Economics is the connection between economics and wealth. Zavorotnyuk, Friske, Khabenskaya: is there a link between IVF and cancer

The authors: Bogolyubov L.N., Ivanova L.F.
Year: 2013
Description: Gdz to the textbook ⁠Bogolyubov L.N., Ivanova L.F. in social studies for the 7th grade. On the pages of the solution book you will find, made by experienced specialists - ready-made homework assignments, large and short notes, detailed and competent answers to questions, correct solutions for tests, excellent essays for problems and workshops.

Bogolyubov Grade 7 / Section 8

Paragraph 8. Economy and its main participants.

Let's check ourselves.

1. How does the economy serve people?

Economics is the economic life of society, which studies the relationship of people about the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. Economics also helps to identify how to use limited resources. Natural resources with unlimited human needs. In general, without economic processes and relations, a person could not exist normally.

2. What form of management most successfully solves the goals of the economy?

A commodity economy is the basis of economic progress in the modern world, in contrast to a primitive subsistence economy that provides for itself. A commodity economy is a progressive form of management in which producers produce a specified product for trade. In this scenario, there is a rapid growth of diverse goods created to satisfy any needs of society, which is the main goal of the economy.

3. What is common and what are the differences in the economic interests of the producer and consumer?

What the manufacturer and the buyer have in common is that both of them seek to satisfy their interests at minimal cost. The seller and the buyer seek to increase the sale / purchase of product volumes and incur minimal costs.

The buyer at the same time seeks to buy something for a small amount and at the same time get a quality product. In turn, the seller wants to sell sometimes not the highest quality goods at a high price. That is, everyone seeks to get their own benefit. The buyer at the same time gives his money, and the seller receives.

4. How are the activities of the main participants in the economy interconnected?

There is a close relationship between the main participants in the economy. It lies in the fact that manufacturers tend to produce those goods that will find their buyer in the future. Buyers, when they make their choice of goods, show the manufacturer exactly what, in what quantity and what quality it is necessary to produce.

This is a classic connection between supply and demand. At the same time, demand is of paramount importance, regulating production, resource consumption and the rational use of productive forces and capital.

In class and at home.

1. You already know that the term "economy" has several meanings. Turn to dictionaries, the Internet and find several definitions of this term. Invite classmates to discuss them and give their explanations.

1. Economy - the sphere of human activity in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods.

2. Economics is a science that studies effective ways use of limited resources for the production of material goods.

3. Economy (economy) is an economic activity that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of people and society as a whole by creating the necessary benefits.

4. Economics (economic theory) is the science of the behavior of people and their relationships in the process economic activity with limited resources and unlimited needs.

5. The economy is an economic complex that includes industries in the types of production and non-productive spheres. The production, consumption and distribution of an economic product takes place at different boundaries and scales.

2. Can we agree with the following statement: "The economy is life itself in all its diversity"? Justify your answer.

Economic relations permeate all spheres of society. Without economy modern world can not imagine. Even in ancient times, when there was no money, there was an exchange. This is also part of the economy, that is, human economic activity. It includes, in addition to exchange, production, distribution and consumption itself. Without all this, it is impossible to imagine human life, therefore, yes, I agree with the statement. We have been involved in economic relations since childhood. Children exchanged cars for a while in the sandbox - this is also an economic relationship.

3. One of the scientists of the past defined economics as the science of wealth and ways to achieve it. Do you think it is enough to master economic knowledge to become rich? What else do you need to know and be able to achieve this goal?

In order to become rich, it is not enough to have economic knowledge. If it were that easy, then all economics experts would be rich. To achieve wealth, you need an "economic vein" in a person. He must be able not only to understand how the economy works, but also to create a service or product that will become popular at the right time.

The practice and theory of economics are completely different things. Many people, not knowing the nuances or definitions, earn millions, only on their "idea". And not everyone is able to create an “idea”.

4. Fill in the table "The main stages of the movement of the product."

Exchange. And soon consumption. Exchange because they are buying new potatoes. Consumption because they will plant potatoes.

8. At the family council, the Petrovs decided that it would be useful to go in for sports to improve their health. Having determined the interests and capabilities of family members, they opted for skiing. We made a list of the necessary and estimated the financial resources, agreed on the place and conditions of the purchase. What is the economic interest of the family as a consumer? What economic knowledge will help her make a rational (profitable) purchase and get the most out of it?

1. The family has several economic interests:
a) Since they opted for skiing, they need to purchase inexpensive and good equipment.
b) After the purchase, start searching for the nearest and good ski resort.

2. In fact, if you think about it, you can save quite a lot on the purchase.
a) The ski complex sometimes holds promotions for families, they can be viewed on the site of the complex, with the help of them you can save quite a lot.
b) In winter, ski equipment always sells out quickly, and besides, the price is hoo, it is best to buy ski equipment in the summer, because there is not much demand for it, which means that you can find both the size and color to your liking, and the price is much lower.

The well-known form of a certificate for weapons was canceled, and instead of its usual format, new forms were introduced in the year. Where can I get a weapon license? Obtaining a certificate for a weapon has now become a more troublesome and time-consuming procedure.

A certificate for a new type of weapon consists of two documents. The first of them - a certificate of O / y - is needed to obtain or renew a license and is, in fact, confirmation that the person who picks up a weapon is adequate, stress-resistant, not prone to aggression, so he will not shoot passers-by from it due to bad. Where can I get a weapon license?

Validity period of the medical certificate. Grounds for refusing to issue a weapon certificate. The cost of a certificate for a weapon. New mandatory examinations for obtaining a medical certificate for weapons. Note that the form certificate is valid for a year from the moment it was issued to you.

The changes are that new certificates-conclusions will be issued only according to new, approved forms, but in no case will anyone cancel the effect of old certificates. Grounds for refusing to issue a weapon certificate - is it possible to re-pass the examination or challenge the refusal?

Refusal to issue documents may be for the following reasons: You are under 18 years of age. List of clinics where you can officially get a medical certificate f 1 for weapons in Moscow. Cost reference, customer reviews. Free consultation on the issuance of a certificate. 14 clinics providing the service Medical certificate form in Moscow (officially).

Help F No. for obtaining a license to purchase weapons. For carrying and storing weapons / security activities (). Medical certificate A form in the form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. of the city is issued if you wish to obtain a license to carry and use weapons. Help f.

will be required not only for people who purchase weapons as self-defense, but also for security guards (employees of security companies) and hunters.

Who can get a gun license? In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons” No. FZ dated, the following can pass a weapons medical examination and issue a medical certificate for weapons in the form: citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21; citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 21, undergoing military service.

Therefore, where to get a medical certificate for a weapon, in a polyclinic or a commercial medical center, everyone decides for himself. The medical examination for the renewal of a weapons permit involves the passage of the same specialists as at the initial stage.

A medical certificate for weapons with a narcologist and a psychiatrist is supplemented by an HTI certificate in a year. You will need a medical certificate form for security guards after a year when passing a periodic check. A sample form of a weapon certificate must be present on information stands in medical centers that issue such a document.

For which diseases a certificate is not issued. Algorithm for obtaining a medical certificate for a weapon in the form of O / y. To obtain a certificate for carrying and storing weapons, you must: Pass urine for CTI (chemical-toxicological research). This can be done at the ExpressMedService medical centers. Therefore, if you want to get a medical certificate, which is the basis for obtaining a weapon permit in St. Petersburg, please contact our centers.

Helpful information. Necessary documents for the weapons medical examination. Clinics offering the service Certificate for weapons (form No. 46,). Clinic rating. Registration in clinics. Preventive examinations: Medical documentation: Passing a medical examination to obtain a certificate for the right to carry weapons (O / y).

Medline Service. Show 8 more branches of this clinic. Where can I get the document. When issuing a medical certificate, it is important to know that forgery and any violation of the rules for filling it out, including the use of a form not intended for this, entails punishment from law enforcement agencies.

Therefore, it is necessary to approach with all responsibility the choice of a medical institution that will deal with the execution of the document. As a rule, this issue is dealt with by the polyclinic at the place of residence or medical centers that are licensed to conduct an examination for issuing a permit for the storage of weapons. What is the validity period of

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Atlantico: In Northern Europe, 10% of the population owns 65-69% of the national wealth. All these countries, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, are usually cited as examples of social protection for citizens. So what is the reason for this level of inequality?

Henri Milner: Usually when we discuss inequality and make comparisons between different societies, it is preferable to talk about the distribution of income.

When it comes to this very distribution policy, we are primarily interested in the financial capabilities of the state. And they are based on the ability to establish a certain level of income and consumption. That is, wealth begins to be of interest to the distributing state at the moment when it begins to turn into income.

As far as these countries are concerned, the Scandinavian model must be viewed in a historical perspective. In its golden age, that is, the 1950s, the social democratic model of the Scandinavian states and, in particular, Sweden, relied mainly on large export companies like Volvo, who were able to pay good wages. This situation is beneficial for the state, because it can count on substantial deductions from well-paid employees, dividends from shareholders, and even shareholder purchases to finance the welfare state system.

This policy forced some wealthy people to leave the country to avoid paying too high taxes, but its main result was the consolidation of the position of large exporting enterprises. The dialogue between trade union representatives and legislators and the purpose of this taxation (income or property) has generated a consensus around the priority to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, investment opportunities and innovation. The employers' federations and the social democratic trade unions reached a historic compromise on the responsibility of each for the well-being of this model as early as 1938. In the future, the social democratic government actively developed centralized negotiations between trade unions and enterprise management, which made it possible to implement the “Rehn-Meidner model”. Under this model, unions pursue a "solidary wage policy", that is, they demand the same salary for a certain type of work performed and reject salary changes depending on the financial situation of a particular enterprise. As a result, the less efficient Swedish enterprises went bankrupt, while the more efficient, profitable and technologically advanced ones absorbed the released labor force and strengthened their competitiveness at the international level. This is how the positions of the most profitable enterprises consolidated. This mechanism accelerated restructuring and economic growth, which contributed to the rapid improvement in living standards in the post-war decades.

So what is the connection between welfare and rising inequality?

— Recently, there has been a slight increase in income inequality. The reason for this is mainly globalization, the weakening of the system of centralized bargaining and a slightly greater disparity in after-tax income. However, inequalities are largely smoothed out by redistribution of funds in many forms, from health insurance to student scholarships.

- If the population is under the protection of the state, why then the increase in inequality is seen as a problem?

- Let's dot the i's. Inequality in inheritance and wealth has long been part of the system and does not create any problems as such. Here we are talking about income inequality, which is still smaller than in other OECD countries. Thus, people in the Scandinavian countries do not consider this increase in inequality to be such a big problem. They believe that they live in good conditions, but if the income gap continues to grow, this may become a threat to them. This explains, for example, why the Swedes recently replaced a center-right government with a center-left government.

Could such a system exist elsewhere? To what extent does the Swedish system depend on culture?

— Cultural referents do play a role in the Scandinavian model and in particular relate to its ability to find consensus around compromise-based cooperation. Thus, the Scandinavian countries created tripartite institutions based on this ability in the middle of the last century, when conditions were completely different. The application and adaptation of this model as such today seems to me an impossible task, both in the northern and in any other states.

In addition, the problem of migrants is now becoming increasingly important, as immigration flows have noticeably increased in recent years. First of all, this concerns Sweden, where many refugees from Syria, Iraq, etc. go. This migration is different from what is happening in Finland and other European countries. Therefore, there is no guarantee that this model will be preserved in its current form. In addition, the economic and cultural integration of immigrants has already played a significant role in the rise of the Swedish version of the National Front, which managed to garner 13% of the vote in the September elections.

Henri Milner, Department of Political Science, University of Montreal.

Do a person's attitudes affect his behavior? Is it possible, knowing the presence of a particular attitude, to predict the actions of a person? Common sense gives us an affirmative answer. It is likely that if we evaluate the setting of any person to guard environment as positive, then we can expect that this person will not throw away empty bottles and old newspapers, but hand them over for recycling. But will this prediction be correct? It turns out that this is not necessary at all.

We know many examples when people's behavior does not correspond to their attitudes. Thus, our newspapers report cases when Russian border guards Far East, which must resist illegal fishing, sometimes engage in poaching themselves. And sometimes you can see how two people who met exchange pleasantries, although in fact they hate each other.

The degree of influence of attitudes on behavior has been the subject of research discussions since the 1930s. last century. These discussions were initiated by the classic work of the American sociologist R. La Piere (La Piere, 1934). The author of the study, a white American professor, traveled around the United States by car for three months with two Chinese - a young married couple. This trio crossed the country twice up and down the west coast. Travelers stayed at 66 hotels and visited 184 restaurants. Although there was strong prejudice against Asians in the United States at the time, especially on the West Coast, they were refused service in only one case. Some time later, La Pierre sent letters to each of these establishments, asking if they could accept Chinese as their clients. Among the 128 responses received, 92% were negative. La Pierre and many other authors have interpreted these data as reflecting a large discrepancy between behavior and attitudes.

However, in later years a much greater correspondence between attitudes and behaviors was sometimes found (Taylor et al., 1994). Thus, in one of the American studies, data from large-scale polls conducted during four presidential election campaigns were analyzed. Voters' attitudes towards their candidates, as found in pre-election interviews, were closely related to the actual voting behavior of these voters: 85% of those surveyed demonstrated a match between attitude and behavior, despite the fact that they were interviewed about a month before election day. Moreover, almost all voters who did not show such conformity were characterized by weak attitudes.

It is generally accepted that there are significant variations in the correspondence of people's attitudes to their behavior. Recently, a number of researchers have made attempts to determine the conditions that would contribute to a varying degree of correspondence between attitudes and behavior. So, an important condition for this correspondence is that this or that attitude of the personality is sufficiently strong and clear. Inconsistency most often refers to weak or ambivalent attitudes. As already mentioned, the discrepancy between the voters' attitudes and their real choice stemmed from the weak attitudes of these people. Similarly, one may fail to find behavioral conformity to attitudes if the affective and cognitive components of attitude conflict.

According to the available data, anything that can reinforce any attitude should lead to an increase in the correspondence between attitude and behavior. Another means of strengthening attitudes is to practice them repeatedly. It has been found that the correspondence between attitudes and behavior is greater when people think about their attitudes and express them.

The importance of plant stability should also be noted. Obviously, settings are subject to change over time. Certain attitudes that a person adhered to a few years or months ago, apparently, will not influence his behavior to the same extent as the current attitudes. Therefore, the correspondence between attitudes and behavior should be greatest when attitudes are measured and behavior is observed at about the same time.

Another important circumstance in considering this issue is the relevance of attitudes to observed behavior. In other words, we are talking about the extent to which the attitudes expressed by people are related to their specific behavior. Thus, it is believed that La Pierre's survey of hotel and restaurant owners about their feelings towards the Chinese in general was clearly not related to the question of the owners' attitudes towards this particular couple. In general, human behavior tends to be more in line with attitudes that are extremely specific rather than belonging to a broad class of possible behaviors.

A similar explanation of the results obtained by La Pierre is given by V.A. Poisons from the point of view of dispositional regulation of behavior. The discrepancy between the attitude expressed by the owners of hotels and restaurants and their subsequent actions is explained by the fact that the leading role in the regulation of behavior belonged to the disposition of a different level. So, value orientation on the prestige of the institution led to a negative response regarding the service of the Chinese. But the same orientation presupposes the observance of the accepted service rules if the client has already appeared in the establishment (Yadov, 1975).

In the latter case, what American authors call "situational pressure" appears (Taylor et al., 1994). It is known that any behavior of a person can be influenced both by his attitudes and by the situation. When the pressure of the situation is strong, attitudes do not condition behavior as much as when the pressure is relatively weak. This is easy to see in La Pier's study. Well-dressed respectable people who show up at the door of a hotel or restaurant find it difficult to refuse service, despite feelings of prejudice against this ethnic group. External pressure is stronger, as the rules for accepting clients require that appropriate service be provided to anyone who needs it and can pay for it.

One of the attempts to analyze the influence of attitudes on behavior is A. Eizen's theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985). In accordance with this theory, this or that behavior is carried out on the basis of certain considerations - that people think about the consequences of their actions, and they make deliberate decisions in order to achieve the intended results, while avoiding some undesirable consequences. So, here the intention of a person acts as a kind of key that precedes his behavior. It is the behavioral intention, not the attitude itself, that predicts subsequent behavior. According to this theory, three main components - attitude towards certain behavior, subjective norms and perceived control, combined together, cause any behavioral intention. Proponents of this approach believe that almost any behavior and the corresponding behavioral intention can be explained on this basis, from the decision to use birth control to the choice of a particular toothpaste (Deaux et al., 1993).

Based on the theory under consideration, an individual's attitude towards a certain behavior is the product of two factors: an assumption about the consequences of this specific behavior and an assessment of the possible results. Each of these factors varies in different people, influencing their behavior. As an example, consider a student's decision to spend an extra eight hours a week on class. foreign language. Two different people may agree on the likely outcomes of this behavior—higher academic grades and less time with friends—but these people may differ in their assessment of these outcomes. Thus, any student may evaluate his academic progress as much more meaningful to him than the time spent with friends. Consequently, his attitude towards extracurricular activities will be more positive than that of another student who considers friendships to be very important compared to certain academic marks.

The second component of the model under consideration is subjective norms that introduce a social element. These are the individual's assumptions about what he should do from the point of view of other people, and the strength of his motivation to live up to these expectations. The two students in our example may consider the expectations of their parents, friends, perhaps, and favorite teacher as they decide whether to spend more time studying. At the same time, one student may be sure that his parents will approve of his choice in favor of teaching, and will be motivated to meet their expectations, while another student may have exactly the same understanding of the position of his parents, but not care about how to meet their wishes. Similarly, the expectations of friends and relatives may influence some people more than others.

The third component of the Eisen model is perceived behavioral control. It implies that some activities are under more control than others. More important, however, Eisen suggests, is the individual's opinion of this control. Let's look at the student example again. The former, while he may place great value on high grades and be motivated to meet parental expectations, is less likely to turn to additional learning if he believes that his academic performance is poorly controlled.

So, these three factors - attitude towards a certain behavior, subjective norms and perceived control, combined together, determine the intention of a person to act in one way or another. As already noted, these factors vary in different cases. In general, the theory of planned behavior can be useful in predicting behavior in many cases. This is especially true of behavior that is really thought out and planned.

On the other hand, the emergence of a spontaneous attitude does not involve reflection, and sometimes the relationship between attitude and behavior is also spontaneous. Currently, researchers are actively looking into the study of the relationship between attitude and behavior, considering various factors and circumstances that accompany this.