. In addition, a huge number of unique natural and cultural values ​​​​that interest people from all over the world are concentrated in a small area of ​​​​the country. Untouched corners of virgin nature and historical sights in Belize are carefully protected.

The legacy of the ancient Maya civilization is invaluable to the whole world. On the territory of Belize, a large number of palaces and temples of this people have been preserved. About 4000 years ago, the Indians settled on this land and built their largest cities - Karakol, Altun-Kha, Serros and others. These cultural centers of the ancient civilization have not yet been fully studied, and are still of great interest to archaeologists and historians. Opportunity to see and touch ancient world Maya attracts a large number of tourists to this mysterious and amazing country. Particularly popular are the beautiful stepped pyramids, the mysterious Lubaantun, where the famous crystal skull was found and, of course, excellent reliefs and masks on the walls of temples in Lamanai.

The capital of Belize, Belmopan, has several museums and galleries that may interest visitors with their unique exhibits that tell about the interesting history and culture of the country. The City Museum and the Art-Box exhibition are especially popular here.

In the largest city of the country, Belize City, you can get acquainted with Mayan pottery at the Museum of Belize, which is located in the building of a former prison that operated in the middle of the 18th century. In the Zonal Museum you can see a unique exposition that demonstrates all the enchanting beauty of the coastal reefs. And in the Maritime Museum you can find out more interesting information about the development of navigation.

In the northern part of the city is the majestic Cathedral of St. John. This church is considered the oldest in Central America.

Many scientists call Belize a leader in the protection of its natural resources. Here, more than 40% of the country's territory was given over to national parks and reserves. Fans of eco-tourism can be invited to visit Coxcombe - a one-of-a-kind jaguar reserve.

The most popular natural areas are the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve and Loving Bed Cay National Park.

A huge number of rare species of animals and birds live here, which people from all over the world come to see.

Among diving enthusiasts, Blue Hole National Park is especially popular. This is where the famous Great Blue Hole is located. It is located next to the Great Belize Reef, which is the second largest in the world. The Great Blue Hole is an incredibly beautiful sinkhole - a water-filled cave with numerous stalactites. More than a hundred thousand people come to admire this splendor of the underwater world every year.

While in Belize, you should definitely visit the world-famous Green Hills Butterfly Farm. More than 80 species of colorful butterflies live here on a vast territory.


Belize is a traditional country in culinary terms, its cuisine is a mixture of culinary traditions of Mexico, China, the USA, Great Britain, Guatemala and other countries.

Many dishes are based on corn, beans and rice, accompanied by pork, beef, poultry and fish.

Chefs of Belize always try to surprise visitors of a restaurant or cafe with something. To this end, they prepare excellent dishes from armadillo meat, lizards or guinea pigs (kibnut). At the same time, the recipes of dishes are quite traditional, and are usually borrowed from the cuisine of other countries.

Various steaks, hamburgers, empanadas, char-grilled poultry, and salted pork fried in coconut oil are especially popular with the local population. Foreign tourists prefer to treat themselves to some exotic dish, such as fried peccary, iguana or agouti meat, in addition, in local restaurants you can order amazing dishes from the eggs of wild birds, iguanas and even crocodiles.

Interestingly, Belizeans include very few vegetables in their diet. Potatoes, corn stew "Posol", beans and fried bananas are usually served as side dishes. On the table of every Belizet must be tortillas. Usually meat and greens are wrapped in them, everything is poured with sauce on top and a simple snack is obtained.

The sea cuisine of Belize is very popular among both locals and visiting tourists. Chefs bake fish in foil, grill it on coals, make the famous thin soup, stew various seafood in curry sauce or coconut milk, and make steaks from barracuda meat. Many people order raw fish here. Before serving, local chefs marinate it in lime juice and plenty of spices.

One ancient Mayan recipe, Kaahuk, has survived to this day. This dish is an assortment of fried clams.

From drinks, preference is given to tea and coffee, which is of quite good quality here. Despite the cultivation of a huge type of fruit in the country, only orange juice can be found in local restaurants. You should definitely try the unusual "Ovaltin" and "Milo" - these are milk drinks with the addition of malt. Seaweed is an amazing cocktail of milk, cream, sugar, cinnamon and seaweed.

Local alcoholic drinks will help pass the evening in a pleasant company. It produces excellent quality beer of various varieties. The local rum is in no way inferior to the rum of well-known brands in quality, but it differs significantly from them in price. By the way, imported drinks in Belize have very high prices.

In the country, most restaurants specialize in preparing national dishes, but in major cities you can meet establishments that treat their visitors with masterpieces of world cuisine. Food prices in Belize are shocking with their low thresholds. So, in a middle-class restaurant, you can dine for only $ 5 per person. And in an expensive institution you will have to pay a little more - $ 15-20.


On the territory of Belize, the world classification of hotels is not accepted. But some hotels still got their coveted "stars" due to the number of services provided to customers and their high quality. In this small country, you can find housing for absolutely every taste. Here you can find cheap hostels and luxury apartments.

The huge advantage of Belize hotels and hotels lies in their convenient location, from such accommodation it is easy to get to the desired sights or the warm waters of the caressing Caribbean Sea. Hospitable Belize offers exotic and adventure lovers to take advantage of a unique opportunity to touch the ancient world of the Mayan civilization - hotels are located on the territory of several villages of the descendants of this unique people, and if you wish, you can stay in a real Indian hut. Unforgettable impressions from such housing are guaranteed to you.

Foreign tourists who come to Belize to indulge themselves in the gentle and caressing tropical sun prefer to stay at the following Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza and Belizean Shores Resort hotels. Rooms in these hotels will please even the most demanding customers. Each room has air conditioning, internet and satellite TV. In addition, the hotel has its own swimming pool, fitness clubs, spas, restaurants and other entertainment facilities.

The cost of living in such hotels in Belize is about $50-70. In the "budget" hotel options, you will have to pay a little more than $ 30, and when staying in cheap hostels - no more than $ 15.

It is not necessary to book rooms in Belize hotels in advance. However, during the annual cocoa and chocolate festival held in May, there may be some shortage of places in hotels and hotels.

Entertainment and recreation

Amazing Belize offers its guests a wide range of entertainment that may interest both an adult and a small child.

Together with children, you can visit the famous Belize Zoo, which introduces visitors to unique animals that live not only in Belize itself and Central America, but also in many other countries. There are more than 150 species of mammals, 550 species of birds, about 150 species of various reptiles. The zoo also organizes excursions at night, because many animals are exclusively nocturnal. For an adult, the cost of such a tour of the zoo is about $ 8, and for a child half as much - $ 4.

It will be incredibly interesting to travel to the amazing area of ​​​​Sauo, where the butterfly farm is located. More than 80 species of these beautiful insects live here. The entrance ticket costs up to $5.

In Belize, lovers of active sports will also find relaxation to their liking. Here you can have a great time walking through the local jungle, horseback riding or cycling through national parks or skiing. Every year from the beginning of February to the end of June, windsurfers flood Belize. During this period, the wind speed approaches 10 m/s, which, of course, plays into the hands of the athletes. Diving is also very popular, because the magnificent beauty of the underwater world of Belize is breathtaking.

In addition, the coastal waters of Belize are world famous for their unique fishing. Fans of "quiet hunting" for large fish come here from all over the world. Most often here, sharks, marlins, groupers, tuna, snappers, barracudas and other exotic fish come across to fishermen.

Belize recently legalized gambling in its territory. Numerous “testers” of their fortune come here. There are a large number of casinos and establishments with slot machines. In addition, in large cities, the nightlife is quite diverse and fun. Here you can have a great time in a nightclub and dance.


In Belize - a huge selection of diverse and unusual souvenirs. Usually it can be purchased in major cities of the country - Belmopan, Belize, San Pedro. They have numerous specialized shops and shops. Interestingly, in Belize it is customary to bargain only in the markets or in private shops. Usually, a different price threshold for products is set especially for foreigners, which significantly exceeds the usual cost of goods. But quite often you can observe the opposite picture, when local residents arrange discounts in order to be involved in the bidding process.

It has been noticed that most foreign tourists bring home from Belize various souvenirs made of wood, bamboo and ceramics, national clothes, beautiful jewelry boxes, Cuban cigars and other tobacco products.

Of particular interest are goods made by representatives of Indian peoples - all kinds of wood crafts, figurines and amulets. Jewelery connoisseurs will love the wide selection of these pieces in sapphires, amethysts, emeralds and diamonds. By the way, prices for local gems are significantly lower than in other countries.

An excellent souvenir from Belize is the stunning beauty of lace and carpets woven by the Indians. Special souvenirs are very popular among foreign tourists - jade masks, which are distinguished by pronounced characters: imperious, harsh, cheerful, etc. In addition, other jade products can be purchased in Belize: bracelets, beads, rings, necklaces, earrings and other jewelry.


The road infrastructure of Belize is poorly developed compared to other countries. It is worth noting that due to the attraction of a large number of foreigners to the country, roads in Belize are being improved quite quickly, new roads are being built and old roads are being repaired. However, there are still a lot of gravel tracks, which are very washed out during the rainy season.

In total, there are 4 major highways in Belize that connect all the largest and most important cities. These roads are of high quality. In cities, the quality of roads is improving every year. True, traffic lights in Belize are very rare, so you should be extremely careful when moving around the city.

The cheapest and most popular way to travel around the country is road transport. Buses are used on city streets. It should be noted that in the country the entire fleet of buses belongs only to private companies. In the cities, you can see both very old vehicles and modern express trains with air conditioning installed (they are usually used for intercity transportation and for trips abroad). The cost of the trip directly depends on the quality of the vehicle and the distance of the trip. Usually, only $ 1 is enough for a trip around the city, about $ 25 around the country. Tickets are purchased both at bus stations in cities and from the driver himself. If you want to drive around the cities in private taxis, you need to prepare $ 5 for the trip.

Not far from the city of Belize, there is an international airport serving airlines that connect the country with other states of Central America and the United States. In addition, the airport works with major airliners of the world's air carriers. On the territory of Belize, you can make a short air trip on small planes. In total, such flights across the country are carried out by two companies Tropic Air and Maya Island Air. Airports are located in all major cities of Belize. Some of them have fairly modern runways. Air communication is used mainly to connect the mainland with the islands. Such a journey takes less time than a sea taxi. True, the cost of the flight is much higher, about $ 50.

Belize uses maritime transport to communicate between the islands. The locals call it "taxi". The cost of the trip is approximately $20.


Communications and telecommunications facilities of Belize have sufficient high level development. The country is equipped with a modern telephone system. Here, machines that work on cards are available everywhere. Rural areas are served by telephones installed in the leader's house. It can be used by all members of the community. Phones that allow you to make calls abroad are labeled Home Country Direct. Usually they are located in close proximity to large shopping centers, hotels, hotels and banks, as well as at the airport. A minute of an international call costs about $1.

Cellular communication in Belize has received even more development than the fixed network. The GSM 1900 mobile standard is used here. The only operator in the country, Belize Telecommunications Ltd, has provided almost complete coverage of the territory of Belize. By the way, roaming with this country is available to most of the world's mobile companies, including Russian representatives of this business. To talk on a cell phone within the country, you can purchase a SIM card at the operator's offices, at gas stations and in large stores. Its cost reaches $15, and one minute of conversation will cost $0.25.

Network technologies in Belize are developing quite intensively. Internet providers provide all types of services in almost the entire country. On the streets of large cities you can find a large number of Internet cafes. In some hotels, inns and at the airport, even wireless networks are available. The cost of one hour of work on the Internet is about $ 3.


For most tourists who come to this exotic state, Belize seems calm and peaceful. However, in the major cities of the country, there is still a risk of petty offenses and theft. After sunset, it is best (for security reasons) to move around the streets of Belize cities in private cars, taxis and groups of several people.

Between June and February, tropical hurricanes and storms are not uncommon in Belize. Of course, at this time it is better to refrain from traveling to Belize.

Fans of unforgettable trips through the jungles of Belize should remember that in such remote areas there is no ambulance, but there is an air medical service that is ready to fly to the scene within 15 minutes. It is best to travel around such places with a guide.

As in any tropical country, in Belize there is a risk of contracting various infectious diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, to prevent this, it is worth making mandatory vaccinations.


After Belize gained independence from the UK, a law was passed allowing the creation of offshore enterprises in the country. The Belizean authorities have adopted a number of laws regulating the relationship of such companies. The main difference of such a business was the complete absence of mandatory tax payments to the state treasury. It is this innovation that makes the country attractive for starting a business on its territory.

Due to the increased interest in Belize by foreign tourists, tourism has become a rather profitable business, and now many large investors decide to invest their money in this sector of the country's economy - the construction of hotels and entertainment complexes is becoming profitable.

The property

A small safe state, a wonderful mild climate, a stable economy - all this attracts a large number of property buyers to the country.

The housing market in this country is quite dynamic. Here you can buy an apartment for every taste: on the noisy streets of Belize City or in remote mountainous areas.

Every year, housing prices in Belize are steadily rising, even the global financial crisis could not have a negative impact on this process. At the same time, the final cost of real estate depends on a large number of different factors, for example, on the size of the object and its age, the prestige of the location, the distance from the sea, etc. For a house in the Belize region, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 100 m², the owners ask about $ 120,000. Land cost almost the same as in neighboring countries. For a plot of 10 acres, the buyer needs to prepare $ 50,000.

Local authorities allow the sale of real estate to foreign citizens without any restrictions. The only condition for the purchase and sale transaction was the payment of tax, in the amount of only 5% of the cost of housing. And to make a purchase, it will be sufficient to present only a foreign passport. Such innovations in documentation and taxation make buying a home in Belize more and more popular. Most foreigners prefer to buy real estate in the country to organize a hotel business.

When traveling in Belize, there are some very important rules to keep in mind that will help make your holiday safe and memorable.

Before entering the country, it is necessary to take care of the availability of certain vaccinations, namely against fever, malaria, dysentery, all types of hepatitis, typhoid and cholera. In rural areas of Belize, there is a risk of contracting intestinal infectious diseases and rabies.

Despite the constant chlorination of tap water, it is not safe to eat it raw. It is necessary to boil it, and it is best to drink bottled water. Boiling liquid is also best for brushing your teeth.

Wear hats, sunscreen, and use quality repellents.

Vacationers are strictly prohibited from traveling to remote areas of the country without an accompanying person.

The export and import of antiques is possible only if the relevant documents are provided, which must be issued when making a purchase. It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to export corals, orchids, live turtles and products from their shells from the country. The export and import of foreign currency is unlimited, however, amounts exceeding $ 10,000 must be declared.

The ruins of the ancient Mayan cities are under state protection, so do not try to take anything from there as a souvenir - this is strictly prohibited.

Visa information

To stay in Belize, citizens of Russia and the CIS need to take care of the availability of a visa. You can issue it in two ways: directly at the border crossing point or at the consular department of the British Embassy, ​​which represents the interests of Belize.

To obtain a visa directly at the border, the following documents are required: a foreign passport, round-trip tickets and the required amount of money at the rate of more than $ 50 for one day of stay. This visa costs $100.

When applying for an entry visa at the embassy, ​​the consular department must provide: a passport, the validity of which exceeds the period of the planned stay in the country; visa application form completed in English; two photos; confirmation of a hotel room reservation and the possibility of paying your expenses in Belize; round trip tickets. The cost of such a visa is also $100.

Since there is no Belize embassy in Russia, it is necessary to submit documents to the consular department of the British Embassy in Moscow, located at the address: 121099, Moscow, st. Smolenskaya embankment, 10.

Economy of Belize

Belize is an agricultural country. The main export commodity, until 1950, was logwood and red mangrove wood. Along with wood, chicle resin was exported, which is used in the manufacture of chewing gum. The fall in world prices for these goods and the depletion of natural resources contributed to the replenishment of the number of exported goods. We increased the export of raw sugar, bananas and citrus fruits, fish and other seafood. Tourism plays an important role in the economic development of the country (18% of GDP). The main objects of visiting tourists are the monuments of the ancient Mayan culture.

Politics of Belize

The state structure of Belize is based on the principles of parliamentary democracy of the Westminster system. The nominal head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. Executive power is exercised by the government headed by the prime minister. They are the leader of the party who has received a majority in the parliamentary elections, which are held every 5 years. Legislative power is vested in the bicameral National Assembly.

Belize is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the east. In the northwest, the Rio Ondo separates it from the territory of Mexico, and in the south and west it borders on Guatemala. The greatest length of the country from north to south is approx. 280 km, and from west to east (excluding offshore islands) - approx. 105 km. The area is 22,965 km.

Administratively, the territory of Belize is divided into 6 districts: Corozal, Orange Walk, Belize, Cayo, Stann Creek and Toledo. In 1991, the population of Belize City, the country's main port and largest city, was estimated at 45.2 thousand people. The population of the capital city of Belmopan, which became the administrative center of the country in 1971, is 3,700 people. By the year 2000 Belize City is projected to have a population of approximately 54,000 and Belmopan to over 6,500.


The northern part of the country is a low-lying, marshy plain. In the southern part, the coastal plain is separated from the inner mountainous-hilly region, the central part of which is formed by the Maya Mountains, elongated from the northeast to the southwest. Here is the highest point in the country - Victoria Peak (1120 m). To the northwest of these mountains, within the district of Cayo, there is a ridge with heights of more than 900 m. Along the coast, at a distance of approx. 30 km from it, a barrier reef stretches.

The climate of Belize is tropical trade wind. The average temperature in July is 24–26 ° C, in January - 20–24 ° C. The average annual rainfall is from 1340 mm in the north (Corosal district) to 4520 mm in the south (Punta Gorda). On the coast, the northeast trade wind moderates the summer heat, but away from the coast, summer temperatures can exceed 38 ° C. Humidity is high, especially in the coastal part. The dry season lasts from February to May, and the maximum precipitation occurs from June to October. Belize is in one of the most tropical cyclone-prone areas in the Caribbean and periodically suffers massive damage from storms and hurricanes. Most of the south of the country is covered with dense rainforests. Many valuable species of trees grow in Belize, such as mahogany, cedar, rosewood (dalbergia); in the past, logwood and chicle resin, which is used to make chewing gum, were actively harvested.

In the north of the country, the large rivers Rio Hondo and Belize flow, which were previously used to transport timber. Since precipitation is much more abundant in the south of the country than in the north, periodically they lead to floods on small rivers originating in the Maya mountains, which significantly complicates the movement of road transport.


Belize is heterogeneous in composition, reflecting its long history of settlement. Many residents have an admixture of African blood. Creoles, descendants of African slaves and English settlers, speak Creole English. The so-called Garifs, or Black Caribs, descendants of Africans and Carib Indians resettled by the British from the West Indies, speak a language belonging to the Indian group. A significant proportion are also Hispanic mestizos of Hispano-Indian origin and representatives of the three Mayan groups; a few descendants of immigrants from the countries of the Middle East, China and Europe also live here. The official language is English, it is taught, however, according to the 1991 census, only 54% of the population speak this language fluently.

The influx of refugees from neighboring Central American countries in the 1980s and 1990s significantly affected the composition of the population. In the 1980s, the number of mestizos increased significantly, and they became the largest ethnic group in the country, this was also facilitated by emigration to the United States approx. 60 thousand Creoles and Garifs. Historically, Belize has been a peaceful country, but all these changes in the composition of the population have led to tensions in interethnic relations.

Belize is the most sparsely populated country in Central America. In 2003, the population was 266.44, according to estimates for 2008 - 301.022 thousand people. The population growth was 2.20%. At the same time, the proportion of the urban population will slightly increase, which in 2000 was 52% (compared to 50% in 1996). Currently, mestizos make up 44% of the population, Creoles - 30%, Garifs - 7%, Mayans - 11%; all other ethnic groups account for a total of approx. eight%. The increase in the number of mestizos since 1980 has been noted mainly in the northern and western districts, where the Hispanic population predominates. The population in areas densely populated by Belizeans of African descent has declined due to emigration processes.

Mestizos, Maya Indians and Garifs belong mainly to the Catholic Church, although the influence of Protestant evangelical churches has penetrated into some areas. Most Creoles are members of the Anglican or Methodist Church or other forms of Protestantism, although many of them are Roman Catholic.

Political system.

The official head of state is the British monarch, who is represented by the Governor General, but his functions are purely ceremonial. Legislative power belongs to the National Assembly, which consists of the House of Representatives (29 deputies elected for 5 years) and the Senate of 8 appointed members. Executive power in the country is exercised by the government headed by the prime minister; the government is accountable to the National Assembly. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the majority in the House of Representatives. There are two main political parties in the country: the People's United Party (PUP) and the United Democratic Party (UDP). The first of these was in power from 1961 to 1984, later control of the government often passed from one party to another.

In the last elections in 2003, the NOP again received a majority of votes.


Belize is an agricultural country. The state of the country's economy has long been determined by fluctuations in demand in world markets for goods exported from Belize. Until the 1950s, the economy was based on the export of raw forest products, primarily logwood and mahogany and chicle resin, used in the manufacture of chewing gum. In the 1950s, falling world prices for these goods and the depletion of local resources forced the colonial authorities to take steps to make the economy more diversified. Production for the export of raw sugar, citrus fruits and bananas was increased; at present, these products together provide up to 60% of foreign exchange earnings from exports. About 11% of export earnings come from fish and other seafood, 20% from industrial goods, mainly ready-made clothing and woodworking products. Imports are dominated by machinery and equipment.

GDP in 2006 amounted to 1.214 million dollars. USA, GDP per capita - 4,078. By sectors of the economy, GDP is distributed as follows: agriculture, forestry, fisheries - 14%, industry - 21%, services - 65% (2006).

Tourism is developing rapidly, accounting for 18% of GDP. Tourists are attracted to the country mainly by the monuments of the ancient Mayan culture. Belize, along with Mexico and Guatemala, is a member of the international Maya World project, the purpose of which is to study and protect (including the control of tourist visits) the Maya cultural sites on the Yucatan Peninsula within these three countries. In 1992 Belize was visited by approx. 247 thousand tourists, mainly from the USA.

Despite the successful development of the above sectors of the economy, Belize is largely dependent on the import of manufactured goods. By the end of the 1970s, the country had become self-sufficient in important agricultural products such as rice, corn and beans. Fulfilling the conditions for granting IMF loans, the government of Belize in 1984 reduced government purchase prices for the main types of agricultural products, after which food imports began to grow. In 1993, export receipts were $132 million and import expenditures were $250 million. Government revenue in the same year was $125 million, with duties on imported goods and other indirect taxes being the main sources of revenue. .

The drug trade plays a huge role in the whole life of society. By 1985, illicitly cultivated marijuana had become the largest source of foreign exchange earnings, and Belize is believed to have become the fourth largest drug-sending country in the United States. Marijuana production declined markedly as a result of the US-funded drug control program, but the resulting niche was quickly filled by cocaine trafficking, as Belize is the main transit route for Colombian cocaine to the US. Because local people's drug-trafficking services are often paid for in cocaine, Belize was hit by an outbreak of drug addiction and an associated rise in crime in the early 1990s.

The main currency of the country is the Belize dollar, equivalent to about half the US dollar.

Transport and communication.

The total length of highways connecting Belize City with Guatemala and Mexico is 2560 km. In the southern part of the country, roads are mostly unpaved and occasionally become impassable during rains. An international airport near the city of Belize serves airlines connecting the country with the United States and the states of Central America; there is also air communication with most cities in the country.

Several newspapers are published in Belize. The government radio company owns several radio stations that broadcast on the AM and FM bands. There is no own television in the country, but almost the entire territory is covered by a cable network, through which mainly US television programs are transmitted.


There are 8 public hospitals and 29 medical centers in the country, where citizens receive free medical care. There are also private clinics in Belize City. In 1998, there was one doctor for about 2,000 inhabitants. Government health and drinking water programs have contributed to a significant reduction in infant mortality since the 1950s. In the late 1980s, it was 24.8 per 1,000 newborns. However, in the 1990s, this figure began to rise again and in 1997 reached 34 per 1,000. By the way, the real figures may be higher, as child mortality is often not recorded in rural areas. The real scourge of the country is malaria and dengue fever.

Public education.

The country introduced compulsory education for children aged 6 to 16 years. Primary schools are funded by the state, but most of them are run by the church. All cities have secondary schools. In 1986, the country's first university was opened in Belize City. educational institution– University College of Belize (a branch of the University of the West Indies); the course of study in it takes 4 years. The literacy rate in the country by Central American standards is quite high - 70% (1998).


In the late classical period of the Maya civilization (by the end of the 1st millennium AD), approx. 400 thousand people. At the beginning of the 16th century, when Europeans landed here, some Maya tribes still lived in the coastal lowlands. The Spaniards also tried to penetrate into the interior of Belize, but were forced to abandon these intentions, having met strong opposition from the Maya.

In 1638, English pirates settled on the coast of Belize and attacked Spanish ships. Later, British settlers began harvesting logwood, from which a substance used in the manufacture of dyes for fabrics was extracted and had great importance for the wool-spinning industry in Europe. The Spaniards allowed the settlers to occupy this territory and carry out logging, demanding in exchange help in the fight against piracy. In historical documents of the beginning of the 17th century. it is noted that at this time Negro slaves began to be brought from Jamaica to work in logging. By 1800 Africans outnumbered settlers of European origin by four times. By this time, mahogany had become the main export item, pushing sandalwood into second place (this position continued until the 1950s).

Fearing to provoke an attack by the Spaniards, the British government initially did not recognize these settlements as its colony, which allowed the settlers to establish their own laws and form a government independent of England. During this period, the central legislature, the People's Assembly, was controlled by a few wealthy colonists who owned most of the forests and lands. In 1786, the British government for the first time appointed its official representative, the superintendent, to Belize. At the beginning of the 19th century Great Britain tried to establish tighter administrative control over the settlements in Belize, demanding, in particular, under the threat of suspension of the activities of the People's Assembly, to comply with the instructions of the British government on the abolition of slavery. Slavery was officially abolished in 1838.

In 1862, Belize was officially declared a British colony and renamed British Honduras, and a lieutenant governor was placed at the head of the administration instead of a superintendent. With the change in status, the right to appoint the government began to belong to the lieutenant governor. Dominant position in British Honduras at the end of the 19th century. occupied by the Belize Estate and Produce Company, which owned half of all privately owned land. This company enjoyed great influence in the Colonial Office, which is partly why the mahogany trade continued to dominate the country's economy into the next century.

During the economic crisis of the 1930s, the colony's economy was on the verge of collapse as a result of a sharp drop in demand for timber in the UK. The consequences of the devastating hurricane of 1931 were added to the disasters caused by mass unemployment. In 1934, a wave of demonstrations and speeches swept the country, marking the beginning of the independence movement. In response, the British authorities decriminalized violations of labor contract terms by workers and legalized trade unions.

The economic situation of the colony improved during World War II, however, after the war, the colony's economy again fell into a state of stagnation. In 1949, Great Britain decided to devalue the Honduran dollar, which worsened the situation and led to the creation of a People's Committee, which demanded independence for British Honduras. Later, the People's Committee was transformed into the People's United Party (PUP), which advocated constitutional reforms, in particular, the enfranchisement of all adults. In the 1954 elections, the NOP won 8 out of 9 seats in the Legislative Assembly. In the course of further constitutional reforms, the leader of the NOP, George Price, took over as the first minister of the colony in 1960. In 1964, Great Britain granted internal self-government to British Honduras, and in 1973 the colony was named Belize. Price took over as prime minister, and members of the Legislative Assembly joined the cabinet.

Although back in 1961 Great Britain declared its readiness to grant independence to the colony, the formal declaration of independence of Belize took place only twenty years later. The reason for this was the claims of Guatemala, which referred to the rights allegedly inherited by it from Spain. In fact, the border between Belize and Guatemala was established in accordance with the agreement of 1859 between Great Britain and Guatemala. Guatemala's territorial claims resumed in the 1930s. In 1975, Guatemala even threatened to send troops into Belize. In response, Britain sent its ground forces, warships and jet fighters to the area. In 1980, the UN adopted a special resolution recognizing the independence of Belize; the only country to vote against the resolution was Guatemala. Belize was proclaimed an independent state on September 21, 1981.

In 1984, when the United Democratic Party (UDP) defeated the NLP in the national elections, Belize saw its first change in ruling party. The government was led by UDP leader Manuel Esquivel, a former teacher and mayor of Belize City. In 1989, the NOP returned to power, and Price again took over as prime minister. In July 1993, the UDP led by Esquivel won by a slight margin. The 1998 elections brought victory to the PNP, which controlled both the government and the National Assembly. The post of prime minister was taken over by the NOP candidate Said Musa.

Belize in the 21st century

In the last elections in 2003, the PNP again received a majority of votes, and Said Musa continued his activities as prime minister. He promised to improve living conditions in underdeveloped and inaccessible parts of the country, mainly in southern Belize.

Belize has been a member of the UN since 1981, the Organization of American States since 1991, and is part of the Caribbean Community.

Tourists will find a small Belize in one of the last untouched corners of the Earth, in the Caribbean. Once upon a time, the civilization of the Mayan Indians existed on the territory of this country, and it should be noted that they chose an excellent place to live. Travelers will meet in Belize the ruins of Mayan temples, dense forests, snow-white beaches, as well as a very long Barrier Reef off the coast. Don't forget to bring your binoculars and camera!

Geography of Belize

Belize is located on the northeast coast of Central America. Belize borders Mexico to the north and Guatemala to the west and south. In the east, the country is washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. Total area - 22,966 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 516 km.

The north of Belize consists mainly of coastal swampy plains with dense forests. In general, tropical forests cover probably more than 50% of the country's territory. To the south is the Maya mountain range. The largest local peak is Mount Victoria, whose height reaches 1,122 meters.

The longest rivers are Rio Hondo, Belize, Sarstun and Makal.


Belmopan is the capital of Belize. About 20 thousand people now live in this city. Belmopan was founded in 1962 specifically as an administrative center.

Official language of Belize

Belize has one official language (English) and 8 regional languages ​​(indigenous). More than 50% of the country's population speaks Spanish and Creole.


40% of the population are Catholics, and more than 31% are Protestants (Adventists, Anglicans, Methodists, etc.).

State structure of Belize

Belize is under the rule of the Queen of Great Britain, who appoints her "manager" there - the Governor-General. Those. in fact, this Central American country is a constitutional monarchy.

However, the country has a Cabinet of Ministers and a Prime Minister with certain functions of executive power.

The bicameral parliament in Belize is called the National Assembly. It consists of the Senate (12 senators) and the House of Representatives (31 deputies).

The main political parties are the centre-left United Democratic Party and the centrist People's United Party.

Administratively, Belize is divided into 6 provinces - Belize, Orange Walk, Cayo, Toledo, Corozal and Stann Creek.

Climate and weather

The climate in Belize is tropical with two distinct seasons - the rainy season and the dry season. Dry season - from February to May (according to some sources - from December). The rainy season is from June to November. During the rainy season, hurricanes are possible, and often they are destructive.

The average annual air temperature in coastal areas ranges from +24C in January to +27C in July.

Sea in Belize

The length of the Caribbean coast in Belize is 386 km. The Barrier Reef stretches along the entire coast at a distance of about 30 km from it. Diving is recommended inside the Barrier Reef. Underwater visibility reaches 50 meters. The average annual sea temperature near the coast is + 21-24C.

Rivers and lakes

The longest rivers are Rio Hondo, Belize, Sarstun and Makal. Rivers link the coast of the country with the hinterland. In spring, local rivers often overflow their banks.

Culture of Belize

In Belize, as in any other Latin American country, a lot of attention is paid to holidays and festivals. The most popular of them are San Pedro Carnival (February 9), Baron's Day (March 9), San Ignacio Fair (March 25-28), Cocoa Festival (May), Lobster Festival (June 25-27), Columbus Day ( October 12), Garifuna Day (November 19). In addition, Belizeans celebrate Christmas and New Year on a large scale.


Belize cuisine is a mixture of Latin American, Caribbean, Spanish and English dishes. The staple foods are rice and beans, which the Creoles have always preferred. They are served with almost all main dishes.

The "calling card" of Belizean cuisine is seafood and fish. For a long time, this country was the world's largest supplier of lobster. True, now the lobster population off the coast of Belize has declined markedly. However, they are still available and inexpensive. But you need to keep in mind that the lobster season lasts from June 15 to February 14.

Traditional dishes of the inhabitants of Belize, along with "Rice and Beans", are also stewed chicken, stewed beef and stewed fish.

No meal is complete without Marie Sharp hot sauce; many tourists also buy it as a souvenir.

When ordering dishes, tourists should be careful - Belizeans also eat iguanas (their meat tastes like chicken), armadillos and other exotic animals. Sea turtle soup is popular with tourists.

As for desserts, in this country their choice is not very large - homemade coconut pie, chocolate pie, bread pudding.

In Belize, you can try a seaweed cocktail (dried seaweed, milk powder, cinnamon and nutmeg mixed with water and ice).

Traditional alcoholic drinks are rum and liquor.

Sights of Belize

Once upon a time, Maya Indians lived on the territory of modern Belize, who created a unique civilization. Until now, in this country you can see the historical monuments of the Mayan era. The Top 5 most interesting historical monuments of the Mayan era in Belize, in our opinion, include the following:

  1. The ruins of the Xunantunich complex near the Mopan River, 8 kilometers from the border with Guatemala. This complex was the main ceremonial religious center of the Mayan Indians in the classical period.
  2. Cahal Pech in the Cayo region, is the home of one of the Mayan leaders of the classical period.
  3. caracol. Many archaeologists and historians consider this complex to be the most grandiose of all the surviving monuments of the Maya Indians. It is located in the depths of the forest, 7 kilometers from the border with Guatemala.
  4. Pyramid of Lamanai near the New River. This monument dates back to around 1500 BC.
  5. Altun Ha. These ruins of the Mayan complex are located near Belize City. Tourists can visit the Altun Ha complex for one day, i.e. leave your hotel in Belize City in the morning, and return back in the evening.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are San Ignacio Cayo, Belize City, Orange Walk, Dangriga and Belmopan.

Along the entire coast of the Caribbean Sea in Belize, there are white sand beaches, to which mangrove forests come close. At a distance of about 30 km from the coast is the Barrier Reef, the second largest in the world. Tourists will find the best beaches on the Placencia peninsula. In this section, many beaches have been cleared of coastal mangrove forests. Of the seaside resorts with the best beaches, Caye Caulker and San Pedro should be singled out.

The amazing Caribbean Sea, corals, exotic fish make Belize an excellent place for diving.


From Belize, tourists bring handicrafts, traditional drums, Belizean dolls, bags, Habanero (pepper sauce), chocolate, tropical fruit jam, coconut oil, coffee, and, of course, rum (we recommend paying attention to coconut rum).

Office Hours

Tourists will find a small Belize in one of the last untouched corners of the Earth, in the Caribbean. Once upon a time, the civilization of the Mayan Indians existed on the territory of this country, and it should be noted that they chose an excellent place to live. Travelers will meet in Belize the ruins of Mayan temples, dense forests, snow-white beaches, as well as a very long Barrier Reef off the coast. Don't forget to bring your binoculars and camera!

Geography of Belize

Belize is located on the northeast coast of Central America. Belize borders Mexico to the north and Guatemala to the west and south. In the east, the country is washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. Total area - 22,966 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 516 km.

The north of Belize consists mainly of coastal swampy plains with dense forests. In general, tropical forests cover probably more than 50% of the country's territory. To the south is the Maya mountain range. The largest local peak is Mount Victoria, whose height reaches 1,122 meters.

The longest rivers are Rio Hondo, Belize, Sarstun and Makal.


Belmopan is the capital of Belize. About 20 thousand people now live in this city. Belmopan was founded in 1962 specifically as an administrative center.

Official language of Belize

Belize has one official language (English) and 8 regional languages ​​(indigenous). More than 50% of the country's population speaks Spanish and Creole.


40% of the population are Catholics, and more than 31% are Protestants (Adventists, Anglicans, Methodists, etc.).

State structure of Belize

Belize is under the rule of the Queen of Great Britain, who appoints her "manager" there - the Governor-General. Those. in fact, this Central American country is a constitutional monarchy.

However, the country has a Cabinet of Ministers and a Prime Minister with certain functions of executive power.

The bicameral parliament in Belize is called the National Assembly. It consists of the Senate (12 senators) and the House of Representatives (31 deputies).

The main political parties are the centre-left United Democratic Party and the centrist People's United Party.

Administratively, Belize is divided into 6 provinces - Belize, Orange Walk, Cayo, Toledo, Corozal and Stann Creek.

Climate and weather

The climate in Belize is tropical with two distinct seasons - the rainy season and the dry season. Dry season - from February to May (according to some sources - from December). The rainy season is from June to November. During the rainy season, hurricanes are possible, and often they are destructive.

The average annual air temperature in coastal areas ranges from +24C in January to +27C in July.

Sea in Belize

The length of the Caribbean coast in Belize is 386 km. The Barrier Reef stretches along the entire coast at a distance of about 30 km from it. Diving is recommended inside the Barrier Reef. Underwater visibility reaches 50 meters. The average annual sea temperature near the coast is + 21-24C.

Rivers and lakes

The longest rivers are Rio Hondo, Belize, Sarstun and Makal. Rivers link the coast of the country with the hinterland. In spring, local rivers often overflow their banks.

Culture of Belize

In Belize, as in any other Latin American country, a lot of attention is paid to holidays and festivals. The most popular of them are San Pedro Carnival (February 9), Baron's Day (March 9), San Ignacio Fair (March 25-28), Cocoa Festival (May), Lobster Festival (June 25-27), Columbus Day ( October 12), Garifuna Day (November 19). In addition, Belizeans celebrate Christmas and New Year on a large scale.


Belize cuisine is a mixture of Latin American, Caribbean, Spanish and English dishes. The staple foods are rice and beans, which the Creoles have always preferred. They are served with almost all main dishes.

The "calling card" of Belizean cuisine is seafood and fish. For a long time, this country was the world's largest supplier of lobster. True, now the lobster population off the coast of Belize has declined markedly. However, they are still available and inexpensive. But you need to keep in mind that the lobster season lasts from June 15 to February 14.

Traditional dishes of the inhabitants of Belize, along with "Rice and Beans", are also stewed chicken, stewed beef and stewed fish.

No meal is complete without Marie Sharp hot sauce; many tourists also buy it as a souvenir.

When ordering dishes, tourists should be careful - Belizeans also eat iguanas (their meat tastes like chicken), armadillos and other exotic animals. Sea turtle soup is popular with tourists.

As for desserts, in this country their choice is not very large - homemade coconut pie, chocolate pie, bread pudding.

In Belize, you can try a seaweed cocktail (dried seaweed, milk powder, cinnamon and nutmeg mixed with water and ice).

Traditional alcoholic drinks are rum and liquor.

Sights of Belize

Once upon a time, Maya Indians lived on the territory of modern Belize, who created a unique civilization. Until now, in this country you can see the historical monuments of the Mayan era. The Top 5 most interesting historical monuments of the Mayan era in Belize, in our opinion, include the following:

  1. The ruins of the Xunantunich complex near the Mopan River, 8 kilometers from the border with Guatemala. This complex was the main ceremonial religious center of the Mayan Indians in the classical period.
  2. Cahal Pech in the Cayo region, is the home of one of the Mayan leaders of the classical period.
  3. caracol. Many archaeologists and historians consider this complex to be the most grandiose of all the surviving monuments of the Maya Indians. It is located in the depths of the forest, 7 kilometers from the border with Guatemala.
  4. Pyramid of Lamanai near the New River. This monument dates back to around 1500 BC.
  5. Altun Ha. These ruins of the Mayan complex are located near Belize City. Tourists can visit the Altun Ha complex for one day, i.e. leave your hotel in Belize City in the morning, and return back in the evening.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are San Ignacio Cayo, Belize City, Orange Walk, Dangriga and Belmopan.

Along the entire coast of the Caribbean Sea in Belize, there are white sand beaches, to which mangrove forests come close. At a distance of about 30 km from the coast is the Barrier Reef, the second largest in the world. Tourists will find the best beaches on the Placencia peninsula. In this section, many beaches have been cleared of coastal mangrove forests. Of the seaside resorts with the best beaches, Caye Caulker and San Pedro should be singled out.

The amazing Caribbean Sea, corals, exotic fish make Belize an excellent place for diving.


From Belize, tourists bring handicrafts, traditional drums, Belizean dolls, bags, Habanero (pepper sauce), chocolate, tropical fruit jam, coconut oil, coffee, and, of course, rum (we recommend paying attention to coconut rum).

Office Hours

The tiny state of Belize is located in Central America. This amazing country is located on the Yucatan Peninsula. Belize's neighbors in the north are mighty Mexico, and in the south and west - mysterious Guatemala. The east coast of the country is washed by the Caribbean Sea.

Small Belize, whose area is slightly larger than half of the Moscow region, is better known as British Honduras. For two centuries, this state was the possession of Great Britain. The country gained independence only in 1981. Then the name of the state was changed, and the capital was also moved from Belize City to Belmopan.

About 44% of the population of Belize are mestizos - these are the descendants of the Mayans and Europeans, 30% of the country's inhabitants are Creoles - the descendants of English pirates and African slaves. Approximately 11% of the population are true Mayan Indians. In addition, on the territory of Belize, you can meet representatives of the unique Garinagu nation, whose skin has an “extremely black” color.

The official language of Belize is English, it is taught in schools and institutes. However, recent studies have shown that only 54% of the population speak English fluently. Creole and Spanish can be heard on the streets of cities, and Indian dialects can be heard in remote villages.

Most of the population professes Catholicism, Creoles are adherents of the Anglican Church or other areas of Protestantism.

Small Belize is considered an agricultural country. Until now, the basis of the economy of this state is the export of forest products, namely redwood and logwood, as well as chicle resin, which is used to make chewing gum.

Today, Belize is of great interest to fans of eco-tourism. An incredibly large number of rare plants, animals and birds have been preserved here. To preserve the pristine nature of the amazing Belizean nature, several national parks and reserves have been created on the territory of the country. Many people from all over the world want to visit this beautiful state and enjoy its magnificent landscapes. Belize is great for families with children, as well as for exciting young people to engage in extreme sports.



307,899 people (as of 2009)

Population density

14 people/km²




Form of government

a constitutional monarchy

Belize dollar


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


110 V, 60 Hz.

Climate and weather

Belize is located in a tropical climate zone, so the weather conditions are tropical trade winds. The average daily air temperature is about +26 °C, while there is a slight fluctuation from season to season.

The northeast trade winds bring a large amount of precipitation to Belize, dividing the calendar year into two seasons - “dry” and “rainy”. The dry season lasts from November to April. Usually at this time about 1350 mm of precipitation falls in the north of the country, slightly more in the south. During the rainy season, the amount of precipitation reaches up to 4000 mm in the southern part of Belize. Interestingly, the dry season in these parts of the country lasts only two months - February and March.

The air in Belize has a constant high humidity (more than 80%). This is ensured by the proximity of the sea and excellent ecology. The water temperature in the Caribbean Sea near the coast of Belize does not drop below +23 ° C throughout the year. It is worth noting that in the period from June to November, tropical hurricanes become quite common in the country, sometimes causing very serious damage.

The best time to visit this country is from January to May. At this time, the air temperature takes on the optimal value for the human body. Also important is the absence of heavy rains and hurricanes during this period, which can interfere with your excellent rest.


The nature of Belize is the most important attraction of the country. After all, the local landscapes are so attractive and magnificent that once you see them, you want to come here again and again.

Most of the territory of Belize is occupied by a plain with numerous beautiful blue lakes and rivers, in some places there are impenetrable swamps. In the northern part of the country, the two largest rivers flow - Belize and Rio Hondo. In the last century, these rivers were used to transport timber to the sea coast. In the south of the country, the majestic Mayan Mountains rise, the height of which is not about 1120 m. The area around them is considered the most sparsely populated part of Belize.

Approximately half of the country is occupied by dense moist forests. The north and southwest of Belize are covered with deciduous and coniferous trees. Dense thickets of mangroves stretch along the sea coast. The most valuable species growing in Belize are dalbergia (rosewood), mahogany, logwood, pine and mahogany.

The fauna of the country is quite diverse. Numerous species of exotic animals live in the local forests, such as jaguars, broad-nosed monkeys, iguanas, armadillos, etc. The forests of Belize are distinguished by a wide variety of avifauna.

Here you can find a large number of hummingbirds and parrots. The coastal waters of the Caribbean Sea are rich in fish of various species, turtles and crustaceans, which are eaten by the local population.


The main attractions of Belize are unique natural landscapes that amaze with their beauty. In addition, a huge number of unique natural and cultural values ​​​​that interest people from all over the world are concentrated in a small area of ​​​​the country. Untouched corners of virgin nature and historical sights in Belize are carefully protected.

The legacy of the ancient Maya civilization is invaluable to the whole world. On the territory of Belize, a large number of palaces and temples of this people have been preserved. About 4000 years ago, the Indians settled on this land and built their largest cities - Karakol, Altun-Kha, Serros other. These cultural centers of the ancient civilization have not yet been fully studied, and are still of great interest to archaeologists and historians. The opportunity to see and touch the ancient Mayan world attracts a large number of tourists to this mysterious and amazing country. Particularly popular are the beautiful stepped pyramids, the mysterious Lubaantun, where the famous crystal skull was found and, of course, excellent reliefs and masks on the walls of temples in Lamanae.

The capital of Belize, Belmopan, has several museums and galleries that may interest visitors with their unique exhibits that tell about the interesting history and culture of the country. It is especially popular here City Museum and exhibition Art Box.

In the largest city of the country, Belize City, you can get acquainted with Mayan pottery in Museum of Belize, which is located in the building of a former prison that operated in the middle of the 18th century. AT Zonal Museum you can see a unique exposition that demonstrates all the enchanting beauty of the coastal reefs. And in maritime museum you can find out more interesting information about the development of navigation.

In the northern part of the city there is a majestic St. John's Cathedral. This church is considered the oldest in Central America.

Many scientists call Belize a leader in the protection of its natural resources. Here, more than 40% of the country's territory was given over to national parks and reserves. Fans of eco-tourism can visit coxcomb is the only jaguar sanctuary of its kind.

The most popular natural areas are the forest reserve Mountain Pine Ridge and Loving Bed Cay National Park.

A huge number of rare species of animals and birds live here, which people from all over the world come to see.

It is very popular among diving enthusiasts. Blue Hole National Park. This is where the famous Great Blue Hole is located. It is located next to the Great Belize Reef, which is the second largest in the world. Great Blue Hole is an incredibly beautiful karst funnel - a cave filled with water with numerous stalactites. More than a hundred thousand people come to admire this splendor of the underwater world every year.

While in Belize, you should definitely visit the world-famous Butterfly Farm Green Hills. More than 80 species of colorful butterflies live here on a vast territory.


Belize is a traditional country in culinary terms, its cuisine is a mixture of culinary traditions of Mexico, China, the USA, Great Britain, Guatemala and other countries.

Many dishes are based on corn, beans and rice, accompanied by pork, beef, poultry and fish.

Chefs of Belize always try to surprise visitors of a restaurant or cafe with something. To this end, they prepare excellent dishes from armadillo meat, lizards or guinea pigs (kibnut). At the same time, the recipes of dishes are quite traditional, and are usually borrowed from the cuisine of other countries.

Various steaks, hamburgers, empanadas, char-grilled poultry, and salted pork fried in coconut oil are especially popular with the local population. Foreign tourists prefer to treat themselves to some exotic dish, such as fried peccary, iguana or agouti meat, in addition, in local restaurants you can order amazing dishes from the eggs of wild birds, iguanas and even crocodiles.

Interestingly, Belizeans include very few vegetables in their diet. Potatoes, corn stew "Posol", beans and fried bananas are usually served as side dishes. On the table of every Belizet must be tortillas. Usually meat and greens are wrapped in them, everything is poured with sauce on top and a simple snack is obtained.

The sea cuisine of Belize is very popular among both locals and visiting tourists. Chefs bake fish in foil, roast on coals, make the famous soup "thin" various seafood is stewed in curry sauce or coconut milk, steaks are made from barracuda meat. Many people order raw fish here. Before serving, local chefs marinate it in lime juice and plenty of spices.

One ancient Mayan recipe has survived to this day - "Kahuk". This dish is an assortment of fried clams.

From drinks, preference is given to tea and coffee, which is of quite good quality here. Despite the cultivation of a huge type of fruit in the country, only orange juice can be found in local restaurants. Be sure to try the unusual "Ovaltine" and "Nicely"- These are milk drinks with the addition of malt. enjoys great popularity Seaweed is an amazing cocktail of milk, cream, sugar, cinnamon and seaweed.

Local alcoholic drinks will help pass the evening in a pleasant company. It produces excellent quality beer of various varieties. The local rum is in no way inferior to the rum of well-known brands in quality, but it differs significantly from them in price. By the way, imported drinks in Belize have very high prices.

In the country, most restaurants specialize in preparing national dishes, but in large cities you can find establishments that treat their visitors to masterpieces of world cuisine. Food prices in Belize are shocking with their low thresholds. So, in a middle-class restaurant, you can dine for only $ 5 per person. And in an expensive institution you will have to pay a little more - $ 15-20.


On the territory of Belize, the world classification of hotels is not accepted. But some hotels still got their coveted "stars" due to the number of services provided to customers and their high quality. In this small country, you can find housing for absolutely every taste. Here you can find cheap hostels and luxury apartments.

The huge advantage of Belize hotels and hotels lies in their convenient location, from such accommodation it is easy to get to the desired sights or the warm waters of the caressing Caribbean Sea. Hospitable Belize offers exotic and adventure lovers to take advantage of a unique opportunity to touch the ancient world of the Mayan civilization - hotels are located on the territory of several villages of the descendants of this unique people, and if you wish, you can stay in a real Indian hut. Unforgettable impressions from such housing are guaranteed to you.

Foreign tourists who come to Belize to indulge themselves in the gentle and caressing tropical sun prefer to stay at the following Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza and Belizean Shores Resort hotels. Rooms in these hotels will please even the most demanding customers. Each room has air conditioning, internet and satellite TV. In addition, the hotel has its own swimming pool, fitness clubs, spas, restaurants and other entertainment facilities.

The cost of living in such hotels in Belize is about $50-70. In "budget" hotel options, you will have to pay a little more than $30, and when staying in cheap hostels - no more than $15.

It is not necessary to book rooms in Belize hotels in advance. However, during the annual cocoa and chocolate festival held in May, there may be some shortage of places in hotels and hotels.

Entertainment and recreation

Amazing Belize offers its guests a wide range of entertainment that may interest both an adult and a small child.

Together with children, you can visit the famous Belize Zoo, which introduces visitors to unique animals that live not only in Belize itself and Central America, but also in many other countries. There are more than 150 species of mammals, 550 species of birds, about 150 species of various reptiles. The zoo also organizes excursions at night, because many animals are exclusively nocturnal. For an adult, the cost of such a tour of the zoo is about $ 8, and for a child half as much - $ 4.

It will be incredibly interesting to travel to the amazing area of ​​​​Sauo, where the butterfly farm is located. More than 80 species of these beautiful insects live here. The entrance ticket costs up to $5.

In Belize, lovers of active sports will also find relaxation to their liking. Here you can have a great time walking through the local jungle, horseback riding or cycling through national parks or skiing. Every year from the beginning of February to the end of June, windsurfers flood Belize. During this period, the wind speed approaches 10 m/s, which, of course, plays into the hands of the athletes. Diving is also very popular, because the magnificent beauty of the underwater world of Belize is breathtaking.

In addition, the coastal waters of Belize are world famous for their unique fishing. Fans of "quiet hunting" for large fish come here from all over the world. Most often here, sharks, marlins, groupers, tuna, snappers, barracudas and other exotic fish come across to fishermen.

Belize recently legalized gambling in its territory. Numerous “testers” of their fortune come here. There are a large number of casinos and establishments with slot machines. In addition, in large cities, the nightlife is quite diverse and fun. Here you can have a great time in a nightclub and dance.


In Belize - a huge selection of diverse and unusual souvenirs. Usually it can be purchased in major cities of the country - Belmopan, Belize, San Pedro. They have numerous specialized shops and shops. Interestingly, in Belize it is customary to bargain only in the markets or in private shops. Usually, a different price threshold for products is set especially for foreigners, which significantly exceeds the usual cost of goods. But quite often you can observe the opposite picture, when local residents arrange discounts in order to be involved in the bidding process.

It has been noticed that most foreign tourists bring home from Belize various souvenirs made of wood, bamboo and ceramics, national clothes, beautiful jewelry boxes, Cuban cigars and other tobacco products.

Of particular interest are goods made by representatives of Indian peoples - all kinds of wood crafts, figurines and amulets. Jewelery connoisseurs will love the wide selection of these pieces in sapphires, amethysts, emeralds and diamonds. By the way, prices for local gems are significantly lower than in other countries.

An excellent souvenir from Belize is the stunning beauty of lace and carpets woven by the Indians. Special souvenirs are very popular among foreign tourists - jade masks, which are distinguished by pronounced characters: domineering, harsh, cheerful, etc. In addition, other jade products can be purchased in Belize: bracelets, beads, rings, necklaces, earrings and other jewelry.


The road infrastructure of Belize is poorly developed compared to other countries. It is worth noting that due to the attraction of a large number of foreigners to the country, roads in Belize are being improved quite quickly, new roads are being built and old roads are being repaired. However, there are still a lot of gravel tracks, which are very washed out during the rainy season.

In total, there are 4 major highways in Belize that connect all the largest and most important cities. These roads are of high quality. In cities, the quality of roads is improving every year. True, traffic lights in Belize are very rare, so you should be extremely careful when moving around the city.

The cheapest and most popular way to travel around the country is road transport. Buses are used on city streets. It should be noted that in the country the entire fleet of buses belongs only to private companies. In the cities, you can see both very old vehicles and modern express trains with air conditioning installed (they are usually used for intercity transportation and for trips abroad). The cost of the trip directly depends on the quality of the vehicle and the distance of the trip. Usually, only $ 1 is enough for a trip around the city, about $ 25 around the country. Tickets are purchased both at bus stations in cities and from the driver himself. If you want to drive around the cities in private taxis, you need to prepare $ 5 for the trip.

Not far from the city of Belize, there is an international airport serving airlines that connect the country with other states of Central America and the United States. In addition, the airport works with major airliners of the world's air carriers. On the territory of Belize, you can make a short air trip on small planes. In total, such flights across the country are carried out by two companies Tropic Air and Maya Island Air. Airports are located in all major cities of Belize. Some of them have fairly modern runways. Air communication is used mainly to connect the mainland with the islands. Such a journey takes less time than a sea taxi. True, the cost of the flight is much higher, about $ 50.

Belize uses maritime transport to communicate between the islands. The locals call it "taxi". The cost of the trip is approximately $20.


Means of communication and telecommunications in Belize have a fairly high level of development. The country is equipped with a modern telephone system. Here, machines that work on cards are available everywhere. Rural areas are served by telephones installed in the leader's house. It can be used by all members of the community. Phones that allow you to make calls abroad are labeled Home Country Direct. Usually they are located in close proximity to large shopping centers, hotels, hotels and banks, as well as at the airport. A minute of an international call costs about $1.

Cellular communication in Belize has received even more development than the fixed network. The GSM 1900 mobile standard is used here. The only operator in the country, Belize Telecommunications Ltd, has provided almost complete coverage of the territory of Belize. By the way, roaming with this country is available to most of the world's mobile companies, including Russian representatives of this business. To talk on a cell phone within the country, you can purchase a SIM card at the operator's offices, at gas stations and in large stores. Its cost reaches $15, and one minute of conversation will cost $0.25.

Network technologies in Belize are developing quite intensively. Internet providers provide all types of services in almost the entire country. On the streets of large cities you can find a large number of Internet cafes. In some hotels, inns and at the airport, even wireless networks are available. The cost of one hour of work on the Internet is about $ 3.


For most tourists who come to this exotic state, Belize seems calm and peaceful. However, in the major cities of the country, there is still a risk of petty offenses and theft. After sunset, it is best (for security reasons) to move around the streets of Belize cities in private cars, taxis and groups of several people.

Between June and February, tropical hurricanes and storms are not uncommon in Belize. Of course, at this time it is better to refrain from traveling to Belize.

Fans of unforgettable trips through the jungles of Belize should remember that in such remote areas there is no ambulance, but there is an air medical service that is ready to fly to the scene within 15 minutes. It is best to travel around such places with a guide.

As in any tropical country, in Belize there is a risk of contracting various infectious diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, to prevent this, it is worth making mandatory vaccinations.

Business climate

After Belize gained independence from the UK, a law was passed allowing the creation of offshore enterprises in the country. The Belizean authorities have adopted a number of laws regulating the relationship of such companies. The main difference of such a business was the complete absence of mandatory tax payments to the state treasury. It is this innovation that makes the country attractive for starting a business on its territory.

Due to the increased interest in Belize by foreign tourists, tourism has become a rather profitable business, and now many large investors decide to invest their money in this sector of the country's economy - the construction of hotels and entertainment complexes is becoming profitable.

The property

A small safe state, a wonderful mild climate, a stable economy - all this attracts a large number of property buyers to the country.

The housing market in this country is quite dynamic. Here you can buy an apartment for every taste: on the noisy streets of Belize City or in remote mountainous areas.

Every year, housing prices in Belize are steadily rising, even the global financial crisis could not have a negative impact on this process. At the same time, the final cost of real estate depends on a large number of different factors, for example, on the size of the object and its age, the prestige of the location, the distance from the sea, etc. For a house in the Belize region, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 100 m 2, the owners ask about $ 120,000. Land plots cost almost the same as in neighboring countries. For a plot of 10 acres, the buyer needs to prepare $ 50,000.

Local authorities allow the sale of real estate to foreign citizens without any restrictions. The only condition for the purchase and sale transaction was the payment of tax, in the amount of only 5% of the cost of housing. And to make a purchase, it will be sufficient to present only a foreign passport. Such innovations in documentation and taxation make buying a home in Belize more and more popular. Most foreigners prefer to buy real estate in the country to organize a hotel business.

When traveling in Belize, there are some very important rules to keep in mind that will help make your holiday safe and memorable.

  • Before entering the country, it is necessary to take care of the availability of certain vaccinations, namely against fever, malaria, dysentery, all types of hepatitis, typhoid and cholera. In rural areas of Belize, there is a risk of contracting intestinal infectious diseases and rabies.
  • Despite the constant chlorination of tap water, it is not safe to eat it raw. It is necessary to boil it, and it is best to drink bottled water. Boiling liquid is also best for brushing your teeth.
  • Wear hats, sunscreen, and use quality repellents.
  • Vacationers are strictly prohibited from traveling to remote areas of the country without an accompanying person.
  • The export and import of antiques is possible only if the relevant documents are provided, which must be issued when making a purchase. It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to export corals, orchids, live turtles and products from their shells from the country. The export and import of foreign currency is unlimited, however, amounts exceeding $ 10,000 must be declared.
  • The ruins of the ancient Mayan cities are under state protection, so do not try to take anything from there as a souvenir - this is strictly prohibited.

Visa information

To stay in Belize, citizens of Russia and the CIS need to take care of the availability of a visa. You can issue it in two ways: directly at the border crossing point or at the consular department of the British Embassy, ​​which represents the interests of Belize.

To obtain a visa directly at the border, the following documents are required: a foreign passport, round-trip tickets and the required amount of money at the rate of more than $ 50 for one day of stay. This visa costs $100.

When applying for an entry visa at the embassy, ​​the consular department must provide: a passport, the validity of which exceeds the period of the planned stay in the country; visa application form completed in English; two photos; confirmation of a hotel room reservation and the possibility of paying your expenses in Belize; round trip tickets. The cost of such a visa is also $100.

Since there is no Belize embassy in Russia, it is necessary to submit documents to the consular department of the British Embassy in Moscow, located at the address: 121099, Moscow, st. Smolenskaya embankment, 10.