Composition “Indifference is the highest cruelty”. Composition: Do you agree that indifference is the highest cruelty? M.A

(382 words) “Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death,” said A.P. Chekhov. One cannot but agree with the opinion of the writer, because indifference to a person is the highest cruelty. The mortification of the soul can lead to the most desperate deeds, to deplorable consequences. Literature allows you to give a lot of arguments that show how dangerous it is.

Let us recall the work of K. Paustovsky "Telegram". While Nastya creates a successful career in Leningrad, her mother lives her last days at the Memorial House. The daughter has not visited sick Katerina Petrovna for a long time, who is looked after by strangers. Nastya has “no time” all the time, she only occasionally sends money to her mother. But does the old woman really need it? Katerina Petrovna lacks care from her own daughter, her love. The heroine died, and her daughter arrived a few days after the funeral. Indifference was fatal for an elderly person who needed attention, and such an environment became an indirect cause of his death. Nastya devoted all her time to her career, forgetting about the most precious thing in her life. And only the reader saw how the mother suffered from such an indifferent attitude, which turned into a sophisticated torture. The same opinion about Nastya's behavior was shared by fellow villagers, whom the girl avoided, sneaking out of the house to leave. Obviously, most of the people mentioned in the story consider indifference to be the highest cruelty, because otherwise our heroine would not have fled from their court. She herself became painfully ashamed, but there was nothing to justify herself.

The theme of indifference is also revealed in the work, which for the first time reflects the features of Russian sentimentalism - in "Poor Lisa" by N. Karamzin. Erast's indifference killed the young peasant woman. At first he confessed to Lisa his feelings, promised her a happy future together. The girl believed every word of the young man, sincerely loved him. But soon the hero cooled off towards Lisa, he suddenly disappeared for a long time. When the heroine found out that Erast was engaged to another woman, that he had betrayed her, she could not withstand such a blow and threw herself into the pond. The sensitive peasant woman found the meaning of her life only in love. Erast's behavior ruined Lisa, and in the seriousness of the tragic consequences of indifference, one can see proof that the highest degree of cruelty lies precisely in indifference.

On the example of two masterpieces of Russian literature, we can conclude that indifference is the most terrible cruelty imaginable. Showing indifference to loved ones, a person behaves worse than any enemy, because such an attitude hurts more than a knife, a rude word, and even betrayal. Moreover, it leads to irreparable tragic consequences, since the one who does not feel needed, sooner or later passes away.

What is indifference? Indifference, in my opinion, is an indifferent, indifferent, devoid of any interest attitude of a person towards anything or anyone. It accompanies human society at all times and is far from best quality. I agree that indifference can be the cause of the highest cruelty. And the worst thing, in my opinion, is when a person shows indifference to the problem of another person. Some refer to the fact that they do not have to worry about the concerns of strangers. Of course, they are quite free in their choice. But I think this attitude is immoral and not merciful. If you are able to help a person solve his problem, but you let everything take its course, you leave him to the mercy of fate only because you don’t care, then who are you after that? Is this not the highest cruelty?

An example of indifference as the highest form of cruelty is an episode from N.V. Gogol's story "The Overcoat". The main character, Akaki Akakievich, is an ordinary titular adviser. By the will of fate, the attackers took away our hero's overcoat, which was very expensive for him. In order to resolve the current situation, he turns to a private bailiff for help. But, alas, he is not very interested in listening to poor Akaki and is indifferent to his problem. Then Akaky Akakievich turns to a significant person, but even there he does not find any support. Reaching home main character becomes very ill and soon dies. This is how human indifference brought Akaky Akakievich to death. And if at least someone treated with understanding the problem of the protagonist, the denouement could be different. The heartlessness of those around him killed Akaky Akakievich. By the end of the story, N.V. Gogol shows that such cruel people deserve the most serious punishment.

We often see that indifferent people live all the time. But it is especially insulting when those are the closest and dearest. Relations between them become cold, and in the hour of need, at the moment when you really need support, you will not receive anything. It's terrible and cruel, but it happens in life. Let's remember M. Gorky's play "At the bottom". Klesch Andrei Mitrich and Anna are spouses, it would seem that they are relatives and close people, but this is far from being the case. Anna is terminally ill, and her husband is completely indifferent to her well-being. He treats her incredibly callously and rudely, not trying to support his wife, sympathize, understand her inner pain. He cynically talks about her with the roommates, not at all embarrassed, eats hot dumplings, which the sympathetic Kvashnya leaves for Anna. When his wife dies, Kleshch does not even worry about this, and he has nothing to bury Anna with: "forty kopecks in total." It is good that the wife no longer feels anything: neither the indifference, nor the cruelty of her husband.

Reflecting on this topic, I involuntarily come to the conclusion that indifference is, in fact, the highest form of cruelty. It makes the life of a person and his loved ones unbearable, destroys human destinies. Following one wise man, I would like to repeat: “Fear the indifferent! It is with their tacit consent that cruelty exists on earth.”


  • Indifference is an indifferent attitude towards other people, their problems, troubles. This unwillingness to help them at least a little, to ease their pain and suffering. An indifferent person will not lend a helping hand to the needy, he can calmly pass by.
  • Indifference is also an indifferent, passive attitude to everything that happens. An indifferent person is not interested in what is happening around. He lives in his own world, his own problems, worries, and everything that interests and excites his contemporaries, people living with him in the same country, city, working in the same team - all this is indifferent to him.
  • Indifference is a character trait of a person that leads him to spiritual emptiness, unwillingness to respond to the feelings and emotions of others, to anger and even cruelty. An indifferent person feels sorry for nothing and no one, he loses his shame and conscience.
  • Indifference is sometimes the result of soul fatigue, when a person has experienced so much in his life that he tries to save himself from new troubles with indifference. Such indifference may pass with time, the soul will gradually begin to warm up, return to its previous state, when a person can again sympathize with others. But such a process may not occur, then the person will remain completely indifferent to everything around.
  • Indifference is one of the evil vices of man. With the tacit consent of indifferent people, the most heinous deeds can be committed.
  • Indifference is the loss of a person's ability to love, make friends, appreciate anything in life, the inability to enjoy the beauty around, because indifferent people do not care. Indifference makes the person himself unhappy and brings a lot of trouble and even trouble to those around him.

Synonyms for indifference:

- coldness

- impartiality

- indifference

- insensitivity

- indifference

- apathy

- phlegmatic


  • Responsiveness is one of the positive qualities of a person, which manifests itself in the desire to help another, to sympathize with him, to be near, to provide assistance.
  • Responsiveness is associated with humanism, with love for people, the desire to be needed by them, especially in difficult times.
  • Responsiveness is also verbal support for the other, when it is necessary to calm down, just listen. These are concrete deeds and actions, expressed in the fact that a person, leaving his problems in the background, first of all helps those who need this help. Therefore, a selfish, narcissistic person is unlikely to be responsive to someone else's misfortune, because for him the most important thing is his problems.
  • A responsive person is sensitive to the state of another, he himself can foresee that he needs help and support, without waiting for his piglets to know about it. Responsiveness is the result of tact, attentiveness, sincerity in relation to others. This is a trait of strong and educated people.
  • Responsiveness coexists with disinterestedness, because it does not require praise or reward. This is a state of mind when a person simply cannot live differently, passing by people and all living things who need help.

Synonyms for "responsiveness":

- attention

- participation

- sympathy

- good nature

- humanity

- sensitivity

- attentiveness

- sincerity

- compassion

Indifference is the highest cruelty.

Indifference is the terrible scourge of our time. More and more people do not pay attention to other people's problems. They show no initiative to help. This behavior is becoming the norm. But for a person, indifference on the part of the surrounding people is sometimes worse than any bad deeds on their part. Wilson wrote that indifference is the highest cruelty. I completely agree with him, because I think that indifference is worse than hatred and anger. Because of the indifference of the spouses, families break up. Indifference is worse than cruelty, because the soul that does not know warmth becomes dead.

Confirmation of these words can be found in many famous literary works. As an example, I will cite the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Overcoat".

The writer tells about the titular adviser Bashmachkin, who is engaged in rewriting papers. To buy an overcoat, Akaki Akakievich saves on everything. But after the purchase, his overcoat is stolen from him. To whom he just did not turn for help, but no one helps to find the overcoat. Bashmachkin catches a cold, still no one helps him. He subsequently dies. Thus, the indifference of the surrounding people brought a person to death. After all, if he had been helped to find his overcoat, he would not have fallen ill, and therefore would not have died.

You can also cite the literary work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". This novel contrasts the gloomy and gray St. Petersburg with its indifferent society and Sonya with Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov, during his first visit to the Marmeladovs, cannot remain indifferent to how they live, so he leaves them money. Dunya is going to marry Luzhin by calculation in order to help his brother pay for his education. But Raskolnikov saves her from such a life. Luzhin is absolutely indifferent to everyone and thinks only about money and his career. Amalia Ivanovna Marmeladovs is not at all sorry, and after the death of Semyon Marmeladov, she kicks Katerina Ivanovna and her children out of the apartment. Sonya, having learned that Raskolnikov killed the old woman, tries to morally support him and goes with him to hard labor. Sonya and Raskolnikov, despite the indifferent society around them, did not become the same indifferent. If people were more responsive, then many of the tragedies shown in the novel could have been avoided.

Thus, I confirmed Wilson's words that indifference is the highest cruelty. Indifference on the part of the surrounding people can lead to the death of a person. Evil is obvious and people are trying to fight it. Indifference is more secretive and not punishable, but sometimes the consequences are much more deplorable. People should be responsive so that more good deeds are done in the world.

What is indifference?

This is an indifferent attitude to everything that surrounds a person. Everything that happens around a person does not touch him at all, does not interest him, he does not want to take any part in this. True, with one amendment, if it does not affect his own interests. Indifferent people live by the principle:

Unfortunately, there are more and more indifferent people in our world. And it's scary.

After all, a person can be cruel due to various circumstances, often beyond his control. He acts cruelly involuntarily and his rigidity to some extent can be attributed to objective factors.

Indifference is the ability to pass by a person in need of help and not help him, even if this help is within your power.

Often indifference hurts and even kills more painfully and faster than cruelty.

Indeed, indifference is one of the worst qualities in a person.

Indifferent people do not seem to touch or offend anyone, but they can kill with their indifference.

Indifferent people absolutely do not care what is happening around them, they are fixated only on their person, they think only about themselves.

If you choose between indifferent and evil people, then indifferent people are worse. Evil people at least have some emotions, but indifferent people in this regard are absolutely unemotional and callous.

An indifferent person will calmly pass by human grief, it will not touch him. Such people are not able to love, sympathize, worry, they are emotionally empty personalities.

What to write in the final essay on the topic: “Do you agree that indifference is the highest cruelty?” (Kindness and cruelty) (final essay of the USE 2018-2019)?

It is impossible to justify manifestations of cruelty, because cruelty is the violence of a stronger person over a weaker dependent person, and such an act is low and inhuman. But even more cruel is the indifference to the misfortune of another person, because the indifference shown to a person in trouble can lead to the death of this person, and then the person who showed indifference, who could help, but did not help, will live with a sense of guilt for the rest of life. And if he does not consider himself guilty, then the people around him will remember his cruelty and, accordingly, the attitude towards him will be unkind.

Let us recall how Nikolai Ivanovich from the story "The Gooseberry" was indifferent to the suffering of his wife, who, as a result of his indifference, died. Nikolai Ivanovich, having bought the land, felt like an important gentleman, and did not blame himself at all for the death of his wife. But, everyone knew why his wife died, and even his own brother condemned Nikolai Ivanovich.

More other arguments:

I agree with the expression that indifference is the highest cruelty.

An indifferent person passes by the misfortune of another person. Sometimes indifference is shown even to close people. An indifferent person does not want to pay attention to the problems of others, does not want to help if he is asked for help. And the worst thing is that he does not even worry about this, he lives on calmly, not noticing his cruelty and indifference.

Gogol's work "The Overcoat" can serve as arguments from the literature. When the overcoat was stolen from the main character, which he got very hard, no one helped him. To whom he just did not turn for help, but everyone showed indifference. Outcome - man died.

Indifference is extremely destructive in its essence. To become indifferent, you need to kill the love for your neighbor in yourself, show just the same monstrous cruelty, which in its usual sense still has something human, you just need to get to the bottom of it. For example, the abuse of one spouse to another may indicate, among other things, that he wants more love and attention. And at the same time he himself can experience feelings, why not? For the indifferent, his spouse will be nothing more than a perfect toy from a sex shop or such a multifunctional food processor. He uses and while everything suits him - everything is in order, no - and the person is mercilessly thrown into the trash. Cruel people are also capable of high spiritual impulses in moments of danger; there are many examples in life when people in a difficult situation were helped by those who had previously been cruel to them. We must not forget that cruelty can be a protective shell of a person who is inherently vulnerable. Indifference, on the other hand, is an attitude towards living beings, as well as towards inanimate objects, with which you can do whatever you want.

Yes, I agree. It is indifference, not hatred, that is the opposite of love in this world. It is indifference that destroys people, brings evil, breaks destinies and relationships. Onegin's indifference, and not his natural cruelty, hurts Tatyana, leads to the death of Lensky. How terrible is Bazarov's indifference to his parents, he is not touched by their pain, their tears, he does not notice their love for himself, he does not need it. The indifference of society is very well shown in Chekhov's stories, for example, in the story "The Overcoat".

Indifference has firmly settled in our own souls, much of what happens in our lives, in our country, is to blame for our own indifference.