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Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev(1903 - 1993) - Russian writer, illustrator, one of the founders of domestic animation.

Several generations of children grew up on the works of Vladimir Suteev. Kids love these good tales full of humor and wisdom. And many years later, after they themselves become parents, they read his works to their kids with pleasure.

Fascinating and witty stories are accompanied by many colorful illustrations made by the author himself. Vladimir Grigorievich was a talented cartoonist. He drew equally well with his right and left hand, and each of his works was accompanied by bright, dynamic pictures.

Suteev's Tales read online

The heroes of Suteev's fairy tales are recognizable and loved: a chicken and a duckling, a brave snowman, and three curious kittens. Even the smallest fidgets will want to know who said "meow" and why under the mushroom there was a place for all the animals. A capricious cat and an envious goose will show the kids how not to behave.

Fairy tales about a magic wand and a bag of apples will teach children to be kind and sympathetic, be smart and help friends. We invite you to read the fairy tales of Vladimir Suteev online on our website. Immerse yourself with children in the magical world of living and instructive stories.

Fairy tales, as you know, are written by good storytellers, and first of all they are intended for kids . It was such a fairy tale writer Vladimir Suteev . Having initially received an art education, Vladimir Georgievich began his creative activity cartoonist. Many cartoons were created according to his scripts. Even the smallest it is easy and interesting for viewers to watch them, andread Suteev's good fairy tales for free for kids gives real pleasure.

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They are imbued with kindness and sincerity, the characters are bright and memorable. Parents, reading stories with funny characters to very young listeners, can be sure that the kids will understand the meaning of the message correctly. Vladimir Suteev, among other things, was a wonderful illustrator, so the images shown by him in fairy tales are plausible and associatively understandable.

miraculous Suteev's fairy tales for the little oneswill always be of interest to adults. After all, more than one generation was brought up on these fairy tales, and animated films based on them can be watched by the whole family as many times as you like. “A bag of apples”, “Who said: “Meow”?”, “Terem-teremok”, “About the Behemoth who was afraid of vaccinations” - these names have been familiar to everyone since childhood. Everything is simple and clear. There is no imposition of aggression and lies, as in many foreign fairy tales that fill the screens and pages of books. If you want your child to grow up as a respectable person, then without a doubt start reading the “correct” literature to him, which includes the fairy tales of Vladimir Georgievich. Allread Suteev's fairy talespossible on this site. Start educating the next generation of adults today.

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Vladimir Suteev

Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich
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Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich

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Vladimir Grigoryevich Suteev( - ) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). One of the pioneers of Soviet animation. Children's writer, illustrator and animator.


Children's literature

Illustration by V. Suteev for his own fairy tale "Different Wheels"

From his youthful years, Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, periodically published in the magazines "Pioneer", "", "Friendly Guys", "Iskorka", in the newspaper "". From 1947 he worked in Detgiz. He illustrated many children's fairy tales of Soviet writers:,. For the first time, books with illustrations by the artist in Russian were published: "Adventures" (Suteev's characters of this fairy tale became a model for children's toys), the Norwegian writer A. Preisen "Cheerful New Year”, English writer L. Muura “Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond”. And in 1952, the first book was published by Suteev, "Two tales about a pencil and paints." Chukovsky welcomed her appearance with a review in Literaturnaya Gazeta. Vladimir Suteev wrote many fairy tales that are distinguished by liveliness, wit, simplicity and accessibility for the smallest readers. Almost every sentence was accompanied by a vivid illustration, to which Suteev brought a lot from animation: his dynamic, drawings look like cartoon frames; characters have a graphic identity, expressed in appearance, movements, facial expressions. There is always a lot of humor in his books, which helps to explain simple life truths to children without moralization. Vladimir Grigorievich died.

List of fairy tales by Suteev V.G.

  • "Uncle Misha"
  • "Apple"
  • "A bag of apples"
  • "Christmas tree"
  • "Ship"
  • "Who said MEOW?"
  • "Three kittens"
  • "Under the Mushroom"
  • "Different Wheels"
  • "Mouse and Pencil"
  • "Naughty cat"
  • "Wand-saver"
  • "Chicken and Duckling"
  • "Angler Cat"
  • "Rooster and colors"
  • "Three kittens"
  • "What kind of bird is this?"
  • "Skillful hands"
  • "About Christmas Trees"
  • "Mom's Holiday"
  • "About the Snow Maiden and the Snowflake"
  • "How Winter Ended"
  • "Everyone has a holiday"
  • "How I Fished"
  • "We are in the forest"
  • "Grandma's Garden"
  • "We are already at school"
  • "Firework"
  • "We are artists"
  • "About Aibolit and Chapkin's portrait"
  • "Terem-Teremok"
  • "One, two - together!"
  • "About the Hippo who was afraid of vaccinations"
  • "We are looking for Blob"
  • "Peter and Little Red Riding Hood"
  • "Petya Ivanov and the Tick-Tock Wizard"
  • "Magic Shop"