Historical figures who made a pact with the devil (13 photos). Ten Prophecies of Satan Hitler's Pact with the Devil

They didn't just hook up with the bad guys, they made a deal with one of the bad guys. The stories of real people who signed a pact with the devil and, of course, regretted it, in our article. By the way, Adolf Hitler, too, and we hope, paid the most.

Adolf Hitler made a deal with the devil and paid the price

Until 1932, Hitler was, as they say, an ordinary loser. He was even kicked out of school - good results he achieved only in two disciplines: drawing and physical education. But even a suitable artist did not come out of him: young Adolf twice failed the exams at the Academy of Arts. At one time he was even in prison. Well, not an alpha male, not an alpha...

Acquaintances claimed that he was extremely awkward in communicating with people around him and lived “on knives” with almost everyone.

And suddenly, in 1932, Hitler seems to take off into the chair of power. This is a truly dizzying career: in just a year, from an unknown warrior and a failed artist, he turns into the supreme ruler of all of Germany. Some even then started talking about the fact that he could make a deal with the devil.

And Hitler's love of the occult only reinforced these doubts. There is a legend according to which, at the end of 1945, on the outskirts of Berlin, in the ruins of an old burnt house, an agreement between Hitler and the devil, signed on April 30, 1932, was allegedly found.

As you know, exactly 13 years later, on April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide, fulfilling the terms of this agreement.

Robert Johnson sang his treaty in verse

One of the most famous blues musicians, who greatly influenced the development of blues, jazz, rock and, as a result, all modern American music.

Robert Johnson, so to speak, turned out to be the "founder" of the legendary "Club 27", or rather, the first from the list who died at 27 years old. Johnson's story is full of secrets and hoaxes. At the age of 19, he dreamed of learning to play the guitar. However, this instrument was given to him extremely hard: the fingers parted, the strings did not obey. And then one day Robert just disappeared. Nobody knew where he was or what he was doing. Johnson returned as unexpectedly as he disappeared - just a year later. And to the surprise of everyone who knew him before, he demonstrated just phenomenal guitar skills. At that moment, the story of a musician who sold his soul to the devil in order to play the blues better than anyone in the world was born. The musician himself added fuel to the fire, who personally told the story that there was some kind of magical crossroads at which he made a deal with the devil.

Be that as it may, his talent was truly impressive. From that time on, he begins to play a lot, as if in a hurry to live. He records about 30 songs, holds three full-fledged recording sessions, before dying on August 16, 1938 under very strange and still not clarified circumstances. And shortly before his death he sang:

"Bury me on the side of the highway, then my spirit,
Can jump on the footboard of a Greyhound bus
And run away."

They buried him on the side of the highway. And his soul… who knows? Perhaps she still does not find peace, because friendship with the devil has never brought anyone to good! The main version of the death of Robert Johnson says that he was the victim of a jealous husband of his beloved. However, the exact circumstances of the death, as well as the exact location of his grave, remain a mystery to this day.

Christoph Heitzmann made a deal with the devil, but walked away from responsibility

Christoph Heitzmann is not the most famous Bavarian artist of the middle hand. He became famous not for his paintings, but for history. own life. August 29, 1677 was taken to the police. He convulsed and begged to be sent to the nearby sanctuary of the Virgin Mary. The man confessed to the police: nine years earlier, he entered into an agreement with Satan, signing it with blood from the palm of his right hand.

Now the term of the contract was expiring, and the unfortunate artist waited in horror for Satan to appear any minute and drag him to hell. The policemen believed Heitzman and took him to the sanctuary. After spending three days and three nights in penitential prayers, Heitzman was rewarded with a vision. He saw the Virgin Mary herself, who forced the Devil into obedience and forced him to give her the contract, which read as follows: “Christoph Heitzmann. I sell myself to Satan so that in the ninth year I become flesh of his flesh and belong to him in body and soul.

After this event, the artist entered a monastery and, although he was overcome by demons, led a pious lifestyle until his death, which followed on March 14, 1700 in Neustadt.

Oliver Cromwell was not satisfied with the terms of the treaty

Oliver Cromwell is known as a prominent statesman, commander and leader English revolution XVII century. According to contemporaries, Cromwell made a deal with the devil on the morning of November 9, 1651 in the forest, right before the battle of Worcester.

The devil appeared in the guise of a gray-bearded old man and handed Cromwell a scroll with a contract. Having familiarized himself with him, the politician became furious: “How so?” he shouted, “only seven years?! I have asked you for twenty-one years." A long argument ensued between them, but in the end, the elder said: “If you refuse, then there will be another who will be satisfied with this.”

According to other testimonies, the devil generously promised him all the benefits and riches that one can imagine, except for one thing - the title of king. “It will be with you and the Protector,” he said. But Cromwell certainly wanted the highest title in the state. Enraged because of the intransigence of the devil, he hit his staff with all his might, but hit his leg. This wound caused gangrene. So he died Protector. But this evidence is not credible, because it is common knowledge that Oliver Cromwell died from a deadly combination of malaria and typhoid fever caused by salmonella, and not from gangrene.

Napoleon Bonaparte lost something big

Bonaparte's political career was not as fast-paced as Hitler's, but nevertheless, she became incredibly fast and confident.

According to some historians, Napoleon made his deal with the devil in 1799 in Egypt, becoming a fan of the cult of the ancient Egyptian god of evil Set. It was his giant statue that Napoleon brought to Paris from the Egyptian campaign. According to legend, this statue opened the path to unlimited power for its owner. It is especially interesting that during the war of 1812, on the day when the French troops entered Moscow, the statue was transported along the Seine, and it drowned. Since then, luck has turned its back on the emperor.

Johann Georg Faust made a deal with the devil and "ran" from Satan for 24 years

A famous German doctor and warlock who lived in the first half of the 16th century. It was his legendary biography that became the basis of numerous works of European literature, including the most famous Goethe tragedy of the same name.

As the legend says, Faust always dreamed of a life that would consist only of pleasures. It was this desire that was the impetus for the start of classes. occult sciences, with the help of which he summoned the evil spirit. As a result, Faust did, according to which the devil undertook to serve Faust for 24 years in exchange for a soul. However, after 16 years of endless intoxication, fun and sodomy, Faust bitterly regretted his decision and wished to break the contract. Of course, he did not succeed, and the evil spirit, not wanting to let go of his prisoner just like that, brutally dealt with him.

According to the version that people in Germany like to tell tourists, Faust died in 1540 in one of the hotels in Württemberg. Allegedly, on this day, a storm broke out at clear sky: furniture fell in the hotel, invisible steps rumbled, doors and shutters slammed, a blue flame burst out of the chimney ... In the morning, when all this Armageddon ended, Faust's disfigured body was found in Faust's room. According to the townspeople, it was the devil himself who came to take the soul of the warlock, with whom he concluded an agreement 24 years ago. Modern researchers prefer to explain the death of a scientist by an explosion during an alchemical experiment.

Niccolo Paganini played the violin damn well

Paganini passionately loved music from an early age. He learned to play the violin when he was 5 years old. The father - the owner of a mandolin shop, noticing that his son had talent, began to intensively teach him music. Just a few years later, the playing of little Niccolo impressed professional musicians so much that they simply refused to teach him - there was nothing left. Then, to improve his skills, Paganini invented and performed complex musical constructions. This led to the fact that for many years there was not a single musician capable of playing his works. Paganini performed his music only himself.

One of Paganini's most famous works is the Dance of the Witches. It was it that gave birth to rumors that in order to possess such a virtuoso technique of playing the violin, the musician contributed to this and not the usual appearance of the musician, which was popularly called "Mephistopheles". The poet Heinrich Heine describes his meeting with Paganini as follows: “He was wearing a dark gray overcoat to the toes, which made his figure seem very tall. Long black hair fell in tangled curls over his shoulders and, like a dark frame, surrounded his pale, dead face, on which genius and suffering left their indelible mark.

Theophilus of Adansky was able to annul deal with the devil

The life of St. Theophilus of Antioch is considered the first official mention of a deal with the devil in history. It happened in the VI century AD. Archdeacon Theophilus was unanimously elected Bishop of Adana, but out of humility the holy father renounced his priesthood. Another priest was appointed to the position, who, seeing Theophilus as a dangerous competitor, began to oppress him in every possible way. Throwing away his former humility, the famous theologian decided to find a warlock who would arrange a meeting with Satan for him. As a result, the meeting took place. The devil, in exchange for Theophilus receiving the post of bishop, asked him to renounce Jesus and the Mother of God, signing the corresponding contract with blood.

Thus Feofan but soon he began to be tormented by repentance. He prayed and fasted for 40 days, after which the Mother of God appeared to him, who promised to intercede for him before God. After another 30 days of fasting, Theophilus again saw the Mother of God, who informed him that all his sins were forgiven him. But Satan was not going to give up just like that. Three days later, Theophilus, waking up in the morning, found the same contract on his chest as a reminder that the deal was still in force. Without thinking twice, he took the contract to the former bishop, whose place he took, and repented of his deeds. The bishop acted radically - he took and burned the contract, thereby annulling it.

End of article

In 1995, a rather curious article was published in Berlin by the researcher of the occult, Ph.D. Greta Leiber. It said that before coming to power, Hitler made a pact with Satan. In particular, the author writes:

“I have no doubts about the authenticity of the document. It is he who helps to solve the mystery of how Hitler managed to become the Fuhrer of Germany. Judge for yourself: until 1932 he was a failure. He was kicked out of high school, he failed twice in the exams at the Academy of Arts, even went to prison. Everyone who knew him at that time considered him good for nothing. But since 1932, his fate has changed dramatically - he literally "catapulted" into the chair of power and in January 1933 he already ruled Germany. In my opinion, this can only be explained by an alliance with Satan. And on April 30, 1945 - exactly 13 years later - Adolf Hitler committed suicide, hated by almost all of humanity.

Indeed, on April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years after the signing of the contract, Hitler took his own life. Moreover, he committed suicide precisely on Walpurgis Night, when, according to popular belief, the evil spirit reaches its greatest power.

There is also official confirmation of this - Hitler's contract with Satan, discovered at the end of 1945 on the outskirts of Berlin, in the ruins of a burnt house in an old chest. Despite the fact that its text is rather damaged, it was possible to read and study it. The document was drawn up on April 30, 1932, and signed in blood by both sides. The conclusions of four independent handwriting experts who examined this agreement state that Hitler's signature, compared with documents signed by him in the 1930s and 1940s, is genuine. In addition, the signature of Satan is also authentic - such contracts with Satan are stored in some secret archives, and the researchers managed to get additional samples of the devil's handwriting.

In accordance with the agreement, the devil gives Hitler unlimited power on the condition that he will use it exclusively for evil. In exchange, the Fuhrer promised the devil to give him his soul in 13 years. The devil, apparently, nevertheless fulfilled his obligations: a year later, a simple loser unknown to anyone suddenly becomes the ruler of the Third Reich. The policy of the fascist state was based on principles alien to any civilized society. There is no doubt that this was the doctrine not so much of Hitler as of the devil himself. This is confirmed by the fact that the activities of the Nazi SS were not caused by either political or military necessity.

Here are excerpts from this sensational text:

“Our agreement shall enter into force on April 30, 1932, and expire on the same day, 1945. When my time is finally up, you will have to let me die like all other people, without causing me shame and dishonor, and be buried according to custom. You are obliged to carry me and my subjects to that part of the world where I wish, however far it may be. You must immediately make me an expert in the language of the area, so that I can speak it fluently. When my curiosity is sufficiently satisfied, you must return me home without any prejudice. You are obliged to protect me from any injury caused by projectiles, firearms and other weapons, so that nothing harms my body or individual members. You are obliged to provide me with truthful and complete information, without distortion or ambiguity, on any question put to you. It is your duty to warn me in advance of any secret plots against me and the Reich, and also to provide me with the means to destroy these plots and nullify them. Every time I want you to be near, you must appear before me in a pleasant form, and not in a frightening and terrible guise. In response to the above promises, I renounce the Lord and the Holy Trinity; I completely renounce all vows made for me at baptism. I enter into a new alliance with you and commit myself to your power, body and soul, now and forever and ever.

PhD Greta Leiber from Germany, a specialist in the study of the occult, reported a mysterious letter in which, according to her, a pact between Adolf Hitler and the devil himself was concluded. The letter was found at the end of 1945 in Berlin in a burnt iron chest in the ruins of the building in which Hitler committed suicide. The letter is poorly preserved, but the researchers managed to read it. It is dated April 30, 1932 and signed by Hitler and Lucifer (as Satan is called). Moreover, experts say that the signatures made in blood are genuine, at least Hitler's signature was verified with other sources.

Document signed by Adolf Hitler, who was found in 1945 in Berlin

Obligations of the parties to the agreement

In this agreement, Lucifer undertakes to give Hitler unlimited power if he uses it for evil. The Fuhrer will become the ruler of Germany and all of Europe, he will have millions of people under his command. In exchange for this, Hitler must become a source of large-scale evil, and Satan will take his soul after a certain time. The authenticity of the signature of the devil is not in doubt, since his presence can be traced in all the deeds of Hitler in the years before his last days. In addition, Hitler's suicide occurred exactly 13 years after the signing of the agreement, on April 30, 1945.

The fate of Hitler before 1932 and after changed dramatically and in the opposite direction. In his youth, he did not manage to get a secondary education, he failed in the entrance exams, was unemployed and even ended up in prison. After 1932, they began to listen to him, his career began to grow rapidly. As early as January 1933, Hitler ruled Germany. His power continued until April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years, as indicated in the agreement.

Hitler's written pact with the devil is now kept as research material in Berlin at the Institute of German History.

Even if the mysterious contract is a hoax, it is very convincing. The authenticity of Hitler's signature is confirmed by experts, and the exact date of suicide exactly 13 years later can hardly be called a mere coincidence.

April 30 marks the 65th anniversary of the Fuhrer's death. Researchers are still looking for a clue to the mystical secrets of the Third Reich [discussion]

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Over the past 20 years, both in Russia and in the world, many books have been published on the topic of Adolf Hitler and the occult. If you believe them, then the Fuhrer kept a staff of magicians and soothsayers, searched for Shambhala, stole the Spear of Destiny (according to legend, they finished off Christ on the cross), knew aliens and created a base of "flying saucers" in Antarctica, and most importantly, signed an agreement with the devil himself. By blood. Brad, apparently. But it didn't come out of nowhere.

Is there any grain of truth in the stories about Hitler? Dmitry ZHUKOV, a historian, specialist in the history of the SS, inspector-at-large of the department for organizing information and propaganda work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, author of the book The Occult Reich, tells about this in an interview with a Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent.

Beast from the abyss

- Dmitry Alexandrovich, it is easy to believe in the connection of Hitler and his entourage with the occult - too much blood was shed ...

The notion that the Third Reich was a state that cultivated Satanism is today established not only in the popular, but also scientific literature about fascism. But the evidence base does not withstand serious criticism. Hitler was too pragmatic a monster to believe in otherworldly powers and miracles.

- Who wrote the mystical tales?

The main source on which all myth-makers rely is one - the books of Hermann Rauschning: "Hitler Speaks" (1939), "The Beast from the Abyss" (1940) and others. According to Rauschning, he wrote them on the basis of personal meetings with the Fuhrer "more than a hundred times." These opuses were treated as revelations, they were translated into almost all languages ​​of the world.

Rauschning's works were published in Russia in 1993. And since then, even conscientious researchers have been actively citing them.

The author assures that Nazism had some kind of "secret demonic doctrine", which was developed in "certain circles of a very small elite." In addition, the book is filled with Hitler's "revelations" about his meetings with a certain "fearless and cruel" before whom he "trembled". Obviously, the devil was meant.

Did you order the hell?

So it was hell?

Not! Rauschning's opuses have not the slightest historical value. First, they are filled with distorted quotes from Mein Kampf. Secondly, other people's words attributed to Hitler. This is confirmed by the most authoritative and objective biographer of Hitler, Werner Maser.

Moreover, according to numerous memoirs and documents from the German archives, Rauschning met Hitler only four times exclusively on work matters - before the war he was president of the Danzig Senate. And the audience was always attended by third parties. Didn't have face to face conversations.

- Why did the "writer" lie?

Rather, he fantasized at the request of military propagandists, who took advantage of the fact that Rauschning was very offended by the National Socialists. They expelled him from the party. The writer emigrated to Switzerland in 1939. And there he was joyfully greeted by the head of anti-German propaganda in the world press, Imre Revers. And he consulted even with Churchill himself. Revers asked Rauschning to write a propaganda book exposing Nazism in the guise of a memoir. The result was “Hitler told me. Confidential reports of the Fuhrer about his plans to conquer the whole world "(in another edition -" Says Hitler "). The book was immediately published in 20 countries of Europe and America in huge editions.

Holy Lance

Many researchers write that Hitler possessed one of the greatest relics of Christianity - the Spear of Destiny. Or the so-called Spear of Longinus, with which the crucified Jesus was stabbed. Allegedly, it was them that the Roman legionary Gaius Cassius inflicted a “blow of mercy”. Subsequently, Cassius believed, took the name Longinus and was canonized as a saint.

Whether the Spear of Destiny actually existed is a mystery. The controversy about it is as hot as about the Shroud of Turin.

It seems that the Spear appeared long before the birth of Christ. At first, it was owned by the leader of the Jews, Joshua Nun, the successor of Moses, at the time when he conquered the Promised Land - Palestine. The spear fell to King Solomon and helped drive the pagans away from Judea. Then - to King Herod, who fought with his neighbors. Among the owners of the Spear were Constantine the Great, King of the Franks Theodoric I, Emperor Justinian, Charlemagne.

Then there was evidence that he was held in the hands of the Roman emperors. That is, most likely, from some point we are talking about a real subject.

There are four Spears of Destiny in the world - one each in the Vatican, Armenia, Krakow and Vienna. Whether any of them are genuine is unknown. So far, as expertise shows, the latter is the most ancient. So it's more "genuine". It came to Vienna from the last owner - the Prussian king Frederick II. And it was kept there until 1938.

After the annexation of Austria to the Reich, the Spear was taken to Nuremberg. And after the war it was returned to Vienna. Where it is located to this day in the treasure chamber of the Vienna Palace. Only now, if you follow the occult myths, then the Spear, which you can see in the palace, is a fake. The real thing was stolen by Hitler. And he hid it in the ice of Antarctica, along with many other cultural values ​​\u200b\u200bthat have not been found so far.

Hitler allegedly saw the Spear of Longinus before the First World War. He believed the legends that the Spear would give victory over the world: "He who declares it his own and reveals its secret, will take the fate of the world into his own hands for the accomplishment of Good and Evil."

IN FACT. The legend about the theft of the Spear by Hitler was invented by the English pseudo-historian Trevor Ravenscroft. And in 1972 he published a book with such a version. At the same time, he flavored it with thick obscurantism. For example, he assured that Hitler "decided to develop in his astral body the centers responsible for entering the macrocosm and contact with the forces of darkness."

In reality, no data on special interest in the Spear of Destiny from the leaders of the Third Reich was found. Although for some reason he was indeed taken from Vienna to Nuremberg.


The Fuhrer allegedly believed that behind the swastika there was a “dark secret” that allowed him to control history. And he deliberately chose the clockwise movement of the swastika, believing that this would give the sign a demonic character.

IN FACT. The swastika in Buddhism personified the sun. Before the war, the US even advertised Coca-Cola on a swastika. It is also called Kolovrat, and this is the oldest symbol in the history of mankind.

The Nazis needed an emblem, on the one hand, known to everyone, on the other - "not occupied" by competitors, on the third - causing an unambiguously positive reaction and capable of mobilizing the people. The swastika perfectly met all these requirements. It was quite traditional for Christian Europe, but, as scientists claimed, was of Aryan origin. This, of course, was an additional plus in arousing the racial instinct among the Germans. And about the meaning of the movement of the swastika (from right to left means knowledge, and the reverse movement means power), Hitler at that time simply did not know.


The center for the development of various occult theories served scientific organization"Ahnenerbe" ("Heritage of the Ancestors"). The leading departments there were: for the study of parapsychology, spiritualism and occultism, for the study of runes and for the derivation of the superman.

IN FACT. These departments were listed only on paper, and in 1937 they were abolished altogether. The Nazis did not have the knowledge to create superhumans. They were mainly busy breeding purebred Aryans. In this connection, they created special conditions for German women who wanted to give birth to a child from "selected" SS officers. And throughout their lives they were financially provided. The runes in the emblems of the SS were used, but as a historical legacy.


It was believed that expeditions of scientists from the "Ahnenerbe" in Tibet were looking for Shambhala and contacts with the mysterious "Higher Unknowns". So, the historian Valentin Prussakov writes in the book “The Occult Messiah and His Reich”: “The units of the Red Army that entered Berlin were quite amazed when they saw big number corpses of Tibetans in SS uniform.

IN FACT. Yes, research department Central Asia in 1938-1939 he organized three expeditions to Tibet. But only with one purpose - ethnographic. And about the Tibetans who served in the SS, this is a fiction.


According to one version, Hitler did not shoot himself in 1945. Shortly before the fall of Berlin, he left his bunker on a "flying saucer", with the construction of which in the Third Reich, as you know, succeeded. Hitler flew to Antarctica, where there was already a base under the ice. There the Fuhrer was ritually killed and moved to Valhalla - according to the German-Scandinavian mythology, this is a paradise for valiant warriors.


According to one version, Hitler was possessed by the devil. According to another, the Fuhrer signed an agreement with him. And he sold his soul in exchange for favors. Allegedly, this is precisely what explains the unexpected rise of the “loser”. After all, Hitler was expelled from high school, he twice failed the exams at the Academy of Arts and even went to prison. And suddenly his fate changed dramatically. In 1933 he already ruled Germany.

IN FACT. The existence of a secret “satanic” dossier was told four years ago by Gabriele Amort, the chief exorcist at the Holy See, speaking on Vatican radio. He reported that the presence of the devil was found in Hitler. Moreover, according to recently released documents, during the Second World War, Pope Pius XII tried to “remotely” cast the devil out of the Fuhrer. However, as Amort admitted, this experiment failed. The bike about Hitler's pact with Satan will soon be two years old. Then information appeared on the Internet that the contract itself, signed in blood, had been found. Allegedly, it is written there that the devil gives Hitler almost unlimited power over people on the condition that he will use it exclusively for evil. In exchange, the Fuhrer pledged to give his soul in exactly 13 years.

Of course, this is a hoax. But it was furnished very convincingly. The document, dated April 30, 1932, was commented on by experts. And they convinced that Hitler's signature was genuine, characteristic of documents signed by him in the 30s and 40s.

The hoaxers knew very well that on April 30, 1945 - exactly 13 years after the "signing of the treaty" - Adolf Hitler committed suicide, hated by all mankind.


The demoniac wanted to steal the Shroud of Turin

The other day, in an interview with the Italian magazine Diva, the current director of the library of the Benedictine monastery of Montevergine in Avellino (Italy), Father Andrea Carden admitted that during the war years the Vatican feared for the safety of the shroud of Christ. Therefore, she was secretly transported to this Benedictine monastery in 1939.

Hitler was obsessed with a sacred relic, says Father Cardin. And he wanted to steal it. When he came to Italy in 1938 with his high-ranking Nazi aides, he persistently asked about the location of the shroud. And after Italy entered the war in alliance with Hitler and German troops were sent to Italy, the shroud was almost discovered by them in a cache.

In 1943, the Nazis entered the Montevergine monastery in search of a shroud, and the monks immediately pretended to be deeply immersed in prayer in front of the altar - the relic was kept in it. This saved the shroud, which returned to Turin only in 1946, when the danger had passed.

It was so? - I ask the historian Zhukov.

In fact, it smells like another nonsense. In Italy, after the occupation by the Germans, when the war was coming to an end, the export of cultural property was organized. Of course, the Vatican was afraid that the Germans would also take away the shroud, which is why they hid it. After all, Goering robbed to the fullest. By the way, officially the transfer of the Christian shrine was generally explained by its protection from a possible explosion in Turin. But Hitler himself was not obsessed with the sacred relic.


The Nazis burned Marx's books along with horoscopes

There is no direct connection between the Nazis and esotericism and mysticism, - the historian Zhukov is sure. - None of the authors speculating on the "occult Reich" could convincingly prove such.

Moreover, the Nazis themselves completely denied any significance for their ideology of certain "secret doctrines". Hitler directly dissociated himself from all manifestations of the occult: "At the origins of our program requirements are not mysterious and mystical forces, but a clear consciousness and open rationality." The ideology of the Nazis was pragmatic, although they used some myths for propaganda - for example, about the Aryan race.

And to the "owners secret knowledge"The Nazis were treated without piety: on May 10, 1933, bonfires blazed in front of the buildings of the universities of Munich and Berlin, into which students and stormtroopers threw "Marxist" books and works of theosophists and occultists with hatred. At the same time, mystics were forbidden to speak and publish, Masonic and esoteric organizations were dissolved. And in 1934, the chief of the Berlin police announced a ban on all forms of fortune telling. Repression against the occultists intensified after the assignment of government powers at the ministerial level to Reichsleiter Martin Bormann on May 29, 1941.

Why was Hitler so zealously fighting devilry? The answer is simple: the Fuhrer needed to be believed only in him.

Hitler himself, if he believed in something otherworldly, was in Providence, whose instrument he saw himself as.

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Hitler never signed a pact with the devil. April 30 marks the 65th anniversary of the Fuhrer's death. Researchers are still looking for the solution to the mystical secrets of the Third Reich. Svetlana KUZINA