How to enter the medical academy on a budget. What items should be taken to the doctor? What exams are taken in medical school? What to submit

Studying at a medical college increases the chances of successful admission to a medical school. Experts note that approximately 95% of medical college graduates become students of medical institutes, and more than half of them enter state-funded places.

Admission to a medical college becomes possible after graduating from the 9th grade of a comprehensive school. On the basis of incomplete secondary education, training lasts three years and 10 months, then students can take tests at a medical university on a simplified basis. Most of these colleges cooperate with higher educational institutions of the medical profile or are part of the structure of medical universities.

Submission of documents

Reception of documents lasts until August 1. In case of a shortage of the required number of students, the deadline can be extended even until the end of September. You will need to provide:

  1. Help 086 / y.
  2. Application to the director of the college.
  3. Six photos 3x4.
  4. Certificate of completion of 9 classes.
  5. The passport. If not yet issued, then any other form of identification.
  6. Characteristics from the place of previous studies (if required).

A very important point upon admission is a decent result in the Unified State Examination and high scores in the core disciplines: chemistry and biology. For any college, a sufficient level of knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is required. In some faculties, the requirements are more stringent and knowledge of mathematics may be required.

Main specialties

To know how to enter a medical college, you should decide on the direction of training. Medical colleges implement training programs for the following specialties:


Don't go to extreme levels of anxiety and constantly wonder how to get into med school. It is better to be well prepared for entrance examinations. To begin with, secure a high GPA in the school certificate and fill gaps in knowledge of the Russian language and biology. Most likely, upon admission, you will need to pass a written exam in the Russian language and an interview in biology. For some majors, an interview in chemistry or a written exam in algebra may be added to biology.

According to the innovations, applicants entering after the 9th grade are enrolled on the basis of the results of the GIA, and graduates of the 11th grade - according to the final grades of the Unified State Examination. But the management of most medical colleges provides its applicants with the opportunity to go through the enrollment procedure through passing entrance exams. If you are not sure about the results of the USE and GIA, it is safer to prefer the exam option.

Graduates of the 9th grade study on average 3 years and 10 months, graduates of the 11th grade - one year less.

Effective assistance in admission will be provided by studying at the preparatory courses at the chosen college. Usually the duration of such courses is from six months to a year. If you chose the option with admission based on the results of the Unified State Examination and the State Academic Examination, but failed to pass the competition, do not despair. It is practiced in medical colleges to organize special days when everyone can take entrance exams.

A higher medical educational institution is one of the most insurmountable obstacles for applicants on the way to gaining knowledge. Before entering a medical university, you should specifically and objectively determine for yourself: the profession of a doctor is your calling or not. From a practical point of view, the best thing to do is to go to a couple of hospitals and explain to the doctors the situation that you want to enter a higher medical school and want to understand from a practical point of view whether you need to practice medicine or not. The profession of a doctor is very difficult, but, nevertheless, it is possible to master it. Although there is a lot of frightening information, both on the Internet and in the media, about what an incredibly difficult everyday life of a doctor, because of which a considerable number of applicants who wanted to try to enter a medical school change their minds, but for many it is worth it.


What exams do you need to pass to get into medical school?

If you see yourself in the future as a medical worker, make medicine your profession, if you are attracted to the work of a nurse or paramedic, you will have to take exams at a medical school in the near future.


Is it hard to get into medical school?

Medical universities are among the most prestigious universities in the country, in connection with this, the competition for a place is very large. Is it hard to get into medical school? Yes, it is difficult, however, as in many universities of a different profile Russian Federation. A university is one of the highest levels in a person's life, but if it is overcome, radically new opportunities open up. When an applicant submits his documents for admission, there are exactly two options for the outcome of the event: the applicant either enters or does not enter. To enter or not, 90% depends on the applicant himself.


medical academy exams

Examinations to the medical academy are held among applicants in the age category 16-22 years. For military personnel, the age limit has been moved up by 2 years. The state of health must be satisfactory, tests are carried out in the month of July. The results of the USE for many institutions of this profile are not enough.


How to enter the medical academy?

The medical academy is the highest educational institution. Since medical academies provide higher specialized education, the competition for applicants is quite high. As for statistics, the number of people per place coincides with the statistics of medical universities. From a practical point of view, statistics do not matter. For example, to enter any agricultural university is not difficult, in comparison with any medical university. Many universities of the country, in order to improve their economic condition, have opened and are opening new faculties, providing the applicant with new specialties. Concerning medical academies, then everything here is very simple and strict: new specialties are not opened, and old ones are not diminished.


Admission to medical university

Medical University- the highest level of specialized medical education. Before taking the first steps towards obtaining a higher specialized medical education, you need to accurately and thoroughly determine for yourself whether medicine is your calling or not. In the media there is a lot of very different information on this topic. Some advise to go ask the current doctor how he works.


When a young man has finished school, he faces difficult task choosing who he wants to be. When a graduate asks himself whether to go to medical school, he must be aware of what advantages there are and what disadvantages to beware of.


How to get into medical college?

Medical College provides secondary specialized medical education. Secondary medical education implies direct specialized care for patients. If you are firmly convinced that you will cope with the assigned duties, then boldly begin to prepare for the upcoming admission.


Preparation for admission to medical school

preparatory stage in high school medicine is the most difficult process for an applicant. If we are talking about the specifics of preparing for admission to a medical university, then you have finally decided on the choice of an educational institution.

So how go to medical school?

A few tips from a person who has successfully coped with this.

1. To get into medical school, you need to be passionate to want. Longing to be a doctor. You should be driven not by the desire to have a prestigious medical degree, not by the desire to follow in the footsteps of your father or mother, continuing the medical tradition of the family. You should sleep and see how you treat sick tummies, save people from death, operate with the risk of contracting hepatitis B or D, perform a medical feat as a country doctor. Perhaps you want to study thousands of surgical knots, or develop new model a prosthetic arm, or transplant hearts, or save human beauty after a burn disease. If anyone can talk you out of going to medical school, don't.

2. Suppose you are sleeping and see yourself as a medical student. You are attracted by the romance of a white coat, and the Hippocratic oath seems so solemn to you. Then your path is cramming. Bison on the subway, Bison at home, Bison at school. Bison with a tutor. Think, understand, analyze, solve problems, write down constants, laws and rules in special notebooks, carry them close to your heart, read with fanaticism, buy expensive textbooks, read more than you need according to the program. Study the program inside and out.

3. Go to the university you want to enter, a year or two before admission. Go there during the abitura period (and not at sea with mom and dad). Go to the admissions office, take a list of recommended literature there and teaching aids issued by the teachers of this university. Visit a bookstore or medical school shop. Listen to your heart - does this whole atmosphere touch you? Go on an excursion. Ask a student to take you to a museum on campus or to a laboratory. Talk to those who entered: with one, with another, with a third. Find out the features of admission to this particular university.

4. Prepare every day. Every day, little by little, move towards your goal. Quantity turns into quality. Get everything out of you. Pass the exam for the maximum score. Make your admission to medical school an inevitability.

Should I pay a bribe to get into medical school?

Of course you pay! Especially if mom and dad have money. If you light up, then you will be milked, carefully passing from hand to hand, like Burenka or Dawn, from one pulpit to another.

Although, which is typical, they practically did not take bribes from us. It was painfully principled that the teachers got caught. One I remember now. Her eyes were fixed, unblinking. It was impossible to write. And if you didn’t know something, then it was yours and only your problems. You had to cram without drying out, as every doctor must cram for six years!

By the way, the average memory scores of graduates of a medical university are among the highest compared to universities in other areas. Long years of cramming and the inability to miss seminars and lectures, many hours of homework every day - this is the basis of everything in medicine.

Recipe for admission to medical:,
from 90 points on the exam in biology,
from 90 points in chemistry,
from 90 points in Russian.
Get ready every day.