Momento sea 2 passage. Memento Mori Walkthrough

The second part of the epic drama Remember Death begins right in the footsteps of one of the two options for a happy ending of the first part of the quest, which was incredibly difficult to achieve, because it was necessary to take into account all even the smallest details, events and cues in all previous chapters. According to this particular ending, Max and Lara get married and spend their honeymoon in a luxury hotel in Cape Town, South Africa. Max feels quite tolerable and even slightly stout, although he is often tormented by nightmares and visions of the Angel of Death. Lara finally feels like a married lady and her soul is quite calm, except that she is slightly worried about Max's mental state after all the events of the first part experienced.

Max's curiosity and his craving for antique art leads them to the Cape Town Museum, where a daring theft of ancient rarities was recently committed, the origin of which carries a mystical background. During the investigation, Max gets into a strange accident in which he remains unknown. main question- did he himself die in this accident on the cliff of a winding mountain road, or was he involved in a brutal murder and decided to hide from the police in this way!? Lara has to re-plunge into all the vicissitudes of the complicated case of the theft of ancient relics in order to find her unlucky hubby!

Without revealing the details of the plot, more details should be said about the specifics of the quest and combination with items. Those players who are familiar with the first part should remember well that each new item in the inventory can not only be enlarged, but also rotated in all directions with the mouse. This is extremely necessary to find other objects in it - smaller ones, or to discover secret records and clues to future puzzles on it or inside. As for the puzzles themselves, there are much more of them here than in the first part, and some are quite complex, since they require exactly the rotation of the object in the volumetric space and careful consideration of it from all sides. When comparing fingerprints, you will need extreme care and sharp eyesight, and when picking up pieces of torn forms on a copier, you will need an exact match to the millimeter along all torn edges. The reward for successfully solving the puzzles will be cumulative completion points that will make one of the three possible endings more joyful in the personal life of Max and Lara or very successful in their financial plan! There will be no sad or tragic endings here, unlike the first part of the quest, but depending on the choice of some of the leading lines, Lara can expect success or trouble in the service! Well, as for Max himself, it is unlikely that events can happen to him that are more dramatic than in the first part - here, as they say, "having taken off your head, you don’t cry for your hair"!

Walkthrough - Page 1

Walkthrough written for the German version of the game

with English subtitles


"Memento Mori 2" is a non-linear third-person game with classic point&click controls. To perform basic actions in the game, use the left mouse button, and for detailed inspection, use the right mouse button. The inventory is located at the top of the screen and appears when you move the mouse cursor over it. To inspect an item in your inventory, right-click on it. There are three buttons on the right side of the inventory: a diary, highlighting active points and exit to the main menu. The journal records the highlights of the game, stores documents and records, and also displays the statistics of the completion of the chapters and the actions you choose that affect the end of the game.

Nonlinearity does not affect the passage itself, but only affects the end of the game. The ending of the game depends on the lines chosen in the dialogues, several actions in the game and the statistics of the passage of each chapter. The higher your passing stats, the more likely you are to get a good game ending. Game statistics are not taken into account in all acts of the game, but only from 2 to 6 acts inclusive. Do not rush when passing the game, think about every action. Having made one wrong rash step, you will not be able to fix anything. This passage describes one hundred percent statistics of all chapters.

ActI. moon and stars

September 27, Cape Town, South Africa


Playing as Max

The game begins in a hotel room, where the newlyweds are celebrating their honeymoon. At three o'clock in the morning the phone rings. We pass the phone to Larisa, after which she will ask to bring her a pen to write down the information that her boss Rainier will tell her. We go out to the balcony overlooking the sea, take from the table pencil and exit the zoom by clicking on the cross in the lower right corner of the screen. In the inventory, select the pen and give it to Lara, after which she will ask you to bring her paper. We move to the table to the right of the balcony, from portfolio We take out our diary and car keys. We close the zoom window by clicking on the cross in the lower right corner of the screen, and by selecting the diary in the inventory, hand it to his wife. While Lara writes down information, we decide to go to the bathroom and wash. We follow into the bathroom, going into the door on the right, and by clicking on the sink in front of the mirror, we wash ourselves. We watch a short video in which Max is visited by a vision. We leave the bathroom, talk with Lara, and then take her diary from her and read it. We focus on Lara's notes in blue ink, from which we learn about the theft of several exhibits in the local gallery. The police could not find enough evidence and closed the case, after which the owner of the Katlego gallery turned to Interpol and asked for help in the investigation. We click on the doors to the right of the table with the travel bag, and laugh it off when the wife asks why Max left the bathroom so pale. Going down to the parking lot, we remember the diary entry in which Max writes that he rented an old Volkswagen Beetle car. The desired vehicle is on our left. We apply the keys to the car door (you can click on the car door without keys), and on the map that appears, select the gallery.


We go into the building, where we get acquainted with the owner of the gallery - Pascal Catlego. We ask the victim for details of what happened, and we learn that the investigation was carried out by Captain Nomuso, who should come to the gallery any minute. While waiting for the policeman, Pascal offers to read the newspaper with an article about the closure of the case and get acquainted with the list of the kidnapped. From this moment on, our diary has a division into tabs. First tab " Diary”, in which Maxim continues to keep his notes. Second tab " Documentation» - all text files and documents found as you progress through the game are placed here. We go to the "Documents" tab, and on the first page of the newspaper we read an article about the closure of the case, and turning the newspaper over, we look at an article about the earthquake. We take from the rack list of stolen and, having studied it, we learn that three exhibits were stolen: a set of two figurines, gold coins and a stone head. We close the list, after which Maxim will visit another vision. The attentive wife notices this and takes Max aside for a few words. We tell Larisa about the visions and, having promised to take the pills, we return to Katlego, where we meet Captain Nomuso. The policeman is not very happy about our appearance, but he hands Lara the case materials and leaves, and finally he says that we can ask him all questions at the police station. We ask Larisa for permission to look at the case materials, and we look through them. We learn from the documents that the offender broke an unbarred window and entered the gallery, after which he broke the window glass and took out the exhibits. All fragments were examined, but only one fragment of a fingerprint was found, which is not enough to identify the identity of the thief. Not much! We discuss a fragment of a fingerprint with Lara, and the spouse reports that the print is considered suitable for identification if it has three minutiae ( minutia - features unique for each imprint that determine the points of change in the structure of papillary lines (ending, bifurcation, rupture, etc.) - Note. author ). We need to try to scan the fingerprint and send it to Interpol. We approach the woman registrar, ask her to scan and send a print to Interpol, to which she happily agrees. We interrogate Pascal, asking him all the proposed questions. We learn that on the night of the theft, he was in the Port Elizabeth guest house, which is located on the opposite bank, but he did not remember the name of the hotel. We follow the registrar, ask her and find out that the hotel where Pascal spent the night is called Manor 38. In inventory, right-click to examine the photo with the broken shop window, the photo of the window and the fingerprint. We talk on all the proposed topics with Lara and follow to the windows, going to the right of the reception desk. On one of the showcases, we use a photo of a broken showcase and find the one from which the exhibits were stolen. On the floor to the right of the showcase we notice blood stain. We study showcase ledge, on which the criminal left a fingerprint, and find the place where the fingerprint was left. We discuss the findings with Lara and understand that they will not help us in the investigation. The last hope was to find evidence on the window. We return to the main hall and from there we pass to the windows to the left. The problem is that we do not know through which window the perpetrator made his way, because during this time new glass has already been inserted and bars have been installed on the windows. We examine any window, and then - one of the drawings on the tapestry above the windows. We apply a photo of a broken window to the tapestry and, according to the drawing on the tapestry, we determine through which window the thief made his way. We study the bolts on the grate on the right, which block the door, and we understand that they cannot be unscrewed with bare hands. We click on the lattice itself and remember that the police did not examine the window itself, but only fragments of glass from it. We learn from Pascal that only the glass was replaced in the window, and the frame remained the same. We return to the windows and go up the stairs to the left. We see metal rod sticking out of the fence and pick it up. We get down, we return to the main hall and from there we go to the double doors. We left the museum building. We approach our car, use the keys to open the trunk, which is in the front of this car model, and take out the tool box. Close the trunk by clicking on the cross in the lower right corner of the screen. We take out the box with tools by clicking on it with the right mouse button in the inventory. Open the box by clicking on its lid, and take out the pliers from it. Without closing the drawer, we pull the red tabs in the tool box, thereby raising the panel and under it we find several nozzles for tools of different diameters. We use the pliers in the inventory on the rod, thereby compressing one end of the rod. You probably already guessed that we will put nozzles on the rod, but do not rush to do this yet - we will return to this later. Between the machines we find a sewer hatch and, having applied a rod to it, we bend it. We go around the gallery building on the right, remove work overalls from the scaffolding and return to the car. We sit behind the wheel and go to the hotel for the pills that we promised to take.


We go up to our room and immediately notice that the room was put in order and something was left on the bed. After examining the bed, we find a stack of towels on it and badge. We pick up the badge, take it out of the inventory by clicking on it with the right mouse button. We click on the front side of the badge with the left mouse button, and Max will read the name on it - Patresh Ngubani. We turn over the badge and now click on the back side with the left mouse button - we find out the number of the reception 111. We pass to the right side of the room, where we find the phone on the cabinet. We pick up the phone, dial the reception number 111 and, having informed about the found certificate, we promise to bring it to the registration desk. We step to the briefcase on the cabinet, take out pills from it and choose: take one pill (1 replica) or take a pack of pills with you (2 replica). We leave the room, go down to the parking lot and return the badge along the way. We call Lara, tell the story about the badge and boast that for the return of the certificate, we were presented with a box of chocolates. We sit in the car and go to the gallery.


Open the toolbox and lift the panel. We apply the rod to any tip. We go to the window, use a bent rod with a nozzle on the bolts, but the registrar will not allow us to open the window.

We speak with Josephine, we present her a box of chocolates, after which she will allow us to open the grate.

We approach the window, use the rod on the bolts and carefully listen to what Max says. Max should comment on whether the nozzle fit or not. In the event that the nozzle does not fit, then it should be a larger diameter or smaller. Going through the nozzles, we find one that fits in diameter. The size of the nozzle for all players is different and is determined arbitrarily, in my case, a nozzle with a diameter of 19 mm turned out to be suitable. Having opened the grate, in the lower corner of the frame we find small nail with a piece of cloth from a glove and inspect it. We report the find to Larisa and decide that fingerprints could remain on the frame. We talk with Katlego and learn from him that since the theft, only two workers have touched the frame. Lara calls Captain Nomus, asking for a fingerprint kit and fingerprint samples of the workers who changed the glass and installed the bars on the window. We say goodbye to Pascal and go to the hotel. We watch a video in which the newlyweds return to the hotel. Lara receives a call from Muriel and learns that the fingerprint sent to her failed to identify her identity. Immediately, Larisa receives another call, but this time an unknown voice tries to scare Lara and strongly recommends not to take on this investigation.

September 28, Cape Town, South Africa

Police station

Waking up in the morning, we get into the car and go to the police station. We go down the screen, start a conversation with the captain and ask for a fingerprint set and prints of two workers. Namuso tells us to take a set from the shelf, and the fingerprints will automatically appear in our diary, but there will be a fingerprint of only one worker in the inventory, because. the second wears gloves. He will also ask you to sign the form on the table for the fact that we rented a fingerprinting kit. We examine the table at which the captain is sitting. We take out the pen from the inventory and sign the document. We study the photo on the table and take the sunglasses. We move to the cabinet behind the column, take a small suitcase with a fingerprinting kit from the bottom shelf and pay attention to the book on the top shelf. We move away from the cabinet and examine all the active points: a tie on a chair, a diploma on the wall, a copier, an unplugged fan and a board with newspaper clippings behind the captain. We leave the site and go to the gallery.


We pass to the windows, where we speak with Lara and learn that she found a blood stain. We take out a fingerprint kit, read the instructions for use and follow it. We take out a bottle of ninhydrin powder and put it on the windowsill. We take a brush from the set, dip it into the powder and draw it over the wooden frame of the window. You need to hold the left mouse button with the brush on the window. When a fingerprint is found, we carefully apply the powder to it and, when it is enough, Max will report it. In the event that the brush runs out of powder, Max will also inform us about this, and we will need to apply the brush again to the jar of powder. We find six fingerprints, which are indicated in the figure below.

Now we take out a black adhesive tape from the set and apply it to all found fingerprints. We talk with Larisa and persuade her to compare fingerprints herself, and not send them by mail. We return to the window, click on the folder with documents in the lower left corner, after which the folder will open. The window is divided into two parts: on the left side are the fingerprints that we took from the frame, and on the right side are the employee's fingerprints and a fragment of the print that we found on the display case. Let's exclude the employee's fingers from the fingerprints found. We click first on the first print on the left side of the window, and then on Philip's second print in order to enlarge them. On each of the prints we find three distinctive micro patterns, which Larisa calls minutiae. First, we find one pattern and click on it, after which a red arrow appears suggesting that we find the same pattern, but on the second print. We define all three minutiae in the same way. The correct solution is shown below.

If the patterns are determined correctly, then automatically one print is superimposed on another, and Max calls whose print it is. Now we examine a fragment of the criminal's imprint. In the left window, select the middle print in the bottom row, and in the window on the right, a fragment of the print. We mark on the prints three identical patterns shown in the screenshot.

Select the first bottom print in the left window and the same print fragment in the right window. We define patterns as shown in the figure.

Now select the last top print in the left window and the same print fragment in the right window. We mark the patterns as shown below.

Of the three prints, we get one and, together with his wife, decide to send it to Interpol, once again asking Josephine for help. We talk with the registrar on all topics, and then select the print in the inventory and give it to be sent to Interpol. We communicate with Larisa and Pascal. From the conversation we learn that two figurines were raised from the sunken ship of the SS "Maori" during an underwater expedition led by Pascal. The former owner of the statue found out about this and sued Katlego, but Pascal won the case. We assume that one of the descendants of the owner of the figurines could steal them, and we tell Larisa about our assumption. We leave the gallery, get into the car and go to the harbor.


We notice a few boxes on the left, inspect them and take out a piece of cardboard. We are trying to go to the Drunken Sailor bar, but it turns out to be closed, and will probably open only in the evening. We go up the stairs and go into the office of Henders and Company. We talk with Roxburgh and find out that the Maori SS ship belongs to the Henders company, which went bankrupt 30 years ago. The man brings and puts on the table all the documents that he could find about the ship of interest to us. Notice on the hanger on the right baseball cap and, after asking permission from Roxburgh, we pick it up. We go down the stairs, at which we notice the included projector, and we pass to the desktop. From the table we take the cutter for cigars, and then we open the ship's log. From the magazine we get a list of cargo and a list of passengers. The pages are badly damaged, some of them are torn, while others, having got wet, were printed on adjacent pages. We ask permission from Roxburgh to use the projector and borrow documents. Having received consent, we rush to the projector and apply damaged sheets to it. Without turning over, we connect the two scraps of the right page.

Police station

We pass down the screen, use the sheets from the ship's log on the copier and exchange a couple of phrases with the captain. We take the copied sheets from the top slot of the copier, leave the site and return to the harbor.


We follow to the projector and lay out the photocopied papers on it. Our task, using six sheets, is to lay them on top of each other so that you can read the text printed on them. To move sheets, use the left mouse button, and to rotate, use the right mouse button. In the lower left corner of the screen we see six icons, each of which refers to a specific sheet. When you move the mouse cursor over an icon, the sheet to which this icon belongs starts blinking. When you click on these icons, the sheets turn over. At the bottom of the screen, you can not miss the big button " Increase”, clicking on which, we bring the sheets closer. The same effect can be achieved by scrolling the mouse wheel. We mentally number the sheets in the top row from the first to the third, and in the bottom row from the fourth to the sixth. We act like this:

Turn over the first sheet by clicking on the corresponding icon in the lower left corner. To the right of the word sowande"we see a badly printed letter" L". The same letter L»we notice in mirror image on the second sheet. Turn over the second sheet by clicking on the icon in the lower left corner. With the left mouse button we transfer the second sheet to the first, and then with the right mouse button we tilt it so that the letters match. It should look like the picture below.

In the upper left corner we find the beginning of the word " Ame", and on the third sheet we see the continuation of the word" merica". With the left mouse button we transfer the third sheet to the second, and by tilting the sheet with the right button, we adjust the letters.

Now after the word American» appears the letter « E". On the fifth sheet we find the word " Express» in mirror image. We click on the icon in the lower left corner in order to turn over the fifth sheet. With the left mouse button we impose the fifth sheet on the third, and with the right mouse button we join the letters.

Now, after the title AmericanExpress”, the letter “ is visible WITH". The continuation of the letter will be part of the word from the fourth page " company", and together it turns out" company". We transfer the fourth sheet to the fifth with the left mouse button and rotate it with the right mouse button so that the inscriptions match.

If the sheets are correctly positioned, the window will automatically close. We saw the words "Sowanda LeClerq" on the papers and ask Roxburgh if he knows what they mean. The man reports that there is a very rich old woman, Zenzele LeClerk, and he marks the place of her residence on the map. We leave the office and drive to the gallery by car.


We report the information received to Larisa, we leave the building and together with our wife we ​​go to the LeClerk estate.


Pop-up inventory - at the top of the screen. Exit to the menu - in the upper right corner (or Esc), where you can load or save the game.

If, when hovering over an object, the cursor takes the form of a circle with a gear and an eye, it means that it can be viewed with the right mouse button, and with the left button - to perform some action.

Items in the inventory can be rotated and perform various actions with them (for example, open an envelope or open a penknife). Some objects on the screen can also be viewed by turning the camera left and right.

Combining items - in the inventory, by imposing on each other.

Using items - if you bring an item to where you plan to use it, and a green circle appears next to it, then the item is used correctly (if the circle is red, it is incorrect).

Run, skip cutscenes or speed up dialogue - double-click the left mouse button.

Tab - highlight active points on the screen.

Act I. Moon and star

We play for Max. The action begins in a hotel in Cape Town, where Lara and Max came to rest. Lara gets a call telling her about a theft at a local gallery and asking for help. Go to the balcony, where there is a picture on the easel, and take a pencil from the table. Give the pencil to Lara. Look in the briefcase on the table at the back of the screen, take the car keys and the diary. Go to the bathroom, click on the sink. After the cutscene, return to the bedroom. On the street, use the car keys on the old Volkswagen.

Arriving at the gallery, you will automatically talk to its owner, Katlego, and receive the latest newspaper. Take the list of stolen items from the counter. Lara will offer Max to lead the investigation. After that, a Nomus policeman will appear and give Lara a folder with a case. Take the folder from her and check it out. Lara will advise you to send the photos to Interpol.

Examine the photographs in your inventory. Go right to the storefronts. Get the photo of the broken showcase and apply it to the middle showcase. Zoom in with the left mouse button inspect the metal frame of the display case and apply a photo of a fingerprint to the frame. Then you need to inspect a tiny blood stain to the right of the display case on the floor.

Go to the windows and apply the photo of the window to the patterns above them. When you find the window through which the criminal climbed, inspect the grate (Katlego will allow you to remove it), then the grate bolts. You will need a tool.

Climb the ladder and pick up the rod leaning against the ladder posts. Go outside and open the trunk of the Volkswagen (with the car keys). Take the tool box. In inventory, open the drawer and take the pincers. Combine the rod and pliers - the rod will flatten. Use the rod on the sewer hatch to get a bent rod. Return to the gallery to the window.

Open the toolbox and press the tab to remove the top cover. There are nozzles inside. Apply the rod to any nozzle. As soon as you try to unscrew any bolt, the administrator will prohibit it. Lara will offer to negotiate with the administrator.

Return to the hotel. Look at the made bed and find the badge that the maid lost. Examine the badge and turn it over in inventory - you will find the reception phone (111). Go to the briefcase and take the pills (or pack). The phone is to the right of the bathroom door. Call reception. Return to the car - as a reward for finding the badge, Max will receive a box of chocolates. Go to the gallery and give the candy to the administrator. Now she will allow you to open the window.

Going through the nozzles (they need to be put on a bent rod), select the size at which Max will unscrew the bolts (each time different). Examine the open window and examine the carnation. Talk to Lara. A cutscene will start in which Lara will give Max a locket.

Go to the police the next day. Go left to the captain and ask for a fingerprinting kit. Then approach the table, take out a pencil and sign the form to receive the kit. Take the sunglasses from the table, the set is in the closet opposite. Go to the gallery.

Apply the set to the window. Take the vial (Max will remove the cap). Take the brush (Max will put it next to the bubble). Click on the vial (Max will dip the brush into the powder). Hold down the left mouse button and drag along the frame with a brush. When you hit the first print, rub it until Max says it's enough. If the powder runs out, click on the vial. When six prints are identified, a film must be attached to each of them (in the set - a dark-colored square).

Max will consult with Lara and decide that the prints need to be identified. You will automatically go to the window. A folder with prints will appear in the lower left corner of the screen - click on it.

You need to increase the imprint of the criminal on the right sheet. Then, among the six prints on the left sheet, you need to choose this one:

Find the same lines on both the left and right sheets, and mark them with the mouse. You must find three matches, after which new lines will be added to the criminal's print, and a green checkmark "Criminal" will appear on the verified print on the left sheet.

Likewise, one should note the coincidences here.

And then here.

Now you have a clear imprint of the perpetrator.

Attention! Not all six prints on the left sheet belong to the criminal.

After talking with Lara, give the imprint to the administrator. Cutlego will offer to continue investigating in the harbor.

Go to the harbor. Climb the stairs at the back of the screen and meet Roxburgh. He will bring the old logbook of the ship "SS Maori". Look in the magazine and pick up a couple of sheets, put them under the projector in the center of the screen. Attach the torn piece to the right page. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to read, as the sheets of tracing paper are translucent. Go to the police, where, as you may have noticed, there is a copier. Make copies and return to the projector.

Now you need to superimpose one sheet on another and find new information. This is the starting position.

At first, it is easier to free the table from the sheets by moving them around the corners. With the left mouse button, pull out sheet 1 to the center. Click on the lowest icon in the lower left corner of the screen to turn the sheet over. Click on the leaf to "unhook" the mouse.

Take sheet 3 and put it on sheet 1. You need to combine them like this (to correct sheet 3, right-click on it and turn it in the right direction; focus on the letters marked in the screenshot with a red circle).

Unhook the mouse. Click on the second icon from the bottom in the lower left corner of the screen to flip sheet 2. Place it on sheet 3 like this.

Turn over sheet 5 and place on sheet 3.

Take sheet 4 and carefully place it on top.

If everything is correct, the video will start (sheet 6 is not needed at all). Max learns about the "Sowanda LeClerq" estate. Go to the gallery for Lara and go to the estate.

The gates are open; when you pass through them, you will immediately get to the garage. Step right to the front door and ring the intercom. A servant will come out and refuse to let you in. We need to come up with something.

Go to the gate and inspect the structure on the left (it turns out to be a mailbox). Examine the letter sticking out of the slot - a technician should come here today. Sit in the car. On the way, Max will stop near a broken van. Talk to the technician who repairs the car. Here's the solution: you need to pretend to be a technician. Consider what he looks like: jumpsuit, glasses, baseball cap with logo, mustache. Examine the cab of the van and pull out the badge from the technician's green jacket. Notice the blue repair company logo on the van cab door.

You already have sunglasses (for those who didn't take them: they are on Nomusa's table).

Go to the harbor. Climb up to Roxburgh and pick up the baseball cap hanging on the hanger. From the table where the logbook lies, take the cigar cutter. On the pier, inspect the boxes and take the cardboard.

Return to the estate and go to the back entrance. Examine the flower box on the balcony - there is a pruner, but you can't reach it. Take the nozzle in the stone drain. If you put it on a lying hose, the nozzle will pop out - you need an o-ring. In inventory, open the cutter by pressing the button and cut off a piece of hose. Go past the front door to the table on which the door is drying. Approach the table and quickly steal the aerosol bottle (if you don’t have time and the servant kicks you out, you need to ring the intercom again and then, while the servant walks through the house from the front door to the door to the garden, quickly rush to the table and steal the aerosol). Go to the gallery.

Remove the adhesive and brush from the fingerprint removal kit. Find a paper cutter on the administrator's desk and use a piece of hose on it - the sealing ring is ready. Go outside, go right to the scaffolding and take the overalls.

Return to the estate. At the back door in inventory, combine the o-ring and the end of the hose, then the nozzle and the end of the hose. Use the hose on the flower box and take the pruner.

Go to the van. Zoom in on the door, place a cardboard box on the logo, use a pencil on the cardboard box. Then combine cardboard and secateurs - you get a stencil. Next, combine the stencil and baseball cap, aerosol and baseball cap. Combine secateurs and a brush, glue and bristles - you get a mustache.

Drive to the hotel, enter the bathroom and zoom in on the mirror. Apply mustache, glasses, cap and overalls to Max's reflection in the mirror. Go to the estate and ring the intercom.

When you are in the living room, look around the bookcase and read the information about the four African gods. Walk left to the coffee table and examine the open book. Here you will find a poem about these gods. Then examine the tapestry on the wall depicting the four gods. You will have information in your diary on how to identify each god (Yemaya is blue, Shango is red and white, Elegua is red and black, Oya is burgundy). Remember how the gods are located in relation to each other.

Go to the bookcase and find the box on the table against the right wall. Here you will need to apply the information received and arrange the figures on the lid of the box. This is one of the options for tags. The squares are rotated by pressing the buttons with the left mouse button, adjacent squares are swapped by pressing the buttons with the right mouse button.

When writing this walkthrough, a dispute arose as to how to consider the location of the gods: from the god's side or from the player's side (in mirror image). For example, "Yemaya greets Oya on her left." This can be interpreted as "Yemaya on the right, Oya on the left", or vice versa: "Yemaya on the left, Oya on the right." Similarly, the other two gods are Shango and Elegua. So, both options work. It is important that Yemaya and Oya are at the top, and Shango and Elegua are at the bottom.

Below is one possible solution.

When Max reads the court decision about the impossibility of returning the figurines to Mrs. LeClerk, she herself will appear. After the video, alive and unharmed, Max will return to the hotel and find out that the thief of the figurines is a certain Zola. Go to the police.

Namusa is wise. Ask Lara for advice: while Max is distracting Namusa, Lara will look into his computer. The camera will show a hint: a running fan.

look around active items(It is necessary to inspect as long as Max continues to comment). You have to look at the bulletin board behind Namusa, at his diploma on the wall between the windows, at the tie on the chair, at the photograph of his wife on the table, at the book about hunting in the closet. Then press the red button on the fan. Namusa's papers will scatter, and you can safely talk to him on different topics. The order in which you ask questions is important here, otherwise Lara will not have time to examine everything, and she will have to start over. Ask about a tie, a hunting book, a photograph of his wife, a hunting diploma, and newspaper clippings. If Lara stands behind Max, you have completed the task. Talk to Lara again (she got Zola's phone) and go to the hotel.

Examine Zola's phone in inventory and translate the letters into numbers. The number will turn out like this: 0216923534. Call Zola, but instead you will have to chat with an annoyed woman. She will send you to a bar in the harbor. At the bar, Max will talk to Zola, but he will not say anything. Go to the hotel.

At night, Max and Lara will return to the bar. The door is locked, but it can be easily opened with a bent rod. In the bar, go behind the counter, find the switch and turn on the light. Examine the painting behind the counter (with Hemingway) and pull the nail. There will be a safe inside.

Go to the entrance and examine the menu on the wall. Find a Hemingway cocktail and write down the ingredients. Go to the checkout and look at the price sheet. Write down how much each ingredient in your cocktail costs. Should be: 15, 20, 12, 10. Then zoom in on the safe.

It consists of eight cylinders, each pair (top and bottom) is one number or the cost of one ingredient. For example, if the first ingredient costs 15 units, put "1" in the top cylinder and "5" in the bottom cylinder. When you're done, pull the handle. Examine the letter in the safe.

After the cutscene, go to the estate. Another cutscene will follow, after which control will pass to Lara.

We play as Lara. Examine the motorcycle, then zoom in on the Volkswagen. Inspect the seat, fender and wheel of the car (you need to inspect as long as Lara comments). Talk to Nomusa.

Act 1: Moon and Star

I encourage you to right and left click on all active objects, read the comments, as well as viewing objects in the inventory. It is really worth the time as it might help in solving some puzzles, or to gain points.
Many puzzles can be done in many different ways and with the same end result.
One of the early examples is the box puzzle that you find inside LeClerq Manor:
The above puzzle has one correct ending (pic 2) But how many tries/ ways you use to get from pic 1 to pic 2, is not important. Using 10 tries and solve the puzzle has the same result as using 1000 tries.

The same goes for interaction with "hot spots" in game.
Best example is when to take the overalls that can be found near the Art Gallery. You can take them on the first visit, or wait until the latter in game, you need to make a disguise.

Be a detective and use your wits:) Good luck and fun in game.

Get a case.
September 27, Cape Town, South Africa

Something to write with:
Lara gets orders from Renier and asks for something to write with.
Go to the desk on the right side of the balcony door.
Take the diary and the car keys from the valise on the desk.
Go to the balcony and pick up the pen on the table and look at the unfinished painting.
Give the diary and the pen to Lara.

Go forward to the office at left and talk to Captain Nomusa.

Max borrows the fingerprint kit.
He allows Max to get the kit with the fingerprints of the 2 workers. One of the workers, Nozi Nyamela wore gloves.

Give the print to the receptionist and she will send it to the same place as before - Interpol.

Lara found info about the statuette that Kalego confirmed. He financed an underwater expedition that found the statuettes on the SS Maori. A legal battle ensued with the lawyers of some distant relations of the previous owners of the statuettes. Katlego won the lawsuit.

They need to go to the port to see if they can find the cargo list of SS Maori.

Harbor investigation part one

LeClerq Manor part one.

Automatically talk to Roxbough. Learn that LeClerq is a really rich old lady, and for a bit of money, Roxbough gives you the address of the LeClerqs.

Before leaving (if you did not do it before), take the baseball cap on the coat rack.

Go back to the gallery and talk to Lara. They need to go to the LeClerq Manor.

Inside the Manor.

Investigating the Manor

Go to the right side of the room. See an altar with skull and open book.
Examine the skull and open book - illuminated manuscript.

Summary of the 3 information of the Gods:

Position on the box

Yemaya is blue
Oya is burgundy red

top left and right

Burgundy red - Oya

Elegua is red and black.
Shango is red and white

bottom left and right

Red & black - Elegua

Red & white - Shango

Examine the box left of the skull.
See that the squares are made up of the drawing of the Gods seen on the tapestry.
Review the position and appearance of the gods from the books and the tapestry - check above.
Arrange the squares to form the gods in their correct position.

Read the envelope. Learn that the lawyers resigned because Madame LeClerq will pursue getting the statues by other means.

Madame LeClerq is wheeled in.
The bodyguard is ready to throw Max out of the manor but was stopped by Madame.

Count to three until your wrath leaves. She knows Max" name. Max gets angry. She starts counting and Max gets a vision.

Find the thief.

Max talks to Lara and rants. There's no evidence to get Nomusa to arrest Madame LeClerq.
Muriel identified the fingerprint taken from the window. Tony Zola is the thief that broke in at the gallery.
Talk to Lara again about Madame LeClerq. She's dangerous.
Go to the police station.

Talk to Captain Nomusa. Nomusa initially denies knowing Zola and later checks his database - computer. He says they have been watching him for a while.

He told them to leave and he "ll take care of it.

Talk to Lara on what to do next.

Chapter I - Lyon, France.

You will start the game as Larisa Svetlova, an Interpol art crime specialist. By pressing the "Tab" key in any location, you will highlight all the interactive points on it. Areas marked in gray are where you can simply entertain your own curiosity, and red are those with which you are allowed to interact, including talking NPCs. This hint does not work on close-ups.

Living room in Larisa's house. Click on the phone to listen to the message of Ostankovich, who will ask you to call back as soon as possible. Look at the switch on the wall. With it, you can turn on the light in the room. The hostess does not want to go to the bathroom behind the nearest door, so get to the wardrobe in the opposite corner of the room, where she will change. Take the CD box from the table. Examine it in the inventory panel. After making sure that there is no artist's music album, go down. There is a marker next to the notepad that you can take with you. Take a look at the computer to see if it's broken. Examine the system unit from where you can remove the disk. Open inventory and insert the last one into the box. The resulting disk must be given to Larisa's friend - Muriel. Take a few steps to the window and turn on the TV. From the news release, it will become known about the death of the scientist Abramchikov. Larisa needs a cell phone to contact her former boss. First, find the charger to the left of the screen and put it in your pocket. Go to the window, and then follow the exit from the apartment, where the heroine's coat is hanging by the stairs. Search it to find what you're looking for. mobile phone. Its battery is dead, so you will have to go back to the computer again. Move the urn near the nearest wall. Insert the charger into the slightly opened socket, and then connect the cell phone to it. After a while, the phone will be ready for use. Use it and talk to Ostankovich, who will order you to find an art critic - Max Duran. Leave the apartment and choose a new location on the map.

Interpol courtyard. Look around and look at the guards. Chat with the black head of security. From the dialogue, it will become known about the vacation of the foreman, angry with questions about Muriel. Come inside.

Hall. Proceed to the elevator, where in the list of floors, select the one you need (the icon on the far left).

Larissa's office. Examine the notes on the wall and other utensils. Look at the phone and, by interacting with the written numbers on the cover, find out who they belong to. Turn on your computer. Read all emails, and also go to the database and look through the dossiers on the game's key characters. In one of the notes, a certain Pierre will ask Larisa to spend comparative analysis two canvases that are now stored in Interpol in order to identify a possible fake. Use the landline again. Contact Muriel at "302" to ask her to look for Max, and promise to return the disk through someone. Then dial Jennings' number and complain to him about the broken cell battery. Larisa will threaten him with an official complaint and demand to bring a new battery. Exit to the elevator and go to the second level.

Detection of a fake painting

In front of you on the table is a fragment of a painting (in the lower right corner). In the opposite side on the counter are samples of original paintings. Scroll through them one by one until you find the one that depicts a market on a busy market day. In the central plan, the same plot is visible as in the fragment. You should note at least three areas where the images on the sample and the fragment do not match. There are five such items in total. If you make a mistake, it will negatively affect the results of the investigation. To start the test, click the marker from the apartment on the table. An eraser is useful for erasing incorrect marks, and a magnifying glass is for magnifying the original canvas, during which you can continue to make notes. Find and mark the following 5 zones on the right fragment: the belly of a pig (center), an empty dark window on the porch, a plate (on the wall above from the center), an object with a long handle (leaning against the wall), a mouth of a fish (upper right). The fake has been exposed. Go outside.

Yard. Talk to Foreman Damien and ask him to give the disc to Muriel. At first, he will deny the love affair with the telephone operator, so choose the first line of behavior in the dialogue, letting him know that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Return to the office.

Larissa's office. Take the mobile phone battery and the note from Jennings on the table. Read it, and then open your cell phone in inventory. Rotate it until you see the cover. Click on it, and then take out the old battery and replace it with a new one. Look into the computer. On the tab for creating a new letter, select Pierre as the addressee and type a message for him about the results of checking the painting. Send a message. Get up from the table and look at the landline phone. Call Muriel and tell her the good news about the returned disc. In exchange, she will share information about the search for Max. Soon Larisa's phone will ring, and Duran will get in touch himself. After a conversation and a personal conversation in the park, Max will have to accept the conditions of Ostankovich and hit the road.

Chapter II - St. Petersburg, Russia.

Ostankovich's office. After the dialogue and the demonstration of the police dossier on Max, take a pass from the right side of the table, and a little lower look at the lighter and take it with you. Go outside and then head south. On the city map that opens, select a new available location.

Courtyard of the Hermitage. Look at the guard at the entrance and then at his unlit cigarette. Show him permission to visit the museum, but that won't help. Max will try to contact Ostankovich, but this will not bring results either. Now offer the watchman a lighter, feigning sympathy, and he will no longer bother you. Go inside and climb the stairs to the very top.

Big hall. The room is dark, but the lighter will provide the necessary illumination. There are also communication problems here, so go to the window and call Ostankovich. Having received the task to investigate the latest incident in the museum, take a look at the ancient vase, sculpture and urn, and then exit into the corridor through the right door.

Corridor. Look at the paintings and the video camera above the door. Examine the ropes of the fence and take the table with information about the restoration of the masterpiece. It's not easy for Max to complete the task in the dark, so go back to the window a screen.

Big hall. Call Ostankovich and complain about the impossible working conditions. Suddenly, someone's shadow flashes through the passage. Follow her.

Corridor. The stranger knocked down the fence. Pick up the pieces of rope on both sides, and then take a closer look at the fallen column. Rotate it until you reach the opposite side, from where you pull out the hook. Go forward along the dark passage. You can admire the paintings, and then take a look at the place of the disappeared masterpiece, and then repeat the experience, but with a lighter. Air currents will tell you the location of the secret door. Explore the area. Having learned what you need to open, try to do it, for which the previously selected hook will come in handy.

Steel arch. The red button opens the exit back. Pick up a stone cobblestone from the ground on the left side of the screen. Look at the railing and try to use the stairs down, but it wobbles. Take a look at the pipes and mechanism on the right. The main valve is rusty, but next to it there is a piece of an old rag, which you will carry in your pocket. Try tearing off one of the iron staples at the bottom in a close-up. The hero will need something for this, and the stone is just right. Take the rusty piece of metal. Go to the red button, open the door and click on the secret door with a stone to leave a loophole for your followers. This will later save Max's life. Return to the platform, tie the ladder to the railing with ropes and try to go down. Now Max is not satisfied with the darkness below. Wrap your brace in a rag, light a makeshift torch with a lighter, and throw it on the stone floor of the lower level. Get down. Look around and enter the small door.

Secret hall. A monk in a cassock works with a painting by Delaroche. Make several attempts to talk to him. Having not achieved a reaction, get over to the other side along the iron ladders. In the next dialogue, you will have to choose a negative line of behavior, after which Max will suffer a new misfortune.

Chapter III - Lyon, France.

Larissa's office. The heroine will chat with Pierre on the phone, receive a well-deserved gratitude, an assignment to set up equipment and the opportunity to ask Pierre to ask his friends from the police for details about the murder of Professor Abramchikov. Peek into the computer, read the useless email from the translator, Diego Jimenez, and the chromatograph article in the database to remember that third level calibration requires second level environmental conditions. Get down to the floor below.
Laboratory. Approach the large chromatograph.

Setting up the chromatograph

Examine the machine and find a fallen plug from the socket at the bottom of the device on one side. Correct this omission, and then find the switch on the top cover and put the device on alert. Next to the plug on the panel hangs a diagram-drawing. Study it to understand that the third calibration scheme is usually used for the first setup of the chromatograph. Look at the text screen. Select "3" and click the yellow "Start" button at the bottom. Next, specify "2" as the media type, "3" for the number of protocols, "1" for the specification, and "3" for the conditions. These last two numbers can be determined by simple enumeration. Return to the office.

Larissa's office. Look into the computer, where you read a letter from a friend of Pierre's from the police to find out that Abramchikov's death is similar in its signs to a strange suicide. Soon Ostankovich will call and tell about the incident with Max in the Hermitage. Larisa flies to help a friend.

Chapter IV - St. Petersburg, Russia

Ostankovich's office. Learn all about the details of what happened. Max was saved due to the fact that the door to the secret room was open. Go with Ostankovich to the apartment of Larisa's relative, where they will bring Max.

Aunt's house. Max feels bad, but remembers the stranger. He will go to bed, and Larisa will leave him some useful items and leave. Before that, you can still help her visit her aunt in the next room and chat with her. When Max wakes up, he is waiting for a meeting with his brother - Andre. Talk to him about everything, and then move the curtain at the top of the screen and take a can of dried green paint from the shelf. There is a notebook above Max's bed, which you can also pick up. Along the way, you can search the cabinets and inspect the kitchen utensils, but there is nothing useful there. Take a look at the table, where pick up a note and a mobile phone, kindly left by Larisa. The contact list there already contains the numbers of Max and Ostankovich's girlfriend. Look at the computer screen. Read the mail to find out that Max was not hired by a university in France. Then write a new letter, choosing Melvin as the addressee, on the advice of Andre. Max will type a message for him and send it. Visit Aunt Larisa and click on the Tarot cards. The woman will offer you to tell fortunes, draw 4 cards and find out more about Max's fate, although the hero will not want to turn over the fourth card. Later, Larisa finds out this secret for him. Get out and go to the museum.

Courtyard of the Hermitage. Go inside and go up the stairs.
Big hall. The museum is open, visitors are walking around, and in the urn there are photographs thrown out by someone. Walk right.

Corridor. The guard and the guest are arguing about something animatedly. Look at the video camera above the door to get a new lead in the investigation of yesterday's incident. Talk to the caretaker about the CCTV camera, and then talk to the visitor about the painting that went for restoration. The hero learned that the videos were taken to the police. Go out and visit the boss. Before entering the office, pick up a nearby copy of the newspaper.

Ostankovich's office. After talking with the policeman, you will understand that the experts did not find anything of value in the pictures. After that, ask Ostankovich for permission to look at them. Take the photos from the table and examine them in your inventory. Thus, the watchman's guilt will be proven.