Admiral D. Senyavin (SPbMTK)

Story educational institution begins on June 8, 1957, when Order No. 222 of the Leningrad City Department of Vocational Education opens factory training school No. 15 on the basis of the North-Western Order of the October Revolution of the river shipping company and the repair and maintenance base of the fleet. In 1962, the FZO school was transformed into vocational school No. 64, and in 1974 - into vocational school No. 64.

In 1991, SPTU-64 in Leningrad was reorganized into the Professional Fleet Lyceum, and then - by joining the Professional Marine Technical Lyceum in 2003 - into the St. Petersburg Marine Technical College.

St. Petersburg Marine Technical College today consists of three modern building complexes with classrooms, specialized classrooms, laboratories, workshops, computer simulators that imitate navigational and power ship equipment; training grounds; sports and wrestling halls; a swimming pool, stadiums with artificial turf, a boat base, a high-speed motor yacht and a training sailing vessel "Young Baltiets". All this makes it possible to implement a comprehensive system for training specialists in secondary education programs. vocational education in accordance with educational standards Russian Federation and the requirements of the International Convention on the Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers.

High qualification of teachers and masters of industrial training, extensive practical experience on sea and river vessels and enterprises of specialized industries provide high quality training of workers and specialists for the maritime industry using innovative educational technologies and teaching methods and the demand for college graduates in the labor market.

The success of the engineering and teaching staff was marked by state, regional and industry awards: ten of the teaching staff have the honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" and "Honored Master of Industrial Training of the Russian Federation", six employees were awarded the honorary badge of the governor "For the humanization of the school of St. Petersburg", fifty-three employees are marked with the badge "Honorary Worker of Vocational Education of the Russian Federation". Four members of the teaching staff became laureates of the Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg for outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary vocational education.

Every year, 450 people enter the first year of the college. The contingent of students is 1600 people of full-time budget education and 370 people of the evening-correspondence department. More than 6,500 adults a year are trained under the programs of vocational training, retraining of workers and advanced training of specialists.

To conduct simulator training of cadets and retraining of sailors in the college in 1997, a multifunctional training and training center was established. Ship equipment, software and hardware systems and training grounds of the center allow simulating various, including critical situations associated with the occurrence of equipment malfunctions and ship personnel errors. This makes it possible to safely train the crew in ways to prevent emergencies and actions in emergency situations to minimize their consequences.

In order to ensure unconditional compliance of the services provided in the field of training qualified specialists for work in sea and river transport with international and state requirements and expectations of consumers (graduates and employers), in 2004 the College developed and implemented a Quality Management System. In 2005, the college became the first institution of secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg to receive a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001.

The college is the winner of the National project "Education". The innovative educational program "Optimization of the process of training specialists for the sea and river fleet based on the introduction of integrated complexes that combine real ship equipment and computer simulators", developed at the college, in 2008 won the All-Russian competitive selection of innovative educational programs.

Taking into account the interests of St. Petersburg in the field of training for water transport and for the development of the system of secondary vocational education, since 2010 the college has been operating as an urban resource center. At the moment, the resource center is implementing an innovative educational program: "Internet portal as a mechanism to promote the development of additional and non-formal education of children in the direction of" maritime affairs "(through the organization of the work of the city methodological association)".

In order to improve the quality of educational services provided and to achieve economic independence as a successful, developing, stable institution with an established practice of obtaining significant extra-budgetary income, in 2010 the St. Petersburg Marine Technical College received the status of an autonomous educational institution.

College majors

Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment

  • Electromechanical technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Operation of ship power plants

  • Marine engineer, full-time, on the basis of 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes


  • Sailor, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 5 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes


  • Motorist (driver), full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 5 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Processing of aquatic biological resources

Waiter, bartender

  • Waiter, bartender, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 5 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Organization of transportation and transport management

  • Technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes
  • Technician, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Cook, confectioner

  • Cook, confectioner, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 5 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Navigator-assistant mechanic of a small vessel

  • Navigator-assistant mechanic of a small boat, full-time, on the basis of 9 classes, 2 years 5 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes


  • Senior technical navigator, full-time, on the basis of 9 classes, 4 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes
  • Technician-navigator, full-time, on the basis of 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Technology of catering products

  • Technologist, full-time, on the basis of 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, for a fee: yes

Exercise 1 of 5


jump off..wat

in love .. out

imply .. to

Check Next

Choose the word where the letter E is written in place of the gap

Exercise 2 out of 5





Check Next

Choose the word where the letter E is written in place of the gap

Exercise 3 out of 5



bow.. to bow

unobtrusive .. out

Check Next

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Purposeful and hard-working, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak strove to bring everything to perfection, and this influenced the biography of the life of the future writer: despite his boundless love for music, he abandoned his musical career, realizing that he could not reach heights in this field.

Exercise 4 out of 5

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 08:45 to 16:15

general information

St. Petersburg State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution “Marine Technical College named after Admiral D.N. Senyavin"


No. 2969 is valid Indefinitely from 05/15/2017


No. 1371 is valid from 12/26/2016 to 05/03/2018

About the college

More than fifty years of history of the St. Petersburg Marine Technical College is famous for its memorable traditions that are necessary for every educational institution that chooses to train future defenders of the country as its main activity.

In the college, specialties are available for development in four departments. The first department, ship-mechanical, offers applicants to receive secondary vocational education in the specialties "Operation of ship power plants”(basic and advanced profile), “Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation”. In addition, at the ship-mechanical faculty, the initial professional training of minders is carried out. The navigational department trains students in the specialty "Navigation" of basic and advanced profiles, it also trains navigators and sailors with an initial professional education. The Faculty of Technology trains ship cooks (NPO specialty), as well as future specialists in the following areas: “Processing of aquatic biological resources”, “Technology of catering products”. The Department of Transport Management implements the following educational programs for basic and advanced professionals: "Organization of transportation and management in transport (on the sea)", "Management (on the water transport)".

Graduates of the 9th and 11th grades of secondary schools can enter the college. The cadets of the school, mastering the specialties offered by the educational institution, become real citizens and patriots of their native state. Most specialties can also be mastered at the evening-correspondence department, in which case graduates receive a qualification corresponding to the basic level of education. The evening form of education implies the possibility of obtaining a number of NGO professions.

The educational process is organized at the most modern level, it includes the development of a number of theoretical disciplines, as well as a deep development of practical skills needed in future work. The learning process is led by experienced teachers with high level professional qualifications. The success of the teaching staff in the field educational activities were repeatedly awarded industry awards of regional and federal scale.

A resource center has been organized on the basis of the educational institution, the equipment and methodological support of which make it possible to provide educational services with maximum efficiency. An element of the resource center is also its own certification and medical department, where students can undergo specialized medical commissions, order laboratory tests, and simply use the services of qualified medical workers. The training and simulation department for future members of the seafarers provides the opportunity for high-quality training in applied aspects labor activity. The college even has its own printing house, which allows students and teachers to print the necessary documents and produce binding work. The sports base of the educational institution is represented by a spacious stadium, game, wrestling, gyms, an indoor swimming pool.