We read with the letter y. The study of the sound "Y" and the letter Y by preschoolers

Teaching literacy to preschoolers. Sound and letter Y

Target: formation of phonetic-phonemic perception
1. Learn to clearly pronounce the sound “Y” in isolation, in syllables and words.
2. Learn to distinguish sound from a number of vowels and from the end of a word.
3. Learn to form the plural of nouns using the sound "Y".
4. Introduce the letter Y.
5. Develop auditory attention, memory, logical thinking, visual and phonemic perception, fine motor skills, graphic skills.
Equipment: mirrors, subject pictures, a sound symbol, the letters Y from sandpaper or other rough material, walnuts, notebooks for speech therapy tasks, red pencils, a board, beans.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
Invite children to identify the vowel sound by articulation.
2. Exercise "Bear".
Teacher speech therapist:
A bear came to visit us. See what he is? Call him affectionately.
Listen to him growl: "Y-y-y-y."
What sound did you hear?
3. Exercise "Sound" Y "".
Clarify the articulation of the sound "Y" in front of the mirrors.
Invite each child to say the sound in unison.
Introduce the characteristics of sound, its symbol.
Select the sound "Y" by ear from a series of vowels. (The speech therapist pronounces vowel sounds. When the children hear the sound “Y”, they clap their hands.)
4. The game "Repeat, do not make a mistake."
The speech therapist pronounces a series of syllables, and the children repeat in chorus or individually: you-we-py, you-fu-dy, would-we-you, we-py-dy.
5. Exercise "Where is the sound" Y "?".
Select the sound "Y" from the composition of words (according to subject pictures): scales, bows, mustaches, bridges, flowers, watches.
6. Exercise "Plural".
Invite the children to name the words in the plural according to the pictures with the image of one object. If the word is named correctly, put up a picture with the image of several of the same objects. Highlight the sound at the end of the formed word (bow, cat, whale, whip, bandage, oak).
7. Physical education.
Once upon a time there were jumpers - Children walk in a circle.

We'll jump to the moon - Walking in circles.
Jump, jump, jump, jump. Jumping on two legs.
8. Game "Live sounds".
The sounds stood in a row: “AUY” (“EUY”, “IEY”, etc.). Where is the sound "Y" heard? (At the end of the row.)
"AYO" ("OYA", "EYU", etc.). Where is the "y" sound? (In the middle of the row.)
9. Exercise "Gifts of the Phonetics Fairy".
Fairy Phonetics sent us pictures. Name what is on them. Where is the sound "Y" heard in the word "smoke" ("bull", "soap", "cheese", "melon", "pumpkin", "mouse")?
10. Exercise "Letter Y".
Consider the letter Y and highlight its elements, circle the letter Y from sandpaper along the contour.
Read and repeat with children a poem about the letter Y:
And the poor thing is the letter Y
Wandering with a wand, alas!
11. Exercises with walnuts: 2-3 exercises (Gorochka, Cams).
12. Work in a notebook of speech therapy tasks.
The speech therapist explains and shows the writing on the blackboard. "Writes" the letter together with the children in the air, pronouncing the sequence of its writing.
13. The result of the lesson.

The vowel sound Y, the letter Y.
Acquaintance with the sound and letter Y.
To form the skill of reading direct and reverse syllables.
Improve your ability to work with word patterns.
Develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.
Correct general motor skills, visual and auditory attention, phonemic hearing, syllabic analysis, letter synthesis.
Card with plus and minus for each child;
Letters A, O, U, Y from split alphabets;
Figurines of boats with written consonants on the sides;
Stylized letter Y, printed letter Y;
word models.
Age: 6-7 years old.
Type of occupation: formation of skills and abilities.
Visual and didactic material:
Picture of a boat with children; picture of the ship;
Card "Way of the soldier";
Table route track "Coast Map";
Cards - lotto, among which there is the sound Y: bull, table, balls, roof, chimney, smoke, clock, horses, etc.

Forms of work with students: game, crossword.
Forms of organization of the lesson: frontal.
Type of lesson: lesson-game.

Lesson structure:
1. Presentation of sound.
2. Acquaintance with the articulation mode during its pronunciation.
3. Sound characteristics: vowel or consonant, voiced or deaf, hard or soft.
4. Physical education.
5. Isolation of sound by ear from a number of sounds, from words, from sentences.
6. Acquaintance with the letter. Fixing the image of the letter.
7. Reading syllables and words with this letter.
8. The use of different ways of reading (on the steps, on the rope, on the slides).
9. Conclusions.

Lesson progress
1. A story with the presence of movements and voice exercises.
Pictures of a boat with children and a sailing ship are shown.
Teacher: We are now going on a boat trip. Listen to me carefully and repeat the movements after me.
“Summer has come. The children went for a boat ride (Imitation of rowing with oars). The waves rolled quietly. The ship was sailing towards the children, (Arms stretched forward, palms folded together), he hummed: Y-Y-Y-S (Together with the children). The children continued to swim. The ship hummed again: S-S-S-S, passing by the boat. Children cheerfully waved to the passengers of the ship (Children wave). They fished on a boat and dived into the water and swam (Show movements).
Teacher: who remembers from the story how the ship was buzzing? (S-S-S-S)
2. Acoustic and articulatory analysis of sound Y.
Teacher: What sound are we going to talk about today? (About the sound Y). What is this sound? (Vowel). Does anything interfere with his pronunciation? (No barriers). What vowel sounds have we already studied? (A, O, U) How are vowels different from consonants? (The vowels are sung, but the consonants are not.)
The sound Y is a vowel, nothing interferes with its pronunciation in the mouth, there is no barrier to the passage of the air stream, it can be sung. Lips at the same time - in a smile.
3. Statement of the game problem.
The route path "Map of the coast" is considered.
Teacher: on our boat we sailed to the wonderful coast and we will examine it now.

Item number 1. Waterfall.
Isolation of the sound Ы from a number of other sounds, selection of a syllable with Ы.

The purpose of the exercise: the development of syllabic analysis.
For the exercise, you will need cards with plus and minus for each child.
Teacher: in order for us to get over the waterfall and move on, we need to raise a card with a minus if you don’t hear the sound Y in a number of other sounds, and a card with a plus when you hear Y in a number of other sounds: A, O, U, S, I, S, E, S, etc.
And now the task is more complicated: raise a card with a plus when you hear the sound Y in words, and a card with a minus when this sound is not in the word.

Words: mountains, pencil case, fish, sofa, cats, boots, roses, book, goats, companies, table, bubble, chalk, soap, wind, goals, table.

Item number 2. Hill.
Isolation of the sound Y from the name of subject pictures.
The purpose of the exercise: the development of sound analysis.
For the exercise, you will need lotto cards with the sound Y in their names: bull, table, balls, tables, roof, chimney, smoke, flowers, etc.
Teacher: as soon as we were about to continue our journey, the road suddenly broke off and we had to jump from the hill. Everyone stood up, jumped up, stepped over the stones and quietly sat down. While we were jumping, all lotto cards fell apart. And now we need to select only those in the name of which there is a sound Y.

Item number 3. Mysterious cave.
Representation of the letter Y.

The purpose of the exercise: the development of visual perception.
For the exercise, you will need a printed letter Y, a stylized letter Y.
Teacher: here we found a mysterious cave, we were just going to look there, but we couldn’t. Do you know why? Because the letter that we are studying with you went on the road with us. What letter is this? (Letter Y). I show you a letter. Look how plump she is. So she couldn’t get inside the cave, she just got stuck.
“Y - what a fat woman you are!
Your tummy is like a pillow!
To make life easier
I had to get the wand!”
I. Lopukhina
The printed and stylized letter Y is shown.

Dynamic warm-up
"Y" - the letter Y said, the letter Y is shown.
Naughty letter Y. Claps above the head and behind the body.
I'm not just the letter "Y" - Claps at the top of the hand and to the sides.
I'm unhappy, alas...
I don’t go at the beginning: Hands on the belt, flatten and straighten the shoulder blades.
I do not start my words -
All in the end, alas, alas, Walking in place.
They put more Y-Y-S.
This is the letter Y - Raise your hands up and spread apart,
Unlucky, alas! Lower down and relax your hands.

Item number 4. Swamp.
The purpose of the exercise: to develop the ability to isolate a vowel sound from a word.
For the lesson you will need a board and chalk.
Teacher: to cross the swamp, you have to jump from bump to bump. Such bumps for us will be the letters that we will write on the board. I name the words, you find only the vowel sound and write it down on the board. I will call you one by one to the blackboard. And then we will check whether we have completed the task correctly.
Words: ox, tank, son, house, lynx, times, bow, smoke. Track - O, A, S, O, S, A, U, S.

Item number 5. Reading direct and reverse syllables.
The purpose of the exercise: the development of reading skills in an entertaining way.
The lesson is held at the blackboard.
Children choose ships with letters.
Teacher: we play captains. I will call you one by one to the board and you will be the captains who control the ships with letters. Your task is to swim up to one of the letters and read the resulting syllable.

Item number 6. The game "Change the sound O in words to the sound Y".
The purpose of the exercise: the development of phonemic hearing.
The teacher reads a poem, highlighting the sound O with his voice. Children change it to the sound Y.
Teacher: “Y” is playing hide and seek with you.
Find more prints.
Correct everything in the words,
Replace the letter Y!
I saw a lynx in a cage
She, like a cat, shouted: “Drop it!”
On the table is a big donut,
A midge drags her into a mink.
There is a hut by the water,
And a house is flowing from the hut.
In the corral near the hut
There is a horned strong side.
Opening a crumb at the bowl,
The litter from bronze is seen by the midge.
The midge loves bronze, litter,
Although there are many in the sore dor!
I. Lopukhina

Item number 7. Let's look for neighbors for the letter "Y". Selection of words for models.
Purpose of the exercise: correction of sound analysis and synthesis.
Teacher: let's look for "neighbors" for the letter Y so that when all the letters stand side by side, we get a word.
(Cheese, bull, smoke)

(Melon, bulls, bast)

Item number 8. High mountains.
The purpose of the exercise: the development of letter synthesis.
The words written in a chain are read on the card “The Way of a Soldier”.

Teacher: We meet a soldier on the way:
A soldier was walking from a mission,
Went from afar.
He is a little behind
From my regiment.
climbed the mountains,
Floated through the rivers
Yes, I forgot my password.
We are with you for it
Let's hit the road.
You are the words of his password
Don't forget to read!

Each letter is written in its own circle. We read along the chain, call the words (catfish, fly, soap, crowbars, noises, wasps).
And now let's come up with a password for the soldier so that it contains at least two words read.
Children come up with a sentence - a password.

10. The results of the lesson.
Teacher: what sound did we study today? Give it a description.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in preparatory group"Sound [s] and letter s"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech(preparatory group) Topic: Sound [Y] and letter y

Prepared: caregiver

Goryacheva Angela Vyacheslavovna, the city of Uray.


1. Introduction to letter Y.

2. Teaching discrimination and clear pronunciation sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences.

3. Exercise children in the formation of plural nouns.

4. Development visual and auditory attention, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, memory.

5. Formation of a positive attitude to participate in lesson, benevolent relations, skills of cooperation.

6. Understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle, develop logical thinking, the ability to correlate the acquired knowledge with the text of the riddle.


Educational: introduce sound[S] and graphically letters, to teach children to correctly give an acoustic-articulatory characteristic, to form skills sound analysis.

Educational: develop word formation skills of adjectives from nouns, develop fine and general motor skills, speech breathing, develop prosodic side speeches(voice strength, voice pitch, phonemic hearing, attention, thinking, memory, spatial perception.

Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen to verbal instructions and perform tasks on them, the ability to listen to each other; interest in occupation; persistence.

Equipment: a set of pictures (doll - dolls, ball - balls, etc., printed letter Y

Lesson progress:

1.-Guys what are we doing on speech development classes? (Learning to speak beautifully, pronounce words correctly, make sentences, learn to pronounce correctly sounds.

Why do we teach letters? (To learn to read).

In order for our speech to be beautiful and competent, we need to learn to hear sounds to pronounce them correctly.

Today we will meet with you one very interesting sound and its image - letter. Learn how to find this sound in words.

Let's remember which vowels sounds we already know: [a, o, y, and]. That's right, well done.

BUT sounds [a, oh, y, and] what? Yes, vowels. We pronounce them freely, there are no obstacles in the mouth.

Today we will get acquainted with one more vowel sound. Listen to what songs I give you I will sing: ay - oy - oy.

What's new the sound you heard?

Yes, that's right. Sounded sound Y. He is also our voice sound. And it is denoted by such a symbol. Show letter Y.

2.-Guys, do you want to play? The game is called "One is many". I name one thing and you a lot of: Doll - dolls, mushroom - mushrooms, car - cars, lemon - lemons, wardrobe - cabinets, table - tables, ball - balls, pumpkin - pumpkins, cat - cats, umbrella - umbrellas, berry - berries, oak - oaks, tooth - teeth, banana - bananas, yard - yards, fence - fences, mosquito - mosquitoes, ax - axes.

Now let's sing along sound s; Loud, quiet, short, long.

Breathing exercises

Turn around and turn into trees. Imagine that you have turned into birches. Strong wind blows "Y-Y-Y", swinging the trees, stretch out in a low voice sound. The wind died down, became light (high voice). Repeat.

Get out on the carpet, stand all in a circle. Look, we have cards on the carpet. Everyone takes one card. Girls take a card with one object, and boys - where there are many objects (music is playing). Did you find everything? Let's check. See if everything is correct. The girls name your objects, and now the boys say their objects out loud. Which sound repeated many times? Yes, sound Y.

Come to the tables. Sit up straight, straighten your back. Let's remember the words sound Y who were called boys.

An exercise in inflection, highlighting the last sound in a word:

The goat walked

Opposite… (goats).

Here is a birch

There - ... (birches,

Near the oak

And with him... (Oak trees)

no words for letter ...(s)

-We have a special sound. It is never first, always in the middle, or at the end of a word.

3. Feature sounds articulatory and acoustic features.

Are the lips open or closed? (open).

Are the teeth open or closed? (open).

Where is the language? (it lies at the bottom of the mouth).

Is there anything preventing the air stream from coming out of the mouth? (No).

4. Pronunciation sound"Y" in phrases and sentences. Word formation.

Guys what are watch: on the hands ... (wrist, on the wall ... (wall, on the street ... (street, on the table ... (desktop). Cars are also different. Some erase, so it ... (washing machines). They sew on others, which means ... (sewing machines). They clean the streets ... (sweepers, transport goods ... (trucks).

5. Formation of plural nouns.

The neighbors have a garden sound [s] - gardens(an example, the teacher says, then the plural is formed by children).

The neighbors grew a berry, and sound [s] - berries.

The neighbors have a flower bed in front of the house, and sound [s] - flower beds.

At the barnyard sound[s] not a cow, but ... (cows, not a sheep, but (sheep, not a goat, but (goats).

And at home sound[s] not a room, a (room, not a sofa, but (sofas).

Interesting guys, just appeared sound [s] at the end of a word, there are more items.

Let's try to draw letter in the air: start from the top, move down, make a circle, next draw a wand from top to bottom. Well done. Let's repeat.

6. Dynamic pause.

Let's get some rest.

Tyr-pyr, eight holes, (clap)

In every hole there is a whole world, (make a big circle with hands)

Every world has delicious cheese (pat yourself on the stomach)

Each cheese has eight holes. (jump in place)

Let's repeat.

7. Promote clear pronunciation sound"Y" in words.

-Guys guess riddles:

Escapes like a living thing

But I won't let it out

Foaming with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (Soap).

Two wooden horses

They rush me from the mountain like a whirlwind.

Horses have their own way:

They sleep in the summer, run in the winter. (Skis).

elegant little sisters

Guests are greeted all day

They serve honey. (Flowers).

Wag tail back and forth

And there is none, and there is no trace. (Fish).

small stature,

A long tail,

gray coat,

Sharp teeth. (mouse).

A white pole stands on the roof

And it grows higher and higher.

Here he has grown to heaven

And disappeared. (Smoke)

8. Memorizing a poem by M. Myshkovskaya.

soap mouse

nose soap,

Soap your ears

washed tail,

Soap so

that became white

And from happiness

ate soap.


What and how did the mouse wash?

(The mouse washed its nose with soap, washed its ears, washed its tail).

How did she wash all this and what became of her?

(I washed the soap so that it became white, and ate the soap with happiness).

- Letter you are always short, she lives on the sixth floor, in apartment number 6 (accommodation letters on the panel) .

Conclusion: What do we call sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air stream does not meet an obstacle? (vowels). What conditional color denotes a vowel sound? (in red). Did you guys like it occupation? You are all great!

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Y, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Y, correct pronunciation sound;
  • teach how to write a printed letter Y in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Smoke Cheese Mustache Soap

  1. Tell me, how does the ship hum? (S-s-s! ..)
  2. CHEESE, KARSINKA - what sound is there in all these words?

Remember, please: in Russian there are no words in which the sound [Ы] is at the beginning of the word.

In the middle or at the end of the sound [S] in the words CHEESE? WATCH? MUSTACHE? SON? CATS? OSES? SOUPS? SMOKE?
When we pronounce the sound [ы], the air freely comes out of the mouth. Neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue prevent the air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [ы].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [ы]?
  • What other vowel sounds do you know?
  • What consonant sounds do you know?

Task: printed letter Y for preschoolers

Consider the letter Y. We found the letter Y in the air and once in a notebook neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Tale about the letter Y

Rat Dylda and Puff-Puff

Mouse Mouse, together with his bosom friend chicken Chick, sat at home in the evening and ate a melon. Suddenly the door swung open and a hefty red rat, nicknamed Dylda, burst into the room. Without saying a word, with her eyes wide with horror, Dylda darted under Mouse's bed and yelled from there in an evil voice:

- And what happened?

I have someone sitting on the couch under a blanket and breathing like this: “Puff-puff ...” I beg you, help!

Did you hear it, chick? She beats us every day, and we must help her! Look what a smoke ..., uh, healthy, but she ran to the little ones.
- He's going to eat all my supplies! Dylda sobbed.
“If he is gray and furry, mustachioed and tailed, we refuse,” said the Mouse.
- Are you f-scared? - Quietly asked Chyp.
- And y-you?
- Not with you.

Sing, shorties, sing and goodbye forever! - Lying under the bed, Dylda muttered.

But a few minutes later the friends returned.

Everyone, Dylda, get out. We ate your puff-puff, - wiping his mustache, said the Mouse.
- And who was it?
- Yes dough! Your mother put it under the covers for the pie, here it is, this dough, and puffed.

Tongue Twisters

Soap Mila bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped the soap
I didn't wash the bear with soap.

Mom Milu washed with soap.
Mila did not like soap.
Dear Mila washed herself with soap.
Soaped and washed off -
So Mila washed herself.

Who is bigger?

name it as you can more words with the sound [S] in the middle.
(Answer: hole, jump, forget, smart, swim, smile, dust, be, mouse, profitable.)

Funny poems about the letter Y for children

The bull lows two letters: - Mu!
- Meow! - the cat told him.
- Heard?
So we cats
We know more letters than you!
(G. Vieru)

There lived jumpers.
We'll jump to the moon!
A trampoline threw them up.
Jumpers, where are you?
- We are here!
(V. Berestov)

Y - fragrant soap, white, soapy.
Soap looks at the dirty woman with a grin.
If the dirty woman remembered the soap,
The soap would finally wash it off.
(Y. Akim)

There is this letter at the end and in the middle,
At the end of the cabbage, swede, and in the middle of the melon.
We won’t put a bear in a small book.
We will replace And with Y - we will draw a mouse.
(E. Grigoryeva, I. Gamazkova)

We heard from the owl
That there are no words for the letter Y.
(E. Blaginina)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases vocabulary preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.

Equipment: Free Images: mice, cheese, clock, soap box, mustache, catfish. Set of pictures for independent work. Chart cards. Cards with visual dictations. Letters.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. for lips with exercise.

2. Lesson topic message. Today we will continue our acquaintance with the sound "y".

We will pronounce the sound, find the sound in words and text, get acquainted with the letter Y.

3. Finding the sound "y" in words.

Exhibited in front of children. Children name the pictures and the place of the sound in the word. It is repeated that the sound "y" occurs only in the middle or at the end of a word.

4. Finding the sound "y" in the text.

Children, listen to the story about two mice. Try to remember the words with the sound "y".

Questions for the story. Who was sitting in the closet? (Mice).

What did the mice eat? (Pumpkin). What did the cat say when he looked into the closet? (What are you doing?). How did the hostess swear at the cat? (Oh, you prankster!) Say again the words with the sound "y".


Outdoor game “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything.

Wait a minute cheaters, we'll get to you.

Let's put a mousetrap

Let's catch them all at once.

5. Introduction to Y.

Here is an ax, a log nearby.

Got what you need:

It turned out the letter Y-

We all need to know it.

Card work. Children circle or paint over the letter Y. They call the words on the card, determine the place of the sound “y” and paint over the desired square or print the letter Y. U. Auditory dictation.

The speech therapist names the sounds, the children select the right letters.

6. Fixing the pronunciation of the sound "y" in phrases.

Children, remember what can go? (Pay attention to the questions who? what? because children confuse them).

Do you know that time can still go by?

How do we know the time?

By the hour.

Where did you see the watch?

What are their names?

Various types of clocks are exhibited in front of the children.

This watch is worn on the wrist. They are wrist.

This clock is hanging on the wall. They are wall mounted.

This clock is on the table. They are desktop.

This watch is a toy. They are toys.

And if the clock hangs on the street, what are they called?

Street clock.

Repeat the names of the hours.

7. The development of auditory attention. Clap your hands when you hear a word with an “y” sound.

Oxen, soap, owls, cat, son, dust, smoke, sleep, goats, pipes, melon, watermelon, pumpkin.

8. Summary of the lesson. Evaluation of children's work.