Tasks for literacy and reading for preschoolers in pictures. "Learning letters is fun!" - educational games for boring kids! Tasks for children by letter in

  • Does your kid absolutely not want to look at the letters in the alphabet?
  • The child will soon go to first grade, and you can force him to read only under the fear of "weaning" from the computer?
  • Do not know how to organize classes with a preschooler in such a way as to save your nerves and not completely discourage him from reading?

These and other problems in teaching preschoolers to read can be solved by organizing classes in game form. For kids preschool age the game is the leading form of activity. Therefore, engaging with a preschooler, playing different games, is the easiest and most effective method teach him to read.

Before we talk about what games are best to play with a child when learning to read, we will give some general tips for organizing classes.

  1. Practice regularly! Keep the classes short (5-10 minutes), but daily. This is much more effective for preschoolers than 45-minute lessons once a week.
  2. Get busy everywhere. To learn to read, you do not have to sit the child at the table with books. You can learn letters in the park on a walk, drawing them with chalk on the pavement or looking at signs, helping your mother make cookies in the shape of letters, or studying the numbers of cars in the parking lot, etc.
  3. Practice when your child is feeling well: he/she is well-rested, active and ready for new games and activities.
  4. Constantly create situations of success for your child, praise him more often, focus his attention on what he did, do not dwell on failures. Classes should be fun for the child!

And yet, what you definitely need to know when starting to learn to read - in an article on.

What games can be played at different stages of teaching preschoolers to read?

1. Learning letters.

If a child does not remember letters well, the best way to learn them is to “revive” them, to create a vivid association with each letter. You and your child can come up with what this or that letter looks like, or use a variety of materials from the Internet and modern alphabets.

For example, bright images of letters that are memorable for children can be found in Elena Bakhtina's primer (this book contains not only colorful pictures and recommendations on how to tell a child about each letter, but also colored templates - letters from this primer can be cut out and played with) .

On the Internet for children, you can find a lot of coloring pages with letters similar to a particular object.

It is also useful in the process of learning letters to repeat short verses that help memorize each letter:

You see the tail at the end
So this is the letter C.

The letter B is like a hippopotamus -
She has a big belly!

G looks like a goose -
The whole letter is bent.

D - a tall house with a roof!
We live in this house.

And the poor thing is the letter Y
Walks with a stick, alas!

In my work, I use various “reminders” that children associate with a particular letter. You can actively use them in home lessons or come up with your own.

It is very useful to have a special notebook or album in which the learned letter will “live” on each turn. In this album, you can also teach your child to write, stick pictures with him with words on desired letter, insert poems and coloring pages, creating a selection of materials for each letter. Children are very interested in the process of joint creativity, so actively involve them in creating such an album.

Another option is to make a house for the letters. Choose any size: it can be very small, made from a couple of cardboard sheets, or huge, as high as a child. The main thing in it is special windows-pockets for letters. Set up a letter with your child in each “apartment” of the letter building. To do this, you will need cardboard letters, slightly smaller than each window. Mark in any way which apartments already have “residents”, and which are still empty.

Attach the already learned letters on the outside of the windows (using paper clips) and invite the child to arrange pictures with words into the studied letters in the windows. For example, “treat” the letters: give the child images of products that he must spread to the necessary “apartments”: put a watermelon / apricot in the box with the letter A, a long loaf, an eggplant in the box with the letter B, waffles \ grapes - with the letter C and etc.

Similarly, you can visit the letters with fairy tale characters(Pinocchio - to the letter B, Thumbelina - to the letter D, Mowgli - to the letter M, etc.), “dress” the letters (attribute the T-shirt to the letter F, jeans to the letter D, pants to the letter W, etc.) .

The main goal in this game is to teach the child to identify the first letter in a word and easily recognize the letters already passed.

Various lottos and dominoes are also great for learning letters. Lotto is better to use without hint pictures, so learning will be much more effective. Such a loto can easily be done by yourself. To do this, prepare sheets with 6-8 pictures on each and cardboard cards with the necessary letters. Let the child draw cards, read the letters and show which of the players has a picture for the letter that has fallen out.

2. We add syllables.

Teaching a child to add syllables can take a little longer than learning letters. The child will have to repeat various syllables many, many times before he masters this skill. So that learning is not a burden for him, but a joy - we continue to play with him. Only now we play games with syllables. The main task of this stage is to teach the child to pronounce two letters together.

In addition to the syllabic bingo, which can be made in the same way as the letter bingo, you can use other homemade games for children to teach them how to add syllables.

- Adventure games ("tracks").

"Walkers" were and remain one of the most exciting games for kids. To make such a game with syllables, take the playing field from any board game. Write in the empty cells / circles various syllables (write in more than those that are difficult for the child). Then play according to the usual rules: roll the die and go through the cells, reading what is written on them. So the child will be able to read long enough tracks with syllables that he would “overcome” in an ordinary primer with great difficulty.

By analogy with rpg games, you can make various tracks with syllables, on which various vehicles will compete: who will pass the track without errors and as soon as possible. To do this, you will need cardboard / drawing paper, on which the track with syllables will be drawn, and toy cars / trucks / trains / airplanes. Remember that it is very easy to captivate children by adding a competitive moment in the classroom.

- Games "Shop" and "Mail".

Prepare coins - circles with written syllables, as well as goods - pictures with products / things that begin with these syllables. You first play as a seller: offer your child to buy something from you on the condition that he will offer the correct coin for the selected product (for example, he can buy cabbage for a coin with the syllable KA, kiwi - for a coin with the syllable KI, corn - for a coin with the syllable KU, etc.).

Then you can switch roles: you are the buyer, the child is the seller. He must carefully monitor whether you are giving coins correctly for the selected item. Make mistakes sometimes, let the child correct you. The buyer can also be any toy, invite the child to teach her to correctly name coins with syllables.

A very similar game is "Mail", but instead of coins you prepare envelopes with syllables, and instead of goods - pictures with animals or fairy-tale characters. The child will be a postman, he must guess from the first syllable written on the envelope - to whom the letter needs to be delivered. In this game, it is best to read syllables that begin with the same consonant so that the child does not guess the addressee by the first letter.

- Houses with syllables.

Draw several houses, write one syllable on each. Lay out the houses in front of the child. Then take a few figurines of little men and, naming each of them, invite the child to guess who lives in what house (Vasya needs to be settled in a house with the syllable VA, Natasha - with the syllable HA, Lisa - with the syllable LI, etc.) .

Another version of this task: let the child himself come up with names for the little men, settle them in houses and write the first syllable of the name on each of them.

Prepare cardboard cards with syllables, cut them into two equal halves horizontally. The child must put these “puzzles” together and name the resulting syllables.

Take some cards with two-syllable words (for example, FEATHER, VASE, CLOCK, FISH). To the left of the picture, put the first syllable of the word. You need to read it clearly, and the child must choose the correct last syllable. 3-4 possible endings are laid out in front of the child.

More games for learning to read by syllables - in the article on.

3. We read words and sentences.

Learning to read words (and then sentences) involves the already active work of preschoolers with books, but this does not mean that we stop playing in the classroom. On the contrary, “dilute” learning with games as often as possible, switch from one type of activity to another so that the child is less tired and learning is more efficient. Remember: it is not enough to teach a child to read, it is important to instill in him a love of reading.
What games can be offered to parents of preschoolers at this stage of learning to read.

Lay out a path of words in front of the child. Invite him to choose only “edible” words (or what is green / what is round / only “living” words, etc.). If the path is long, you can read the words in turn with the child.

Spread the cut out traces with words around the room (you can use ordinary sheets). Invite the child to follow these tracks from one end of the room to the other: you can move on only by reading the word on which you are standing. The child walks on them himself or with his favorite toy.

- The game "Airport" or "Parking".

In this game we train mindfulness of preschoolers. Prepare several cards with very similar words so that the child does not guess the words, but carefully read them to the end (for example, MOUTH, HORN, GROWTH, HORN, ROSE, MOTHA, ROSA). Spread the cards around the room. These will be different airports/parking spaces. The child picks up an airplane (if you play at airports) or a car (if you have parking), after which you loudly and clearly name where exactly he needs to land / park.

- Chains of words in which only one letter changes.

Prepare sheets of paper or an easel. Start writing a chain of words one at a time - for each subsequent word, change only one letter, this will train the child for attentive, “tenacious” reading.

Examples of such chains:


Ball games, with your favorite toys, to school, hospital or kindergarten - include all this in the process of learning to read. Come up with active games yourself. Consider what the child is interested in and use this when you sit down to read with your child. Does your daughter love princesses? Ride the carriage along the paths with letters/syllables/words. Does your son love superheroes? Make a tutorial track for his favorite character. Invite your child to play school and teach his teddy bear to make two letters into a syllable.

Change games, carefully watch what the child likes and what he quickly gets tired of, and then learning will be a joy to you and him! Remember that it is not difficult to get preschoolers interested, they love to play and will be happy to help you come up with new games in the learning process.

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova


Your child will be going to school very soon. The proposed workbook will help him:

    learn all the letters of the alphabet;

    develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

    learn to hear the sounds of the Russian language;

    navigate on a sheet of paper (find the top, bottom of the page, its right and left sides).

Dear moms and dads, teach your child to color neatly. We suggest coloring vowels in red, hard consonants in blue, and soft consonants in green.

When a child completes the tasks “What is the difference?” don't let him say, "It's like this here, it's not like that here." Teach him to build detailed phrases, let him often use the following words and phrases in his answers:top, bottom, top right, bottom left, above, below, inside, between etc.

Color the big shade. Find and color

and small letter A.

in red.

A is a vowel sound.

Connect with the letter A only those objects whose names begin with the sound A.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters A.

like below.

Fill in the letter A. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

blue, and a small one - the letter B.

in green.

B is a consonant.

Connect with the letter B only those objects whose names begin with the sounds B or B.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters B.

like below.

Take one stick away

to make a B.

Fill in the letter B. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter B.

in green.

V is a consonant.

Connect with the letter B only those objects whose names begin with the sounds V or V.

Underline the same letter, circle all the letters B.

like below.

Draw your soul mate What is the difference?

the letters V.

Write the letter B. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and small - the letter G.

in green.

G is a consonant.

Combine with the letter G only those objects whose names begin with the sounds Г or Гь.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters G.

like below.

Make a figure out of six sticks. What is the difference?

Take away three sticks

to make the letter G.

Add the letter G. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and small - the letter D.

in green.

D is a consonant.

Connect with the letter D only those objects whose names begin with the sounds D or D.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters D.

like below.

Add the letter D. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

in red. letter E.

E is a vowel.

Connectwith the letter E only those objects whose names begin with it.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters E.

like below.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference?

Take away two sticks

to make an E.

Write the letter E. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in red. letter Y.

Yo is a vowel sound.

Connect with the letter Y only those objects whose names begin with it.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters Y.

like below.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Add the letter Y. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in blue. the letter J.

J is a consonant.

Combine with the letter Zh only those objects whose names begin with the sound Zh.

Draw a soul mate Circle all the letters Z.

the letters J.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Add the letter J. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter Z.

in green.

Z is a consonant.

Connect with the letter Z only those objects whose names begin with the sounds З or Зь.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters Z.

like below.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Add the letter Z. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in red. letter I.

And is a vowel sound.

Combine with the letter I only those objects whose names begin with the sound I.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters I.

like below.

Add the letter I. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in green. the letter Y.

Y is a consonant.

Combine with the letter Y only those objects whose names begin with the sound Y.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters Y.

like below.

Make the shapes the same. What is the difference?

Add the letter Y. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and small - the letter K.

in green.

K is a consonant.

Combine with the letter K only those objects whose names begin with the sounds K or K.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters K.

like below.

in numerical order

Fill in the letter K. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter L.

in green.

L is a consonant.

Connect with the letter L only those objects whose names begin with the sounds L or L.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters L.

like below.

Connect the dots What's the difference?

in numerical order

and color what you got.

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

blue, and a small one - in the letter of the dot. the letter M.

in green.

M is a consonant.

Connect with the letter M only those objects whose names begin with the sounds M or M.

Underline the same letter, circle all the letters M.

like below.

Connect the dots What's the difference?

in numerical order

and color what you got.

Make the shapes the same. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter H.

in green.

N is a consonant.

Connect with the letter N only those objects whose names begin with the sounds N or N.

Draw your other half

the letters H. Circle all the letters H.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference?

Take away two sticks

to make the letter N.

Add the letter N. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color it red. Shade. Find and color

remember both letters. the letter O.

Oh is a vowel.

Connect with the letter O only those objects whose names begin with the sound O.

Draw a big one inside Circle all the letters O.

gradually decreasing

the letters O.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference?

Take one stick away

to make an O.

Fill in the letter O. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter P.

in green.

P is a consonant.

Connect with the letter P only those objects whose names begin with the sounds P or P.

draw gradually

increasing letters P. Circle all the letters P.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference?

Take away two sticks

to make a P.

Add the letter P. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and small - the letter R.

in green.

R is a consonant.

Connect with the letter R only those objects whose names begin with the sounds R or R.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters R.

like below.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference?

Take away two sticks

to make an R.

Make the shapes the same. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter C.

in green.

C is a consonant.

Combine with the letter C only those objects whose names begin with the sounds C or C.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters C.

like below.

Draw inside big What's the difference?

gradually decreasing letters S.

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Put Find and color

blue, and a small one - in the letter of the dot. the letter T.

in green.

T is a consonant.

Connect with the letter T only those objects whose names begin with the sounds T or T.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters T.

like below.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Fill in the letter T. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in red. the letter U.

U is a vowel sound.

Connect with the letter U only those objects whose names begin with the sound U.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters U.

like below.

Connect the dots What's the difference?

in numerical order

and color what you got.

Fill in the letter U. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small one - the letter F.

in green.

F is a consonant.

Combine with the letter F only those objects whose names begin with the sounds F or F.

Add a figure of twelve Circle all the letters F.

sticks. Remove four sticks

to make an F.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Fill in the letter F. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color the big letter Shade. Find and color

blue, and a small letterX.

in green.

Xis a consonant sound.

Connect with a letterXonly those items whose names begin with a soundX.

Draw your soulmate Circle all the lettersX.


Connect the dots What's the difference?

in numerical order

and color what you got.

Add a letterX. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in blue. the letter C.

C is a consonant.

Combine with the letter C only those objects whose names begin with the sound C.

Connect all the dots Circle all the letters C.

in numerical order

and color what you got.

Make the shapes the same. What is the difference?

Add the letter C. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in green. the letter Ch.

Ch is a consonant.

Connect with the letter H only those objects whose names begin with the sound H.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters C.

like below.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference?

Take away three sticks

to make a C.

Make the squares the same. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in blue. the letter Sh.

Sh is a consonant.

Combine with the letter Sh only those objects whose names begin with the sound Sh.

Connect all the dots Circle all the letters W.

in numerical order

and color what you got.

Make a figure out of ten sticks. What is the difference?

Take away two sticks

to make the letter S.

Add the letter Sh. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in green. the letter Sh.

Щ is a consonant sound.

Combine with the letter Щ only those objects whose names begin with the sound Щ.

Connect all the dots Circle all the letters U.

in numerical order

and color what you got.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Add the letter S. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both signs Shade. Find and color

in yellow. letters b and b.

b and b stand for

not sounds, but their hardness

or softness.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters b.

like below.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. Circle all the letters b.

Remove two of them like this

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Draw in the letter Find and color

in red. circles. the letter Y.

Y is a vowel sound.

Connect with the letter Y only those objects whose names end in the sound Y.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters Y.

like below.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Write Y. Cross out the letter

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Put in the letter Find and color

in red. dots and circles. letter E.

E is a vowel.

Connect with the letter E only those objects whose names begin with the sound E.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters E.

like below.

Make the squares the same. What is the difference?

Fill in the letter E. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in red. the letter Y.

Yu is a vowel sound.

Connect with the letter Yu only those objects whose names begin with it.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters U.

like below.

Add a figure of twelve What is the difference?

sticks. Take away three sticks

to make a U.

Add the letter Y. Cross out the letter,

different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You already know these letters.

Color both letters Shade. Find and color

in red. the letter I.

I is a vowel.

Connect with the letter I only those objects whose names begin with it.

Underline the same letter, Circle all the letters I.

like below.

foldfigurefromninesticks. Howdifferent?

take awaythreesticksSo,

toturned outletterI.

AddletterI. Cross outletter,

differentfromthe rest.

Write according to the pattern.

Now you know all the letters!

If they are written in that order, it is the alphabet.

Picture games for children 4-5 years old

Tasks for children of the middle group of kindergarten on the topic "Learning to read"

Exercise 1

Name the items in each group. Match them with the letter that their names begin with.

Task 2

What letter do these words begin with? Draw an object whose name begins with the desired letter in each group.

Task 3

Match the items whose names start with the same letter.

Task 4

Match the items whose names end with the same letter.

Task 5

Color the extra picture in each group. What letter do the names of the pictures begin with?

Task 6

Choose and color only those pictures that have the letter "Sh" in their names.

Task 7

Color only those items that have the letter "L" in their names.

Task 8

Color only those items that have the letter "P" in their names.

Task 9

Color only those items that have the letter "K" in their names.

Task 10

Name the pictures. Connect them in a chain: in the first word - the name of the picture, the sound [M] is at the beginning of the word, in the second the sound [M] is in the middle of the word, in the third the sound [M] is at the end of the word.

Task 11

In the name of which object is the sound [D], and what is the sound [T]?

Task 12

In the name of which object is the sound [B], and what is the sound [P]?

Task 13

In the name of which object is the sound [З], and what is the sound [С]?

Task 14

Where is the sound [R] in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word? Match the diagrams with the right words.

Task 15

How many sounds are in each word - the name of the picture? Name them. Match the pictures with the correct numbers.

Task 16

What sounds do these names begin with? If you remove the first sounds in these names, you get other words. Which?

Check yourself.

Fishing rod - daughter; fly - ear; beads - mustache; thunderstorm - rose.

Task 17

Say the names of these items. In which words is the first sound pronounced? Color the box next to this word blue. Which words have the first sound soft? Color the square green.

Task 18

Match each picture with the syllable that its name begins with.

Task 19

Words with one syllable in their names are connected with one square, words with two syllables with two squares, and words with three syllables with three squares.

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter K, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • to introduce the preschooler to the letter K, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach to write the capital letter K in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

The hen teaches the chicks to talk.

Ko-ko-ko, - says the hen.
- Ko-ko-ko, - the chickens repeat.

The smallest chick says:

“Not like that,” Mom corrects him.
- "Ku-ku-ku" says the cuckoo, and you say "ko-ko-ko."

How do chickens "talk"? And how do cuckoos "speak"?

KO - what is the first sound here?
KU - what is the first sound here?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:


  • What is the first sound in the word CHICKEN?
  • What is the first sound in the word cat?

When we pronounce the sound [k], the back of the tongue taps deep in the mouth against the palate, and the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth. Say K and try to feel it. When we pronounce the sound [k], the back of the tongue hits the palate and prevents the air from leaving the mouth freely.

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [k]?
  2. Is this sound voiced or dull?
  3. Why?

Activity: Letter K for preschoolers

Consider the letter K. We sewed the letter K in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a sample spelling at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Continue the phrase

lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!
Whoever swam towards,
It will swallow everyone ... (crocodile).

Who will color our album?
Well, of course ... (pencil).

The kitten did not want to bathe.
He ran away from ... (trough).

"I hit the green!" -
Bitterly crying ... (crocodile).

The goldfinch sings all day
In a window cage.
The third year went to him,
And he is afraid of ... (cats).

I grow up amazingly
Tall, slim, beautiful.
Hiding in bright gloves
Golden cobs.
May I not be sweeter than a watermelon,
But richer.
I ... (corn).

What's the creak, what's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I ... (cabbage).

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little.
After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)?

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead
Only the ice creaks
Let the lights flicker!
Who is carrying me? ... (Skates.)

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this animal.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
He sings a murmuring song
Only the mouse is afraid of him...
It's a cat).

Vanyatka in me at night
Before that, he will doze off sweetly,
That you don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? … (Bed)

Tale of the letter K

How to cook compote

A cat, a goat, a chicken, a cow and a rabbit lived in the same yard. One day a cat came out into the yard and shouted:

Listen everyone! I read in an old book how to cook compote!
- Well, how do you cook it?
- Bring everyone all the most delicious, the rest - for me.

The whole company went to look for all the most delicious, and meanwhile the cat lit a fire and hung a cauldron of water over it. The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk.
Then a hen came and brought five grains of corn. The cow brought watermelon peels, the rabbit brought clover, and the cat himself took out a piece of sausage from his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw the stalk, rinds, corn, clover and sausage into the cauldron and closed the lid.

After a while he rang the bell:

Ready! Eat for health.

Friends tried, they spit:

Compote is called! Eat yourself!
- Why did it taste so bad? the cat thought darkly.

Riddles for children with the letter K

At sea, in rivers and lakes
I swim, agile, fast.
Among the warships
Known for its ease.

I have guys
Two silver horses
I go to both at the same time.
What kind of horses do I have?

Eyes, mustache, tail,
And it washes cleaner.

Oh don't touch me
I'll burn without fire.

Evil as a wolf
It burns like mustard!
What a wonder?
This is indeed …

Quick jump, warm fluff,
Red eye.

Made a hole, dug a hole,
The sun is shining and he doesn't know.

Low and prickly.
Sweet and smelly
Pick berries -
Take your whole hand.

These miracle bricks
I received as a gift.
What I put together, I break.
I start all over.

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Under New Year he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man,
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared.

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we run.

Up-down, up-down.
Do you want to ride
Sit on us.

Itself motley, eats green, gives white.

The child is wrapped in a hundred diapers.

magic wand
I have friends.
With this wand
I can build:
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

There are seas - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can not go,
The land is there - you can not plow.
What is it?
(Geographic map)

On a deer, on a horse
It's good for me to ride!
Not on the tundra, not on the meadow -
I'm going in a miracle circle.
I jump, I fly
I am delighted to laugh!

colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

House on a straw
One hundred kids in it.

Not a beast, not a bird
Sock like a knitting needle
Flying - screaming
Sits down - is silent.

The ship sails in the yellow sea.
He goes, cuts the wave,
Grain is flowing from the pipe.

Seal firmly with glue
And they sent it to me right away.
I won't pity him.
I'll get it and put it up.

Proverbs and sayings with the letter K

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.
As it comes around, so it will respond.
No matter how you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.
What is the master, such is the work.
A drop is small, but drop by drop is the sea.
The root of the doctrine is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Who would have known the woodpecker if he had not knocked his nose.
Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.
A bird is red with a feather, a man with a mind.
Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.
The end is the crown.

Funny poems about the letter K for children

The cat saved up a penny
Bought a goat for a cat
And the goat - cabbage,
Crispy heads.
The goat will be strong
The cat will give milk.
(V. Lunin)

- Cat-cat, go to the blackboard,
Tell me about the spikelet!
- Spikelet, my friends,
He's skinny like me!
(G. Vieru)

We bought a cat
For the holiday boots.
Combed her mustache
Sewed new shorts.
But how do you put them on?
The tail has nowhere to go.
(P. Voronko)

Cuckoo for the first time
Entered first grade.
“Ku-ku, ku… two, three, four!”
- They taught oral counting.
Very hard science
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
But now it's easy
Dokukuyut at least up to a hundred.
(A. Pudval)

There is one funny bird in the forest
All day long he sings: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Can never learn
Sing like a rooster: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
(R. Farhadi)

- Cuckoo on a bitch!
You will hear "coo-coo".
(A. Barto)

The cuckoo is chirping:
- Ku-ku!
- Ku-ku!
I wrote the song myself!
And this song is simple:
- Ku-ku!
Swinging softly
In the forest on a bitch.
(L. Nikolaenko)

The porridge ripened in the meadow.
Cow Masha eats porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
Nothing tastes better!
(A. Shibaev)

Over paper over sheet
Waving brush tail.
And not just waving,
And smears paper.
Paint in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!
(V. Berestov)

A whale spends its whole life in the water,
Although he is not a fish.
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
For which he - thanks:
It would be crowded on dry land
From such a huge carcass!
(B. Zakhoder)

There are many different keys:
The key is a spring among the stones,
Treble clef, curled,
And a normal door key.
(D. Lukic)

Silly boat
Huddles in the harbor.
Can't swim
Didn't want to study.
He is a brave boat
Storm is not afraid
Only knows little -
Didn't want to study.
He's in the Caribbean
Might get lost
Because as a child
Didn't want to study.
(V. Viktorov. Translation from Cuban folk poetry)

The cat caught mice and rats
Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.
(S. Marshak)

Hoof - lope,
Hoof - knock,
The goat went with a scythe to the meadow.
He mows down the pink porridge,
He will cook porridge for his kids.
(G. Satir)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases vocabulary preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles in teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and your overall learning ability increases.

The material was collected to study the ABC together with the child. Here you will find interesting tasks for learning Letters of the Alphabet, coloring pages and poems about letters. In tasks, you need to color the letter, color the pictures and connect them with a pencil with the letter. Try to write large and small printed letters. Read words beginning with a letter by syllables. Write in capital letters.
Listen to poems with letters and guess the Riddle.

The letter a

Let's learn the letter A.

The material was collected to study the ABC together with the child. Here you will find interesting tasks for learning the letter A, coloring pages and poems about the letter A.
Tasks to be completed:
1) Color the letter A, color the pictures and connect them with a pencil with the letter.
2) Try to write a large and small printed letter A.
3) Find and circle all the letters A
4) Read the words beginning with the letter A.
5) Write capital letters A
6) Listen to poems with the letter A and guess the Riddle.

The letter a

Poems about the letter A
A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That's what she's famous for.
And it's easy to find out:
Legs set wide.

Everyone knows the letter A -
The letter is very nice.
And yes, the letter A
Main in the alphabet.

Shark swims in the sea
We are the letter A, she does not give,
Shark, this letter is important to us,
We all need letter A.

Letter A we need to know
To read something
Ah, Antoshka, Aibolit -
We need to know the alphabet!

The stork flew to my roof,
He held the letter A in his beak,
Oh! He whispered, barely audible,
How good is this letter!

Riddle about the letter A
shark swimming in the sea
Ate everything that sank in it.
The shark came to us -
Turned into a letter ... (A)

Tasks for the remaining letters are built on the same principle. You can view it on the site.