Vampires vs werewolves who is stronger. Dawnguard: Werewolves vs. Vampires

Vampires are popular movie characters, represented by dead people who feed on human blood. Watching many films, many people think about whether vampires or this is just a "horror story". It is clear that it is impossible to give a negative or positive answer with absolute certainty, since there is no evidence, with the exception of the reports of some people.

Who are vampires?

Vampires are, in fact, the revived dead. There is an opinion that several reasons can turn a person into a bloodsucker: the action of magic, suicide, a sinful life and the rejection of faith. Now let's move on to describing the external signs of vampires, as they have pale skin, eyes of an unusual color and fangs that appear when the creature is preparing to attack. Most of the organs do not function, but they continue to work. The vampire feeds on the blood of living beings, which gives them strength.

Real vampires always keep in groups, and they obey one main bloodsucker. These creatures always strive for power, so they occupy high positions in life. Bloodsuckers have abilities and, first of all, this is the creation of other vampires. They also live forever, can hypnotize people, move along vertical walls, have great strength and the ability to move quickly.

Who is stronger vampire or werewolf?

There is always an unspoken competition between different entities, who is cooler, so we offer to figure out who is stronger, a vampire or a werewolf. Of course, the competition has not yet been held, but judging by the abilities, then in this duet, the werewolf will be the first. This is due to the fact that he has consciousness, both human and animal. Such a mixture of experience and instinct gives great strength and opportunity.

Who are energy vampires?

If many do not believe in the existence of real vampires, then, according to psychologists and people who work with energies, people who feed on the energy of others still exist. - people who receive energy from others, eating emotions. Signs by which you can determine that a person is an energy vampire:

  1. The constant desire to bring a person to emotions in order to get enough of them.
  2. Love for long conversations "about nothing." If you are talking with a person for a long time, and you can’t stop the dialogue in any way, then you can suspect that you have a vampire in front of you.
  3. The desire to share their problems or the tragedies of other people, with an emphasis on torment.
  4. Such people are open, who speak the truth in person, without choosing words.

who is stronger werewolf or vampire and got the best answer

Answer from Nastyushich[newbie]
I'll try to find out. First of all, I will tell you about the power of werewolves and vampires. Well, I'll start with Werewolves:
First of all, let me remind you that a werewolf is a wolf, and wolves, as you know, are very hardy animals, they can run up to 120 km and never rest, but werewolves can move at high speed. What is the main weapon of a werewolf? this is of course his claws, which can be very large and strong and of course very sharp. I would compare the werewolf with the hero of the film people Wolverine. They are both very tenacious wounds, they heal right before their eyes, they both have a well-developed sense of smell and, of course, their claws are terribly sharp and very strong. Well, let's talk about werewolf survivability. As you know, a werewolf is very difficult to kill with almost nothing more than I would even say, but there are 3 ways that I know, this is a silver bullet that should hit him right in the heart, otherwise it will just go right through the werewolf and this will only piss him off even more . There is also fire, if you douse a werewolf from head to toe with gasoline and set it on fire, be sure he will die, but before that he can also kill you3 way and the hardest is to cut off the werewolf's head. For a long time, of course, you will have to cut off your head with even the sharpest blade, well, unless of course you have lightsaber, which will do it in one fell swoop. I understand the method is risky, but effective. Well, these are 3 ways by which you can kill a werewolf. More are not known to me. Werewolves, I repeat, these are the same wolves, and the wolf is the most skilled hunter. Well, that's basically all about werewolves for now.
Vampires, what are their virtues? read on. Vampires, unlike a werewolf, can even run around the world and never stop, because they have no metabolism, and they do not get tired at all. Do not forget about the great speed of the vampire. Well, enough about running and about speed. Let's talk about vampire weapons. The main weapon of the vampire is a huge strength, which, combined with agility, gives the vampire a great advantage over the enemy. I will not talk about Count Dracula from the Van Helsing movie for now, who has more fangs than Katya Pushkareva and huge wings, more on that later. For now, let's talk about vampire vitality. As it turned out, a vampire is easier to kill than a werewolf. The first is rather scaring away a vampire, this is garlic. The second is a tree that can easily kill a vampire by hitting him in the heart. The third is, of course, fire, after which, if the vampire has not died, then it will be restored for exactly 50-100 years. You can still tear a vampire to pieces, but I think it’s beyond the power of a simple person. But a werewolf is just on hand, or rather on a paw. Well, that's the principle I finished about the vampire
Next, we will talk about films with the participation of fights of werewolves against vampires.
And I'll start with the movie twilight saga new moon. This film shows the clash of werewolves with vampires. As we can see, not quite werewolves are shown here, but larger ones, like wolves that hunt in a pack and attack one victim with the whole group. As we can see in the screenshot I posted. We see how 2 wolves are trying to kill a vampire, but there were more than two of them, and this of course was crowned with great success for them, but before killing the vampire, he managed to knock out two poor people. Well, this is the end of the movie and we are already thinking about it at last it will be a 1v1 battle between a vampire and a werewolf! But it wasn’t there, the snot ruined the whole ending
Next we will talk about the famous film Van Helsing. We will go straight to final fight werewolf with Count Dracula. Personally, in my opinion, the fight was very spectacular. We saw two worthy opponents. And I want to note Count Dracula was not a simple vampire, but with wings, huge fangs and great strength. And the werewolf was standard, though a little more than others) but still it's Van Helsing But as we see Count Dracula, nothing saved him and he fell. Although he had the opportunity to kill him when the moon disappeared behind the clouds. And if instead of Count Drak
so it's a draw

Answer from fxg dg[newbie]

Answer from Valentina Bichurina[newbie]
Stupid question. But still stronger werewolves.
Vampires are afraid of garlic and even light! And werewolves almost nothing!

Answer from Kon liubov[newbie]

Answer from Yatyanka[guru]
a slightly strange comparison .... and what is stronger - fire or wind? water or fire? water or wind?

Answer from Babai[guru]
I can only say one thing - Kristen Stewart as an actress - a complete zero - if not for the camera work (it is there - yes) and the director's attempts, it would be house-2! .She was simply forbidden to play at least anything and replaced it with filming from different angles ... In all the frames she has two unchanging facial expressions - "emo" and "titanic song" ...
The werewolf (Taylor Lautner) was disgusting, and the vampire (Robert Pattinson) only knew how to make mysterious faces ... The movie is rubbish, but the plot ... Not for me to judge, someone likes ...
None of them played much - the question is stupid, just because it was created!
And yes, I watched this film (the first part) the plot is interesting, if not for the disgusting acting ...

Answer from Yoman Skidsky[active]
wow, what about silver? _)

Answer from Maxim Morozov[newbie]
Well, if this vampire is the highest, like Detluff or Regis from The Witcher universe, they have very big variety abilities, for example: "super" regeneration (if even a piece or a drop of blood remains from him, he will still recover), the strongest, long and sharp claws on his hands, teleportation, turning into fog (in this state they cannot be hurt in any way, suitable for escape, but also deadly in battle), enormous physical strength, in the thirst for blood they are more terrible than anyone, there are no weaknesses, except perhaps a small weakness for silver, and then imperceptible; a higher vampire can only be killed by another higher vampire by biting him, there are no other ways, so if compared with such a vampire, then everything is probably clear, but even if the werewolf defeats him, dofig times, he will still get tired, and the vampire will already recover, so so!

Werewolves and vampires is a topic so popular in the last decade that the army of fans who want to transform into their favorite characters has reached unimaginable proportions.

A werewolf (left) and a vampire (right) from a popular contemporary film

From scary and dangerous monsters, they suddenly turned into characters in blockbusters and romantic films. Of course, movie companies don't care a bit about historical or mythological consistency, they only care about making multimillion-dollar earnings.

It is for this reason that the fragile minds of viewers and fans receive a distorted and unreliable idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthese mysterious creatures.

Most of us believe that ghouls are the same people, and the only difference is the diet.

And werewolves are just like us, according to many - they just know how to turn into animals.

It turns out that the image of terrible monsters is lost forever, because judging by the films and books, they have the same everyday "human" problems and complexes.

But this is far from true. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this article in order to better understand these creatures, discarding all stereotypical images, as well as to understand the reasons for the eternal confrontation between a vampire and a werewolf.

Who are vampires

A vampire, ghoul, ghoul is a dead man who is able to rise from the grave at night. As a rule, they appear in the form of a bat, suck blood from a sleeping person and send nightmares.

According to legends, an "unclean" dead person who committed a terrible crime, or a person who died prematurely from a vampire bite, became a vampire.

There are many myths associated with the external description of creatures. Not all of them are real. For example, it is believed that a vampire should be tall and thin.

But this is far from true. Of course, a large number of beliefs say that most vampires and witches in antiquity weighed very little, had a thin physique. But other versions are relevant today.

The main features of the appearance of extraordinary creatures:

  1. Body type. They can be different: tall and thin, or stocky, squat and full.
  2. Pallor. Opinions differ on this parameter. Someone believes that the vampire is always pale and has a skin similar to marble, and someone is sure that after eating the ghoul's skin becomes more natural, the cheeks turn pink, and the lips become scarlet.
  3. Fangs. And there are several versions of this paragraph. According to one of them, the eye teeth of ghouls always protrude. Another says that they appear only at the moment when the ghouls feel the blood and are ready to attack the victim.
  4. Fear of the world. The most common misconception is that a vampire will burn out when exposed to sunlight. It is possible that the ancestors of modern evil spirits had such a feature. Now, nocturnal blood lovers have adapted to the light. They can easily appear under direct rays, without fear of turning into ashes. However, they still prefer to be in a closed and cool room.

Behavior and hunting

Sometimes it is not so easy to distinguish a vampire from an ordinary person: these creatures are not one hundred years old, and during this time they were able to adapt. The lifespan of a vampire is hundreds and hundreds of years. They retained their aristocratic sophistication, while looking perfect and selfish.

These mysterious creatures love to take care of themselves, always trying to be in shape: after all, their main weapon is their appearance and charm.

Restraint and mystery do not interfere with being the center of attention.

When hunting, a vampire will never pounce on a random victim. They love to hunt down, charm, fall in love with themselves.

Most of them will not be content with forced blood.

The greatest pleasure for a vampire is the voluntary consent of the victims.


These are mythical creatures that can change from human to animal and vice versa. The classic type of werewolves who take the form of a wolf are werewolfs, or volkulak, varkolak, lycan.

Their unusual powers increase with the approach of a full moon or at a moment of great anger. If, being in the guise of a wolf, he experiences pain, then he turns into a man.

Here is what characterizes lycans:

  • Force. In a moment of rage, they lift objects weighing up to a ton. But even the weakest and physically undeveloped individuals can lift from 200 to 400 kg.
  • Speed. Their movements are fast both in wolf form and in human form. They are able to dodge flying objects, as they see the situation in slow motion.
  • Regeneration. Werewolves do not need to worry about getting hurt or injured: their threshold of sensitivity is much higher than that of a human. In addition, the body has a unique ability to heal itself. But there is one exception: losing a limb, a werewolf will not "grow" a new one.
  • Heightened feelings. They are distinguished by an increased exacerbation of all senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste.
  • Bite. If a werewolf bites a human, they would rather turn than die.
  • Transformations. Own desire is not always enough to turn into a werewolf completely. Sometimes this is obtained only with the face, claws and eyes.
  • Lie. Lycans are able to sense lies physically in the literal sense of the word. Because of their heightened hearing, they hear the rapid heartbeat that is characteristic of a person who lies.
  • Eyes. Some individuals are able to go into a state where their eyes glow. In this case, their abilities are enhanced.

Vampires and werewolves are related species

Naturally, there are a huge number of various myths about vampires and werewolves, which, for sure, did not arise from scratch. However, their presence is not at all reliable evidence confirming the reality of these monsters.

Most documented cases or stories only say that at all times there have been people who want to believe in the existence of monsters or pretend to be them.

The first vampires

Experts dealing with this topic are almost certain that the myths originate in the Stone Age from the First Vampires.

It is not difficult to see that many features of the living dead echo those of the werewolves. That is why, some believe that these two species are united by some kind of relationship.

For example, some legends say that ghouls can turn into animals of their own free will, and this is the ability of lycans.

Wehrfolf can be killed by piercing the heart or cutting off the head, which is typical for the living dead.

Both species are afraid of silver and weapons from this metal, they prefer a nocturnal lifestyle.

But lycans do not have an acute thirst for blood, like vampires, and they know how to control their transformations.

There are mythological details that logically fit into the idea of ​​these creatures, but there are moments that are absolutely impossible.

The fear of crosses is one of them. Neither of them are afraid of religious symbols. Both species appeared long before the advent of Christianity, so they can hardly be afraid of crosses or clergymen.

But all myths and legends agree on one thing for sure: throughout the existence of terrible creatures, there has been persistent hostility between them, turning into hatred. But for what reasons did it arise?


It is generally accepted that main reason centuries of enmity between ghouls and lycans are people. It would seem, why? After all, a vampire needs human blood to survive, but werewolves do not - they can easily do without people, being content with animals.

Of course, in modern cities it's hard to find someone bigger than stray dogs. But overcrowding in some countries allows old adversaries not to cross paths and share food.

Accordingly, if this is the reason, the struggle should subside?

The answer is to be found elsewhere. And food resources have nothing to do with it.

It is believed that the bite of a werewolf is deadly for ghouls, and therefore the latter decided to exterminate the werewolves, thus securing themselves once and for all.

They almost made it. During the Roman Empire, vampires reached their power.

Lycans, being on the verge of complete extinction, could not give a worthy rebuff and protect themselves. They had to flee to Europe, hiding from the Roman legions.

There were no werewolves left in the territory of the Empire. And only Gaul held the blow to the last. However, not for long. Several punitive operations committed by vampires were enough to crush the remaining werewolves and become mortal enemies forever.

Wars between the species subsided in the Middle Ages, because a common enemy appeared - the Catholic Church. Both those and others had to flee to escape the enraged fanatics.

At the turn of the millennium, the heads of the surviving ghoul clans decided to conclude a peace treaty with representatives of the Lycan tribes.

Unfortunately, the truce could not last long, as old grievances were not forgotten.

The terms of the peace treaty were not respected by both sides, and after another crushing defeat, the werewolves decided that it was time to get even with the vampires for all past losses.

The Lycans joined the crusaders, to the surprise of many, without hiding their identity.

Gaius Julius Caesar and the end of the war

Clashes between ghouls and lycans began long before the birth of Caesar, but it was he who was able to put an end to the age-old conflict that dragged the Roman Empire into civil war.

Legends say that, like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar was under the auspices of the nocturnal inhabitants from the first days of his life.

It was they who taught him oratory and military affairs, and also created all possible conditions for the 16-year-old Caesar to be elected a priest of Jupiter and enter into an advantageous marriage.

The living dead helped him free himself from pirate captivity, and later become Consul.

Obviously, their help could not be disinterested. In return, they demanded help in the extermination of the Lycans living in Gaul.

Unlimited power awaited Caesar for helping vampires. Of course, the reflections were short-lived.

58 BC marked by the victorious march of Caesar's legions through the Gallic lands.

Ghouls were engaged exclusively in punitive missions, destroying werewolves and their descendants.

The survivors managed to escape to the north, where they were able to raise the Belga tribes to war with the vampires and the Romans. Alas, the Belgae did not offer worthy resistance, and therefore the Lycans hurried to turn to the Germans and Celts.

The werewolves who remained in Gaul were able to rally and raise an uprising among the local population against the cruel Romans. For three long years, the Gauls held back the onslaught of Caesar's legions, but the cruelty of the ruler knew no bounds. During this time, many inhabitants of Gaul were killed, millions were taken prisoner.

In 51 BC, the confrontation between vampires and werewolves was over. During the war, not only the cities and their population were wiped off the face of the Earth - the legions destroyed all written sources with references to werewolves.

Vercingetorix surrenders to Caesar

The victory brought Caesar the desired power, which, unfortunately, did not last long. Intoxicated with power, the great dictator decided to get rid of the patronage of patrons, wanting to rule the Empire alone. But they were not in a hurry to curtail their influence.

On March 15, 44 BC, at a meeting of the Senate, the great Gaius Julius Caesar lost everything: both power and life. He died of blood loss, as did most of the victims and enemies who decided to challenge the vampire tribe.

Myth or reality

Undoubtedly, this version of what is happening is only one of the possible. Countless myths and legends offer readers other options. But be that as it may, no matter which version you choose, one thing is clear: vampires and werewolves are powerful and extremely dangerous creatures.

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Since Daggerfall, the second part The Elder Scrolls , where for the first time there was an opportunity to catch vampirism or lycanthropy (according to the authors, these are contagious diseases), fans' disputes on the topic of who is cooler do not subside. The ability to become a werewolf or a bloodsucker was originally, but with the release of the add-on Dawnguard both those and others received additional opportunities. Considering that one disease excludes another, the question of “who wins whom” arises with renewed vigor.



  • You can discover the animal essence in yourself at a fairly early stage of the game;
  • Turning into a beast, you can easily tear enemies apart, immediately devouring their corpses to improve health (and prolong the wolf form). And if it gets worse, you can scare away opponents with a terrible howl;
  • All protective and strengthening spells cast on the character before the transformation continue to operate, and thanks to this, the werewolf can lift even a giant in a one-on-one duel;
  • Kills made while in wolf form are not attributed to the hero, which is useful when fulfilling Dark Brotherhood orders;
  • Immunity to all diseases.


  • The form of the beast does not last long, only two and a half minutes, and it can only be taken once a day (although more often with the help of a quest ring);
  • You can only heal by devouring corpses, which is quite problematic under fire from magicians or archers, especially high-level ones. And the wolf's howl will not affect them;
  • You can’t check the map and go to the menu, rummage through chests and corpses;
  • A hefty beast is not able to squeeze into narrow passages and doorways;
  • No skills grow, no matter how many enemies the hero kills;
  • If you accidentally hit a companion with your paw, he will pounce on you, and most of the other characters will attack at all, barely seeing the werewolf.

What has changed in Dawnguard:

Now, by devouring the hearts of enemies, the werewolf can learn several skills, namely:

  • Strengthening attack;
  • Call for help of ice wolves;
  • Call for help of another werewolf;
  • The effect of a frightening howl on stronger enemies;
  • The ability to devour corpses is not only sentient beings and doubling the health recovered from it.

In general, the bestial form, as it was a way to survive a dangerous skirmish without any problems, has remained, and all the additions only make it more effective against high-level enemies.



  • Resistance to cold, diseases and poisons;
  • Reanimate corpses to help in battle;
  • The ability to see in the dark, hide better, or even become invisible;
  • Once a day, you can calm a group of opponents for a short time, and thanks to enhanced illusion magic, you can achieve the same with spells.


  • Vulnerability to fire and dislike of sunlight - during the day, the vampire's health, mana and stamina decrease, and even stop recovering;
  • The most powerful abilities are revealed at the extreme stage of the disease, too conspicuous for outsiders, and almost all the characters encountered attack the vampire;
  • To prevent the disease from progressing, you need to feed on the blood of the sleeping, and imperceptibly to others (but this is not so difficult).

What has changed in Dawnguard:

Firstly, you are no longer attacked at the final stage of the disease, and according to the plot, the hero gets the opportunity to turn into a vampire lord with a lot of developed abilities, namely:

  • Turn into an invulnerable fog, during this time restoring health and mana;
  • Move faster than enemies, as if slowing down time;
  • Restore health completely if you manage to kill the enemy with one blow;
  • Reduced cost of blood magic spells and vampire abilities;
  • Poisoning enemies with each hit with claws;
  • Turn into a flock of bats that attack enemies;
  • Summon a gargoyle for help;
  • Paralyze all nearby enemies;
  • Pull the enemy towards you, strangling him along the way, just like Darth Vader.

Thus, if earlier vampires made excellent characters gravitating towards stealthy passage, now they also have a powerful combat form that is not inferior to the bestial one (albeit with the same disadvantages). Yes, and a fashionable Gothic castle to boot!

It seems that the bloodsuckers win this round outright. What do you say? Vote and justify your choice in the comments!