Mosgortrans hotline. Mosgortrans hotline Telephone number of the 24-hour hotline of Mosgortrans

The Moscow Shchelkovsky bus station is located near the Shchelkovsky highway. This is one of the largest motor transport enterprises not only in the city, but also in the region. From the Moscow bus station you can go to almost any locality in the region; in terms of passenger traffic and the number of route end points, the Shchelkovsky bus station in Moscow can compete even with electric trains.

Shchelkovsky bus station in Moscow description

The bus station building near Shchelkovskoye Highway was built in 1971. It is a long 3-story ride that can accommodate more than 1000 passengers. In 1997, the central building of the Shchelkovo bus station in Moscow was reconstructed. Its interior has been renovated and equipped with modern, comfortable seats in the waiting room, new ticket offices, and automatic storage rooms have been installed. Today, while waiting for their flight, passengers can use:

  • cafe;
  • a room for mothers with children;
  • coffee machines;
  • ATMs for currency exchange;
  • payment terminals.

On the territory of the bus station there are kiosks with printed materials, food pavilions where you can buy food, drinks and goods for the trip. In the building on the 1st floor there is a large multi-board with the Moscow bus schedule.

There are metal detectors installed at the entrance to the station, and in case of suspicion, security staff can check luggage carried into the bus station building. Access to the boarding platforms is only possible with identification documents.

Bus schedule at Shchelkovsky bus station in Moscow

The Shchelkovsky bus station connects Moscow with 54 cities of the country. In total, the bus station dispatch service dispatches buses on 90 routes:

  • 21 within the region;
  • 54 intercity;
  • 15 to neighboring cities.

More than 1,670 buses leave the bus station platforms per day, carrying them to different settlements about 30 thousand people are sent. Flights operate around the clock in accordance with the schedule of the Moscow bus station.

From the largest bus station you can go to cities in neighboring countries such as:

  • Gomel;
  • Minsk;
  • Baku;
  • Tbilisi;
  • Baranovichi;
  • Grodno;
  • Lugansk;
  • Kishinev.

Luxury buses imported from Mercedes, Scania, Hyundai, and Volvo operate along the routes. Information about the time and date of departure can be found in the information desk of the Moscow bus station - the phones are open 24 hours a day.

State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans was created to improve the quality of transportation, ensure uninterrupted communication and comfortable movement of passengers. Therefore, if you have any complaints about transportation on city routes or special transportation, you should contact the agency’s hotlines.

To support passengers, the company has several free telephone hotlines; you can contact us through the feedback form or express your opinion in in social networks. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

Mosgortrans 24-hour hotline phone number

Hotline numbers are located on the company’s website

Contact center phone numbers:

Hotline for complaints in Moscow

The hotline number for writing complaints is 8 495 539-54-54, for calls from mobile 3210.

When filing a complaint, the caller must provide his contact information: full name, phone number. Registration number of the vehicle that violated the Rules, location of the incident, subject of the complaint. Anonymous calls are not accepted.

Other methods of communication

You can file a complaint or express your opinion about the work using the feedback form. You can go to it from the main page of the site by clicking on the corresponding icon at the top of the screen:

Filling procedure:

  1. We indicate the applicant's status. If this is a legal entity, then the application is submitted on the company’s letterhead signed by authorized persons, so it will not be possible to submit it electronically.
  2. The “Appeal Parameters” block contains the name of the message: application, proposal, complaint. Choose the one you need. Then choose a topic: organization traffic, special and social programs, bicycles, passenger taxis, etc. Next, you will need to specify the topic of the appeal in more detail, for example, by selecting “Taxi”, you should clarify: car, taxi stands, driver.
  3. The third block is “Information about the object of the appeal.” The text of the message is entered here, no more than 255 characters. Files, such as photographs, are attached. Maximum amount sent documents 10 pcs. You should pay attention to the possible document formats; if it does not meet the required parameters, sending will not be possible.
  4. The following describes the complaint or proposal itself. The text must contain no more than 1500 thousand characters.
  5. Block "Contact information". You must enter your Last Name, First Name, Middle Name and contact phone number. Indicates how it will be produced Feedback– via telephone or e-mail, in the second case an additional e-mail is indicated.
  6. The final stage is to familiarize yourself with the Rules for the Transfer of Information and submit an application.

If the user has several questions, each request should be created separately.

To receive an official response, the application must be submitted as an official request in the original document with signatures, sending it by registered mail with notification to the address: Moscow, 115035, Raushskaya embankment, 22/21, building 1.

To contact the State Unitary Enterprise using messengers, you can follow the following links:

  • Instagram: