Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group. Synopsis of an open lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "travel to Bukovograd" Diploma preparatory group abstracts of the fgos

Program tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about some vowels and consonants; ; promote the development of the correct posture for writing; develop the ability to differentiate by ear and in pronunciation consonants close in acoustic and articulatory terms, understand the relationship between words (antonymy), interest in the sounding word, thinking, speech, fine motor skills of hands; to cultivate interest in language and speech as phenomena of reality, moral qualities (perseverance in achieving goals, empathy).

Material and equipment: cards with images: pipes, buckets, keys, horns, a rooster, a wardrobe, an owl, a dragonfly, bullfinches, a pencil, ruffs, starlings, letters (F, T, O, G, S, F); cards with letters on one side and numbers on the other, 2 letters, a balloon, 4 envelopes, a toy bear, an easel, a clockwork train, a book, a picture of Cinderella from 4 parts, a model of a tree, a toy bird, a “magic » wand, “My mood” manual, Cinderella costume for an adult, audio recording of mysterious music, according to the number of children: 2 cards (with the image of a joyful and sad face), sheets of paper with patterns of dots, pens.

Lesson progress

caregiver(AT.). Guys, we got a letter (shows). Let's find out who it is from (opens the letter and reads).

"Hello guys! In a few days there will be a ball in the palace. I have never been to a ball before, but I really dream of going there. I imagined many times how I would dance in a beautiful dress with a prince ... Help me, please!

Guys, we never left anyone in trouble. Can we help? (Yes.) But who wrote this letter, who needs our help? To find out, you need to complete tasks. Let's get started!

The task "Pure words"

On the table are cards with images: pipes, buckets, keys, horns, a rooster, a closet, an owl, a dragonfly, bullfinches, a pencil, ruffs, starlings. The teacher pronounces the beginning of the tongue twister, and the children, looking at the cards, choose the right one, call it, and then pronounce the tongue twister in full.

Pa-ba-ba - Petya has ... (trumpet).

Ro-ro-ro - on the floor ... (bucket).

Chi-chi-chi - my ringing ... (keys).

Ka-ha-ha - at the goat ... (horns).

Ha ha ha - we can’t catch ... (rooster).

Af-af-af - we will put in a corner ... (wardrobe).

Fu-woo-woo - they saw in the forest ... (owl).

Su-zu-zu - we caught ... (dragonfly).

Ri-ri-ri - on the branches ... (bullfinches).

Ash-ash-ash - Sasha ... (pencil).

Zhi-shi-shi - they live in the river ... (ruffs).

Tsy-tsy-tsy - they fly south ... (starlings).

Then the teacher draws attention to the balloon that appeared at the door, to the thread of which an envelope is tied. It contains part of the image.

AT. Well, now it's time

Play a game where it's the other way around.

Game "Say the other way around"

The teacher calls the word and asks the children to pick up a word of the opposite meaning to it.

Black White.

High - low.

Lower - raise.

Good bad.

Cry - laugh.

Left - right.

Open - close.

Lose - find.

Beginning - end.

AT. You did a great job with this one too, well done! (He draws attention to the envelope in the paws of a toy bear.) Here is another envelope.

Game "Find out and show"

The teacher guesses the letter:

- What letter stands akimbo? (Letter F.)

What letter sticks out like a scarecrow in the garden? (Letter T.)

What letter looks like a donut? (Letter O.)

- What letter "works" with a crane? (Letter G.)

What letter can whistle? (Letter S.)

What letter is buzzing? (Letter J.)

After guessing the letter, he shows a card with its image. Children show it one by one and in pairs.

AT. You have completed a difficult task. (A clockwork train drives in, in the trailer of which there is an envelope.) Here is another envelope. The solution is close, there is very little left.

Task "Letters, in places

The teacher distributes cards to each child, on one side of which there is an image of letters, and on the other - numbers. You need to arrange the letters in the order indicated by the numbers on the back of the card, and read the word.

3 1 2
To L At
2 3 1

AT. Another task behind. Well done! And here is the envelope (takes it out of the book).

Physical education minute

AT. Now we have all the parts of the image, let's collect them and find out who sent us the letter. (Children fold the picture of Cinderella.)

Enter Cinderella.

Cinderella. Dear Guys! Have you guessed who I am? (Cinderella.) Right. The stepmother and sisters went to the ball. Oh, how I want to look at the palace and the prince at least with one eye ... Will you help me get to the ball?

AT. Guys, do you want Cinderella's dream to come true? (Yes.) Then let's do the last task. But first, let's warm up.

Finger gymnastics "Words"

One and two, one and two! -

Let's put words together from letters.

(Bend and unbend the fingers of both hands.)

"Sun" is a radiant word,

(Spread fingers apart.)

"Lion" is a fluffy word.

(Connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers, slightly raise the bent index finger and little finger.)

"Rhino" is a horned word,

(Straighten the index finger, bend the rest of the fingers.)

And "zebra" is a striped word.

(Connect the fingertips, rounding the arch of the brush.)

Exercise "Circle"

The teacher monitors the quality of the task: the ability to hold the pen correctly, control the pressure when writing, do not turn the sheet over while working, and reminds the children to watch their posture.

After completing the task, mysterious music sounds, the teacher waves the “magic” wand, pronouncing the words:

Bi-bi-di, bo-bi-di-bam -

Hurry, Cinderella, to the ball!

Cinderella leaves, and the teacher draws attention to the model of a tree on which a toy bird with a letter sits. The teacher opens the envelope and reads: “Finally, my dream came true - I'm at the ball! Thank you very much, friends! Cinderella".

AT. Guys, you did a great job today! I am proud of you! Now take a card that matches your mood at the moment and put it in the right pocket.

The teacher gives each child 2 cards (with the image of a joyful and sad face). If the child liked the lesson and his mood is good, then he puts the corresponding card in the pocket with the image of a cheerful little man, and if he didn’t like it and the mood is bad, then a card with a sad face in the pocket with a sad little man.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy for children aged 6-7 prepared by E. Tomasheva

Lesson outline Teaching literacy in preparatory group

Topic Consolidation of the material covered


educational :

- to consolidate the skill of sound-syllabic word analysis;

- fix the graphic image of the letters;

- to consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words;

- to consolidate the ability to make sentences on key words;


- develop phonemic perception;

- develop memory and attention;

- develop verbal and logical thinking in children, reason, draw conclusions;


- foster a sense of goodwill, responsibility, cooperation;

- Develop the ability to work together.

move educational activities.

I. Introductory part.

All the children gathered in a circle together:
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

II. Main part.

Children receive a video letter. (A video letter with the beauties and wildlife of Brazil is broadcast on the screen).

We have received a video message.

“Hello my good friends! I am now in a distant country. It is very hot here and it often rains. Beautiful waterfalls. Palm trees and coconuts grow. The forests are very dense - they are called the jungle. Parrots, hummingbirds, crocodiles, sloths, boas and jaguars and many monkeys live here. You guessed it, I live in Brazil, next to the Amazon River. Look how beautiful. It is very cold and snowy here now, so I cannot come to you, but I want to offer you interesting tasks because you already know how to read and write. And in order to find out the name of the forest in which I live, you must correctly answer and complete tasks. If you do everything right, you will receive a gift from me. With big regards from Brazil, monkey Lara.

Educator: Well guys, let's try to complete the tasks that Lara offers us?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Look, she sent a package along with the letter. After each correctly completed task, we get one letter from the name of the forest where Lara lives. At the end of the lesson, we will learn this name.

We take it all together and read it in a circle on the carpet.

Here is the first task

1. Guessing riddles.

One soft and whistles, black birds
Another hard and hissing, On a white page
The third one will sing at all - They are silent, they are waiting,
At least someone will pronounce it ... (sound). Who will read them ... (letter).

The game "Who is more." Need choose words with a given sound. Game progress: children are divided into several groups. The teacher asks each group to choose one vowel or consonant sound. When a sound is selected, children remember the names of objects that begin with this sound (or that the given sound is in a certain place: at the beginning, middle or end of the word, depending on the stage of work).

Educator: Warmed up well. We get the first letter of the name of the forest.-This is the letter A. We put it on the board.

2. And now let's work at the tables.

At first I couldn't
Read with two letters
Your first ... (syllable).
Scatter the syllables into houses.

Given pictures. You need to choose the appropriate picture for the house by the number of syllables. The windows in the house mean the number of syllables. Children are invited to name their word and how many syllables are in it.

After a correctly completed task, children receive a syllableMA (put on the board)

3. . Given cards with pictures. You need to lay out the sound composition of the word shown in the picture. And name it. How many sounds and what. (handout)

. We get the syllable ZO

Fizminutka video (Funny monkeys)

4. Educator:I will match the sound to the sound

And I will pronounce it
If I put the letters in a row

Then I’ll read it later ... (word).

Offers children a game"Finish the sentence"

Target: Teaching children to pick upantonyms .

short stroke: The teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it.

The elephant is big, but the mosquito(small).

The stone is heavy, and the fluff(light).

Sugar is sweet and mustard(bitter).

The lion is brave, and the bunny(cowardly).

Shouting loudly but whispering(quiet).

The seller sells and the buyer(buys).

5. Combination lock

A syllable is encoded in each digit of the lock. What words will you get if you choose different codes?

We get AND

6. I will pick up a lot of words

I will make friends with each other

The presentation will be clear

I'll get an offer.

Game "Finish the sentence" (in a circle with a ball).

You need to complete the sentences using the union "to":

The children boarded the boat to…

Mom put on a smart dress to ...

Petya covered his face with his hands to...

Vova took the dog on a leash to…

Workers brought bricks to…

Dad bought flowers to...

The girl opened the window to...

The driver opened the trunk of the car to…

Grandfather put a scarecrow in the garden to ...

7. Here the wind is strong
And scattered the words.
You bring them together

And read the offer.

Game "Come up with a proposal."We give a definition. Team 2 work. 2 offers

The teacher offers words from which you can make a sentence. Beat with intonation exclamatory, interrogative.

We get I (attach to the board)

8. Summary of the lesson .

Educator: We connect all the received letters and read the name of the forest. It turned out AMAZONIA.So, the monkey Lara lives in the Amazon Forest.. What animals still live in this forest? How should animals be treated?

What tasks helped us learn the names of the forest?

We wish our familiar monkey all the best.

And now for well-executed tasks we receive gifts from Brazil.

Surprise moment. We get monkeys - toys and bananas to pleasant music ..

Kondratova Zulfiya Zinatullovna
Educational institution: The Republic of Kazakhstan. the city of Petropavlovsk. Preschool mini-center at KSU high school № 32
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-09 Summary of teaching literacy in the preparatory school group "Visiting the Wise Dwarf" Kondratova Zulfiya Zinatullovna The Republic of Kazakhstan. the city of Petropavlovsk. Preschool mini-center at KSU at secondary school No. 32 Learn to solve puzzles. To consolidate the ability to make sentences from a certain number of words; identify vowels and consonants, how they differ; find the position of the sound in the word, determine the softness and hardness of the consonant sound; determine how many syllables are in a word; make words from syllables and insert missing letters into words.

Summary of teaching literacy in the preparatory school group "Visiting the Wise Dwarf"


* Learn to solve puzzles.

* Strengthen the ability to make sentences from a certain number of words; identify vowels and consonants, how they differ; find the position of the sound in the word, determine the softness and hardness of the consonant sound; determine how many syllables are in a word; make words from syllables and insert missing letters into words.

Equipment: A toy (picture) of a gnome, a photo of a gnome, word schemes and chips, cards with numbers, pictures with drawings, puzzles, sentence schemes, an image of balls and flags, leaflets and pencils.


Children stand in a semicircle.

caregiver reads a poem:

Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello: “ Good morning!”
Good morning sun and birds
Good morning gullible people.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting
Good morning lasts until evening.

caregiver(to children): Smile at each other, give guests your smile and greet the guests.

The children go to their seats and sit down.

The teacher makes a riddle.

He wears a hat
Cheerful cap.
And he's only tall
With a kid's shoe.
With a flashlight and with a song
Goes in the forest at night ...
You can't go wrong if
You'll say:
- it's (gnome!)

The teacher brings a toy (picture) of a gnome to the group.

- Guys, the Wise Dwarf came to visit us. Why do you think he is called "wise"? (Answers of children). The wise dwarf has prepared many interesting tasks for you. He decided to see how you handle them.

1 task Game "Question and answer"

What is our speech? (from suggestions)

- What are the proposals? (from words)

What are words made of when we say them? (from sounds)

When do we write or read? (from letters)

- What are the sounds? (vowels consonants)

What do we know about vowel sounds? (they are sung, and when we pronounce them, nothing in our mouth interferes with us)

What color do we designate them? (in red)

- Consonants? (they are not sung, and when we say them, our teeth, lips or tongue interfere with us)

The game "Tell me a word." Cards on the board.

- Name the letters written on the flower


Can you find the missing letter? (letter U)

- Why?

Because they are consonants.

- What color do we designate soft consonants? (green), hard? (blue)

2 task " Working with diagrams»

What is the first sound in the word gnome?

What is the vowel or consonant? Does it sound hard or soft? (consonant, sounds solid)

- What color will we designate it, show the chip of the desired color. (of blue color)

- Let's come up with a few words with the sound G. (Children come up with words with a given sound).

There are word patterns on the tables. I call the words with the sound g-g, and you find his location and place a chip. (beginning, middle, end of word)

Nut, wagon, cottage cheese, thunder, syllable, jackdaw, hippopotamus.

Task 3 Game "How many syllables in a word"

- The dwarf wants to know if you can determine how many syllables are in a word?

I show pictures, and you, in turn, show a card with a number, how many syllables are in a word and put stress:

Pigeons, goose, pear, caterpillar, iron, rhinoceros, rook.

Remember the rule: How to determine how many syllables are in a word? (How many vowels in a word, so many syllables)

4 task "We solve puzzles."

- The dwarf brought puzzles. He can't figure them out, can you help me?

5 Physical minutes(at the teacher's choice)

Task 6 "Working with proposal schemes"(orally)

Guys, we need to figure out how many words are in a sentence. I will tell you sentences, and you will lay out his scheme. (To each child)

1. Spring has come.

2. Sasha draws a beautiful flower.

3. Grandfather planted a turnip.

now you come up with a proposal here according to this scheme. How many words are in this sentence? (Three, two).

7 task Game " Make words out of syllables.

- The dwarf brought us air balloons with syllables and two flags with syllables. Words must be formed from them. (orally)

“la, ox, pi, lu, ra, ig, weight, shko, pe, shi, on”

9 Game "Insert the missing letter."

- Words are printed on the leaves and there are not enough letters in them, you need to think and insert the missing letters with a pencil.

Gro., points., pi. a, n. with, co. a. (for each child)

The gnome really liked the way you did it, you did a good job with all the tasks. What do you like and remember the most? The gnome gives all of you his photographs as a keepsake. (The teacher gives the children a photo of the gnome). The teacher invites the children to say goodbye to the gnome and says that he should come to visit them and bring interesting tasks for the children. The teacher invites the children to say goodbye to the guests (Children say goodbye to the guests).

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I present a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group in the Literacy section. This summary will be useful for educators of the preparatory group.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", " fiction”, “cognition”, “socialization”, “health”.

Purpose of the lesson: Consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in the section "Literacy".


educational e: To check the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children, formed in the literacy classes;

Speech: Exercise in the differentiation of the studied sounds; exercise in the sound analysis of the word; to consolidate the ability to draw up and analyze sentence schemes; identify the level of mastery of reading skills; consolidate general concepts; enrich vocabulary children;

Developing: consolidate the ability to work in a notebook and at the blackboard;

Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen to comrades, not to interrupt each other.

Demo Material: cards with the words: ROCKET, COBRA, KOLOBOK, EDGE, DINNER; card with physical education.

Handout. "Sweets" - a treat with chips (vowel sound, stressed, soft consonant sound, hard consonant sound, voiced consonant sound, deaf consonant sound, syllable (stressed, unstressed), cards with pictures of catfish, pike, crucian carp, shark; colored pencils, notebooks or blank sheets, envelopes with a tongue twister; cards with the Lost Letter game

V. Guys, guests have come to us, many guests, look at them and say hello to them. They want to look at you, what smart and literate children you are.

B. Sit down on the carpet and all attention is on me.

Q. I want to suggest that you go to the country of Grammar. And to get there, you need to remember and tell everything you know about sounds, letters, syllables. Ready?

Q. Who will tell me what sounds are? What are they? Children's answers. (vowels and consonants: hard and soft, voiced and deaf).

Q. What are letters? How are they different from sounds? Answers of children. (We hear and pronounce sounds, and write letters, see, etc.)

V. Well done.

Q. Here we are in the country of Grammar. The inhabitants of this country have prepared treats for you, but the treats are not simple, come to your tables, take a piece of candy and unfold it, you see the chips inside, call in turn what you know about these chips. Children unfold and tell the vowel sound, the stressed consonant sound is soft, the consonant sound is solid, the consonant sound is voiced, the consonant sound is deaf, the syllable (stressed, unstressed).

V. Well done!

B. Please sit down at the tables. We already know that words are made up of sounds. Can you share a word? Such sound parts of a word are called syllables. To make the word sound right, we put ... emphasis. How to put emphasis? Children's answers (you need to call the word and the syllable that stretches and will be stressed)

Q. Here is the task that the inhabitants of this country have prepared for you - divide the words into syllables and put the stress. The teacher shows an example. river (re-ka)

(All the words on the cards are performed by children, the words are: catfish, pike, carp, shark)

V. Well done guys! And, how can one name the words that you worked on (fish) Who catches fish, what is the name of this person? (fisherman) Let's write down this word and do a sound analysis. Children work at tables, one at the blackboard.

V. Smarties. Now, come to me, let's play. Physical education session based on the verses of I. Nikolaevich

A worm sits on a hook, (children squat down)

Scaring the fish, making faces. ( articulation gymnastics"Turkey")

From that - half a day fisherman

Can't catch anything. (children jump)

The children sit on the carpet.

B. Pay attention to the board where the word is written, read it ROCKET. What does this word mean? Answers of children. (an aircraft that moves in space)

What animal is hidden in this word? Cancer children's answers

COBRA. What does this word mean? Answers of children (the largest poisonous snake in the world)

What kind of wall lamp does a cobra carry? ARB children's responses

KOLOBOK. What does this word mean? Children's answers (folk tale character)

What part of the person's face is hidden in this word? Children's answers LOB

EDGE. What does this word mean? Children's answers (edge ​​of the forest)

What artillery piece is hidden at the edge of the forest? Children's answers GUNS

DINNER. What does this word mean? Children's Answers (Evening Meal)

What non-venomous snakes crawled up for dinner? Children's answers UZHI.

V. Well done! Now go to the tables and take the envelope, where there is some message. Children are reading.

I need a beetle for dinner.

B. Great. Tell me, what did you read, what is it called? Children's answers Suggestion.

Q. How many words are in this sentence? Let's draw a diagram for this proposal (one child goes to the blackboard, the rest write on their pieces of paper).

How do you write the first word in a sentence? (The first word in a sentence is written with capital letter). What goes at the end of a sentence? Children's answers (period) What punctuation marks are put at the end of the sentence? (!?)

V. Well done! Come out to me. Now let's pronounce this tongue twister together correctly (quietly, calmly, quickly, loudly, and now as if there is a question mark at the end, joyfully). Next, the teacher asks the children individually.

V. Well done. What is the most common sound here? [W] what can you say about this sound. What is he? Children's answers (Consonant, always firm, voiced) Wonderful!

B. Sit down at the tables. And in parting, the inhabitants of a wonderful country have prepared for you the last task "The Lost Letter"

V. So our journey through the country of Literacy ended. Well done, guys, you coped with all the tasks, but what did we do in class today? What task did you like the most? How does our lesson end?