Quiz: What kind of student are you? Test how well you do in school.

1. Are you doing homework if the teacher is not strict?

a) yes, I always do my homework, even if the teacher is not very demanding, I do it not for the teacher, but for my own development -1 point;

b) I will sometimes do my homework, even if the teacher is not too strict, if I have a little time left after completing the tasks of other, more demanding teachers - 5 points;

c) no, if the teacher is not strict, I never do my homework, but why, because there is nothing to be afraid of - 11 points;

2. You did not have time to prepare for the lesson because you spent time with friends. It's late and you're just exhausted. Your actions:

a) I won’t go to class tomorrow, it’s better to let the teacher think that I’m sick - 9 points;

b) according to the situation - each case is individual, maybe I'll go and somehow get out, or maybe I won't go, I'll make a decision tomorrow morning - 5 points;

c) I will still go to class tomorrow, I just honestly admit to the teacher that I did not have time to prepare - 0 points;

3. Your figurative idea of ​​the teacher and his role in the educational process:

a) when I think about a teacher, I imagine a search engine, for example, Google, which can answer almost any question, because the teacher must give students all the knowledge they need - 12 points;

b) when I think about the teacher, I imagine a quest game in which I wander through the back streets, looking for various mysterious objects that will help me find the key to the magic door, because the teacher must teach students how to learn - 3 points;

c) when I think of a teacher, I imagine interesting film, after all, the teacher should make his classes exciting for students - 6 points;

4. The teacher posts data about your progress and attendance on the site, where your classmates can enter with a password. Now all your passes and bad grades are visible to your classmates. What is your opinion on this:

a) I consider it unethical on the part of the teacher to post my data for review by classmates, this information should be confidential, I do not want my classmates to see my bad grades or omissions - 10 points;

b) there are pluses and minuses here - sometimes this can serve as an incentive to study, you want to improve your rating, sometimes, on the contrary, “discourage” - 4 points;

c) this is a great idea, if you try to study well, there will be no phobias and fear of “disgrace” - 2 points.

Your score

41-25 points: "Slacker" I'm sorry, but you're just taking someone's budget place for nothing or your parents are working two jobs for nothing to pay for your studies. Your attitude to the development of the chosen profession is completely indifferent. You do not like and do not want to learn. Try to change your attitude to study and to life in general - love to live and study, because you, like any person, are worthy of respect, and those who have professional knowledge are respected.

24-19 points: “Lucky” You are somewhat frivolous about studying, but you often get away with skipping or unfinished homework, as you have enough charm, from your point of view, that such a somewhat casual attitude to study does not significantly affect way to your rating. You should think about your future - there is no guarantee that without burdening yourself with studies now, you will also easily “flutter from flower to flower” in adulthood, knowledge is still required in the profession.

18-6 points: "Ideal student." Your attitude towards learning is the best. On the one hand, you understand that only with your own hands a person can build his life and only self-education can help you become an educated, intelligent person. You view the teacher as a mentor who teaches you to acquire knowledge on your own. rather than "putting" them into your head. This is the approach of a serious, sane person who is sure to achieve a lot in life.

In the evening before the working day you:

Answer options:

  • I've already done everything, you can relax)
  • Evening run. kefir before going to bed) what else do you need?
  • I'm preparing abstracts! Reading textbooks!
  • I choose what I will go in tomorrow!
  • I sit and watch a TV series / movie!

Choose your hairstyle:

Answer options:

There is a very nasty boy in your class who always makes nasty jokes about you, what will you do?

Answer options:

  • I'll try to talk to him) What if it's just a defensive reaction?
  • I'll try to make life asshole unbearable!
  • This bastard will regret contacting me! In my lessons, only I can joke!
  • I'll keep calm and ignore his antics. After all, this is a child.
  • I will call his parents to school or take him to the director, let them deal with him!

Choose the make-up in which you will go to the lessons:

Answer options:

What tasks will you most often give your students?

Answer options:

  • Creative tasks, projects!
  • I will not load them heavily, let there be time for other things)
  • Everything is strictly curriculum! Why else would I write it?
  • If I ask, then I will need to check later, so there are as few tasks as possible!

Choose a bag for going to school:

Answer options:

One of your students is bullied by classmates, your actions:

Answer options:

  • He has parents, let them figure it out
  • Are you crazy? Well, let's go, roosters! 100 squats for everyone!
  • What's the mess in my classroom? Parents to school! I will not allow a booth in my lessons!
  • I'll call the director, let him figure it out.
  • I'll try to talk to the kids, find out what the problem is. Perhaps I will discuss this issue with their parents.
  • I will ask the children to calm down so that they do not interfere with my lesson. In the end it's none of my business

Choose what you will have a snack at recess:

Answer options:

Your student did not complete his homework, your actions:

Answer options:

  • It happens to everyone? Forgive and forget about it
  • 50 pushups! If you can't use your head, then use your hands!
  • I'll call his parents! What is he doing that he does not have time to prepare for the lessons?
  • Silently put him 2 in the magazine.
  • I’ll ask what’s the matter and if the excuse seems weighty to me, he won’t punish him in any way

Choose your ideal audience:

There are so many kids in the school and everyone is good in their own way. But what is school for you: a joy every day or a hard test? And how do teachers see you? Take the test and you will find out what kind of student you are.

When you wake up in the morning, are you always happy to go to school or do you often want to stay at home?

  1. It's not always the same.
  2. I always go to school always in a good mood.
  3. Every chance I get, I try to come up with an excuse why I don't have to go to school.

How many friends do you have at school?

  1. There are several from our class.
  2. Yes. I have enough friends. I am friends not only with classmates, but also with other guys at school.
  3. I don't make friends at school. They are all not like that. I'd rather be on my own.

Would you like to see only changes at school?

  1. I don’t even know, on the one hand it’s good, but there are also several interesting items that I wouldn’t want to miss.
  2. No. I think everything should have its time.
  3. Yes. It would be great! You can play longer and eat buns in the dining room.

How do teachers treat you?

  1. Sometimes they praise me, sometimes they scold me. Different situations happen.
  2. I have very good relationships with teachers. I am often singled out as the best student.
  3. I feel like the teachers treat me unfairly. You won't get good grades from them.

How do you do your homework?

  1. Usually my parents make me do the task.
  2. I try not to put off the lessons until later and do them right after school.
  3. I rarely do homework, I'm not interested at all. More often I copy from others or I hope that they will not ask me.

Do you tell your parents about what happened at school today?

  1. If something interesting happens, I'll be sure to let you know.
  2. Every day I describe in detail what happened today.
  3. Hardly ever. Only if they ask for something.

Count which answers you have more and find out the result of the test.

If A: School is not the most important thing in your life. First of all, you go there not for knowledge, but for the sake of communicating with other guys. However, there are a few subjects that you are really interested in. Your grades are 4 and 5. And either this is the merit of your parents, or you are just lucky! The main thing is not to relax, you have a tendency to be lazy.

If only: You try to answer every lesson, you are not afraid to express your point of view. In general, you stubbornly gnaw at the granite of science. For this, teachers love you and put well-deserved fives. And your parents rejoice at your every little victory. Well done! Keep it up!

If in: Every trip to school is like torture for you. You are probably sitting at the last desks and thinking about everything in the world, but not about studying. A score of 4 is a rare stroke of luck for you. Don't blame the teachers for this. You really should study more. Otherwise, high school will be very tight.