Calculation of ATP during glucose oxidation. Synthesis of ATP during the breakdown of glucose

Let us now determine the yield of chemical energy in the form of ATP during the oxidation of glucose in animal cells up to and .

Glycolytic breakdown of one glucose molecule under aerobic conditions gives two pyruvate molecules, two NADH molecules and two ATP molecules (this whole process takes place in the cytosol):

Then two pairs of electrons from two molecules of cytosolic NADH, formed during glycolysis by glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (section 15.7), are transferred to the mitochondria using the malate-aspartate shuttle system. Here they enter the electron transport chain and are directed through a series of successive carriers to oxygen. This process gives because the oxidation of two NADH molecules is described by the following equation:

(Of course, if instead of the malate-aspartate shuttle system the glycerol phosphate one acts, then not three, but only two ATP molecules are formed for each NADH molecule.)

Now we can write complete equation oxidation of two pyruvate molecules with the formation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA and two molecules in mitochondria. As a result of this oxidation, two NADH molecules are formed. which then transfer two of their electrons through the respiratory chain to oxygen, which is accompanied by the synthesis of three ATP molecules for each pair of transferred electrons:

Let us also write an equation for the oxidation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA to through the citric acid cycle and for oxidative phosphorylation, coupled with the transfer to oxygen of electrons split off from isocitrate, -ketoglutarate and malate: in this case, three ATP molecules are formed for each pair of transferred electrons. Add to this two ATP molecules formed during the oxidation of succinate, and two more that are formed from succinyl-CoA via GTP (Sec. 16.5e):

If we now sum these four equations and cancel the common terms, we get the total equation for glycolysis and respiration:

So, for every glucose molecule undergoing complete oxidation to in the liver, kidneys, or myocardium, i.e., where the malate-aspartate shuttle system functions, a maximum of 38 ATP molecules are formed. (If glycerol phosphate acts instead of the malate-aspartate system, then 36 ATP molecules are formed for each fully oxidized glucose molecule.) The theoretical free energy yield at complete oxidation glucose is thus equal to standard conditions (1.0 M). In intact cells, however, the efficiency of this transformation probably exceeds 70%, since the intracellular concentrations of glucose and ATP are not the same and are much lower than 1.0 M, i.e. the concentration from which it is customary to proceed when calculating the standard free energy (see Appendix 14-2).

Stage 1 - preparatory

Polymers → monomers

Stage 2 - glycolysis (oxygen-free)

C 6 H 12 O 6 + 2ADP + 2H 3 RO 4 \u003d 2C 3 H 6 O 3 + 2ATP + 2H 2 O

Stage - oxygen

2C 3 H 6 O 3 + 6O 2 + 36ADP + 36 H 3 RO 4 \u003d 6CO 2 +42 H 2 O + 36ATP

Summary Equation:

C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2+ 38ADP + 38H 3 RO 4 \u003d 6CO 2 + 44H 2 O + 38ATP


1) In the process of hydrolysis, 972 ATP molecules were formed. Determine how many glucose molecules have been cleaved and how many ATP molecules have been formed as a result of glycolysis and complete oxidation. Explain the answer.

Answer:1) during hydrolysis (oxygen stage), 36 ATP molecules are formed from one glucose molecule, therefore, hydrolysis has undergone: 972: 36 = 27 glucose molecules;

2) during glycolysis, one glucose molecule is broken down to 2 PVC molecules with the formation of 2 ATP molecules, so the number of ATP molecules is: 27 x 2 = 54;

3) with the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule, 38 ATP molecules are formed, therefore, with the complete oxidation of 27 glucose molecules, 27 x 38 \u003d 1026 ATP molecules are formed (or 972 + 54 \u003d 1026).

2) Which of the two types of fermentation - alcohol or lactic acid - is energetically more efficient? Calculate efficiency using the formula:

3) efficiency of lactic acid fermentation:

4) alcoholic fermentation is energetically more efficient.

3) Two molecules of glucose underwent glycolysis, only one was oxidized. Determine the number of formed ATP molecules and released molecules carbon dioxide wherein.


To solve, we use the equations of the 2nd stage (glycolysis) and 3rd stage (oxygen) energy metabolism.

Glycolysis of one molecule of glucose produces 2 ATP molecules, and oxidation of 36 ATP.

According to the condition of the problem, 2 molecules of glucose underwent glycolysis: 2∙× 2=4, and only one molecule was oxidized

4+36=40 ATP.

Carbon dioxide is formed only at stage 3, with the complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose, 6 CO 2 is formed

Answer: 40 ATP; CO 2 .- 6

4) In the process of glycolysis, 68 molecules of pyruvic acid (PVA) were formed. Determine how many glucose molecules were cleaved and how many ATP molecules were formed during complete oxidation. Explain the answer.


1) during glycolysis (an oxygen-free stage of catabolism), one glucose molecule is cleaved with the formation of 2 PVC molecules, therefore, glycolysis has undergone: 68: 2 = 34 glucose molecules;

2) with the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule, 38 ATP molecules are formed (2 molecules during glycolysis and 38 molecules during hydrolysis);

3) with the complete oxidation of 34 glucose molecules, 34 x 38 = 1292 ATP molecules are formed.

5) In the process of glycolysis, 112 molecules of pyruvic acid (PVA) were formed. How many glucose molecules have been cleaved and how many ATP molecules are formed during the complete oxidation of glucose in eukaryotic cells? Explain the answer.

Explanation. 1) In the process of glycolysis, when 1 molecule of glucose is broken down, 2 molecules of pyruvic acid are formed and energy is released, which is enough for the synthesis of 2 ATP molecules.

2) If 112 molecules of pyruvic acid were formed, then, therefore, 112: 2 = 56 molecules of glucose underwent cleavage.

3) With complete oxidation per molecule of glucose, 38 ATP molecules are formed.

Therefore, with the complete oxidation of 56 glucose molecules, 38 x 56 \u003d 2128 ATP molecules are formed

6) During the oxygen stage of catabolism, 1368 ATP molecules were formed. Determine how many glucose molecules were cleaved and how many ATP molecules were formed as a result of glycolysis and complete oxidation? Explain the answer.


7) During the oxygen stage of catabolism, 1368 ATP molecules were formed. Determine how many glucose molecules were cleaved and how many ATP molecules were formed as a result of glycolysis and complete oxidation? Explain the answer.

Explanation. 1) In the process of energy metabolism, 36 ATP molecules are formed from one glucose molecule, therefore, 1368: 36 = 38 glucose molecules underwent glycolysis, and then complete oxidation.

2) During glycolysis, one glucose molecule is broken down to 2 PVC molecules with the formation of 2 ATP molecules. Therefore, the number of ATP molecules formed during glycolysis is 38 × 2 = 76.

3) With the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule, 38 ATP molecules are formed, therefore, with the complete oxidation of 38 glucose molecules, 38 × 38 = 1444 ATP molecules are formed.

8) In the process of dissimilation, 7 mol of glucose was cleaved, of which only 2 mol underwent complete (oxygen) cleavage. Define:

a) how many moles of lactic acid and carbon dioxide are formed in this case;

b) how many moles of ATP are synthesized in this case;

c) how much energy and in what form is accumulated in these ATP molecules;

d) How many moles of oxygen are spent on the oxidation of the resulting lactic acid.


1) Out of 7 mol of glucose, 2 underwent complete cleavage, 5 - not half (7-2 = 5):

2) compose an equation for the incomplete breakdown of 5 mol of glucose; 5C 6 H 12 O 6 + 5 2H 3 PO 4 + 5 2ADP = 5 2C 3 H 6 O 3 + 5 2ATP + 5 2H 2 O;

3) makes the total equation for the complete breakdown of 2 mol of glucose:

2С 6 H 12 O 6 + 2 6O 2 +2 38H 3 PO 4 + 2 38ADP = 2 6CO 2 +2 38ATP + 2 6H 2 O + 2 38H 2 O;

4) sum up the amount of ATP: (2 38) + (5 2) = 86 mol of ATP; 5) determine the amount of energy in ATP molecules: 86 40 kJ = 3440 kJ.


a) 10 mol of lactic acid, 12 mol of CO 2 ;

b) 86 mol of ATP;

c) 3440 kJ, in the form of energy chemical bond macroergic bonds in the ATP molecule;

d) 12 mol O 2

9) As a result of dissimilation, 5 mol of lactic acid and 27 mol of carbon dioxide were formed in the cells. Define:

a) how many moles of glucose were consumed in total;

b) how many of them underwent only incomplete and how many complete splitting;

c) how much ATP is synthesized and how much energy is accumulated;

d) how many moles of oxygen are consumed for the oxidation of the resulting lactic acid.


b) 4.5 mol complete + 2.5 mol incomplete;

c) 176 mol ATP, 7040 kJ;

In this article, we will consider how glucose is oxidized. Carbohydrates are compounds of the polyhydroxycarbonyl type, as well as their derivatives. Characteristic features- the presence of aldehyde or ketone groups and at least two hydroxyl groups.

According to their structure, carbohydrates are divided into monosaccharides, polysaccharides, oligosaccharides.


Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates that cannot be hydrolyzed. Depending on which group is present in the composition - aldehyde or ketone, aldoses are isolated (these include galactose, glucose, ribose) and ketoses (ribulose, fructose).


Oligosaccharides are carbohydrates that have in their composition from two to ten residues of monosaccharide origin, connected through glycosidic bonds. Depending on the number of monosaccharide residues, disaccharides, trisaccharides, and so on are distinguished. What is formed when glucose is oxidized? This will be discussed later.


Polysaccharides are carbohydrates that contain more than ten monosaccharide residues linked by glycosidic bonds. If the composition of the polysaccharide contains the same monosaccharide residues, then it is called a homopolysaccharide (for example, starch). If such residues are different, then with a heteropolysaccharide (for example, heparin).

What is the importance of glucose oxidation?

Functions of carbohydrates in the human body

Carbohydrates perform the following main functions:

  1. Energy. The most important function of carbohydrates, as they serve as the main source of energy in the body. As a result of their oxidation, more than half of the energy needs of a person are satisfied. As a result of the oxidation of one gram of carbohydrates, 16.9 kJ are released.
  2. Reserve. Glycogen and starch are a form of nutrient storage.
  3. Structural. Cellulose and some other polysaccharide compounds form a strong framework in plants. Also, they, in combination with lipids and proteins, are a component of all cell biomembranes.
  4. Protective. Acid heteropolysaccharides play the role of a biological lubricant. They line the surfaces of the joints that touch and rub against each other, the mucous membranes of the nose, and the digestive tract.
  5. Anticoagulant. A carbohydrate such as heparin has an important biological property, namely, it prevents blood clotting.
  6. Carbohydrates are a source of carbon necessary for the synthesis of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.

In the process of calculating the glycolytic reaction, it must be taken into account that each step of the second stage is repeated twice. From this, we can conclude that two ATP molecules are spent at the first stage, and 4 ATP molecules are formed during the second stage by substrate-type phosphorylation. This means that as a result of the oxidation of each glucose molecule, the cell accumulates two ATP molecules.

We have considered the oxidation of glucose by oxygen.

Anaerobic glucose oxidation pathway

Aerobic oxidation is an oxidation process in which energy is released and which proceeds in the presence of oxygen, which acts as the final acceptor of hydrogen in the respiratory chain. The donor is the reduced form of coenzymes (FADH2, NADH, NADPH), which are formed during the intermediate reaction of substrate oxidation.

The aerobic dichotomous type glucose oxidation process is the main pathway of glucose catabolism in the human body. This type of glycolysis can be carried out in all tissues and organs of the human body. The result of this reaction is the splitting of the glucose molecule into water and carbon dioxide. The released energy will then be stored in ATP. This process can be roughly divided into three stages:

  1. The process of converting a glucose molecule into a pair of pyruvic acid molecules. The reaction occurs in the cell cytoplasm and is a specific pathway for glucose breakdown.
  2. The process of formation of acetyl-CoA as a result of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid. This reaction takes place in cellular mitochondria.
  3. The process of oxidation of acetyl-CoA in the Krebs cycle. The reaction takes place in cellular mitochondria.

At each stage of this process, reduced forms of coenzymes are formed, which are oxidized through the enzyme complexes of the respiratory chain. As a result, ATP is formed during the oxidation of glucose.

Formation of coenzymes

Coenzymes that are formed at the second and third stages of aerobic glycolysis will be oxidized directly in the mitochondria of cells. In parallel with this, NADH, which was formed in the cell cytoplasm during the reaction of the first stage of aerobic glycolysis, does not have the ability to penetrate through the mitochondrial membranes. Hydrogen is transferred from cytoplasmic NADH to cellular mitochondria via shuttle cycles. Among these cycles, the main one can be distinguished - malate-aspartate.

Then, with the help of cytoplasmic NADH, oxaloacetate is reduced to malate, which, in turn, penetrates into the cellular mitochondria and is then oxidized to reduce mitochondrial NAD. Oxaloacetate returns to the cytoplasm of the cell in the form of aspartate.

Modified forms of glycolysis

The course of glycolysis may additionally be accompanied by the release of 1,3 and 2,3-biphosphoglycerates. At the same time, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate under the influence of biological catalysts can return to the glycolysis process, and then change its form to 3-phosphoglycerate. These enzymes play a variety of roles. For example, 2,3-biphosphoglycerate, found in hemoglobin, promotes the transfer of oxygen to tissues, while promoting dissociation and lowering the affinity of oxygen and red blood cells.


Many bacteria can change the form of glycolysis to its various stages. In this case, their total number may be reduced or these stages may be modified as a result of the action of various enzymatic compounds. Some of the anaerobes have the ability to decompose carbohydrates in other ways. Most thermophiles have only two glycolytic enzymes, in particular enolase and pyruvate kinase.

We examined how glucose oxidation proceeds in the body.

Should be considered:

  • Reactions that go with the cost or formation of ATP and GTP;
  • Reactions producing NADH and FADH 2 and using them;
  • Since glucose forms two trioses, all compounds formed below the GAF-dehydrogenase reaction are formed in a double (relative to glucose) amount.

Calculation of ATP in anaerobic oxidation

Sites of glycolysis associated with the formation and expenditure of energy

At the preparatory stage, 2 ATP molecules are spent on the activation of glucose, the phosphate of each of which is on triose - glyceraldehyde phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.

The next second stage includes two molecules of glyceraldehyde phosphate, each of which is oxidized to pyruvate with the formation of 2 ATP molecules in the seventh and tenth reactions - reactions of substrate phosphorylation. Thus, summing up, we get that on the way from glucose to pyruvate, 2 ATP molecules are formed in pure form.

However, one must keep in mind the fifth, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase reaction, from which NADH is released. If the conditions are anaerobic, then it is used in the lactate dehydrogenase reaction, where it is oxidized to form lactate and does not participate in the production of ATP.

Calculation of the energy effect of anaerobic glucose oxidation

Aerobic oxidation

Glucose oxidation sites associated with energy generation

If there is oxygen in the cell, then NADH from glycolysis is sent to the mitochondria (shuttle systems), to the processes of oxidative phosphorylation, and there its oxidation brings dividends in the form of three ATP molecules.

Under aerobic conditions, the pyruvate formed in glycolysis is converted in the PVC-dehydrogenase complex into acetyl-S-CoA, with the formation of 1 NADH molecule.

Acetyl-S-CoA is involved in the TCA and, being oxidized, gives 3 NADH molecules, 1 FADH 2 molecule, 1 GTP molecule. NADH and FADH 2 molecules move into the respiratory chain, where, when they are oxidized, a total of 11 ATP molecules are formed. In general, during the combustion of one aceto group in the TCA, 12 ATP molecules are formed.

Summing up the results of the oxidation of "glycolytic" and "pyruvate dehydrogenase" NADH, "glycolytic" ATP, the energy yield of TCA and multiplying everything by 2, we get 38 ATP molecules.

We can define total number of ATP molecules, which is formed during the breakdown of 1 molecule of glucose under optimal conditions.
1. During glycolysis 4 ATP molecules are formed: 2 ATP molecules are consumed at the first stage of glucose phosphorylation, which is necessary for the course of the glycolysis process, the net ATP yield during glycolysis is 2 ATP molecules.

2. In the end citric acid cycle 1 molecule of ATP is produced. However, due to the fact that 1 molecule of glucose is split into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid, each of which goes through the turnover in the Krebs cycle, a net yield of ATP per 1 molecule of glucose equal to 2 ATP molecules is obtained.

3. Complete oxidation of glucose a total of 24 hydrogen atoms are formed in connection with the glycolysis process and the citric acid cycle, 20 of them are oxidized in accordance with the chemo-osmotic mechanism with the release of 3 ATP molecules for every 2 hydrogen atoms. The result is another 30 ATP molecules.

4. Four remaining atoms hydrogen are released under the influence of dehydrogenases and are included in the cycle of chemoosmotic oxidation in mitochondria in addition to the first stage. The oxidation of 2 hydrogen atoms is accompanied by the production of 2 ATP molecules, resulting in another 4 ATP molecules.

Putting it all together resulting molecules, we get 38 ATP molecules as the maximum possible amount when 1 molecule of glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, 456,000 calories can be stored in the form of ATP out of 686,000 calories obtained from the complete oxidation of 1 gram-molecule of glucose. The energy conversion efficiency provided by this mechanism is about 66%. The remaining 34% of the energy is converted into heat and cannot be used by cells to perform specific functions.

Release of energy from glycogen

Continuous release of energy from glucose when cells do not need energy, it would be too wasteful a process. Glycolysis and the subsequent oxidation of hydrogen atoms are constantly controlled in accordance with the needs of cells in ATP. This control is carried out by numerous variants of control mechanisms. feedback during chemical reactions. Among the most important influences of this kind are the concentrations of ADP and ATP, which control the rate of chemical reactions during energy exchange processes.

One of important ways that allows ATP to control energy metabolism is the inhibition of the enzyme phosphofructokinase. This enzyme ensures the formation of fructose-1,6-diphosphate - one of the initial stages of glycolysis, so the resulting effect of excess ATP in the cell will be inhibition or even stop of glycolysis, which, in turn, will lead to inhibition of carbohydrate metabolism. ADP (as well as AMP) has the opposite effect on phosphofructokinase, significantly increasing its activity. When ATP is used by tissues to provide energy for most chemical reactions in cells, this reduces the inhibition of the enzyme phosphofructokinase, moreover, its activity increases in parallel with an increase in the concentration of ADP. As a result, glycolysis processes are launched, leading to the restoration of ATP reserves in cells.

Another way control mediated by citrates formed in the citric acid cycle. An excess of these ions significantly reduces the activity of phosphofructokinase, which prevents glycolysis from outpacing the rate of use of pyruvic acid, which is formed as a result of glycolysis in the citric acid cycle.

The third way, using which the ATP-ADP-AMP system can control the metabolism of carbohydrates and manage the release of energy from fats and proteins, is as follows. Returning to various chemical reactions, serving as a way to release energy, we can see that if all the available AMP has already been converted to ATP, further formation of ATP becomes impossible. As a result, all the processes of using nutrients (glucose, proteins and fats) to obtain energy in the form of ATP are stopped. Only after using the formed ATP as an energy source in cells to provide a variety of physiological functions, the newly appearing ADP and AMP will start the energy production processes, during which ADP and AMP are converted into ATP. This pathway automatically maintains the conservation of certain ATP reserves, except in cases of extreme cell activity, such as during heavy physical exertion.