How to put your thoughts in order: a morning exercise that clarifies the mind. Psychology is just How to put your state of mind in order

Not everyone can, faced with a difficult life test, overcome it with a smile on their lips 24 hours a day. And this is normal, because you are not an iron machine. Remember that you need a reboot.

And here many face the first difficulty. This very reboot does not always work in practice. Not everyone can throw themselves headlong into work to take their minds off a broken heart. Or, on the contrary, it's fun to relax with friends all weekend when a serious project is stuck at its most difficult stage. It is in such cases that the three-page method helps to recover.

The essence of this method is that every morning you sit down and write three pages a day. The day began - you took a notebook, sat down and wrote this one and a half sheets. You can start a special diary for this training or, conversely, write on sheets of paper that come to hand - it depends on how you like it best. This method is recommended in the book for development creativity its author, Julia Cameron. But it is suitable not only for those who want to draw better or sit down at a book.

Three pages do not have a fixed theme. You write what comes to your mind. No need to try to write beautifully, literary, or constantly consult a dictionary (this is especially important for those who have never aspired to become a writer and are sure that they will not be able to produce a coherent text). Write anything - a to-do list for the day, a dream, worries that came to mind in the morning. Speaking of to-do lists, there is an effective motivational technique based on to-do lists. If you don’t know what to write, just write: “I don’t know what to write” until three pages run out. Do not try to re-read and edit them. You will be unpleasantly surprised, because at first these pages turn out to be full of all kinds of negativity, self-pity, skepticism about what you are doing and what you are wasting your time on. It is your fears, complexes and inner critic that “come out” of the shadows. But the more such pages you write, the easier it will be for you later. They help to "drain" the negative, to do a kind of morning "cleaning" in the head.

You can also write them in the evening if you notice a habit of not sleeping for a long time, mentally scrolling through the troubles of the day in your head or solving world problems, bringing yourself almost to panic attacks.

Regular page writing is the best way to get rid of soul-searching. Don't confuse it with effective work above yourself and boldly get rid of this action. It will not be easy to do this: we often build bad habits almost into a ritual.

However, nothing is impossible, and the three-page method will convince you of this. On average, it takes a person only 21 days to develop a good habit. So in less than a month, it will be much easier for you to get up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening.

We wish you good luck in your work. Art therapy is also a useful way to unload the mind and reorganize with a creative mind. Create more often, because in creativity all the best that is in a person is revealed. And don't forget to press the buttons and

What labors and torments it cost us to single out the first sentence from the general bright stream of thought. Such a proposal so that the listener / opponent or just passing by is imbued with the idea, understands the logical chain and wants to listen further. But this was only the first sentence, and thoughts continued to swarm in my head and demand their competent presentation. Only now they don’t want to build themselves, that’s why we speak with such hesitation and ugly “acks” and “eks”, that in the end a good idea turns out to be ruined by the author’s tongue-tied tongue.

Not all the time, but often, and many people have this problem. At least partially, but this can be avoided by spending an extra couple of minutes to put your thoughts on paper. This in no way means that later you will take this piece of paper in your hands and read decorously from it. No. This only means that your thoughts will come into relative order, and, consequently, your speech will become consistent and understandable.

All this turned out to be such an extensive introduction to one modest topic -. Good old records that we put not in our favorite gadgets, but on plain paper. And better in a notebook or diary.

Thoughts about the benefits of personal records arise in the minds of many, but far from all of them put it into practice. As a cover, endless affairs, forgetfulness and much more are chosen, although, basically, this is just laziness. After all, personal records are not only voluminous memoirs historical figures, but also simple notes that can make life easier for us in many ways. And not only in structuring your own thoughts.

Very often, some psychologists advise their patients to write down every day in a diary. Even distinguish between the pros and cons of the day. Or just take a piece of paper and write on it everything that irritates and causes negativity. Not in order to later store this leaflet in home waste paper, of course, but so that the negative does not accumulate in a person, but is transferred to paper. Moreover, we are honest in our entries, because this is not a blog, and is intended only for the author's eyes. Negative energy one way or another comes out of us through this, therefore we feel better.

Also recording is a good way to free your head. Everyone is familiar with the phrase “thinking a lot is harmful,” because part of your thoughts can be safely transferred to paper. And they won’t get lost, and you won’t get confused yourself, and you will free your head.

Interesting events, useful notes, own thoughts - this is actually not only useful, but also interesting. No computer file can give us the magic that is stored in personal records made by one's own hand.

It often happens: for 20 minutes you run around the house looking for keys, and when you find them, you are already late for work. Or sit at your desk, and your thoughts wander and jump over one another. An hour of work - and no result. Or you forget to do something because in your mind you are still going through a fight with a friend.

Rubbish at home, in thoughts and relationships prevents you from enjoying life. How to deal with it? Brett Blumenthal, author of the book, provides valuable advice.

Harmful mess

Scientific studies show that the clutter in the environment makes it difficult to focus. The negative visual effect from it does not allow the brain to process incoming information as well as in an organized environment. Clutter distracts our attention and tires us.

In an organized space, we are less irritable, less stressed, and less distracted. Increased productivity and ability to concentrate. Remember your feelings when the house is clean, there are no unnecessary things: thoughts become just as pure.

And what can we say: negative thoughts, relationships that “pull” your energy and disturb your peace of mind. Mental disorder is not as obvious as physical disorder, but it brings no less problems. Thoughts, plans, worries, difficult conversations and memories - sometimes we are so "covered" that it is impossible to breathe.

Eliminating clutter in your thoughts and environment will save you time and energy and relieve unnecessary frustration and worries. You will become happier, more attentive and more efficient. It's time to do this.

The sense of order has a positive psychological effect on us and brings satisfaction. Here are some tips on how to make the environment more pleasant and inspiring.

1. Get rid of unnecessary

If some items do not represent value or importance to you in terms of life prospects, do not enrich your life, get rid of them. You can give them to someone, donate or throw them away. Take your time, tidy up one room after another. Carefully consider each thing to understand where it really belongs: in your house or outside it.

2. Use what you need right

Freed from the unnecessary, the use of the necessary. Find a good place for everything: stationery, kitchen and electrical appliances, souvenirs and photographs. Use organizers, cabinets and shelves, pantries and cupboards to store things you don't need all the time.

3. Take care of the little things

Do not think that you will never have a mess. Therefore, allocating a drawer or cabinet for everyday little things is a completely reasonable move. Find a place where you can store things you don't use daily. For example, a compartment in a dressing table drawer can become a storage for change, buttons, and checks. Don't forget to clear out your "warehouses" regularly.

4. Tidy up the space around you

Cleaning your workplace, home or car will have a huge positive effect on your ability to concentrate and productivity. You will feel lightness and, as they say, you will feel with your skin that stress is receding.

5. Change the environment, at least for a short time

Thought disorder is a no less serious problem. Leaving the "zone of confusion" at least for a while, you will restore the ability to concentrate and get down to business with fresh energy.

6. Listen to the inner silence

There are many techniques to help bring order to your thoughts. Try it, which is told by the great spiritual leader of our time, Tit Nat Khan. Or just sit in silence for a few minutes, trying to stop the flow of thoughts. This is a good way to restore energy.

7. Scan thoughts for usefulness

If we do not want to clutter up our comfortable home, why do we allow garbage in our heads? Any of your thoughts can be both useful to you and useless. Non-essential thoughts are mental noise that distracts you from the important. So when a thought comes to you, "scan" it and make your own decision about its usefulness. Tell yourself whether it is worth developing it or not, it brings you joy or sadness.

8. Conquer your indecisiveness

Our minds fill up with thoughts and information very quickly when we avoid or delay dealing with issues that urgently need attention. In addition, there are also worries about the fact that the problem is “hanging”.

9. Take power away from negative thoughts and people

Everyone needs to calm negative, depressing or overly critical thoughts in themselves. Do not allow unkind emotions and people into your mind: anger, resentment, guilt, anxiety and jealousy. They occupy a place in our minds that could be occupied by more useful and constructive thoughts and attitudes.

10. Self-organize and automatically perform habitual actions

Try to accustom yourself to automatism in the performance of current tasks and responsibilities. Then you won't have to remember them and you will do them when necessary. For example, get into the habit of paying your household bills online. Or enter all the birthdays in your smartphone so that it reminds you of them at least a week before the event. Plan a week in advance for dinners with friends, clothes, necessary housework, etc. The more clearly everything is scheduled, the less stress you will have to experience.

11. Reboot your brain

If your thoughts are out of control and become noise, unload your brain. Take a break for 5-10 minutes and write down everything that is currently on your mind. You will find that you have a lot of unproductive thoughts and "mental chewing gum" that you drive around in circles. Try to modify thoughts you don't need - over time, you will learn to masterfully deal with any emotional rubbish.

Our home is a mirror image of our thoughts, emotions and relationships. And vice versa. By getting rid of junk in time, you will create free space for a productive and easy life.

P.S. Liked? Undersubscribe to our useful newsletter . We send a selection every two weeks. best articles from the blog.

According to the book

It often happens: for 20 minutes you run around the house looking for keys, and when you find them, you are already late for work. Or sit at your desk, and your thoughts wander and jump over one another. An hour of work - and no result. Or you forget to do something because in your mind you are still going through a fight with a friend.

Rubbish at home, in thoughts and relationships prevents you from enjoying life. How to deal with it? Brett Blumenthal, author of the book, provides valuable advice.

Harmful mess

Scientific studies show that the clutter in the environment makes it difficult to focus. The negative visual effect from it does not allow the brain to process incoming information as well as in an organized environment. Clutter distracts our attention and tires us.

In an organized space, we are less irritable, less stressed, and less distracted. Increased productivity and ability to concentrate. Remember your feelings when the house is clean, there are no unnecessary things: thoughts become just as pure.

And what can we say: negative thoughts, relationships that “pull” your energy and disturb your peace of mind. Mental disorder is not as obvious as physical disorder, but it brings no less problems. Thoughts, plans, worries, difficult conversations and memories - sometimes we are so "covered" that it is impossible to breathe.

Eliminating clutter in your thoughts and environment will save you time and energy and relieve unnecessary frustration and worries. You will become happier, more attentive and more efficient. It's time to do this.

The sense of order has a positive psychological effect on us and brings satisfaction. Here are some tips on how to make the environment more pleasant and inspiring.

1. Get rid of unnecessary

If some items do not represent value or importance to you in terms of life prospects, do not enrich your life, get rid of them. You can give them to someone, donate or throw them away. Take your time, tidy up one room after another. Carefully consider each thing to understand where it really belongs: in your house or outside it.

2. Use what you need right

Freed from the unnecessary, the use of the necessary. Find a good place for everything: stationery, kitchen and electrical appliances, souvenirs and photographs. Use organizers, cabinets and shelves, pantries and cupboards to store things you don't need all the time.

3. Take care of the little things

Do not think that you will never have a mess. Therefore, allocating a drawer or cabinet for everyday little things is a completely reasonable move. Find a place where you can store things you don't use daily. For example, a compartment in a dressing table drawer can become a storage for change, buttons, and checks. Don't forget to clear out your "warehouses" regularly.

4. Tidy up the space around you

Cleaning your workplace, home or car will have a huge positive effect on your ability to concentrate and productivity. You will feel lightness and, as they say, you will feel with your skin that stress is receding.

5. Change the environment, at least for a short time

Thought disorder is a no less serious problem. Leaving the "zone of confusion" at least for a while, you will restore the ability to concentrate and get down to business with fresh energy.

6. Listen to the inner silence

There are many techniques to help bring order to your thoughts. Try it, which is told by the great spiritual leader of our time, Tit Nat Khan. Or just sit in silence for a few minutes, trying to stop the flow of thoughts. This is a good way to restore energy.

7. Scan thoughts for usefulness

If we do not want to clutter up our comfortable home, why do we allow garbage in our heads? Any of your thoughts can be both useful to you and useless. Non-essential thoughts are mental noise that distracts you from the important. So when a thought comes to you, "scan" it and make your own decision about its usefulness. Tell yourself whether it is worth developing it or not, it brings you joy or sadness.

8. Conquer your indecisiveness

Our minds fill up with thoughts and information very quickly when we avoid or delay dealing with issues that urgently need attention. In addition, there are also worries about the fact that the problem is “hanging”.

9. Take power away from negative thoughts and people

Everyone needs to calm negative, depressing or overly critical thoughts in themselves. Do not allow unkind emotions and people into your mind: anger, resentment, guilt, anxiety and jealousy. They occupy a place in our minds that could be occupied by more useful and constructive thoughts and attitudes.

10. Self-organize and automatically perform habitual actions

Try to accustom yourself to automatism in the performance of current tasks and responsibilities. Then you won't have to remember them and you will do them when necessary. For example, get into the habit of paying your household bills online. Or enter all the birthdays in your smartphone so that it reminds you of them at least a week before the event. Plan a week in advance for dinners with friends, clothes, necessary housework, etc. The more clearly everything is scheduled, the less stress you will have to experience.

11. Reboot your brain

If your thoughts are out of control and become noise, unload your brain. Take a break for 5-10 minutes and write down everything that is currently on your mind. You will find that you have a lot of unproductive thoughts and "mental chewing gum" that you drive around in circles. Try to modify thoughts you don't need - over time, you will learn to masterfully deal with any emotional rubbish.

Our home is a mirror image of our thoughts, emotions and relationships. And vice versa. By getting rid of junk in time, you will create free space for a productive and easy life.

P.S. Liked? Undersubscribe to our useful newsletter . Once every two weeks we send a selection of the best articles from the blog.

According to the book

How to organize thoughts? Top 10 rules

Have you ever noticed that dreams and desires come true, thoughts become reality? Latvian psychologist, founder of the Center for Positive Thinking and Attitude “Spring Studio”, author of the book “Inhale happiness and love”, Inese Priselkova, is sure that our subconscious can do everything, thought is material, so thoughts need to be “cleansed” and controlled in a timely manner.

“Good sleep, order in the house, order in thoughts - all these are important components of happiness, interconnected,” says Inese Priselkova. “Perhaps sleep seems to be the most important element, however, it is important not only how much and how we sleep, but also where we sleep - is it clean around us, are flowers blooming around us, does the sun look into your bedroom at dawn ... Good thoughts are born in a good environment!

According to Inese Priselkova, the arrangement and cleaning of the house, especially the sleeping place, must be approached with love, making it a “ritual of hugging the house”. “In the house that you love and to which you give your love, you will have only good thoughts. Thought, as you know, is material,” she says.

Top 10 Rules for Tidying Your Home and Thoughts:

1. The floor under the bed should be clean from both dust and things - you should not keep old things, photographs and clothes under the bed. The area under the bed and the bed is very important in terms of cleanliness and health, good sleep has great importance to restore strength and harmony. Sleep is the basis of the foundations for beauty, health, and wellness, and for success, and, of course, for happiness and love of life.

2. It is important that a healthy atmosphere reigns in the house as a whole, which plants will help to create - a symbol of life and health. Houseplants are very important for our subconscious. Dried indoor plants can harm the general energy, send unhealthy information to our subconscious. Therefore, take care of the plants in your home, water and fertilize them.

3. It is very important to correctly place the light sources. It is necessary to ensure that the house does not have such corners and places where there is not enough light. In the same way, it is necessary to monitor that there is enough light and attention in every area of ​​our life. All this is very connected, but sometimes we do not think about it.

4. Keep in order water pipes, taps. Water is symbolically associated with wealth and the flow of money in the home, so it is very important that the faucets do not leak. It is necessary to ensure that water and family wealth do not leak through damaged water pipes. Another tip - keep closed door into the toilet and the toilet lid so that energy does not leak into the sewer.

5. Tidy up the door handles - a symbol of accessibility. If every time we need to take something from the locker, it takes a lot of effort to open it, our subconscious mind receives the information that it takes a lot of effort to achieve the goal. It's useless! Everything should come easily and with joy. And the word "struggle" needs to be deleted from your vocabulary.

6. Mirrors in the house should be clean. The mirror is a symbol of attitude and objectivity towards oneself. If we think about how often mirrors are used as images, as objects, as component magical sessions in various stories, rituals, therapies, we should also think about what role is assigned to this phenomenon of reflection. When arranging mirrors in the house, you should be very careful: on the one hand, you can approach this purely intuitively and place the mirror so that it reflects what you want to see and see with pleasure, but covers what you don’t like in your life . For example, you can place mirrors in your living room to reflect beautiful things and people so that the joy is doubled. However, you should not put a mirror near the workplace - in this case, the amount of work will double, the forces will run out. The mirror should be combined with good lighting. The mirror doubles the light, this is a must use!

7. The outer door and access to the house play a huge role so that people and happiness can find us. Check if the door opens easily and without interference, if the porch in front of the house is beautiful.

8. It is important to remember how much attention is given to various details and how they relate to each other and to our lives. For example, the kitchen is the breadwinner of the family, here the most important items are the stove and refrigerator. It is important to keep the refrigerator clean and keep in it some of the foods associated in our subconscious with health, wealth and joy, for example, fresh fruits and vegetables for health, some treat for joy. Also, the stove must be perfectly clean, because it is a symbol of the family hearth, with which our subconscious is very familiar. This is a symbol of the well-being of the house.