Metropolitan cities of ancient Greece. What is a metropolis? Meaning of the word metropoliya, historical dictionary

A state that has colonies, in relation to these colonies.

Modern Encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what "METROPOLIA" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek). 1) the state in relation to its settlements, colonies. 2) in the Western Church: the seat of the highest spiritual authorities. 3) the Romans have a capital. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. METROPOLIA 1) ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    See Colony Brief Geographical Dictionary. Edwart. 2008. metropolis ancient Greek cities (polises) that had colonies. M... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Female, Greek capital: | metropolis in the Western church, the residence of the highest spiritual authorities. | The state itself, in relation to its settlements, settlements (colonies). Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    State, polis Dictionary of Russian synonyms. metropolis n., number of synonyms: 2 state (36) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (Greek metrupolis from meter mother and polis city), 1) in Dr. Greece is a city-state (polis) in relation to the settlements (colonies) created by it. 2) A state that has colonies is a metropolis in relation to them ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    METROPOLIA, metropolises, women. (from Greek metropolis) (book polit.). State in relation to its colonies. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    METROPOLIA, and, for women. The state in relation to its colonies, exploited territories, economically dependent countries. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    In ancient Greece, the city that founded the colony, in relation to this colony, was the metropolis (mother city). Currently an imperialist state in relation to its colonies. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: ... ... Marine Dictionary

    - (MhtropoliV) the main city from which this colony emerged; He treated the latter like a mother treats her child. Later, M. was called the main city of the province, and in Asia, in general, any big city. Hence the bishops of large cities were called metropolitans ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - (from Greek meter mother and polis city) eng. metropolis; German metropole. 1. In ancient Greece, the city-state (polis), the main in relation to the established settlements in other lands. 2. The state owning the colonies. 3. In the sociology of the city, a big ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Construction, calculation and design of lightweight embankments, S. A. Evtyukov, E. P. Madres, G. A. Ryabinin, A. G. Spektor. Currently, one of the pressing problems of Russia is to catch up with the world level in the construction industry, including the use of new technologies for road construction,…
  • The Secret of Alaborg, Evgeny Kiselev. Ancient Rome and Sarmatia, the Golden Horde and Poland, the Country of Aces and Russia - this is not a complete list of echoes of the names of the early medieval pan-planetary Pansky state of the Amazons, ...
  • Empire. Slavic conquest of the world. Europe. China. Japan. Russia as a medieval metropolis of the Great Empire, Gleb Nosovsky. This edition is published in a new edition made by A.T. Fomenko. It differs markedly from the previous ones. The authors, based on original mathematical and statistical methods and extensive computer ...

Ozhegov's dictionary

METROP O LIA, and, well. The state in relation to its colonies, exploited territories, economically dependent countries.

Dictionary Ushakov


metropolis, metropolises, female(from Greek metropolis) ( books. polit.). State in relation to its colonies.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(Greek metrupolis, from meter - mother and polis - city),

  1. in Dr. Greece is a city-state (polis) in relation to the settlements (colonies) it created.
  2. A state that has colonies is a metropolis in relation to them.

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. well.
    1. City-state - policy - in relation to the settlements founded by him on the territory of other countries (in Ancient Greece).
    2. A state in relation to its colonies or dependent states.
    3. obsolete Center, capital (opposite: periphery).

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference


(Greek metrupolis, from meter mother and polis city)

1) in Dr. Greece city-state (polis) in relation to the settlements (colonies) created by it;

2) the state that owns the colonies.

Dictionary of linguistic terms


1. The territory of traditional compact residence of the main part of the ethnic group, which is a state or administrative-territorial entity.

2. The main part of the ethnic group living in the original territory and opposed to the corresponding national diaspora, which left M. in a historically foreseeable time for various reasons.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(Μητρόπολις) - the main city from which this colony emerged; He treated the latter like a mother treats her child. Later, M. was called the main city of the province, and in Asia - in general, any big city. Hence the bishops of large cities were called metropolitans. Patronizing her colonies, M. did not extend her power to them. In cases of disputes, M. gave arbitration, in case of military danger and need, she helped with the army and other means. The state structure of M. also passed to the colony. Hostile relations between M. and the colony were considered indecent and were rare in antiquity.

Wed Fröhlich, "Ueber die Kolonien der Griechen" (Neisse, 1834); Pfellerkorn, "Die Kolonien der Altgriechen" (Königsberg, 1838).


Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms


1. The territory of the traditional compact residence of the main part of the ethnic group (in modern conditions, this is usually a state or administrative-territorial entity).

2. The main part of the ethnos living in the original territory and opposed to the corresponding national diaspora, i.e., significant groups of this ethnos who left M. in a historically foreseeable time for various reasons. For example, M. for Armenians is Armenia (and the Armenian diaspora is located outside of Armenia - in Russia, Canada, France, and other countries); M. for Koreans is North and South Korea.

An ethnos living within its own metropolitan area is regarded as an indigenous, autochthonous population. in Moscow and in the countries where the corresponding diaspora is located, as a rule, differs greatly, and on this basis the concepts of "metropolis" and "diaspora" are opposed to each other. There are cases when the traditional territory of residence of an ethnic group is divided between different states, or has not been preserved, that is, there is no M. for this ethnic group: for example, the original territories of residence of the Lezgins are located on the territory of Dagestan ( the Russian Federation) and Azerbaijan; Kurds are settled on the territory of several states; there is no M. among the gypsies due to the way of life of the latter.

What was caused by the emergence of technical capabilities to overcome long distances, mainly by sea. This was the reason why the remote possessions of Spain, Britain, France, Portugal and some other countries were most often called overseas (eng. "Overseas") territories. At the same time, the concept of "metropolis" arose. This is a state whose flag flies over the occupied foreign land.

colonization technique

The main reason why the very fact of the discovery of a new island, archipelago, and sometimes the whole continent almost in itself meant the transfer to the property of some monarch, was the technical superiority of European countries over the aboriginal population. It manifested itself mainly in the presence of effective means of suppressing resistance, in other words, guns and rifles. The future metropolis used this weapon as a tool of capture.

The numerical superiority of the peoples living in the "open" territories did not matter, the colonialists acted both by force and by deceit, sometimes acquiring entire islands for a handful of glass beads and frightening the dissatisfied with volleys of guns.

European colonies

At the same time, the country - the future metropolis - could not always boast of civilizational or cultural superiority. This is clearly demonstrated by the numerous examples of scientific achievements and works of art looted by the invaders and exhibited in the museums of London, Paris, Madrid and other capitals of the countries that own the colonies. Metropolises and France, Belgium and other countries were correlated as an acceptor and a donor. Resources were pumped out of India or Egypt, fueling the British economy. The diamonds of the Congo flowed into the treasury of the Belgian magnates.

Colonies "on the contrary" in Russia

Initially, the ancient Greek word "colony" meant not an overseas possession, but a settlement founded by representatives of some city (polis or metropolis) far from their native places. Under Catherine the Great, Germans settled in Russia (as almost all Europeans were called), attracted by excellent opportunities and freedom of entrepreneurship. Until the end of the thirties of the twentieth century, the German colonists lived and worked in different cities of the Novorossiysk province and the Volga region. Thus, Russian empire owned the colonies, as it were, "in reverse", placing foreigners within itself, creating preferential conditions for them and supporting the national outskirts. behaved differently, preferring to plunder the occupied lands.

In the middle of the twentieth world colonial system came to an end. Only a few states have reasons (however, very conditional) to continue to call themselves the proud word "metropolis". This is Great Britain with its Bermuda, Gibraltar and a number of small possessions, France (Clipperton, Guiana, etc.) and Denmark and Greenland).

- (Greek metrupolis - from meter - mother and polis - city), 1) in Dr. Greece, the city-state (polis) in relation to the settlements he created ... encyclopedic Dictionary


- J. Greek. capital: | metropolis in the Western church, the residence of the highest spiritual authorities. | The state itself, in relation to the ... Dictionary Dahl


- A capitalist state in relation to its colonies, exploited territories. Ozhegov's dictionary


- (from the Greek meter - mother and polis - city) - English. metropolis; German metropole. 1. In ancient Greece, the city-state ... sociological dictionary


- a state that owns colonies .. and 2 more definitions Political vocabulary


- Metropolis (MhtropoliV) - the main city from which this colony emerged; He treated the latter like a mother treats her child. Late... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


- And, well. 1. ist. In Dr. Greece: the name of the city-state (polis) in relation to the settlements he founded in foreign lands. 2. Gosu... Dictionary of foreign words


- METROP "OLIA, metropolis, female (from Greek metropolis) (bookish polit.). The state in relation to its colonies .... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov



(Greek). 1) the state in relation to its settlements, colonies. 2) in the Western Church: the seat of the highest spiritual authorities. 3) the Romans - the capital.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


1) the state in relation to its colonies; 2) the position and residence of the metropolitan; 3) in ancient. Romans the main city of the province.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


1) the name of the country (as opposed to the colony), which has formed a new settlement or colonies from its evicted inhabitants and governs it; 2) in the ancient Romans - the city in which the administration of the province was concentrated; 3) Catholic. the name of the city constituting the residence of the archbishop.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


[gr. metropolis meter - mother + polis - city] - 1) a colonial state in relation to its colonies; 2) ist. in Ancient Greece: city-state; 3) modern. major metropolitan city.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


Greek, from metropolis, from meter, mother, and polis, city. a) The state in relation to its colonies. b) In the Western Church: seat of the archbishop.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(gr. metropolis meter mother + polls city)

1) in Dr. Greece - the name of the city-state (polisa1) in relation to the settlements founded by him in foreign lands;

2) the state that owns the colonies it has captured 2.

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


metropolis, w. [from Greek. metropolis] (book polit.). State in relation to its colonies.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


and, well. ( Greek metropolis mētēr mother + polis city).
1. ist. AT Dr. Greece: city-state name ( policy) in relation to the settlements he founded in foreign lands.
2. The state that owns the captured colonies.

Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words L. P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "METROPOLIA" is in other dictionaries:

    See Colony Brief Geographical Dictionary. Edwart. 2008. metropolis ancient Greek cities (polises) that had colonies. M... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Female, Greek capital: | metropolis in the Western church, the residence of the highest spiritual authorities. | The state itself, in relation to its settlements, settlements (colonies). Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    State, polis Dictionary of Russian synonyms. metropolis n., number of synonyms: 2 state (36) ... Synonym dictionary

    METROPOLIA, the status of a state having colonies, in relation to these colonies ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (Greek metrupolis from meter mother and polis city), 1) in Dr. Greece is a city-state (polis) in relation to the settlements (colonies) created by it. 2) A state that has colonies is a metropolis in relation to them ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    METROPOLIA, metropolises, women. (from Greek metropolis) (book polit.). State in relation to its colonies. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    METROPOLIA, and, for women. The state in relation to its colonies, exploited territories, economically dependent countries. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    In ancient Greece, the city that founded the colony, in relation to this colony, was the metropolis (mother city). Currently an imperialist state in relation to its colonies. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: ... ... Marine Dictionary

    - (MhtropoliV) the main city from which this colony emerged; He treated the latter like a mother treats her child. Later, M. was called the main city of the province, and in Asia, in general, any big city. Hence the bishops of large cities were called metropolitans ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - (from Greek meter mother and polis city) eng. metropolis; German metropole. 1. In ancient Greece, the city-state (polis), the main in relation to the established settlements in other lands. 2. The state owning the colonies. 3. In the sociology of the city, a big ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Construction, calculation and design of lightweight embankments, S. A. Evtyukov, E. P. Madres, G. A. Ryabinin, A. G. Spektor. Currently, one of the pressing problems of Russia is to catch up with the world level in the construction industry, including the use of new technologies for road construction,…