Declension of compound cardinal numbers. Declension of numeral names Name numeral declension of complex and compound numbers

Quantitative numerals have several variants of declensions. For a competent change in the names of numerals by cases, it is recommended to remember the schemes with examples presented in this article. Also here are considered the features of the declension of compound cardinal numbers.

There are several schemes for declining cardinal numbers. In order to learn how to change by case all words denoting abstract numbers or quantity, you just need to remember these schemes according to the following table:

Numbers that are denoted by words

How do they change

As an adjective name. in the form of a unit h. Wed: Good-th - one-th (R. p.);

Good-oh - one-oh (D. p.)

As an adjective name. in the form of pl. hours (vowel endings differ).

Wed: ser- s x fields - four- yo x fields (R. p.);

Ser- s m fields - four - yo m fields (D. p.);

nice- s mi writers - tr- e me writers (T. p.).

Like nouns. 3rd sk.

To the step and- in seven and P. p.);

A life Yu-eight yu (T. p.)

Like nouns. 3rd sk. (both parts).

eight and _ten and(R., D. and P. p.);

Six Yu _ten Yu(T. p.)

There are only two forms with endings:

I. V. - -about;

R.D.T.P. - a

As adj. in the form of pl. h.

(both parts).

Tr-em_st-am (D. p.) - tr-ex_st-ah (P. p.)

Like a noun. 1st sk. units h.

Cottage (V. p) - Thousand (V. p.);

Cottage (T. p.) -

Thousand (T. p.)

Like a noun. m. 2nd sk. units h.

House - a million (D. p.);

House - a million (T. p.)

It should be taken into account that the numeral one categories of gender and number. In the feminine form in some cases, this word takes on the ending of an adjective of the corresponding form: one digit - one woman(D. p.); one digit - a good woman(T. p.)

How compound cardinal numbers decline

This category includes words denoting numbers, in which, in addition to units, tens, hundreds, thousands are also distinguished. For example: three thousand four hundred and ninety-nine, forty-two, five hundred and eleven, etc.

When changing by cases, each of the words is declined according to the scheme.

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For example:

(I. p.) - One hundred fifty six;

(R. p.) - one hundred fifty six;
(D. p.) - one hundred fifty six;

(V. p.) - One hundred fifty six;

(T. p.) - one hundred and fifty six;

(P. p.) - (o) one hundred and fifty six.

When declining compound numbers in combination with nouns, confusion often occurs, since each of the words in it takes its own, special form. For those who do not have experience, when declining such combinations, it is recommended to mentally divide them into their component parts. For example:






Nine hundreds




Nine hundred


Nine hundreds


Nine hundred


Nine hundred

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· When declining compound ordinal numbers, only their last part changes. It is this part that has the form of an ordinal number, coinciding with the form of full adjectives: one thousand nine hundred and forty one-in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five;

The remaining parts have the form of cardinal numbers, but do not change: year two thousand and three-until the year two thousand and three.

Collective numbers.

Collective numbers ( two, three, four, five etc. ) are used only in the following cases:

1. with nouns denoting males (two friends, three brothers);

2. with nouns children, people, as well as with nouns denoting names baby animals(four children, seven kids, three rabbits);

3. with nouns that have the form plural only and denoting names of paired or compound objects(two sledges, four gates, seven days);

4. with personal pronouns we you they : There are two of us; there are five of them;

5. with substantiated numerals and adjectives denoting persons: two, three guards entered.

・It can be said two students and two students(both options are equal). But you have to speak two students (two students- not right).

· Collective numerals express only the number from two to ten. Therefore, when indicating the number of more than ten males, cubs of animals, cardinal numbers should be used: twelve friends, forty-five cubs.

4. Numerals both, one and a half, one and a half hundred.

numeral both has two generic forms: both- masculine and neuter both- feminine: in both states, in both countries.

one and a half (one and a half rubles, one and a half thousand). In addition, in indirect cases, this numeral has the form one and a half(about one and a half thousand rubles).

The numeral has a similar form in indirect cases a hundred and fifty (about one and a half rubles).

Fractional numbers.

・When leaning fractional numbers all words change, with the numerator changing as the corresponding integer, and the denominator as the plural adjective: two (what?) thirds; three (what?) seventh.

The phrases "numeral plus noun" in the nominative and oblique cases.

In the nominative case, the numeral governs genitive case of a noun ( give fifty-five rubles).

In indirect cases, the main word becomes a noun, and a numeral consistent with him ( about fifty five rubles).

Numerals thousand, million, billion in all cases retain the control of the dependent noun in the genitive case: a million rubles, about a million rubles.

The number of nouns used with numerals.

· With numerals one two three four the singular form of nouns is used ( two days, four apples), with numerals from five and beyond the noun is put in the plural form ( five days).

numeral one and a half in the nominative and accusative cases governs the noun in the singular, and in the remaining cases the noun is plural ( an hour and a half-about an hour and a half).

The same applies to the numeral a hundred and fifty .

8. Denoting the number of more than ten with nouns that do not have a singular form.

Combinations of compound numbers ending in two three four, with nouns that do not have a singular form ( 22 days-twenty two days), are unacceptable in literary speech. Only combinations of the type are possible twenty-one days, twenty-five days.

If it is necessary to indicate the corresponding number, it is necessary to replace the noun that does not have a singular form with a synonymous one that has both forms of the number ( twenty two days).

· With nouns scissors, tongs etc. you can use words like thing and etc. ( twenty-three pieces of scissors).

Date notation.

In phrases denoting dates, the numeral should always govern genitive case noun: The administration promises to eliminate wage arrears by December 15I (not december); The letter is dated the twenty-third of DecemberI 1943(not December 23).


Pronoun- This independent part speech, which indicates on objects, signs, quantity, but does not name them: me, myself, your, so much and etc.

Pronouns answer the questions of nouns (who? what?), adjectives (what? whose?), numerals (how many?): is he laughsmy brother,some pencils.

Morphological and syntactic signs of pronouns also depend on what part of speech they replace in the text.


A compound numeral is ϶ᴛᴏ a combination of two or more simple ones. For this reason, in order to form the desired form of such a numeral, it is extremely important to remember all the types of declension described above. At the same time, the features of the change in compound numbers are determined not only by this, but also depend on the rank in value. First of all, it is extremely important to remember that both simple and compound are only ordinal and two groups of cardinal numbers: integer and fractional, and collective, indefinitely quantitative and two fractional - one and a half and a hundred and fifty - are only simple and never included in the composite.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, here we will be interested in only three groups of numbers: 1) ordinal; 2) whole quantitative; 3) fractional quantitative. Each of these groups has independent features, which will be discussed below.

1.When declining composite ordinal numbers only changes the last word, which is a simple ordinal number, and the rest of the words, which are simple cardinal numbers, remain unchanged and always stand in the form of them. n. True, the latter does not always apply to words thousand, million, billion etc., denoting round numbers over a thousand. These words as part of ordinal numbers are used in them. n. only if they are not preceded by another numeral (one thousand fifty-nine; one million eight hundred and forty-three etc.) or preceded by a numeral one (one thousand three hundred and twenty-eighth; one million six hundred and first etc.). In the same case, when before the words under consideration there is any other numeral (except one ), they are always used in the form genus. n. At the same time, after the numerals two , three and four the words in question are used in the form genus. p. units h. (two thousand seven hundred and nine; three million four hundred and eighth etc.), and after the numerals five, six, seven..., thirteen..., thirty..., forty..., one hundred... (seven thousand two hundred and five; forty million five hundred two etc.). AT general view the declension pattern of compound ordinal numbers can be represented as follows:

For example: one thousand nine hundred and thirty seven the year will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people(im. p.); And this copy of the book was without one hundred and forty third pages(genus p.); The work had to be handed in twenty-eighth number(dat. p.); Get away with it a hundred times, but on one hundred and first get caught(vin. p.); According to archaeologists, the Trojan War took place somewhere between one thousand two hundred sixty one thousand two hundred and fifty years BC. e.(tv.p.); The tercentenary of St. Petersburg will be celebrated in two thousand three year(preposition p.).

Note. Recently (apparently, under the influence of the widely used ordinal number two thousandth) in the media began to meet the form: two thousand and first (second, third ...) year. Such use is considered unacceptable. Regulatory form: two thousand one (second, third...) etc.

2. When declining compound cardinal numbers every word changes. In other words, in order to correctly form the case forms of such a numeral, it is extremely important to decline all the words included in it separately, as shown above. At the same time, the words thousand, million, billion etc. as part of the considered numerals can be used both in singular and in plural. h. In the form of units. h. these numerals are used if 1) they occupy the initial position (one thousand forty-seven, one million two hundred and ten etc.); 2) they are preceded by a numeral one (one thousand seventeen, one million three hundred seven etc.); 3) they are preceded by a numeral two three or four , and the entire compound numeral is used in the form of them. or wine. P. (three thousand two billion etc.). In the form of many h. these words are used when they are preceded by some other numeral (five, six..., fourteen..., three hundred), as well as the numeral two three or four in any case, except for them. and wine. P. (three hundred million seventeen thousand etc.; three thousand four million etc.). It is also extremely important to pay attention to the fact that in those cases when the entire composite number is used in the form im. or wine. p., but words thousand, million, billion etc. preceded by some other numeral (except for the numeral one ), then after the words two three four numerals thousand, million, millibillion etc. P. are used in the form genus. p. units h. (two thousand; three billion etc.), and after the words five, six..., ninety..., two hundred etc. - in the form of a genus. n. pl. h. (forty thousand; two hundred million etc.). The declension pattern for compound cardinal numbers can be represented as follows:

Them. P. twenty two thousands nine hundreds fourty four
Genus. P. twenty two thousand nine hundred magpie four
Date P. twenty two thousands nine hundred magpie four
Vin. P. twenty two thousands nine hundreds fourty four
Tv. P. twenty two by the thousands nine hundred magpie four
Suggestion P. about twenty two thousands nine hundred magpie four

For example: Ninety nine lunar months are close to eight solar years in number of days(im. p.); To change the beginning of the Roman year to January. Caesar extended the previous year to four hundred forty five instead of three hundred fifty five days(genus p.); Leap year equals three hundred sixty six days(dat. p.); In the modern calendar, a discrepancy of one day is formed only for three thousand three hundred twenty three of the year(vin. p.); The ancient nineteen year calendar cycle was measured six thousand nine hundred thirty-six for days(tv.p.); His work dealt with three hundred twenty thousand one hundred seventy-four unaccounted minutes(preposition p.).


1 . Almost all the words included in the composite quantitative numeral have the same forms. and wine. n. At the same time, the word one thousand (if it occupies the initial position or is preceded by a numeral one ) and one (female numeral one ) in wine n. a special form is used (one thousand, one). At the word one (in m. R.) the form of wines. n. can coincide with both the form im. and the form genus. n. It depends on whether the given numeral is combined with an animate or inanimate noun (had seen one human, but: one pencil).

2. In colloquial speech, one can often find "simplified" constructions with compound cardinal numbers, when (as in ordinal) only the last word changes (without one thousand three hundred and fifty six copies) or just the first and last words (with one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three kilograms). Such uses are considered non-normative and are unacceptable in modern Russian.

3. All fractional numbers (except words one and a half and a hundred and fifty) are composite. Their first part, naming the numerator, is ϶ᴛᴏ a cardinal number, and the second, naming the denominator, is ordinal (three-quarters; three hundred twenty seven five hundred and forty nine etc.). Accordingly, during declination, the first part (numerator) changes as a quantitative numeral, and the second (denominator) - as ordinal (in both cases - either as a simple or as a composite), i.e. in the numerator it changes every word, and in the denominator - only the last. Almost all fractional numbers have the same forms. and wine. etc., however, you need to pay attention to the following: if a fractional number is in the forms of these cases, then its last word (ordinal number) is used in the form of gender. n. pl. h. (three fourths; seven ninths; twenty four forty sevenths etc.), i.e. the last word will have the same forms of three cases: im., genus. and wine. n. This does not happen only when the part that names the numerator is represented by the word one or ends with this word. In this case, the forms of the named cases will differ (n. p. - one sixth; thirty one forty two ; genus. P. - one eighth; twenty one fifty fourth ; wines P. - one fifth; one hundred one two hundred thirty fourth etc.). At the same time, the word one and the last word of a fractional numeral are used in the form f. R. In general, the declension pattern of compound fractional numbers can be represented as follows:

For example: five ninths degrees Celsius equals one degree Fahrenheit(im. p.); From one hundred thirteen two hundred and eighty-fifth it is very important to subtract seventeen twenty eighth (genus p.); To change from the Réaumur scale to the Celsius scale, you need to multiply the temperature value by five fourths (vin. p.); Dilute the resulting mixture three fourths cups of cream or milk(tv.p.); Choosing the required coefficient, we settled on two hundred fifty four seven hundred twenty three (preposition p.).

Note. In those cases where we need to name the quantity expressed mixed number(i.e., a number containing an integer and a fractional part: 9 3 / 5; 7 13 / 8, etc.) or a decimal fraction (0.125; 4.18, etc.), we use a special combination of words (six point seven fifteenths; twenty-four point and eight hundredths etc.). The first part of this expression consists of a combination of a cardinal number and the word whole. After the numeral one word whole changes as the corresponding adjective in the form g. R. (one whole; one whole; one whole etc.). After the rest of the numbers (two... , seven..., twenty... etc.) the given word changes as the corresponding adjective in the plural form. h., but at the same time in them. and wine. n. he uses the same form as in the genus. p. (named and wine. p. - twenty whole; genus. P. twenty point; dates P. twenty whole etc.). The second part of the expression under consideration is a fractional numeral and, accordingly, changes as shown above. Note that the union "and" can be used between these parts. (two whole and seven fifths etc.).

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, in order to correctly form and use case forms of numerals, it is extremely important to remember and learn 1) the main types of declension of simple numerals; 2) the rules governing the change of compound quantitative, compound ordinal and compound fractional numbers; 3) the rules governing the use of the word one, as well as words thousand, million, billion etc., when these words are part of compound numbers. At the same time, it is extremely important to remember the following: if a word changes within a compound numeral, then it almost always changes exactly in the same way as the corresponding simple numeral.


The correct use of numerals is not limited only to the ability to form their case forms. Noteworthy are the features that appear when combining numerals with nouns. Speaking about such features, it is extremely important to note that, firstly, not every noun can be combined with any numeral: there are a number of restrictions governing such compatibility, and secondly, the phrase “numeral + noun” for different categories of numerals can be built on basis of different types of communication.

Most of the restrictions governing the combination of numerals with nouns are semantic in nature.

So, for example, whole quantitative and ordinal numbers are usually combined only with nouns that name specific objects and concepts, in other words, they are combined with nouns that name something that can be counted, something that can form a single homogeneous series (two days, second day; five pencils, fifth pencil; three earthquakes, third earthquake etc.). And, on the contrary, these numerals cannot be combined with real ones. (milk, cereals, sand etc.), collective (youth, relatives, students etc.) and abstract, abstract (glow, modernism, yellowness etc.) nouns.

Just like quantitative and ordinal, the indefinitely quantitative numeral is combined with nouns several (several books, several phenomena etc.), but the rest are indefinitely quantitative (lot, little, a little, a lot, as much as etc.) are combined not only with specific (many friends, so many books! etc.), but also with real (lots of cream, little coffee, lots of water! etc.) nouns, since the things called by these nouns, although not countable, can be measured.

All fractional numbers (except the word one and a half hundred) can be combined with specific nouns, but far from all, but only with words denoting objects that can be counted both in whole and in fractional units (remember the funny answer - one and a half excavators- to which the hero of the cartoon “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” came, solving the problem), i.e. in parts of which they consist or into which they are divided (five-sevenths of the text͵ an hour and a half, two-fifths of a bucket etc.), as well as (but in this case - except for the words one and a half and one and a half hundred) with collective nouns and words that are plural. h. can acquire the value of collective (three-quarters of our youth, four-fifths of the dried fruits brought in, two-thirds of the voters, nine-tenths of the delegates etc.).

Fractional numeral a hundred and fifty used in the same way as quantitative numerals. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, in its internal form, this word names a fractional quantity - 1½ from 100, which allows it to be included in fractional numbers. But, on the other hand, in its lexical meaning, it is synonymous with the numeral one hundred fifty , i.e., names an integer. It is the lexical meaning that influences the use of this word.

Wherein the largest number errors occur when using collective numerals, since more restrictions are imposed on their compatibility in modern Russian. Collective numbers (two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten) can only be used 1) with nouns m. and obsh. r., denoting persons (three friends, two boys, five bores etc.); 2) with nouns denoting children of a person or young animals (seven kids, five kittens, three children etc.); 3) with nouns people, faces, as well as those that are formed by transition from adjectives or participles and call a group of people (two people, three suspicious persons, four acquaintances, six unknowns, seven vacationers etc.); 4) with nouns denoting paired objects and used only in the plural form. h. (two trousers, three sledges, five days etc.); and also 5) with personal pronouns we , you and they (there were three of us, two of them, three of you etc.). Here it is extremely important to note that, although in modern Russian there are nine collective numerals (from two before ten ), in speech (both written and oral), only six of them are actively used (from two before seven ).

Note. Since integer cardinal numbers do not have such strict restrictions on compatibility with nouns, in situations where a collective numeral can be used, equal use cases arise: six teenagerssix teenagers, five puppiesfive puppies etc. In some cases, preference is given to only one of these options. So, for example, it is preferable to use the collective numeral a) with m. r. nouns that have in them. n. ending -a: three men, four young men); b) with m.r. nouns denoting persons and formed by transition from adjectives or participles: seven playing three escort etc.); c) with animate nouns in oblique cases: hostess four kittens, mother three children etc. (undesirable: three men, seven playing, mistress four kittens etc.). On the other hand, it is preferable to use the quantitative numeral a) with some nouns m.r., naming persons by profession, occupation, position, etc.: three professors two engineer, five majors etc.; b) with inanimate nouns in oblique cases: near five days, for six sleigh etc. (undesirable: three professors, on six sleigh etc.). However, in combination with the word clock the choice of a collective or quantitative numeral is meaningful (cf.: lacks six hourslacks six hours).

Nouns and numerals are inflected parts of speech; as part of phrases, they can be combined either on the basis of agreement or on the basis of control. At the same time, among the numerals, those are distinguished that 1) always agree with the noun; 2) always control the noun; 3) allow both types of syntactic connection.

1. Always agree with nouns, that is, they depend on them and stand in the form of the same gender, number and case as the noun, all ordinal numbers (first rain; first window; about first winter etc.) and numeral one (one kilogram; one a book; one paddle etc.).

2. They always control nouns, that is, they are the main ones in the phrase and “require” the noun to stand in a certain form, all fractional numbers (except for words one and a half and a hundred and fifty ), the words thousand, million, billion etc., as well as four indefinitely quantitative numbers: a lot, a little, a little and quite a few . As for these last words, they (see above) are used only in them. and wine. n. The noun, combined with these indefinitely quantitative numerals, always stands in the form of gender. n. At the same time, if the noun is used only (or mainly) in the plural. hours (for example, some real ones: waste, yeast, sweets etc.; specific, usually denoting paired items: watches, trousers, golfs, shoes etc.; specific, changing in numbers: wallwalls, wolfwolves, daydays etc.), then it will be the form genus. n. pl. h. (lot damage, few of money, Little cream, quite a few problems etc.). In the same case, when the noun is used only in the singular form. hours (usually real: sugar, sand, water etc.), this will be the form genus. p. units h. (lot snow, few milk, Little acids etc.). Fractional numbers (except words one and a half and one and a half hundred) also control the form of the genus. p. units or many h. nouns, but in this case the choice of the form of the number has a different conditionality. In such combinations, the same noun can stand both in the singular form and in the plural form. h., and it depends on the meaning that we want to convey (cf.: three quarters bucketsthree quarters buckets; two-thirds Housestwo-thirds houses etc.). As can be seen from the examples given, in the case when a fractional numeral names the number of parts that make up the object itself, called a noun, this latter is used in the form of units. h. (four-fifths way, one eighth work, three tenths kilometers etc.). In the same case, when an object called a noun is one of the components of a certain set, and the numeral names a fractional number of such objects relative to their total number, the noun is used in the plural form. h. (eight ninths voting five eighths apartments etc.). The words thousand, million, billion etc. always control the form of the genus. n. pl. h. nouns (about thousand projects, with millions residents etc.).


1 . It has already been mentioned above that in order to name the amount expressed as a mixed number or decimal fraction, we use a special combination of words in speech (forty two point five etc.). Please note that a noun used with such a combination will be syntactically associated only with its last part, i.e., a fractional number. Accordingly, in combinations such as thirteen point three percent , four and twenty-three hundredths kilometers etc., the noun is used in the form of gender. p. units h.

2 . Word one thousand in tv. n. has two forms (see above). The form thousand always governs the clan. n. pl. h. nouns (thousand toys , with thousand apology etc.), and the form thousand , along with management (with thousand friends , with thousand rubles etc.), allows colloquial speech and agreement with a noun (with thousand friends , with thousand rubles etc.).

3 . The rest of the numerals are all quantitative (except for the word one and words thousand, million, billion etc.), all collective, two fractional (one and a half and one and a half hundred), indefinitely quantitative as much as and some (as well as everything formed from them: so much, any etc.) - within the same phrase, both types of the named syntactic connection are allowed. At the same time, if the entire subject-quantitative combination is in them. or wine. etc., the main word is the numeral, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ governs the gender form. n. noun (three aircraft͵ four excluded, a hundred and fifty voters some turns etc.). In other forms of such a phrase (in genus, dat., tv. and prepositional p.), the main word is a noun, and the numeral agrees with it in the case (about ten commandments, three unknown, to one and a half units, without so many books etc.). In this last case, that is, when agreeing, as can be seen from the examples given, the noun is always used in the plural form. hours, and when managing the form of the number of a noun depends on which numeral controls it. So, for example, they always control the form of the genus. p. units h. whole cardinal numbers two , three four and compound quantitatives that end in one of these words (three disk, Fourty four siskin, one hundred thirty two example etc.), as well as a fractional number one and a half (one and a half hectares) so many and how many, if they are combined with real nouns that do not have plural forms. h. (dropped out so many snow, how many our milk cow!). The rest of the numerals considered here are all quantitative integers, starting with five (but other than thousand, million, billion etc.), all collective, word a hundred and fifty and indefinitely quantitative several, as many (the last two - in combination with specific nouns) - always govern the gender form. n. pl. h. (five cucumbers, thirty seven cuffs; three cubs, seven brave; a hundred and fifty things; some plates, so many contradictions etc.).

Note. In TV form. n. numerals denoting round hundreds from two hundred before nine hundred can both agree with the noun and govern it (with five hundred rubleswith five hundred rubles; with two hundred childrenwith two hundred children etc.). Both of these options are normative, but the first of them (with agreement) is mainly used in book speech, and the second (with control) in colloquial speech.

Concluding the conversation about the compatibility of numerals with nouns, let's consider three more cases, not without some curiosity, but nevertheless quite important, since they are often found in everyday communication. We will talk about combining numerals with words such as person, day and year .

Noun Human in modern Russian it is used only in units. h., and in cases where we need to use the plural form. h., we use the word people . At the same time, in combination with integer cardinal numbers, the word Human can be used as a unit. h. (with one human, three human etc.), and in the form of pl. h. (eight Human, ten people, with twenty people etc.), and the word people not used at all. In the form of many h word Human is also used with an indefinitely quantitative numeral several (several Human), with which the word is also not used people . And with collective and indefinitely quantitative many, few, as many etc., on the contrary, the word is used people (three of people, lot of people, so many people etc.) and the word cannot be used Human .

Noun day used only in plural. hours and according to the rules must be combined with collective numbers (see above). At the same time, there are only nine collective numerals (from two before ten ), and in life we ​​often have to deal with a large number of objects called by a given noun. Accordingly, to denote this larger number, we use integer cardinal numbers (fifteen days, fourty days etc.). Moreover, usually with the word day only collective nouns are used two , three and four , and with a quantity of 5 to 10, two variants of use are acceptable: with a collective (five, six days) and with a whole quantitative (five, six days) numerals. In this case, the second option (with integer quantitative) is preferable and more frequent. On the other hand, since collective numbers are not part of compound numbers, but whole quantitative ones two , three and four not used with the word day in them. and wine. n. (in these forms they control the genus. n. h of the noun), a serious difficulty arises when the number of these objects is 23, 52, 164, etc., that is, it is expressed by a compound numeral, the last word in which two , three or four . Accordingly, if it is extremely important for us to indicate such a quantity, we must use a synonymous construction (forty three day, thirty fourth day etc.) or remake the sentence so that the combination we are interested in is in the form of any case, except for them. and wine. P.

In order to name someone's age or indicate a long period, we use a combination of a cardinal number with a noun in speech year . However, when combined with numerals two , three and four in the genus n., as well as with numerals five , six... , thirty..., hundred... etc. in them., genus. and wine. n. a different form is used - years . That is, the case forms of this combination look like this:

2, 3 and 4 5... , 40... , 200... etc.
Them. P. two, three, four years five..., forty..., two hundred..., years
Genus. P. two, three, four years five..., forty..., two hundred...,
Date P. two, three, four years five..., forty..., two hundred...,
Vin. P. as in them. P.
Tv. P. two, three, four five..., forty..., two hundred
for years mi..., for years
Suggestion P. two, three, four years five..., forty..., two hundred...,

For example: These two years flew by like one minute; Fourty years indian age(im. p.); Οʜᴎ lived around sixty years old not to mention two years separation when he served in the army(genus p.); To four years old he has already learned to read, five years already wrote in French;(dat. p.); promised three years waiting, but it will happenand thirty years (vin. p.); On this expedition we donated four years comfortable life; Vanya was seven years older than Petya(tv.p.); O three years spent on Sakhalin, he remembered all his life; Tikhon was frightened: what if in these seven years which the cuckoo guessed, and the rest of his life is concluded?(preposition p.).


1 . Indefinitely quantitative numbers a lot, a little, a little, a lot used only with the form years , and the numeral as much as and some behave in the same way as numerals five, six, seven... etc. (how many years, to several years, so many years etc.).

2 . The words thousand, million, billion etc. in all cases are used with the form years (thousands of years, a million years, a billion years etc.).


1 . Which of the following words are nouns and which are not? Determine the category of the found numerals (quantitative or ordinal). Break quantitative numbers into groups: a) whole, b) fractional, c) collective, d) indefinitely quantitative. Determine which part of speech the words that are not numerals belong to.

pair three unit fourty
unity fortieth three some
lot first forty magpies dozen
two and a half third one a hundred
troika five the third triple
half thrasher one and a half double
once quite a few tripartite third
quarter five and one third trillion decimal
twins four times forty second At sixth
one hundred and eight a hundred and fifty so many four-fifths
eight hundredths zero two quarters seven

2. In the following children's poems and translations from English folk poetry, find the numerals and determine in which case they are used.

(1) Two legs on three legs,

And the fourth in the teeth.

Suddenly four came running

And they ran away with one.

Two legs jumped

Grabbed three legs

Shouted all over the house

Yes, three by four!

But four squealed

And they ran away with one.

(Translated from English by K. Chukovsky)

(2) Once Two Twelfth

Three Thirteenths were called:

- Come on, Three Thirteenths,

Let's go tonight!

- Oh, what are you, Two Twelfths,

- Three Thirteenths were confused,

- They will see Five Fifteenths,

What are you and me together!

(S. Pogorelovskiy)

(3) And they turned to the square,

and stands on the square

not a company, not a company͵

not a crowd, not a battalion,

and not forty, and not a hundred,

but almost a million!

One two three four,

and four times four

one hundred four by four

one and a half hundred by four,

two hundred thousand to four!

And then four more!

(D. Harms)

(4) Three are in the menagerie

We climbed into the lion's cage.

The third brother was torn to death,

And there were two brothers.

(Translated from English by S. Marshak)

(5) Shel Kondrat To Leningrad,

And towards - twelve guys.

Each has three baskets,

In each basket - a cat,

Each cat has twelve kittens.

Every kitten

There are four mice in the teeth.

And old Kondrat thought:

How many mice and kittens

Are the guys carrying to Leningrad?

(K. Chukovsky)

(6) One - ϶ᴛᴏ few,

And two is something

Three is a whole bunch

And more than all - One Hundred!

(Trans. with English G. Kruzhkova)

(7) Schoolboy, schoolboy,

Why so early

Are you in a hurry

Today in class?

You always

Come at eight

Tenth hour!

(Translated from English by S. Marshak)

3 . Put the following numerals and phrases into the genitive, instrumental and prepositional forms. Come up with sentences that illustrate the use of these

3. 3. 1 Declension of simple numbers

1. All ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives, that is, they have the same case endings, for example, greenfirst, weaksecond, harmfulfourth.

2. Collective numbers are also declined like adjectives, for example, bluetwo, about the oldabout four. Therefore, one must be careful when changing such numbers and not confuse their endings with the endings of the corresponding cardinal numbers.

Pay attention to the pattern of declension of collective numbers:

3. Cardinal numbers have several different systems of case endings.

Specific endings have numerals one, two, three, four, one and a half, one hundred and fifty, forty, ninety, one hundred.

One two

One, one two One Two
I. P. One two R. P. One two D. P. One two V. P. One / one two / two T. P. One two P. P. About one about two One two One two One two One two/two One two About one about two

Three -

Three four five six twelve forty, ninety, one hundred
I. P. Three R. P. Three D. P. Three V. P. Three / three T. P. Three P. P. About three four four four four four four four five five five five five five Forty Forty Forty Forty Forty Forty

Numerals one and a half and a hundred and fifty have only two case forms: nominative - accusative and all the rest - one and a half and one and a half hundred.

Numerals forty, ninety, one hundred also have only two case forms: nominative - accusative and all the rest - forty, ninety, one hundred.

Numerals thousand, million, billion, trillion etc. are declined similarly to nouns with the same endings, for example, earth - a thousand, about the table - about a billion.

3. 3. 2 Declension of complex numbers

In the formation of case forms, difficulties can be caused by a change in complex numbers ending in -ten, and numerals ending in -hundred. These numbers in the structure one words have whole two endings - one, as usual, at the end of the word, and the other - in the middle, similar to the ending of simple numbers (from " two" before " nine"), For example, fifty, sixty, seventy, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred. The first part of the numeral is declined in the same way as the corresponding simple numeral, for example, what? three and three hundred, eight and eighty; how? seven and seventy, nine and nine hundred.

Please note that in the composition of complex numbers, the numeral hundred leaning (- one hundred, -stami, -stakh), while when used as an independent name for a number, it has only one case form - one hundred. It should be remembered that such complex numbers are inclined both parts - by analogy with simple numbers. It is especially important to correctly decline such numerals in the instrumental case.

Declension pattern for complex numbers:

I. P. Sixty R. P. Sixty D. P. Sixty V. P. Sixty T. P. Sixty P. P. About sixty Eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred eight hundred about eight hundred

The words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot should be attributed to one of the varieties of numerals - indefinitely quantitative. These indefinite numbers are declined as adjectives, for example, oldfew, funnyso many, oh gentleabout a few.

3. 3. 3 Declension of compound numbers

1) For ordinal compound numbers, only the last word is declined, for example, two thousand four, two thousand four, two thousand four etc.

2) For quantitative compound numbers, all the words that make up their composition are declined, for example, four hundred and forty-four - four hundred and forty-four, one thousand six hundred and seventy-nine - one thousand six hundred and seventy-nine, thirty-five thousand five hundred ninety-three - thirty-five thousand five hundred ninety-three. That is, in order to be able to use a quantitative compound number in the correct form, you should remember the following rule: in a compound quantitative number it declines each word by analogy with simple and complex numbers.

Pay attention to the pattern of declension of compound numbers.

I. p. R. p. D. p. V. p. T. p. P. p. Two hundred and ninety-nine Two hundred and ninety-nine Two hundred and ninety-nine Two hundred and ninety-nine Three thousand one hundred and fifty three Three thousand one hundred and fifty three Three thousand one hundred and fifty three Three thousand one hundred and fifty three Three thousand one hundred and fifty three About three thousand one hundred and fifty three

3) Fractional numbers - compound numbers (except one and a half and a hundred and fifty). The first part (numerator) is a cardinal number, and the second (denominator) is ordinal. Therefore, the first part changes like an ordinary cardinal number, and the second part changes like an ordinal number, for example, seven ninths - seven ninths, thirty-two fifty-fourths - thirty-two fifty-fourths, three hundred forty-two six hundred ninety-fifths - three hundred forty-two six hundred ninety-fifths.


Exercise 1.Decline numbers in writing.

Five soldiers, seven kids, one and a half sheets, one and a half hundred people, twenty-five hundredths, thirty-eight ninety-sevenths, 1789, 19 pies, 493 years, 1167 wagons, 17456 years, 795328 examples, little money, so many people, a few berries.

Exercise 2.Read the fragments of the article about the activities of Russian Railways, using the numerals in the correct form.

1. In total, about 260 km will be built in the region. new lines and 2.5 thousand km. second ways. 2. A new overpass at the Obukhovo station with a length of more than 170 m now connects the Nevsky and Frunzensky districts. 3. Recently, the Alexander Farm overpass was opened, the total length of which is more than 730 m, the width is about 23 m. will be tested with a maximum speed of at least 275 km/h; and in total, Russian Railways will purchase 8 trains with a cost approaching 273.6 million euros.

Exercise 3Rewrite with numerals.

1. The Pyramid of Cheops, built about 4,600 years ago, originally had more than 146.7 meters in height and a volume of about 2,520,000 cubic meters, and about 2,350,000 limestone monoliths went into its construction. 2. So, in those days, the famous and formidable robber Merzavio, the most terrible villain of all villains, was in charge of the mountains of Brenda, with his 21 henchmen, 50 thieves, 30 thieves and 200 accomplices and hiders. (K. Chapek. A robber's tale). 3. The St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, built over 150 years ago, was famous for 184 bridges and differed from foreign roads in that its gauge was 1524 mm., Not 1435 mm. 4. So, when exactly one year and one day had passed, Frantisek Korol again appeared before the court on charges of murdering an unknown person and stealing 1,367,815 kroons 92 hellers and, moreover, a toothbrush. (K. Chapek. "Traveling Tale"). 5. The oldest Egyptian ship known to us was assembled from 1224 parts and had a displacement of about 40 tons and a length of more than 430 cm. nuclear power plant was equal to 13, 4 thousand horsepower. 7. The temperature on the surface of Mercury during the day rises to 427 degrees, and at night it drops to -183 degrees. 8. The diameter of the Earth is 12756 km; it is located at a distance of about 149.600.000 km from the Sun. 9. At the beginning of 1739, the 38-year-old mechanic Henri Cotua from the French town of Lambert, 245 miles from Paris, managed to create and place on a board no more than 299.3 centimeters long and 4148.67 centimeters wide, a layout of his hometown in 3/236 of natural size, in which there was a place for 6584 barns, 3849 shops, and on 687 streets and 226 alleys filled with 4787 human figures, at least 2857 trees and 456 bushes “grew”, only the production of which took 22 (days) .

Exercise 4. Read the statistics about France using the correct form of the numerals.

The area of ​​France is about 547,030 square kilometers, and its population is more than 59.2 million people. The average life expectancy of a Frenchman is approaching 77 years. The national gross product of the country is about 1334 billion dollars. The composition of the ground armed forces of France - more than 241,000 people. The average summer temperature in Paris fluctuates between 23.4 and 25.6 degrees. When entering the country, the tourist is required to declare the amount of more than 7576 euros. The cost of an average hotel room ranges from 76 to 91 euros. In 1993, in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Louvre Museum, more than 170 new rooms were opened in the Richelieu pavilion with a total area of ​​​​about 21,540 square meters.

Exercise 5. Find morphological errors in sentences, correct them.

1) For one visit to the party, Paris receives about one and a half million dollars.

2) This actress lived a long life and died only in 2005.

3) It was spent about four hundred - five hundred dollars.

4) The temperature there rises to four hundred and seventy-five degrees.

5) More than six hundred and eleven million rubles were allocated for these purposes.

6) He paid for his frivolity with five hundred dollars.

7) Here more than five hundred hectares of land are occupied by crops.

8) Today there are over two hundred thousand prisoners in correctional institutions.

9) More than three hundred and forty pieces of equipment were thrown to clear the rubble.

10) This outrage continued for a year and a half.

11) Ukraine owes Russia five hundred million dollars.

12) Today we lack one hundred and sixty thousand.

The declension of numerals does not have a single pattern. In the "Russian Grammar" of 1990, it is represented by two types: substantive and adjective. The first one includes:

  • 1) declension of numbers from five before ten and numerals on -twenty (eleven, twelve etc.), -ten (fifty, sixty etc.);
  • 2) declension of numbers two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals on -hundred;
  • 3) declension of numbers fourty, ninety, hundred and numerals one and a half (one and a half) and a hundred and fifty.

The second type includes declension on the model of adjectives with two varieties:

  • 1) declension of numbers two, three, four;
  • 2) collective declension (including words both, both) and indefinitely quantitative numbers.

Below are the main patterns of declension of numerals with the corresponding comments.

Declension of cardinal numbers

Numeralsone (one, one, alone)



Neuter gender













like I.p. and R.p.



like I.p. and R.p.




(about) one

(about) one

(about) some

Numeralstwo, two, three, four, 5 20 ,30


Two(m. and s.r.)




5-20, 30 change like nouns f.r. on the -b











like I.p. or R.p.

like I.p. or R.p.






(about) two

(about) three

(about) four

(about) eight

Type numerals50—80 , 200—400 , 500—900






two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundred


two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundred


two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundred


two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundred


two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundred

(about) sixty

(about) two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

(about) six hundred

Numerals40 , 90 , 100 , 1 1 /2

Numerals eight and eighty in etc. keep the fluent vowel e: eight, eighty. The absence of a fluent vowel is typical for colloquial speech: eight, eighty.

In complex numbers like sixty both components are inclined: sixty, sixty. Incorrect use in etc. forms sixty instead of sixty.

Complex numbers of the type six hundred in T.p. have the form six hundred, the form six hundred characteristic of colloquial speech.

The literary norm corresponds to combinations of a numeral with a noun of the type to six hundred rubles, with six hundred rubles, and not to six hundred rubles, with six hundred rubles; resist 150 tanks, be one and a half meters away, and not to resist one and a half hundred tanks, be one and a half meters away.

Compound numbers with a word hundred in T.p. can be combined with nouns in the same case (with three hundred inhabitants), which corresponds to the literary norm, combination with nouns in R.p. (with three hundred inhabitants) is a colloquial variant.

When using cardinal numbers with the preposition on in the distributive meaning, the forms V.p. and D.p.: sixsix thousand, tenten notebooks. The modern norm corresponds to V.p., to traditional use - D.p. Indefinite-quantitative words lot, some, how many, so many also allow variant use: a lot - a lot of exercise. But the forms of V.p. are conversational here.

Declension of compound numbers



seven thousand four hundred and seventy eight

seven thousand four hundred and seventy eight

seven thousand four hundred and seventy eight

seven thousand four hundred and seventy eight

(about) seven thousand four hundred and seventy eight

In compound cardinal numbers, each word is declined (table). Word one thousand combined with words one has in T.p. form is not thousand, but a thousand; For example: one thousand three hundred and twenty two.

AT oral speech declension of compound numbers is often simplified:

  • a) only their initial and final components are declined ( dictionary with two thousand three hundred eighty-six illustrations);
  • b) only their last component is inflected ( dozens of employees worked in twenty-three offices).

This usage is not in accordance with literary norms.

Declension of fractional numbers

If the numerator contains the number 1, then the form f.r. is used to designate it. one; the denominator is an ordinal number in I.p. female: 1 / 2 — a half, 1/ 7 — one seventh.

If the numerator contains the number 2, then the form f.r. is used to designate it. two: 2/ 5 — two fifths, 2/ 7 — two sevenths.

When declining fractional numbers, both parts change (table).

Declension of indefinite-quantitative words

Indefinite-quantitative numerals Little, lot bow like words few, many(table).

Declension of ordinal numbers


Numerals (except the third )

The third







the third













like I.p. or R.p.








(about) first

(about) second

(about) ninth

(about) thirtieth

(about) thousandth

(about) third



















like I.p. or R.p.








(about) first

(about) second

(about) ninth

(about) thirties

(about) thousandths

(about) third

Ordinal numbers, except the third, are declined in the same way as adjectives with a solid stem (such as difficult). numeral the third inclined according to the soft version (table).

Collective declension

Numerals2 (two) — 10 (ten)


















like I.p. or R.p.






(about) two

(about) three

(about) four

(about) five

(about) ten

Numeralsboth(M.R. and S.R.) and both(female)

In V.p. collective numerals with inanimate nouns have the form I.p., and with animate nouns they have the form R.p.

When declining a numeral both(m.r. and cf.r.) stem ends in - about (about about-them), when declining the numeral both(female) - on -e (about e-them) (table).