Ostrich emu gray rat house mouse progress. A12

1 option

In part A, for each task, 4 answers are given, one of which is correct

A 1. Among the examples listed, aromorphosis is

    The flat body shape of a stingray

    Protective coloration in a grasshopper

    Four-chambered heart in birds

A 2. Biological evolution is a process

    Individual development of the body

    Historical development of the organic world

    Embryonic development of the organism

    Improvements and creation of new varieties of plants and animal breeds

A 3. In response to an increase in the population of prey in the population of predators,

    Increasing the number of newborns

    Reducing the number of mature individuals

    Increasing the number of females

    Reducing the number of males

A 4. Does not apply to the causes of the ecological crisis in the modern era

    Rational nature management

    Construction of dams on rivers

    Agricultural human activity

    Industrial human activity

A 5. A certain set of chromosomes in individuals of the same species is considered a criterion





A 6. The selection of individuals with signs deviating from the average value is called





A 7. The basis of natural selection is

    mutation process


    biological progress

    Relative Fitness

A 8. At what stage of human evolution did social factors play a leading role

    ancient people

    ancient people



A 9. The species structure of the biogeocenosis of the forest is characterized

    Tiered arrangement of animals

    Number of ecological niches

    Distribution of organisms in forest horizons

    The variety of organisms that live in it

A10. Biogeocenosis is considered an open system, since it constantly happens

    The influx of energy


    Circulation of substances

    Struggle for existence.

B 1. The factors of evolution include

    Crossing over

    mutation process

    Modification variability


    Variety of species

    Natural selection

B 2. Self-regulation in the taiga ecosystem is manifested in the fact that

    The number of trees is reduced as a result of a forest fire

    Wolves limit the growth of the number of wild boars

    Mass reproduction of bark beetles leads to the death of trees

    The number of squirrels depends on the yield of spruce seeds

    The wild boar population is completely destroyed by wolves

    Owls and foxes limit the growth of the number of mice

In tasks B3 and B4, match the contents of the first and second columns

3. establish a correspondence between organisms and directions of evolution

Organisms Directions of evolution

    Emu A) biological progress

    Gray rat B) biological regression

    house mouse

    Blue green (cyanobacteria)

    Eagle golden eagle

    Ussurian tiger

B 4. Establish a correspondence between the signs of selection and its types

Features of selection Type of selection

    Preserves individuals with traits that are useful under given conditions A) natural

    Leads to the creation of new animal breeds and plant varieties B) artificial

    Helps create organisms necessary to a person

    1. Changes

    Occurs within a population and between populations of the same species

    Active in nature for millions of years

    Leads to the formation of new species

    Held by man


    plant leaves

B 6. - Establish the chronological sequence of anthropogenesis

    skillful man

    Homo erectus




C 1 The population of perch in the river is declining as a result of water pollution from sewage, a decrease in the number of herbivorous fish, and a decrease in the oxygen content in the water in winter. What groups of environmental factors are presented in this list?

C 2. How is a natural ecosystem different from an agroecosystem?

A1-3; A2-2; A3-1; A4-1; A5 -3; A6 -1; A7 -1; A8-2; A9-4; A10-1.

In 1. - 2,4,6; In 2. - 2,4,6; B 3. - BAAABB; B 4. - ABBAAAB; At 5. - 51324; At 6. - 31245;

C 1. Abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic.

C 2. 1) Greater biodiversity and diversity of food links and food chains

2) Balanced circulation of substances

3) The participation of solar energy in the cycle of matter and long periods of existence

Final Verification work Grade 11

Option 2

In part A, for each task, 4 answers are given, one of which is correct

A 1. What aromorphosis contributed to the emergence of vertebrates on land

    gill breathing

    Appearance of limbs

    The presence of a spine

    The appearance of pulmonary respiration

A 2. The total territory occupied by a species is called

    ecological niche


  1. Feeding territory

A 3. Plant biomass in the ocean decreases with depth due to

    Drops in water temperature

    Light reduction

    Reducing the number of animals

    Reducing nutrients in the water

A 4. Greenhouse effect on Earth is the result of an increase in the concentration of


    Carbon dioxide

    sour gas

    water vapor

A 5. The level of organization of any moor frog

    Molecular - cellular

    Biospheric - biotic

    Population - specific


A 6. The concentration function of the living matter of the biosphere is

    In the accumulation of solar energy in the process of photosynthesis

    Selective accumulation chemical elements organisms

    The cycle of chemical elements that make up organisms

    Transfer of organic matter and energy through food chains

A 7. According to the views of Charles Darwin, the result of natural selection is

    Survival of the fittest

    The death of the least adapted individuals

    The emergence of adaptability in organisms

    The appearance of variability of traits in organisms

A 8. The elementary material for evolution is

    Phenotypes of a group of individuals in a population

    Genotypes of individual individuals of the population

    Mutations of genes in individuals of a population

    Modifications of genotypes in individuals of a population

A 9. An increase in the number of species in an ecosystem, the formation of branched food chains, layering is a sign

    Ecosystem sustainable development

    Transition of a stable ecosystem into an unsustainable one

    Ecosystem dieback

    Changes from one ecosystem to another

A10. Specify wrong statement. The agrocenosis left by man dies, as

    Cultivated plants are being replaced by weeds

    It cannot exist without fertilizer and care.

    It cannot compete with natural biocenoses

    The competition among cultivated plants is intensifying.

In tasks B 1 - B 2, select three correct answers

B 1. Stable biogeocenoses are characterized by

    complex food chains

    simple food chains

    Lack of species diversity

    The presence of natural selection

    Dependence on human activity

    steady state

B 2. Why the population is considered the unit of evolution

    Free crossing takes place

    Many species consist of a number of populations

    Individuals in a population undergo mutations

    Individuals in a population have different adaptations to their environment.

    Populations self-regulate

    Under the influence of natural selection, individuals with beneficial mutations remain in the population

In tasks B3 and B 4, match the contents of the first and second columns

B 3. Establish a correspondence between the types of variability and their characteristics

Characteristics of variability Types of variability

    The feature change disappears after the termination of A) modification

the action of the factor that caused it B) mutations

    change comes suddenly

    the change is non-directional

    the resulting change is usually

environmental changes

    appearing in all individuals of the species

    manifested in individual individuals of the species

B 4. Establish a correspondence between the directions of evolution and their characteristics

Characteristics Directions of evolution

    Range expansion A) Biological progress

    Reduced fitness B) Biological regression

    Increasing numbers


    Decrease in variety

    Increasing Diversity

B 5. Set the sequence of objects in the pasture food chain

    ground beetle

  1. caterpillars

B 6. Establish in what chronological sequence the main groups of plants appeared on Earth





C 1. What is the significance of population isolation for evolution?

C 2, Why are plants (producers) considered the initial link in the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in an ecosystem?

A1-4; A2-3; A3-2; A4-2; A5 -3; A6 -1; A7 -1; A8-3; A9-1; A10-3.

In 1.- 1,4,6; In 2, - 1,5,6; B 3, -ABABAB; B 4. - ABABBA B 5. - 23154; At 6. - 54312;

C 1. Promotes the accumulation of mutations in the population.

S 2. 1) Create organic matter from inorganic

2) Accumulate solar energy

3) Provide organic matter and energy to the organisms of other parts of the ecosystem.

Final examination in biology for the course of grade 11 Option 1

1. Choose three traits that can be considered the results of biological evolution.

A. adaptation of the organism to the environment

B. Geological transformation of the Earth

B. the emergence of new strains of viruses

D. extinction of species unadapted to environmental conditions

D. the emergence of ethnic groups

E. the emergence of writing

2. Select three features that characterize mutations:

A) are adaptive

B) are inherited

B) are random

D) not inherited

D) do not affect the genotype

E) the genotype changes

3. Divide the factors listed below into abiotic and biotic

a. The chemical composition of water

b. Diversity of plankton

in. The presence of bacteria in the air

d. The presence of nodule bacteria on the roots of legumes

e. Soil salinity

e. Water flow rate

1. Abiotic factors

2. Biotic factors

4. Establish a correspondence between organisms and directions of evolution


Directions of evolution

A. emu

B. gray rat

B. house mouse

D. Blue-green (cyanobacteria)

D. Eagle golden eagle

E. Ussuri tiger

1) biological progress

2) biological regression

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the common toothless and the criteria of the species that they characterize.


View criteria:

a. body covered with a mantle

b. sink has two doors

c. lives in fresh water

circulatory system is not closed

e. feeds on aquatic microorganisms

e. the larva develops in water

1) ecological

2) morphological

6. Set the sequence of objects in the pasture food chain





bird cherry Answer______________

7. Set the chronological sequence of anthropogenesis

skillful man

Homo erectus



Cro-Magnon. Answer______________

8. Insert into the text “La Marquisism” the pro-p-shchen-nye ter-mi-ns from the pre-lo-women-no-th-re-rech-nya, using the number for this -lo-vye-knowledge-che-niya. Write in the text the numbers of the selected from-ve-tov, and then in-lu-chi-shu-yu-sya after the next-to-va-tel-ness of the numbers (according to the current stu) write-shi-te in the table below.

La marqueism

La-marquisism - evo-lu-qi-on-naya concept, os-but-you-va-yu-shcha-i-sya on theory, you-dvi-well-toy in on -cha-le of the 19th century _________ (A) in the tract-ta-te "Phi-lo-so-fia zoo-logia". In a broader sense, to the la-mar-kist-sky, there are various evolutionary theories that arose in the XIX - per- the howl of the third of the 20th centuries, in some ways, as the basis of the new ____________ (B) of the evolutionary force of the race -tion to __________ (B). As a rule, great importance in such theories is also attached to the influence of __________ (G) organ-g-news on evolution-lu-ci-on-ny destinies or-ga-niz-mov, because pre-la-ha-et-sya, that the consequences of exercise and non-exercise and non-exercise can be re-yes - to go by _________________ (D).

Pe-re-chen ter-mi-nov:

1) sta-bi-li-zi-ru-yu-shchi

2) moving

3) inheritance

4) exercise

5) progress

6) La Mark

7) Lin-ney

8) Dar-vin

Write down the numbers in response, sort them out in a row, corresponding to the letter-to-you:

9. Find-di-those errors in the given text. Indicate the no-mea-ra of the pre-lo-zh-ny, in some ways they are up-to-push-us, correct them. According to the basics, in the same way, no-yam, of the syn-te-ti-che-theory of evolution:

1. Ma-te-ri-a-scrap for evolution serves as a consecutive of men-chi-ness, that is, mutation and combi-bi-na-tion genes. 2. Move-zhu-schi-mi si-la-mi evo-lu-tion yav-la-yut-sya from me-non-ge-no-fon-yes-po-la-tion and nick-but-ve-nie at-s-sob-len-no-sti or-ga-niz-mov to the conditions of existence-va-niya. 3. On-right-la-th-factor of evolution - natural selection, based on conservation and on-cop-le-nii inherited from me-not-ny or-ga-niz-ma. 4. The smallest evo-lu-qi-on-naya unit-ni-tsa - view. 5. Evolution has a gradual and long-term character. 6. Vi-do-o-ra-zo-va-nie as a stage of evolution-lu-tion on-zy-va-et-xia mak-ro-e-vo-lu-qi-ey




10. Are the following judgments about the functions of living matter in the bio-sphere correct?

A. Ga-zo-way function of the living substance is peculiar in the eco-si-ste-me only pro-du-tsen-there.

b. some products of life-not-de-I-tel-no-sti.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both sentences are true

4) both judgments of non-faith

Final control work in biology for the 11th grade course

Option 2

Last name, first name, class ___________________________________________________________

1. Choose three correct answers. The result of evolution is:

emergence of new varieties of plants

emergence of new species under changing conditions

breeding of new breeds

the formation of new adaptations in changing conditions

preservation of old species in stable conditions

obtaining new breeds of chickens

2. You-be-ri-those in the same way, from-but-sya-schi-e-sya to the syn-te-ti-che-theory of evolution.

The answer is for-pi-shi-te digits-ra-mi without spaces.

1. element-men-tar-noy unit-ni-tsey evolution-lu-tion yav-la-et-sya-po-la-tion

2. the influence of the external environment on the right-le-but on the development of useful signs

3. natural selection - the main reason for the vi-to-ob-ra-zo-va-nia and the development of adaptation

4. ma-te-ri-a-scrap for evolution serves mo-di-fi-ka-qi-on-naya from-men-chi-vost

5. element-men-tar-noy unit-ni-tsey evolution-lu-tion yav-la-et-sya view

6. ma-te-ri-a-crowbar for evolution serves mu-ta-qi-on-naya and com-bi-on-qi-on-naya from-men-chi-vost

3. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the liver fluke and the criterion of the species for which it is characteristic.

a) The larva lives in water

b) The body is flattened

d) Feeds on host tissue

e) Has two suction cups

e) The digestive system has a mouth opening

1) Morphological

2) Ecological

4. Establish a correspondence between the death of plants and the form of the struggle for existence.

Cause of plant death

A form of struggle for existence

a) plants of the same species crowd out each other

b) plants die from viruses, fungi, bacteria

c) seeds die from severe frost and drought

d) plants die from lack of moisture during germination

e) people, cars trample young plants

e) a large number of fir trees interfere with the growth of pine trees

1) Intraspecific

2) Interspecies

3) fight against adverse conditions

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the systematic group and the direction of evolution

a) Variety of species

b) Limited area

c) A small number of species

d) Wide ecological adaptations

e) Wide area

f) Reducing the number of population

1) Biological progress

2) Biological regression

. Set the sequence of objects in the pasture food chain

ground beetle




Tit. Answer______________

7. Set in what chronological sequence the main groups of plants appeared on Earth




Seaweed Answer______________

8. Insert into the text “Dar-vi-nizm” the pro-p-shchen-nye ter-mi-ns from the pre-lo-women-no-th-re-rech-nya, using for this number of designations. Write in the text the numbers of the selected from-ve-tov, and then in-lu-chi-shu-yu-sya after the next-to-va-tel-ness of the numbers (according to the current stu) write-shi-te in the table below.


Dar-vi-nism - by the name of the English-gli-sko-go on-tu-ra-li-hundred _________ (A) - on the right-le-tion of the evo-lu-qi-on-noy thought, for-ver -women of something-ro-go-go-with the basics-new-we-mi idea-I-mi Dar-vi-na in the pro-evolution-lu-tion, accord- but somehow the main ___________ (B) evolution is _______________ (C) selection. In a broader sense, not-rarely (and not with-everything right) is used to denote evolution-lu-qi-on -no-go teaching or evolution-lu-qi-on-noy biology in general. Dar-vi-nism pro-ty-in-put-la-yut ideas ____________ (G) someone believed that the main driving force of evolution was -la-et-sya at-su-sche or-ga-niz-mum striving for _____________ (D).

Pe-re-chen ter-mi-nov

1) property

2) factor

3) perfection

4) artificial

5) natural

6) La Mark

7) Lin-ney

8) Dar-vin

Write down the numbers in response, sort them out in a row, corresponding to the letter-to-you:

9. Read the text and find sentences in it that contain biological errors. First write down the numbers of these sentences, and then formulate them correctly.

1. All environmental factors affecting organisms are divided into biotic, geological and anthropogenic.

2. Biotic factors are temperature, climatic conditions, humidity, illumination.

3. Anthropogenic factors - the impact of man and the products of his activities on the environment.

4. The factor, the value of which is currently within the limits of endurance and deviates to the greatest extent from the optimal value, is called limiting.

5. Cannibalism is a form of mutually negative interactions between organisms.




10. Are the following judgments about living matter in the bio-sphere correct?

BUT. The living substance of the plan-not-you provides-pe-chi-va-et an uninterrupted circle-of-mouth of substances and the transformation of energy -gii in the bio-sphere.

B. The living substance of the races-pre-de-le-but in the bio-sphere is equally-but-measured, except for the waters of the North-no-go Le-do -ve-that-oce-a-on.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both sentences are true

4) both judgments of non-faith

1 option

Option 2















Total maximum - 50 points

45-50 points - mark 5

38-44 points - mark 4

25 -37 points - mark 3

Less than 24 points - mark 2.

Structure and content of the work

Purpose of the event: identification of the level of development of students educational material course " General biology"At the end of the 11th grade

Estimated time to complete the test is 40 minutes.

Each version of the work consists of 10 tasks, differing in forms and levels of complexity.

Task 1.2 - choice of three correct answers (0-3 points)

Task 3-5 - compliance (0-5 points)

Task 6-7 - sequence (0-5 points)

Task 8 - write in terms (0-5 points)

Task 9 - correct errors in the text (0-3 bpalla)

Task 10 - choose one correct answer (0-1 point)






Question number in the test

Content Items Reviewed by Work Orders

Development of the evolutionary teachings of Ch. Darwin

Type and its criteria

Populations. Genetic composition and changes in the gene pool of populations

The struggle for the existence of its form, Natural selection and its forms

Plant and animal system - evolution display

The main directions of evolution of the organic world



Environmental factors of the environment

Food connections in ecosystems

Biosphere - global ecosystem

final control work in biology in grade 11__ Class 11 ""

FULL NAME. teachers ______________________

Date: " " _______________ 20 years

The number of students who did the work ______,


dealt with control work for "5" pers. %

"2" _ __ pers. %

Didn't get the job done. %


Did the job

Got a mark

Progress and regression in evolution . The organic world of the Earth developed from simple to complex, from lower forms to higher ones, which is a progressive development. But this is not the only possible direction of evolution. A prominent Russian evolutionary biologist A. N. Severtsov (1866-1936) developed the theory of morphophysiological and biological progress and regression.


Biological progress is the victory of a species (or other systematic unit) in the struggle for existence.

The main signs of biological progress are a steady increase in the number and expansion of the occupied area. The expansion of the range of a species usually leads to the formation of new populations. By definition, representatives of the types of protozoa, mollusks, arthropods (different species and even entire orders of insects - dipterans, beetles, etc.), chordates (separate groups of fish, birds - for example, passerines, mammals - for example, rodents, etc.) serve as examples of biological progress. .).

It is a mistake to assume that only the classes of birds and mammals are in a state of biological progress. It should be remembered that not all groups of birds and mammals illustrate biological progress. It is achieved in various ways, which are not always associated only with increased level organization of systematic groups.

Biological regression is characterized by alternative signs: a decrease in numbers, a reduction in range, a decrease in intraspecific differentiation (for example, a decrease in population diversity).

Ultimately, biological regression can lead to the extinction of the species. In the chordate type, examples of natural biological regression are: lungfish and lobe-finned fish (cl. Bony fish); tuatara, crocodiles, elephant turtles (Cl. Reptiles); kiwifruit, some types of cranes (eg American crane), storks (Cl. Birds); oviparous, edentulous, proboscis (cl. Mammals).


The main cause of biological regression is the lag in the evolution of the group from the rate of change environment. Accelerated transformation of the environment natural environment due to the anthropogenic factor, direct persecution and extermination bring a number of species and groups of animals into a state of biological regression and even put some of them on the verge of extinction: birds of prey (California and Andean condors, Philippine eagle, etc.), most species of cranes (cranes, black crane, etc.), African ostriches, cassowaries, emu, nandu, Hawaiian flower girls, parrots (72 species), shoebill (negative leafy), large cetaceans (blue whale, fin whale, etc.), elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, cheetahs, snow leopard, some types of bears, apes and many others.

Snow Leopard

Paths of biological progress (according to A.N. Severtsov).

Aromorphosis, or morphophysiological progress, refers to the achievement of biological progress by increasing general level organization of living organisms.

Examples of the most important aromorphoses are: the transition to multicellularity; evolutionary transformations of the main organ systems in vertebrates (circulatory, nervous, respiratory and other systems); the acquisition by higher vertebrates of the mechanisms of physical and chemical thermoregulation. However, it is not always correct to contrast high organization low (Ch. Darwin wrote about this): for example, poikilothermic organisms (the same insects, mollusks) and without an increase in the corresponding organization are at the top of biological progress. The same can be said about unicellular organisms. Aromorphosis in the plant world is the transition from spores to reproduction by seeds, the transition from gymnosperms to angiosperms.

Aromorphoses of animals

Idioadaptations are particular adaptations of species that are not associated with changes in the level of their biological organization and allow them to adapt to specific environmental conditions.

For example, within the class of mammals, without any change in the level of organization, various groups of animals were formed in terms of lifestyle: air (bats), aquatic (cetaceans), burrowing (moles, zokors, mole rats, etc.), climbing (monkeys, sloths, etc.) running (ungulates, etc.), etc. All these groups of mammals are characterized by homoiothermia (relative independence of body temperature from the environment), live birth, feeding of young with milk, i.e. traits common to the entire class. Examples of protective coloration and form observed in a wide variety of animals must also be attributed to particular adaptations, or idioadaptations. Idioadaptations include specific adaptations to the conditions of existence in Darwin's finches.

In plants, examples of idioadaptations are the diverse adaptations of a flower to pollination by wind, insects, birds, adaptations to the distribution of fruits and seeds (with the help of wind, water, animals).


Ascidians, leading a sedentary lifestyle in adulthood, have lost the notochord, the organs of locomotion; their sense organs and nervous system degenerated during metamorphosis. And only by the larval stage, which has a notochord, was it possible to establish that ascidia belong to the type of chordates.

Cave dwellers (cave fish, tailed amphibians - Proteus) are characterized by a reduction or even complete loss of the organs of vision, a decrease or absence of pigmentation. genetic basis simplification level, organizations consider mutations. Thus, mutations are known that cause rudimentary organs (for example, underdevelopment of wings in insects) or reduce the degree of pigmentation of the integument (for example, the occurrence of albinism in mammals). Under favorable conditions, such mutations can progressively spread through populations.

Proteus european

Correlation of paths of evolution . Of all the considered ways to achieve biological progress, aromorphoses are the rarest, raising one or another systematic group to a qualitatively new, more high level development. Aromorphoses define turning points, new stages in the development of life on Earth, open up new opportunities for groups that have undergone appropriate morphophysiological transformations in mastering the external environment. Sometimes this is a completely new environment (for example, the emergence of vertebrates on land). In the future, the evolution of the group follows the path of idioadaptation.

Correlation of paths of evolution

1) improving the mineral nutrition of plants

2) increase the intensity of photosynthesis

3) economical use of water

4) capturing sunlight

1) aromorphosis 2) degeneration

3) biological progress 4) biological regression

A14. The formation of new species in nature occurs as a result of

1) age-related changes in individuals

2) seasonal changes

3) human environmental activities

4) interactions driving forces evolution

A15. An example of an intraspecific struggle for existence -

1) male rivalry over a female

2) "drought-fighting" desert plants

3) the battle of the predator with the prey

4) eating fruits and seeds by birds

A16. During the transition from flatworms to roundworms, the following aromorphoses occurred:

1) a body cavity appeared

2) respiratory organs appeared

3) a closed circulatory system appeared

4) there were special organs of movement

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the structural features of the human body and the type of comparative anatomical evidence of its evolution


A) tail development 1) atavisms

B) appendix 2) rudiments

B) coccyx

D) thick body hair

D) multi-nipple

E) fold of the nictitating membrane

IN 2. Which of the following examples are idioadaptations?

1) development of educational tissues in plants

AT 3. Artificial selection as opposed to natural selection

1) is carried out by a person purposefully

2) carried out by natural environmental factors

3) carried out quickly

4) occurs among individuals of natural populations

5) ends with the receipt of new cultural forms

6) ends with the emergence of new species

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the organism and the direction of evolution along which its development is currently taking place


A) emu ostrich 1) biological progress

B) gray rat 2) biological regression

B) house mouse

D) housefly

D) Ussuri tiger

AT 5. Establish the sequence of stages of plant evolution

1) the emergence of psilophytes

2) the appearance of multicellular algae

4) the appearance of ferns

5) the emergence of angiosperms

6) the appearance of unicellular algae

AT 6. Establish a sequence of events occurring in a population in the process of microevolution

A) phenotypic manifestation of mutations that have passed into a homozygous state

B) divergence within a species, the formation of new populations and subspecies

C) falling under the influence of natural selection of new hereditary changes

D) accumulation of phenotypically non-manifested hereditary changes

E) a constantly ongoing mutation process and free crossing of individuals within a population

C1. The wasp fly is similar in color and shape to the wasp. Name the type of its protective device, explain its significance and the relative nature of fitness

Option 3 Theme "Evolution of the organic world" USE

1) the appearance of spores 2) the formation of seeds

3) fruit formation 4) leaf modification

A2. The consequence of the evolution of organisms cannot be considered

1) adaptation of organisms to the environment

2) the diversity of the organic world

3) hereditary variability

4) the formation of new species

A3. Microevolution leads to change

1) species 2) genera

3) families 4) orders

A4. The effectiveness of natural selection in nature increases with

1) strengthening the mutation process

2) weakening intraspecific struggle

3) population decline

4) increase in the number of homozygous individuals

A5. Rudimentary organs - an example of evidence for evolution

1) embryological 2) paleontological

3) comparative anatomical 4) biogeographic

A6. The property of organisms to acquire new characteristics, as well as differences between individuals within a species, is a manifestation

1) heredity 2) struggle for existence

3) individual development 4) variability

A7. The adaptation of an animal species to its environment is the result of

1) care for offspring 2) exercises of organs

3) selection of random hereditary changes

4) high number of individuals in populations

A8. The existence of tree ferns in the history of the nature of the Earth is evidenced by

1) the existence of herbaceous and woody forms

2) the presence of their prints and fossils

3) their way of reproduction

4) their modern diversity

A9. What type of protective coloration is called mimicry?

1) coloring that dismembers the body

2) bright color, signaling the toxicity and inedibility of the organism

3) similarity in coloration of less protected organisms of one species with protected organisms of another species

4) an adaptation in which the shape of the body and color of animals merge with surrounding objects

A10. Species buttercup caustic and buttercup creeping are combined into a larger systematic category -

1) genus 2) family

3) order 4) class

A11. Are the following judgments about the species criteria correct?

A) Only in the aggregate all the criteria make it possible to identify the species affiliation

B. The main criterion in determining the species is genetic - the same number, shape, and size of chromosomes

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A12. The population serves as the structural unit

1) genus 2) species 3) family 4) order

A13. An example of an interspecies struggle for existence is

1) the distribution of roles during hunting in a wolf pack

2) migration of a flock of one population of salmon to a spawning place

3) survival of the cuckoo and the death of other chicks in the nest

4) formation of crane flocks for autumn migrations

A14. Are the following judgments about the species criteria correct?

A. The genetic criterion of a species is characterized by the same response of individuals to the impact of environmental factors

B. In accordance with the genetic criterion, all individuals of a species have the same chemical composition and similar life processes

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A15. What criterion of species is based on the differences in the life processes of individuals?

1) physiological

2) ecological

3) genetic

4) morphological

A16. The term "evolution" was first used

1) K. Linnaeus 2) S. Bonnet

3) Ch. Darwin 4) J. B. Damarck

Part B. Choose three correct answers

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the common toothless and the criterion of the species that it characterizes


A) the body is covered with a mantle 1) morphological

B) the sink has two shutters 2) ecological

B) live in fresh water

D) open circulatory system

D) feeds on aquatic organisms

E) the larva develops in water

B2. Establish a sequence of systematic categories characteristic of the plant kingdom, starting with the smallest

A) bluegrass

B) bluegrass meadow

B) monocots

D) Angiosperms

D) Cereals (Bluegrass)

AT 3. The result of evolution is

1) genetic drift

2) variety of species

3) mutational variability

4) adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions

5) increasing the organization of living beings

6) struggle for existence

AT 3. Set match:

A) whale flippers and mole burrowing limbs 1) divergence

B) bird wings and butterfly wings 2) convergence

C) the streamlined shape of the body of a dolphin and a shark

D) a variety of beak shapes in finches

D) the wing of a bat and an owl

AT 4. Which of the following examples are idioadaptations

1) the development of educational tissues in a plant

2) the presence of trapping devices in insectivorous plants

4) the appearance of triploid endosperm in angiosperms

5) small, dry pollen in wind-pollinated plants

6) glandular hairs on fragrant geranium leaves

AT 5. Aromorphoses are

1) the occurrence of a chord in animals

2) the formation of five-fingered limbs in terrestrial vertebrates

3) the presence of a four-chamber stomach in cows

4) the mosquito has a piercing-sucking mouth apparatus

5) the appearance of a green color integuments in a grasshopper

6) the emergence of sexual reproduction