Presentation of the plan for the conservation of nature. Save nature, save life

The influence of living conditions on people's health was noticed in ancient times. But only in the 20th century did humanity fully realize that many diseases are directly related to atmospheric pollution, poor water supply, and poor-quality products.

Two main environmental problems where to get Natural resources and where to put industrial waste? resolved at the expense of Russia. The two main environmental problems are where to get natural resources and what to do with industrial waste? resolved at the expense of Russia.

New concepts The environment is the environment in which we live. Ecology is the science of the interaction of living beings, including humans, with each other and with the environment. The environmental police is a special service that detects violations in the field of ecology. Environmental law - special rules that regulate the interaction between man and nature. An environmental offense is a guilty, unlawful act that violates environmental legislation and causes harm to the environment and human health.

Homework§ 19, p. New concepts, working with a dictionary. Message on the topic: "What can I do to improve the environmental situation in my city"

List of used literature: 1. “Encyclopedia for children. ECOLOGY, edited by Viktor Volodin; 2. "AROUND THE WORLD" edited by Sue Grabham. List of used websites: 1.Information search portal Rambler; 2. Information search portal Google; 3. Information search portal Yandex.

Let's save the nature of the Earth together.


teacher primary school GBOU LPR "Kirov secondary school No. 3!

Shevchenko Victoria Nikolaevna

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • generalize and expand knowledge about the use

human natural resources Earth;

  • give students a concrete idea of ​​the value

environmental problem hanging over humanity;

  • introduce measures for the protection of nature;
  • develop a culture of communication

the ability to express one's thoughts;

  • try to awaken a sense of empathy,

environmental responsibility,

feeling of a good owner in relation to nature.

Court members

  • THE ACCESSOR (nature)
  • PROTECTOR of man
  • Atmosphere
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Chemist
  • Biologist
  • Doctor

Planet once beautiful


And the rivers flowed, clearer


The snow was white

And rain like tears

Turquoise shone in the sun.


Nature's skillful cutter

Millions of years

Turned into a sample.

But now

Expanses of heaven ran out of pipes.

The waters are poisoned, the forest is defiled.

The clouds are floating

Like a black night

Breathe and animals

And people can't help it....

People became strong

like gods

and the fate of the Earth is in their hands,

But terrible burns darken

at the globe on the sides.

We have long mastered the planet,

the new age is marching on.

On earth already

no white spots

Can you erase black people?

If the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers melt,

The level of the World Ocean will rise by 70-80 m!

By 1900, the Earth had completely disappeared

65 species of mammals

and 140 species of birds!!!

Mediterranean Sea,

dividing Europe, Africa and Asia,

turned into an international waste dump!

Discharged into the Mediterranean every year

about 120 thousand tons of used oils,

60 thousand tons of detergents, 100 tons of mercury!!!


about 600 species of vertebrates

are on the brink of extinction!

These are whales, sea turtles, rhinos, cranes,

Ussuri tigers, polar bears, ....

People are cutting down forests!

It breaks

global oxygen cycles and carbon dioxide.

And the unfortunate forest dwellers

lose their home and die.

Court sentence:

A person must correct everything that can be corrected, otherwise, without clean air, clean water, full-fledged flora and fauna, he himself will not be able to survive. A person is sentenced to corrective labor for the duration of his life.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other similar !

Love nature boy And girl love Protect from pollution Don't ruin her! Do not poison the fields and rivers, Seas, forests and mountains, You don't dump waste in them, Pests - shame! Love nature man You protect her A picture of scorched earth Live, don't leave!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth, And suddenly he sighed, as if alive; And the continents whisper to me: - Take care of us, take care of us!

In the anxiety of groves and forests, Dew on the grass is like a tear! And the springs quietly ask: - Take care of us, take care of us!

The deep river is sad, Losing its banks, And I hear the voice of the river: - Take care of us, take care of us!

The deer stopped his run: - Be a man, man! We believe in you - don't lie. - Take care of us, take care of us!

I look at the globe - The globe of the earth is so beautiful and dear! And lips whisper in the wind: - I'll save you, save you!

Presentation on the topic "Let's save nature and the environment"

The purpose of the lesson: - to form ideas about the importance of nature in human life; - learn to protect the environment; - to know that every person needs to make a feasible contribution to the cause of saving nature.


  • Who is responsible for what we breathe

  • Let's not stand aside

  • A duty, not a wish

  • Summarizing

According to the World Health Organization, the health of the population depends on:

Russian forests occupying 45% of the country's territory are of planetary and ecological importance.

The two main environmental problems - where to get natural resources and where to put industrial waste? - solved at the expense of Russia.

1. What do you think about air pollution by means of mass transportation?

2. Imagine such a case. On the way to somewhere you got hungry and bought yourself a bun. Where will you throw away the packaging from it? Right on the spot where you were standing or will you take it to the nearest trash can?

3. Do you take part in greening the city? Do you keep plants at home?

4. Do you care about the environment in the city? If so, how?

The earth is our common home!

Take care of him!

New concepts

  • Environment This is the environment in which we live.

  • Ecology- the science of the interaction of living beings, including humans, with each other and with the environment.

  • Environmental militia- a special service that detects violations in the field of ecology.

  • environmental law- special norms that regulate the interaction of man and nature.

  • slide 2

    Airfields, piers and platforms, Forests without birds and lands without water ... There is less and less of the surrounding nature. More and more the environment.

    slide 3

    Is there a threat to nature and human life at present?

    Over the past 25 - 30 years, transport and industry have taken more oxygen from the atmosphere than mankind has consumed for the entire anthropogen, that is, for 2 - 3 million years. Sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, potassium, toxic substances are emitted into the atmosphere. Only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted annually in the world, which can lead to warming, to partial melting polar ice and rising sea levels. 50 Russian cities have a level of environmental pollution that exceeds sanitary standards, including our city.

    slide 4

    Biologists have already proven that the genetic information transmitted to subsequent generations by a living cell can be distorted and disrupted under the influence of the so-called "mutants". These include radiation, active chemicals, pesticides, pesticides, and some metals. For centuries, everything has been dumped into the seas and oceans without any restrictions, including radioactive waste. Numerous accidents of oil tankers lead to the death of fish, crabs, seabirds.

    slide 5

    What is the ecological situation in our region?

  • slide 6

    Slide 7

    What impact does the environment have on human health?

    According to medical workers, air pollution is responsible for 43-45% of the deterioration in public health. The quality of drinking water also affects health. Direct influence has been established in many regions of Kazakhstan chemical pollution for diseases of the central nervous system, hepatitis, toxicosis of pregnancy, an increase in the dead birth rate and congenital anomalies. Bacterial and viral pollution of rivers creates a constant danger of epidemiological outbreaks of intestinal infections. In many regions of our country, there is an excess of the permissible level of pesticides in the soil, which leads to the incidence of anemia and tuberculosis in children. Many plants and animal organisms become accumulators of metals and persistent chemical compounds, their use is dangerous to health.

    Slide 8

    The reckless activity of man in relation to nature has put 1000 species of vertebrates on the brink of extinction. The Red Book includes: 115 species of animals, 25% of birds and 44% of animals that are on the verge of extinction, 118 species of mammals, 127 species of birds have disappeared from the face of the Earth. 35 million people live in the ecological disaster zone in Russia. Huge damage to nature is caused by accidents, natural disasters (drought, floods, earthquakes ...).

    Slide 9

    What needs to be done to save nature?

    First of all, it is necessary to create safe technologies, treatment facilities, we need hospitals with modern equipment... Huge amounts of money are required for this. It is necessary to learn how to respect natural resources and communities. For the formation in nature of a layer of soil 5 cm thick, according to scientists, 2000 years are required. For centuries, millennia, this greatest wealth has been created. We must cherish and protect it from destructive consequences.

    Slide 10


    “Nature does not cope with logic, with our human logic; she has her own, which we do not understand and do not recognize until she runs over us like a wheel. Turgenev “I plucked a flower - and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart.” E.L. Prasolova

    slide 11

    Take care of the Earth! Take care of the Skylark at its blue zenith, Butterfly on dodder leaves, Sun glare on the path... Take care of young shoots At the green festival of nature, The sky in the stars, the ocean and the land And the believing soul in immortality, - All destinies connecting threads. Take care of the Earth! Take care....

    View all slides

    The purpose of the lesson: - to form ideas about the importance of nature in human life; - learn to save environment; - to know that every person needs to make a feasible contribution to the cause of saving nature.

    Tasks: Who is responsible for what we breathe We will not stand aside Duty, not a good wish Summing up

    The influence of living conditions on people's health was noticed in ancient times. But only in the 20th century did humanity fully realize that many diseases are directly related to atmospheric pollution, poor water supply, and poor-quality products.

    Humans have always had a great impact on the environment, but today human activity is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

    A huge amount of pollutants are released into the environment as a result of accidents or failures in technical support systems.

    Chemical substances destroy ozone layer- a protective barrier around the Earth's atmosphere, which does not let in the harmful radiation of the Sun

    The two main environmental problems - where to get natural resources and where to put industrial waste? - solved at the expense of Russia.

    2. Imagine such a case. On the way to somewhere you got hungry and bought yourself a bun. Where will you throw away the packaging from it? Right on the spot where you were standing or will you take it to the nearest trash can?

    3. Do you take part in greening the city? Do you keep plants at home?

    New concepts The environment is the environment in which we live. Ecology is the science of the interaction of living beings, including humans, with each other and with the environment. The environmental police is a special service that detects violations in the field of ecology. Environmental law - special rules that regulate the interaction between man and nature. An environmental offense is a guilty, unlawful act that violates environmental legislation and causes harm to the environment and human health.

    Homework § 19, pp. 153-165. New concepts, work with the dictionary. Message on the topic: "What can I do to improve the environmental situation in my city"

    List of used literature: 1. “Encyclopedia for children. ECOLOGY, edited by Viktor Volodin; 2. AROUND THE WORLD, edited by Sue Grabham. List of used websites: 1. Information search portal Rambler; 2. Information and search portal Google; 3. Information search portal Yandex.