okr world 3kl merkin test tasks. Domestic birds are...

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GDZ tests around the world Grade 3 Pleshakov, Gara, Nazarova Enlightenment

  • What do you need to effectively prepare for the final exams? Especially - if they are the first serious ones in life, following the results of training in primary school? Experts believe that this is a competent, well-planned system. It is better to start implementing it in advance, optimally - in the 3rd grade. For example, in such a difficult discipline with an abundance of theoretical and practical diverse material as the world around. The main stages of preparation:
    - selection of literature;
    - study of reshebnikov to it;
    - evaluation of results in dynamics, study of sections and topics that caused the greatest questions and difficulties.
  • Engage in GDZ the child can and at the prompt of the tutor, teacher, and independently. Such self-preparation for a third-grader is an excellent school of independence. In the future, this will help to correctly analyze and select the necessary information, and correctly record the results.
  • A good practical guide are tests on the outside world for grade 3, compiled by a team of authors. Among them - Pleshakov A. A., Nazarova Z. D., Gara N. N. They offer interesting questions and a logical approach to finding the right solutions. For example, those tasks that have a single solution are marked in blue, those that have several are marked in red. The collection is clearly illustrated, has many clear and understandable drawings that explain even the most complex material.

Test with answers around the world (Grade 3)

Noskova Natalya Yurievna
Position and place of work: teacher primary school MBOU - Verkh-Tulinskaya secondary school No. 14 Novosibirsk region
Description: I bring to your attention a test on the outside world. It will enable the primary school teacher to test the knowledge of students on the topics covered. These questions are for 3rd grade students.
Purpose: material to help primary school teachers.
Target: testing students' knowledge of the world around them.
Tasks:- to check and deepen the knowledge of students on the topics covered
- develop memory, thinking
- generate interest in the subject
- develop self-reliance in the performance of work (Choose the correct answer, mark it with a V)

1. What does the science of biology study?
a) inanimate nature
b) wildlife
c) our planet
2. A magnifying device is ...
a) thermometer
b) microscope
c) compass
3. What does the science of psychology study?
a) external structure human
b) internal structure human
c) human life
4. The head of state, who is elected by the people ...
a) president
b) king
c) queen
5. What does the science of ecology study?
a) wildlife
b) connections between living beings and their environment...
c) human life
6. Passenger pigeon, sea cow is ...
a) rare
b) disappeared due to the fault of people
c) saved by man
7. What is a reserve?
(Choose the most correct answer.)
a) an area where hunting is prohibited
b) a piece of land where all nature is under strict protection
c) a piece of land where it is forbidden to pick berries and mushrooms
8. Substances are ...
a) in pieces
b) from the smallest particles invisible to the eye
c) from grains
9. The largest gaps between particles ...
a) in solids
b) in liquids
c) in gases
10. What does the science of chemistry study?
a) natural bodies
b) artificial bodies
c) substances
11. How can you tell if a product contains starch?
a) smell
b) to taste
c) with the help of tincture of iodine
12. What substances can be very caustic?
a) mineral salts
b) starch
c) acids
13. Air is
a) emptiness
b) substance
c) mixture of gases
14. What living creatures make the air cleaner?
a) plants
b) animals
15. If you lower any object into the water, you can clearly see it. This means that the water...
a) transparent
b) colorless
c) no smell
16. To purify muddy water, it needs ...
a) pour into another vessel
b) pass through a funnel
c) pass through a filter
17. When turning into ice, water ...
a) shrinks
b) expanding
18. Water vapor is ...
a) a clear, colorless gas
b) white fog
c) small drops of water
19. To protect water bodies from pollution, they build ...
a) cleaning facilities
b) channels
c) reservoirs
20. The upper fertile layer of the earth is ...
a) clay
b) sand
c) soil
21. The main property of the soil ...
a) looseness
b) fertility
c) dark color
22. What is botany?
a) animal science
b) plant science
c) tree science
23. Coniferous plants include ...
a) poppy
b) birch
c) larch
24. Flowering plants include ...
a) seaweed
b) juniper
c) fern
d) clover
25. What is necessary for the germination of seeds ...
a) soil
b) heat, water, air
c) light
26. Fern, shepherd's purse, yarrow - these are plants ...
a) rare
b) medicinal
c) disappeared due to the fault of people
27. What is zoology?
a) the science of life
b) plant science
c) animal science
d) animal science
28. Insects include ...
a) a spider
b) shrimp
c) snail
d) fly
29. A frog, a toad, a newt is ...
a) reptiles
b) amphibians
c) fish
30. Mammals include ...
a) sea urchin
b) crocodile
c) protein
31. Milk feed cubs ...
a) fish
b) reptiles
c) birds
d) animals
32. Food chains begin...
a) from plants
b) from herbivorous animals
c) from insectivorous or predatory animals
33. Caterpillars are ...
a) worms
b) special group insects
c) butterfly larvae
d) beetle larvae
34. There are fry ...
a) frogs
b) in insects
c) in fish
d) in birds
35. Beaver, sable are animals ...
a) disappeared through the fault of people
b) saved by man
36. Edible mushrooms include ...
a) fly agaric
b) champignon
c) pale toadstool
37. Inedible mushrooms include ...
a) autumn honey agaric
b) champignon
c) gall fungus
38. The structure of man is studied by science ...
a) anatomy
b) physiology
39. What is the organ of smell?
a) language
b) skin
in the eyes
d) ears
e) nose
40. What is the organ of touch?
a) eyes
b) nose
c) skin
d) ears
e) language
41. Protecting the internal parts of the human body from damage, from cold and heat, from pathogenic bacteria is work ...
a) a skeleton
b) muscles
c) skin
42. The skeleton consists of ...
a) bones
b) muscles
c) brain and spinal cord
43. The main building material for the human body are ...
a) fats
b) vitamins
c) proteins
d) carbohydrates
44. In the lungs, blood takes from the air ...
a) oxygen
b) carbon dioxide
c) nitrogen
45. The respiratory organs do not include ...
a) lungs
b) trachea
c) bronchi
d) blood vessels
46. ​​Influenza viruses are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy ...
a) dirty hands
b) through various objects
c) with droplets of saliva when talking, sneezing, coughing
47. Nicotine is a dangerous poison that contains ...
a) in alcoholic beverages
b) in tobacco smoke
c) polluted water

Answers to the test questions:

5 B
Dear colleagues, I will be glad if the test finds application in your work.

The world around 3 class

Pleshakov, Gara, Nazarova

School of Russia


Starting a new school year, many students do not take seriously the fact that in the future they will have to confirm their knowledge. Awareness comes along with the first control work, when some knowledge is already missed. To fill them up, as well as to test your strength in advance, a solution book for the textbook will help. "The world Grade 3 Tests Pleshakov, Gara, Nazarova Enlightenment School of Russia" where all the necessary explanations are written.

The collection has pagination. All the tests located in it contain detailed answers and explanations, so preparing for the upcoming tests at home will be convenient and comfortable. GDZ around the world Grade 3 Pleshakov online will help students learn the necessary material more easily.

Can a solver help?

A diligent attitude to study is the main condition for obtaining good results. However, upon delivery control works many children:

  • experiencing psychological discomfort;
  • are lost;
  • forget some information.

Additional training is designed to give them self-confidence. You can do it with the help of the guide to the textbook. "The world around 3 class Tests Pleshakov".

TESTS around the world

for grade 3 to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakov

Test number 1. Nature and us

1. Underline the names of natural objects:

Chamomile Ruler Tile

machine mountains closet

clay bird clouds

notebook tree house

2. Inanimate nature includes:

3. Wildlife includes:

a) humans, animals, plants, fungi and microbes;

b) Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that is made by his hands;

c) Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

4. Living beings differ from objects of inanimate nature in that:

a) they breathe, eat, grow, bear offspring, die;

b) they talk, run and jump, laugh and cry, grow, die;

c) they move, grow, change surrounding nature are dying.

5. Animals- This:

a) birds, animals, fish, lizards, turtles, worms;

b) animals, insects, snakes, plants, fungi, microbes;

c) birds, animals, humans, insects, plants, mushrooms.

Test number 2. Nature is in danger!

1. Why is there less forest on Earth?

a) due to fires and natural disasters;

b) due to climate change on Earth;

c) due to the construction of cities, roads, cultivation of fields.

2. What air and what water are necessary for the life of plants, animals and humans?

a) transparent;

b) colorless;

c) clean


b) from the use of water in production;

c) from the discharge of sewage from factories and factories, sewage from farms.

4. What are people doing to save wildlife?

a) create reserves, botanical gardens;

b) create boulevards and squares;

c) create farms, apiaries and poultry farms.

5. What are reserves?

a) reserves are plots of land where all nature is inviolable;

b) nature reserves are plots of land where rare plants from all over the world are grown;

c) reserves are plots of land where a wide variety of animals, birds and insects live.

Test number 3. Bodies, substances, particles

1. What is called the body?

a) everything that is made by human hands is called the body;

b) any object, any living being is called a body;

c) any plant, insect, bird or animal is called a body.

2. Which line lists only the bodies?

a) pot, frying pan, kettle, faucet, water;

b) school desk, board, table, chair, lamp;

c) pencil, pen, ink, pencil case, sugar.

3. Which line lists only substances?

a) aluminum, iron, copper;

b) an aluminum pan, an iron poker, a copper basin;

c) a lump of sugar, a drop of dew, a crystal of salt.

4. Which line lists only gaseous substances?

a) water, starch, salt, pepper;

b) kefir, fermented baked milk, chlorine, fluorine;

c) nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide.

5. In what bodies are the gaps between particles the largest?

a) in solids;

b) in liquid bodies;

c) in gaseous bodies.

Test number 4. Air and its protection

1. What substances are in the air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

2. What air gas is needed for breathing?

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

3. What properties does air have?

a) Blue in color, like the sky, conducts sounds, passes the sun's rays, has no smell.

b) Transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.

c) Dust is carried through the air with the wind, the smell depends on the surrounding objects, with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

4. In windows to save heat, double-frames. What property of air is being used?

a) when heated, air expands;

b) when cooled, the air is compressed;

c) air is a poor conductor of heat.

5. How should the air be protected from pollution?

a) Stop all factories and factories, stop logging. Prohibit the use of motor vehicles. Turn the Earth into one huge reserve.

b) Factories and factories should have dust traps and harmful substances. Transport must be made environmentally friendly. In cities and around them, to create belts of gardens, parks and forests.

Test number 5. Save water

1. Which substance do you use in your dailylife the most?

a) starch;

2. Without what it is impossible to grow crops in the fields?

a) without tractors, combines, fuel;

b) without mineral fertilizers, human labor, weeding;

c) without light, air, water.

3. What kind of water do people need?

a) transparent;

b) colorless;

c) clean

4. Why is the water in rivers and lakes polluted?

a) from the use of water in everyday life;

b) from the discharge of sewage from factories and factories, sewage from farms;

c) from the use of water in production.

5. What is used in factories and factories for water purification?

a) filters

b) plastic pipes;

c) acids.

Test number 6. How are stones destroyed?

1. What happens to water when it turns into ice?

a) water expands when it turns into ice;

b) water, turning into ice, is compressed;

c) nothing happens to water when it turns into ice.

2. What happens to stones when heated?

a) stones expand when heated;

b) stones shrink when heated;

c) nothing happens to stones when heated,

3. What causes cracks in rocks and stones?

a) due to the heating of rocks, stones on warm sunny days;

b) due to the cooling of rocks, stones at night;

c) due to uneven expansion and contraction of rocks, stones.

4. What representatives of wildlife accelerate the destruction of rocks?

a) animals;

b) plants;

c) fungi and microbes.

5. What is formed during the destruction of rocks, stones?

a) sand and clay;

b) marble and granite;

c) water and gas

Test number 7. What is soil?

1. What is the nature of soil?

a) to wildlife;

b) to inanimate nature;

c) lifeless and Live nature combine in the soil.

2. What is soil made of?

a) from microbes, plant roots, various animals living in the soil;

b) from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts;

c) from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts, as well as microbes, plant roots and various animals living in the soil.


a) humus, sand, clay;

b) air, water, salts;

c) the remains of plants and animals.

4. What affects soil fertility?

a) the presence of humus in the soil;

b) the presence of water in the soil;

c) the presence of sand and clay in the soil.

5. How does humus turn into salts necessary for plant nutrition?

a) thanks to animals living in the soil;

b) thanks to the water and air contained in the soil;

c) due to microbes living in the soil.

6. What living things live in the soil?

a) ants, flies, cockroaches;

b) butterflies, beetles, mice;

c) earthworms, moles, bears.

Test number 8. Plant diversity and life

1. What is the science of plants called?

a) botany;

b) zoology;

c) astronomy.

2. Underline the names coniferous plants one blacktoy, flowering plants - two traits.

apple tree spruce currant

pine dandelion juniper

3. What do plants get from the soil?

a) humus, sand, clay;

b) the remains of plants and animals;

c) air, water, salt.

4. What conditions are required for a plant to form sugar and starch?

a) the presence of water and carbon dioxide;

b) the presence of soil and air;

c) the presence of light, water and carbon dioxide.

5. What important substance is formed in the leaf along with nutrients?

b) carbon dioxide;

c) oxygen.

6. Fill in the missing words

The roots of plants breathe ... which is contained in the soil. They suck up from the soil... and dissolved in it...

Test number 9. "Diversity and life of animals"

1. What is the name of animal science?

a) botany;

b) zoology;

c) astronomy

2. Animals are...

a) birds, animals, insects, fish, lizards, snakes, turtles, frogs, worms;

b) birds, animals, insects, fish, lizards, snakes, frogs, plants, fungi, microbes;

c) man, birds, animals, insects, fish, plants, fungi, microbes.

3. Name the animal that belongs to the fish:

a) a dolphin

b) hippopotamus;

4. Which of the following animals are herbivores?

a) cows, hippos, giraffes;

b) wolves, foxes, wild boars;

c) moose, seals, whales

5. Which of the power circuits is correct?

a) pine → woodpecker → bark beetle;

b) slugs → cabbage → toad;

c) rye → mouse → snakes → eagles

6. What will happen if in the food chain "ryemousefoxes" if people destroy foxes?

a) there will be more mice, a decrease in the yield of rye;

b) there will be more mice, an increase in the yield of rye;

c) first there will be more mice, and then the rye yield will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the number of mice

Test number 10. "Protection of plants and animals"

1. Many ... plants will be used in medicine.

a) beautiful;

b) medicinal;

c) high

2. Rare plants are forbidden to be collected. They are under special protection...

a) in reserves;

b) on a personal plot;

c) on boulevards and squares

3. Where are rare plants brought from all over the world grown?

a) in parks

b) in squares;

c) in the botanical gardens

4. What animals are listed in the Red Book?

a) tiger, walrus, flamingo, golden eagle;

b) cow, horse, goose, rooster;

c) elk, fox, wolf

5. Some animals have already been rescued. Name them.

a) squirrel, hare, wild boar;

b) beaver, sable, marten;

c) elk, fox, wolf

6. What kind of animals will people help if they protect spruces and pines in the forest?

a) crossbilly, squirrel, woodpecker;

b) hazel grouse, elk, hare;

c) lynx, bear, hawk

Test number 11. "The human body"

1. Why do you need to know your body?

a) to maintain and improve health;

b) so that a person can think, speak, work;

c) to skillfully use their abilities

2. What is the name of the science that studies the structure of the human body?

a) physiology;

b) zoology;

c) anatomy

3. The human body consists of organs. Which line lists only human organs?

a) eyes, lungs, stomach, skin;

b) heart, brain, kidneys, blood;

c) liver, spleen, ears, bile

4. How many sense organs do you know?

5. Without what organ would it be impossible to see, hear, smell and taste?

a) without intestines;

b) without a brain;

c) no spleen

6. Which line contains words describing a healthy person?

a) stooped, strong, clumsy, tall;

b) humpbacked, pale, frail, short;

c) slender, strong, dexterous, stately

Test number 12. "Skin and musculoskeletal system"

1. What is the name of a person's ability to feel touch, pain, heat and cold?

a) touch;

b) sense of smell;

c) taste

2. What role does the fat that the skin secretes play?

a) fat makes the skin soft and supple;

b) fat makes the skin strong and strong;

c) fat makes the skin agile and slim

3. Which skin care items are listed correctly?

a) toothbrush, toothpaste, chewing gum;

b) washcloth, soap, towel, cream;

c) shoe polish, shoe brush, glue

4. What is the role of the human skeleton?

a) the skeleton protects the internal organs from damage;

b) contracting and relaxing, the skeleton sets the muscles in motion;

c) the skeleton is the support of the body

5. Name the organ located inside the skull

b) the brain;

c) spleen

6. What determines the posture of a person?

a) from the skeleton and muscles;

b) from ligaments and tendons;

c) from cartilage and bones

Test number 13. “Digestive organs. Circulatory system"

1. Why does a person need food?

a) a person receives nutrients from food;

b) with food, a person receives the oxygen necessary for life;

c) with food a person receives water and vitamins

2. Where does digestion begin?

a) in the mouth

b) in the stomach;

c) in the intestines

3. How are nutrient particles distributed throughout the body?

a) due to blood

b) due to nerve fibers;

c) thanks to the muscles

4. What air substance is necessary for the body organs to work?

a) oxygen;

b) carbon dioxide;

5. In what organ does gas exchange take place between air and blood?

a) in the nose

b) in the bronchi;

c) in the lungs

6. Through which organs is carbon dioxide and harmful substances removed from the body?

a) through the liver, intestines, bladder;

b) through the skin, kidneys, lungs;

c) through the heart, stomach, gallbladder

Test number 14. "Fire, water and gas"

1. Connect the phone numbers and names of urgent services with arrows:

01 gas service

03 fire department

04 ambulance

2. What should be done first of all if a fire suddenly starts in the house that you cannot put out on your own?

a) run away

b) scream, call for help;

c) call firefighters by phone 01

3. To protect yourself from smoke you need:

a) breathe through a wet towel;

b) hide in a closet;

c) hide under the bed

4. What should you do immediately if you smell gas in the house?

a) open a window

b) immediately from the apartment call the gas service - 04

c) turn on electrical appliances

Test number 15. "Rules of conduct on the roads"

1. When crossing the street, you must be:

a) strong, brave, slender;

b) collected, attentive, careful;

c) smart, beautiful, joyful

2. At what age can children ride a bike on the roads?

a) from 10 years old;

b) from the age of 14;

c) from 18 years old

3. What do prohibition signs look like?

a) a sign in the form of a red triangle;

b) a sign in the form of a red circle;

c) a blue circle sign

Red triangle signs are...

a) prohibition signs;

b) information and indication signs;

c) warning signs

5. Road sign "Brick" means:

a) straight ahead

b) "bus stop";

c) no traffic

6. Which of the statements is correct?

a) the most important road signs are warning signs; they will always warn the driver of any danger;

b) the most important signs are service signs, because it is always necessary to know where the gas station or hospital is located;

c) all road signs are important - without them it is impossible to drive safely on the roads

Test number 16. "Minerals"

1. People of what profession are looking for mineral deposits in nature?

b) geologists;

c) builders

2. Which minerals are used in construction?

a) sand, clay;

b) granite, peat;

c) coal, table salt

3. Which of the minerals serve as fuel;

a) tin and copper ores;

b) coal, natural gas;

c) graphite, sulfur

4. What minerals are mined using drilling rigs?

a) marble, granite;

b) natural gas, oil;

c) gold

5. Why do we collect scrap metal?

a) we retain ore reserves;

b) we clear the territory of garbage;

c) participate in a competition between classes

Test number 17. "Crop production"

1. Indicate the line in which the main branches of crop production are correctly indicated.

a) field cultivation, sheep breeding, cactus growing;

b) field cultivation, vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture;

c) field cultivation, vegetable growing, reindeer breeding.

2. Write the line that correctly lists the main crops.

a) potatoes, sunflower, flax, strawberries;

b) zucchini, patisson, cucumber, cabbage;

c) oats, rye, barley, wheat

3. Indicate the line in which fruit crops are correctly indicated

a) cabbage, potatoes, flax, oats;

b) onion, garlic, pepper, orange;

c) apple, pear, cherry, raspberry.

4. What agricultural professions do you know?

a) weaver, gas welder, geologist;

b) combine operator, vegetable grower, agronomist;

c) engineer, mechanic, baker

5. What plant gives us white bread?

c) wheat

6. From the seeds of which crop is oil obtained?

a) from sunflower seeds;

b) from buckwheat seeds;

c) from barley seeds

Test number 18. "Livestock"

1. What does animal husbandry give to people?

a) meat, wool, down, skin;

b) fruits, vegetables, cereals;

c) cotton, flax, forage grasses

2. Domestic farm animals are ...

a) mammals, birds, fish, insects;

b) animals, birds, amphibians, fish;

c) birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish

3. Poultry is ...

a) pheasants, partridges, ostriches;

b) peacocks, eagles, golden eagles;

c) turkeys, chickens, geese

4. Bees are bred for ...

b) apiary;

c) a poultry farm

5. For pet food, they prepare ...

a) potatoes, grain, timothy;

b) watermelons, melons, pumpkin;

c) cornflower, snowdrop, hyacinth

6. What branches of animal husbandry are especially developed in our region?

a) poultry farming;

b) fish farming;

c) sheep breeding

Test number 19. “Money. Budget"

1. What is "barter"?

a) this is the name of the process of buying and selling goods;

b) it is a direct exchange of some goods for others;

c) it is one of the types of income

2. What used to be used as money?

a) TVs and kettles;

b) sea shells, skins of fur-bearing animals;

c) drawings on paper

3. What is the budget made up of?

a) from salaries and scholarships;

b) from money;

c) from income and expenses

4. What are the state budget revenues?

a) from the wages of citizens;

b) from the income of enterprises and firms;

c) from the taxes of citizens and organizations

5. What is a "fee"?

a) the budget;

c) expense

6. Winning a lottery ticket is ...?

b) expense;

c) is neither income nor expense, as it cannot be scheduled

Test number 20. "Final test"

1. If a fire broke out in the apartment, you must:

a) call 01;

b) call 04;

c) wait for it to go out

2. Road signs in the form of a circle with a red border:

a) warning;

b) prescriptive;

c) forbidding

3. Dangerous plants are:

a) pale grebe;

b) henbane;

c) wolf's bark

4. You can not pick berries and mushrooms near highways, industrial enterprises, because:

a) tasteless

c) serve as a decoration

5. The work that people do to satisfy certain needs of other people is called:

a) services;

b) goods;

c) needs

6. Mines are built for mining:

a) hard coal;

7. For breeding fish is:

b) pond farming;

c) apiary

8. Thermal power plant is abbreviated as:

9. The money that is paid to workers in enterprises is:

a) a scholarship;

b) salary;

c) pension

10. Yaroslav the Wise founded the city:

a) Yaroslavl;

b) Kostroma;

c) Sergiev Posad

11. maritime border with our country have:

a) Norway and Iceland;

b) Mongolia and North Korea;

c) USA and Japan

12. Eiffel Tower, Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral are located in:

a) Italy

b) France;

In Great Britain