How Russia disposed of the fate of NATO officers caught in the basements of Aleppo. Cynical ploy: how the UN rescues NATO officers captured in Aleppo Advisers captured in Aleppo

Information appeared on the network that the militants abandoned the officers of the Western Regional Command of the US coalition in the basement of eastern Aleppo. There is no confirmation or refutation of official sources yet.

So, the militants left the Western advisers in the basement, but why didn't they use the humanitarian corridor?

Bashar al-Assad, as well as all his allies, received a pleasant bonus, the Syrian special services captured dozens of Western military advisers alive and unharmed, who could not leave the region of eastern Aleppo and were captured.

NATO officers had the opportunity to leave the "cauldron", but for some reason they did not use the humanitarian corridors through which thousands of lightly armed militants came out.

Experts do not rule out that last days the defense of eastern Aleppo between the militants and Western military advisers there were serious disagreements against the backdrop of a military defeat.

Help from the West did not come, as the terrorists had hoped, diplomatic pressure on Russia, Syria and Iran ended in nothing, eastern Aleppo fell, and with it the credibility of Western curators.

Leaving, the terrorists left the NATO officers and their Middle Eastern "colleagues" at least alive. They were hiding in one of the basements of eastern Aleppo, which was equipped as a headquarters, they were completely demoralized and could not even destroy the evidence.

Western military advisers hoped to the last for help by sending distress signals. Background activity eventually led the Syrian special forces to their lair, although it was hardly possible without Russian intelligence officers and Russian equipment.

There is a lot of work to be done with the prisoners, the reaction of the Western media and diplomats will be predictably negative, but now there is not just a topic of discussion, there are specific names.

Information also appeared on the network that among the detained officers there are representatives of: the United States, France, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, etc.
American officers - 22
British officers - 16
French officers - 21
Israeli officers - 7
Turkish officers - 62

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during which he discussed the situation in Syria. This was reported in a press release on the Kremlin website. RT message posted at 10:56 pm December 18...

Z.Y. The information is already provided by authoritative Western media

Updated: Syrian Special Forces captured 14 US Coalition officers captured in Aleppo

, indicating that the 14 names are just those already set. Total:

no. of American officers is 22
british 16
French 21

Fuck, fall and not get up! There were not 14 of them, but almost 10 times more - 128 warrior-advisers. True, their advice to the baboons-hierrorists was not useful. But the question arises - who advised the baboons to cut off the heads of the boys and shoot at the unarmed residents of Aleppo? The baboons from Aleppo were released, but only to be shot in another place, if they did not escape to Geyrop, closer to NATA, but then NATA would remember the capture of their advisers. So it’s time for baboons to hang themselves, and for advisers Sasad and Putin will demand a whole bunch of goodies for themselves and they will do it right.

Original taken from rurik_l in the basement of Aleppo, NATO officers issued a distress signal

Information appeared on the network that the militants abandoned the officers of the Western Regional Command of the US coalition in the basement of eastern Aleppo. There is no confirmation or refutation of official sources yet.

So, the militants left the Western advisers in the basement, but why didn't they use the humanitarian corridor?

Bashar al-Assad, as well as all his allies, received a pleasant bonus, the Syrian special services captured dozens of Western military advisers alive and unharmed, who could not leave the region of eastern Aleppo and were captured.

NATO officers had the opportunity to leave the "cauldron", but for some reason they did not use the humanitarian corridors through which thousands of lightly armed militants came out.

Experts do not rule out that in the last days of the defense of eastern Aleppo, there were serious disagreements between the militants and Western military advisers against the backdrop of a military defeat.

Help from the West did not come, as the terrorists had hoped, diplomatic pressure on Russia, Syria and Iran ended in nothing, eastern Aleppo fell, and with it the credibility of Western curators.

Leaving, the terrorists left the NATO officers and their Middle Eastern "colleagues" at least alive. They were hiding in one of the basements of eastern Aleppo, which was equipped as a headquarters, they were completely demoralized and could not even destroy the evidence.

Western military advisers hoped to the last for help by sending distress signals. Background activity eventually led the Syrian special forces to their lair, although it was hardly possible without Russian intelligence officers and Russian equipment.

There is a lot of work to be done with the prisoners, the reaction of the Western media and diplomats will be predictably negative, but now there is not just a topic of discussion, there are specific names.

Information also appeared on the network that among the detained officers there are representatives of: the United States, France, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, etc.
American officers - 22
British officers - 16
French officers - 21
Israeli officers - 7
Turkish officers - 62

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during which he discussed the situation in Syria. This was reported in a press release on the Kremlin website.

Syrian special forces capture 14 US coalition officers in Aleppo

Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor

[Editor's note: Well hit by a fan if that's true. By that I mean that we will ask for confirmation from the Syrian Minister of Justice.

We suspected, due to Kerry's inflexible stance, that the ceasefire was first and foremost to help get these officers out, and only then the jihadists. But this, of course, smells not only of their capture, but of interrogations of some key employees.

Of course, small groups could hide in well-stocked and hidden underground shelters for a few weeks to get out later, but there is still a big element of risk for them. You can imagine how much they will pay for the extradition of those who are left homeless of these "behind" creatures. . Jim W. Dean]

Who is hiding where?

At least 14 coalition officers led by US military advisers have been captured by Syrian special forces in a bunker in the city of Aleppo, according to media reports.

"The Security Council sat down for behind closed doors on Friday, December 16, 2016 at 17:00 GMT, while NATO personnel were detained this morning by Syrian special forces in a bunker in East Aleppo." also provided a list of names of coalition military advisers captured in Aleppo, citing a member of the Syrian parliament:

Fares Shuhaybi, a prominent Syrian parliamentarian and head of the Aleppo Chamber of Commerce, posted the names of the coalition officers on his Facebook page on December 15 (italics mine):

Mutaz Canoglu - Turkey
David Scott Viner - USA
David Shlomo Aram - Israel
Muhamad Tamimi - Qatar
Muhammad Ahmad Assabian - Saudi
Abd al-Menham Fahd al-Kharij - Saudi Arabia
Islam Salam Ez-Zahran Al Hajlan - Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Ben Naufil Al Darij - Saudi Arabia
Muhammad Hassan As-Sabini - Saudi Arabia
Hamad Fahad Ad-Dosri - Saudi Arabia
Amjad Qasem At-Tirawi - Jordan
Qassem Saad Ash-Shamri - Saudi Arabia
Ayman Qassem At-Tahalbi - Saudi Arabia
Mohamed El-Shafini El-Idrisi - Morocco

Syrian journalist Saeed Hilal Ash0Sharifi from Damascus also reported the issue on his Facebook account:

Very urgent
The Syrian authorities have covered the lair of senior officers of the Western Regional Command in the basement in eastern Aleppo and all the prisoners are alive.
Several names have already been revealed by Syrian journalists, including myself.
There are US, French, British, German officers, Israelis, Turks, Saudis, Moroccans, Qataris, etc.. etc.) installed all these scum and their military ranks I assure you, Syria is holding a big prize at this moment to negotiate with the countries that destroyed it.
Earlier in December, SF noted that the desperate US efforts to push for a "diplomatic solution" in Aleppo may indicate that the Obama administration is playing for time to get US mercenaries and intelligence officers out of the Aleppo trap.

Given that US coalition military advisers are operating widely across Syria "educating and facilitating" the so-called "moderate opposition" openly linked to al-Qaeda, there have been recent reports that this is most likely true.

For example, British military advisers officially arrived in Syria to "restore the fighting capacity" of the "moderate" opposition that retreated from Aleppo.

British military advisers arrived in Syria with the aim of restoring the combat capability of units of the "moderate" opposition that retreated from Aleppo, according to the Izvestia newspaper, citing a statement by British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon. Fallon said 20 British military instructors who will train "opposition" forces involved in the "fight against the Islamic State" have already arrived at their destination.
The dispatch of British advisers was announced in October, well before the capture of Aleppo by Syrian government forces. Initially, they had the task of training recruits in combined arms combat, as well as teaching them the basics of tactical medicine and military equipment. However, the situation has changed and the task has also changed.

At least 10 "NATO" military officers were captured by Syrian special forces this morning in East Aleppo, hiding in a bunker.

Still got caught - NATO gunners-bastards !!!

Syrian army. A soldier holds an Al Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria) flag near the Umayyed Mosque, Old City, after government forces liberated East Aleppo from terrorists this week. (Image: Vanessa Beeley

Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian parliamentarian and head of the Aleppo Chamber of Commerce published the names of the NATO officers (italics mine): on his Facebook page:

Moataz Ughhh Lakan oglu - Turkey

David Scott Weiner - USA

David Shlomo Aram - Israel

Mohammad - Islamic Sheikh

Mohammed Ahmed - UAE

Abdel Moneim Fahad Al Ḩryj - United Arab Emirates

Islam Salim al - el - Zahran Glen - UAE

Ahmad Ibn Nawfal Aldridge-UAE

Mohamed Hassan Subaie - UAE

Hamid Fahad Al Dossary - United Arab Emirates.

Amjad Qasem Thiraoui - Jordan

Qasim Saad Al Shammari - United Arab Emirates.

Ayman Qasim Thâalbi - United Arab Emirates.

Mohammad Shafi "I AL-Idrisi - Morocco

More detailed information was presented in Damascus by Syrian journalist Said Hilal Alcharifi. According to Alcharifi, the captured NATO officers were from NATO member states, including the US, France, Germany, Turkey, as well as Israel. Here is his statement (translated from French): “Thanks to the information received, the Syrian authorities discovered the headquarters of high-ranking Western / NATO officers in the basement of the square in East Aleppo and captured them alive. Some names have already been given to Syrian journalists, including, their belonging to the citizens of the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Morocco is indicated.

"In light of their nationalities and their rank, I assure you that the Syrian government has a very important catch, which should enable the government of Syria and Russia to direct negotiations with countries that have tried to destroy the Syrian statehood in the right direction for Russia and Syria," Said said. Hilal Alcharifi.