Methodological development on the topic: Quiz "Experts in psychology". Psychological games for high school students Ready-made quizzes in psychology 10 11

Quiz "Connoisseurs of psychology" is intended for students of secondary vocational education studying in pedagogical specialties and not only. In an entertaining, active, emotional form, it will allow you to test your knowledge in the field psychological sciences and increase interest in further education.




1 round
Team View

  • The team captain is determined;
  • Team name;
  • The captain introduces the audience to the team;
  • Motto.

Time for each team 3 minutes

2 round
Blitz - Poll

Definitions appear on the screen;

The team must name the concepts;

The first team to raise their hand answers.

Tour time 5 - 7 minutes

  • Adaptation of an organ, organism, individual or group to changing external conditions. Adaptation
  • Focus and focus mental activity to a specific object. Attention
  • The simplest form of mental reflection of objective reality peculiar only to man in the form of a holistic image. Perception
  • A mental phenomenon that becomes an incentive to action. motive
  • One of the main properties nervous system; a form of mental reflection that develops as memorization, preservation and subsequent reproduction and recognition of previously perceived, experienced or done. Memory
  • The totality of mental processes and phenomena. Psyche
  • The state of tension, depression, recession that occurs in a person or animal under the influence of extreme influences. Stress
  • The quality of personality, formed on the basis of a genetically determined type of human nervous system and to a large extent determines the style of his behavior and activities. Temperament
  • Cognitive process, the ability to create new images, on the basis of which new actions and objects arise. Imagination
  • property (process, state) of a person, manifested in his ability to consciously manage his psyche and actions. It manifests itself in overcoming obstacles that arise on the way to achieving a consciously set goal. Will
  • The ability of a person to understand the experiences of another person and empathize with them in the process of interpersonal relationships. empathy
  • The ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, relationships, willingness and ability to easily establish, maintain and maintain positive contacts in communication and interaction with others. Sociability
  • The quality of tolerance, condescending respect for other ideas, alien views, concepts, tastes. Tolerance
  • The psychological process of cognition associated with the discovery of subjectively new knowledge, with the solution of problems, with the creative transformation of reality. Thinking
  • A set of movements of parts of a person's face, expressing his state or attitude to what he perceives (imagines, ponders, recalls, etc.). facial expressions
  • Characteristics of the psychological properties, processes and states of a person that are outside the sphere of his consciousness, but have the same effect on his behavior as consciousness . Unconscious
  • A group of people identified on the basis of one or more characteristics that they have in common. Group
  • One of the processes memory, denoting the introduction into memory of newly incoming information. memorization
  • Emotionally colored, increased attention of a person to any object or phenomenon. motive
  • Individual development of a person, a set of successive morphological, physiological and biochemical transformations undergone by the body. Ontogenesis.

3 round

  • Teams come up with a stressful situation;
  • Demonstrate the behavior of people with different types of temperament.

Preparation time - 10 minutes

Show time - 5 minutes

4 round
Draw emotions

  • A team member depicts emotions without sound, the participants need to guess;
  • The team with the MORE emotions guessed wins.

Time - 3 minutes

5 round
Musical psychology

  • Teams must perform excerpts of musical compositions in which there are "elements" of psychology;
  • Teams take turns playing until one of them loses.

Time 10 minutes



Expert ______________________________

No. p / p



Team 1

Team 2


Compliance with the theme of the competition

Team coherence



Correct answer to question no.


Knowledge of temperament types

Correct characterization of temperament types




Number of emotion:




31 and over







Evaluation criteria

1 round

  1. Compliance with the theme of the competition - 1 point
  2. Team coherence - 1 point
  3. Creativity - 1 point

2 round

For each correct answer - 1 point

The maximum number of points - 21

3 round

  1. Knowledge of temperament types 1 point
  2. Correct characterization of temperament types - 1 point
  3. Creativity - 1 point
  4. Theatricality - 2 points

The maximum number of points - 5

4 round


1-10 - 1 point

11-20 - 2 points

21-30 - 3 points

31 or more - 4 points

The maximum number of points - 4

5 round

The winning team receives 5 points;


For creativity and performance, the jury can additionally add to each team 3 points.

Adaptation of an organ, organism, individual or group to changing external conditions.

Concentration and focus of mental activity on a specific object.

The simplest form of mental reflection of objective reality peculiar only to man in the form of a holistic image.

A mental phenomenon that becomes an incentive to action.

One of the main properties of the nervous system; a form of mental reflection that develops as memorization, preservation and subsequent reproduction and recognition of previously perceived, experienced or done.

The totality of mental processes and phenomena.

The state of tension, depression, recession that occurs in a person or animal under the influence of extreme influences.

The quality of personality, formed on the basis of a genetically determined type of human nervous system and to a large extent determines the style of his behavior and activities.

Cognitive process, the ability to create new images, on the basis of which new actions and objects arise.

property (process, state) of a person, manifested in his ability to consciously control his psyche and actions. It manifests itself in overcoming obstacles that arise on the way to achieving a consciously set goal. .

The ability of a person to understand the experiences of another person and empathize with them in the process of interpersonal relationships.

The ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, relationships, willingness and ability to easily establish, maintain and maintain positive contacts in communication and interaction with others

The quality of tolerance, condescending respect for other ideas, alien views, concepts, tastes.

The psychological process of cognition associated with the discovery of subjectively new knowledge, with the solution of problems, with the creative transformation of reality.

A set of movements of parts of a person's face, expressing his state or attitude to what he perceives (imagines, ponders, recalls, etc.).

Characteristics of the psychological properties, processes and states of a person that are outside the sphere of his consciousness, but have the same effect on his behavior as consciousness

A group of people identified on the basis of one or more characteristics that they have in common.

One of the processes of memory, denoting the introduction into memory of newly incoming information.

Emotionally colored, increased attention of a person to any object or phenomenon.

Individual development of a person, a set of successive morphological, physiological and biochemical transformations undergone by the body

ROUND 3 Types of TEMPERAMENT Teams come up with a stressful situation; Demonstrate the behavior of people with different types of temperament. Preparation time - 10 minutes Show time - 5 minutes

Musical pause!

ROUND 4 Depict emotions A team member depicts an emotion without sound, and the team needs to guess; The team with the MORE emotions guessed wins. Time - 3 minutes

ROUND 5 Musical Psychology Teams must perform excerpts of musical compositions in which there are "elements" of psychology; Teams take turns playing until one of them loses. Time 10 minutes

Quiz Results

Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for participating!

slide 2

slide 3

slide 4

slide 5

slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

8. According to statistics, about 5% of people have such inclinations. American psychologist John Rosemond advises parents who want their child to become like this, instill in him three main qualities: respect, resourcefulness and responsibility. What are these people?

Slide 10

slide 11

slide 12

11. Red color - gullibility, excessive emotionality, aggressiveness. Dark blue - shyness, weakness, but furious resistance, if "squeezed into a corner." Light blue - tractability, laziness, lack of a sense of proportion, especially in eating and drinking. Yellow - inspires confidence, outwardly friendly, but a constant smile is just a mask, behind which is internal tension. What well-known household appliance, which is in almost every home, was used by a Swiss psychologist to determine these types of character?

slide 13

12. Whom did the Russian literary critic Julius Aikhenvald consider to be a "devil writer", whose entire work is "his own psychology in the faces" and "a great revelation ... of an unparalleled soul"?

Slide 14

13. Journalist Yaroslav Golovanov came up with a parable illustrating the psychological differences between these groups of people. Two people were walking through the desert and suddenly saw a chest. "I wonder where the chest is from," thought the person belonging to the first group. "I wonder what's inside" - thought the man belonging to the second. Name both groups.

slide 15

14. SHE is based on the theory of the Soviet psychologist. In 1989, SHE first appeared in the United States, at a summer camp. SHE is both a struggle for survival and a show. Name her.

slide 16

15. Laureate Nobel Prize 2005 Robert Aumann argues that IT is pure mathematics and logic. 2002 Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman said that THIS is based on psychology. What science were both scientists talking about?

Slide 17

1. Why on the radial lines of the Moscow metro, when moving towards the center, stations are announced by male voices, and when moving from the center - by women. On the circle line, male voices announce stations in clockwise direction, and female voices in the opposite direction?

Slide 18

Answer: this is done to guide blind citizens in the subway.

Slide 19

2. With this mental disorder, familiar objects, faces, environments are perceived as being seen for the first time. Antonym of the word deja vu.

Slide 20

Answer: jame vu

slide 21

3. In most languages, there are 11 basic color names, and in Russian - 12! What is the only color we can see?

slide 22

Answer: blue

slide 23

4. What is the name in psychiatry for a condition accompanied by the perception of visible objects that are significantly smaller than they really are?

slide 24

Answer: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Slide 25

5. What are people called who, under the influence of a description of a disease read in a medical book, a person imagines that he has fallen ill with this particular disease, and he develops the corresponding symptoms?

slide 26

Answer: bibliogenic

Slide 27

6. What is the name of the doctrine of memory or a set of special artificial techniques to strengthen memory and organize memorization?

Slide 28

Answer: Mnemonic.

Slide 29

We inherited this reflex from our ancestors-monkeys, who tried to look larger than they really are by lifting the hair on their bodies, and thus scare off the enemy. It appears to us at the moment of danger. What do we call it?

slide 30

Answer: Goosebumps

Slide 31

We inherited this reflex from our ancestors-monkeys, who tried to look larger than they really are by lifting the hair on their bodies, and thus scare off the enemy. It appears to us at the moment of danger. What do we call it?

slide 32

Answer: leaders

Slide 33

9. Dahl interpreted this word, which arose in 1590, as soul-telling. What is this word?

slide 34

Answer: psychology

Slide 35

10. Modern psychology divides all active human activity into three types. the first two are work and study. Name a third.

slide 36

"Board of Directors"

The game is intended for older students.

Most guys imagine what a board of directors is from films. You can invite them to arrange something similar at home.

The facilitator must come up with in advance for each player playing a role, set out on separate sheets of paper the goals and capabilities of each character, and distribute the sheets to the players. To make the game exciting, it is necessary that some participants have opposing interests.

The rules of the game are as follows: it is allowed to enter into alliances with other players, it is forbidden to retreat from the goal, substitute other players and exceed the powers received at the beginning of the game.

Those who achieve their goal first win. It is these players who have the most developed leadership abilities.

The facilitator should pay attention to how the participants in the game talk in order to understand what qualities they need to develop in the first place.

"Chickens and Foxes"

For older children school age and teenagers. The maximum number of players is not limited, but must not be less than 11 people.

The leader is selected, the players are divided into two equal teams, they give each of them a name: “hens” and “foxes”. A long line is drawn, parallel to which two teams line up at a distance of 1 m. The leader is on the line. When he pronounces the command: “Chickens!”, the “hens” begin to run away, and the “foxes” catch up with them. The team that is catching up must catch the fleeing or touch them. The more chickens the attacking team catches, the better.

The host can also make the “chickens” team attackers so that the players do not get used to the fact that they always run away, and the “foxes” attack, and therefore be on the alert.

Films and actors

The leader is selected. He takes the ball, the others enclose it in a circle. The host throws the ball to one of the players and names any film - Russian or foreign. The player who received the ball must quickly name any actor who is busy in it and give the ball back to the leader. If the player fails to find his bearings in time and name the actor, he leaves the game. The same thing happens if the player called the actor, but did not manage to give the ball in time.

You can also play differently. For example, the host calls the actor, and the player names the film in which this actor starred. The game continues until the last player remains - the winner.

"Make-up Artist"

For children of senior school age.

There are two ways to play the game. In the first case, the players try to convey the state of a person through facial expressions and color, and in the second - through makeup. In both cases, it is taken into account how reliably the child conveyed the seen state of the person.

The players draw tokens and set the order of participation. Then they sit in a semicircle. The first player draws a card with the task, and then only with the help of facial expressions (without gestures) depicts the feeling or state of the person given to him. The rest have to guess. Tasks can be as follows: to express anger, fatigue, fun, cunning, despondency, pity, and so on.

Then the same states must be expressed through color. This will help children in the future to choose the right makeup for the next task. Each child is given a sheet of paper, paints and brushes. You have 3 minutes to complete this part of the game. After choosing a color, the players must explain why they believe that this particular color conveys a given state of a person. The winner is the one who correctly depicts the given state of a person and selects a color for him.

In the second option, the players should split into pairs and put on the partner's face a make-up that characterizes the state of the person that they were given. It can also be fun and joy (pink cheeks, wrinkles around the eyes), pain (shifted eyebrows, dark complexion), fatigue (swollen eyelids, lowered corners of the lips) and other emotions. In addition to makeup, you can use various accessories - wigs, glasses, bows and more. At the same time, no one, except the make-up artist himself, should know about the task itself, in order to later check the result of the work. That is, to expose the disguised person to the audience and ask them to determine his condition and feelings.

"Create an emotional image"

For middle and high school children. The number of participants from four people.

Before the start of the game, everyone is given 3 sheets of paper and a pencil.

The facilitator invites the players to draw one human face on each sheet of paper, and this face should express any emotion: joy, sadness, anger, discontent, etc., at the choice of the player. You have 10-15 minutes to complete this task. After that, the host collects the drawings from the players, mixes them up. Everyone sits in a semicircle near the leader, so that he can be clearly seen. The leader takes out one drawing and shows (presents) it to all players. The guys, in turn, should try to determine. what kind of emotion is expressed by this person. The player who is the author of this drawing must not prompt the others.

If the players correctly guess the emotion, then the author of the picture gets a point.

But it may turn out that, reflecting an emotional image on paper, the author of the drawing has in mind one emotion, and the other children saw another in it. In this case, the player loses one point.

When summing up the results, the winner of the game is the participant who scored the most points.

Joy or sadness?

For children of senior school age.

Everyone present is divided into two teams. The first team must leave the room, their participation in the game is limited to the role of an outside observer. The second team starts the game. The host asks the players various questions in the field of literature, mathematics, and art. The participants in the game answer them.

If the answer is correct, the player receives a small prize - a candy, a toy or a souvenir.

After completing the answers to the questions, the second team comes. The task of the participants is to guess by the behavior of friends which of them answered the questions correctly and which did not. The essence of the game is simple: not all children can restrain their joy at a successful answer to a question or, conversely, sadness due to ignorance of the correct answer. The second team tries to guess the emotions of the members of the first team.

Of course, not all members of the second team will be able to guess this, guided only by the behavior of the guys from the first. If someone was able to fulfill this condition, he is awarded a certain number of points. Those guys from the first team who managed to restrain their emotions are also noted. The winners are those who score more points.

Accurate calculation

For children of senior school age.

Children should be able to analyze some situation, looking at it from the position of an outside observer. Of course, there should be no place for emotions that only harm close analysis. To teach children this, you can use the following game.

You need to prepare for the game in advance. Its essence is that the host reads or tells some story that causes a lively response from everyone. The task of the children is to express their opinion about the behavior of various characters in this story. But statements should be extremely restrained, any emotions are undesirable in them.

And so that the leader’s story evokes the most lively response among all the guys, it can be provided with many details and details. In a word, you can tell, as it were, a story from your life, adding many different details to it.

The facilitator carefully monitors the statement of each. If the player speaks calmly, analyzing the story from the point of view of an outside observer, without showing emotions such as joy, anger or dislike, then the facilitator can appreciate his answers. If the participant of the game fails to restrain his emotions, accordingly, he receives fewer points. At the end of the game, the results are summed up. Those with the most points can be considered the winners.

"Poor and Rich"

For children of senior school age.

Modern children are clearly aware of the difference between the financial situation of different families. They know exactly whose parents earn a lot and whose parents don't. The game will help children overcome the painful complex due to the lack of well-being of their family.

The leader can tell a little story about some family. You can use a story from a literary work or film and include a reference to some poor or rich family. He then invites us to talk about the topic. Questions can be very different, for example: “Who is happier - the one who has more money, or the one who knows how to be content with little?”

Every child has the right to speak. For example, the guys can give their own examples about the impact of money on life. In the course of the conversation, everyone should understand that a lot of money is not the most important thing in life. As an example, the facilitator can tell stories from life famous people whose material well-being did not bring them happiness.

The game can be somewhat varied. For example, everyone begins to fantasize about how he imagines his future life. He can say what he wants to be when he grows up, how much he would like to earn and how he would like to arrange his house, etc. There are no winners and losers in the game, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Communication with strangers

For children of senior school age.

Children often have difficulty communicating with strangers. For example, in a store they are embarrassed to ask the seller about something, or on the street they cannot muster up the courage and ask how to get to the right address. The game will help get rid of this complex over time. The essence of the game is simple. The host and one of the participants in the game should start a conversation with one of the strangers. This can happen in the following way: they approach the store to the seller. At the same time, the host remains silent, and the player himself must ask the seller in detail about something.

For example, you can choose a clockwork toy and learn all about how it works. When the player asks the seller in detail about something, the facilitator evaluates the level of his communication by point system. The rest of the guys can be nearby, or they can expect comrades not far from the store. The game continues, but now the other player must start the conversation.

The conversation options are very different: for example, you can ask an old woman on a bench about something, a janitor, a policeman, etc. For the ability to start a conversation with a stranger, the host awards each player a certain number of points. Of course, there are no winners and losers in the game, but the one who scores more points can be encouraged by some kind of prize.

Matafonova Natalya Mikhailovna
Position: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MBU "Temp"
Locality: Amursk, Khabarovsk Territory
Material name: Quiz
Subject: An entertaining psychology quiz for students in grades 3-6 "And a good mood will not leave us anymore!"
Publication date: 10.03.2016
Chapter: additional education

Entertaining psychology quiz

"And a good mood will not leave you anymore"

for students in grades 3 - 6
Author-compiler: Matafonova N.M., teacher of additional education, MBU "Temp", Amursk 1. What is a mood? a) the state of the body b) the state of the soul c) the state of the weather 2. Answer, which fruit cheers you up? a) kiwi b) banana c) apple 3. What words do polite people favorites? a) “thank you”, “please” b) “give”, “give” c) “take away”, “bring” 4. Continue the aphorism “If you want to be happy - ...” a) have fun b) don’t wake the evil dog c) be them 5. A person who knows how to live peacefully, amicably, without quarrels is a person ...? a) friendly b) industrious c) peaceful 6. Good mood is...? a) luck b) discovery c) success 7. What can you see with your eyes closed? a) darkness b) dream c) dream
8. Who wrote the music for the song "Good mood"? a) Mikhail Boyarsky b) Mikhail Bulgakov c) Mikhail Pristov 9. The mood must be ... a) adjust b) adjust c) raise 10. The mood is ... a) neglected b) lowered c) elevated 11. Continue the aphorism “Catch a good mood - ... » a) it comes to visit so rarely b) it visits us so rarely c) it enters the house so rarely 12. Where does this phrase come from: “And a good mood will not leave you anymore”? a) from a comic book b) from a movie c) from an essay 13. Is a cheerful mood of music…? a) minor b) massager c) major d) simulator 14. Solve an example: ability + diligence =? a) victory b) success c) luck 15. What kind of mood does NOT happen? a) small and big b) sad and cheerful c) good and bad 16. What part of the body expresses mood emotions? a) leg b) back c) face
17. On what, first of all, does mood depend? a) from oneself b) from the weather c) from communication 18. What can a warm-hearted person do? a) play b) read c) love other people 19. Fill in the missing word in the Japanese proverb “”Changes…. - Mood changes. a) furnishing b) furniture c) interior 20. What kind of mood does NOT exist? a) contemplative b) prosperous c) lowered d) animated 21. Who wrote "Bad Advice"? a) G. Oster b) A. Pushkin c) P. Bazhov 22. The emotional world of a person is very rich. What type of emotion does NOT exist in a person? a) mood b) feelings c) building d) passion 23. Continue this playful advice: “If you Bad mood, just stand in front of the mirror and…” a) scratch yourself b) grunt c) jump d) crow 24. A playful person, what is he like? a) fond of food b) fond of joking c) fond of fooling around
25. What feelings are associated with a good mood? a) sadness and resentment b) fear and anger c) surprise and joy 26. Continue the phrase "If you see a person's face without a smile, ...." a) give good advice b) make him laugh c) smile yourself

1 state of mind 2 banana 3 "thank you", "please" 4 be it 5 peace-loving 6 success 7 dream 8 Mikhail Pristov 9 tune in 10 upbeat 11 it so rarely visits us 12 from the movie 13 major 14 success 15 small and large 16 face 17 from yourself 18 love other people 19 environment 20 reduced 21 G. Oster 22 formation 23 grunt 24 joking 25 surprise and joy 26 smile yourself

Quiz game "Psychology is interesting!"

Voik Yulia Vladimirovna

Question 1 .

The Tibetan Dalai Lama said of him: "He is the most good teacher. He brings up in you patience, strength, wisdom" Who was it about?

  • A) about a random passerby;
  • B) about a pet;
  • B) about a friend

Question 2.

Psychologist John Rosemond argues that the leader must have the following qualities: respect, resourcefulness and ...

  • B) selfishness;
  • B) greed
  • D) softness.

Question 3.

Numerous surveys of British teenagers have shown that it is very important for them how not only they are dressed, but also their ... who?

  • A) dogs
  • B) friends
  • D) toys.

Question 4.

A study by Israeli psychologists showed that the desire to gossip is strongly associated with a person's profession. At the same time, the biggest gossips were people working:

  • A) doctors
  • B) builders;
  • B) astronauts

Question 5.

Translated from ancient Greek, the word "psychology" means "the science of ...".

  • A) body
  • B) soul;
  • B) head
  • D) heart.

Question 6.

In a cartoon from Psychology magazine, an alien complains to his psychoanalyst. Write the word that is in this complaint.

  • A) a spoon
  • B) fork
  • B) a plate
  • D) an umbrella


Feel cheap.

Question 7.

  • An authoritarian leader is a leader for whom the main thing is:
  • A) the opinion of others;
  • C) the absence of conflicts;
  • D) so that no one forces him to do anything.

tough discipline and own opinion

Question 8.

Fear of foreigners:

Androphobia (Androphobia);

Dentophobia (Dentophobia);


xenophobia (Xenophobia)

Question 9.

Fear of flying

Ergophobia (Ergophobia);

Ablutophobia (Ablutophobia);

Cenophobia (Cenophobia);

Aeroacrophobia (Aeroacrophobia);

Question 10.

Fear of closed space:

Chromophobia (Chromophobia);

- Cainophobia;

claustrophobia (Claustrophobia)

Who is taller among the girls?

Logic assignment.

  • Ira and Lena are the same height. Lena is taller than Olya, and Tanya is taller than Ira.

Question. Who is taller - Tanya or Olya?

  • Tanya.

"In a dark room"

  • The man went into a dark room, where there is a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove.

Question. Tell me, what will he light first?

  • Match.


  • Two sons and two fathers ate three eggs for breakfast. And each of them ate one egg.

Question. How could this happen?

  • They were: grandfather, father and son (he is also a grandson).

Those. there were only three of them.


  • The tailor had a piece of cloth 14 meters long. Every day he cut off a piece of cloth 2 meters long from it.

Question. On what day will he cut the last piece?

  • On the 6th day.

"Folk Riddles - Old and New"

  • Without wings, without a body, flew a thousand miles?
  • Without hands, but draws, without teeth, but bites?
  • Turn the circle - will a distant friend speak?
  • There was a child - he did not know diapers. Became an old man - a hundred diapers on him?
  • Bows, bows, will come home - will it stretch?

  • Radio.
  • Freezing.
  • Telephone.
  • Head of cabbage.
  • Axe.

6. When empty, skinny - with an open mouth, he will lie in a corner. When they feed to the full, will they tie their mouths with a rope?

7. Flies - squeaks, sits down - is silent. Who will kill him, shed his blood?

8. Four brothers go to meet the elder: "Hello, big boy." And he answered them: “Hello, Vaska-pointer, Mishka-seredka, Grishka-orphan and baby Timoshka”?

8. Fingers on the hand.

9. I walked along the road, found two roads and went to both?

10. Lanky Timoshka runs along a narrow path. Are his traces your works?

10. Pen, pencil.


  • The phrase is encrypted with numbers - the statement of the great commander and his surname .

"1,4,6,5,7,2,5,3 8 9,3,5,8,6,10 - 11,12,13,3

14,2,15,9,4" 6,12,14,2,7,2,14 .


11,7,2,5,8,10 - an old throwing weapon.

1,12,15 - waterway indicator.

14,8,9,5 - part of the ship.

13,5,4,10 - part of the carbine.

3.6 is an outstanding fighter pilot.

DART - an ancient throwing weapon.

BUOY - a waterway indicator.

SCREW - part of the ship.

The bayonet is part of the carbine.

AC is an outstanding fighter pilot.

"Speed ​​and onslaught are the soul of war" Suvorov .